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The Rhody Secondary Reading Assessment is a tool that shows how a student feels

towards reading. In the Rhody Secondary Reading Attitude Assessment that I administered to

student A, I learned that he is not too fond of reading. I first learned his attitude toward school

related reading, and I learned that student A only reads when he has to do a book report or other

schoolwork. However, when I asked him if he would rather someone just tell him the

information, so he didn’t have to read it, he disagreed with me. This response was odd to me

because I have never seen him read to find out information. He does use Google to find new

information though. In the category of reading in the library, student A expressed to me that he

has never really gone to a library. He was undecided when I asked him questions related to the

library because he hasn’t been to one. The next category is reading in the home, and here I

learned that student A has many books at home, but he wouldn’t like to stay at home to read

them. He told me that he would rather play his x-box. I then asked questions related to other

recreational reading, and I discovered that student A enjoys getting books as gifts, but he hates

reading books in his free time which doesn’t make much sense. I believe that he just really

enjoys getting gifts. I also learned that he doesn’t like to share books with his friends and that he

doesn’t use reading to broaden his interests. However, when I asked him if he likes to improve

his vocabulary so he can use more words he agreed to that statement. The last category of

questions were general reading questions and through these questions I learned many new things

about student A. Student A feels that he has much better things to do than reading and he is

willing to be vocal about his disliking towards reading. He does not love to read, in fact he

expressed that he hates reading and he thinks it’s boring and a waste of time. However, he did

mention that it doesn’t take him a long time to read.

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