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Global Consequences of Land Use

Jonathan A. Foley, et al.

Science 309, 570 (2005);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1111772

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Global Consequences of Land Use
Jonathan A. Foley,1* Ruth DeFries,2 Gregory P. Asner,3 Carol Barford,1 Gordon Bonan,4 Stephen R. Carpenter,5
F. Stuart Chapin,6 Michael T. Coe,1. Gretchen C. Daily,7 Holly K. Gibbs,1 Joseph H. Helkowski,1 Tracey Holloway,1
Erica A. Howard,1 Christopher J. Kucharik,1 Chad Monfreda,1 Jonathan A. Patz,1 I. Colin Prentice,8
Navin Ramankutty,1 Peter K. Snyder9

provide critical natural resources and ecosystem

Land use has generally been considered a local environmental issue, but it is becoming a services, such as food, fiber, shelter, and fresh-
force of global importance. Worldwide changes to forests, farmlands, waterways, and water. On the other hand, some forms of land
air are being driven by the need to provide food, fiber, water, and shelter to more than use are degrading the ecosystems and services
six billion people. Global croplands, pastures, plantations, and urban areas have expanded upon which we depend, so a natural question
in recent decades, accompanied by large increases in energy, water, and fertilizer con- arises: Are land-use activities degrading the
sumption, along with considerable losses of biodiversity. Such changes in land use have global environment in ways that may ultimately

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enabled humans to appropriate an increasing share of the planet’s resources, but they undermine ecosystem services, human welfare,
also potentially undermine the capacity of ecosystems to sustain food production, and the long-term sustainability of human so-
maintain freshwater and forest resources, regulate climate and air quality, and amelio- cieties? Here, we examine this question and fo-
rate infectious diseases. We face the challenge of managing trade-offs between imme- cus on a subset of global ecosystem conditions
diate human needs and maintaining the capacity of the biosphere to provide goods and we consider most affected by land use. We also
services in the long term. consider the challenge of reducing the negative
environmental impacts of land use while main-

and-use activities—whether converting throughout the globe, ranging from changes taining economic and social benefits.
natural landscapes for human use or in atmospheric composition to the extensive
changing management practices on modification of Earth_s ecosystems (3–6). For Food Production
human-dominated lands—have transformed example, land-use practices have played a role Together, croplands and pastures have become
a large proportion of the planet_s land sur- in changing the global carbon cycle and, pos- one of the largest terrestrial biomes on the planet,
face. By clearing tropical forests, practicing sibly, the global climate: Since 1850, roughly rivaling forest cover in extent and occupying
subsistence agriculture, intensifying farmland 35% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions resulted È40% of the land surface (17, 18) (Fig. 2).
production, or expanding urban centers, hu- directly from land use (7). Land-cover changes Changing land-use practices have enabled
man actions are changing the world_s land- also affect regional climates through changes world grain harvests to double in the past four
scapes in pervasive ways (1, 2) (Fig. 1, fig. S1, in surface energy and water balance (8, 9). decades, so they now exceed È2 billion tons
and table S1). Although land-use practices Humans have also transformed the hydrologic per year (19). Some of this increase can be
vary greatly across the world, their ultimate cycle to provide freshwater for irrigation, in- attributed to a È12% increase in world cropland
outcome is generally the same: the acquisition dustry, and domestic consumption (10, 11). area, but most of these production gains resulted
of natural resources for immediate human Furthermore, anthropogenic nutrient inputs to from ‘‘Green Revolution’’ technologies, includ-
needs, often at the expense of degrading en- the biosphere from fertilizers and atmospheric ing high-yielding cultivars, chemical fertilizers
vironmental conditions. pollutants now exceed natural sources and have and pesticides, and mechanization and irrigation
Several decades of research have re- widespread effects on water quality and coastal (4, 20) (fig. S2A). During the past 40 years,
vealed the environmental impacts of land use and freshwater ecosystems (4, 12). Land use there has been a È700% increase in global
has also caused declines in biodiversity through fertilizer use (4, 5) and a È70% increase in
Center for Sustainability and the Global Environ- the loss, modification, and fragmentation of irrigated cropland area (21, 22).
ment (SAGE), University of Wisconsin, 1710 Univer- habitats; degradation of soil and water; and Although modern agriculture has been
sity Avenue, Madison, WI 53726, USA. 2Department
overexploitation of native species (13) (SOM successful in increasing food production, it
of Geography and Earth System Science Interdisci-
plinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, Text S1). has also caused extensive environmental dam-
College Park, MD 20742, USA. 3Department of Global Ironically, just as our collective land-use age. For example, increasing fertilizer use
Ecology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford, practices are degrading ecological conditions has led to the degradation of water quality in
CA 94305, USA. 4National Center for Atmospheric across the globe, humanity has become de- many regions (4, 12, 13) (fig. S2B). In ad-
Research (NCAR), Post Office Box 3000, Boulder, CO
80307–3000, USA. 5Center for Limnology, University pendent on an ever-increasing share of the dition, some irrigated lands have become
of Wisconsin, 680 North Park Street, Madison, WI biosphere_s resources. Human activities now heavily salinized, causing the worldwide loss
53706, USA. 6Institute of Arctic Biology, University of appropriate nearly one-third to one-half of of È1.5 million hectares of arable land per
Alaska, Fairbanks, AK 99775, USA. 7Center for Con- global ecosystem production (14), and as de- year, along with an estimated $11 billion in
servation Biology, Department of Biological Sciences,
371 Serra Mall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, velopment and population pressures continue lost production (20). Up to È40% of global
USA. 8QUEST, Department of Earth Sciences, Uni- to mount, so could the pressures on the bio- croplands may also be experiencing some de-
versity of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Bristol BS8 sphere. As a result, the scientific community is gree of soil erosion, reduced fertility, or over-
1RJ, UK. 9Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Uni- increasingly concerned about the condition of grazing (20). The loss of native habitats also
versity of Illinois, 105 South Gregory Street, Urbana,
IL 61801, USA.
global ecosystems and Becosystem services[ affects agricultural production by degrading
(15, 16) (SOM Text S2). the services of pollinators, especially bees
*To whom correspondence should be addressed:
Land use thus presents us with a dilemma. (23, 24). In short, modern agricultural land-
.Present address: Woods Hole Research Center, On one hand, many land-use practices are use practices may be trading short-term in-
Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA. absolutely essential for humanity, because they creases in food production for long-term losses

570 22 JULY 2005 VOL 309 SCIENCE

in ecosystem services, including many that vision of energy into sensible and latent heat,
forests, such as timber plantations in North
are important to agriculture. and the partitioning of precipitation into soil
America and oil-palm plantations in Southeast
water, evapotranspiration, and runoff. Model-
Asia, have also replaced many natural forests
Freshwater Resources and now cover 1.9 million km2 worldwide (31).
ing studies demonstrate that land-cover changes
Land use can disrupt the surface water in the tropics affect climate largely through
Many land-use practices (e.g., fuel-wood
balance and the partitioning of precipitation water-balance changes, but changes in temper-
collection, forest grazing, and road expansion)
into evapotranspiration, runoff, and ground- can degrade forest ecosystem conditions—inate and boreal vegetation influence climate
water flow. Surface runoff and river discharge primarily through changes in the surface radi-
terms of productivity, biomass, stand struc-
generally increase when natural vegetation ture, and species composition—even withoutation balance (38). Large-scale clearing of
(especially forest) is cleared (25, 26). For tropical forests may create a warmer, drier
changing forest area. Land use can also de-
instance, the Tocantins River basin in Brazil climate (39), whereas clearing temperate and
grade forest conditions indirectly by introduc-
showed a È25% increase in river discharge boreal forest is generally thought to cool the
ing pests and pathogens, changing fire-fuel
between 1960 and 1995, coincident with ex- climate, primarily through increased albedo
loads, changing patterns and frequency of ig-
panding agriculture but no major change in (40) (table S2, A and B).
nition sources, and changing local meteoro-
precipitation (26). logical conditions (34). Urban ‘‘heat islands’’ are an extreme case
Water demands associated with land-use of how land use modifies regional climate.
In many parts of the world, especially in
practices, especially irrigation, directly affect The reduced vegetation cover, impervious
East Asian countries, reforestation and affor-
freshwater supplies through water withdrawals surface area, and morphology of buildings in
estation are increasing the area of forested
and diversions. Global wa- cityscapes combine to low-

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ter withdrawals now total 100 % er evaporative cooling, store
È3900 km3 yrj1, or È10% frontier recreational lands heat, and warm the surface
of the total global renew- clearings air (41). A recent analysis
able resource, and the con- subsistence urban of climate records in the
sumptive use of water (not agriculture areas United States suggests that
returned to the watershed) is a major portion of the tem-
proportion of landscape

estimated to be È1800 to natural farms perature increase during the
2300 km3 yrj1 (22, 27) (fig.
S3A). Agriculture alone ac-
counts for È85% of global
ecosystems intensive
agriculture ? last several decades resulted
from urbanization and other
land-use changes (9). Land-
consumptive use (22). As a cover change has also been
result, many large rivers, es- implicated in changing the
pecially in semiarid regions, regional climate in China;
have greatly reduced flows, recent analyses suggest that
and some routinely dry up the daily diurnal tempera-
(21, 28). In addition, the 0% ture range has decreased as
extraction of groundwater pre-settlement frontier subsistence intensifying intensive a result of urbanization (42).
reserves is almost univer- Land-use practices also
stage in land use transition
sally unsustainable and has change air quality by alter-
resulted in declining water Fig. 1. Land-use transitions. Transitions in land-use activities that may be experienced ing emissions and changing
tables in many regions within a given region over time. As with demographic and economic transitions, societies the atmospheric conditions
(21, 28) (fig. S2, B and C). appear also to follow a sequence of different land-use regimes: from presettlement nat- that affect reaction rates,
ural vegetation to frontier clearing, then to subsistence agriculture and small-scale farms,
Water quality is often and finally to intensive agriculture, urban areas, and protected recreational lands. Dif- transport, and deposition.
degraded by land use. In- ferent parts of the world are in different transition stages, depending on their history, For example, tropospheric
tensive agriculture increases social and economic conditions, and ecological context. Furthermore, not all parts of ozone (O3) is particularly
erosion and sediment load, the world move linearly through these transitions. Rather, some places remain in one sensitive to changes in vege-
and leaches nutrients and stage for a long period of time, while others move rapidly between stages. [Adapted tation cover and biogenic
agricultural chemicals to from (1) and (2)] emissions. Land-use prac-
groundwater, streams, and tices often determine dust
rivers. In fact, agriculture has become the lands (35). Furthermore, forest management sources, biomass burning, vehicle emission
largest source of excess nitrogen and phospho- in many regions is acting to improve forest patterns, and other air pollution sources.
rus to waterways and coastal zones (12, 29). conditions. For example, inadvertent nitrogen Furthermore, the effects of land use on local
Urbanization also substantially degrades water fertilization, peatland drainage, and direct man- meteorological conditions, primarily in urban
quality, especially where wastewater treat- agement efforts increased the standing bio- heat islands, also affect air quality: Higher
ment is absent. The resulting degradation of mass of European forests by È40% between urban temperatures generally cause O3 to in-
inland and coastal waters impairs water sup- 1950 and 1990, while their area remained crease (43).
plies, causes oxygen depletion and fish kills, largely unchanged (36, 37). These forests have
increases blooms of cyanobacteria (including become a substantial sink of atmospheric Infectious Disease
toxic varieties), and contributes to waterborne carbon (È0.14 Pg C yrj1 in the 1990s) (37), Habitat modification, road and dam construc-
disease (12, 30). although other ecosystem services (including tion, irrigation, increased proximity of peo-
those provided by peatlands) and biodiversity ple and livestock, and the concentration or
Forest Resources are likely diminished. expansion of urban environments all modify
Land-use activities, primarily for agricultural the transmission of infectious disease and can
expansion and timber extraction, have caused a Regional Climate and Air Quality lead to outbreaks and emergence episodes
net loss of È7 to 11 million km2 of forest in the Land conversion can alter regional climates (44). For example, increasing tropical defor-
past 300 years (17, 32, 33). Highly managed through its effects on net radiation, the di- estation coincides with an upsurge of malaria SCIENCE VOL 309 22 JULY 2005 571

and/or its vectors in Africa, Asia, and Latin impacts, both on direct health outcomes (e.g., climate and air quality, and mediate infectious
America, even after accounting for the effects heat mortality, injury, fatalities) and on eco- diseases. This assertion is supported across a
of changing population density (44, 45). logically mediated diseases. For example, Hur- broad range of environmental conditions world-
Disturbing wildlife habitat is also of par- ricane Mitch, which hit Central America in wide, although some (e.g., alpine and marine
ticular concern, because È75% of human dis- 1998, exhibited these combined effects: 9,600 areas) were not considered here. Neverthe-
eases have links to wildlife or domestic people perished, widespread water- and vector- less, the conclusion is clear: Modern land-
animals (44). Land use has been associated borne diseases ensued, and one million people use practices, while increasing the short-term
with the emergence of bat-borne Nipah virus were left homeless (49). Areas with extensive supplies of material goods, may undermine
in Malaysia (46), cryptosporidiosis in Europe deforestation and settlements on degraded hill- many ecosystem services in the long run, even
and North America, and a range of foodborne sides or floodplains suffered the greatest mor- on regional and global scales.
illnesses globally (47). In addition, road build- bidity and mortality (50). Confronting the global environmental chal-
ing is linked to increased bushmeat hunting, lenges of land use will require assessing and
which may have played a key role in the Confronting the Effects of Land Use managing inherent trade-offs between meeting
emergence of human immunodeficiency virus Current trends in land use allow humans to immediate human needs and maintaining the
types 1 and 2; simian foamy virus was recently appropriate an ever-larger fraction of the bio- capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and
documented in hunters, confirming this mech- sphere’s goods and services while simulta- services in the future (Fig. 3) (2, 16). Assess-
anism of cross-species transfer (48). neously diminishing the capacity of global ments of trade-offs must recognize that land
The combined effects of land use and ex- ecosystems to sustain food production, main- use provides crucial social and economic ben-
treme climatic events can also have serious tain freshwater and forest resources, regulate efits, even while leading to possible long-

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term declines in human welfare
through altered ecosystem func-
tioning (2).
Sustainable land-use policies
must also assess and enhance the
Tropical Forest resilience of different land-use
Temperate Forest practices. Managed ecosystems,
Natural Boreal Forest and the services they provide, are
Vegetation Savanna often vulnerable to diseases, cli-
Grassland/Shrubland matic extremes, invasive species,
Tundra toxic releases, and the like (51–53).
Semi-Desert/Desert/Ice Increasing the resilience of man-
aged landscapes requires practices
that are more robust to distur-
bance and can recover from un-
anticipated ‘‘surprises.’’
There is an increasing need
0 - 10% for decision-making and policy
10 - 20% actions across multiple geograph-
20 - 30% ic scales and multiple ecological
30 - 40% dimensions. The very nature of the
Croplands issue requires it: Land use occurs
40 - 50%
50 - 60%
in local places, with real-world so-
60 - 70%
cial and economic benefits, while
70 - 80%
potentially causing ecological deg-
radation across local, regional, and
80 - 90%
global scales. Society faces the
90 - 100%
challenge of developing strategies
that reduce the negative environ-
mental impacts of land use across
multiple services and scales while
0 - 10%
maintaining social and economic
10 - 20%
What strategies can ameliorate
20 - 30%
the detrimental effects of land use?
Pastures 30 - 40%
Examples of land-management
40 - 50%
Rangelands strategies with environmental, so-
50 - 60%
cial, and economic benefits include
60 - 70%
increasing agricultural production
70 - 80%
per unit land area, per unit fertilizer
80 - 90%
input, and per unit water consumed
90 - 100% (19, 21, 54, 55); maintaining and
increasing soil organic matter in
Fig. 2. Worldwide extent of human land-use and land-cover change. These maps illustrate the geographic dis-
tribution of ‘‘potential vegetation’’ (top), vegetation that would most likely exist in the absence of human land croplands, which is a key to water-
use, and the extent of agricultural land cover (including croplands and pastures) (middle and bottom) across the holding capacity, nutrient avail-
world during the 1990s. [Adapted from (17) and (18)] ability, and carbon sequestration

572 22 JULY 2005 VOL 309 SCIENCE

(56–58); increasing
green space in urban crop crop crop
infectious production infectious production infectious production
areas, thereby reduc- disease forest disease forest disease forest
mediation production mediation production mediation production
ing runoff and ‘‘heat
island’’ effects; em- regional regional regional
climate preserving climate preserving climate preserving
ploying agroforestry and air habitats and and air habitats and and air habitats and
practices that pro- quality biodiversity quality biodiversity quality biodiversity
regulation regulation regulation
vide food and fiber
yet maintain habitats carbon water carbon water carbon water
sequestration flow sequestration flow sequestration flow
for threatened spe- water regulation water regulation water regulation
quality quality quality
cies; and maintain- regulation regulation regulation
ing local biodiversity
and associated eco-
system services such
as pollination and
pest control. Many
of these strategies
involve management
of landscape struc-

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ture through the stra- natural cropland with restored
intensive cropland
tegic placement of ecosystem ecosystem services
managed and natu-
ral ecosystems, so
the services of natu- Fig. 3. Conceptual framework for comparing land use and trade-offs of ecosystem services. The provisioning of multiple
ral ecosystems (e.g., ecosystem services under different land-use regimes can be illustrated with these simple ‘‘flower’’ diagrams, in which the
pest control by natural condition of each ecosystem service is indicated along each axis. (In this qualitative illustration, the axes are not labeled or
predators, pollination normalized with common units.) For purposes of illustration, we compare three hypothetical landscapes: a natural ecosystem
(left), an intensively managed cropland (middle), and a cropland with restored ecosystem services (right). The natural eco-
by wild bees, reduced systems are able to support many ecosystem services at high levels, but not food production. The intensively managed
erosion with hedge- cropland, however, is able to produce food in abundance (at least in the short run), at the cost of diminishing other ecosystem
rows, or filtration of services. However, a middle ground—a cropland that is explicitly managed to maintain other ecosystem services—may be able
runoff by buffer strips) to support a broader portfolio of ecosystem services.
are available across
the landscape mosaic.
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