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Not Partially Fully Artifact and Brief Note
Achieved Achieved Achieved
I. Communication and Problem
 Use the expressive arts as ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
a mode of inquiry or me to fully achieve the skill of using the
expression. expressive arts as a mode of inquiry or
expression. I have been able to fully
achieve this in Exploring Drawing and
History of Jazz courses. In the History of
Jazz, I was able to create meaningful
poems about injustice occurring in our
society. Also, I listened to my fellow
peers’ poems about social injustices that
they wrote about and sometimes
experienced. In Exploring Drawing, I was
able to freely express my feelings and
thoughts about different issues using
drawing techniques the professor taught.
The artwork was a neat way to create
different images about issues in the world.
Also, I was able to explore my creative
side which I did not know I had. I really
enjoyed the class and I would not have
known about my interest in drawing if I
did not take that course.
 Demonstrate leadership, ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
negotiation, relational, me to achieve the skill of demonstrating
and consensus skills. leadership, negotiation, relational, and
consensus skills. I ranked myself as
partially achieved because I feel that I can
always improve my leadership,
negotiation, relational, and consensus
skills in my future career. Even though I
have participated in many group projects
throughout my time at the university, I can
always strengthen them as time continues.
At Seton Hill, I took courses such as
Human Biology and Medicine, Senior
Integrative Seminar, Organic Chemistry,
Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Medical
Microbiology where I was to complete end
of the semester group projects. These
projects required me to work well with
others and take on the leadership role. I
had to negotiation with my partners about
what information I felt was necessary and
pertinent to our overall message. Also, I
was able to demonstrate my relational
skills with my peers because I had to set
aside my opinions and hear what they had
to say. This made me a more aware and
stronger as a learner. Our consensus as a
group had to be very similar in the end.
Through compromise on each of us, we
were always able to reach a consensus
based on ethical and scientific reasoning. I
would like to point out that my end of the
semester project in Exercise Leadership
was a singular exercise routine where I
had to present an exercise plan to the class.
I had to assume a huge leadership role by
conducting the class professionally and
also preparing the workout routine so it
would flow well.
 Use technological skills to ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
access information, me to use technological skills to access
organize knowledge, and information, organize knowledge, and
communicate. communicate at a level where I feel I fully
achieved the objective. Seton Hill is an
Apple distinguished school and all
students and faculty have the access to the
same technology. This is important
because no one is at fault for not having
technology. Also, the university offers
courses to educate the students on the
proper ways to use the technology. I have
taken full advantage of these seminars. In
many of the classes I have taken, I used
technology to do research; whether this
was to access databases in the library
resources or information on the internet.
To add, I have used technology to create
presentations about my researched
information. In Medical Microbiology, we
used technology on our MacBooks to
research Bacterial Meningitis for our
Bacteria in News Presentation. Also, in the
laboratory, we used a substantial amount
of technology. In Chemistry, Organic
Chemistry, Anatomy, and Microbiology
labs, we use sterilization apparatuses and
spectrometers to distinguish compounds
and microbes from one and another.
Lastly, especially during the pandemic, I
used technology to communicate via
Zoom. I had online meetings with my
professors and online classes when I was
in quarantine. Also, for our Senior
Integrative Seminar Social Action Project,
our group met frequently on Zoom to
avoid physical contact.
 Propose new solutions to ✓ Seton Hill University Faculty has taught
current issues. me to propose new solutions to current
issues. I ranked myself as partially
achieved because I feel that issues in the
world are changing at such a rapid pace.
Therefore, the solutions I propose now
may not hold in the future. I will have to
keep building on these solutions to provide
a more inclusive resolution to societal
problems. In The Developing World
course, I learned about different
organizations that provided aide to
developing countries via monetary funds
or resources. Then, I had to build upon
these organizations and see if I find them
fitting to the cause. It was really neat to
look at them and distinguish between the
so called “good” ones and “bad” ones. I
did come up with solutions I felt would fix
the problems in these developing
countries. But in the end, I have not acted
upon them. I hope in the future to advocate
for developing world countries like the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. I was
really intrigued by a woman by the name
of Neema Namadamu. She was a disabled
woman who lead a group that taught
Congolese women about technology. She
inspired me to learn more about her and
the cause.
 Express arguments or ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
main points clearly, in me to express arguments or main points
written and oral clearly, in written and oral
communication. communication. I feel like I have fully
achieved this objective because in courses
like Exercise Leadership and Human
Biology and Medicine, I had to choose a
side of an argument or topic and defend it.
In Human Biology and Medicine, I had to
choose a supplement to argue for or
against the effectiveness. I chose deer
antler velvet. The supplement makers
claimed that it increases muscular strength
and endurance. After careful review of the
trials and testimonials, I found that the
supplement did prove to be effective. I
expressed my findings in a PowerPoint
presentation and argued against the
effectiveness. Also, in Exercise
Leadership, I had to come up with points
for a leadership exercise and demonstrate
them to the class. I had to effectively
communicate the rules of my workout to
my fellow peers. Also, I had to come up
with instructional cues to show my peers
the direction of change and also to keep
them safe.
 Transfer knowledge and ✓ Seton Hill University Faculty has taught
values into sound me to transfer knowledge and values into
decision-making. sound decision-making. I feel that I have
fully achieved this objective because I
definitely grew as a person while attending
the university. The open-mindedness I
obtained at SHU has pointed me to
different solutions I would not have made
otherwise. As I have mentioned before, I
have been in conversations about a wide
variety of topics. Some of these
conversations did seem complicated and
difficult to participate in but in the end, I
ended up with a greater appreciation for
life and the values held by Seton Hill. The
values of Seton Hill have instilled a depth
of knowledge I would not have been able
to gain from anywhere else. At the end of
my career, through the information I have
read in Faith, Religion, and Society about
conflicting religious views people have, I
can now take a stance outside of the
conflict and make decisions on my own.
Another example is in the Developing
World where we looked at Conflict
Minerals. The treatment of the people who
mine for these minerals is horrible. I have
made decisions to scale back on upgrading
different devices so I would not consume
new products made from Conflict
II. Historical, Cultural, and
Global Awareness
 Communicate in a second ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
language at the me to communicate in a second language
introductory proficiency at the introductory proficiency level. I
level. have ranked myself as fully achieved
because I can understand Spanish speaking
individuals in conversation. However, I
am only at an introductory level because I
am not able to respond fully in
conversation. But, when I was at the
Spanish Monastery in Fort Lauderdale,
Florida, I was able to read the Spanish
descriptions of the artwork and understand
the tour guides words. I was able to use
my limited vocabulary to describe what I
was interested in and feeling at the
moment. Also, as our final project in the
Spanish course I took, I was able to have a
conversation with my peers in our Spanish
skit group. I was able to order food from a
waiter in the skit. Also, I was able to take
an order as I played the waiter in the skit.
It was an interesting assignment because it
incorporated our grammar and vocabulary
skills we built during the semester.
 Analyze the impact of ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
history, geography, and me to analyze the impact of history,
socio-cultural dynamics geography, and socio-cultural dynamics on
on global interactions global interactions from a variety of
from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. I feel that I have
disciplinary perspectives.
only partially met this objective because I
still have so much to learn. In Western
Cultures One and Western Cultures Two, I
examined the relationships between
established tribes and the impact new
tribes had on the land. As the new tribes
moved around, the conflicts they faced
were different for each geographical area.
This was due to resources such fertile dirt
and different animals. I also had to write
stories about an imaginary character who
lived during different historical periods. I
had to look at the historical context of the
times to give my character a job, a family,
and a religion. It was very neat to come up
with a person because as we progressed
through the semester and through time, we
molded our character to the changing
socio-cultural aspects during the specific
time periods. Major religious and cultural
ideas changed during long periods of
development. Also, different areas of the
world experience different cultures.
Lastly, it was interesting to view history as
a means of learning about the current day
situations. In the course titled The
Developing World, we looked at the
history of the Congo. I was able to see the
impact of the European colonizers on the
Congolese people and the environment.
The colonizers exploited the Congolese
people and their environment for their own
gain. Today, even though the country is
not under Belgian control, the impacts
from colonialism are hurting the country
as people today are still murdered, raped,
and enslaved. We can look back at history
and possibly predict future outcomes.
 Analyze current and ✓ Seton Hill University Faculty has taught
historical events through me to analyze current and historical events
the lens of spirituality and through the lens of spirituality and faith. I
faith. feel I have partially met the objective for
the sole reason that only a couple of
classes have looked at it in the lens of
spirituality and faith. In Topics in the
Steps of Elizabeth Seton, I looked at the
impact of religion had on Mother Seton
and guiding her way to Catholicism. She
came from a rich home because her
husband was a wealthy man. After the
business failed and her husband died,
Mother Seton had turned to religion while
in Italy. She was always a religious
woman but was never as devout as she
was post-Italy. These encounters Mother
Seton had directly impact us as Setonians.
In the Developing World, we looked at
current events where people acted in ways
specific to their religion. In the Congo, the
current military hold over certain mines
are justified by groups of people based on
their spirituality and religious views.
 Assess privilege and ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
oppression from the me to assess privilege and oppression from
perspective of culture, the perspective of culture, race, class, and
race, class, and gender. gender. I feel that I have fully achieved
this objective because I discussed the two
in much detail over the semesters. Also,
coming from a high school where
privilege and oppression was not
discussed, I feel that I learned so much
over the years. Even though many of my
classes looked that this divide, the class
where there was a whole assignment
completed on privilege versus oppression
was in Senior Integrative Seminar. Here, I
had to look at my privileges and see where
I was oppressed. I found that I am very
fortunate to be where I am today. It is
heart-breaking that there is a divide in the
country and people are judged for being
who they are. I want to help these people
in my life. I think it is important to not
discriminate based on culture, race, class,
or gender.
III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry
 Generate and analyze ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
numerical and scientific me to analyze numerical and scientific
data. data. I feel that I have fully met the
requirement because many of my health
science classes required me to do this. In
Introductory Statistics, I used a software
program called PSPP. This program
allowed me to generate data that I could
compare with itself to figure out answers
to problems. Also, I was able to analyze
data in the class to look for correlations.
An example I looked at was the chance of
having black lung because someone
worked in a mine. I found that the chances
of having black lung increased if someone
worked in a mine. This led to the
introduction of safety equipment for the
miners. The introduction of safety
equipment, such as respirations, helped
filter out the dust from the mine, saving
the lungs of the miners. Also, in my lab
classes, I have previously explained the
use of technology to produce scientific
data. I am able to analyze the data and find
solutions to the problems presented by the
professor. For example, in Microbiology
Lab, I used many different tests to look at
the characteristics of my unknown
bacterium. In the end, through the process
of elimination, I was able to identify the
correct bacterium. This is crucial in the
field of medicine. Identifying an unknown
bacterium can help a person receive
medication faster thus helping them

 Locate and analyze ✓ Seton Hill University faculty taught me to

expressive media to gain locate and analyze expressive media to
information or gain information or comprehend the
comprehend the significance of an issue or event. I feel that
significance of an issue or I have completed this objective fully. I
an event. have completed many different types of
multimodal presentations. Also, I have
viewed many different types of media,
such as podcasts, movies, and
presentations, to better understand societal
issues or events that occurred. For
example, in Human Biology and
Medicine, I watched a Simpsons episode
about obesity. It informed me about the
prevalence of the obesity epidemic and
how people viewed it. Also, the
integration of popular culture is effective
here because people may pay more
attention to the epidemic if it is more
entertaining. Also, we watched videos
from Penn and Teller about homeopathic
remedies. The guys did episodes on the
gullibility of people if they were told about
a specific remedy. Even though the
remedies were completely fake, people felt
like they were working. Lastly, I watched
a documentary in The Developing World.
It talked about the horrific events that
occurred over the past five-hundred years.
I was able to hear personal stories from
people who were directly affected by the
colonization. The stories created a
personal aspect and made me feel more
aware of the situation.
 Organize and manage ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
resources in a creative me to organize and manage resources in a
way to achieve impact. creative way to achieve impact. I feel that
I have fully achieved this objective
because I have done many papers and
presentations during my time at Seton Hill.
Also, when I was working in the CDHS
office at Seton Hill, I had to organize and
manage the supplies there too. Also, when
I was doing health education, I had to
work with the nurse practitioner to gain
accurate information so I could include it
in the fact sheets. Throughout the projects,
I had to pull information from all
locations. This included databases from
the library, UpToDate articles, CDC
articles, as well as information from the
internet. One of the important things to
remember is to look for incorrect or not
trustworthy information. In Composition
and Culture One and Composition and
Culture Two, I learned techniques to
decipher between credible and not credible
information. After deciding what
information is credible and will add
substance to my project, I will then choose
to include it.
 Find, evaluate, and apply ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
information. me to find, evaluate, and apply
information. I feel that I have fully
achieved this objective. In many of my
health science courses, I have to make sure
that the information I use is accurate. Also,
I have to evaluate the information to make
sure it adds to the overall idea of the
project. As described in the objective
above, I learned in Composition and
Culture One and Composition and Culture
Two how to evaluate information for
correctness and credibility. In Medical
Microbiology, I had to look for credible
information on Bacterial Meningitis.
Within our group, we had to use only
credible sites to back up the information.
We were tasked to find a news articles
with our respective microbe and then had
to apply the other articles to it. In the end,
we had to validate the harmfulness of the
 Interpret quantitative and ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
qualitative information to me to interpret quantitative and qualitative
present a logical argument information to present a logical argument
based on supporting data. based on supporting data. I feel that I have
fully achieved this objective. I feel that a
well written project needs to incorporate
both of these types of information. Again,
the projects I have done in the health
science courses have incorporated both
types of information. In Exercise
Leadership, I learned how to use both
quantitative information with qualitative
information. I had to develop exercise
routines. The quantitative aspect of the
routine is the numbers of reps and the
number of exercises to include in the
overall routine. This then had to be
followed by qualitative information to
describe the exercises so someone who is
not familiar with the particular exercise
routine could perform it. Also, I had to
justify the reasons why I was choosing a
particular exercise. For example, if I
wanted to do a full body workout, I needed
to find exercises that worked out the arms,
such as bicep curls, the legs, such as
squats, and the abdomen, such as crunches
or planks. I used both types of information
to create a stronger workout routine and
make it more understandable to my peers.
IV. Self Reflection and
 Demonstrate ethical ✓ Seton Hill University faculty taught me to
decision-making demonstrate decision-making grounded in
grounded in philosophical philosophical inquiry. I feel like I only
inquiry. partially achieved this objective because I
did not always state that what I was
choosing to do was ethical. I will always
try to make my decisions based on ethics.
In exercise leadership, I had to complete
an assignment on the Ethical Code of
Physician Assistants. In the future, I will
follow this code, so I make sure I am
staying in my scope of practice and
treating all of the patients fairly and justly.
I would never want to treat someone
unethically. Within the code, it provides
physician assistants with a guide to
practice medicine. My professor said I
would be able to deviate from the code in
some ways. However, I agreed with most
of what was in the code.
 Apply Catholic social ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
teaching to the analysis of me to apply Catholic social teaching to the
contemporary social analysis of contemporary social issues. I
issues. feel that I have fully achieved this
objective because the university
incorporates Catholic social thought into
almost everything. In many of the projects
I have done have incorporated CST in; or,
I have had to comments on how to use
CST to solve a problem. At Seton Hill, I
have had the opportunity to volunteer at
the Food Bank and Feeding the Spirit.
Both of these activities help solve social
issues in our society. Also, I have
commented on immigration in Faith,
Religion, and Society in terms of CST.
Catholic social teaching would tell us that
we have to accept the refugees as we have
to stand in solidarity with them, it is our
obligation to house and feed them, and we
have to treat their lives with dignity.
 Recognize the value of ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
diverse spiritual and me to recognize the value of diverse
religious perspectives. spiritual and religious perspectives. I feel
that I have fully achieved this objective. I
am a Griffin Guide and one of the things
we have to point out about the university
is that we accept students of all different
religious background. We are a very
inclusive university. Also, in Faith,
Religion, and Society, I learned about the
three major religions of the world. These
religions are Judaism, Islam, and
Christianity. Each of the religions has its
special aspects about them. The history of
the religions is very important to the
followers of the religion. Also, the
scripture and figures of the religions are
very important. Many people around the
world center themselves around their
particular religion. I have recognized that
the way people live their lives can be
impart because of their religion. It is very
important to make sure we respect their
religious views and culture.
 Integrate the practice of ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
charity with the skill of me to integrate the practice of charity with
justice. the skill of justice. I felt that I did not fully
achieve this objective but rather partially
did. I say this because I want to keep up
with the charity and with a larger effect as
I get older. When I become a physician
assistant, I hope to volunteer my time at a
free care clinic. I found out about these
clinics from the nurse practitioner at Seton
Hill. She volunteers her time once a month
to care for underprivileged citizens and the
homeless who cannot afford healthcare. I
became inspired by her. At Seton Hill, I
have done charity work. For example, I
attended the food drive at the food bank a
handful of times where I packaged and
sorted food. I was able to do this through
the physician assistant club. This helps
create a more just world because it is not
the peoples’ fault that they can not get
food. Also, another time I participated in
charity was when our group did the social
action project for Senior Integrative
Seminar. Our group set up a BeTheMatch
live donor drive and the selfless students
of the university signed up for the registry.
This was an amazing opportunity to be a
part of. The project creates a more just
world because people who sign up extend
their help beyond themselves to people
who are not able to receive a marrow
transplant from themselves. It is a selfless
act and adds to the common good.
 Exercise responsible ✓ Seton Hill University faculty has taught
freedom and civic me to exercise responsible freedom and
engagement based on an civic engagement based on an informed
informed value system. value system. I feel that I have fully
achieved this objective because Seton Hill
instilled a proactive value system onto me.
This value system is the ideas of Catholic
social thought. Before going to Seton Hill,
I did not even know what CST was. I am
glad I have learned about it because CST
gives me a basis and guides me to make
decisions. In Faith, Religion, and Society,
I was able to look at what my values were
and compare them to CST. This was done
with the CST workshop assignment. I
looked at issues within our society and
community where I could make an impact.
Today, I feel that I look at the world
differently because I have attended Seton
Hill. I am better educated to make
decisions and can supplement my opinions
with values that I hold.

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