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Goodmorning/good afternoon/good evening doctor mona and good morning


I would like to say thankyou.. Especially to Dr mona.. And all the participants
who join my journal presentation..

I'm Wira Novianti from FK UISU

So, today.. In this opportunity, I would like to present my journal topic is about

So, let me start my journal presentation..

Okay, there will be question and answer on this presentation..

Anybody would like to ask?

Any question everyone?

Mau jawab pertanyaan :

Okay, i will try to answer your question.. So.........

Okay, how is it? Just feel free to interupt me if you have something to ask
again.. Are you already understand..?

Penutup :
Thankyou very much dr mona and all participants.. Thankyou for your

May all those we have shares be beneficial for all of us..

I would like to end this presentation. Once again, Thankyou very much..

I will see you next week! Have a good day everybody!

I'm sorry, can you repeat your question again? I beg your pardon

Saya ucapkan terimakasih .. Khususnya kepada dokter monalisa remana

sitinjak ahli saraf .. Serta seluruh peserta yang ikut presentasi jurnal saya ..

Saya Wira Novianti dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara.

Nah, hari ini .. Dalam kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin mempresentasikan topik
jurnal saya tentang "NEUROLOGY AND THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY"

Jadi, izinkan saya memulai presentasi jurnal saya ..

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