Aku Nanya Kamu

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-Pertanyaan warna hijau : sangat baik direkomendasikan untuk ditanya.

-Pertanyaan warna merah : sangat panjang penjelasan nya nanti dulu yaa.

1. What neurological diseases can be treated in the hospital during

2. what are the most associated neurological manifestations in
3. why do we need to reopen all neurological hospital admissions?
4. Is there any effect of Risk Factors of Neurologic Diseases on
Prognosis in Patients with COVID-19 ?
5. What can we do to anticipate events like this in the future, so that
problems do not occur again, especially difficulties in
communicating between doctors and patients, such as
consultations, check-ups, etc.?
6. Why is it necessary to do the reopening of the neurology and
stroke unit even though step by step ?
7. How big is the influence of covid-19, especially on the organization
of neurology and associated stroke units?
8. How does COVID 19 cause symptoms like anosmia?
9. What are the important roles of neurologist so that they are neede
in handling covid 19 ?
10. What can we learn from this emergency?

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