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6, June 1946

Warning, this work of fiction contains a LOT of sick stuff nobody should ever
attempt at home! Please treat our Super Heroines with respect! It is for
entertainment purposes only and may not be reproduced without my permission. I hope
you enjoy, I took some liberty with some familiar characters and their origins ,
settings and relationships.

Feel Free to Comment Testcase

It was exactly two years after the disastrous Normandy landings, and
some eighteen months after England's capitulation and the United States having
signed a "truce" with the Axis powers. A single atomic weapon dropped by a Henkel
Bomber on the invasion fleet had altered the course of history. The Nazis had
developed the Atom bomb first, and used it. Most of the invasion fleet was wiped
from the face of the earth, some survivors made their way back to England, only to
spread horror and discouragement amongst the population. Their horrible lingering
deaths from radiation as well as their disfigured bodies bore testament to the
Nazi's new ultimate weapon.

The United States tried to soldier on after England surrendered, but a

small plane, launched from a specially equipped U-boat dropped a nuke into
Washington DC, leaderless, the US soon asked for terms They were still fighting in
Russia;. The area was just too vast, even with Moscow a radioactive wasteland the
Russians fought on in pockets all over the vast country led at times by a
mysterious black clad woman, the Nazis had code named the Black Cat.

The Nazis set up a puppet Government in New York to rule the US, Canada, and the
rest of the world;.. They called it the UN, or United Nazi Party The new US
Government was a total Dictatorship under one of Hitler's henchman Canada and
Mexico were made into states, as was Central and South America.

The Nazis had a plan to remake the world and they quickly went about
implementing it. Every Citizen of the New Reich was required to register and their
genealogy was traced. All males of suitable lineage were drafted into the military,
those lacking the required blood lines were drafted into labor battalions, forced
to work for the new master race. Their work included building new camps for other
even les desirable groups. African Americans were slowly being forced to move to
the African Continent

As the war had progressed the United States had a Powerful ally in
Wonder Woman, an Amazon from the island of Themyscira. Fully six feet one tall,
with flowing raven black hair she was the ideal of womanhood for most men. Her
large firm breasts and perfectly shaped ass all set atop two long shapely legs like
statue on a pedestal. Her full lips and piercing blue eyes completed the remarkable

. Her natural strength and agility was aided by golden power belt and
bracelets she used to ward off bullets She wore a golden Tiara in her raven locks;!
She was after all a princess Tall red leather boots encased her long shapely legs
up to her knees , star spangled blue shorts and a red bustier with a golden eagle
on the front showcased her ample cleavage, distracting many an evil doer while
Wonder Woman captured them But even she was not enough to stem the tide of evil;.
she had desperately recruited other Amazons from her home Island, over riding their
long tradition of staying out of the wars of men, forming them into small very
effective commando groups with specific missions.

When the allies were forced to capitulate she had fled back to her
mysterious, hidden island along with the small groups of Amazons that had been
serving as commandoes for the allies around the world. These other women did not
have Wonder Woman's power belt, that was a unique gift from the Goddess Hera back
in ancient times, but they were great physical specimens like Princess Diana and
very capable warriors.

One such group of warriors was cut off trying to flee to Russia via
Alaska from Canada. This small brave band was led by Diana's younger sister
Drusilla. The younger Princess was nearly as tall as Wonder Woman, but being only
fifty or so, the equivalent of sixteen for regular humans, she had not developed
the fuller proportions of her more famous sister, not that she was waif like with a
pair of 38 "C" breasts that promised she would soon rival Diana in that department.

Drusilla's group was fleeing for their very lives when Canada had
surrendered. They had been up there trying to find who had been signaling Nazi U-
boots the information about allied convoys leaving Canada bound for Russia. One of
the surrender terms required Canada to seal its borders and allow no one to leave
until every citizen had been accounted for. Only Canada's trackless wilderness was
keeping their pursuers off their trail. When Nazi authorities took over the ports
they soon learned of the tall women that had been snooping around looking for
collaborators. . Their descriptions and lack of local ties soon alerted the Nazis
this might be one of the bands of Amazons that had fought so well against them An
all out search was immediately instituted; no effort or expense was to be spared
and who ever caught them could expect a huge reward from the fuehrer himself.

The brave little band had endured all sorts of hardships, traveling by
night;. Avoiding any contact with locals once they got the word they had a price on
their heads They made their way to the west coast of Canada and bean to enquire
about hiring a small boat to try and escape.

Soon they found a Captain of a small trawler that agreed to carry them
across the Bearing Straight to Russia, which was still fighting the Nazis. At the
appointed time they crept down to the wharf to meet their ship wearing dark
coveralls over their uniforms to try and avoid detection.

"Welcome board ladies! I am Captain Smith!" The owner of the boat

greeted them cordially, although Drusilla felt a cold chill as she saw how the
First Mate, the one the called Ape, looked at her and her comrades. "Please make
yourselves at home "Captain Smith offered," We do not have many amenities on this
ship, but we will try to make you comfortable as possible. "

"Thank you Captain" the tall very young appearing leader of the woman
answered. "We will try to be as little trouble as possible, we require little."

! "As you wish madam" Smith answered courtesy, "just let me know if
there is anything I an do for you I have prepared a place for you in the crew's
quarters;. They will sleep elsewhere for this trip We will leave immediately if you
are ready. "

"Please proceed Captain" answered Drusilla, also known as Wonder Girl,

"we are anxious to leave!"

A crewman showed them to some hammocks in a small room, their

accommodations for the trip as the Captain left them to attend to final details for
their departure. The Captain had smuggled booze back during prohibition and knew
how to get out of the harbor unobserved and soon they were on the open sea. The
boat was old and not very fast, she pitched and rolled in the heavy cold seas. She
had a crew of just five counting the Captain. The Amazons, while brave sturdy
warriors on land, were not used to life at sea, especially this rough passage, they
were all soon groaning in misery with sea sickness.
Captain Smith sent the First Mate to them with a sea sickness pill that
he claimed would ease their discomfort. They women took the pills and retired to
their cabins, and soon their symptoms soon disappeared allowing them to sleep.

Princess Drusilla slept soundly for the first time in what seems like
years. The motion of the ship seemed to rock her to sleep in her hammock as she
dreamed about home and the way things had been before the war and their being drawn
into it. Then she thought she heard the sound of a woman struggling in her dreams,
a muffled cry of distress and sounds of a struggle, but Drusilla did not want to
wake up yet ... she was warm and comfortable for the first time in a long time. But
yet the sounds persisted ... became louder and more insistent, she thought she
heard chains rattling, but her eyes just did not want to open, she was still so
very tired. Then the sounds stopped and she drifted back into a pleasant dream.
Then the illusion was shattered as a bucket of icy sea water was thrown on her.

She sat bolt upright in an instant, not understanding for a second why
anyone would do that to her, wiping the icy water from her face. She could hear
men's voices laughing in the background, rough voices making crude comments about

As she cleared her eyes she demanded, "Where is Captain Smith, what is
the meaning of this?"

"Well lassie" a surly voice answered from behind her, she recognized it
as belonging to the huge nasty looking first mate that had made her uncomfortable
with his clearly licentious stares as they had boarded. Ape is what the Captain had
called him, a name that clearly fit, "the Captain has had an unfortunate accident
ye see! He went for a swim while ye and the other cunts slept!" She saw the other
crew members laugh at what was apparently a joke.

"Why would he try to swim in this?" The still groggy innocent girl
asked the hulking mate.

"Well lassie, it was not a recreational kind of swim!" Ape laughed

again, joined by the crew. "I thought the water was a bit chilly for a swim me

Then it dawned on the slightly na�ve Princess, "You mean you murdered
him? Why?"

"Let's just say he failed to grasp the larger picture slut!" Growled
the big man. "I made a deal with the Nazis for your sweet little ass, you and the
other sluts, and the noble Captain was really trying to save you, the laughable
fool! Worked all his miserable life for scraps, then when the sea offers up a true
bounty such as your self, he was too good to accept it! Well the crabs are feasting
on the late Captain now! "

"Well perhaps you will join him soon1" Drusilla exclaimed, still trying
to focus her mind to and make her body obey.

"I doubt it lassie, someday perhaps, but not by your hand!" Laughed the
menacing hulk of a First Mate. "Did ye notice you were having trouble waking up?
The drug we gave you will not wear off entirely until you get the antidote. You
will notice a certain weakness in your muscles. My good friends the Nazis gave it
to me said it would be good in case we encountered any Amazons such as your selves!

Drusilla tried to throw herself on him, but as she cleared the hammock
and tried to turn suddenly she fell to the floor. "W ... w ... what have you done
to me ?!" she cried as she rose to her feet slowly.

"I told ye lassie, I drugged you to make you easier to handle, and the
drug does not deafen ye!" He laughed as she gave her a shove and she dropped to the
floor again.

Again the game young heroine struggled to her feet and actually lunged
at her assailant. "Ah, a spirited one" laughed the evil hulk of a man. "A man could
have a lot of fun breaking a spitfire like you! But the Nazis said to leave you
intact, so I shall, they paid me well! But I see no harm in exposing your charms
and perhaps taking a few snapshots! Gil, get the brownie camera from the bridge!
"Another of the crew took off to do as . he was commanded while Ape fended off the
feeble attack Drusilla was attempting to mount He easily avoided her punches;. they
seemed like she was trying to punch under water they were so slow He let her land
one blow on his massive jaw, normally it would have flattened a man, even a man as
big as Ape, but all it did this time was hurt her hand, Ape did not even flinch.

"Well lassie, is that all you got? You hit like a girl!" He teased, the
crew laughing along with him at his joke. He reached out with a massive paw and
grabbed her by her long blond hair, holding her at arms length. "That German doctor
said this drug was potent, you are as weak as a kitten slut!" and then he back
handed her cross the face. The pain was intense for poor Drusilla, but the
humiliation was much, much worse!

Two more sailors stepped up and grabbed her arms holding her still
while Ape looked her up and down like a ravenous wolf would a side of beef.

'Well lassie, you are fine looking little cunt! "He chortled." A fine bit of fluff
indeed! Bring her out on deck with the other sluts! And take that jumpsuit off of
her! "One of the two thuggish deck hands pulled a wicked looking filet knife and
slit the back of Drusilla's jumpsuit and ripped it off of her, revealing a costume
very much like Wonder Woman's only lacking the power belt and bracelets.

"Man look at this little slut! " Exclaimed the largest of the two deck
hands restraining her. "I would not mind burying my fuck pole in that cunt!"

"Forget it Ace, the Nazis paid for them to remain virgins" warned Ape.

"Well the slut can suck our cocks can not she?" The second deckhand
chimed in, "she will still be a virgin!"

"That is a grand idea Blacky! " Laughed Ape, "on your knees slut!"

"Never you bastard!" Cried the Princess, trying to sound more confident
than she felt, "I would never do such a thing!"

"Bring her on deck!" Growled Ape. The two big deck hands pulled their
struggling captive onto the pitching ice coated deck to be reunited with her
comrades. The other four women lay naked on the deck, freezing spray washing over
them, chained like dogs to various deck fixtures, the cold wind cut through them
like a knife. One Amazon called Terrix was tied to a winch on the forecastle of the
small ship, her arms pulled tightly behind her and tied at the elbows. Her bare
breasts thrust forward into the icy cold spray and wind. Her legs were chained to
the deck and spread wide. She had been stoic for the first half an hour, but now
her cries of pain could be heard above the wind. "Please someone help me! I am
freeing to death! "she cried.

"Now lassie do ye hear your friend out there" growled the menacing
First Mate. "She is slowly dying of exposure and your other comrades are not far
behind! You can save them. You will beg to suck my cock whore, and if you ask
sweetly enough and I let you, after I cum and you swallow every drop, I will have
her brought back in. Another of your friends will take her place in turn as you
suck off each of my crewmen. "

"How can you be so cruel!" Cried the Amazon Princess, "you would let
her die like that?"

"I have done worse!" Laughed Ape, "Hell I have already murdered once
today, what's another? Now ask me nicely to suck my cock, she has not got much
longer to live!"

. Drusilla was stunned, she could think of no other way out of this but
she tried "Look Ape, my mother is a Queen; she will pay a lot of money for me and
my friends release, use your head!"

"I am going to use my head, or you are going to give me head twat, or
your friends die horribly!" Growled her captor, "Be glad the Nazis want your cunt
untouched! Now inside the cabin and open your mouth slut" he exclaimed as he
roughly pushed her back out of the weather. "Now beg like a cheap whore to suck my
cock for two dollars!"

Trapped with no way out she knew she had to buy time, time her comrades
would not have unless she complied, resigned to her fate she whispered, "may I suck
you cock for two dollars?"

"You will have to do better than that whore!" Roared Ape. Take off your
top and get on your knees and try again! "

Red faced with shame she unfastened her bustier, freeing her pert young
breasts for men to see for the only time in her young life! She tried to cross her
arms in front of her to hide her magnificent young breasts from the view of the
evil men .

"No ye do not slut!" Laughed the Second mate called Ace. "Put your
hands behind your head while I get some pictures for our scrap book!"

The mortified youngster did as she was told, she had no choice but to
obey these bastards until she got a chance to escape, but she vowed before she
escaped she would kill them all! The camera snapped over and over again as they
forced into various poses, each more humiliating than the last.

"Ye have given me a huge hard on slut!" Ape finally exclaimed bringing
the end to the photography session. "Get some pictures of her sucking me cock! Now
slut, beg correctly or your friends suffer longer!"

The crying youngster managed to stammer out, "P ... p ... please may I
suck your cock for two dollars!"

"I thought ye would never ask!" Laughed the massive sailor. "And
remember, if I so much as feel a tooth your friends die! Kneel and unfasten my
trousers slut! Meet your new master!"

The weakened warrior knelt in front of the evil First mate and clumsily
undid his pants. There in front of her eyes was what appeared to be a huge snake,
it's purple helmeted shaped head throbbed in front of her, pre cum already leaking
from the slit at the end. From the stench it was obvious personal hygiene was not
big on Ape's daily agenda.
Another of the crew who was piloting the ship called down to Ape from
the wheelhouse, "We have reached the rendezvous point! No sign of the Nazis!"

"Drop anchor then!" Commanded Ape. "Keep a sharp lookout Mike!"

"Aye, Aye Captain!" Mike responded, Ape liked the sound of that!

"Now me little bond fuck toy, be about your business and suck me cock!"
Growled Ape.

Poor Drusilla had never seen a man's cock, let alone sucked one, she
clumsily tried to kiss it and lick the foul smelling fuck pole. Her brutal rapist
wanted none of that, he grabbed the back of her head and forced his hard cock down
her throat until her nose was buried in his stinking pubic hair. She gagged and
tried to pull away from the putrid shaft in her throat, but he was far too strong
for her to escape. He began to slide his cock in and out of her abused throat,
"breath when every other stroke you stupid cunt!" he growled. "By the time you get
off this boat you will know your place is on your knees sucking a man's cock and ye
will know how to do it correctly slut!" It was not long until she felt his cock
swell and begin to twitch, in the future she would understand that meant she was
about to receive a load of ball gravy, but the first one caught her completely off
guard and she nearly choked to death on what seemed like gallons of cum. It leaked
around Ape's cock and dribbled onto her pert breast like an obscene slime, it
tasted biter and foul. Ape pulled out of her mouth and used her hair to clean his
foul cock.

"I am next!" Claimed Ace as he shoved the now sated Ape out of the way.
Soon he was plunging in and out of Drusilla's already sore throat. One after
another the crew used her mouth as a cum receptacle. Many pictures were taken of
her humiliation as she was awash in man spew, it coated her face and hair;. it was
drying on her chest As she serviced each member of the crew, one of her comrades
was brought I off the deck so they could all see her humiliation.

"Ye see lassie, I am an honorable man, your comrades are safe in side
now!" Laughed Ape. "And here is the two dollars I promised ye for sucking me cock
although you are not very good at it, yet anyway! "Just as he flung two greasy
dollars at her a sharp report from a pistol was heard and Ape fell forward onto his
face. His last thought as he fell was" where did that come from? "as he saw out the
window of the cabin a German U-Boat tied along side their small boat, then his
world went black forever.

The other crew members looked up to see four Germans all holding
weapons aimed at them. The obvious leader spoke, "I told that cretin these women
were not to be touched!"

"It was all Apes' idea" cried Mike.

"He said it was OK" added Ace.

"He said as long as we did not fuck them it was cool" chimed in Blacky.

The size of the Nazi Leader told experienced sailors he was no

submariner, he was at least six foot six tall with huge shoulders and arms. One
look at his eyes also told you he was not a man to trifle with, they were the
coldest, cruelest blue eyes these men had ever seen. His short hair style and how
he carried himself screamed military.

"Where is Captain Smith?" The blond giant demanded in good English.

"He is dead, Ape killed him" cringed Ace under the German's stare.

"Clean your nasty spew off the blond slut!" Commanded the German.

"And just who are you? Asked Mike," and when do we get paid! "

"I am Field Marshall Eric Von Sader of the SS as if it is any of your

business vermin" the Giant replied with contempt dripping from his words. "Now do
as I commanded or you will join your Captain!

The bound and blindfolded Amazons were carried to the U-Boat, the Huge
German handed Mike a Briefcase full of cash.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" Laughed Ace as the German raft
pushed away from the small ship. When the raft reached the waiting sub the German
commander pointed to the deck gun, "Sink that ship!" He commanded. The second round
struck the fishing boat's fuel tank and she exploded violently, the hulk slipping
beneath the waves in a matter of seconds.

Six Weeks Later-Berlin

"So Doctor, our little blond Amazon Canary is ready to sing?" Inquired
the blond giant Field Marshall Von Sader.

"No Herr Field Marshall, she has resisted all attempts so far, but with
the restrictions on damage I am allowed to inflict it is not too surprising really,
she is after all pure Aryan stock and an Amazon warrior to boot!" Answered Doctor
Frieda Mengle, daughter of the infamous concentration camp sadist "But one of her
subordinates wishes to make a deal The big red head is ready to submit We have re
arranged her mind with drugs and torture;.!.. she is my submissive slave now With
out the restrictions she broke fairly easily in comparison to Drusilla! "

"Princess Drusilla was too important a bargaining chip to risk her

dying under torture, she is Amazon Royalty" answered Von Sader. "She has other
purposes, and we can get the information we need from the others."

The evil doctor whistled and what had once been a proud Amazon warrior,
a Captain in fact, a trusted commander, crawled into the room on her hands and
knees like a dog. She was naked except for a red dog collar. Her large breast swung
under as she crawled, through her pierced nipples were Gold rings with small silver
bells attached, her delicious ass wiggled like a dog wagging its tail. She crawled
to the Doctor's feet and kissed the evil bitch's boot. "How may I serve you
mistress? "asked the kneeling slave after she rose to the classic submission
stance, on her haunches, knees spread wide, breasts thrust out, eyes down.

In this position Von Sader could see not only were her breasts pierced,
but each had a swastika tattoo over each nipple. Her bald cunt also sported
piercing as well, with a large stud through her clit.

"Do you see the bar in her clit?" Asked the evil Doctor, "that is a
part of her training, watch!" She hit a button on a small emote control and the
Amazon's expression changed from a stoic mask to a woman nearing orgasm in just a
few seconds.

"M ... m ... mistress may your dog finger herself?" Stammered the
kneeling Amazon.

. "You see Field Marshall;.! The clit controller as I call it sends

nearly unbearable signals to the brain She has a huge need to finger herself to
climax in front of you, in spite of the humiliation" Dr. Mengle "We developed it to
control women in the camps; it is very effective as you can see "!

The kneeling Amazon was now sweating profusely, she wanted to rub her
cunt more than anything in the world, but she knew if she did with out permission,
she would be horribly punished.

"Alright my pet, show the Field Marshall how you like to finger fuck
yourself like a common slut, but do not cum until I give you permission!" Laughed
Mengle as she eyed the growing bulge in the big man next to hers pants. " Why Field
Marshall, it looks like your enjoying the show! "She reached over and stroked his
member through his trousers, amazed at the size and hardness of this Aryan stud." I
know how you feel Von Sader "she cooed, opening her lab coat to revel she was
wearing nothing underneath. She grabbed the Amazon's head and pulled it into her
crotch, "Lick me you sorry little slut! Lick your superior's cunt! Make me wet for
a real man like the field Marshall here!"

The massive Nazi quickly shed his clothes s the helpless Amazon lapped
the cunt of her mistress. He pulled the Doctor away from the kneeling slave and
bent her over an examining table. He slapped her ass a vicious blow then plunged
his massive fuck pole into her sopping cunt in one powerful stroke. He pulled her
head back by her hair to force himself in deeper as she screamed in lust from his
powerful thrust. He reached back with his long free arm and jerked the still
masturbating Amazon Captain over to him.

"Get under us slut, lick my ass and balls!" He commanded and the
enslaved red head complied instantly, lapping his bull sized balls like they were

The evil Doctor soon had a screaming orgasm,

Quickly followed by another, then a third, she was gaping in pain and pleasure as
the fourth approached while the giant pummeled her cunt, "Please Von Sader, no
more, I m done ...." She pleaded.

.. "But I am not cunt" he laughed as he plowed in and out of her super

sensitized fuck hole All she could do was moan and ride out another orgasm as the
monster of a man fucking her finally came His spew was in gallons; it scalded her
insides and ran down her legs like lava, forcing yet another orgasm from her. He
pulled out of her and grabbed the Amazon again, "Lick me clean slut!" he commanded.
The red head licked him clean while still fingering her own twat.

"P ... p ... please Master, may this slave cum for you?" She begged.

"I have question for you first slut, where is your Island?" Asked the
big man, "tell me and you may cum for me!"

"I ... I ... I can not tell you that!" Moaned the frustrated Amazon who
had been on the brink of orgasm but unable to cum for almost an hour now. "Please
Master, please!"

The big Nazi turned to the fucked out doctor lying in a pool of his
cum, "Doctor, does the remote have a punishment mode as well?"

All the doctor could do was croak out, "red button, be careful, may
kill or drive her insane ..."

Von Sader picked up the remote and held it in front of the red headed
Amazon, in a low growl he asked, "Have you experienced the pain this thing can

"YYEEESSSSS she wailed in reply," Please, by the Gods not that, no

more, please! It hurts so much! "

"Well it is your choice slut, give me the co-ordinates of your island

and I let you cum, or I hold the red button down until you beg for death or go
insane with the pain. Decide quickly, I have three more of you to make this offer
to, I will waste no more time with you slut. Tell me, no one will ever know it was
you. I will let you cum, and you can go back to the doctor and be her pet! "

The poor woman's mind was ablaze with fear and lust. She knew the pin
from the clit controller was more than she would be able to bear, and these
monsters would just torture one of her comrades until they talked, it was
inevitable. She gave him what he wanted, the location of her home and friends. He
let her cum in red faced humiliation as he watched. When the Amazon had finished
her self debasement he turned to the still moaning doctor.

"Get cleaned up, we have a lot work to do. Report to your lab in an
hour, bring your pet!" He snarled. "And Drusilla ..."

Three weeks later in the dead of the night a U-Boat surfaced near a
mysterious Island, one not on any map. Two small boats paddled to shore and
disappeared into the forest. The team was lead by the huge Field Marshall Von Sader
himself. They had crude maps drawn from information extracted from tortured
captives. Von Sader was too thorough a man to launch an invasion without a proper
reconnaissance. His tea scouted the surprising large island for nearly a week. It
contained several villages and one Capital City where the Royal Family lived. After
a week the team withdrew and rendezvoused with the sub, Von Sader's plans were

He called Berlin, reporting directly to the Fuehrer himself. "Yes Sir,

it is as the slave described it, I believe there are nearly three thousand Amazons
on that island" the Field Marshall informed the leader of the Reich. "They are
ruled by a Queen;.. Queen Hippolyte is what they call her She is a more mature
version of the blond Amazon you inspected at the laboratory Sir, she is most
striking The Blond, Drusilla, is her youngest Daughter, the Amazons all believe she
is dead , killed trying to flee Canada along with her four team members. Her older
Daughter is the one called "Wonder Woman."

He grew silent for a moment as he listened to that mesmerizing voice on

the other end of the line then went on, "Yes, sir I have a plan, you may count on
me sir! Queen Hippolyte will be at your feet in time for your parade on the
anniversary of the allied surrender, and Wonder Woman as well Sir;.. she will be
humiliated for the inconveniences she caused during the war The UNN court has drawn
up an arrest warrant for her I will require the use of the Fleet for a few weeks,
and I need Doctor Mengle's daughter to be put under my control as well. Yes sir, it
was a tragedy that her father died in that lab accident, but I think his daughter
is a usable replacement for my purposes Sir. Seig Heil! "

The extremely beautiful, if somewhat twisted Dr Helga Mengle had been

avoiding Von Sader since the day he had literally fucked her senseless at the lab,
he was the one man on earth she feared, she knew he could dominate her and she was
not the type to enjoy being used as a fuck toy. She had used her charms on men many
times to get what she wanted, but this man had nearly tamed her! The Field Marshall
had such a strong bearing that even the slave Amazon had obeyed him over her , and
she had programmed the red headed cunt to obey no ones commands but hers. Somehow
the huge Nazi's will had over ridden her careful programming! He was dangerous and
she knew it! When orders came for her to report directly to him, her heart sank. If
there had been some place to flee she would have, but only a few pockets of
resistance to the Nazi's were left in the world, so she went to him.

During her trip she steeled herself;.! He was just a man after all
she reminded herself over and over again When she arrived she planned to give him a
piece of her mind, he took a piece alright, a piece of her ass As soon . as she
walked in the door her resolve started to melt He had the five Amazons delivered to
him;. including her personal slave she had named Dog She had become attached to the
big Amazon red head captive who had learned to lick her cunt so well , it was
humiliating to have her taken away.

"I was ordered to report to you, Herr Field Marshall" she managed to
spit out with out too much obvious disdain. She was wearing Black riding breeches
tucked into tall boots, and a Black SS tunic. Her eyes, nearly as cold and blue as
the evil Field Marshalls peered out from under the brim of a black hat adorned with
the infamous SS's Death head Logo.

The Field Marshall looked her up and down like he was sizing her up for
a meal;. She was an impressive woman, every bit as impressive as their Amazon
Captives really His stare bothered her greatly, she felt like a wolf was sizing her
up for lunch, but there was another feeling as well, her hardening nipples were
clear to see through her tunic as they pushed themselves up against the fabric.
There was an odd tingling in her cunt as well. "This can not be!" she thought to
herself, "The man practically raped me!" The fact she had thrown herself at him
first did not seem to matter to her. Once he had dominated her and forced several
orgasms from her, it became rape in her mind, a humiliating rape in front of her
enslaved Amazon slut no less!

"Doctor, I need you to manufacture several thousand of the devices you

put in the clit of the red headed Amazon, I need them next week. That is all,
dismissed," the huge man ordered.

She stood there stunned, no man had ever dared talk to HER like that,
and just who did he think he was! As she stood there dumbfounded he asked, "Was
thee something else Doctor? Perhaps you would like another good fucking?"

Enraged she flung her self at him, trying to strike him, or scratch his
eyes out, anything to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face! He easily caught her
arms and with his powerful left hand held her wrist together. Her grabbed her hair
with his right and pulled her face to his, mashing his lips to hers, forcing his
tongue into her mouth.

At first she resisted, but the feel of his powerful muscles restraining her as he
dropped her wrist and put a bear like arm around her and crushed her to his chest,
still kissing her deeply. It might have looked romantic to some, like a cheap novel
cover, but this was domination, pure and simple. She was being raped, but her body
was becoming a willing victim. She felt her knees grow weak, and her cunt getting
warmer, then wet as he ravaged her mouth. She had always been the one in control of
every situation, but she felt powerless to resist him! His scent, strong and musky
was clouding her mind, she remembered the orgasms she forced on her before and grew
even wetter. Then he reached down and stroked her cunt through her now soaked
breeches and she came instantly, moaning her desire into his mouth, humping his
hand like a dog in rut. Then she came again, when she did he pushed her away, "That
should hold you for a few days! It is time for you to get to work now Doctor,
enough playing around! "he commanded. Furious, and completely humiliated, she
stormed back to her lab vowing vengeance.
Doctor Mengle toiled in her lab trying to forget her humiliations at
the hands of the Huge Field Marshall. She developed an improved version of her clit
device as ordered, brutally testing it on Jewish girls taken from concentration
camps. Many died in her experiments, as if she were avenging her humiliation on
them! She was ready to so Von Sader in about thirty days. While she was developing
her fiendish device the Field Marshall had gathered an army, and a fleet to deliver

The night before the invasion a team of commandoes landed from a

submarine to secure the beaches near the city. Other teams landed further down the
island. A cordon of ships surrounded the Island that had for so long remained
undetectable, hidden from man for centuries in a ring of fog. The ships remained
out of sight as the plan unfolded.

Just at dawn the fleet came out of the fog toward the defenseless sanctuary of the
Amazons. Fast landing craft carrying troops and even tanks stormed ashore at
various points along the beaches.

Caught completely unaware any Amazons caught near the invasion were
quickly captured. All the Nazi commandoes carried tranquilizer dart firing weapons
and another bazooka like device that fire a canister that contained a net of soft,
yet incredibly strong rope like fiber impregnated with a super adhesive that
deployed a few feet from the launcher tube. There was no real resistance possible
to the onslaught, just as its planner had drawn up.

Within moments of breaking cover from the fog a landing craft carrying
a giant Tiger tank hit the beach. As soon as the ramp on the front of the boat hit
the sand the monstrous tank sped toward the palace in the lone city on the Island.

As soon as the invasion had been spotted runners were sent flying
towards the Palace, a few made it to warn the Queen and Princess Diana, or Wonder
Woman as she was known off the island.

"Close the gates" commanded Diana, "Get to the walls!"

The Amazons had few modern weapons, but the few they had were deployed
around the palace. A few rifles, the occasional sub machine gun and the rare heavy
machine gun all brought back by the Commando teams that had been fighting the
Nazis. There were probably a half dozen grenades amongst the women warriors as
well, but most were armed with bows and arrows. The average Amazon could kill with
ease at one hundred meters with her bow, and some exceptional marksmen at one
hundred and fifty, but they were no match for the modern fire power storming

Turning to Queen Hippolyte, Wonder Woman uttered, "the day I feared

most is at hand mother! I fear we are doomed, but we will kill a few before we die
in battle the way an Amazon should!"

"Perhaps we can hold them off somehow" answered the Queen, "at least
long enough for a few to escape and keep our race alive! Send word to the other end
of the island for as many as possible to get away while we distract them here. Send
our fleetest runners! "

"Mother, you should go!" Cried Wonder Woman, "they will need a leader!"

. "My time is nearly done" the regal monarch answered "I have had a
good life Diana;!! You go, lead our people away from here You have been in the
outside world, they will have a better chance with you Go now my child, save what
you can of our people! "

"No mother, I can not leave you here like this!" Cried Diana.

"You must my child that is our only chance as a people, GO! GO now
before it is too late! I order you as your Queen to go!" Exclaimed Hippolyte. "Even
with you here there is no chance of defeating them all ! "

Wonder Woman could see the truth of her mother's logic, but the pain
was too much to bear. "I will come back for you Mother, I swear it! Stay alive and
I will find you and set you free again!"

"No Diana, NO!" Cried her mother, "flee this place and do not come
back! No matter what you hear or see, you must not endanger what is left of our
people seeking revenge! Now go!"

The tall warrior hugged her mother for what may have been the last time
and turned to go, her eyes flowing tears like waterfalls, when a messenger came
running. She knelt before the pair of Monarchs, "Forgive me my Queen, but there is
a huge machine at the front gate flying a flag of truce demanding to speak to
Wonder Woman and you my Highness. And, and .... "

"Is there something else?" The Queen asked the messenger.

"Yes your majesty" I answered.

"Well spit it out" demanded an irritated Wonder Woman.

"T ... t ... they have Drusilla tied to the front of their machine your
majesty, it is horrible" the young messenger cried. "Please come and see for
yourself, they said if you do not come right away they will kill their hostages. "

The two Amazons raced to the front gate of the palace as fast as they
could run only to encounter the most shocking scene either had ever encountered.
The sister Wonder Woman had given up for dead was very much alive, that was the
good news. The horrific part was the fact she was tied spread eagled and nude over
the front glacis of a huge Tiger Tank! Tied obscenely around the barrel of the main
gun was one of her comrades.

Drusilla's lewdly spread legs revealed a swastika tattoo directly above

her smoothly shaved cunt. Each nipple sported a gold ring, and clearly attached to
her clit was a metal stud. Most shockingly of all, the young girl seemed to be in
the throws of an orgasm .

The Amazon on the tanks gun barrel was similarly ornamented, and she
seemed to actually be humping herself on that long cold tube like it was the love
of her life!

As Wonder Woman's eyes took in the shocking tableau unfolding in font

of her, a hatch on top of the tank slammed open and a huge man extracted himself
from the turret. He leapt lightly to the ground, his movements like those of a huge

He spotted Queen Hippolyte and Wonder Woman on the wall and called out
in a voice that could be heard loud and clear. "Queen Hippolyte, I am Field
Marshall Eric Von Sader, the new Commander and Governor of this District. The UNN
world court has declared your island a rogue terrorist nation;! you will surrender
at once and throw yourself and your nation on the mercy of the court All war
criminals such as Princess Diana that led Commando raids against the Reich as
"Wonder Woman" will be turned over at once; I have fifty names on my list ".

"Are you out of your mind Nazi!" Screamed Queen Hippolyte, "do you know
who you are addressing?" With that, before anyone could stop her, the Queen threw
herself off the wall at the arrogant gigantic Nazi. In the fraction of a second it
took for her to the ground and spring towards him, she hears a "pop" sound as the
Nazi tossed a canister that he had hidden behind his back and as she hurls through
the air she sees the net flying towards her, but it is to late to alter her course
and she strikes the spider web looking net dead center and becomes entangled like a
fly. The nets super adhesive coated threads immediately entangle the super warrior
as she flies past the monstrous Nazi that had stepped out of the way . The net were
it touched itself instantly fused into a solid mass, and then began to shrink
pinning her arms against her as she crashes into the ground face first and slides
nearly three feet. She tries to break the seemingly fragile fibers, but they are
incredibly strong and she has no leverage! In a matter of a second the fibers
harden into a crushing skin tight cage!

"Now as I was saying" Your Highness "the hulking man leaned over the
entrapped Monarch and went on as if nothing happened," You will surrender at once
and submit to UNN rule. In return for your co-operation the ever generous and
forgiving Fuhrer will parole half of your people; they may remain on the lower end
of your island, with certain stipulations ".

Wonder Woman watched in horror as the warrior Queen was taken down so
easily;.!! It seemed they had no chance "Listen to me you Nazi Bastard Release my
mother and the others and leave this place, perhaps we will let you live There are
three hundred bows, all with arrows drawn aimed at you hearts as we speak! "cried
the proud Princess Warrior.

"And as we speak slut there are three Battleships, armed with eighteen
inch guns all trained on your palace, any harm comes to me they will open fire and
not stop until all of your subjects are dead! Look out to sea" Your Highness " he
mocked, "look and see if I am lying! Surrender and you people go on, fight, you all
die or are enslaved!"

From behind him Von Sader heard Queen Hippolyte scream, "Free me and
fight me like a man! You hide behind your weapons like a scared little boy!"

The giant of a man just laughed "I will deal with you later slut, but
be careful what you wish for!"

Turning back to the wall he went on addressing Wonder Woman, "You have
fifteen minutes to decide the fate of your people cunt, and then we destroy you
completely if you do not submit!"

"You cowardly Bastard!" Cried Princess Diana, "I challenge you to

single combat! Are you afraid to fight me?" The brave Warrior Princess leapt down
from the wall to face the big Nazi.

"And what would be the profit in that?" Laughed the menacing hulk of a
Field Marshall. "I have your island, I have your sister, I have your Queen and
mother, and soon I will be buried balls deep in their asses. Why should I fight
you? "

"Just as I thought, you are a lowly coward!" Declared the raven haired
beauty, "Afraid to fight a woman, some" Master Race "she spat with contempt." Fight
me you coward, and if you lose, leave our island forever! "

"And if I win?" Chuckled Von Sader mockingly.

. "We will submit to your UNN" answered Wonder Woman A gasp went up
from the walls of the palace;.! She was gambling their very lives Then a cheer went
up from the Amazon Warriors who had heard her speech, "DIANA DIANA! DIANA! DIANA!
"then looking at Von Sader," COWARD! COWARD! COWARD! "

"No Diana!" Cried the entrapped Queen from behind the Nazi commander,
"do not do this! It is too risky! Try to get some of our people off the island and
fight on!"

"Shut up cow!" Exclaimed Doctor Mengle, who had climbed un-noticed from
the tank. The tall powerful Nazi Woman who so resembled an Amazon herself gave
Queen Hippolyte a vicious kick to her head, stunning the Queen into silence.

"How dare you touch our Queen you vile Nazi harlot!" Cried Wonder
Woman, "you shall be made to pay for that insult!"

Looking down in contempt the evil Doctor spat on the helpless Queen, "I
do not fear revenge by the queen of Amazon whore's whelp!"

Now completely enraged Wonder Woman shouted for all to hear, "Do you
see how the cowards fight? They can only abuse helpless captives, they are afraid
to fight a free warrior in fair combat! These are the best they have? These cowards
want to rule the world? "

"Just to show the world we are in fact the Master Race, I will fight
you Wonder Woman" growled the big man, "but for it to be a fair fight you will
remove that power belt! This is to be warrior against warrior, the best man versus
the beast Amazon! Do you dare accept slut? "Wonder Woman paused for a second, so
Von Sader went on," This is you only chance, accept my challenge or be known as a
boastful coward, and know you tossed away any chance your people may have to
continue their existence as a race! "

"Also, there is no negotiating the fate of the fifty commandos, they

are to be turned over to the UNN regardless of the outcome of the contest!" Added
Von Sader, "they have already been convicted and must be punished under the law! "

"H ... h ... how would we fight?" Diana asked somewhat uncertainly, concerned about
fighting without her power belt.

"As the challenged I believe I have the choice of weapons" Von Sader
answered. "But to give you a chance, I would agree to traditional weapons, I
suggest Sword, Spear, and Shields!"

Wonder Woman thought to herself, "! He has made a mistake I am the best
with those weapons;!! We have been using them for thousands of years He has grown
too arrogant I can beat him even with out the belt!"

"I will fight you Nazi! But the Commandos must be part of the
negotiations!" Declared Wonder Woman. "They must be freed when I win!" She stressed
the word when.

"You will not be winning today Wonder Slut" laughed Doctor Mengle from
behind Von Sader, "He will be fucking you by tonight, and you will be fucking him
back like a whore!"

"Do you speak from experience Nazi slut?" Laughed Princess Diana. Red
faced the Nazi Doctor just looked away humiliated. "You will soon see what I mean
Amazon" she muttered, knowing what lay in store for the Princess shortly.
"That is not possible, they have been convicted of serious crimes, and
they must be surrendered. You will only be fighting for those that have not
actively engaged in acts against the new Reich. Take it or leave it," answered the
Field Marshall flatly. "This is your only chance to save most of your people.
Resist and many will die and the rest will be enslaved."

"What choice do I have?" Moaned Diana, "I agree to your terms you
bastard, enjoy your last few hours on earth!"

"Very well then Amazon, we will hold this contest in your Coliseum at
noon tomorrow. The women on this list will report to my headquarters at the beach
by 6:00 PM this evening, with the exception of you of course. My film crews will be
setting up this evening to record the contest, you will give them what ever they
need! "he commanded tersely.

"Then release our Queen!" Cried one Amazon along the wall.

"I am afraid she will have to stand trial for attacking an officer of
the Reich" laughed Von Sader as he reached down and picked her up, flinging her
onto the huge tank.

"Be ready to lose tomorrow Wonder Woman, and by the way, the boats you
were hoping to use to escape have been destroyed. No one leaves the island
tonight!" Added Von Sader as he leapt onto the tank. The monstrous machine fired up
and pivoted on its tracks and headed back to where it came from, taking Queen
Hippolyte with it.

As it disappeared the stunned Amazons gathered around Princess Diana.

Most were stoic, but fear was visible in most of their eyes, especially those on
that dreaded list.

One Captain of the Amazons spoke up, "to Hades with them Princess! Let us fight
them like the Spartans at Thermopylae Pass! I am for death rather than servitude!
We can not hand over our sisters to that fiend, better to die fighting! "

"You can not condemn our entire race to save a few!" Exclaimed an older
Captain. Queen Hippolyte was trying to explain that to you! Listen to your mother,
she was right! We must survive to fight another day, those on that list made a
choice to risk their lives in a war that was not our own, and doing so endangered
all of us! All of us dying here will prove nothing, I bet the bastards will not
even record our deaths for history, we will just be another extinct race. If some
of us survive we might get a chance to do some real good in the future! "

"You are a coward!" Cried the first Captain as she lunged at the older
Amazon counseling surrender. "It is not you they want, it is me you shriveled old

The older Captain was hardly a "shriveled old crone", although she was
nearly two hundred year old, she looked to be in her mid Forties perhaps and a very
handsome woman, a very powerful and fast one as well, and she easily cuffed her
younger assailant to the floor. "Coward? Coward am I? You sorry little cunt! I was
fighting a century before your mother let a goat fuck her to have you!" she
declared. "I'll cut off your breast and use them to decorate my shield! "

"Stop immediately!" Demanded Wonder Woman, "we have enough enemies

without fighting each other in case you had not noticed! Now help me decide
rationally our fate! For Gods sake stop fighting each other!"
Finally, after hours of wrangling it was decided the wanted Amazons
would not surrender, they chose to fight! But they decided to go away from the
Palace so as to avoid the others from being involved. A runner was sent to Von
Sader informing him that the wanted Amazons would not be coming as ordered. "My
Princess sends word that these Warriors have defied her wishes" the messenger
claimed. "They have left the city in order to not incur any further punishment for
the rest of our population."

"Tell your Princess there will repercussions for this laughable attempt
to defy me and save her people!" Snarled the evil German Commander. "Tell Diana our
contest is still on for tomorrow and I look forward to ass fucking her in front of
her people as I will be doing her mother tonight! Now go before I have you raped to
death right now! "

The young messenger's face went pale although she tried to hide her
fear as she had been taught by older warriors. She turned and tried to walk away
slowly, but s soon as she cleared the perimeter she began to run like a frightened
child, she could hear the laughter behind her at her cowardice, but she had an
overwhelming need to flee this evil! When she made it back to the palace she was
ushered in immediately to the throne room where Diana sat, her face buried in her
hands in dejection.

She looked up hopefully as the young girl entered, "Well?" She asked

"The bastard said there would be repercussions later, but the contest
is still on your highness!" The young girl gasped.

"Did he say anything else?" The Princess inquired.

"It is too horrible to repeat your majesty, that man is pure evil! You
must kill him for all our sakes, no one is safe as long as he breaths!" Sobbed the
youngster. Wonder Woman took the younger woman in her arms and hugged her to her
breast. "There, there, I will beat him and you will be free!" she declared, only
half believing it.

Lead by the young Captain Telia, still smarting from her treatment in
the council chambers at the hands of the older Captain, the wanted Amazons had
slipped out of the city undetected they thought, but they were wrong, a team of
crack SS troopers followed them into a thick forest for several miles until they
reached a clearing and began to set up a fortified camp. Telia thought she heard
something, like thunder many miles away and turned to the Amazon next to her and
asked if she had heard it too when suddenly a huge flash of light, like a small sun
burst over their heads, followed by a loud screech, then another muffled bang as a
second shell burst over them. The second shell contained a clear gas that instantly
diffused over the clearing. It caught most of the Amazons looking up, frozen in
place by the star shell fired from an eighteen inch naval gun miles off shore. The
gas was a powerful nerve agent, it instantly paralyzed any animal that breaths it
in, or even gets on the skin.

Almost instantly the Amazons began dropping to the ground like limp
dolls, they were fully conscious, just unable to move their limbs. They could see
and hear, but their arms and legs just refused to move.

A few of the Amazons on the edge of the camp managed to turn and flee
towards the surrounding woods, only to be ensnared in the nets of Nazi SS troopers
that had surrounded them.

One very young Amazon girl made it into the tree line, and by lying
under some bushes she hid from the assault until the Nazis had all past her by, or
so she thought. She rose up from her hiding place, watching over her shoulder
towards the clearing. She should have been looking where she was running, she
plowed head on into the big Nazi Doctor, Frieda Mengle, she went down and bounced
off her cute little ass as the tall woman stood over her, feet spread, hands on her
hips. Clad in a black Nazi uniform with tall black boots she was an intimidating
sight for the young girl staring up at her in terror. "Well what do we have here?"
laughed the evil apparition standing over the frightened girl. "And what is your
name my tasty little morsel of fuck meat? We are going to become great friends you
and I! "The icy malevolence in the tall woman's voice left no doubt in the young
Amazons mind this was not her friend!

Back at the palace, the booms from the naval guns was heard, but no one
could figure out exactly what they meant, but all knew it could not be good!

The crowd began to gather at the Coliseum at the appointed time for the
contest that would settle the fate of the Amazon race. Many Amazons could not bring
themselves to go, the dread and tension was just too great. Soon the awful roar of
massive diesel engines was heard, this time there were three massive Tiger tanks in
front of the gates all of them were pulling trailers covered by a tarp. Behind the
tanks came heavily armed SS troops in half tracks and trucks. They piled out and
filed through the now open gates toward the stadium. The arena was not very large,
but it could accommodate the population of the island easily enough. The well
manicured floor had seen many an epic contest back in happier days, but none more
important than this one.

One of the massive tanks made its way into the arena, barely fitting
through the gates. It parked in the center and Von Sader climbed out. He looked
impatiently at his watch, it was a few minutes after noon, and Wonder Woman was

Then loud herald trumpets were heard along the street leading into the
arena and Wonder Woman could be seen approaching through the open gates with her
escort. As she entered the arena she made an awesome spectacle, the very tall woman
was armored in classic Greek battle gear , all polished to a high sheen She wore a
short tunic with golden armor covering her torso;.. it fit her spectacular form
like a glove Golden greaves cover her shins, and atop her head was a golden
Corinthian helmet complete with a long flowing horsehair plume. Golden armor
covered her forearms as well. She carried a large rectangular shield, two spears
were slung at an angle across her back in a leather quiver, and a shining, jewel
encrusted sword hung from her waist belt. The belt was a simple leather one, not
her power belt Von Sader noticed half annoyed. He had hoped she would turn it over
to him, now he would have to find where she hid it, but that could be fun as well!

The confident appearing Princess of the Amazons strode proudly to the

center of the arena, she knew she looked inspiring to her people, and hopefully a
little intimidating to her opponent. She noted he was unarmed and unarmored. "What
is this piece of trash doing in OUR Stadium "she asked indicating the massive tank
and its trailer.

"Your mother wanted ring side seats Wonder Woman" laughed Von Sader. He
made a gesture towards the trailer and two SS guards pulled away the tarp. The
Amazons in the crowd gave a gasp of horror as they saw what was under it. The
trailer was a rolling cage! Like a circus wagon for wild animals! Inside there was
a mockery of a throne. On the throne sat Queen Hippolyte, tied in an obscene way
designed to shock the crowd. The seat of the "throne" was a beam which she
straddled, a painfully wide beam. Spaced along the top of the beam was several
fiendish cock like devices. It was clear the Queen sat on two of them, one up her
cunt, the other her ass. Her legs were bound together at the ankles under her, and
then tightly secured to the floor. A second pole ran up vertically behind her back,
her arms were pulled behind her and tightly bound at the elbows, causing her
breasts to be thrust out.

The terrifying part was that the Queen seemed to be in the throws of an orgasm from
her torture! She might have been moaning but a cock gag was thrust deeply down her
throat, drool leaked around her tightly stretched lips as she rocked on the dildos
so deeply embedded in her ass and cunt. Her inner thighs glistened with her own
cum, and dried ball juice from where she had apparently been raped before being
mounted on the fiendish throne.

At the other end of the trailer, was the leader of the fifty wanted
Amazon women who had tried to escape the previous day. Captain Telia. She was in
even worse shape than the Queen. She sat on a pair of huge hard rubber cocks like
her Ruler, but she faced the upright pole A cruel cross bar was attached to the
upright;.. It was split like medieval stocks Her breasts were placed between the
two bars which had a large screw attached to a hand wheel on each end. By turning
the wheel her tender breast were crushed between the two bars. The ends of Telia's
large tits were an angry purple, her nipples pushed out like erasures. Her agony
was clearly etched in her face .

"Now Wonder Woman, you know the criminals wanted by the UNN did not
escape justice!" Laughed Von Sader cruelly. "The others will enjoy a similar fate.
Now I will give you one last chance to drop to your knees and beg my forgiveness ,
I might spare you if you suck cock better than your mother! "

"I am going to kill you miserable bastard!" Cried the outraged


"Well many have tried slut!" Laughed Von Sader. "Bring me my weapons!"

Two Nazi guard ran to him carrying a huge heavy shield, a long heavy sword, and a

"Have you no armor in your vast arsenal" mocked Diana.

"I find it hot and heavy" answered the big Nazi, "And I will not need
it today anyway. So are you going to fight or talk me to death? I have been
admiring your ass and I want to get to fucking it ! "

Enraged the Amazon Princess charged at her antagonist, at a dead run

and with a feral scream she reached back grabbed a spear and hurdled it at her huge
target. He used his shield to deflect it handily, and hurled his first spear as she
closed the gap rapidly. She too deflected it easily enough. She hurled her second
spear like missile at his head but he got his shield up and it stuck nearly dead
center. His second throw did exactly the same, piercing the shield but striking
nothing. The difference she discovered was when she went to use her sword to cut
away the awkwardly protruding lance as Van Sader had done hers was that the shaft
was of solid steel! The point was made so it bent as it pierced and the shaft was
uncut able, rendering her shield useless!

The huge Nazi charged her as she flung down the now useless shield,
slamming his shield into her like a freight train His weight and the speed of his
charge flung her backwards several feet, but she did not fall Von Sader was
amazed;. He had killed men like that before. The Amazon warrior quickly regained
her senses and tried to go on the offensive. Her sword hand was almost invisible to
everyone watching except Von Sader. He was huge, but his reflexes were as quick as
hers. He studied her attack and was impressed by its sophistication, speed and
Wonder Woman knew she was in trouble when she had to discard the
shield, she was now at a hue disadvantage. She had hoped to lure this giant into a
frenzied attack and let him wear himself out on her shield before launching her own
attacks, but that was not possible now, if she tried that just using her blade to
parry his attacks, his size would overwhelm her.

Von Sader has sized up her strategy quickly and knew he should press
his attacks now that was denied the Amazon. When she tried an downward slash from
a high guard position he blocked it with his own sword, the impact sent waves of
pain up Diana's sword arm, then he slammed her with the shield. Lights exploded in
her head and she felt herself being flung through the air. This time she did not
land on her feet, she landed ass first and slid several feet.

This was a completely new experience for the Amazon Princess, she was
the one who usually flung people like that! She was very much regretting leaving
her power belt behind. This huge man was proving to be as fast as she was, and much
stronger! As she sat on her ass dazed the big Nazi laughed at her, "Come on little
girl, or are you ready to admit your inferiority to a man!"

That taunt brought her back to earth quickly and she leapt to her feet quickly.
"You have not won anything yet Nazi pig!" She snarled.

"It is a mater of time before I cum in that pretty mouth of yours Wonder Woman!"
Von Sader snapped, "Me and thirty of my men!"

"NEVER!" Wonder screamed as she summoned the energy to charge again sword high over
her head. It was a feint hoping to et Von Sader to raise his sword and shield high
again to counter. She dropped low and tried to slash the big man's legs, but he
jumped over her slashing attack and brought that huge heavy shield down on her head
as she crouched. The impact was tremendous, it would have killed a normal person,
even the mighty Wonder Woman was stunned. Her helmet was torn from her head and
spittle flew from her mouth as her head was snapped around violently. Some in the
audience thought her head might still be in the helmet as it rolled away.

Already low to the ground as she slashed at his legs she went to her knees, the
force of the blow bent her backwards over her own ankles, the back of her head
struck the ground hard causing more explosions of light in her head. She lay there
stunned for several seconds, bent double, arms flung wide, a normal woman's spine
would have snapped like a dry twig.

Laughing, the Nazi Field Marshall leaned over her and asked, "is that all you have
Wonder Tits? Could the so called" champion of women "be ready for her rape so
soon?" He kicked her sword away from her outstretched hand leaving her weaponless.

"N ... n ... nooo!" She moaned rolling over to her hands and knees. The evil Nazi
leaned back and kicked in the stomach as she struggled to get up. Some of the
tremendous blow was absorbed by her armor, but the kick lifted her well clear of
the ground and flung her onto her back. As she tried to rally again her monstrous
tormentor again kick her in the ribs.

As she again lay on her back Von Sader leered at her sculpted body, "Stay down
cunt, you are beaten! Acknowledge me as your master and save yourself a lot of

"T ... t ... to hell with you, you bastard!" She cried, trying not to vomit from
the pain. She again struggled to her hands and knees, the Amazons in the crowded
arena cheered her on, hoping against hope that she might somehow prevail. The hopes
of her sister Amazons caused her to redouble her efforts to rise, but this time the
kick did not land on her armored ribs, instead Von Sader's blow landed between her
wide spread legs!

Wonder Woman was driven forward onto her face in the sand of the arena floor, her
mouth open from the blinding pain took in what seemed like a ton of the dirt, her
ass still high in the air. Her hands went under her and between her legs to clutch
her ravaged cunt. As she lay gasping Von Sader pulled a dagger from his boot and
cut the straps holding Wonder Woman's armor together. "There, that should help you
breath slut!" mocked Von Sader as he swung another vicious kick into her groin.

Wonder Woman was driven forward again leaving her shining armor, and the hopes of
her people laying on the ground like two halves of a turtles shell. Steeling
herself to the pain she tried to crawl and scramble to where her antagonist had
kicked her sword, she had just touched its jeweled hilt when another blow came, the
kick to her ribs lifted her away from the only possible salvation she could
envision, she saw the sun glinting off her proud sword as she twirled through the
air on her way to another jolting landing . It was almost like it was in slow
motion, she could see every detail of the sword carried by Amazon Queens for
centuries untold, a sword she had sworn to defend her people with She landed near
her mother's cage;. she could see tears in her mother's eyes, tears from the awful
knowledge that her daughter had failed and would soon be joining her in her
humiliation, that their whole race was doomed.

The impact of the landing drove what little consciousness from Wonder Woman's
tortured mind as the whole world went black. She drifted off to a time before the
Nazis, when their idyllic Island was a sanctuary from the world of men. She could
feel the warm sun on her naked body and hear the voices of her friends and family
as they frolicked on the beach. They in a white flash, the pain came back.

Unwilling to open her eyes she felt herself being dragged up by her long raven
tresses seemingly to the clouds. "Open your eyes cunt! I know you are awake!"
Growled Von Sader who was holding her at eye level. It was a command that somehow
she felt absolutely compelled to obey, she thought "Is this it? Am I already
responding as a slave to her master's voice?"

"Look at me slut! You are defeated! Surrender now and save yourself and your family
from more pain! 'Demanded the Nazi Commander." There is no way for you to win, you
only increase your humiliation with your feeble struggles. Her reached down with
his other hand and tore away her tunic, exposing her for the world to see as the
Nazi cameras whirred away. All she could do was hand there in humiliation, held
aloft by her conqueror like a trophy.

He slapped her breasts to make them jiggle, displaying them for the crowd as he
did. "Just kill me" Wonder Woman whispered.

"What? Are you admitting defeat Wonder Woman?" Answered Von Sader.

"Just kill me, you are a warrior, you understand, please just end my shame" she
begged again.

"No my new little fuck slave, you have a new life to live now, as my slave!" The
Field Marshall laughed maniacally. "In fact it is now time for you to begin that
new life!" He let her drop, and then commanded, "on your knees Wonder Whore! It is
time to learn how to suck a man's cock!"

"N ... n ... no, I will not!" She stammered shakily.

"Then watch one of your people die crushed beneath the tracks of my tanks!" He
growled and pointed to an Amazon in the stands. "Take her, and drive over her
slowly!" Two burly Nazis grabbed the stunned red head, one produced a small vial
and spayed a mist into the struggling Amazons face, she went instantly limp.

"She is not unconscious Wonder Woman, she can feel everything, she is just
paralyzed! Now watch as she dies, she will feel herself crushed and ground beneath
65 tons of Tiger Tank!"

The victim was flung over the rail and onto the arena floor. Again Von Sader
pointed into the stands, "Her! Tie her between two tanks and pull her apart!" Again
in seconds the struggling Amazon was helplessly laying on the sand fated for
horrible death.

"We had a bargain you and I Wonder Woman, if you do not submit as we agreed if you
lost, I will kill every Amazon in this stadium one at a time. I will fill the arena
with their blood, all because you will not honor your vow! Your race will be
exterminated like the Jews! "

The screaming Amazons selected for a gruesome execution could still scream, "You
will hear their death shrieks as they die in horrible agony Wonder Whore, and it
will haunt you forever! It gains you nothing to resist, I will fuck your mouth
anyway as those women die if you do not beg to suck my cock! "

Wonder Woman realized she was beaten, she had lost and she had no right to allow
these two other women to die so horribly just to preserve her pride. She should
have no pride left anyway, she had been defeated and let her people become an
enslaved race. Finally she whispered, "You win Von Sader, let them go, I will do as
you ask ..."

"Not good enough Wonder Whore!" Growled the demented Nazi giant. "Admit I have
beaten you, beg your Master to suck his cock! Kiss my boot and beg slave!"

Faced with seeing her people slaughtered she really had no choice, "I have been
defeated, p ... p ... please Master, may I suck your cock?" She sobbed as she
leaned forward to kiss Von Sader's boot. A camera and microphone were held close to
record the event for future generations to share her humiliation.

Von Sader reached down and pulled her up by her hair again, as she dangled another
SS trooper ran out and handed the Nazi Commander a black leather dog collar. "Stand
bitch while I collar you!" He commanded. Holding the collar in front of her he
commanded, "read the tag slut!"

Through bleary eyes she had trouble seeing the gold tag riveted to the collar. She
finally cleared her vision enough to read the awful inscription. The words shocked
her as realized this was the end for Wonder Woman .... "I can not, please, not
this, this was not part of the bargain "she cried.

"Read them out loud slut, or those two over there die under my tank as you watch
their eyes!" He warned back.

Her heart sank as she stammered out the words of her final defeat inscribed on this
yet another humiliation.

"You should be proud to be the property of such a great man!" Laughed Von Sader at
her obvious shame, "Now read it or those women die screaming!"

Once again faced with no option she sobbed "W ... wonder S ... slut, P ... property
of Field Marshall Eric Von Sader"

A huge cheer went up from the Nazis in the stadium while the Amazons sat in stunned
disbelief. Some sat stoically, others wept openly as he buckled the latest
humiliation around her throat. The latch for the collar was a lock, and there was
no key hole. "That is permanent whore!" he told her, "there is no going back!

Von Sader pushed the now unresisting Wonder Woman to her knees again, his crotch
aligned with her face. "Unfasten my pants Wonder Whore and meet your new owner!"

The former Amazon Warrior reached out and unfastened the belt and trouser buttons
in front of her. To her horror a cock the size of a bull's sprang out and pointed
directly at her face. It was nearly as big around as her wrist and as long as her
forearm! All she could do was stare at it as it throbbed in front of her face.

Grabbing the back of her head her rapist commanded, "Get busy slut!"

Wonder Woman had never touched a man's cock before;!. She had seen a few on Greek
statues and in paintings, but had not prepared her for this Nothing could have She
leaned forward and timidly licked at the tip, tasting a salty drop of pre -cum, but
this did not satisfy Von Sader. "Lick it harder slut, and do not forget my balls,
you have a lot to learn about your new life as a slut!"

Wonder Woman licked harder wrapping her tongue around the steel hard cock;.. She
could feel his pulse as it throbbed on her tongue When she licked his huge nut sack
his musky aroma was over whelming She began to lick in earnest and soon he grabbed
the back of her head again and ordered her to open her mouth. As he brutally forced
his massive cock into her painfully opened mouth he growled, "Take it all whore,
swallow it down" When she gagged he laughed, "You will learn slut, you will learn!
"and he began pumping in and out of her throat. Her gagging only served to
stimulate him more as he savagely face fucked her. Soon his ball sack was slapping
her chin as she struggled to breathe.

Soon she felt the already massive cock swell, a warning she would soon learn met a
load of man gravy was headed down her throat. The massive German came like a fire
hose as he held his cock in her throat, and then pulled back to cum into her mouth.
"Now you know what your master's cum tastes like slut!" he laughed as his hot semen
ran down her face and coated her breasts, dripping from her hardened nipples onto
the floor of the arena. "In the future whore you will be punished for wasting good
cum by slobbering it on the floor "he growled.

She choked down what was in her throat and mouth, fighting a huge urge to vomit,
but at the same time his scent, his taste was oddly rousing, she felt warmth in her
loins, unwelcome warmth.

Finally when she was able to speak, she croaked out, "You p ... promised, m ... my
people?" As she did more cum drooled down her chin.

"Ah yes I did did not I slut?" Laughed the Nazi that had just violated her so
horribly. He turned to the stands and announced, "All the Amazons except the fifty
convicted of crimes against the state are free to leave the stadium . Return to
your homes after you swear allegiance to the UNN your names are recorded and your
pictures taken at the gate. You will be assigned a number, remember it well. You
are all now subjects of the Third Reich. Comply immediately or you will be tried
and convicted of treason and will share the fate of these other criminals in the
cages! There is a dusk to dawn curfew in effect as well, stay in your homes! "

The Amazon Warriors in the crowd began to file out where they were photographed
like common criminals, Front back and side views all holding a numbered sign. What
they did not understand was that these photos were going to be used in a catalog, a
slave catalog for wealthy Nazis who would be able to phone in their orders by
As the lucky Amazons filed out a Nazi work crew brought in some pre constructed
stands and began erecting them in the arena. Once set up they were twenty feet long
and resembled the parallel bars like seen in gymnastic competitions except one side
was lower than the other . Viewed from the end it looked like a letter U with one
leg to short and the bottom flattened out to rest firmly on the ground. Several
were set up in a circle around the arena floor with the lower bar facing outward.

Wonder Woman, half dazed from her beating and humiliation could only wonder what
these racks were for, she was positive it could not be good for her people. She
could not have been more correct.

Von Sader laughed at the puzzled look on Wonder Woman's face as she watched them
being constructed. "These are breeding benches cunt, the fifty convicts are all
about to serve the fatherland as brood sluts!"

The shock to her system caused by the cruel Nazi's words made her give a quite
little "by the Gods what has happened to us!" She fell into a fetal position and
began to cry.

Von Sader pulled her to her hands and knees with the leash attached to her collar.
"Now watch German efficiency at its finest" he crowed.

The first of the fifty convicts was led to the bench by a collar and leash like the
one Wonder Woman wore. She was naked except for leather wrist and ankle cuffs which
each sported rings to attach chains. A leather belt encircled her waist just above
the hip with a ring in the small off her back.

She was forced to sit on the lower bar and lean backwards against the taller one
behind her which ran beneath her shoulder blades. There were a series of snaps
along the lower bar spaced a few feet apart and the first victims belt was attached
to the snap .

The leash attached to her throat collar was then affixed to a ring on the base of
the taller bar, thus securing her in a reclined position. Her arms were forced
behind the upper bar then pulled upwards so the bar rested on the bend of her elbow
, trusting her breasts out and upward.

Finally, her legs were spread wide apart and her ankles pulled back towards her
head where they were cuffed to her wrist, spreading her lewdly for all to see.
Doctor Mengle strode up to her and laughed, "How perfectly lovely!" She reached
into a pouch and pulled out a small metal stud and a pair of piercing pliers. "This
is going to hurt you a lot more than it is me!" she laughed as she placed the
pliers around the screaming girl's clit after she swabbed it with alcohol . She
looked at the squirming Amazon and warned, "Lie still! If I miss we will have to do
it again!" as she squeezed the pliers. The Amazon let out a blood curdling scream,
the screamed herself hoarse as the evil Doctor shoved the metal stud through the
new hole. She snapped an end on the stud that was larger than the hole.

"That can never be removed Wonder Slut!" Von Sader laughed as he pointed to the
spread Amazon on the rack. "It has a tiny receiver in it and we can administer
pleasure, or unimaginable pain with it, watch!"

Mengle hit a button on a small remote control and the restrained Amazon began to
twitch and buck against her chains like a wild animal in extreme agony. She was
nearly choking herself to death pulling against her collar trying to escape the
fire in her cunt.

"STOP!" Screamed Wonder Woman, "You are killing her!"

"No, not really" laughed Mengle, "she just feels like we are!" As she hit another

The restrained Amazon slowly relaxed into a crying mass stretched over those bars.
Then an odd look crossed her face, she licked her dry lips, and began to moan,
softly at first, and then louder with more urgency. She began to try and gyrate her
hips; she needed to rub her clit on something, anything!

"You see what a slut you Amazons really are" declared Mengle. "This whore needs a
good fucking!" She laughed as she ran a finger up the rapidly moistening slit of
the spread Warrior and displayed it to the crowd. "Are there any volunteers to help
relieve this whore's wanton lust? "A thousand hands went up at once!

!. 'Bring the others "commanded Von Sader as SS troopers lined up in front of the
spread Amazon An impromptu lottery determined fifty lucky winners who would take an
Amazon's virtue; the others would have to take turns after the cherry was popped on
each of the captives.

Soon each of the captives was being raped after being spread over the breeder
racks. Each had one man pummeling their cunts while the Nazi that was next in line
pulled their head down and throat fucked them to get ready. It was great sport for
the soldiers to slap the upturned tit meat of their victims as they raped them. The
screams of the Amazons as their maidenheads were ripped apart was music to the ears
of the Nazi leader. On occasion one could hear the scream of the odd Amazon as her
rapist decided to ass fuck her instead. Each of the women would end up servicing at
least twenty Storm Troopers if they only took one turn, but most took at least two
shots ... The women as they were being raped the first few times had their clit
studs turned off or onto the pain side to increase the troopers sadistic enjoyment,
but as the night wore on they were changed over to the pleasure side. Mengle wanted
them conditioned to respond like sluts to a man. By the end of the night most of
the Amazons in that stadium were moaning like cheap whores and fucking their rapist
back as much as their restraints allowed.

A few Amazons ignored the curfew warning and tried to sneak to the other end of the
island, they were all caught;. Von Sader had not relaxed the iron ring around the
city, and added to the rape fest in the arena By the end of the night's debauchery
nearly all of the convicted Amazons were pregnant, leaking cum from every orifice.

The Amazon Queen Hippolyte could only watch in horror at the destruction and rape
of her people from her "throne" in the cage. Mengle had not even bothered to turn
off on her pain stud. She watched as Von Sader dragged her oldest Daughter in front
of her and deflowered her, fucking her from behind like a dog, grinding her face
and breasts into the grit of the arena floor.

"You are a magnificent bitch Wonder Slut!" The evil Nazi growled as he rammed his
cock into her virgin cunt as she screamed in pain. "Queen Hippolyte, I will have
you bred so you can watch me rape more of your children in front of you! Look at
you slut, cumming like a cheap whore as I rape the vaunted "Champion of Women" in
front of you! "he mocked." Now watch her squeal as I rape her ass! "

Wonder Woman tried to crawl, to get away from that monstrous cock as it poised at
the entrance to her virgin asshole, but he pinned her to the cruel sand as he
pushed the head of his fuck pole past the tight ring of her sphincter. Then slowly
he pushed in further nd further, reaching under her, crushing her breasts and using
them for leverage to shove in even deeper.

"By the Gods please stop!" Screamed Wonder Woman. "I can bear no more, my insides
are being shredded! Please stop, I will do anything you ask, just stop!"
Von Sader raised his huge hand and brought it down on her bare ass leaving a red
imprint of his hand. "I am your master slave, you will remember that when you beg!"
And then he gave her another stunning slap, leaving another red mark.

"P ... p ... please M ... master, p ... lease take it out it hurts me too much to
stand!" Cried the defeated Heroine.

"Close Wonder Cunt, but a slave does not use" I "or" me ", try again, this time use
'this slave" or "this slut" demanded the cruel bastard as he continues to ass fuck
her violently.

"Please Master, this slave begs you to stop!" She cried, the agony clearly evident
in her voice, the shame and humiliation forgotten, all that matter was getting that
tree trunk out of her ass.

"Second lesson slut, what the slave wants does not matter!" Laughed the Nazi
masochist as he plunged even deeper into her ass, his balls now slapping her cunt
as he hammered her from behind, ripping yet another agonized scream from Wonder
Woman's throat .

"How can this have happened?" She thought to herself as her rapist plowed into her
bowels. "What did we do to deserve this? I wish I had been killed in battle instead
of this ... this ... enslavement!"

When the monster behind her finally came he blew scalding hot ball gravy deep into
her bowels, and then pulled out with a humiliating plopping sound and blew more
over her ass and back. As it cooled it leaked from her ass and trickled down over
her cunt and thighs, pooling beneath her in the sand of the arena.

Von Sader walked over to the trailer that held Queen Hippolyte and climbed into the
cage, his semi flaccid cock sticking out in front of him like a lance. He straddled
the torture bench the Amazon Queen was seated on and removed her gag, that
monstrous cock now in her face. He removed her arm restraints and she rubbed her
sore jaws seeking some relief from the pain of having her mouth stretched so wide
for so long. She started to rise off the bench, to get away from the two dildos she
sat on, but he pushed her back down. "Enough practice on a fake cock Queen of
Whores, suck the cock of your master, clean your daughter's filth from my fuck
pole!" Demanded the sadistic Nazi Commander. He pushed the pleasure button on the
remote for the Queens Clit stud, dialing it up high. She immediately moaned, "Oh
God, not again!" as the insidious device tingled her nerve endings and pushed her
towards yet another forced orgasm.

"Open your mouth for your master you cock slave, clean the cock that raped your
daughter!" He commanded as he plunged into her mouth. "Taste your daughter's cherry
blood on my cock! Taste your own child's cunt you whore, and finger your own cunt
slave! "

The trapped Queen had no choice but to obey, the Nazi's foul cock coated with her
own daughter's juices slid in and out of her throat with a now practiced ease. She
used her tongue to coax him into coming, hoping to get it over soon. "That is
better my Queen of Cum ! You are learning to be a fine cock slave!" laughed Von
Sader, his cock now fully hard again. He suddenly pulled out of her throat jerked
her off the bench and the two rubber cocks she had been riding with a plop. He spun
her around and bent her back wards over the bench facing Wonder Woman laying on the
ground in front of the cage.

"Do see the price of defying the Reich now Wonder Slut?" Snarled Von Sader as he
plunged into Queen Hippolyte's well lubed cunt. The Queen gave a small moan as his
balls slapped her ass. "Do dare not cum until I give you permission Hippolyte! "He
called down to Wonder Woman" I will breed your mother in front of your eyes! Look
up here cow! Watch closely as I convert her into cock loving whore! "

The giant cock slid in and out of the Queen's cunt over and over, it's full ten
inch length pistoning like a jack hammer. "P ... p ... please?" Moaned the Queen as
he raped her.

"Please what?" He laughed as he continued to fuck her brains out.

"P ... p ... please I, I, need, need" groaned the former monarch

"You need what whore?" He laughed again .. "And you will refer to your self as a
whore or slut, you are no longer an" I "or" me ", you heard your daughter do it
correctly earlier!"

The Queen was beyond caring about the ramifications of her actions or words now,
she needed release! "P ... please Master, this whore needs release!" She cried.

"No slut, beg properly!" The Nazi responded coldly. "Sluts do not use words like"
release ", say make" make this slave cum "or" may this slut cum for your Master! "

"M ... may ... .may ... this slut cum for you Master!" Gasped the panting Queen

"Not until I do slut, the Master always cums first!" Laughed Von Sader. Fortunately
for Queen Hippolyte he was blowing a huge load into her womb as he spoke. "Now you
may cum slut!" He allowed her. "Thank me as you do! "

"Oh God! Oh God!" Screamed the debased Queen as she thrust back onto Von Sader's
huge shaft, "Thank you Master!" She cried. Her daughter looked on in shame and
disgust as her mother continued to humiliate herself and her race. Von Sader
noticed the look on Wonder Woman's face

"You see Wonder Cunt, your mother is learning her place as a cum slut! She will
learn to crave my nut sauce like an addict craves opium! The smell or sight of it
will trigger an uncontrollable urge" he told her coldly. "I see the look of disgust
on your face, but I can break you just as quickly! Our scientists have perfected a
combination of drugs and training techniques to control any human's behavior. Your
sister is slated to become a pain slut, she will only be able to achieve orgasm as
she is punished, but she will crave it nonetheless! The more she is abused both
physically and mentally, the harder she will cum. In the end if I am not careful,
she and your mother will basically become mindless fuck toys seeking "release" as
your mother used to call it. "

"You sick bastard!" The defeated Heroine exclaimed. Then softly she sobbed "What
the hell is wrong with you?"

"Crawl up her slut, crawl to your master, and I will show you just how sick I can
be whore!" Demanded the sadistic Nazi.

Wonder Woman's face drained as she saw the monsters cock was growing hard again
already. She started to try to back pedal in the sand, flight was clearly etched on
her now panic stricken face, what could this evil bastard be planning on doing to
her now ! "S ... s ... stay away from me you sick bastard!" she cried, not the
demand of a proud warrior, but the plea of ??a frightened girl.

"I did not tell you to crawl away from slave! I ordered you to crawl over to me!"
Growled the menacing mountain of a man, his face red with fury. He reached over to
the wall of the cage and picked up a long bull whip and snapped it in the air
threateningly. "Crawl over here now, or I will remove the flesh from you tits with
this!" With that warning he cracked the whip again, its tip found Wonder Woman's
sensitive nipple with a sharp crack before she could cover it up! The pain caused
explosions in her head like the atom bomb that had sealed the allies defeat and in
the end caused her enslavement.

She drooped into a fetal position and began to cry, "I said crawl to me slut, and
you better have your pretty ass moving NOW!" Screamed the enraged Nazi. The anger
in his voice caught her attention, she tried to get up, she had not decided whether
she was going to comply or try to run when the lash struck her exposed ass. The
pain took any thought of escape out of her head in an instant, so she tried
pleading, "P ... p ... please no more, I am coming! "

The lash struck her ass again, " You are one stupid cow" laughed the evil hulk
standing on the wagon in front of her. "You will never use the word" I "again slut,
that is reserved for humans, not Amazon cock slaves ! Now crawl around the wagon
twice on your hands and knees, and you had better go fast because I will be
whipping you! The faster you crawl, the fewer lashes! "

Wonder Woman had reached the wagon so she did as she was commanded, scuttling along
as fast as she could to escape the cruel lash. At the end of her second lap Von
Sader expertly flicked his wrist and the tip of the lash struck her clit. She
instantly collapsed clutching her cunt in pain. She was trying to scream but no
sound came out of her widely opened mouth.

"No one gave you permission to play with yourself whore, get up here and clean your
mother's filth off my cock with your tongue!" Order Von Sader. She weakly crawled
to the ladder on the circus like wagon and crawled to his feet. She raised herself
to her knees and began her disgusting task. When Von Sader was satisfied his balls
were clean and his monster cock was fully hard again he reached down and grabbed
Wonder Woman by the hair and pulled her over to where her mother still laid
sprawled across the bench, her legs spread wide and coated in her cum as well s Von

What came next scarred her forever, to her eternal shame Von Sader commanded, "Lick
her clean too slut! Lick your own mother's cunt like it was your last meal!" He
pushed her face into her startled mother's cunt, the older woman had passed out,
but the touch of mouth on her cunt set her libido off again, then she realized
who it was face down in her fuck hole. She tried to protest but Von Sader raised
the whip and she clamped her jaw shut, but she still looked at him with pleading

"Go on Wonder Woman, eat your mothers fuck hole or I will whip the tits off both of
you! You Amazons are all dykes anyway are not you?" Laughed the Field Marshall. He
grabbed the back of Wonder Woman's neck and shoved her face into the wide spread
cunt of her mother. "Tongue that nasty fuck hole, taste her cum, taste the cum of
the ten men that rapped her! Lick her out, shove your tongue all the way in whore!"
he commanded loudly. "Know that you are my slaves and you will do what ever I

Queen Hippolyte 'new programming soon took over and she began to hump Wonder
Woman's face. She reached down as she moaned her lust and grabbed her daughter's
hair pulling her head deeper into her sopping cunt, "OOHHHH LICK ME!" She cried,
"Lick my cunt! Lick my clit! '

The horror of hat she was being forced to do seemed unbearable to Wonder Woman, she
wished her heart would just stop and let her die, she wished she had never e born
as she was forced to lick the very cunt she had slid out of.
Von Sader's massive cock grew even harder at the sight of the debauchery in front
of him. The depravity he had created was swelling the thick fuck pole even more. He
dropped to his knees behind Wonder Woman, and with out any ceremony he shoved his
huge pole into her cunt. Wonder Woman screamed in pain as he began to pond her from
behind, but her cries were muffled in her mothers cunt. The screams did serve to
bring Hippolyte to near orgasm, "Please master, may this slut cum for you ? "I

"See Wonder Woman, she how I have broken your Queen and mother!" Laughed Von Sader.
"Cum for me queen of Whores, cum in your daughter's mouth!"

Some shred of her former self knew this was sick, that it was wrong, but the former
ruler of Themyscira could not help herself, she had to cum! And cum she did,
gushing ejaculation coated Wonder Woman's face and chest. It seemed to be gallons
to poor Diana as it ran down her throat as well. Von Sader's cunt pounding from
behind kept her face pulled tightly into the Queen's crotch.

"Reach under you and stroke my balls Wonder Whore" the Nazi commanded and she
complied quickly, hoping to end this ordeal soon as possible. It did not take
long before she felt Von Sader's ball sack swell, the two bull sized balls
twitching just before they poured scalding cum into her cunt. Once again he made
Wonder Woman lick him clean.

"Mengle!" He yelled as the woman lapped cum from his ball sack, "Get inhere and
bell this cat!"

The Nazi Scientist brought her evil tools, "Spread her" she commanded two guards
and they grabbed her ankles. She started to fight, she knew what this new
humiliation was, but Von Sader anticipated her attempt to resist and coiled his
whip around her throat . The powerful man pulled her back across the bench as the
two guards forced her legs apart.

"You have a nice large clit Wonder Cow, it must give you great pleasure when it is
rubbed!" Laughed Mengle as she swabbed it alcohol. She then took the pliers like
piercing gun and placed Wonder Woman's sensitive nub in it's jaws. Look into her
victims and with a sneer on her face she squeezed the handle sending a hardened
steel point through the most sensitive spot on the female body.

Wonder Woman screamed and thrashed about as Mengle left the jaws closed as she
prepped the clit control stud. Finally she was ready and slipped the small end
through the newly created hole. She then added a cap that instantly fused itself
permanently to the end creating a barbell shaped stud.

Von Sader was finally sated, he called to two Nazi SS Guards, "Hose the whore off,
she is disgusting, lock Wonder Slut up in the next wagon, guard her with your
lives!" They saluted and dragged her away. As she hung . limply between then she
could see clearly what had happened to those fifty Amazons in the arena Some were
still being raped at this early morning hour;. their cries were pitiful to hear As
she was being dragged she vomited up what seemed to be five gallons of various
fluids forced down her throat this horrible night. She was chained by her color to
a ring in the floor of the circus wagon like cage behind Von Sader's tank and two
guards were posted.

Von Sader headed to the palace, he was going to spend the night in the Queen's bed,
he led Hippolyte by her collar to her own bed and tied her to the foot by her
leash. She started to climb onto it when he slapped her viciously , "You presume to
sleep in my bed slave! Slaves sleep on the floor! I will call you, or whistle for
you if I want to fuck you!" The Queen curled up on a rug next to the bed,
completely humiliated, but yet craving her next fucking.
Wonder Woman laid on the floor completely spent , pain spread from her every
orifice as she could still hear the cries of her warriors being raped in the arena.
She was afraid to close her eyes, afraid of the nightmares she might see, but to
keep them open meant witnessing the rape of her comrades, a waking nightmare!
Finally she could not stay awake any longer and she passed out.

After what only seemed like seconds she felt a strong hand in her hair, pulling her
to her knees, it was not a man's hand, but a very strong woman's.

"Wake up!" Growled a woman's voice, low and menacing, "Come on slut, if you wish to
get out of here!"

Wonder Woman opened her eyes and saw a tall masked woman, clad in black from head
to toe standing over her. "W ... w ... who are you? Diana stammered." What do you
want? "

"I am the one the Nazis call the Black Cat Wonder Woman, and I am here to get you
off the island!" The tall woman answered. The voice seemed familiar to Wonder Woman
but in her dazed mind she could not place it. " Now get up we do not have much
time! Come with me or stay here and be Von Sader's fuck toy for the rest of your
life! "

Diana staggered to her feet and followed the black clad warrior out of the circus
cage trailer. Two dead Nazi guards lay next to it, their neck silently snapped like
twigs. The Ninja like Black Cat led the naked princess through the maze of guard
outpost unseen to a secluded beach where she produced a shielded flashlight and
flashed a series of signals out over the water. A few seconds later Wonder Woman
saw a single answering flash from far out at sea.

"Who are you and why are you rescuing me? 'Demanded a somewhat revived Wonder

"I am the resistance leader in Russia Wonder Cow, and this is no rescue slut, just
a change of ownership!" Laughed the tall woman. "You work for me now slut!"

"We are on the same side! Why do you insult me ??by calling me such names? And what
makes you think I will obey you!" Exclaimed a shocked Wonder Woman.

"Just this!" Cackled her so called rescuer who produced a small remote control and
pressed a red button. Huge waves of incredible pain shot through Wonder Woman's
clit, every nerve in that sensitive nub exploded with agony, instantly dropping her
to the ground where she grabbed her crotch in an attempt to relieve the pain. Her
assailant released the button and the pain eased just as instantly as it had come.

"M ... m ... Mengle!" Cried Wonder Woman, "it is you! What are you doing with me!"

The tall Resistance fighter pulled off her mask to reveal Dr Mengle's beautiful if
cruel features, "Like I said cunt, a change of ownership for you! I do lead the
resistance and I need your special abilities."

"Then why leave me enslaved? I will fight them willingly!" Cried the confused
Heroine. "We can fight as comrades to free the world of the Nazi Bastards!"

"! You silly cow" laughed Mengle, "I do not want to" free the world "as you put it,
I want to rule it I see where the Nazis are headed;! All women will end up like
you, as their slaves eventually. That bastard Von Sader has fucked me for about the
last time! You are a tool to help me rule the world slut, nothing more. I am using
the resistance the same way. Some day I will castrate Von Sader and fry his balls
in grease and then make him eat them! "she ranted manically. Wonder Woman could see
she was on the verge of insanity.

Some what more collected, Mengle went on, "I have your fifty commandos already
loaded into a submarine, and you will join them later in Russia, after you are
properly trained"

"This can not be! I saw them all on those horrible" breeding benches "you lying
bitch!" Exclaimed Wonder Woman.

Mengle back handed the Amazon and before Diana could respond the evil Doctor hit
the red button on the remote again, leaning over the writhing Amazon Mengle went on
with her explanation, "We have much to teach you Wonder Cow! Like a slave does not
speak unless asked to! Now where was I? Oh yes, your fifty Commandos, those you saw
in the arena? Those were fifty more of your sluts I rounded up here on the island.
They were sacrificed to save the commandos. If you had paid attention you would
have known that, that is why you are so easy to defeat, you do not pay attention to
details. Now I am going to release the button, do you think you can behave? '

"Y ... y ... yes!" Cried Wonder Woman.

"Say Please Mistress" laughed Mengle

"P ... P ... please Mistress, by the Gods, stop the pain!" Panted Wonder Woman.

"Very well then since you asked so nicely slut" mocked the evil Doctor as she
released the pain switch.

Reaching into a backpack Diana had not noticed before, Mengle produced Wonder
Woman's power belt. "You will need this whore" she commanded as she tossed it to
the prostrated Amazon. "Do not worry, I tested it, the clit controller still works.
And one final note, in spite of the belts ability to speed your healing, the clit
controller in not removable, it will kill you if you try. "

"H ... h ... how did you find it?" Queried a puzzled Wonder Woman.

"Oh, did not I tell you?" Laughed Mengle cruelly, "I met your youngest cousin the
other night! She is going to make an exquisite bed chamber slave, she laps cunt
like she was born to it! She also told me where to find that lovely lariat of
truth! "

Wonder Woman's spirit was crushed; it was bad enough her tender young innocent
cousin had fallen to this evil witch, but now Mengle had one of the most powerful
weapons in the world!

"Well your ride is here!" Laughed Mengle. "Cheer up, you look so gloomy" she
taunted Diana. "The captain has your instructions and another controller so you
behave on the trip! I hear he is nearly as well hung as Von Sader and fond on anal
sex, it may be a long trip for you Wonder Fuck! I have a few things to tidy up here
then I will join you there. "

The Champion of all women was soon secured in a tiny cell on board a submarine
headed for Russia, tied spread eagled for all passersby to see.

As all this was happening on the beach, another conversation was being held via
radio in the former Amazon Queen's palace. Von Sader had all the guards leave after
setting up the equipment.

"Yes Mien Fuehrer, the trap has been laid, it was just as we suspected. Doctor
Mengle is the traitor! The Amazons are on their way to Russia, they will lead us to
the resistance fighters. And yes we have recovered the Lariat of truth sir, I will
be using it on the Black Cat when she returns ... "

Is this the end of the resistance? Is the free world doomed to be enslaved by the
Nazis! Stay tuned for further installments!

inserted by FC2 system

Original Japanese text:
�Very well then since you asked so nicely slut� mocked the evil Doctor as she
released the pain switch.
Contribute a better translation

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