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Facilitating Learning

Lesson 10


1. Observation

a. At the playground, the patterns of the adult-child interaction that I observed is the chil is playing and
the adult is babysitting, and they stop when they're worn out.

b. When the child stop to play, his father get his child and they sat at the bench so they can rest, and eat
while talking.

c. Internal stimuli is what I observed for the child and adult behavior, because they moved their body to
seek what they're after to.

2. The behavior of the children that elicit the reinforcement and punishment from the adult are being
rushed and careless.

3. The behavior of the adult that elicit the the reinforcement and punishment of the child are being
overprotective and nagging.

4. The reinforcement and punishment that I observed to be the most successful are being
overprotective and nagging.

5. For me, operant conditioning is unavoidable process, and it has a good effect for children to learn a
manners. As for giving reinforce and punishment for both parties, it is necessary to balance the the
behavior of both parties, and they are independent because of their own role to develop such behavior.

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