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Administration means overall determination of policies, setting of major objectives, the

identification of general purposes and laying down of broad programmes and projects

Administration means guidance, leadership & control of the efforts of the groups towards some
common goals.

Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating

the efforts of its employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application
of available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources. The term
"management" may also refer to those people who manage an organization 


- Administration derived from the Latin word “ad + ministraire”, meaning to care for or to
manage affairs.
- It is the activity or process of running a business, organization etc.


- Management is a process by which the cooperative group directs action towards

achievements of the goals.
- Management is primarily concerned with those operations leading an organization
towards success within this broader framework setup by administration.


- Administration is the organization and direction of human and material resources to

achieve desired ends. - Pfiffner & Presthus
- Administration has to do with getting things done; with the accomplishment of defined
objectives. - Luther Gullick
- Management is principally the task of planning, coordinating, motivating and controlling
the efforts of others towards a specific objective. - James Lunde
- Management may be defined as the art of securing maximum results with a minimum of
effort so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer and
employee and give the public the best possible service.
- John Mee


Philosophy is based on the following key points:

 Cost effectiveness
 Execution and control of work plans
 Delegation of responsibility
 Human relations and good morale
 Effective communication
 Flexibility in certain situation


The elements can be as follows:

P – Planning

O- Organizing

S- Staffing

D- Directing

Co- Coordinating

R- Reporting


- Planning: Planning is the first and foremost function of the management process. It is the
thinking process to determine the proposed course of action, what, how, when, where and
who has to perform the work or things to be done.
- Organization: Organization as a process institutes the harmonious co-adjustment
between the different factors of production as land, labor and capital of the business
enterprise, so that ultimate goal is achieved. 
- Staffing: Staffing is the process of deciding the number and quality of manpower needed
by an organization. To achieve its objectives efficiently recruiting, selecting, training,
developing and appraising the newly recruited as well as the existing staff is the main
focus of the unit.
- Directing: Directing is primarily concerned with supervision, regulation, inspiration,
inspection and guidance of the activities of the employees in such a manner so as to
achieve the pre determined goals of the organization smoothly.
- Coordinating: With this concept, it is the task of the manager to connect different
sections and to achieve cooperation. A good manager has a so-called helicopter view,
which gives him/her an overview of what is happening and what still needs to be done.
From this perspective, he/ she are able to coordinate tasks and manage his employees. It
is his/her task to synchronies different departments and to bring them together with the
right end goal in mind.
- Reporting: Without reporting, there is no evidence. A clear report keeps communication
open throughout the entire organization. Managers are the linking pin between the
management team and their own employees, who form the constituency. Reporting
provides insight into the progress and agreements can also be recorded in this way. Other
essential information—such as problems with employees, new processes, performances
interviews and sales figures—is also made transparent through reporting. Involved parties
can also quickly find archived reports.
- Budgeting: Finance is the lifeblood of any organization. The manager is responsible for
the management, expenditure and control of the department’s budget and also has to keep
an eye on tax details. In addition to employee wages, it is the task of the manager to also
properly monitor other expenditures such as materials and investments. If wasteful
spending, overruns, errors or even fraud are discovered, the manager is responsible for
taking action

Henri Fayol gave 14 principles known as Fayol’s 14 principles of management –

1. Division of work: Specialization allows the individual to build up experience and to

continuously improve his/her skills. Thereby he/she can be more productive.
2. Principle of authority and responsibility: Authority is the power to take decisions.
Responsibility is the obligation to complete the job assigned. Distinction must be made
between a manager’s official authority deriving from office and personal authority
created through individual personality, intelligence and experience. Authority creates
3. Principle of discipline: General rules and regulation for systemic working in an
organization. Obedience and respect between a firm and its employees based on clear and
fair agreements is absolutely essential to the functioning of any organization.
4. Principle of unity of command: An employee should receive orders from only one
superior. Employees cannot adapt to dual command.
5. Principle of unity of direction: Whoever is engaged in the same activity should have a
unified goal. This means all the person working in a company should have one goal and
motive which will make the work easier and achieve the set goal easily.
6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest: This indicates an
organization/company should work unitedly towards the interest of the organization or
company rather than personal interest. The interest of one person should not take priority
over the interest of the organization as a whole.
7. Principle of remuneration: This plays an important role in motivating the workers of a
company. Remuneration can be monetary or non-monetary. However, it should be
according to an individual’s efforts they have made.
8. Principle of centralization: In any company/ organization, the management or any
authority responsible for the decision making process should be neutral. However, this
depends on the size
9. Scalar Chain: Fayol on this principle highlights that the hierarchy steps should be from
the top to the lowest this is necessary so that every employee knows their immediate
senior also they should be able to contact any, if needed.
10. Principle of order: This principle is concerned with systematic arrangement of men,
machine, material etc. A company/ organization should maintain a well defined work
order to have a favorable work culture. The positive atmosphere in the workplace will
boost more positive productivity.

11. Principle of equity: All employees should be treated equally and respectfully. It’s the
responsibility of a manager that no employees face discrimination.
12. Stability-An employee delivers the best if they feel secure in their job. It is the duty of the
management to offer job security to their employees.
13. Initiative-The management should support and encourage the employees to take
initiatives in an organization. It will help them to increase their interest and make then
14. Esprit de Corps – Organizations should strive to promote team spirit and unity. It is the
responsibility of the management to motivate their employees and be supportive of each
other regularly. Developing trust and mutual understanding will lead to a positive
outcome and work environment.
Difference between Management and Administration

The difference between Management and Administration can be summarized under 2 categories:

1. Functions
2. Usage / Applicability

On the Basis of Functions: -

Basis Management Administration

Meaning Management is an art of getting It is concerned with formulation of
things done through others by broad objectives, plans & policies.
directing their efforts towards
achievement of pre-determined goals.

Nature Management is an executing Administration is a decision-making

function. function

Process Management decides who should as Administration decides what is to be

it & how should he do it. done & when it is to be done

Function Management is a doing function Administration is a thinking function

because managers get work done because plans & policies are
under their supervision. determined under it.

Skills Technical and Human skills Conceptual and Human skills

Level Middle & lower level function Top level function

On the Basis of Usage: -

Basis Management Administration
Applicability It is applicable to business concerns It is applicable to non-business
i.e. profit-making organization. concerns i.e. clubs, schools, hospitals
Influence The management decisions are The administration is influenced by
influenced by the values, opinions, public opinion, govt. policies, religious
beliefs & decisions of the managers. organizations, customs etc.
Status Management constitutes the Administration represents owners of the
employees of the organization who enterprise who earn return on their
are paid remuneration (in the form of capital invested & profits in the form of
salaries & wages). dividend.

Significance of Management

The significance of management can be brought out by following points:

a. Achievement of group goals: A human group consists of several persons, each

specializing in doing a part of the total task. Management creates team-work and
coordination in the group. He reconciles the objectives of the group with those of its
members so that each one of them is motivated to make his best contribution towards the
accomplishment of group goals. Managers provide inspiring leadership to keep the
members of the group working hard.
b. Optimum utilization of resources: Managers forecast the need for materials, machinery,
money and manpower. They ensure that the organisation has adequate resources and at
the same time does not have idle resources. They create and maintain an environment
conducive to highest productivity. Managers make sure that workers know their jobs well
and use the most efficient methods of work. They provide training and guidance to
employers so that they can make the best use of the available resources.
c. Minimization of cost:  In the modern era of cut-throat competition no business can
succeed unless it is able to supply the required goods and services at the lowest possible
cost per unit. Management directs day-to-day operations in such a manner that all
wastage and extravagance are avoided. By reducing costs and improving efficiency,
managers enable an enterprise to be competent to face competitors and earn profits.
d. Survival and growth: Modern business operates in a rapidly changing environment.
Management keeps in touch with the existing business environment and draws its
predictions about the trends in future. It takes steps in advance to meet the challenges of
changing environment. Changes in business environment create risks as well as
opportunities. Managers enable the enterprise to minimize the risks and maximize the
benefits of opportunities. In this way, managers facilitate the continuity and prosperity of
e. Generation of employment: By setting up and expanding business enterprises, managers
create jobs for the people. People earn their livelihood by working in these organizations.
Managers also create such an environment that people working in enterprise can get job
satisfaction and happiness. In this way managers help to satisfy the economic and social
needs of the employees.
f. Innovation:
g. Stability:
h. Coordination of team spirit:
i. Development of the nation: Efficient management is equally important at the national
level. Management is the most crucial factor in economic and social development. The
development of a country largely depends on the quality of the management of its

Importance of management in nursing

 To use human and material resources wisely and properly.

 To improve quality
 For improving skills
 Minimizing problems
 To improve care
 For improving communication
 Increase client satisfaction
 Reduce mal-utilization of resources
 Increase staff motivation
 To achieve the organizational goal as a whole.

Manager: “Manager is a person who is capable to achieve the goal of organization and
influence their sub-ordinates.”

Qualities of a good Nurse Manager:

a. Professional knowledge
b. Educational qualification
c. A sense of responsibility and willingness to accept.
d. Good physical health
e. Experience and enthusiasm
f. Ability to judge situations
g. Will power
h. Communication Skills
i. Managing People
j. Leadership
k. Mentoring
l. Supportive 
m. Professionalism

Role and responsibility of a nurse manager

1. Preparing objectives: Develop plans objectives for the designated work area.
2. Patient assignment: Conduct assessment of a patient needs initiate nursing care plan
3. Supervision: Direct and control general nursing services provided by staff nurses
4. Co-ordinate activities: Schedule work assignment, set priorities and directs the work of
subordinate employee.
5. Program evaluation: Evaluate the nursing programs and nursing care plans.
6. Evaluation of performance: Verify and evaluate the nursing performance through reviews
of complete work assignment and work technique.
7. Record and report keeping: Maintain records, prepare reports and compose to ensure
continuity of care.
8. Auditing: Evaluate and document the patient’s progress.
9. Advisor
10. Budgeting
11. Staff development.

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