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The way forward to the next generation of electronics design.

Design solutions
for tomorrow’s engineers
Bringing reality
to PCB design
Redefining design
in an evolving industry
Copyright © 2009 Altium Limited. Altium, Altium Designer, Board Insight, Design Explorer, DXP, LiveDesign,
NanoBoard, NanoTalk, Situs, and Topological Autorouting and their respective logos are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Altium Limited or its subsidiaries. All other registered or unregistered trademarks
referenced herein are the property of their respective owners, and no trademark rights to the same are claimed.
Articles reproduced with permission.
Showing the way

of the challenges for
any company that develops innovative new
technology is letting the world know there’s a
different and better way to do things.
New technology is invariably exciting and compelling, but
just telling everyone that it’s available is not enough. We need to
know what difference it can make to the way we live and work,
and how it affects our future.
The articles contained in this collection represent a selection
of Altium’s published material that takes up the challenge of
delivering this broader message to electronics designers. In doing
so, the articles deal with a change in approach to electronics
design as much as the innovative technology that makes this
possible. And this often means embracing the concept of tackling
existing design problems in new and perhaps unfamiliar ways, or
even taking a whole new approach to the future challenges of
electronics design.
A number of pieces included here outline Altium’s approach
to design a couple of years ago, but the predictive thrust of the
content is just as valid today. Regardless of how radical that
viewpoint may have first appeared, the prophetic message of
Altium at that time has since been adopted by the broader
design community, and other design tool vendors. The concepts,
for example, of a holistic and unified design system or using
programmable devices for more than just glue logic are now
broadly accepted notions within today’s design tool vernacular.
Altium is committed to developing these processes and
systems into the future. In doing so, we will develop and deliver
any technologies that are necessary to promote innovation in
electronic product development.
The articles represent a sample of that progress, and deliver
insights into the overall evolutionary path of electronic
product design. As is the nature of progress in technology,
that development course is multifaceted. The articles are
therefore grouped by general topics that reflect significant areas
of change.
They not only point the way to how Altium can help you
create better, more innovative products now, but also provide an
insight into the next generation of electronic product design and
how you can be ready for the future.

rob evans, technical editor, altium

Section 1
Integrated vs unified design:
the benefits of a single view
Data management – it is a design issue 4
When data management is made a core function of the design
environment, designers can make informed and correct choices
right from the start of the design process, and design elements
and information can be effectively propagated and reused from
project to project.
Design solutions for tomorrow’s engineers 10
Electronics organizations need better solutions to be prepared for the
future and move beyond the old ways. What is needed is a new way of
thinking – a single unified approach to the entire design process that
models where development is now.

Section 2
Embedded design:
the freedom to innovate
Embedded design without hard barriers 16
Is it possible to eliminate custom physical design from electronic
product development? When coupled with the right tools, an FPGA-
based reconfigurable hardware platform can allow embedded designers
to go from development right through to production without the need
for custom hardware design.
Freedom of choice 22
FPGA design tools that are inherently aligned with a specific vendor
restrict how an electronic product is designed, and the method that
can be used. Moving to a unified, vendor-independent product design
system will deliver the design freedom and flexibility that’s needed to
create today’s competitive, innovative products.

2 The Way Forward 2009

Section 3 Section 4
Focus on the soft domain: Dynamic ECAD-MCAD
back to the essence of design collaboration: creating a new era
Same hardware, different application 28 Bringing reality to PCB design 52
With so many pressures on electronics design today, what should PCB assemblies are three-dimensional entities, yet we traditionally
electronic designers do? A new focus on product intelligence and the design them using 2D software. How much does this inhibit the
rise of electronic ‘systems’ may well hold the answer. The importance design process, and what would be the benefits of an ECAD system
of device connectivity as it relates to the changing role of hardware is that provides full 3D visualization in the PCB design environment?
just one factor in achieving long-term sustainability for organizations ECAD-MCAD design – removing 25 years of pain 58
building electronic products. The electronic and mechanical aspects of today’s product designs are
intimately connected and interdependent. Introducing robust 3D
data exchange, 3D PCB visualization and clearance checking into the
ECAD domain solve the core problems of working across the electro-
mechanical divide.
Creating connections between electronics design and
manufacturing 64
Along with market globalization and the proliferation of commodity
electronics, the electronics industry is undergoing an era of
unprecedented technological change. As a result, the board design
in leading electronic products is now inextricably locked to the
Forcing the hand of electronics design 34 mechanical and crucial ‘soft’ embedded parts of the design, so all
Current economic downtrends can be seen as more of an opportunity design disciplines need to work together in a collaborative way.
to break away from a piecemeal approach to design and towards one
that is viable for continuous and sustained innovation in electronics
design. It’s a situation where companies that don’t take note of how
design is changing, and continue falling back onto old philosophies,
are more likely to end up with the losing hand to those who do.
Redefining design in an evolving industry 40
As electronics design continues to change in an increasingly global
industry, remaining competitive means focusing on the key factors
that differentiate one product from another; the ‘soft’ intelligence of a
design. This turns the conventional design process ‘inside out’.
Make functionality, not hardware 46
Designers need to focus on creating product functionality rather than
having to first design and build fixed physical hardware to support it.
This means using a design system that raises the abstraction level to
a point where functional systems can be created and implemented on
different physical platforms, without much or any re-engineering.

eSolar 9
Based in Pasadena, CA, eSolar delivers turnkey solar power generation
facilities to utilities and renewable resource owner-operators. The
company has powered up unified design by using Altium Designer
to create digital controllers that manage solar power stations.
Nara Institute of Science and Technology 15
Based in Nara, Japan, the Nara Institute of Science and Technology
(NAIST) is a national university that promotes advanced research and
education in science and technology. Altium Designer is being used to
create the innovative electronics for a radical, autonomously controlled
elliptical circular ‘flying wing’ for search and rescue work.
Siemens Karlsruhe Automation and Drives 51
The industrial IT section of Siemens Karlsruhe has reduced production
costs and enhanced productivity by using Altium technology to
develop its smart industrial automation products.
Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de
Microtechnique (CSEM) 72
European research center CSEM has developed BIOTEX, the world’s
first portable electronic textile sensor system to measure and analyze
the wearer’s biochemical and physiological data.

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- it is a design issue

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The most In all fields of engineering a
key factor in the success
of any design project is having the
brilliant right information available at the
right time. The right information is

design will accurate, up-to-date data that let you

make informed design decisions.
The right time is when critical choices
not reach are actually made, such as at the
beginning of the design cycle when

the market the decisions you make tend to lock

the fundamentals of a design.

within budget
A misinformed choice at such a seminal stage becomes
increasingly difficult to correct as the design progresses, and
its effect reverberates through all aspects of that design. In
electronic product design it might be as simple as selecting a

or on time component that has been discontinued or is in short supply, or

perhaps more expensive than expected. Changing that part to
an alternative creates a design re-spin and triggers a flow-on
increase in costs and product development time.

if the data Either way, a mistake induced by design data that lacks
‘integrity’ is costly. What’s more, that cost is amplified when
the problem is exposed later in the design process, say during
the procurement stage, where the part’s current price and

management availability status have become clear. In this case the problem
has propagated through the design chain and forced a redesign
delay late in the development.
The lack of integrity in the design data here has most likely

process fails. been caused by a failure in the way that data has been managed.
Design data management, in itself a fairly broad term, is not a new
challenge for electronics designers. It has traditionally existed at
the local design level through the control of component libraries
and file naming systems to keep track of design revisions. In
an isolated system doing just one task, the approach worked
reasonably well.
In effect, the integrity of the design data was managed at an
application level, right where design itself is done. The scope
and formality of that data management might be scaled to a
company’s particular demands, but its effectiveness has always
been linked to how successfully it is adopted by those within
the design workflow. However, data management systems have
subsequently evolved in a way that is disconnected from the
design process, making the challenge of implementing effective
data management far greater.

The rise of complexity

As the number of stages and people involved in the product
design process has increased, localized data management
has given way to overarching systems that aim to collectively
manage design data. This tends to result in a complex system,
or a collection of interconnected systems, that collates, logs
and controls the design data generated and passed between the
various design applications. It is an administrative layer imposed
over the top of the existing workflow.

6 Section Header here S0

In a typical design environment based on a collection of In this way schematic capture, PCB layout, embedded system
‘connected’ tools, the onus is on the design data management development, and manufacturing output all use the same data
system to maintain and track a wide range of unrelated data during the product development process. Importantly, the design
from a myriad of sources. The collection of specialist design management system only needs to access and track one source
tools all use and store design data in very different ways, and of coherent data. Whether a company uses a commercial PLM
are invariably used by different people within different design system or simpler enterprise systems, a single pool of related
teams. This would typically encompass several divisions within design data is much easier and simpler to manage.
an organization including electronics design, mechanical CAD, From an immediate and practical perspective, a unified system
manufacturing, procurement, distribution and marketing. means that all of the design domains use the same component
As the data set evolves and changes throughout the design data model sourced, for example, from the same component
process, the data management system aims to provide everyone library. ‘IC10’ in the schematic uses the same data set as ‘IC10’
involved with access to the correct and current version of all in the PCB layout or BoM. The libraries can be managed as a
design information, while simultaneously managing and single centralized resource so library data inconsistencies and
tracking changes. This is an undeniably impressive feat when all duplication are eliminated.
those goals are achieved.
The system is nevertheless complex and must be accessed
outside of the design system itself. Both of these factors slow
the design process and, in many cases, encourage designers
to bypass the data management system as deadlines loom. A
quick approach of just passing the latest revision to a colleague,
or directly accessing the component information from a
previous design, can save significant time, but puts data integrity
at risk.
On the other hand, checking out the latest design files and
then checking them back in when you’re done, or finding them by Bringing design data
trawling through the appropriate database library, are the correct
methods but are clumsily disconnected from the actual design management into the design
process. This conventional approach to design data management
exists as a supplemental process to the design workflow. It forces process itself allows designers
engineers to leave the design environment to source, deliver or
process design data. to make informed and correct
Since that system is also based on the data from a disparate
set of design tools, with different data structures and versions of choices right from the start of the
the same information, the added complication of conflicting data
is likely to arise. For example, the component data for a device product development process.
might be hosted and interpreted differently in the schematic
capture, PCB and embedded design applications, and therefore
destined for inconsistency. Problems such as missing or outdated
information may only be uncovered during procurement, or
worse, manufacturing.
In short,successfully managing and maintaining the integrity of
all data created in the design of a product is an enormous challenge
for today’s design teams. What’s more, current data management
systems are far from ideal, and tend to pull designers away from
the primary process of using their skills to create innovative and
successful designs. As increased globalization puts the squeeze
on product manufacturing costs and project deadlines, errors and
delays in the design process are becoming more costly through
missed market opportunities.

Restoring order
Taking a broader view of the design data management problem
shows that it is largely centered around two problems: the task
of managing design data from multiple unrelated sources; and
the use of management systems that are disconnected from the
design process.
The first step to resolving the complexity and inconsistency
issues of multiple design data sources is to use a single model of
the project design data. This requires a design system that brings
together all of the electronic design processes into one unified
environment, where the design data can exist as a single entity.

S1 Integrated vs unified design 7

The single library source approach also offers the potential of
expanding the data content by adding procurement and assembly A single pool of design
information. When parts are placed from the centralized database
library, designers then have access to component parameters that
will streamline the manufacturing process. Any parts with long
data, accessible by all,
lead times will be flagged to avoid manufacturing delays, and
BoMs can be generated from the live database information to
ensure accurate project costing.
is much simpler and
As the centralized data pool relates to a single unified design
system, version control becomes equally as easy to implement. easier to manage.
The design files are accessed by the same application and offer
format consistency, making the versioning system simpler to
set up and manage. The design system can be extended with
back-end collaboration servers and plug-in modules that target a profound effect. Data management then becomes an inherent
specific enterprise applications. If a company is confident that part of the creative design process, where it is most effective.
a full PLM system is justified, its implementation will be In a unified design system, this immediate access to key
simpler because of the single design data set containing all design information is then available to all designers and
relevant information. downstream users via one design environment. Design reuse and
true collaborative design become practical thanks to the single
Data management at the design level source of design data and each designer’s direct access to version
Regardless of how advanced or potentially effective an imposed control systems. Procurement, manufacturing, documentation,
data management system is though, the process will ultimately mechanical design, marketing and distribution all reach into
fail if the user interface is ineffective. This is the interactive that single source of design data, helping to bring products to
connection between a designer and the data management market in less time and within budget.
system, and its success will determine if information can be The significant change with this approach is that design data
accessed easily and at the right time. In practice, there’s too management becomes an integral part of the design environment,
much temptation to bypass an overly complex or cumbersome and therefore a process that works with designers rather than
system, and relevant information must be available at designers’ one that imposes barriers to the process. In the final analysis, the
fingertips as key design decisions are being made. most brilliant design will not reach the market within budget or
To achieve these aims, design management systems need to be on time (or not at all) if the data management processes fail by
accessible to designers from within their working environment. allowing incorrect or corrupt design data to propagate through
Along with access to centralized libraries, the design system itself the process.
needs to support direct interfaces to the version control system When the design data and its management are simplified
being used by an organization. Designers can then retrieve and and readily accessible to all those involved in the product
submit design data directly from within their normal design development workflow, the risks and cost of design data errors
space, which encourages rigorous data management practices become clearer, predictable and manageable. Because designers
and streamlines the design file management process. also have accurate and relevant design data on hand, they can
Perhaps most importantly, however, relevant design easily make informed decisions and refocus on what they do
information is then easily available ‘at call’. As a result, designers best: creating innovative electronics designs that will clearly
can make informed and correct choices at the critical times, such differentiate a product in the market.
as at the beginning of the design process where decisions have Published: Printed Circuit Design & Fab, US, December ‘08

8 The Way Forward 2009

Developing intelligent digital
controllers to manage complex,
utility-scale solar power stations.

"I looked at several

alternatives to Altium
and found each one
Solar generated energy has long been an
under-used natural resource. However, with worldwide pressures
to be lacking in its to develop greener power alternatives, there has been a recent
surge in solar technologies. Headlining this push is eSolar, a US
capabilities on one area company providing utility-scale solar power generation facilities.
eSolar applies mass production techniques to create a unique
of design or another. power plant architecture that is flexible, powerful and affordable.
Altium Designer was the Considering the unique design of eSolar’s stations, there was
first package I worked a need to focus on developing an intuitive system that could
address, communicate with and control each individual mirror
with that had strong among the thousands of mirrors installed in a typical power
capabilities in both plant. As a result, eSolar needed to develop a multifaceted,
compact digital controller that could drive motors and manage
schematic capture and power and communications with several mirrors, all over a
board layout. While all proprietary communication channel.

other vendors offered The development of the digital controllers posed various
challenges. After evaluating several competing systems, eSolar
an integrated solution, found that although many systems offered integrated solutions,
Altium Designer was the each lacked one capability or another. They were not unified
systems. Finding an all-inclusive toolset that could ease the steep
only one to truly unify learning curve of a new product proved to be difficult.
the design process." In addition, the digital controllers needed to be highly
sophisticated. The unique system of interconnected modules
Carter Moursund, added complexities to their design requirements. Networking the
Vice President of Engineering, several functions of the controllers with the numerous heliostats
eSolar needed a strict control environment that could accurately work
with the mirrors for premium performance.
Choosing Altium Designer as its EDA solution, eSolar found
it could avoid the time-consuming, expensive training cycles
that frequently cause development downtime. Engineers
could start the project without delay because of Altium’s
logical user interface and easy-to-use tools and wizards.
The unique unified environment of Altium Designer
let eSolar’s engineers combine the various design
disciplines of hardware, software and programmable
hardware design. This unified approach offered a
clearly defined documentation process, one that
could manage all the project requirements within a
single component database.
By introducing intelligence into its control
systems, eSolar was also able to drastically
reduce installation costs and increase the
efficiency of its solar power generating
stations. The result? A sophisticated and
commercially viable energy alternative that
is competitive with the dominant fossil fuel
for tomorrow’s engineers

10 Section Header here S0

need the
picture to

S0 Section Header here 11

ll engineers like to
be creative. It’s an essential part of
being an engineer. But how many
engineers actually have the time
to create what they envision these
days? There’s a lot of talk about
design solutions that help engineers
move beyond today’s challenges for
creating next generation technology.
Understanding what is needed for
engineers and design solutions is key
to equipping for future innovation.

12 The Way Forward 2009

Organizations are looking for engineers
who think laterally
Market factors have radically changed the engineering role innovative in addition to being technically competent across a
from what it was ten years ago. Engineers were more specialized variety of disciplines. It’s no small ask.
and usually worked in isolation with little connection to outside Those then who can embrace every aspect of board-level
processes. Unfortunately, design approaches haven’t progressed design will play an important part in the strategies of worldwide
and still reflect this old paradigm, based on the integration of companies. Not only can these engineers balance more aspects
different point tools. The problem is that these solutions are now of the design process but they can also be involved in multi-
aging architectures not made for today’s engineering demands. disciplinary project teams. Leadership ability is also being
And they’re just getting harder to use. recognized as essential as many employers look for engineers
Engineers are required to be more dynamic than they who show potential for managing high-priority, complex
once were and no longer fit into specialized roles to projects. This represents a significant value for companies
the same degree as previously. Capable of more abstract which need engineers to communicate and understand the
thinking and high-level problem solving, they are also needs of other people outside of their immediate team and
geographically spread out. comfort zones.
Next generation engineers In short, engineers must be
are less into repetitive tasks more business-minded and
and are connected. There responsive than ever before.
are more demands on them They must have enough
than ever before. Keeping savvy to hit the ground
this workforce relevant running with their ideas. The
and skilled into the future days of working in the dark
has become a top priority and being completely micro-
for companies. focused are almost a thing
Electronics organizations of the past – having sight
need better solutions to be of the big picture, creat-
prepared for the future and ing innovation leadership
move beyond the old ways. and customer satisfaction
What is needed is a new way has become everything.
of thinking – a single unified What’s most suited then for
approach to the entire design these engineers is a design
process that models where environment that better
development is now. It can enables the skills needed
help cope with the demands and allows them to be
of creating the innovation fully engaged.
needed by electronics
companies today, instead of A single view of design
just managing the complexities. When looking at each part of It’s equally important to understand that the boundaries
this scenario in depth, it’s easy to understand why this conclusion between hardware and software are becoming increasingly
is probable. integrated. Hardware configuration doesn’t drive design anymore.
What is needed is an environment that provides a single design
Looking for a business-minded engineer… application and uses a single coherent data model. This allows
A fragmented design process where engineers work as a key elements of the design to be moved into the soft domain.
silo isn’t effective for developing today’s technology. It’s forcing Incorporating a ‘soft’ approach offers further advantages such
companies to take a fresh look at all aspects of workflow as a unified methodology, design automation and reuse. It also
instead of just individual aspects of it and decide if their design allows rapid prototyping and concept exploration without the
environments are adequately equipped. They need to start with upfront commitment of custom designing a board.
understanding how the roles of engineers have changed from Once the design perspective is no longer locked into the hard
the past to know how best to equip them now. domain, the abstraction level that board-level engineers work at
Requiring engineers to take increased responsibility for can be raised. This effectively hides the levels of complication
customer satisfaction and ultimately business success is from the engineer, creating a dramatic change of focus.
coming into the spotlight. Design organizations are looking The engineer can suddenly approach a task from the customer’s
for engineers who show the aptitude to think laterally and be point of view rather than having to make a decision about
forward-looking. They need to understand business needs as hardware configuration before it’s even been decided what the
well as engineering needs. And they still need to be creative and product will do.

S1 Integrated vs unified design 13

Time-to- Complexities that once made up the inherently difficult
part of the traditional design approach (i.e., board design) are
downgraded appropriately to something manageable. Focus

market is once again back on product differentiation and innovation

instead of just ‘survival drivers’. A single view covering all aspects
of the design is created.

Adopting a unified approach allows engineers to focus once
again on innovation and device intelligence, where the real
functionality and value lie. It’s a better approach for today’s
designs that helps engineers overcome design obstacles and

will always focus instead on future innovation.

The solution for the future

be there but A strategically developed environment that offers both

a unified approach and ways for worldwide engineering teams
to be fully engaged will make the most difference moving

the wheel
beyond today’s challenges. Every part of board-level design can
be considered. Engineering teams can work more effectively
as leadership innovation groups. Clearly defined project

will still
languages and definitions enable project teams and engineers
to move beyond technical and cultural barriers. The advantages
aren’t just for the project either; everyone benefits. By being
able to cross different realms of design, engineers themselves

need to be are able to diversify from previous conventional roles by

building additional skill sets.
With diversified workloads and emphasis on design

re-invented innovation, engineers have a greater need than ever for a unified
and single design solution. And companies are focusing on core
product development as a strategy for innovation leadership –
time-to-market pressure will always be there but the wheel will still
need to be reinvented! Since market demands have moved most
design projects beyond the scalability of current methodologies
and approaches today, shouldn’t engineers be equipped with
comparable solutions as well?
Published: Chip Design Magazine, US, October ‘08

14 The Way Forward 2009

Creating innovative electronics for
a radical, autonomously controlled
'flying wing' for search and
rescue work.
"Altium LiveDesign is a
tool of empowerment
for every aspect of
The Nara Institute of Science and
Technology (NAIST) in Japan is a national university composed
FPGA engineering. solely of graduate schools, and promotes advanced research and
education in science and technology.
FPGA-based systems At NAIST, PhD candidate William Rieken has pursued ground-
that previously took us breaking research into an autonomously controlled Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that features sophisticated imaging systems
months to develop can designed for search and rescue work. The high-performance UAV
now be done in a week. is a radical Elliptical Circular Wing (ECW) design that houses an
impressive array of complex electronics to support onboard video,
Altium Designer has telemetry and flight systems. Altium Designer has helped put this
saved my project and complex project back on schedule.

has put us back The ambitious nature of the search and rescue UAV project
was inspired in part by the tragic events of Japan’s 1995 Kobe
on schedule." earthquake, which highlighted the need for quickly deployed,
William Rieken, vision-linked search and rescue systems that did not endanger the
life of operators. Developing the project’s complex electronics,
Graduate School of mainly involving FPGA embedded systems employing advanced
Information Science, high-speed processing and control systems, required a range of
Nara Institute of Science software solutions and compatible hardware development boards.

and Technology Rieken and his team use Altium Designer to complete all
Japan embedded, hardware and software design in one easy-to-use
unified environment, then investigate and debug the actual
results in real-time using Altium’s embedded test instruments and
NanoBoards. The designers can easily implement IP cores and
source code directly into project FPGAs using Verilog, VHDL and
C, and also at a schematic level with Altium Designer’s supplied
IP logic blocks and processors.
The team has increased the development rate of the project
while concurrently redesigning sections for performance
improvements. For example, the upload and download
speed of the UAV’s onboard transmitter – comprised of
FPGAs and a 1GHz DSP – will now more than double,
while similar performance improvements are expected
in the 1GB data rate of the system’s video engine
backbone. According to Rieken, instigating FPGA
embedded designs that previously took days or weeks
to develop can now be completed in minutes, and the
students in his team are now keen to port many of
their own designs into the FPGA environment.
In its final implementation, the team’s search and
rescue UAV will feature a full 360º vision system
created by processing video signals from a range
of onboard cameras, high-speed data upload
and download links, virtual reality flight control
and observer vision systems, plus enhanced
features such as automatic collision avoidance
and a laser-guided landing system.
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h a r d

S2 Embedded Design 17
As the physical platform. This hardware platform nevertheless supports
the soft elements and forms the interface to the outside world,

market-defining and therefore remains a large and crucial part of the electronic
development process – and in the process, takes a proportionally
large share of the product development time and cost.
properties of For all the revolutionary advances in electronics devices
and how electronic products are designed, the process we use
today’s electronic to develop and complete those products has generally failed to
progress at the same pace. We still treat the design of the board-
products continues level hardware separately from the development of the software
that runs on it, and programmable hardware design ends at the

to move into pins of the device – a separate discipline in its own right.
As more of a design is moved into a soft platform, the lines
between the traditional design disciplines such as hardware,
the software software and FPGA design begin to blur. Dealing with these
design elements independently and with separate tools becomes
domain, a design’s increasing difficult and inefficient as design complexity increases
and time-to-market cycles shrink.
intellectual The move to higher levels of abstraction within individual
processes helps to cope with specific complexities but at the

property (IP) same time but increases the specialization required within each
domain. Ultimately, of course, these individual elements of the

is increasingly design must be brought together to create a final product, but

the increased specialization of each piece is making the final
puzzle much harder to assemble. This blows out design times
characterized and is ultimately to the detriment of product innovation.

by the unique A cohesive solution

Rather than a traditional ‘point-tool’ solution of approaching
‘intelligence’ that the design problem as a collection of independent processes that
are eventually linked together, a unified methodology offers a

is programmed solution to this complexity barrier by treating the product design

process as a single problem.
Unifying the design processes at a platform level creates
into the product. a product development system that can manage design
complexity while harnessing the potential of soft design
within the programmable device realm. Bringing together all the

In turn, the underlying physical hardware that supports the

intelligence is playing a reduced role in defining a product’s
IP. This has changed the fundamental landscape of electronics
hardware and software elements of the design process within one
intrinsically connected environment creates a singular design
flow and data model that dramatically simplifies the process.
design, allowing product developers who work in the software For example, by exploiting the mutual-awareness and shared
space to become the prime movers in defining the function and data of the hardware, software and programmable hardware
behavior of today’s electronic products. design processes, a unified design system can seamlessly automate
The explosion of programmable hardware components such many of the inter-discipline tasks such as synchronizing the pin
as FPGAs over the last few years has allowed an even greater definitions of programmable devices across both the chip and
part of the design to move into the soft domain. Not only are board-level design spaces, and automatically managing hardware
these components becoming more capable, higher in capacity dependencies between the software and its execution platform.
and more feature-rich, they are becoming significantly cheaper. These things simply can’t be done effectively if the parameters
The availability of high-capacity, high-performance FPGAs and constraints controlling the different elements of a design
at relatively low cost has opened up the possibility of using exist in independent applications.
this technology to change the way designers interact with Importantly, unifying design processes creates an environment
hardware and software by extending the concept of programmed where the abstraction level of those processes can be raised as a
device intelligence from just software, to encompass both whole, rather than within each separate piece of the traditional
software and hardware. point-tool collection. In this way the complexity of today’s
With this approach the system hardware itself can be defined designs is managed as a whole, creating a new approach to
in the soft realm – from mass logic through to high-performance electronics design where the overall process can be dealt with as
microprocessors and matching system memory – allowing a single higher-level problem.
developers to create whole systems within the reprogrammable Through a cohesive abstraction of the processes, unified design
fabric of an FPGA. A much greater portion of the design process reduces the need for expertise in multiple design disciplines
is done in a soft domain, meaning that the defining value of and the use of multiple different tools. It also reduces the level
that product has moved away from the unique properties of the of low-level hardware design and system software needed by

18 The Way Forward 2009

The combination of a unified design
system and a reconfigurable hardware
platform opens the possiibility for
embedded developers to create an entire
electronic product without custom
hardware design.

S2 Embedded Design 19
Existing design skills
can be used beyond
traditional design

design specialists. For example, within a unified environment lifted from the development environment and programmed
it is possible to insert a section of pre-designed electronics into into a tailored, off-the-shelf hardware platform. This is possible
the design project and have this functionality manifested across within a unified design environment because the design system
the whole design, from PCB layout and schematic hierarchy can manage the low-level hardware dependencies to ensure
through to the embedded FPGA elements. the software and programmable hardware make the right
connections to the targeted physical environment.
Redefining the hardware platform Using this approach a designer could choose from a range of
The emergence of a soft design paradigm, which can be targeted basic hardware platforms – say a handheld application,
fully harnessed within a unified design system and large- an industrial device, a consumer application or a rack-mount
scale programmable devices, decreases the need to imbue the piece of equipment – customize that platform by plugging
physical hardware platform part of the design – in practice in a range of special purpose modules that contain fixed and
the PCB assembly – with unique, market-defining IP. This programmable components, then simply download the custom
shift in emphasis means that the energy expended on full design intelligence into it to provide a product solution ready
custom hardware development at the board level does not add to go to market. It could be considered as Commercial Off-
to the overall value of the final product, with the PCB simply The-Shelf (COTS) hardware, but thanks to the potential of
becoming a host for the design’s intelligent devices and a set high-capacity FPGAs the capabilities effectively cover software,
of standardized physical interfaces needed to connect the hardware and programmable hardware – sufficient to develop
programmed intelligence to the ‘outside world’. then create a complete and viable product.
It makes sense then to consider the viability of an ‘off-the- This concept enables someone who doesn’t have the necessary
shelf ’ approach the problem of hardware design where the hardware skills for custom PCB design – let’s say a hardware-
programmed intelligence of a product, once developed, is simply savvy embedded developer – to build a production-ready

20 Section Header here S0

By using a hardware development platform based on changeable FPGA and
peripheral boards, the entire design can be created in real hardware and
debugged on the fly, without the need for custom PCB design.

intelligent electronic device. Once your intent is captured in the at any time, without time or cost penalties. This, reinforced
unified design system, the programmable facilities available on by the inherent portability of designs created within such an
the host board and its modules can be used to configure the entire environment, has a profound effect on product design cycles.
platform. In practice, this means automatically ‘connecting’ the It streamlines hardware design, opens the door to concurrent
fixed hardware resources together as needed and creating the software and hardware development, and raises design
additional embedded hardware necessary to provide a suitable abstraction to a level where existing design skills can be used
application platform. beyond traditional design boundaries.
Regardless of its physical properties, an off-the-shelf Ultimately though it has the potential to commoditize the
reconfigurable hardware platform provides a targeted system concept of commercial reconfigurable off-the-shelf hardware
into which both hardware and software can be programmed. This as a means to bring a wide range of products to market,
speeds development of soft designs and reduces, or potentially and to allow designers and companies to create innovative
eliminates, the task involved in custom PCB design. In the case products without having to design – or pay someone to design
where there is a need to convert the system to a single dedicated – custom hardware or application-specific circuit boards. As
Application Specific Circuit Board (ASCB), for mechanical designs move further into the soft realm, a unified approach
‘fit’ reasons for example, then the ability to easily outsource the to off-the-shelf hardware will allow designers, regardless
required board layout work is greatly facilitated by having the of their hardware development expertise, to quickly implement
design already implemented, tested and working. systems that deliver the device intelligence needed to achieve
At a fundamental level, the combined flexibility of a true product differentiation in the market.
reconfigurable hardware platform and unified design system Published:, US, October ‘07 and Programmable DesignLine, US,
allows you to commit to hardware decisions much later in the October ‘07
design cycle and update or interactively change the design

S2 Embedded Design 21
22 The Way Forward 2009
Real evolutionary change occurs when innovative
engineering minds have access to design tools
that provide new ways to use technology and
deliver possibilities in unrestricted ways...

S2 Embedded Design 23
The ongoing
evolution of
the electronics
design industry is,
in a fundamental
and historical
sense, directly
coupled to
advances in
device technology.
ith each successive technology step, however, (Hardware Description Languages) are used to describe a chip’s
the real evolutionary change in product design hardware design prior to manufacture. Using a conventional IDE
occurs when the new device technology has toolchain means working with an isolated design environment
been exploited to its full potential. This happens and becoming an HDL specialist, while applying a working
when innovative engineering minds have access to design tools knowledge of the target FPGA’s underlying architecture.
that not only provide new ways to use the technology, but also Most commonly, the IDE is a proprietary toolchain from
deliver those possibilities in unrestricted and accessible ways. the FPGA device vendors. These are developed to support each
The arrival of affordable microprocessors, originally vendor’s products and encourage sales, but are understandably
conceived as a more effective way to produce pocket calculators, devoid of support for competitors’ products. Using a vendor
signaled the possibility of using software code to enhance and IDE restricts the inherent flexibility and freedom of embedded
add functionality to products. However, it was the innovative hardware design by limiting the range of FPGA devices, vendor
application of those new devices using higher-level language IP cores and design methodologies you can use. What’s more, if
tools that really created the revolution, by allowing a soft-centric you change the programmable device that’s hosting your design
approach to design. you’re back to square one.
By exploiting the full range of design possibilities, engineers In practice, the partisan nature of the development tools
were able to move large portions of hardware logic into the significantly compromises the available design choices that can
changeable software realm. The functional ‘intelligence’ that be explored in the pursuit of innovation.
defines product value began its move into the soft domain,
driven by engineers who harnessed the tools and technology to Vendor-neutral design
its full extent. To open up the full range of design possibilities in today’s
Today, the emergence of low-cost, high-capacity embedded design process, what’s needed is a programmable
programmable devices such as FPGAs has delivered the next device development environment that allows you to easily target
revolution in the way we design. These allow the intelligent a wide variety of devices from different vendors. By creating a
portions of the design to encompass not only software in the design environment from the ground up that is independent
traditional sense, but also ‘soft’ hardware implemented within of vendor or device, the door opens to the full range of target
an FPGA. By harnessing this technology beyond its basic possibilities, freeing embedded developers to choose the best
potential as a mere container for glue logic, a product’s unique possible device for the current design.
functional aspects – and therefore its competitive advantage in Such a system is also inherently neutral in the embedded
the market – can be defined in the changeable soft realm. design itself which allows the target device to be changed
Embedded system designers now have a new design canvas without compromising the validity of the source design files. As
that can be used to create innovative new products. As a fully a result the target device can be changed at will and the final
reconfigurable design platform to host a ‘soft’ design methodology, choice made much later in the design process, when its required
FPGAs provide the means to unprecedented levels of design specifications are more clearly understood. The embedded
freedom, thanks in part to a vast array of available IP cores that design process can proceed while all the device options are still
include logic blocks, peripherals and microprocessors. These can be available, removing the need to develop the hardware before
changed at will as the design requirements evolve, critical design serious embedded design can start.
decisions can be locked down later in the design cycle, and both a A design system that is independent of vendor also offers a
product’s software and hardware can be updated in the field. greater range of IP cores by allowing you to simply change the
When used to its full potential, an inclusively ‘soft’ approach target device to achieve compatibility with a desirable vendor-
to design delivers a new freedom to the product development sourced core, such as a target-specific, high-performance
process. Harnessing that capability to create products that microprocessor. If the system’s device-neutral framework is
offer true differentiation in the market means overcoming harnessed to develop libraries of IP cores, the resulting blocks of
the implementation challenges the technology presents. The soft hardware can exhibit the same neutral persona as the system.
success of this is inexorably linked with the evolution of the This introduces the compelling prospect of using a neutral 32-
design tools we use. bit microprocessor core for the initial development work, then
changing that IP block to a vendor-supplied core at a later time
Introducing… limitations – with minimal impact on the work already done.
In conventional design flows, the design opportunities offered The success of this approach lies, in part, in the availability
by programmable devices invariably come with the legacy of system updates that add new device hardware support. The
of increased complexity in the overall product development latest programmable devices can freely be used in your designs
process. The new layer – or ‘domain’ – introduced into the along with fully compatible IP cores from the system libraries.
product development toolchain is traditionally based on an The latest ‘soft’ and discrete microprocessors, along with
embedded hardware development toolset that is both separate those embedded into the fabric of the FPGA, can also
and disconnected from the existing design process. This not only be supported because the system’s embedded software
creates significant complexity when integrating the separate toolchains are also updated.
FPGA-based sections into the overall product design, but also Designing in a truly vendor-neutral product development
introduces a new set of design skills that you need to learn to environment delivers the freedom to easily explore all
make use of the embedded development tools. design possibilities. As the design progresses, the full choice
The main reason for these challenges lies in the genealogy of of programmable device, microprocessors and IP cores can
conventional IDE (Integrated Development Environment) tools, be exploited to create the most competitive product,
which have their roots in the ASIC design world where HDLs without compromise.

S2 Embedded Design 25
in the soft
a blank
canvas for
and creativity.

26 Section Header here S0






High-level design capture systems that automatically deal

with the underlying hardware complexity free designers to
focus on innovation.

Clarity through abstraction

Along with restrictive device and IP possibilities of a high level of design abstraction, but how that system connects
conventional embedded design flows, the arcane nature of into the rest of the design environment is also important.
HDL-based design capture – considered analogous to assembly For that to be fully effective, the design abstraction and
language in complexity – demands specialist skills and distracts open device choice needs to be reflected though the entire
engineers from focusing on innovative design. product development chain, so that the traditionally complex
What’s needed here is a system that raises the abstraction of process of bringing all the design elements together (hardware,
the design process so that design engineers can work at a higher software and programmable hardware) becomes simplified
level, while using and expanding their existing design skills. The and transparent.
potential exists for high-level embedded design methodologies A unified design system delivers this by bringing all of the
that allow engineers from all disciplines (hardware and software) design domains together into a single and cohesive application.
to simply connect together pre-verified IP blocks in a way that is Design models become single entities across all domains,
not only accessible, but hides the underlying complexity of the allowing (for example) library IP blocks to encompass multiple
device architecture. device support, graphical models and hardware interface layers.
By offering design interfaces that are graphically based, Changes in the embedded design can be directly transferred to
or based on schematics, the process of embedded design relevant domains using high-level automated processes such as
is streamlined without the need for specialist HDL skills FPGA pin optimization. This is possible because all parts of the
(although HDL entry can also be incorporated). When this design process share the same, single model of the design data.
system exists as a vendor-neutral embedded design environment, Taking the unified vendor-independent design environment
the process of changing processors, peripherals and memory to its logical next step means encompassing those attributes
potentially becomes simple block-level manipulation via a in an associated hardware development platform. A hardware
graphical interface. platform that is independent of vendor or device (possible
The primary advantage of the system is that designers are through a system of plug-in FPGA boards) and communicates
free to focus on the essence of a product’s development – its directly with the unified application can reflect the needed
functional ‘soft’ intelligence. High-level interface choices easily flexibility and open design choice into the physical world. The
capture the design intent, without complexity and distraction. design iterations needed to refine and debug your design project
When incorporated in a system that supports familiar high- can appear in real hardware, in real time, which also reduces the
level design paradigms at a native level, the underlying hardware needed for design simulation.
complexity is effectively hidden. Embedded hardware abstraction When such a reconfigurable hardware platform unifies with
can include advanced IP interface systems such as the Wishbone the overall design system, the device and IP design choices you
bus and hardware interface IP cores that introduce transparent make can transparently flow through the whole design chain,
interconnect layers around processors, peripherals and memory. from design capture through to physical hardware. The entire
With the low-level interface architecture supporting design product development system is then unified and cohesive.
interfaces that reduce complexity, embedded system design can If the design environment also offers high levels of design
virtually become an exercise in ‘joining the dots’. abstraction, system developers are no longer restricted by the
choice of devices and the method used to capture the design
Freedom through unity intent. The end result is an open approach to embedded system
Moving beyond a conventional IDE-based design flow development that frees designers to focus on the essence of
can introduce a valuable expansion in the choices available design – creating the functional device intelligence that provides
to designers while providing innovative new ways to create true product differentiation.
embedded designs. This is provided by an embedded hardware Published:, UK June ‘08 and EDN, US, June ‘08
design system that is independent of vendor or device and offers

S2 Embedded Design 27
28 The Way Forward 2009

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 29

WHAT HAPPENED Most electronic product designers are asking themselves that
these days, concerned they need to know more about technology

than they ever needed to know before. If that wasn’t enough,
larger industry trends like globalization of manufacturing and
off-shoring are happening at unprecedented rates, leaving most
wondering how to also contend with setting themselves apart

PART OF ELECTRONICs from the crowd, reducing their investment and getting their
product to market in shorter times.

Design methodologies and production environments
today are still stuck in the past. The design manufacturing
vision of twenty years ago was never intended for modern
demands of short-production cycles and high variety – based
on the specialization and division of functionality with
little thought for future innovation or growth. Designers
forced to lock designs to specific programmable chips for
manufacture at the start of the process make critical decisions
about the hardware without being certain about the performance
of it. The non-recurring costs of development such as
researching, designing and testing of new products, once

30 The Way Forward 2009

Device intelligence
enables product
‘ecosystems’ to be
created, fostering
deeper relationships
between suppliers
and their customers,
improved service
efficiency and
quicker updates.

level where the designer can suddenly approach a design task

from the customer’s point of view rather than having to
make a decision about hardware configuration before it’s
even been decided what the product will do. A single view
of the design is created thus covering all aspects of electronic
design and not just one isolated part of it.
Soft IP focus opens the door then for other additional
advantages such as bringing unification to the overall
design process, allowing the benefit of technologies such as
large-scale programmable chips, and moving beyond the current
loosely integrated point tools and a paradigm of fixed and
outdated options!

Soft design expands to include hardware

FPGAs as embedded platforms with soft processors
are gaining momentum as the basis of more versatile and
reconfigurable hardware platforms. Becoming more popular as
an integral part of creating a product’s innovative edge, now their capabilities rise, they’re also easier on the budget. Expanding
shift overall focus and effort more onto meeting time-to- soft design of these platforms is including an increasing amount
market. Ironically, the results drive real innovation and growth of what were once the hardware aspects. Intellectual property
out of the design process. programmed into the soft design system is fast becoming the
most valuable part of the design, giving rise to architectural
Product intelligence is the new focus flexibility, and smaller, more adaptable boards.
This traditional approach of putting development of the Device IP then that can be programmed into the system,
hardware platform first with soft aspects built in and locked rather than manufactured on the board, will offer the most
down isn’t practical anymore, creating a false sense of security in advantages in this brave new world. Soft design can start
time-to-market as an important product differentiator. Whereas before the hardware platform is designed. It can continue after
value that does differentiate a product (i.e., device intelligence or the hardware is designed, and even after it reaches customers.
‘IP’) is effectively tied to a rigid platform, both being the most From a long-term perspective, field ‘upgrades’ become possible,
difficult and costliest design elements to change. opening up a way for the customer to connect not only to the
Instead, why not put the soft elements first and at the vendor themselves but also much bigger, electronic, ecosystems.
center of the development process? This seemingly simplistic Complexities that once created the inherently difficult
paradigm shift creates a dramatic change of focus. By separating part of the traditional design approach (i.e., board design) are
function from the fixed physical hardware, key elements downgraded appropriately to something more manageable
of design are moved into the soft domain. No longer locked and focus is once again back on product differentiation and
into the hard domain, they can be abstracted to a higher innovation instead of just ‘survival drivers’!

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 31

this new approach is improved customer satisfaction, but the natural progression is
that this solution provides the basis of connecting the customer
provides long- to a larger ecosystem and opening increased potential for
creating a long-term relationship.
It’s worth mentioning that many areas of scientific research
term sustainability have long required both real-time signal processing power
combined with FPGA-based upgradeable and modular
for organizations hardware. Not only can these platforms handle moderate
to high-bandwidth problems and computations, but rapid
building electronic development and design reuse makes research easier. In a project
involving laser optical time transfers, being able to deploy the
products... and perhaps latest technologies by changing hardware and equipment to
match evolving research requirements allowed new projects to
even a little more fun be launched faster, and the researchers to be more responsive
to ever-changing design requirements – it certainly would not
for designers in have been as easy on a traditional hardware platform and using
conventional design approaches.
the process. You may get a sense that one common theme weaving
through all of this is that as device IP becomes more
differentiated, hardware becomes less so. It’s not hard then
to imagine customized hardware soon becoming a remnant
of past technology as more emphasis goes into sustainable
design processes based on device intelligence that can deliver
better results. A single hardware platform could effectively
have multiple applications offering long-term design savings,
inventory consolidation and the streamlining of production
processes not possible with software alone.
Another repeating theme is that whole device development
can happen in the soft domain. Device subsystems can be
Interestingly enough, the implications for a soft design developed with or without the hardware dependency, separating
centric approach of all electronic systems extends beyond even function from the fixed physical hardware and deployed when
the software. Designers can compare performance benefits and needed. Rapid prototyping to develop a sense of how you would
trade-offs of different FPGAs without changing their design actually approach a design and the costs of production would be
and without the commitment. Follow this thinking a bit further possible in the same amount of time that you would normally
and we see that not only can the software be upgraded but also spend chasing up datasheets. Product lines can be more easily
the hardware. updated and extended, and existing projects can be reused,
meaning fewer development hours. Hardware need only be built
Device intelligence with or without once and upgraded later.
hardware design Aesthetics and ease of use aren’t to be overlooked either.
Perhaps the biggest driver for change is the familiar connectivity Customers are demanding that products look cool and be
of ‘everything to everything’, which is so dramatically changing desirable in addition to being functional. Interfaces need to be
the role of technology in our lives. For example, you wouldn’t attractive and easy to use. Products need to connect automatically
need to look any further than a humble digital picture frame as to related equipment and peers as connected ecosystems become
an example to illustrate the need for creating device intelligence the new norm for the future. Products need to be intuitive
independent of the hardware. Lots of people have them and lots enough that capabilities can be explored without reading the
of companies supply them. Many digital picture frames can read manual, and to be easily updated soon after deployment.
their photos from memory cards or USB keys, but by adding An implied requirement of being able to deliver these kinds
additional connectivity and advanced graphics using a powerful of systems is the ability to use state-of-the-art design tools that
unified design environment to upgrade the hardware’s platform, unify the embedded development process. More importantly,
a company could offer something more and extend the basic it means identifying a solution provider that has a strong
capability of the single physical hardware platform to include commitment to innovation and continuous development.
wireless digital streaming of photos and other content from
hard drives or the Internet. Since the streaming occurs though The unified design environment has
the same functional interfaces, there is no need to change the sustainable merit
hardware. In fact, it’s better if it doesn’t. When device intelligence comes first in the design process,
A similar example on a larger scale would be a broadband it’s possible to move away from old paradigms and towards
broadcasting company that wishes to provide more targeted device connectivity. Obviously some larger organizations, such
advertisements to particular audiences and provide upgraded as those that use medical imaging, have been successfully using
video quality as a part of improved services to their customers – electronic ecosystems for awhile. The idea isn’t new, it’s just been
differentiating themselves from competitors providing the same limited. But the clear suggestion is to bring this capability into
broadcasting communications. Of course the immediate result the hands of every designer, and not just a select few. Why?

32 The Way Forward 2009

Because device intelligence and connectivity enables unique elements of design easily because not only would the
electronics designers and their organizations to create systems software be upgradeable, but the hardware as well.
that provide longer-term relationships with customers in ways Requiring only minimal effort then to move the final design
that go beyond improved services or expected upgrades. They to production, off-the-shelf, reconfigurable hardware platforms
only require the right design environment. can become the deployment mechanism bringing products to
Can a single tool provide a single approach to all phases market quickly and without the need for full, custom board
of electronics design? Exploring choices invariably leads to a designs. Take this one step further and embedded engineers can
design environment that also has a reconfigurable hardware create designs in hardware and dynamically deploy their efforts to
platform built in for that crucial implementing, debugging and physical hardware without even having to go to manufacture.
updating phase of development with freedom to experiment No more sacrificing design innovation to meet development
with various vendor devices and swap I/O hardware in and deadlines means focus once again goes back into building the
out. All the necessary tools for every aspect of electronic design best customer experience possible – providing real long-term
would be included – processor-independent embedded coding sustainability for organizations building electronic products, and
and debugging, mixed schematic and HDL-based FPGA design perhaps even a little more fun for designers in the process.
and synthesis, as well as full PCB layout. Software engineers Published: Electronic & Computer Design World, China, July ‘08, EEPW,
with only a basic understanding of hardware could use it. China, July ‘08, Electronics News, Australia, July 2008 and A3 Volt, Austria,
Hardware engineers could focus on designing and prototyping September, ‘08

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 33

the hand of electronics design

34 The Way Forward 2009

that don’t
take note of
how design
is changing
make the
wrong bet...

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 35

he necessity of creating
and maintaining leadership in
technology innovation has never
been more essential to survive
today’s business climate. Economic
downtrends are aggressively
challenging electronics companies
to consider dramatic solutions
within a market that is also
becoming more complex. Employing
cost-effective strategies such as
outsourcing for lower design costs
and manufacturing partners are
only just the beginning. Old design
philosophies are being left behind,
unable to deliver the sustainable
differentiation and innovation
required for the future.

36 The Way Forward 2009

...those that
It used to be that electronic product design companies
could rely on deeply entrenched market presence to keep a
competitive edge. They now find themselves revaluating every
part of their organizations. Beneficial strategies such as using

new design approaches and creating more effective engineering
environments are being incorporated by electronics companies
into product design at every level. As a result, it’s changing the
shape that design models are likely to have in the future.

to fall back Soft design is next generation technology

Since the arrival of cost-effective microprocessors, electronic
products have advanced in device intelligence exponentially.

onto old
This programmed intelligence or ‘soft’ part of the design is
what is really responsible for the product’s value today – the
true differentiator for gaining market advantage rather than
the physical platform it’s sitting on. In comparison, board
geometries have become faster and smaller but creating custom

philosophies board designs has evolved to become the more significant

and time-consuming challenge of product development. As a
result, there is a diminishing return of investment on this part

are more
of the design.
Relying then on traditional ways that put the physical
hardware first in light of current market changes and drivers
seems risky. Designing electronics isn’t straightforward anymore

likely to end
as the boundaries between traditional disciplines of hardware
and software become increasingly blurred. Dealing with design
elements independently and using yesterday’s methodologies
and point tools treats the design process as a fragmented

up with the
collection of approaches. It doesn’t put device intelligence, the
most valuable part, at the center. Effectively, this pushes our
focus towards managing increasing design complexity and away
from innovation.

losing hand
It’s a design model that has disillusioned many electronic
product companies as being far from ideal.
Instead, soft elements should be first in the development
process. This shift creates a dramatic change of focus. In
separating function from the fixed physical hardware, key
elements of design can be moved into the soft domain. No
longer locked into the hard domain, they can be abstracted to a
higher design level. An engineer can suddenly approach a design
task from the customer’s point of view rather than having to
make a decision about hardware configuration before it’s even
been decided what the product will do. A single view of the
design covering all aspects of electronics design is created then
and not just one isolated part of it.
The potential for more of the design process to be soft
increases with using high capacity programmable devices, and
at costs relatively lower than traditional counterparts. More
importantly a design approach where device intelligence is
placed at the center is realized, unifying design methodologies
instead of fragmenting them.
A soft design approach allows additional advantages over
traditional models based largely on vendor-specific hardware
platforms such as complete design synchronization and reuse.
What was once manufactured into a device as part of the
physical hardware and usually performed by a highly specialized
engineer can suddenly be programmed. At the most fundamental
level, FPGA-hosted soft processors can deliver unprecedented
architectural flexibility plus reduced complexity with the end
result of smaller, simpler boards – compelling large-scale business
advantages. And by bringing as much hardware as possible into

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 37

A unified approach frees
designers to focus on
creativity and innovation
– where product value
really lies.

the soft, programmable realm, iterative approaches that allow products can be reverse-engineered as fast as they are created,
experimentation of ‘what if ’ scenarios without increasing design the majority of effort should be on creating functionality and
times can be explored. not just hardware. If improving product differentiation forms
More companies feel they can’t afford to ignore alternative the basis of sustaining innovation and longevity of board design,
approaches for riding the changes that new and emerging then ownership is everything!
technologies will bring. Soft design is making a lot of sense Embracing every aspect of board-level design is another
and progressively coming into its own. Considering external important strategy, taking full advantage of the growing
pressures, hardware-based design is too constrained and clearly requirement for engineers to be multifaceted. Engineers are
not cutting it. Business strategies need to actively plan for expected to be able to do more and balance more aspects of the
internal changes that include innovation as well as return on design process than before. As an example, the 2008 Embedded
investment (ROI) because the market is changing too quickly Market Study from Tech Insights/Embedded Systems Design
to know if long-term plans will be enough. reports that the average number of software engineers to
hardware engineers has more than doubled – a revealing statistic
Strategies for innovation, not investment about the changing role of engineers in today’s design process!
Strategies then that focus on innovation for achieving Not only do companies need to provide environments that
product differentiation are just as important as those for ROI, engage their engineering talent in differing design approaches,
and in certain respects more important. Distinct advantages but they also need to do so in such a way that allows them to
need to be evident and realized immediately and not just in be fully focused creating device intelligence. This in turn helps
five years time. Companies need to re-evaluate existing design engineers diversify from conventional roles by building skill sets
strategies and decide if they can accomplish more with a new which ultimately feed back to the company as both short and
design philosophy. Whether or not current strategies can effect long-term gains.
the necessary changes for innovation can be easily determined. Having design unified as a single process makes team
Does the existing strategy include the ownership of communication and workflows easier. The traditional model
intellectual property (IP)? This is a big one. A traditional model relies heavily on a silo form of communication where groups of
where many people collaborate throughout the design process people work independently of each other and have no visibility
makes the claim of ownership tenuous. In a market where or knowledge of the needs of another group. When close cross-

38 The Way Forward 2009


Most design tools today are still based on the integration of various point tools which don’t
focus on device intelligence.

collaboration is required, communicating this way can be slow the old design school-silo model and it doesn’t focus on device
and inefficient. It might eventually result in a better board intelligence. These approaches can’t keep you ahead in the
design, but it’s hardly the ideal approach needed for continuous innovation game. In today’s market, it’s important to do more
innovation and getting to market faster. than just survive and continue managing complexity. Strategies
Lastly, being able to reconfigure soft processors offers need to put innovation first in the design process which then
product delivery advantages such as having multiple points achieves real ROI.
of contact with customers, making updates at any time and A company can boost their mainstream development
licensing flexibility. These are of particular value to internet significantly by allowing all aspects of electronic product
and wireless technologies. Reprogrammable devices also let development to be designed and managed within a single
engineers ‘see’ what they develop as an instant proof of concept. system. This effectively speeds the transition from design to
This allows exploring different ways of achieving results that are production. A unified approach allows designers to focus on
cost-effective without being committed to a specific form of higher-level applications, see the product as they are building it
implementation. At each point in the development process, the and reuse both their existing work and third-party technology.
company has tangible ownership which translates into definable All of which is without sacrificing innovation or increasing
value and increased options. It may even open up additional design times.
business avenues later. Market drivers are compelling us to make choices about how
Only minimal effort then is required to move the final we will deal with changes and may well force the issue. Current
design to production which brings products to market quicker. economic downtrends can be seen as more of an opportunity
Strategies that include off-the-shelf, reconfigurable hardware to break away from a piecemeal approach and towards one that
platforms as part of the deployment mechanism avoid the need is viable for continuous and sustained innovation in electronics
for full, custom board designs except when necessary. design. It’s a situation where companies that don’t take note
of how design is changing and continue falling back onto old
Staying ahead in the game philosophies are more likely to end up with the losing hand to
Many design approaches still rely on integrating various those who do.
point tools instead of putting mutual-interest technologies Published: Industrial Control DesignLine, Europe, September ‘08; EE Times,
into a single solution. But going with these puts you back in China, September ‘08; and Elektronik I Norden, Norway, October ‘08

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 39

In a highly competitive global industry,
where change is inevitable and innovation rules,
the time has come for a hard, fresh look at the
way we design electronics products.

40 The Way Forward 2009

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 41
a break for a moment
and clear your thoughts of the
project you’re working on. Now,
focus on the dynamic industry you work in and ask yourself
where the market-competitive value of your designs actually lies,
and where should it be in the future. The answer – invariably
in the ‘soft’ elements of those designs – is a direct reflection of
the state of the electronics design industry itself, which, by its
very nature, is in a condition of rapid and ongoing evolutionary
change. Maintaining the competitive, differentiating edge in
your designs means it’s essential to recognize and embrace those
changes by evolving the way you design – the alternative is to
watch the industry pass you by.
Now contemplate what the design industry will be like
twelve months or even two years from now. Like everyone in
the industry you’ll have an opinion on this, because it’s a key
factor of business success and in some cases sheer survival. That
future view will be markedly different from today – which is a
given – but perhaps the real question is how will you and your
company adapt to that change? And have you actually begun to
cope with trends in the industry as it stands today?
The current state of the industry and the changing design
landscape provide key indicators that help us all come to
grips with those questions and highlights a series of
developments that are profoundly influencing the future path of
electronic design.

The framework of change

Perhaps the foremost reality for the electronics industry is
the world-scale revolution in the way many products, or key
elements of those products, are now designed, manufactured
and distributed. The effect of this change is all around you, in
the form of low-cost electronic products that have now become
‘commodity’ items. Irrespective of their development origins,
they have been transformed from a unique product to a universal,
low-cost product that applies to a worldwide market.
Whether it’s a DVD player, industrial controller or a display
sub-assembly, globalization – the move to a single, highly
competitive world marketplace – creates an environment where
commodity products pour onto the world market from the
most cost-effective manufacturing regions. For both big and
small companies worldwide this also opens the opportunity to The result is an expansion – and marked increase in complexity
outsource cost-sensitive processes, typically manufacturing and – of traditional electronics design tools and added pressure on
distribution, on a world scale. This move to ‘off-shoring’ and the design engineers to extend their skill-base and knowledge to
general trend to global product commoditization has generated deal with the revolving door of new technology. These factors
entire categories of products that can only be differentiated from conspire to place electronics designers in a position of using an
each other on price. expanded set of traditional design paradigms that struggle to
Along with the breakdown of localized market strategies and cope with this new complexity.
the continuing chase for lower production costs, the electronics In the final analysis the drive to reduce costs for a price-
industry is undergoing an era of unprecedented technological competitive market edge can only compromise the quality
change. This has been driven by factors such as the increasing of design content, hardware and, most importantly, the level
‘connectivity’ of electronic products and, in particular, the advent of unique innovation that can be instilled in a product. This
of low-cost, large-scale programmable devices. coupled with the pressure to reduce design cycle times – driven
In short, reprogrammable devices such as FPGAs by the need to get to market ahead of competitors – means
have created a revolution in the way products are today’s designers are forced to develop products in ways that do
designed by offering an open-ended platform for not harness the most valuable skills in their armory: innovation
creating complex ‘soft’ hardware in the programmable design and vision.
space. Along with the possibilities this creates it has also To break down the barriers that stand in the way of fully
heralded an area of multidisciplinary design where each harnessing the latest technology we need to take a critical look
of the traditional design processes must intimately and at electronics design, how the process is currently tackled and
coherently interact. how it must change.

42 The Way Forward 2009

Exploring design myths
Conventional thinking in today’s market suggests that valid
product differentiators are the ability to produce a product at
Programmable devices such
the lowest possible cost and in the least time. On the surface
this seems a reasonable strategy, but these factors should not be as FPGAs have revolutionized
confused with real product differentiators that are sustainable.
The reality is they are company ‘survival drivers’ rather than the way we design by allowing
factors that deliver a long-term competitive advantage in today’s
market, or that of the future. the majority of hardware
Let’s take the familiar ‘time-to market’ factor for example,
which must be short as a basic business requirement, but is
commonly thought of as a path to competitive success – beat
(including processors, memory
the opposition into the market and you’ve achieved a critical,
dominating edge. On the contrary, all getting to market first
and peripheral blocks) to be
will deliver is a product differentiation ‘window’, which is simply
a time period when you have a product or feature that your instantiated as embedded
competitor does not.
Unfortunately, this is a temporary achievement by its very ‘soft’ hardware.
nature, since other market players will follow and that perceived
advantage is negated. A more worrying aspect of this approach

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 43

though, is that a single-minded drive to be first to market Design conventions
will inevitably quash innovation and compromise product Beyond the business marketing strategies that affect how
development quality, which is a high price to pay for a short- products are designed it’s also worth critically looking at
term competitive advantage. the traditional understanding of the processes involved. The
In a similar way, focusing on low-cost manufacturing as a path increasing use of programmable devices and a soft-centric
to competitive success leads to a direct confrontation with the approach to design has challenged many of the fundamental
realities of today’s global market. Again, only one player can offer tenets of the electronic design process.
the perceived advantage of offering a product at the lowest price, Take for example the historically linked concept that
and it’s only a matter of time before an even cheaper alternative electronic product design is a linear, sequential process that starts
arrives on the market to hijack that product differentiator. Low- with the physical hardware and progresses to the software that
cost manufacture, like short product development times, is a resides on it. This design paradigm has its roots in the concept
basic requirement of doing business rather than a sustainable that the board layout defines the value of a design – which
competitive edge in today’s industry. indeed it did, many years ago – and software adds functionality
Real and sustainable product differentiation lies in the way a to that platform. Today, this traditional design methodology and
product looks, feels and functions. A product’s look and feel – the tools that support it force designers to lock in the choice
the form of the design – make it stand out from its competitors of hardware, including programmable devices, at the beginning
through a unique identity. While this is important, its value of the design cycle. The soft elements of the design – both
as a sustainable differentiator is diluted by the fact that it’s programmable hardware and embedded software – can then
relatively easy to copy. Where the true long-term value lies is be implemented on that hardware platform, but within the
in the functional aspects of the design, which determine the restrictions of the selected hardware devices.
way it operates and interacts with the customer, and the way To be blunt, this is now all backwards. Since the true value of
it connects the customer to you and the rest of the world – this today’s products is increasingly defined by the soft elements of
in turn is determined by the more secure ‘soft’ elements of the the design, this is the focal point of product development and the
design, which host the product’s functional ‘intelligence’. place to start. The physical hardware platform needed to support

44 The Way Forward 2009

When developed using an
advanced unified design system,
a product’s functional intelligence
can be easily defined in the
soft domain then deployed on
a custom or predefined OTS
hardware platform.

progression is a move to off-the-shelf (OTS) hardware solutions

that can be used to support a design’s core intelligence. In this
way, precious product design time can be redirected towards
creating unique and innovative solutions that provide true
market differentiation.

A new approach
Ultimately, real and sustainable market differentiation is
delivered by the design intelligence that delivers the unique
behavior, functions and connectivity to today’s products. When
exclusively held in the soft content of a product it is more secure
or difficult to copy, can easily be updated at any time – both
the hardware and software content – and potentially disconnects
a design from the shackles of a predetermined hardware
The change in thinking needed here is to turn traditional
design inside out by focusing first and foremost on the soft design
intelligence that defines a product. Then as the design progresses
or even when it is complete, determining the physical hardware
that supports it. The physical aspects of the design – the way it
is deployed to the market – might be in any number of forms,
including a complete OTS hardware device, an assembled set of
that design intelligence should be created later or along the way, OTS hardware modules or a traditional custom-built PCB.
as its requirements become clearer and more fully understood. What’s even more compelling is the prospect of OTS
In this way the software base and performance requirements of hardware that is directly supported by both the design software
the final design are no longer restricted by the choice of devices and the hardware development platform you use to develop and
and hardware, freeing designers to focus and innovate in the test the product. Design carried out in that environment can
area that delivers meaningful product differentiation within the then directly and seamlessly translate into the final product. If
market – the functional intelligence of that design. the system is also independent of device vendors the door opens
The overall perception of today’s design practices is in many to a flexible, soft-centric design approach that allows designers to
ways based on the outdated concept that the essence of a design innovate without the barriers imposed by hardware constraints
– its core software and programmable hardware elements – is or the complexity and inefficiency of traditional design tools.
inescapably linked with the physical hardware platform that In a highly competitive, global industry where change is
supports it. A fundamental, fixed bond between that design inevitable and innovation rules, the time has come for a hard,
IP and the hardware it resides on is a concept that fails under fresh look at the way we design electronic products.Technological
scrutiny as design moves into the soft domain of programmable change, if you embrace it, is your ally in producing products
hardware and embedded software, where the IP is being that deliver long-term competitive differentiation when a soft-
progressively disconnected from the physical platform it resides focused design paradigm is applied and hardware takes a back,
on. The platform now primarily acts as a vessel for the defining supporting seat.
soft elements of a design and provides hardware peripherals to This is indeed the future, as all the global business trends,
interface that intelligence to the outside world. advances in technology and consumer demands clearly indicate
With the very essence of a design – the device intelligence – no crystal ball required. It’s ultimately up to you to respond
and its encompassed functional elements – existing in the soft to a fundamental truth of the electronics industry: rapid and
domain, the necessity of a custom-designed PCB is also squarely ongoing technological change is inevitable, and those that don’t
under the spotlight. As the hardware peripheral sections a embrace it cannot remain competitive.
board commonly holds become design commodities, the logical Published: PCB 007, US, May ‘08

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 45

46 The Way Forward 2009

by designing from scratch to reinvent the wheel. On the
doesn’t take too much other hand, any new and unique ‘wheel’ you might create
analysis of today’s electronics products to notice in physical hardware is very easy for others to copy.
that the competitive value in the majority of those Where the value of design now lies, and where the prime
designs lies in the ‘soft’ domain. Or more specifically, focus of design effort should lie, is in the soft elements of
in the software-defined elements that characterize the product’s a design that define its competitive advantage. Today, this is
function and user experience. Since the birth and widespread a product’s true IP – its ‘device intelligence’. However,
adoption of microprocessors, the trend towards software-centric in conventional design flows the initial part of the design
design has continued at a rapid pace to the point where a product’s cycle is directed toward creating the physical hardware
physical hardware now takes a supportive back-seat role. It now platform to support those software elements. Meaningful
acts as a host and external interface for the software that defines software development can’t proceed until a hardware
a product, rather than determining the unique aspects of that prototype is available, so a number of key device hardware
product in its own right. decisions must be made first, then a suitable platform
The development of a product’s physical hardware, while designed and created.
still important, has become part of the design process that adds Unfortunately though, just how suitable that hardware
little sustainable differentiation to the final result. An indication really is can become somewhat of a lottery, because the ‘soft’
of this hardware design trend can be seen in the ubiquitous elements it must support are yet to be developed. As that
contents of today’s circuit boards, which generally contain software development progresses, the required capabilities of the
processors, interface peripherals and supporting glue logic – and hardware platform will become clearer, yet its configuration has
in an ever-increasing number of designs, programmable devices already been locked when the initial prototype was created.
such as FPGAs. It may become obvious, for example, that the design will
The majority of those hardware devices and blocks of circuitry benefit from (or indeed, only be achievable with) a different
have become universal or ‘commodity’ items that are available to type of microprocessor or programmable device. The options
everyone, and do not deliver any unique properties to the overall are to create a revised hardware prototype – and possibly a
design. One keypad interface or USB port is pretty much like series of them – to achieve the intended product performance
any other, so there’s no point wasting valuable design time and behavior, or compromise the final result by sticking to

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 47

48 The Way Forward 2009
Along with core blocks of functional
logic, soft IP includes microprocessors,
peripherals and memory, so everything
you need is ready to go, regardless of the
hardware platform.

that hardware. The reality is that the core design functionality itself to the current choice of programmable device.
is being held back by the predetermined hardware platform, In a conventional design flow, however, changing to a different
and changing it would cause a significant delay in the product FPGA means that the design requires significant re-engineering
development time. to suit the new programmable device. This is because the
design-to-device targeting information that needs to change
Putting hardware in its place – timing requirements, place and route data and port to pin
In many ways, this product development approach is mapping – is generally contained within the source design
completely backwards. Conventional design flows, and in files. However, if that linking information is stored in separate
particular those based on embedded design tools from FPGA design ‘constraint’ files, the design is configured to the target
vendors, reinforce the problem by dictating a sequential and FPGA in a more flexible way. A new constraint file will target
limited approach to design. The overall process is based on a the design to a different FPGA, allowing the design source to
collection of separate and isolated design tools. Each completed remain largely unchanged and independent of the device it is
task must be handed over to the next then reinterpreted in that implemented on.
domain, and the choice of physical hardware devices is limited A comprehensive approach to multi-device compatibility can
by the partisan nature of the vendor tools. also extend to library collections of embedded IP. If the function
Perhaps the main barrier to a soft-centric approach to blocks and components in the IP libraries are pre-synthesized
product design, in a nutshell, is that current tools and design and verified to suit the architecture of all supported devices,
flows lock the development of software and physical hardware the embedded design can be easily developed from ready-to-go
together. What’s needed is a way to isolate the defining IP of the blocks of circuitry without having to worry about the underlying
design – the device intelligence that determines its functionality device architecture. Along with core blocks of functional logic,
and competitive value – from the hardware platform and devices this soft IP would include microprocessors, peripherals and
that support it. memory, so everything you need is ready to go, regardless of the
This requires the use of a design system that raises the hardware platform.
abstraction of the design processes to a point where the Another level of unlocking the soft elements of a design from
design IP is not tied to particular physical hardware devices, the hardware that supports it is implementing design abstraction
microprocessors or even proprietary IP cores. Such a system layers into the embedded hardware design itself. Library
would allow designers to focus first and foremost on creating a components featuring the Wishbone OpenBUS standard can
product’s core design intelligence. be included to ‘normalize’ the interfaces between processors,
memory and peripherals to simplify and speed up the design
High-level design tools process. What’s more, library-based hardware interface cores
The starting point for a design system that frees designers to can be introduced to ‘wrap’ around predefined processors and
create a product’s key functionality is one that is independent peripherals, providing an isolating layer between the existing
of FPGA vendor or device. Unlike conventional IDE toolsets interface arrangement and a hardware Wishbone bus. The
from device vendors, a ‘neutral’ embedded development system low-level hardware interface complexity is then handled by the
allows designers to both choose and change the programmable system rather than the designer.
device to suit the software under development, rather than the These configurable hardware interface cores allow third-party
other way around. or vendor IP blocks (and even discrete hardware processors) to
Such a system can achieve this capability by providing be dropped into a design easily and changed at will. Changing
matching driver files and hardware libraries for each supported to a different processor IP block causes minimal impact to the
programmable device. The drivers can automatically supply the surrounding hardware, and when backed by compiler toolchains
design system with full knowledge of the target architecture for all supported processors, the embedded software can remain
such as programming information, pin-out capabilities and intact. Again, the core design intelligence is not intimately
boundary scan data, while the library files provide the physical bound to the physical and embedded hardware, which reduces
and graphical models for the device. The system can also be complexity and allows hardware decisions to be made much
supported by a hardware development board featuring plug-in later in the design cycle.
device boards, allowing the entire design system to simply align Simplifying the embedded hardware structure and design

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 49

When an embedded
development system
coexists with physical
hardware design tools
in a unified product
development system, the
high-level design processes
can permeate through
the complete design

processes in this way means that complex processor-based of the design – where its true value lies – is largely independent
embedded systems can be created and changed easily.The division of the hardware that supports it, it can be implemented on
between hardware and software is more flexible, allowing the different hardware platforms that might deliver benefits such as
partition to be moved throughout the design cycle rather than be improved performance, a simpler implementation or even lower
locked at the beginning of the embedded development process. costs. With each change, the re-engineering required would be
It also opens the possibility of implementing high-level systems minimal or even non-existent because the design’s embedded
that translate software algorithms into hardware co-processors, intelligence is not implicitly bound to the physical hardware.
so the options can be compared and selected accordingly. Again,
the low-level hardware complexity is removed from the design Systems for success
decisions and processes, allowing the designer to focus on Raising the level of design abstraction delivers benefits
creating a product’s unique functionality. that go way beyond providing more accessible design capture
systems. When the abstracted processes reach down to a system
Capturing innovation level where hardware complexity is dealt with by ‘smart’ software
With high-level ‘abstracted’ interface systems in place, layers, rather than merely being hidden, the process of creating
the opportunity then exists to raise the abstraction level of a design’s functionality can be separated from the physical
the embedded design capture system itself. This is possible hardware it will be implemented on.
because the complexity of the hardware architecture has been Furthermore, if that embedded development system coexists
hidden, core hardware and device components can be changed with physical hardware design tools in a unified product
without forcing a redesign, and most importantly the software- development system, the high-level design processes can
based functionality of the design has been unlocked from the permeate through the complete design environment. A single
hardware platform. Because the low-level design considerations design model is used for the entire design, so components and
are now taken care of by the design system itself, the focus can connectivity are reflected through all domains. For example, the
be redirected towards developing a design’s core functional high-level system that responds to a change in FPGA device
elements by using high-level capture interfaces. can implement the reconfiguration at a physical hardware level
At a practical level, the arcane nature of HDL entry can give as well as at an embedded hardware level.
way to simpler embedded design capture systems that raise the The end result is a design system that streamlines and
level of design abstraction. These might take a graphical flow simplifies the product development process from conception
diagram approach, or even use a schematic capture system where though to the finished product. A high level of design abstraction,
functional blocks of IP can be moved around and interconnected when implemented through the entire design system, removes
in a familiar way. the need to define and create the physical hardware prior to
When coupled with an underlying system that uses software developing a product’s software-defined functional intelligence.
layers to segregate and configure the supporting hardware, high- It is the unique ‘soft’ functionality implemented in a design
level design capture systems can directly deal with the embedded that delivers sustainable product differentiation, and not the
elements that define product functionality. The hardware nature of the physical hardware that it resides on. Today’s
platform is not a prime consideration and can be dealt with later, electronics design tools must provide high-level systems that
when the product’s form and function have been developed to unlock that functionality from the shackles of a predefined
a mature state. hardware platform, allowing designers to focus on creating the
The separation of design functionality from physical hardware intelligent, connected products of tomorrow.
also offers a high-level of design portability where multiple Published: Military & Aerospace Electronics, US, March ‘09
hardware configurations are easy to explore. Because the core IP

50 The Way Forward 2009

Reducing production costs and
advancing productivity when
developing industrial automation.

"Altium Designer is
a fully featured, cost-
effective solution that
Industrial automation specialist
Siemens Karlsruhe Automation and Drives develops complete
has allowed us to take systems for advanced control of factory operations and processes.

control of our board The complex and highly networked automation systems used
in today’s large industrial environments introduced the need for
development needs. the Industrial IT division’s Simulation and Testing (S & T) arm to
develop a range of specialized network gateway and system
Capabilities such as simulation units. These are typically a year in development and
advanced pin swapping are based on Xilinx FPGAs with embedded PowerPC processors.
They offer a high level of on-board intelligence and interface to
backed up by excellent advanced industrial ethernet (field bus) systems such as Profinet
customer support have via an embedded Linux OS.

allowed us to improve By electing to move the major electronic design tasks in-house,
Siemens Karlsruhe S&T needed to find a design system that
our productivity while would provide the latest technology and design techniques –
reducing costs." such as efficient FPGA pin optimization – while offering low TCO
and high productivity. In preference to competing systems already
Hans-Jürgen Strohbach, in use within the Siemens Karlsruhe group, Altium Designer was
I&S IT, the division’s design solution of choice.
Siemens Karlsruhe AG Altium Designer was selected for its in-house design and board
layout capabilities. Compared to competing solutions, it offered
a high ROI through its competitive pricing and comprehensive
feature set, while the advanced FPGA capabilities and unified
design flow provided the design efficiencies required to meet the
division’s tight development schedules.
Along with advanced IO management and design
synchronization, Altium Designer’s unified design environment
provides a natively efficient system for pin swapping with FPGA
devices. This is of particular advantage with designs utilizing
large-scale FPGAs – such as those typically developed by Siemens
Karlsruhe S&T – where pin-position optimization can deliver
substantial reductions in board real estate and number of layers.
Since introducing Altium Designer for its in-house electronic
design and board layout, Siemens Karlsruhe S&T has successfully
completed advanced designs for network gateway devices,
automation emulation boards and simulation units such as
the SIMBA PNIO ‘factory in a box’ device. Although extremely
complex, the SIMBA PNIO simulation unit was the first project
developed with Altium Designer – it was fully developed and
manufactured within deadline and to budget.
During the product development process, the division
engineers benefited from Altium Designer’s advanced
board-level capabilities that feature native data
connectivity with FPGA-based designs. The design
staff also appreciates the system’s intuitive user
interface, productive unified design flow and
Altium’s customer support services, described by
staff as “excellent”.

S3 Focus on the Soft Domain 51

52 The Way Forward 2009
PCB design
S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 53
a fundamental shift
that redefined how products are created,
the transition of engineering design from
manual drafting based methodologies to
Computer-aided Design (CAD) has transformed design
in virtually all branches of engineering. The application of
CAD in the electronics industry is no exception, and has
revolutionized the way engineers work and the products
that can be developed. You won’t find too many engineers
that would be willing to go back to the old methods.
What you would be going back to is laying out strips of tape
and sticking graphics shapes on a flat sheet to create the tracks,
footprints and connections that represent the electrical version
of the design’s schematic. The birth of ECAD – as in other
engineering branches – was essentially the wholesale transfer
of that traditional process into the computer software domain.
ECAD applications have evolved at a rapid pace since that
time, but the roots are firmly planted in the two-dimensional
approach of working with board layouts as an essentially ‘top-
down’ process.
The original 2D mindset was all that was needed to design
simple, single-layer boards where there was little concern
for component dimensions beyond the basic footprint area.
Today’s complex board designs bear little resemblance to their
predecessors, and have evolved to a point where virtually all
boards involve multiple layers with electrical connections in
the vertical dimension. This and the need to consider the space
and position occupied by component bodies from a mechanical,
thermal and visual design perspective means we are actually
‘working’ in 3D when designing PCBs – at least, we are from
conceptual standpoint.

The third dimension

To deal with this added dimension of design complexity,
advanced ECAD applications have evolved to cope by adding
features such as the ability to switch between color-coded layers,
alter layer transparencies and even render a 3D image of the
board as a post-design check.
The need to consider all dimensions is not unique to ECAD,
however, and it’s an interesting exercise to consider the parallel
development of CAD systems in the other engineering disciplines.
Many of those engineering fields, for example mechanical and
architectural design, also have their roots in a two-dimensional
drafting approach but the CAD tools evolved to incorporate 3D
capabilities over 20 years ago. As a result the accepted – or even
‘normal’ – way to inspect, alter and review the design of say a new
car or building is in an interactive 3D CAD environment.
To be fair though, ECAD is still a largely a 2D engineering
exercise where a ‘flat’ circuit board is ultimately created from
multiple ‘flat’ layers, and in some cases 3D versions of the design
might be passed to the MCAD environment for checking.
Indeed, it’s not that surprising that ECAD systems have
traditionally offered minimal 3D capabilities when compared to
their engineering CAD peers.
While it has previously taken a low profile, however, there
is no question that 3D is playing a more important role in
electronic product design as board complexity increases, so
today’s CAD systems need to offer meaningful capabilities in
this area. We have the situation where engineers are visualizing
in 3D while they design; the end goal – a board assembly – is a
3D entity, but the design tool being used is restricted to the 2D

54 The Way Forward 2009

Keep one
ahead of
the competition

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 55
realm. The computer hardware being used is most likely capable
of rendering real-time 3D images thanks to modern graphics
cards and the standard DirectX® software interface, so it is
technically possible and there are no real cost penalties in
this approach.

Let’s go 3D
When implemented in ECAD, the ability to view and
manipulate a board design in a real-time 3D environment
opens up a range of practical and workflow advantages that
allow you to make more informed design decisions and work
in a more intuitive way. In the same way that CAD systems
in other engineering fields let you view a 3D rendered version
of the design from all angles, including the inside of objects,
3D ECAD lets you see a realistic view of every aspect of the
complete board.
In real terms this means the capability to ‘fly’ around and
inside the board in real time, while viewing fully rendered pads,
cut-outs, via barrels, solder mask expansions, silk screen overlays,
plus tented and hidden vias from either the board surface or
internally. Having such a realistic view of all board details
allows you to accurately inspect the board prior to manufacture,
which makes it easier to detect design faults and make decisions
regarding board surface overlays and coating finishes.
As the board design is being developed, having 3D
capabilities also means you can directly view the board’s internal
layer stackup for making more accurate spacing judgments
when placing blind or buried vias. Zooming and rotating around

3D Visualization the external view of board also helps you make more informed
decisions when placing components – for example by helping
you visualize the airflow around the board when making thermal

will help judgments, or by simply providing a realistic view of the board

assembly for aesthetic ‘fine tuning’.
If 3D visualization is a unified part of the board editing
you get the system, the option exists to make edits while using multiple and
mixed views of the board layout in both 2D and 3D formats.
By including a configurable viewing panel, the system could
connectivity be arranged to show say a static internal view of a board area
while external changes are being made to that section in a real-

and physical time 3D viewing panel. Other possibilities that can make board
design easier, more realistic and faster include A-A and B-B
cross-section slices of the board, the ability to see and color 3D

attributes component bodies, plus the ability save and load custom 2D/3D
view configurations.

of your design A new dimension in board design

From a product design perspective an ECAD system with

right the
real-time 3D capabilities can help to keep one step ahead of
the competition by allowing you to produce a more visually
professional result with fewer board revisions. A full and realistic

first time. view of the board is available at all times during development,
allowing you to make accurate visual design judgments and trap
errors before they propagate through to the manufacturing stage.
Ultimately, this allows you to produce a better-designed board
in less time, which reduces costs and makes your board stand
out in the market – a considerable advantage for board design
contractors in particular.
Beyond the direct practical advantages developing PCBs
using real-time 3D, it is simply a more natural and tactile way
to work since you are manipulating and viewing a realistic
representation of the final result. This adds up to a more enjoyable

56 The Way Forward 2009

user experience that will allow you to work faster and produce To help you navigate the board in 3D mode, Altium Designer
superior results. includes an innovative ‘3D sphere’ feature that helps you to
PCB layout engineers and designers have actually been control the direction to spin and rotation of the board in the 3D
working in the 3D space since single-layer boards gave way space, plus new fast mouse zooming and panning configurations.
to multi-layer designs all those years ago. It’s just that the 3D These features help you move around in the 3D environment
visualizing has been happening in engineers’ heads rather than in an intuitive way, but this can be taken to the next step by
in the software tools they’ve been using. With everything in investing in a latest generation 3D navigation device like the
place for 3D-based board development to be a reality – the ‘SpaceNavigator’ 3D mouse from 3Dconnexions. This device is
need, the concepts and computer hardware – all that’s required fully supported in Altium Designer, and when combined with
is ECAD software that seamlessly supports it in the board the real-time graphics of PCB Visualization, lets you experience
layout environment. the freedom of feeling like you are directly reaching into the
Altium has taken this step forward by including advanced 3D display and exploring the design in a detailed 3D world.
visualization in its latest product release – Altium Designer 6.8. Altium Designer’s 3D Visualization offers a new and
By taking advantage of DirectX capabilities, PCB Visualization enhanced way to work with PCBs – one that also signals a future
allows you to customize and configure the design view for both path for ECAD, which is becoming increasingly connected to
2D and 3D displays so that you can inspect and edit objects the interdependent role that MCAD plays in electronic product
such as pads, via barrels, tented vias (both on the surface and development. From an immediate perspective though, 3D
internally) from a 3D perspective – and all in high detail. Visualization will help you get the connectivity and physical
Three simultaneous 3D views are available in a fully attributes of your design right the first time by providing an
configurable 3D Visualization panel, which includes the ability unprecedented level of reality when viewing PCB assemblies.
to define board cross-sections and the depth of 3D detail by The 3D environment is also a more natural and easy place
varying the level of ‘through-board’ opacity. These settings to work in, and even offers the prospect of making complex
can also be saved so you can recall favorite 2D/3D view PCB design enjoyable – one you’ve tried it, you’ll find it hard to
setups easily. go back.
The real-time 3D viewing capabilities of Altium Designer Published: Embedded Journal, US, March ‘08 and Electronik Praxis, Germany,
are further enhanced by the ability to set up the colors of the February ‘08
workspace, copper, and component bodies (as defined by a 3D
footprint attribute) on the board. Opacity and color setting also
can be specified for Solder Masks, Board Core, and Silkscreen,
allowing you to define exactly how the board assembly is
displayed in 3D.

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 57
removing 25 years of pain

58 The Way Forward 2009

IN today’s worldwide
market, designers are
frustrated with the barriers
created by outdated ideas
of discrete design disciplines.
They simply want to design
superior products that beat
the competition. And they
want a solution that’s easy
to use, and that allows them
to focus on designing the
intelligence in their products.

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 59
In today’s products the electronic
and mechanical aspects of
the design are intimately
connected and interdependent.

T he pressure to create the next generation of electronic

products in less time is forcing designers to critically reassess
the overall product development process – from concept right
case was designed to conform to the physical properties of the
electronic assembly it houses. Today, the relationship between
a product’s electronic and mechanical design has matured to
through to manufacture. Fueled by the ongoing evolution of the point where the situation is pretty much reversed – the
electronics technology, the pressure to produce smaller, smarter, electronic assemblies are now designed to physically comply
more connected products that deliver a competitive edge in the with the intended case format.
market now means considering all parts of the product design What’s changed is that today’s competitive products – those
process as a whole. that are different because they are remarkable, or desirable, or
The mechanical and electronic design attributes that perhaps first – are more than ever defined by the user experience,
differentiate a product from its competitors have been which can be described by that product’s form and function. This
traditionally considered within their separate domains, then critical connection between the product and user is defined by
forced to work together as an overall product. And it’s the factors such as aesthetics, ergonomics and its functional behavior,
combined distinctiveness of those elements that create today’s which are in turn established by the mechanical (MCAD) and
unique, connected products. It also raises the question of how electrical (ECAD) design of that product.
products should be connected to deliver unique benefits to those As designs become more sophisticated, intelligent and
that use and service a device or machine. What is now needed connected, the concept of high-level design has emerged in the
is to view the bigger picture of the design process, with all form of system designers in the ECAD world and industrial
elements working together, across all design disciplines. designers in the MCAD domain. Together, they determine how
An increasingly important need in product development is device intelligence, design, function and form combine and work
dynamic interaction between the electronic and mechanical together to create the products we all use.
aspects of a design, where the incessant need for smaller and more The mechanical aspects of designs now profoundly influence
functional packaging forces the two to be intimately connected the electronic design more than ever, influencing or defining
– in both the physical sense and in their development. board shape, size and component positioning, but in many cases
Board assemblies now typically hold all of the external also determining the type of components used and even how
hardware such as connectors, keypads and displays while the the software behaves. This trend makes the interaction between
product case assembly neatly exposes these to the user. This the domains more important than ever, since the competitive
physical interface is also where the product’s design intelligence success of a product can now hinge on the effectiveness of that
inside the box meets the user. The two domains are inescapably ECAD-MCAD cooperation. We need processes that work
linked. It has been a long time since an electronic product’s together, rather than just connect together.

60 The Way Forward 2009

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 61
the star of the
show is clearance
checking, or
in other terms
the process of
‘materials fit’.

25 years of relationship trouble of weak data exchange formats. Dedicated CAD translation
In practice the need for ECAD and MCAD design data programs generally offer a better approach, thanks to more
transfer has been addressed at a simple level by the use of rigidly defined formats and data filtering options that allow you
common file formats that pass basic dimensional information to specify what objects are included for transfer. Unfortunately,
between the design applications in each domain. however, it is often a case of two steps forward and two steps
The development of 3D MCAD design during the 1970s, and back due to the added layer of translation complexity inserted
then solid modeling in the ‘80s, tracked a somewhat rough path into the process.
in the evolution of the data exchange file formats, particularly The approach can, for example, make the translation process
from the ECAD perspective. The result is an ECAD-MCAD version-sensitive because of its intimate ties to the MCAD-
design flow that tends to exist at only a basic level and relies ECAD applications, and it certainly adds another licensing cost
on a range of different file exchange formats, depending on the to the overall design system. The linked (OLE, API) version
MCAD and ECAD applications in use. of the translator programs can offer a more integrated solution
And this was always predicated on the two disciplines by bolting itself into the MCAD or ECAD application, but
remaining discrete. Traditionally this means the dimensional the trade-off is that it then becomes ‘version-critical’ and the
and object positioning data from one application are processed MCAD-ECAD applications must be loaded on the same PC
and transferred to the other via a range of 2D and 3D file platform so the OLE/API interconnections can be established.
formats, as ‘milestone’ events. With each of these steps suitable
design modifications are made, and another data exchange may A unified solution
then be instigated to confirm those modifications, resulting in a As with other engineering processes that have evolved to
rather cumbersome, sequential process that does not encourage cater for a growing need, it’s worth taking a higher level view of
MCAD-ECAD design collaboration. the desired result those processes aspire to provide. As it stands,
Another approach to the problem has been the use of the existing solutions attempt to bridge the MCAD-ECAD
separate, third-party design translators to ease file compatibility gap though a maze of file formats and applications designed
issues (IDF, for example, is sparsely supported in the MCAD to stitch processes together. What’s basically needed, however,
world) and make the process more flexible. These often provide from a process point of view, is the ability to design and position
import/export options in the native format of the ECAD- correctly sized objects in both domains so that the overall design
MCAD applications, and in some cases connect directly into fits together as intended.
those programs using object linking (OLEs) or programming In essence, then, the star of the show is clearance checking,
interfaces (APIs). or in other terms the process of ‘materials fit’. This part of
To date both these approaches have fallen short of the ideal. the design process is generally undertaken in the MCAD
With the basic file exchange setup, data translation errors are environment, where an imported 3D rendition of the PCB
frequent due to limitations and inconsistencies in the exchange assembly is placed within the MCAD design. Clash-detection
format itself and there is little control over the degree of data sent within that environment then determines the success of that fit
– too much or too little is equally problematic. But above all the and, if necessary, board modification data can then be sent back
process is generally clunky and marred by the incompatibilities to the ECAD domain.

62 The Way Forward 2009

What’s been needed at a fundamental level then is a reliable, task can be resolved in real time within the ECAD domain.
comprehensive and convenient way to transfer that data This system would match and potentially exceed the capabilities
between the domains. Fortunately the development of 3D data of the equivalent process in the MCAD environment, enabling
transfer protocols has moved to the next level with the relatively genuine concurrent design between the domains.
new STEP format, which is a data-rich and extremely robust Such an approach significantly reduces the complexity and
protocol designed for 3D design and manufacturing processes. number of MCAD-ECAD design iterations that are required
STEP is now supported by most MCAD systems and the by existing systems. In an ideal world the iterations might be
introduction of bi-directional support within the ECAD eliminated by a single, huge design environment that caters for
domain offers the potential to eliminate the 3D data translation both MCAD and ECAD design. But while this is not a practical
problems in one ‘step’. STEP files can be large, but this can be reality with current technology, file exchange processes can be
easily constrained if the ECAD system also offers an intelligent reduced or even eliminated by linking to 3D data files rather
range of object filtering options in the translation interface. Along than embedding that data within the ECAD design files.
with file compatibility benefits, this approach also removes the In workflow terms this means that the ECAD application
complications and expense of third-party applications, and does simply loads data from an external 3D STEP file that has been
not suffer from MCAD-ECAD application version issues. generated by the MCAD application. The PCB editor can then
Focusing again on the fundamental need, it also becomes alert the user when that external file changes – in response to an
clear that a significant part of the problem needs to be solved update from the MCAD domain – then update the object in
in the ECAD domain, particularly if true concurrent ECAD- the PCB workspace and ECAD design files. This would all
MCAD design is the desired outcome. In the existing workflow occur in a real-time 3D design environment, allowing board
where object clearance issues are solved exclusively within the designers to resolve mechanical clearance errors on the fly
MCAD domain, ECAD design can only progress when those rather than through a protracted series of MCAD-ECAD
‘milestone’ clearance checks have been completed. As a result, design iterations.
intermittent design concurrency is the best possible result. Ultimately, the increasing importance of the physical
Bringing critical MCAD parts into a 3D-capable ECAD properties of today’s designs means that the interdependency
board design space allows designers to check and correct clearance of the ECAD and MCAD design environments needs to be
and fit issues on the fly, without relying on an inefficient process catered for by systems that deal with the core problem directly.
of continually exchanging design data between the domains. Most existing systems that attempt to provide a solution fall
To make ECAD clearance checking a possibility, what’s short of the mark or create counterproductive and error-prone
needed are real-time 3D capabilities within the PCB editor, workflow. By introducing an ECAD system that provides robust
plus the ability to import MCAD assemblies into that space. By 3D data transfer, interactive clearance checking and the ability
using the robust STEP format to bring, say, a case assembly into to link to the MCAD world in real time, designers can work
the ECAD domain, practical interference checking can become cooperatively in both domains to create unique products that
a reality in the PCB design environment. If such a system is deliver a clear and sustainable caompetitive edge.
then coupled to matching user-defined clearance rules and 3D Published: EE Times India, India, July ‘08; Polyscope, Switzerland, September
object transparency options, a large part of the mechanical fit ‘08; and Elektronik I Norden, Norway, October ‘08

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 63
between electronics design and manufacturing

64 The Way Forward 2009

PCB desigN
is just not what it used to be.
Even though it has dramatically evolved over the last couple
of decades, it has always tended to be a singular, focused task that
a board designer can get stuck into while surfacing periodically
for coffee and new design information.
Perhaps the first challenge in tackling today’s advanced
designs is losing that comfortable concept of an isolated
process that that is not directly dependent on other parts of the
product design process. On the contrary, the board design in
today’s leading electronic products is now inextricably locked
to the mechanical and ‘soft’ embedded parts of the design, so
all design disciplines need to work together in a collaborative
way. The hard facts are that design information, and perhaps
even your coffee, need to be shared in a cooperative product
design environment.
This is not a sudden change. The evidence has been
progressively appearing in the way board designs and the
components they hold have evolved. Along with the expected
changes in scale that are so familiar in the electronics domain
– boards becoming smaller and more complex, component pin
counts increasing, signal clock speeds rising, and the number of
board layers growing – a number of other changes have crept
in that don’t necessarily follow the linear, ‘smaller-faster-denser’
evolution sequence.
These are differences in board design that are less directly
coupled to semiconductor technology advances, and more to
how product design itself is evolving from the sum of several
independent design silos to a single collective process.
The clues to this change are the other shifts in board design
such as complex PCB shapes, the introduction of flexible board
substrates, the adoption of large-scale programmable devices
and, in an increasing number of current designs, an actual
decrease in component count.
The drivers of these developments can be grouped in two
influential trends: the wholesale move towards a ‘soft-centric’
design approach, and the increasing influence of a product’s
mechanical design in the board development process. Both of
these changes are driven by significant developments within the
electronics design industry that are here to stay.
To remain competitive while creating tomorrow’s products,
designers from all disciplines need to respond to these
developments by considering the overall product design task
and how the domains share design data – particularly between
the electrical and mechanical design environments.

The drivers of change

From a business standpoint the obvious shift in the electronics
industry is globalization of the market form both a sales and
product development perspective. This is represented by a world-
scale revolution in the way many products, or key elements of
those products, are now designed, manufactured and distributed.
The tangible result of this change can be seen in the form of
low-cost electronic products that have now become ‘commodity’
items – look no further than the DVD players at your local
retailer. Irrespective of the development origins, these devices
have been transformed from a unique product to a universal,
low-cost product that applies to a worldwide market.

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 65
board design...
a singular, focused task
that you get stuck into
while surfacing periodically
for coffee and new
design information.
Whether it’s a consumer product, an industrial controller
or display sub-assembly, globalization – the move to a single,
highly competitive world marketplace – creates an environment
where commodity products pour onto the world market from
the most cost-effective manufacturing regions. For both big and
small companies worldwide this also opens the opportunity to
outsource cost-sensitive processes, typically manufacturing and
distribution, on a world scale. The move to ‘off-shoring’ and the
general trend to global product commoditization have generated
entire categories of products that can only be differentiated from
each other on price.
This change has challenged the fundamental thinking
on what makes a product unique, desirable and ultimately
successful in today’s highly competitive market. Thanks to global
competitiveness, creating a product for a slightly lower price
might gain a temporary market advantage, but it’s only a matter
of time before this is undercut by an equivalent product from
somewhere on the globe.
Similarly, getting a product to market first is, by definition,
only a temporary competitive advantage since others will
quickly follow to dissolve that gain. Both these approaches
can only create brief windows of competitive opportunity, and
should be regarded as target ‘survival drivers’ rather than a path
to achieving sustained product differentiation.
The hard facts are that while there are essential criteria for
today’s board designs – meeting cost, quality, deadline and
performance goals – the physical electronics hardware itself
will not deliver sustainable market differentiation to the final
product. Any unique intellectual property in the physical
hardware is relatively easy to reproduce and therefore cannot
remain unique. What’s more, virtually all components and sub-
assemblies within the design are universal ‘commodity’ items in
themselves and are available to all designers – one USB sub-
block or display interface is pretty much like any other.
Along with market globalization and the proliferation of
commodity electronics, the electronics industry is undergoing an
era of unprecedented technological change. This has been driven
by factors such as the increasing ‘connectivity’ of electronics
products and, in particular, the advent of low-cost, large-scale
programmable devices.
Reprogrammable devices such as FPGAs have created
a revolution in the way products are designed by offering an
open-ended platform for creating complex ‘soft’ hardware in
the programmable design space. For some time the competitive
factors of a design have largely been defined by software rather
than physical hardware, but the introduction of programmable
hardware allows that ‘soft’ influence to enter into the electronics
design itself. The functional intelligence that determines a
product’s competitive edge can now be defined in both software
and hardware.

66 The Way Forward 2009

The impact of this is significant from a board design hardware) and mechanical design processes. As the design
perspective, since an ever-increasing number of PCB designs disciplines converge, the processes become interdependent and
now contain one or more programmable devices. These are at the least must successfully share design data.
likely to be large, high pin-count (or BGA) FPGA devices From a practical board design perspective, the embedded
which present substantial board routing challenges, but tend hardware design information needs to be incorporated into the
to reduce the total number of components on the board. The layout as FPGA pin data and its associated electrical constraints,
most obvious reason for that is that the majority of logic devices as these fundamentally influence the routing process. Changes
required by the design can be transferred into the fabric of an in the FPGA design generate disruptive routing challenges and
FPGA, saving considerable board real estate and reducing the a further exchange of design data between the FPGA-PCB
layout complexity. domains, creating a potentially cumbersome and error-prone
The less immediately obvious, but far more potent, impact of design workflow.
FPGAs is the potential for virtually an entire design – including In a similar way, the mechanical parts of the design – in the
microprocessors, memory, peripheral bocks and interfaces – to be simplest sense, housing or enclosure – determine the dimensional
contained within the FPGA. With this approach the remaining properties of the board, creating the need for another data flow
on-board electronics and hardware simply provide the interface between the domains. Changes in the mechanical design will
to the outside world. Routing the board also presents unique trigger board design revisions, imposing further delays and
challenges when FPGAs are involved, since the pin configuration complexity in the product development workflow.
(the functional position and electrical characteristic of each pin) When design systems involved exist as a traditional
is fully programmable and determined within the FPGA – collection of separate process ‘silos’, effectively sharing design
rather than the board – design domain. Once programmed, the data information becomes a significant problem in its own right.
pin configuration of every FPGA is unique, and likely to change If the file exchange systems exist to successfully translate and
during the course of the design development. propagate the data – and this is not guaranteed – the information
Taking the higher-level view, the changes that are affecting can be passed ‘over the wall’ to the next design domain and
today’s board designs have moved away from the better-smaller process. A conventional product design system that exists as a
electronics device path and more to an approach that achieves disparate group of design tools silos already suffers from the
sustainable product differentiation in the market: namely inefficiencies of a sequential workflow, and adding further layers
the move to a soft-centric design within programmable of data exchange – such as that between MCAD and ECAD –
devices, with less emphasis on IP contained within the physical serves to compound those problems.
hardware design. The struggle to bring the mechanical (MCAD) and electrical
Ultimately, real and sustainable product differentiation lies in (ECAD) design worlds together has been hampered by very
the way a product looks, feels and functions. Today’s competitive different nature of the two design disciples. Unlike the common
products – those that exhibit a differentiating edge among electronic relationship between embedded development and
competitors – are more than ever defined by the user experience, board design, mechanical design traditionally exists in a very
which can be described by that product’s form and function. different head space to electronic design. The fundamental
This critical connection between the product and user is defined differences between mechanical and electrical CAD tools tend
by factors such as aesthetics, ergonomics and its functional to reflect this gap, which in the past has negatively impacted the
behavior, which are in turn established by the mechanical and common ground of design data exchange formats.
software (but not the board) design of that product.
The mechanical aspects of a product design now directly Information paths
and profoundly influence the electronic design by determining In practice the need for ECAD and MCAD design data
the board shape, size and positioning of its components, and in transfer has been addressed at a simple level by the use of
many cases by also defining the type of components used and common file formats that pass basic dimensional information
how the software should behave. Complex board shapes and between the design applications in each domain.
flexible board materials are physical evidence of the intimate The development of 3D MCAD design during the 1970s,
ties between the mechanical case design and the board assembly and then solid modeling in the ‘80s, has been paralleled by the
it houses. This trend makes the interaction between the design introduction of a bewildering range of data exchange formats.
domains more important than ever, since the competitive success These vary widely in capability and accuracy, with few formats
of a product can now hinge on the effectiveness of that electrical ideally suited to exchanging comprehensive 3D data to the
and mechanical design cooperation. ECAD domain. The result is an ECAD-MCAD design flow
that tends to exist at a basic level and relies on a range of
You are no longer alone different file exchange formats, depending on the MCAD and
The overall message here is that the task of creating today’s ECAD applications in use.
successful products must involve the close interaction between Traditionally this means the dimensional and object
all the elements – electrical, mechanical and software – of a positioning data from one application are processed and
design. This represents the broader and pervasive unification of transferred to the other via a range of 2D and 3D file formats,
the product design processes, including PCB design, which is as ‘milestone’ events. In workflow terms, for example, basic PCB
needed to meet the challenge of creating the next generation of shape details might pass from MCAD to ECAD, then at a later
electronic products. stage, a simple 3D model file of the board assembly is passed
So where does this leave the process of PCB design for from ECAD to MCAD to check the mechanical fit between
today’s products? The first certainty is that board design can no the board and enclosure. With each of these steps suitable
longer exist in isolation from the soft (software and embedded design modifications are made, and another data exchange is

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 69
usually instigated to confirm those modifications, resulting in a data-rich and extremely robust protocol designed for 3D
a protracted and iterative process that does little to encourage design and manufacturing processes. STEP is now supported
MCAD-ECAD design collaboration. by most MCAD systems, so an ECAD solution that supports
Another approach to the problem has been the use of bi-directional STEP transfer will significantly reduce 3D data
separate, third-party design translators to ease file compatibility translation problems through this feature alone.
issues (for example IDF, the Intermediate Data Format, is STEP files can be large, but this can be easily constrained
sparsely supported in the MCAD world) and make the process if the ECAD system also offers an intelligent range of object
more flexible. These often provide import/export options in the filtering options in the translation interface. Along with file
native format of the ECAD-MCAD applications, and in some compatibility benefits, this approach can also remove the
cases connect directly into those programs using object linking complications and expense of third-party applications, and does
(OLEs) or programming interfaces (APIs). not suffer from MCAD-ECAD application version issues.
To date both these approaches have fallen short of the ideal. Beyond robust file systems for design data exchange, the
With the basic file exchange setup, data translation errors are ECAD-MCAD workflow needs to be considered from a
frequent due to limitations and inconsistencies in the exchange productivity standpoint. For example, introducing separate
format itself and there is little control over the degree of data sent third-party translation and processing applications adds
– too much or too little is equally problematic. But above all the more sequential stages to the process, leading to an increase
process is generally clunky and marred by the incompatibilities in workflow complexity and the likelihood of recursive errors
of weak data exchange formats. in critical design data. In short, any solution that introduces
Dedicated CAD translation programs generally offer a multiple file formats and sequential data translations must, by
better outcome, thanks to more rigidly defined formats and definition, increase the risk of slowing and complicating the
data filtering options that allow you to specify what objects are product development process.
included for transfer. Unfortunately, however, it is often a case of Another point to consider is how the 3D data models
two steps forward and two steps back due to the added layer of are created and applied for viewing in the MCAD space.
translation complexity inserted into the process. Performing accurate judgments of how the electro-mechanical
The approach can, for example, make the translation process parts fit together – in practice, object clearance and interference
version-sensitive because of its intimate ties to the MCAD- checking – relies on the availability of accurate 3D object models.
ECAD applications, and it certainly adds another licensing cost At a practical level this means that assembly information passed
to the overall design system. The linked (OLE, API) version from ECAD to MCAD must include accurate component
of the translator programs can offer a more integrated solution models, or those electrical models must be available within the
by bolting itself into the MCAD or ECAD application, but MCAD application where they can be inserted as required.
the trade-off is that it then becomes ‘version-critical’ and the Systems that rely on IDF file transfer are an example where
MCAD-ECAD applications must be loaded on the same PC the included 3D model information is inadequate for accurate
platform so the OLE/API interconnections can be established. clearance checking in the MCAD space. If IDF transfer is
used in a stand-alone translation application that also performs
Tackling the fundamentals clearance checking, critical models must be replaced with more
The first step in creating a design environment that accurate ones from its own 3D library. Data exported from this
promotes real design collaboration between the ECAD and application as IDF files will then lose this more accurate data
MCAD domains is taking a higher level view of the electronic due to the limitations of the file format. At the least, this adds
to mechanical design relationship. A core concept here is yet another layer of translation complexity to the process.
the current changes in the electronics design industry mean In terms of data integrity and workflow efficiency, MCAD-
that product design must now be thought of as a single task, ECAD connectivity at its basic level is best served by a
rather than a collection of processes that are ultimately straightforward approach of passing STEP models directly
brought together. between the two domains. While this seems simple enough, it
From a board design standpoint, this means embracing a relies on an ECAD system that includes STEP import/export
shared and collaborative approach to design that keeps a firm capabilities, comprehensive 3D modeling data, and filter options
eye on the final result – a complete electronic product that meets to control the 3D content of exported files.
market goals. In turn, this means recognizing developments
such as the often dominating influence of a product’s The next level
mechanical design in the board design process, and the need for When considering the size and application of STEP file
design data exchange systems that work together rather than exchange in MCAD-ECAD systems, it’s interesting to note the
connect together. differences in content for each direction flow – and what this
What’s needed at a fundamental level then is a reliable, implies. In a typical workflow, 3D data representing the product’s
comprehensive and convenient way to transfer that data between housing, a component or a new board shape will be transferred
the domains. Existing solutions attempt to bridge the MCAD- from the MCAD to the ECAD space, while a model of the
ECAD gap though a maze of file formats and applications complete PCB assembly is usually transferred from the ECAD
designed to stitch processes together. These systems have evolved to MCAD domain for clearance checking purposes.
over time to meet the growing need for design data exchange, In terms of data flow and file complexity, the MCAD
but in the process have adopted proprietary formats or pressed models passed to the ECAD domain are relatively simple (say,
existing but inadequate ones into service. an enclosure) while those passed from ECAD to MCAD are
However, 3D data transfer protocols have now moved to usually complex (such as a complete PCB assembly, including
the next level with the relatively new STEP format, which is components). Board assemblies are object-rich and create

70 The Way Forward 2009

complex 3D data files which must be loaded then rendered
in the MCAD space for clearance checking purposes. Any
corrections for the board layout or shape are passed back to
the ECAD space, where revisions are made and data exchange
processes repeated.
The point of note here is that checking and revising the board
assembly to fit the mechanical housing constraints is largely an
a shared and
ECAD problem, but much of the process occurs in the MCAD
space using complex 3D board assembly data. When you
consider the fundamental needs of that workflow, it becomes
clear that ideally, a significant part of the mechanical fit problem approach to design
needs to be solved in the ECAD domain.
To make ECAD clearance checking a possibility what’s that keeps a firm eye
on the final result.
needed are real-time 3D capabilities within the PCB editor,
plus the ability to import MCAD assemblies into that space.
Using the STEP format to bring, say, an enclosure model into
the ECAD domain, practical interference checking would then
be a reality in the 3D PCB design environment. If the system
is then coupled to user-defined clearance rules and 3D object
transparency options, a large part of the mechanical fit task can
be resolved in real time within the ECAD domain.
File exchange processes can be reduced or even eliminated by
introducing a further refinement: linking to 3D data files, rather
than embedding that data within the ECAD design files.
With a linked setup the ECAD application would simply load
data from an external 3D STEP file that has been generated by
the MCAD application. The PCB editor can then alert the user
when that external file changes, in response to an update from
the MCAD domain, then refresh the object in the PCB work
space and ECAD design files. This would occur in a real-time
3D design environment, allowing mechanical clearance errors to
be resolved on the fly rather than through a protracted series of
MCAD-ECAD design iterations.
Ultimately, the increasing importance of the physical
properties of today’s designs means that the interdependency of
the ECAD and MCAD design environments needs to be catered
for by systems that deal with the core problem directly. Most
existing systems that attempt to provide an MCAD-ECAD
solution take a piecemeal or add-on approach, and in the process
fall short of the mark or, at worst, create counterproductive
and error-prone workflow. As a result, intermittent design
concurrency between the domains is the best possible result.
What’s needed is a more unified view of the overall product
development process where the entire design is treated as a
single entity, with a single design data model. In this way the
solutions to the growing need for intimate MCAD-ECAD
connectivity come from a higher level view that considers the
final aim, rather that a closely focused approach of dealing with
the file exchange systems alone.
By implementing the groundwork of a robust 3D data
exchange format (STEP) and direct data transfer, the process
is simplified and can even be transferred to the ECAD domain
where it needs to be solved. In this way designers from both
domains can interact in a highly connected product development
environment that promotes concurrent MCAD-ECAD design.
As the electronics design industry continues to evolve and
design disciplines converge, it’s now crucial that all of the design
domains interconnect to a level where cooperative, concurrent
design is a reality. When previously disconnected worlds join
and work together the benefits are invariably profound and far
reaching – the world of electronics design is no exception.
Published: Circuitree, US, August ‘08

S4 ECAD-MCAD Collaboration 71
The Centre Suisse D’Electronique
et de Microtechnique bridges the
ECAD-MCAD divide.

"Altium Designer
allowed us to
develop a complex
What if consumers could actually wear electronics,
and have it incorporated into their clothing? The possibilities are
design comprised of enormous. Electronics in textiles holds great potential for several
industries, with everything from communications to medical
several printed circuit organizations weaving extra functionality into everyday fashions.
boards, without any Leading the field of electronic textiles for the medical industry
is the BIOTEX project, coordinated by one of Switzerland’s
errors. Because design leading research centers, the Centre Suisse d’Electronique et
revisions were de Microtechnique (CSEM). It aims to develop the world’s first
electronic textile sensors to measure and analyze biochemical and
completely avoided, physiological data, which will then help monitor a patient’s health.
we were able to focus As part of the BIOTEX project, CSEM needed to develop a
on making sure our portable electronic sensor interface. It was required to be as small
and as lightweight as possible, and remain noninvasive to the
project delivered all its patient. The challenge for the CSEM engineers was to create the
ambitious design two interconnecting boards and small connector board within its
compact mechanical case.
To bridge the ECAD-MCAD divide, CSEM took advantage of
Jean Luprano, Altium Designer’s IGES and STEP file import-export functions.
Project Co-ordinator, These allow for greater design transparency between the
mechanical and electrical engineering departments. The electrical
CSEM department can now provide detailed 3D PCB data for the
accurate development of both mechanical and electrical designs.
Altium Designer’s 3D visualization engine lets engineers view the
PCB in a realistic form. Engineers can, in real-time, flip or rotate
the board and zoom in to view internal layers, and understand
the physical parameters of the board much more easily.
Altium Designer also provides CSEM’s electronics designers with a
suite of intelligent and powerful routing features that allow greater
board performance and optimize routing space. Altium’s Interactive
Routing feature integrates rules-driven, versatile interactive routing
modes, predictive track placement and optimized connectivity to
automate the routing process. Designers now simply watch as
the board routes itself with a 100% completion rate. And with
the focus taken away from basic functionality, CSEM can focus
on innovative design, ensuring its boards perform correctly
and to their maximum capacity.
The BIOTEX team was able to complete its portable
electronic device in just six months. The significance is
that the BIOTEX portable device is a unique design –
the electronics needed to interface sensors did not
previously exist on the market. Altium Designer also
afforded CSEM greater design flow efficiencies. The
traditional sequential process was broken down and
both electronic and mechanical developers could
work on their designs simultaneously to achieve
project goals.

Find out more:

Streamline the entire
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