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Summary of Objectives and Results

Title: Primary Research Synthesis Paper

Problem/opportunity To conduct research and explore the effects sleep and a

: consistent sleep schedule has on an average college student’s

Special This was a project for my class COM 297 Communication

circumstances: Research Methods. I was required to explore the effects of sleep
and how it altered the GPA’s of average college students. This
project was not a typical PR campaign or proposal, rather a way
to use and explore research to create your own case study.

Target public(s):  Primary: College students at Illinois State University

 Secondary: All college students

Objective: 1. To conduct primary research through a survey geared

towards college students at Illinois State University
(Benchmark: Secondary research of studies prior.)
2. Determine the average amount of sleep the average college
student gets daily.
3. Determine the results and create a connection to the amount
of sleep received and GPA or reject the hypothesis.

Evaluation: 1. Surveys were distributed and analyzed to determine the results.

2. Most college students receive on average 6-8 hours of sleep on a
nightly basis.
3. After conducting our research, we found that there was a connection
in our data. The less amount of sleep a student received on average
correlated to a negative effect on that student’s GPA.

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