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M E A N T TO B E A N .

3 . . . . . . . . . . Meet the Team

4 . . . . . . . . . . . . Background
5 . . . . . . . . Executive Summary
6 . . . . . . . . . . Target Audience
7 . . . . . . . . Situational Analysis
8 . . . . . . . . . . . SWOT Analysis
10 . . . . . . . Competitive Analysis
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . Campaign
12 . . . . . . Key Message Platform
13 . . . . . . . . . . . . Objectives
17 . . . . . . . . . Cup Designs
18 . . . . . . . . . . . Budget
. Appendices
19 . . Appx 1. Social Media Audit
21 . . Appx 2. Brand Ambassadors





Starbucks is a nationwide ma-

jor coffee company. Starbucks
opened their first store in Seat-
tle’s Pike Place Market in 1971.
As of 2019, there are 31,256
stores worldwide. It has nearly
doubled in the last decade.
Starbucks are throughout 80
different markets. Starbucks is
named after the first mate in
Herman Melville’s Moby Dick.
Their logo is also inspired by the
sea that’s featuring a twin-tailed
siren from Greek mythology.
Starbucks Coffee’s mission is “To
inspire and nurture the human
spirit - one person, one cup and
one nieghborhood at a time. “

Starbucks coffee buyers travel

to coffee farms in Lation Amer-
ica, Africa, and Asia to select
high quality beans. They have
more than 300,000 store work-
ers worldwide. Starbucks went
public on June 26, 1992 at a
price of $17 per share and they
closed trading that first day at
$21.50 per share. Starbucks
Coffee was incorporated under
the laws of the State of Wash-
ington, in Olympia, Washington,
on November 4, 1985.

With a mission “to inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person,
one cup and one neighborhood at a time,” Starbucks is a company that
values its relationship with customers. Since 1971,
Starbucks has worked hard to create a brand that is trustworthy. Today,
there are over 31,000 Starbucks locations across the world with plans
to keep expanding.

The goal of this campaign is to increase brand engagement and inter-

est in Gen Z and also remain the top coffee brand name in the United

The target audience is Gen Z college students at top universities in the

United States. The traditional target audience of Starbucks is 25-40
year olds,with medium to high income. This campaign will be taking
place across different social media sites where many Gen Z individuals
spend their time. This target audience is crucial in the success of Star-
bucks, based on how this demographics presence social media. of

In order to achieve the campaign’s goal, our organization

came up with objectives on how to succeed:

1. Increase share of voice on social media. In order to do that we will

work with Gen Z directly. Our organization will bring in campus ambas-
sadors to spread the message around campuses. These ambassadors
will take the creative content to sites such as Tik Tok and Instagram
each week.

2. Next our organization will increase Starbucks engagement with Gen

Z on Tik Tok by 50% by the end of December. The campus ambassadors
will be required to post one per week along with using the hashtag,
#SBCampusAmbassador to increase recognition on the campaign.

3. Achieve 1,500,000 impressions among our target audience on Ins-

tagram. This will be done through Instagram Ads, Campus Ambassadors,
and the creative Campus Cups.

Our organization will compose Tik Tok and Instagram content to draw at-
tention to this campaign with the help from our campus ambassadors.
These ambassadors will use their platforms and be interactive with their

The target audience for our campaign is Gen Z college
students at top United States universities.

Gen Z is on track to be the best-educated generation

yet, less likely to drop out of high school and more likely
to be enrolled in college. 57% of 18-to-21 year olds
that were out of high school were enrolled in college in
2018, compared to a rate of 52% among Millennials in
2003 and 43% of Gen X in 1987. Starbucks targets well
educated and higher income individuals, making col-
lege campuses the ideal market for this campaign.

Additionally, this campaign is centered on social media,

as Gen Z are digital natives. 45% of Gen Z states they
are online “almost constantly”, which is double the
amount of people that identified as this in 2014 and
2015. 44% of teens say they go online “several times
a day”, making 9 out of 10 teens online multiple times
a day. Gen Z spends on average 11 hours per week
on their mobile device. This translates to heavy social
media presence. Over 60% of TikTok users are Gen Z,
helping to fuel the rise of the app. The app allows users
to create content as well as consume content, which is
a preference of Gen Z. Gen Z has strong social medias
across other platforms as well, as 73% of Gen Z uses
Instagram, 63% uses Snapchat, and 62% uses YouTube.

Another factor of Gen Z is that they trust friends and

family over influencers. McKinsey & Company found that
52% of Gen Z trust influencers on social media, whereas
82% trust their friends and family as a source of rec-
ommendation. They also value brands that align with
their values and beliefs, and are willing to pay more for
products and services that highlight their personalities.

A main characteristic of Starbucks locations are urban

areas. This encompasses college campuses, as many
urban areas have a college campus. Additionally, 90%
of urban areas are made of college campuses. This in-
creases the amount of exposure that college graduates
have to Starbucks, making it more likely that they would
engage with a Starbucks campaign.
Starbucks is known to be one of the biggest coffeehouse chains in the world. Their rise to this
level has come from meticulous strategy throughout the years, as the coffee industry is a very
competitive environment. By capitalizing on their strengths and identifying their weaknesses, they
are able to remain one of the top coffee retailers across the globe.

An environmental factor that Starbucks is facing is the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the out-
break, Starbucks has had to close the inside of their stores, which is usually a large draw for
business. Additionally, people being laid off and furloughed from their position has caused people
to cut out costs such as Starbucks out of their budget.

A political factor that Starbucks is facing is issues their employees bring out against them. They
have had multiple complaints from employees that they have violated wage and hour laws. One
former employee said on Glassdoor that the work environment at Starbucks was hostile and their
harassment claims were not taken seriously. These issues can be brought to court, damaging their
image and customer trust.

As they are a global company, Starbucks must be conscious of economic factors worldwide. Some
of these factors they face include inflation rate, import laws and interest rates. Import laws can
easily affect their day to day business and can affect the buying power of consumers throughout
the company.

With regards to legal factors they are facing, the employee concerns could easily become large
legal factors. Starbucks must be aware to follow laws and regulations closely, especially with the
effects of COVID-19. As protocols are constantly changing, Starbucks must adapt how they are
running and maintaining their business effectively and safely.

Starbucks has done an effective job facing technology factors. They have partnered with Apple
to build an accessible app, offering mobile payment and their rewards program. With COVID-19
restrictions, customers are able to order their items ahead of time, picking up their order in the
drive-thru window or inside with designated pick up areas. This has encouraged no-contact pay-
ment, slowing the spread, and further spreading use of their ap.

Social and consumer factors that Starbucks faces is their target market. They are focused on
millennials, Gen X, and Gen Z. The baby boomer generation is leaving their focus, as they are
slowly starting to retire. This will reduce work commutes for the generation, need for a space to
work from, and possibly reduce their spending. Starbucks must focus on the preference of their
consumers as well as their changing values.

Regarding community factors, Starbucks works to improve their local communities. They invest in
programs designed to strengthen economic and social development, providing support. An exam-
ple of this is their farmer loans, which build stronger, enduring farming communities to ensure the
long-term supply of high-quality coffee is up to demand.

Overall, Starbucks appears to overcome the factors they face well. With a constantly changing
world and social climate, their adaptability will be imperative to continue success.



Strong Brand Image Strong image makes them Strategize to improve ways
one of the most popular to increase image
brands in its industry

Great loyalty program Star system for every dollar With enough stars, cus-
spent, you get 3 stars tomers are able to get free
drinks, items, and pastries
depending on how many
stars Starbucks offers to
redeem these rewards.

Growth within stores Stories have increased Stay loyal for returning
from 1,886 to 31,256 customers
between 1998 and 2019

Extensive Their coffee beans come Expand coffee bean

international supply from three regions, regions in these countries
chain Latin-America, Africa to produce more
and Asia-Pacific

Gender neutral Introduce a gender-neutral To protects lesibian, gay,

bathrooms restroom bisexual and transgenerd
community against any


High Prices Starbucks prices are more Find ways to decrease

costly than other coffee prices, with the same high
outlets. quality taste.

Recall of certain Can negatively affect the Find a way to evaluate

products brand image certain products before
put on the market.

Imitability of Because coffee is so gener- Offer items that makes the

products ic, anyone could really sell imilabilty harder for other
their own type of coffee competitors

Tik Tok Build brand awareness Create interesting and fun
across platform videos to draw younger
generations to Starbucks.

Additional drive Gives customers a safer Add additional drive thrus

thrus alternative during the to locations to shorten
pandemic lines and encourage less
in store patrons

Delivery Service Gives customers a safer Make Starbucks orders

alternative during the deliverable through the
pandemic Starbucks app (if over a
certain price)

Independent coffee There are many socio cultur- See what other indepen-
house movement al movements taking place, dent coffee houses are
people have been supporting doing that customers are
smaller coffee houses loving

Coronavirus Slowly open with caution-

Starbucks has closed many
ary measures and sanitize
stores due to the pandem-
and maintain social dis-
ic outbreak.
tancing in stores
Starbucks biggest competitor is Dunkin. Dunkin is one of the largest coffee and
baked goods chain in the world with over 11,300 locations, including 8,500 restau-
rants in America. The “American runs on Dunkin” coffeehouse often refers to their
mission statement, which is to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by provid-
ing fast service, fresh products and a friendly and clean environment. Dunkin’s brand
voice is constantly changing, while Starbucks remains consistent over all platforms.
Starbucks also has a more successful campaign across all platforms, besides Tik
Tok. Dunkin uses the platform to repost videos and create original content which has
helped them receive over 1.7 million followers with a high engagement rate.

The Mcdonald’s McCafe has been a more recent addition to Starbucks competition.
Introduced to McDonald’s menu in 2009, the McCafe outperformed both Starbucks
and Dunkin’ that year creating a revenue of 22.82 billion. McDonald’s target audi-
ence is directed towards anyone that is looking to get a quick bite on the road. They
are “committed to continuously improving our operations and enhancing our custom-
ers’ experience.” McDonald’s brand voice has changed with their growing menu. The
“I’m Lovin’ it” slogan has been removed due to not performing as well. McDonald’s
decided to change their advertising approach to resemble Dunkin by promoting the
brand for the every-day American while supporting people of every educational and
cultural background.

Another competitor is the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Founded in 1963, the coffee-
house has expanded to 1200 locations in over 30 countries. The Coffee Bean and Tea
Leaf started a new wave of coffee by introducing The Original Ice Blended, the first
frozen coffee drink. While there are not many locations, bags of coffee and tea can
be found in grocery stores and specialty locations such as airports and hotels. They
use social media to engage with followers, however they have less of a presence on
all platforms. Their Twitter has the highest number of followers out of all their socials,
but is still under 200K.

Caribou Coffee is another more recent addition to Starbucks competition. Caribou

was founded in 1992 and has 567 locations in the United States. Although they don’t
have many locations, they are present in grocery stores, airports and hotels. Caribou
has not been as successful as Starbucks when it comes to establishing locations in
the United States. Their social media presence is small and they have less than 100K
on Instagram, however they engage with more of their followers than Starbucks.

During Starbucks’ first year in business, they bought their coffee beans from Peet’s
Coffee. While Starbucks business started booming, Peet’s Coffee flew under the radar.
With less than 200 locations in the United States, Peet’s has been able to stay in
competition with Starbucks. Peet’s coffee can be found sold as beans in grocery
stores, airports and online. Peet’s has little social media presence and they do not
seem to engage with followers.


M E A N T TO B E A N .

1. Increase brand engagement and interest in Gen Z.
2. Remain the top coffee brand name in the United States.


1. Starbucks is integral to your college experience.

2. Starbucks has a drink for everyone, whether you
like coffee or not.
From their presence on campus, relatability on social media, and engagement with
youth- they make themselves a part of our everyday lives. Although it is a global
brand, Starbucks connects itself to the daily lives of its everyday customer.




Become the dominant coffee brand on all so-

cial platforms, as measured by share of voice

Ambassador strategy: Implement a campus ambassador

program at the top United States universities.

1. Each ambassador will

receive a brand box that
contains five of their
universities’ campus cup, a
pre-loaded gift card of $100,
three reusable Starbucks
cups, and a Starbucks

2. Each ambassador will post

at least two Tik Toks with their
campus cup, as well as at
least one Starbucks themed
Tik Tok each week.

3. Each ambassador will post

at least one Instagram story
about Starbucks each week
and at least one Starbucks
Instagram post each month.
- Tik Tok and Instagram
will be targeted as they
are the top used social
media platforms for our
Brand Ambassador PR Box

Merchandising strategy: Offer tailored campus cups at
licensed Starbucks in the towns of the 50 top Universities by
the end of July.
Release the cups to a limited amount of campuses at a
time, releasing 2 each week until all 50 campuses have the
cups at their local Starbucks

1. Instagram- post one cup at a time. Mock caption (for

Duke): “Hey Blue Devils! Take a look at the cups you
can find at your local Starbucks. Tag your favorite coffee
date and get yourselves some limited time campus cups
while you can!”
2. Tik Tok- repost the campus ambassador videos as
they are posted
3. Cups will be given with hot drinks, similar to the holi-
day cups that are given in the winter time

Starbucks has a stronger share of voice than Dunkin’
due to their extremely high number of brand mentions
alone. Starbucks has three times as many mentions as
Dunkin’ and has continued to build up their brand
personality for decades.

Starbucks’ weakness in their share of voice is their share of influencer voice. Com-
ing only in third place behind both Dunkin and even Nespresso. Although Star-
bucks’ has the ability to achieve a high number of mentions, their reach could go
even further with the use of a stronger influencer

In order for Starbucks to increase their share of voice on platforms, they could
utilize influencers and ambassadors to reach a larger and more targeted audience.

Increase Starbucks engagement with
Gen Z on Tik Tok by 50% by the end
of the year.

1. Repost two Gen Z Tik Toks on the Star-

bucks page each week

2. Comment on one hundred post per week

with the Starbucks hashtag (#Starbucks)

3. Require each campus ambassador to

post their college campus cup on Tik Tok

Achieve 1,500,000 impressions among our target
audience on Instagram

1. Instagram Ads
- Pay for 1,000,000 impressions via Instagram ads

2. Campus Ambassadors
- Campus ambassadors will post one Starbucks
related story per week
- Campus ambassadors will post one Starbucks
related post per month
- Campus ambassadors will run a giveaway on their
personal Instagram of a brand box, which they will
be sent along with their own brand box.

3. Campus Cups
- Starbucks will post each campus cup as it is
released on their main Instagram feed


Arizona State University Columbia University Illinois State University

University of Michigan Clemson University



1. Introduction
Starbucks Corporation is the world’s largest multinational chain
of coffee establishments. With 31,256 Starbucks worldwide, they
rely on social media to reach all of their customers. Social media
can easily be translated into other languages as well, making
their social media campaigns accessible to all their customers.
Social media is also imperative to Starbucks’s business, as their
competitors are active online as well.

As of 2019, the target market age of Starbucks is adults 40-59

years old. The age group that brings in the second most amount
of sales, 60-79 years old, and the age group with the third
amount of sales is 20-39 years old.

Starbucks’ target audience is medium to high income, with av-

erage to high prices on their premium drinks and treats. Regular
Starbucks drinkers have discretionary income to purchase their
coffee and food with.

Starbucks locations are also located in mainly urban places. They

are in suburbs and urban areas, frequently being “on-the-go”.
Starbucks are abundant in cities, upscale locations, near offices,
and college campuses.

They also target socially conscious customers, as they are fo-

cused on protecting the planet and communities. In 1995 they
built their first LEED certified store, have promoted sustainable
coffee growing, reducing their footprint, opening stores in under-
served areas, and working to improve the communities they are a
part of.

2. Use of Each Social Media Platform

h t t p s : / / d o c s . g o o g l e . c o m / s p r e a d s h e e t s / d / 1 H w t q OT x Y K g - x Q O 4 4 D z g C 8 O R J U L f _ Y H A _

3. Summary
Starbucks has one of the most competitive social media presence in all
of coffee brands. They focus on being relatable, connecting with custom-
ers, and remaining consistent. The culmination of these focuses create
conversations and develop customer loyalty.

Across most platforms, Starbucks priorities engagement with customers.

On Facebook, this is shown by creating discussions on their posts, devel-
oping conversations. On Twitter, the account replies to double the amount
of tweets they post themselves, with a large portion of their tweets being
user generated content. Instagram stories increase engagement, such as
when they asked followers which menu items they would like to be trans-
lated into ASL. Their most recent social platform, Tik Tok, replies back to
comments on their videos that ask questions or for recommendations.
These interactions show their commitment to their customers and drive to
connect with them.

Consistency is key across all Starbucks media, as everything they post

is very “branded”. Even in their Youtube videos that were filmed during
quarantine, they still have the same recognizable Starbucks look. On Ins-
tagram, they blend user generated content with branded posts, making it
relatable but also recognizable. The one exception to this is Tik Tok, where
a majority of the content is user generated and there are few branded

Compared to their competition, Starbucks has higher social currency than

most, with a comparable level of social currency to Dunkin’. Starbucks
has more content that touches on social issues and relates to customer
lives in that sense, but Dunkin’ is doing a great job staying relevant with
changing media and current trends. This creates an interesting compe-
tition, as Starbucks is sticking with a long-standing social media plan
whereas Dunkin’ is evolving to change as our social media use does.


1. Locations
Princeton University University of Iowa
Harvard University University of Virginia
Columbia University University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill
Illinois State University Wake Forest University
Yale University New York University
Stanford University University of Michigan
Louisiana State University University of California- Santa Barbra
University of Pennsylvania University of Florida
University of Missouri Indiana University
Auburn University Boston College
Northwestern University Georgia Institute of Technology
Duke University University of California- Irvine
University of Alabama University of California- San Diego
University of Arkansas Michigan State University
Vanderbilt University Arizona State
University of South Carolina Boston University
Washington University in St. Louis Ohio State University
Cornell University Clemson University
University of Notre Dame University of Texas at Austin
University of California- Los Angeles University of Wisconsin- Madison
University of Mississippi University of Georgia
University of California- Berkeley University of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign
Georgetown University Florida State University
Purdue University. Northeastern University
University of Southern California Syracuse University

2. Job Description
As a campus ambassador for Starbucks, your main responsibility is to promote the brand
in your campus’ digital community. It is of utmost importance that you engage and make a
presence on social media to accomplish this. This includes having public social accounts on
Instagram and TikTok, where we will be looking to you to reach your peers. The expectation for
Starbucks themed social media posts is one Tik Tok each week, one Instagram story each week,
and an Instagram post each month. In addition to this normal content, you will be expected to
post two Tik Toks with your “Campus Cup” that is being released to universities over the next
two months. Your campus cup will come in your semesterly ambassador box, which will also in-
clude Starbucks merchandise to promote and a gift card to purchase beverages and food with.
We look forward to welcoming you into our Starbucks family and hope you will help us achieve
our goal of inspiring college students, one cup at a time.


3. Campus Ambassador Timeline



4. Campus Cup Disribution Schedule

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