Samsona, Melanie

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Evaluation of Research Work

A Study of Determinants Influencing the Consumer’s Attitude Towards

Counterfeit Products as a subject interests me. Why? Simple. It is because despite
the fact that counterfeit products are illegal, the selling and buying activities of these
are prevalent up until now. Besides, of course as a customer, I find it strange that
sellers and buyers of such products are increasing in number as the time goes by. In
other words. The topic directly affects me as a customer. This is one of the reasons
why I chose this topic.
What causes it? Why are the laws and regulations regarding this matter
somewhat ineffective? These are the questions that came out after selecting my
research problem. It only demonstrates my choice of issue as having the
characteristic of being significant to the society at large. Hopefully, it may contribute
in some way to the improvement of management processes of the government to
such unlawful activity, and to the awareness of the sellers and buyers of counterfeit
Based on the established guidelines on research, it could be concluded that
good statements of the problem are essential to guide a research paper. The
questions pinpoint exactly what I want to find out as a researcher and give my work a
clear focus and purpose. Being said that, I would say that my SOPs attained the said
attributes. I would say that my questions focused on my research topic. This tells that
every question I am going to use in my research paper is directly reflected and
relevant to my topic. Moreover, the most vital characteristic is that every statement of
the problem is researchable. Regarding this area, I made sure that before I proceed
to my research paper, references and sources are available whether it is through the
use of online browsers or a group of individuals. The next one is its feasibility. I am
certain that I would be able to answer my statements of the problem within the time
frame and practical constraints.
To prove my aforementioned reviews above, let us take for example this one
SOP of mine: Does government regulations of anti-counterfeiting affect the attitude
of buyers towards counterfeit products? We can see the relationship between this
specific question to my research topic. This question is directly lifted from the
research subject. It directly presents a question that answers the research subject.
Additionally, the answer from this may be done through my research instrument
which is a pre-structured questionnaire containing a yes or no answers. On the other
hand, the third statement of the problem which is Does pressure of conformity have
a favourable effect on their attitude towards counterfeit products? is I think
apparently poorly structured. By using the word “favourable” just implies that I am
asking for a subjective value judgment which I must not. Concerning this, I must
have used terms with more measurable definitions or not used the word at all.
Following the statements of the problem are the hypotheses. Definitely, these
are not just random guesses but based on existing questions of the paperwork.
Because I have stated that my SOPs are feasible, my hypotheses are thus testable.
All my hypotheses used the terms “do not” and “there is no”. In this way, we could
say that I used null hypotheses.
Overall, I think that my research paper is capable of being done or carried
out. Considering my skill as a researcher, available resources, time and other
restrictions, my research is capable of being put into practice or accomplished.

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