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Social innovation
Social innovation must be structured with the aim of satisfying
needs social (social challenges). It must contain new or significantly
improved products, processes, marketing methods and / or
organizational models.

Why is social innovation necessary?

It is that development that is capable of satisfying the needs without
compromising the resources and possibilities of future generations.
For economic, environmental and social development.

Generation of ideas and presentation of entrepreneurial experiences,
in order to provide a space for the transfer and social appropriation
of knowledge and the use of technologies for social transformation
and the generation of value in the country's economy.

We seek to articulate initiatives that both academic and non-
academic units develop to promote entrepreneurship in the
University Community. In addition, people interested in developing
their ideas can find support to create sustainable business initiatives.

Build bridges between academia and society to respond to problems
of the social context inside and outside the university, positively
impacting economic development, and promoting the culture of
innovation and entrepreneurship in the academic community.

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