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Nursing Philosophy

Manes Peribanez

Benjamin Leon School of Nursing, Miami Dade College

NUR 28llC: Professional Nursing Leadership

Professor Maria Ortega-Kimsey

December 3, 2020

Nursing Philosophy

Nursing philosophies define the values and ethics that guide nurses in their profession in

the health care field. The nursing philosophy of the Benjamin Leon School of Nursing is outlined

in the Associates of Science Student Handbook and delves deep into the school’s personal values

regarding the education of the students. The student handbook states, “The faculty believes that

nursing education must prepare students to assess, plan, anticipate, and act on changes in patient

status and community needs and evaluate the outcomes of their actions”(Miami Dade College

[MDC], 2019, p.8).

Definitions of Four Domains

Potter et al. (2017) defines nursing as the “protection, promotion, and optimization of

health and abilities; prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of suffering through the

diagnosis and treatment of human response; and advocacy in the care of individuals, families,

communities, and populations”(p.43). Through this, nurses are able to provide the best client-

focused care and aid in bettering the lives of the community.

Florence Nightingale defined her nursing philosophy in the Environmental Theory as the

importance of using the environment of the patient to assist them in recovery (Potter et al., 2017,

p.45). Environment is an integral part of a client’s recovery. The client’s environment must

provide a safe space to heal, restore health, and preserve energy.

Health is a state of physical, emotional, and social wellness. Health includes healthy

lifestyles, diet, and environmental factors such as fresh air or pure water, and hygiene. Although

a nurse’s first instinct is to care for the clients first, it is inherent to care for him or herself in the

same manner. A healthy nurse in turn allows for the best client care.

Nurses must work to establish healthy nurse-patient relationships. These relationships

build rapport between nurses and clients and allow for quality care. Nurses may initiate a nurse-

patient relationship by greeting patients by their preferred name, maintaining eye contact

throughout all interactions, and allowing for autonomy in decision-making regarding care. In

1952, Hildegard Peplau created her Theory of Interpersonal Relations which emphasized the

importance of the nurse-client relationship (Current Nursing, 2012). Peplau believed that nursing

is interpersonal because there is an involvement between multiple individuals with a common

goal (Current Nursing, 2012).

Personalized Definitions of Domains

Nursing is the care of others and prevention of illness. Environment plays a role in

nursing because it can shape how the care will be met. Health, another factor, may contribute to

the betterment of an individual’s recovery through lifestyle changes and diet. Lastly, through

person, a nurse may really form an interpersonal connection with a client. It is through person

where the client builds the foundation of trust needed to start the recovery process. My nursing

philosophy is rooted in person. My personal nursing philosophy is the belief that nurses should

always make an effort to help those in need regardless of any internal or external factors. I

believe that clients should receive the utmost care in their recovery when taken care by a nurse.

All nurses should treat all clients equally. My nursing philosophy stems from my belief that

everyone is equal and everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of age, gender,

race, or socioeconomic factors. Nurses hold the key to the recovery process of clients. Nurses are

the advocates for the clients, which allows for client needs to be listened to and those needs acted


Analysis of Institution

MDC Benjamin Leon School of Nursing has created a nursing philosophy for nursing

students to uphold. The ASN Student Handbook states the values that make up the school of

nursing, which nursing students must commit to before starting the program. These values

include how the student will learn the nursing material, behave in certain situations, prepare for

the licensure exam, and provide care to clients. This nursing philosophy is set to prepare students

in becoming the best nurse possible, as well as allowing students to start thinking of a nursing

philosophy to value and set forth in their practice.


The four domains of nursing philosophy are nursing, environment, health, and person.

These four domains make up the philosophy nurses around the world uphold. I personally related

my nursing philosophy to the domain of person in my own views. I believe heavily in equality

for all in the health care system. I wish to uphold this philosophy in my years to come as a nurse.

My philosophy may compare to the MDC School of Nursing philosophy in the care given to a

diverse community. The student handbook states, “The nurse will provide care for individuals

and groups in this multi-cultural community. Caring behaviors will be provided in a variety of

healthcare settings, including acute care, extended care, and diverse community facilities.”

(Miami Dade College [MDC], 2019, p.8). The profession of nursing has always been my goal. I

want to help the lives of others and contribute a positive impact to the world. My passion derives

from the feedback I get from peers, educators, and clients. To know that my passion will create

betterment in the lives of those I care for is a goal I wish to achieve.



I experienced an a-ha moment while revealing my nursing philosophy. I realized how

important it is for me to stay true to my values. I believe that everyone seeking care is equal and

deserves equal care. Those who are in need deserve to be treated with respect, empathy, and

competent care. I learned that helping others is my passion and I have found it in nursing. My

philosophy will guide my practice throughout my entire profession. I will continue to treat all

clients equally and give all the same attention and care to everyone I help. It is my duty to do so

as a nurse.


Current Nursing. (2012). Nursing theories.


Miami Dade College. (2019). Associate of Science in Nursing Student Handbook.


Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall A. M. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing (9th

ed). Elsevier.

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