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Questionnaires are a valuable tool for teachers to learn about the students.

NAME: Attitudes Towards School

1. Describe your favorite and least favorite thing about school
My favorite thing about school is meeting friends and new people and my least favorite
thing is doing so much work

2. Identify and Explain what your favorite class was last year.
My favorite class last year was Mr. Jacoby’s class which was history because it
was fun doing projects and videos reenacting history.

3. Identify and Discuss any school clubs/organizations/sports are you involved in

I am not in any clubs or sports.

Educational Background

4. Create a list of the math courses you have taken, with who, and your semester

I have taken Im1 math with Mr.Takanaka. I have taken Im2 math with Mrs.
Shemp. I have taken Im3 with Mr. Viramontes.
5. Create a list the science courses you have taken, with who, and your semester
I have taken earth science with Mr. Larson. I have taken biology with Ms. Mathes. I
have taken chemistry with Mr. Chung
6. Why did you enroll in AP Biology?
I enrolled to challenge myself and to learn more in biology.

7. Describe your educational goals after high school.

My goals are to go to a 4 year university and study biology and get a degree on

8. Identify up to 3 colleges you would like to attend and potential majors.

I want to go to Mt.Sac, Cerritos, and Rio Hondo. Potential majors would be majoring
in science and biology
9. Predict where you see yourself in the next 5-10 years; identify any career goals.
I see myself traveling the world as a Wildlife biologist

About You
10. Will any of your friends be taking this class with you? 
I do not know anybody in this class.
11. Explain what you are most proud of?
I am most proud of my friends I made in my life

12. Analyze your free time outside of school; are you involved in any extracurricular
After school I practice driving, exercise, and play my guitar


No Below Complete AP Level

credit Expectations

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