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This is a story about an adolescent who has a hard time coping with some stressors in her life as a


M: Maria, come down and get your modules here. Mariya!

C: growl puts down her phone then go downstairs (insert sound effect) I thought its tomorrow? Why so

M: I don'tknow either! Someone sent that here and says that its your module. Your adviser will contact
you about it.

C: Gosh, why it has to be as thick as our chopping board? we need to answer and study this all
at once? Gosh! Thinking about it makes my head aches!

M: Then stop thinking about it, if it makes your head aches! as simple as that! And you should wait for
your adviser's announcement. Stop whinning as if it will give u answers! Come on and help me cook our

C: As if I have a choice, mom. ( opens the fridge/ insert plastic sound effect/ ) M: Chop this and this C:
What are you cooking, by the way? ( insert chopping sf)

M: Sinigang na bangus. Your lola will be here for dinner, don't u know?

C: ( stop chopping) You did not tell me!

M: I did, okay. She will arrive later with ur dad.

C: Okay. I need something from lola, eh. (cont. chopping)

M: Be sure its serious. Hand me the onions please.

C: ( handed the onions) I'm done with this. Can I check my phone now? Our teacher might be giving
announcements now.

M: Okay ( insert footsteps up to stairs) /closing the.door and slam on the bed/ Open the phone( insert
keyboard sf)

C:(talks to herself) gonna text liam if he received some modules...(typing/saying out loud) Yow, dude!
Have u received the module thingy? (sent message sf on iPhone)

C: (Talks to herself) This year is so unexpected. Plus the school stuff! Err, I don't think I can handle all
this things! *ding*( insert text message ringtone)

C: *talks out loud* it's from liam! Ooh! he got his too! Wait, i should call him. * calling liam*

L: Yow! Have u received yours too?

C: Yes, dude, just a while ago. What are we going with this things?
L: Nah. Don't that! Ask our teacher, instead.

C: Yeah right. As if you know things like this aside from mobile legends!

L: *laughs*

M: Maria! Your Lola’s here! Come down.

C: *shouts* Okay! *normal voice* Bye, Liam. Talk to you later.

L: Ow…

*ended the line* *insert ended call sf*

* insert walking downstairs sf*

LL: My dear Apo! *old voice*

C: Lola! I’m glad you visit us this time.

L: Of course I missed you too.That’s why I will stay here for a while. Maybe for a month or so.

C: Ooh glad to hear that! I also need a help from you, Lola.

L: Okay. What is that?

M: Before catching up some things, we should eat first. * insert plates and kubyertos sf*

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