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Below is the lead billable criteria:

1. All leads who end up in the ringing state will not be billed for (each lead will be called for at least 8
times and if this still gets unanswered then it will not be billable)

2. Leads with the wrong party contact will not be billed. Eg - if a mobile number is entered in the
name of Ramesh but when the call center executive calls up - the end user says he is SURESH - such a
lead will not be billed

3. Leads for which the mobile number is incorrect will not be billed

4. Incorrect mobile number includes:

    o Mobile Number is not in service
    o Mobile Number is wrong
    o Mobile Number gives busy tone every time it is called for

5.Any user filling up and admits that he is not interested/not looking for property will not be billed

Below are the status for which we consider it as Valid lead

1. Call back – Valid

2. Follow up- Valid
3. Interested – Valid

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