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Dear Parents,

This trimester your child will receive a “Reading Bingo” board in their Google
Slide account. I have attached a paper copy for reference. It is designed to
encourage independent reading practice. Each student is to select a row, line, or
diagonal from which to work. S(he) will select books to read according to the
genre selected on the grid, making for a total of five books this trimester. Second
trimester starts November 30th, 2020 and ends March 5th, 2021.

After reading a book, students will complete a quiz on the website Look Whoo’s
Reading. (I will be training the kids on the website this week.) A score of 75%
or higher on the quiz will enable your child to type the name of the book under
the genre on the Google Slide and highlight that block to show completion. My
hope is that students learn to enjoy reading a variety of genres and continue
reading for pleasure. Graphic novels are not included in this Bingo board.
Reading Bingo will help students continue to develop their independent reading
skills. They should choose “just right” books, which are not too easy and not too
hard. Here is how to tell if a book is just right.

How to Choose “Just Right” Books

1. Look at the cover.
2. Read the title and the author.
3. Read the blurb in the back.
4. Flip through the book.
5. Read the first page.
6. Use the 5 Finger Rule
0-1 Fingers—Too Easy
2-3 Fingers—Just Right
4-5 Fingers—Too Hard

If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to
message me on Seesaw or send an email to

Thank you,
Mrs. Harre

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