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What is the biggest current threat to the environment and how would you suggest we

remedy it?
Nolan Joseph C. Santos

Good morning everyone, I am Nolan Joseph C. Santos, and I am here in front of you to
deliver a speech in regards of the question “What is the current threat to the environment and
how would you suggest we remedy it?” Today, I will be delivering a speech that may or will
answer this question and hoping to suggest or even plot an idea to our young minds. We may
look like an innocent in the eyes of the many but even our young thoughts can manage to create
an idea that will definitely help or aide the environmental problems we are facing today not only
in our country but also in the world. And hoping at the latter part of this speech each and every
one of us who will be able to listen and read my speech may stand and speak for the
environment. The focus of my speech is all about our environmental problems and what are the
possible remedy for these.

The environment is indeed rich in all kinds of richness from minerals to natural
resources, you cannot deny the fact that God really provide us everything we need to survive in
this world he created for us. But as time goes by, as people grown wiser and became more
intelligent than ever. We, humans become thirsty of development, improvements and knowledge.
We became uncontended of what we gain and we wanted more. Because of this, we disregard the
most important part of our life, the environment, or to others our Mother Nature. We completely
ignore her in search something new and something to be proud of under a certain names and
create a fandom for our own sake. Disregarding who we are hurting nor what are we destroying.
For some reasons these problems we had created in the past is coming back for us now. The
thirst of development in our country stained and flattened of our dense forest to become concrete
forest. The blue reflected water of our streams and seas become darker and dirtier even under the
clear blue sky of the morning sun. And yet, we continue to ignore this and pointing out others to
blame or even play dumbed and saying its natural and we cannot do anything about it.

As we grown older, the new generations of humans suffers much of what we are doing.
As we observed today many were lost their lives due to uncontrolled amount of flood water
drowned some of the cities in the world. There are few people trying to speak for the
environment and yet they were ignore and many laugh out to them. Some died in vain because
no one listens to them about the concern in the environment. I may sound like crazy but it’s the
reality of the world now. Many of us do not listen to them and escaping to the reality. As a
youth, I always saw my fellow young humans that divert their attention in the virtual world and
ignore the real situation. We laugh to those people who stand and fight for the environment yet
we cried when we lost someone due to environmental disaster. After we mourn we do not make
an initiative to lessen nor to prevent tragic incident once more. The environment is indeed
suffering too much due to over consumption of the people to its resources. Drilling out all its
natural resources to ground leaving nothing to sustain or to regenerate for the next generations.
We excavate more what we need, harvest more than we eat and used and extract more than what
we can consume just leave nothing but a spilled pollutants back in the ground or water which the
environment cannot generate to use or consume.

If we continue to ignore this true problem of ours, and just blame others for our own
doings we will not be existing in the next fifty years of this earth. Earth will remain as earth, and
will continue to grow even without the human intervention. As I see it, Earth in the moment may
be suffering from what we are doing but look in the other side of this picture. Is it really earth
who suffer. No, it is us who suffers from what we have done. We are keep on blaming the faults
to our leaders and to someone but we never realize, we are also blamed for this event we suffer.
We are digging our own graveyard because of our negligence and carelessness to nature. We
suggest, promote and debate for a solution but no one is acting on it. We make laws for the
environment but no one follows. If we want to save humanity, there is one simple solution I can
suggest. Actually, there is no need of high fined punishment for us to be threatened if we do not
follow the given law. Let’s start care for the earth in our own little way and let it rippled along
the way. The small act of care for the nature with sincerity will be mirrored by others. Have the
drive to do it without conditions. Threat the earth well, keep in our mind there is no other earth
outside earth with abundance of natural richness aside from what we have now. Teach our future
to be responsible and never imitate that past that lead to almost destruction.

I have learned that this issue is not getting older. It is the same problem even before the
history is written, earth is already experiencing this trauma. Yet, the existence of our human
intelligence make it worst. There is no current nor past issue when it comes to environmental
problem at all. Only, people are facing consequences that the earth is gave to us due to our
carelessness. But all in all, whether it’s just happened few days ago or millions of years ago it is
always the same. And look around you, it keep us on reminding that Earth is still Earth even
without us she will survive. Yet, we are nothing without Earth. There are billions of year’s pasts
that earth experience extremities of the weather and climate and we just arrived several
thousands of years only. We may be able to destroy this Earth but it could revive itself even
without our help. But if it’s not today we act to save humanity, when do you plan to realize that
we are destroying our own kind and our own family. Act now, do now and make it happen.
Thank you!

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