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Poverty is a major issue



5 In conclusion, poverty has a major effect on the lives of hundreds of millions of people
throughout the world, especially in Africa and parts of Asia. Where almost one third of the
population lives below the poverty line. Poverty is an issue that needs to be address by
everybody in the world because if no one tries to do something about it is going to keep getting
worst as time goes on. And the least you could do is make sure that these people have a place to
10 live, and food for their children. By donating just a minimal amount of money, we can all play a
part in the prevention of worldwide poverty. We can save lives.

in devolping countries

15 Hello my name is Zahid Merali and I’m standing in front of you today to talk to you about a very
important issues. . people just like you and me, people who have dreams and goals but could
never imagine of achieving them. In the Philippines more than 30% of people fall below the
poverty line and about 12% are in extreme poverty meaning they use less than 2 to survive
dollars a day. I want everyone here to close their eyes for a moment and try to imagine what I’m
20 about to tell you. Imagine yourself living next to a garbage dump, waking up every morning
knowing that there is nothing you can do with your life but try to survive, imagine not being able
to eat breakfast and lunch but only eating one small meal a day, Imagine your mom working in a
factory with very dangerous machinery and only bringing home a couple dollars after a full day
of work. Imagine spending you days looking through the garbage dump trying to find any
25 recyclable material that you can sell. Children just like you and me live like this every day. This
work is very dangerous because of the environment they are at risk of many diseases such as
pneumonia or tuberculosis. This is the life of many children and adults in the Philippines.

The poverty level in the Philippine has only gotten worse since 2006 and there are many reason
30 for this. The main one being the rapid growth of the population. The Philippines has one of the
fastest growing populations in the world at 2.3% a year. There has been an increase in more than
4 million poor people since the 1985. Since the growth of the population has quickly increased
this has become a major problem because there is already insufficient resources to support the
population and this also will leave less resources to improve their economy as well as reduces
35 job opportunities and causes more and more to fall below the poverty line
Over many years the government has been trying to poverty by focusing more on agricultural
work in order and try and create more jobs, but this will take many years and by the time these
jobs are created more will die. A

5 So you may be thinking that you are only one person and that nothing you can do will even make
a difference? Well I’m here to tell you that you are wrong and that you can help all those who
are in need in many different ways.

10 Philippines charity is a nonprofit organizations that gives 100% of your donation straight to those
in need. You can find them at The reason way I chose to tell you about
this charity is because of the unique ways it allows you to help others such as donating money,
sending ecards, sending used clothing or even just by letting you click their ads. With each click
on their site you are donating money without even knowing. With every donation you could be
15 saving a life or giving someone a way out.

There is enough in this world for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed, this was
said by Mahatma Gandhi and I truly believe that this is the truth. It is not the fault of those in
poverty but ours because we have the chance to help them and make the world a better place
20 for everyone.

ople are suffering from poverty. Many children starve to death because their parents cannot
afford to support them. Worse, either or both of their parents suffer from alcohol problems.
Undeniably, alcohol immensely influences the economic status of people. In turn, economic
status also affects the use of alcohol in various ways. How does this scenario affect us? The
25 answer is simple:

we cannot let other people suffer when we can do something about it. This is what social justice
is all about. We must be advocates in giving everyone their due because this is not a matter of

I said earlier that it would be far off from reality that poverty would be solved, why? Because
first, we should identify the cause of poverty and from there it would be solved. So what do you
5 think the cause ladies and gentlemen? Is it overpopulation? Unemployment? Pollution? Lack of
education? Poor governance? Or is it corruption? Ladies and gentlemen all of these are the
causes and who should we blame? Who do you think we should blame? The government? Yes,
certainly it is. But whose more to blame are the citizens. Yes it is us. Every Filipino, every people
are to blame and why it is us? Just imagine if all people have proper discipline, what would our
10 country would be? A nice, clean, peaceful country. Who wouldn't want to see a Philippines like
that? No pollution, less crime, no corruption. For only if its people are disciplined, the politicians,
the workers, professionals, students, the old ones and even kids, this country could be
developed and fight for poverty.

15 In my point of view, we should first start from changing ourselves before blaming others for this
country’s poverty. I certainly believe that Filipinos can fight poverty because as Bill Cosby said
“You can turn painful situations around through laughter. If you can find humor in anything, even
poverty, you can survive it. “


Thanks for hearing me out, and I hope that this speech would inspire us all to change ourselves
into a disciplined Filipino citizen and fight for poverty."


In summary form, the above mentioned effects of poverty on youth in America should be solved
through various ways. First, the youth must be supported financially to start companies.
30 Secondly, they must be provided with necessary education for business. Moreover, the high
income disparity has discouraged most of the poor individuals, therefore, the state must devise
some mechanisms such as taxation to control the difference. In addition to that, the youth
should be provided with insurance covers for better health services. The hospitals must
understand that youth represent the future wealth of the nation and, therefore, they deserve a
good health.

Increasing the number of organizations which are working to reduce poverty by educating
people of developed countries to be organized and to take actions related to this matter is also
another suggestion of mine. Encouraging people who have volunteered to provide facilities such
as pure water, foods filled with nutrients, living places to poor people and who’re conducting
10 charity services to develop the lives of them, by offering special rewards and admiring them in
various ways would be a good way to increase the number of voluntary workers.

So I believe my opinions and suggestions would be a good help to conclude poverty.

15 Yet ending poverty begins with a change within ourselves. If we each

decided to take action out of a personal conviction, the world that we
live in would look drastically different, for the better

Choosing to take action even in the smallest of ways will create immense
benefits. By giving financially, volunteering time, or choosing to write
20 a letter to Congress, you are taking a momentous step in creating a
poverty-free nation. By donating food, we move one step closer to ending
absolute poverty.

25 Tempo

Basically the speed or rate of the music.


The quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity.

The pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak
melodic and harmonic beats.


5 Relating to the volume of sound produced by an instrument, voice, or recording.


The structure or architecture of a piece of music.


10 A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying

For me I choose Modern are because the artist made it easier to express their deeper feelings
through painting.And every artwork they were an untold story. While Contemporary art is
basically came from modern art but then they were changes that happened through

15 incorporate new ideas to match environment advancements in resources and technology-

including video art, site-specific art, and installation art. Its like they change the traditional way
of art.

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