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3509 Ridgewood Ct.

Fairfield, CA 94534
(707) 816-8569
To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter today in order to obtain approval for my senior portfolio and
graduate from high school. After graduating, I want to pursue a career in musical theatre.
Going into high school, I was already relatively sure I wanted to pursue a career in
musical theatre. But, I was always told to have a plan B and not to major in the arts. The last four
years at Buckingham have helped me learn that no one decides what I do with my future but me.
So here I am now confidently saying that I want to major in musical theatre. The theatre program
at Buckingham introduced me to so many wonderful people that have all helped me grow as a
person and a performer. I’ve taken at least one theatre class every year at Buckingham and every
year with each new group of people taught me something new. I’ve met people who also want to
pursue an artistic career and people who have graduated and went on to do so. The people I
choose to surround myself with are a constant reminder that my dreams are within reach.
Throughout high school, I’ve also participated in professional and youth community
theatre. The people here are who I’ve grown up with and they’ve shaped me more than any
school ever could. It was here where I met my closest friends and realized my talents and my
dreams, and it was here that I’ve learned most things I find useful. I learned public speaking,
discipline, communication, team work, mental toughness, persistence, and most importantly,
passion. Because of the twelve years I’ve spent in this community theatre company, I can take on
the world and I know I will have every person there will support me all the way. This
environment has taught me how to handle any situation and come out stronger on the other side.
After high school, I’m planning on going to a four year college to earn a Bachelor of Fine
Arts degree (BFA) in musical theatre. This degree includes training in everything needed to be a
successful actor. It includes over two years of training in a variety of dance styles, four years of
intense and varying vocal training, and four years of acting. It also includes history of theatre,
behind-the-scenes training, music and instrumental training, as well as some specialty classes
that different schools may offer. After I graduate, I could really go anywhere and do anything. I
could move to New York City and audition my life away or I could have a lucky audition during
college and maybe not even graduate because I got an amazing job opportunity. Five years in the
performance industry, for even an established actor, is always uncertain.
Thank you for reading this letter and I look forward to the approval of my portfolio. I
can’t wait to see what my future after graduation holds and beyond.

Macey Cook 
Macey Cook

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