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TRANSMISSION LINE TRANSFORMERS HANDBOOK 48 Improved Designs by Jerry Sevick, W2FMI as a MIDON. A ssvcualDs, INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Invodueton 4 tet gh Power tariomers 5 Datura Cons Ho. 8 Warn st Hur 2 wera 223 rH. 13 war 2:- HOU, 16 Wormaass Hues 7 WEN 2:1 HOUTCO. 19 OFA HRUED, 20 WorMar HUME 2 Workt-1.781- HOU 2 Wo HN 26 worms HeLs 28 Wort HEH 2 Warw HeHa0, 2 Warne +60 = Wari 225 HBHS = wor ey War. 2 Waruiastoo ‘s Warwa':.0ut00 ‘ wars 14FUS0 48 Wares 1.CUS ‘° eres = WR 7-0 u50 2 Wars 7a: MUS = Wor 140050 es Wore Wart8200, 8 Wary 4.8300 o Wario: 3 ERC nc ne by deny Senck “ansmisson Ine taneermers have bee in exstonco for more than fur dcads, Bu very it te rtormaton has been avatase on specie das princpies andin tne charactoizaton and sped Con ol eres fr te use in highpower applies In fot, praca ao he rseareh and doe pment on fotos hae been dct toward a uses mn conventional ransonmers ana inductors. “This catalogs very ky. na conser! way, 10 ge the st information on new transformers and the avaabiy of ter vroue components fr use n power eppeatiors nthe MF and HF bands ‘alaby nas been a major probiom as ote nthe Teedback forme returned he publisher ror the ‘uthars book Tarsmsaon ine Warsarmers (1). The pciles reviewed here shoud 0 be o some fol fr ther uses moter appeatone Tis catalog als altmpt opresart, bit the osowing te theory ofthese vory broad sand, highly fet and Hex tanslormrs te power ang consiaratons of his clas of ans ‘oer, tbe practeal considerations mt Uses and ) ais of rarsormers tha ae aval om Ihnidon Asocite, re. alo! hese tansormars were selctd om We auho’s book. Many of te ‘ramos ited ere are provements over thos the book since they fe more margins a the ow troqeney end vnere excessive core x ard hence possibie damage) could cco “The cares presentaton on ransmision ie vanstomers was by Guaela in 1944 2). He propose the cance of cling transmission ines form a choke that would suppress tne undesred ‘mode n balanced to-unblanced matching sppicatens. Hs 11 balun, sao known as he Basic Bing Block's shown in Pgure The choking Yeclance, which slates the puro the output ‘sual blaine by eating the ramon ine aound ata core or by treading te ine throu \Snte beads The objection, n paces all case, aro to rave th charactors mpadanco, 2, of th ransmission sve equal oe val of fe load, AL, (whi cal the ptm characterise Prpedance) and to have the choking reatanes rch greater than RL [and hence £0), Meeting these ‘Diccives ress na fat ve and Bence maemum high Fequoncyfesponce and ma3imum efcency Sines conventonaltansormer Suter are supprossed By combining coed transmission Snas in parle-sores arangoments, Guanol was able 1 demonstrate vrybroudband balun wih rao o #2 where n'a ne numberof Wanamsen nos. Figure 2. The Guanes 1 bak Figure 2 shows the schematic for his 1 lun. His simple and important sistent, “a Fequency Indopendent tarstomaton” which appeared in hs paper, had Deen overooked by almost everyone as Istemaenced ty the scary of nrmaton nthe true on Re approach fo th clas of ransom, Using sasgt beaded nes or having sficens separation betwoon ol windings on 8 core, esis ‘eardeal vansiormors. Fura, Guanlla’s balun can also De eaalyconerte to very broadband Ununs (urbelanceo-unbalanced varstrmars) y accourtng fra nr requancy ercut medals ‘uot presented, his classeal 1959 paper 2), anaes techngue for obtang a 1:4 impo ance wanaermalon, i yoled suming a det vllage wth delayed vltage whch raveroed {otanemiesion tne. igure (A) shows fe 14 unun ana Faqure 98) he Bal, FgeA Fig. 38 Figure 9. The Rurot1:8 ante: (A) Unun an) Balun 1 Svick, Tansmissan Line Fanstormers, Nowinton, CT ARAL 2nd 0, 1990. Aso avalate om (2) Guaneia G. Nove Matching Systems for High Frequencies Brown. Bovene oview, Yr, Sopr 1944 pp 927-329, 2) Rue CL, Some Brac and Tansormars, Proc RE, Vo 47, August 1958, pp 1937-1942 Figure 3(8) shows he hase tng block conactd nthe boot stap"coniguraton. By con roc lena otra 2th ranmasion ine fs iedsp by town beotavaps"toVI- Tho ‘Choking resciance ol he wnange prevents conventional VansormercuTentsf fw resting in ot fae of V1 = V2 across load RL Figure 3(8) shows the base buldng block connected nthe "pase itrester coniguaion. Snce a negate potential qracknt now ox long tho lanomision be, tho ‘lage acces the lacs RL naw V1 on the let se and V2 on he ight se SSnoe Ruts tanslormers summed a dolajes votage wit a dec wtge, hie transformers rao a putin hgh iequency exo Ahough his vanslormrs doat nave te aren igh requency ‘esponse of Guanalias vanformors (ach stuns vag of equel Slay) tay are easier a eanlt ‘and many of his unun should fe use nmatcing 80 ahs to 125 ohms ine 1. SMM to SOMME ‘ange. Ths sso nudes roa traelormers whic donot posses as righ a choking Yectance because ‘ofthe much higher reluctance of te arg apt er the magnet held. Furth. Ruts boot Strap echnque has boon he basis fr he authors very readband actionalatic unos wach use Tagherorde wings (nti quad.) am Hin “Transmission ln transformers exit fr wide bandwicns over conventional anslormers because the say ngclances and erindingcapactances aro generally abeored nto the charac tovste mpadance ofthe transmission ines, Win aramision Ines, the xs also efecvely ca ‘caled out the core and extomey high eliiencies ae posable vat large ports ofthe pass Dard Tosses of only 002d to 0.04 a with cera coe mater, A 0.02 J ews ansltes to @ 985 per ‘ont ofhcncy! Therloe very smal ranstomars can safely hard suing gh powers Expormentsy the author have shown Pat fred inch OD and wound wth No 18 wire can ha {30.600 wats of eoninvous power witout ermal runway, Reports hav also en made o! ans fErmore ofthe highrpower types avait here having withstood ever SOW af peak power wihout ‘éunage. Thetetore can eaoy be sai hah proper designe vanstormors, the per aings of ttanamsin ne transis ae mote getemined by he ably of the conductors handle te Wr fagos ane rent than by te oof te cores, ‘curate measurements have sso shown that frie permeabiies of 300 an ls are necessary or ‘ho ontemely high oftcenles eae wanscrmars are capale of Further, the measurements Srowes {hat os 9 elated to impedance loves. This indicates that he losses are more fa delete ype than ‘se expences by canvenenalwansorers (hysteresis, ohmic and ey curent in lowsraquency response for aficiency. Here ae some o he expecod efcionos fr permeabies 1912590 300 futch aro aod in may of Ou Wanslormers) asa functon of the characteristic imped characteristic Impodance Efficiency: Sohmscriess 2% 50.ohme to 100 ohms e798 400 ote to 200 ohms 95.97 Se eis show tat win iredance ves of 60 ohms and ess (ncn a 50:50-chm ban) there of ches en te 2501 200 permed range. Furher expetimsrts have so shown that tranlormers: matching 50 ohms to 30007400 ohms ("even 600 ohms) using Guanes apprcach an actuee 99 porvrtefcences by using pomaabiites of 40, But ths at an almost 1c {3040} expense lw-tequancy response, istoado 1 SMH, he lw requoncy It would b> ‘Sica the establehment of power ngs fr ansmission line wanstrmers have nt been trade by any professional govp a he above ess are the cn avaiable data on eficieney), we Five array used the fotoning ove Lowe power; 150 watts continous and 30 wats peak power 1] regenera leas 1RW cf continous and 2KW poak power Exporimontshave show ha he power ating forthe transformer offered in ths cateiog are very conceals Sem of te fom power uns wich uso rather Pick wes in order to achive the “ptnom chareceristc moedances, could vey net be placed nthe High-power clegory More work fae be doe ithe ares of power rangs o! ansmisson tne ranstormers, [Prectica!Consisration | 1) Transmission line transtomers are basicaly low-impedance devices. In practice, characteristic Tpedances as om at ohms and ac high as 200 chm are aanable. Thus broad bands 0 te impedance rato ange of 2 5:0-chms and 30-1000 ohms are posstie 2) _Yanamicton ine tarstormers av basal uniateral devies, For example, 24:1 ranstormer ‘an so ohms atone termina) is ony designed to mater 0 ohms to 125 ohme or 50 ohms to 200 ‘ms, cannot hange both condtons. Oni when he mpacance-ai Is low ay 1, bisa) spotsnon paca! Even fen the bandweth inthe aver drecion i usual ce as great a nthe 5) Since highimpodance ranslomer require higher choking rectances (and henge moce ts) sd enaacerisie mpedaces thay ae goerally argor and more ctu to const. Their power ‘ings ae nl any rete than tor Jow-rmpeeance counterparts. fact Me lsses (which ae ‘occ coud bo rear! 4) Broashand blurs operating at hghipedance and high-power eels ate genera ease 0 ) > 3 a Impedance Level trate Un Bassoons ei) sneer (6251) sniasanre ‘p22 22-2253) ‘sant » ® 8 @ ° 9 oy 2 9 4 ‘oi2sorme Ssaseaecrms(367) ‘98151 783) Sooaazctne 2251) Ss 16s-arms (3081) So iasatme(e)| sossbotme 1) snoporns (1225). Stators (16 sosdenme: ‘aso Part Number wor MUED wer 7a LBD WF 7a1-LNMUSO wor 6.0050 wor 4860, or -800, wror:8900. oD, Bandit Comments ‘nite Se ‘Meta 25 Lie siete ‘eto 2... out anata. Wate ue that atte What Sou IMs sete IMe 1s If Nee... Du agp tanta ete Sou svete se ie ssh ee AN “Tansmission ine wanstormers can be sa to be fc construct cause ofthe sanity of tow high Requency responsos to he charactorstc mpedances ote windings (ard hence spacing the winding) ana 0 the work hardoning ofthe copper ee upon winding em abou Cre Atlow characteristic mpedance levels a dterence of ony 6 mis in spacing can change the characterise impedance rom #5 ohms to 8 ohms Tie cou ve the Migh-eauney responce from soHeHe to 20MM. Ths woud not necessary inerease helo nthe wanslormer snes te Cu forts are sil of @tansmation-ine-ype and hence x cancelng. Ite characenste mpedancs {0 om the impedance trastomaton rao can bacame complex have an maginary art at he Fgh TTequorcy era} and become ger magnitude. ts oo gh, he rao can come sai The primary funciona the nslaton on te wires to lan tho prope spacing ovr fo achieve the lptmum characterste mpedance of these whaigs (ar hence maximum high tequncy responce). ‘The secondary neon i fo vaage breakonn movement. Inthe wining process. copper we (which is nermaly sot can Become very sit and cut te manage. Inmanyenees, he vending have fo be rald-backa quar al un none to Fepostion hem oto wea them osorfo to ce A parol ers and! strong hum ae indepensate ola, ‘ns wrto-4 atoms to help he bude fo consi! ansormers hat meet he objectives they ‘ar capa Ht nsudos the follwing) wie prepratanb) winng fod and oot ensormers Sr {Sh conecting aoc tapping wires, [vive Prevention The fest step ito dotermine he length of the wire needed in cotingt about he core and nan ‘making ho proper connectons. Experence has shown fat oS eta inches are noose beyend the oled winding. About a thd shows bo atte baginning othe wirdng and he ther twos a the tnd. A simple ecru fr celrming te eng ist takes pce ef sing. wind & about ne core ‘hte propor numbar of urs) ana then ad 05 inches lo at ong Another feennque lt cl uate he lengtpercun, muti ty the required number turns ana hen aed 4 0 hes to General the kis ae sped wth encugh wre, insuaon and cher componants (excep cores) to ‘om er vo atm nconsttucng the ransiotmers- One ili thal te wie cannot be reused toch of wore hardening, Tho second sep i to straighten ou the wite a8 much as possible, Ths can be accompished by holding he wo atone and wit a par of pers and thn pling he we Between the lonches ‘amb ana fseinger several nes, ‘Some woradening wilt place Butt wil iat prow Be a problem. Each wre s ben sinned: ack insuston removed) about ts ofan ich atone end. Tie ‘Susualy fhe begnning enc of te winding. ‘One wl nd tat scraping ofthe akon wth 2 ack Inf sual is probably one cf the exe fica and bong) task constracng these ranelormer, “Try othe more ppc wes (noun a¢ magne wes) ved in hese ranatonmare are Formvar, Thermalzo and idoze. Formvaris gereraly ave wih srg coating o neva (008 tis heh) andhas the designation SF. Termaleze and indeze uty have a thx Coin (16 ils) lng have he desiyraton Hi tree have fe same delete breakaownperunt thc 2000 ‘ots. Thoy onal in ei hermaleapabilies which ae important in moto, generators as 6 hertz power tancormers ana not ensmssion ie vanstors. Insert, igecs nas the retest ‘ermal oerance (220 degre ceniyade) and Fermva ts lass (105 desees ceria), ra nett on he wr, ke Sootch No 92 or Teen tubing is necessary in many casein ‘er to acteve te prope spacing between the wes and hence tain the dested opbum charac ‘cmpedanoes, When sting for caratossis impedances ot 80 ofms, sometes one ayer ct Scotch No.9 tape ia theknous of 28s) ia equted. In tbr cases two layers ae needed. The ahr has [bund that by layg the Seon No 92 fape (whic i172 nc wide) eagewise on ho wie and en ing "sound Ike igor window shade, wo jes ate pactcalyYealzod on No. 12,14 and 16 we. Alte lose wl be on No-12 wie and ite ve on No 16 wo. Bcrialy the objecves wil be met. A U treme wibe fund halt nalding the wie, The Wo ster nesses can also be accomplished by onvoted-pral winding ‘Te gol o achiev a sing layer hicks of Scot NO 82 (2.8m) Is aie moe cut ‘One ast tte /2sneh vid ape 30 eaves the currence ofthe wie. The wa can De Caleate oy mutpjing Pe ameter by 314 fp). Fer Ne. 14 vite, fos amounts fo abou 4/10 the ‘wa afte een tape Since general to paces now become aval om the V2inch wie apo the staring lng a one-hal fhe fal ng needed. Thelin process vanes yng the Scotch Ne. 22 tape ona smooth sure (ie lass or meta) and Using a sft azo lade ae ru wi a tal big, Inert, he ckness of Soto No, 2 tape e made pol trl poe and 1.8 rls {tea Tha tape has ecolent lca nd tral propertes ands hgh reconenendod AA “To od rato, though no as popular a is ood counterpart, he asi wanstrmer| to wend. Tiss because can be wound one wie as bne ana hance, wor-Rardaningbecrres oes of {Torclem Further te rns canbe wound much mere ig (else space Belwoon aac ts). "Fhe ono fo ety cin @ Chararerate mpadanceot25 cbr which necessary wah wars {3 mung 30 ohms fo 125 ofms. With forodal cores, one has event o owepedae coax abs or siping oa foatng hire Te major kn neg up wh aight bia winding ona ois opt on he fs wir 2 ‘itty a8 posta. The second wr thon lasioned ya fs egnang ty ighty soaring 1 Oe Bs vito tisthen wows around the fod by actualy sting t between tho fo The est wining One thon tn becomes fat otha rod and resus nthe Bot elec! and mechanzal eonation. Fora ti "arwinding, he frst winding shoud we out Toate-dameter spacing between uns. For quar vada, he spacing shoul be 2 domes, “Te bet proceda for torial tanformor i © make ron ut the wes and then wind them ala the sae tne, ‘Ths sures hee spacings and hence peormances. The sbbon ean be east Iveontrsed by vig hin Soctns of Szctch No 27 glass ape as clamps every 38-10 /4inenes. The "pee should be abaut tind wide ad ong enough To wraparound he wites we. These dimensions tree acteved ty Ss cuting the /2arch wide ape ngs oe prope wih Figure 1 shows the dette patems that ext wih od, eo and coax windings. The schemato. in hese casos, are fot Rutwot 14 unun taneormers. igure show the pate ‘hel ont or quit anstormer. The lar and quater tanformers canbe easly vsuslaed ‘Tom Figure 2" Pung numer tags on Be ends ofeach wr wil ao Pelpn Keeping Wack othe ‘The photographs supe with each kl wiF show Pow he cantons can be made Figure 1 - The Rutt 1:4 unun: (A) we schemate, (8) coal able schamate, (0) 04 petal and (0) oro peor Figure 2 Pectoral of untae wings (A) orc and (B) ro. General, tha lar tansormer witha 2.25:1 mpedance ranslrmation rato othe quail tranelomer wits 178: rato can sably most 21 rao reqeemenis They ate much eae Io con uct But in some cases tke 2 tarstormers and musi wansormer, tapping ls necessary in Cdr to meet te objectives, ‘Te autor hae found tat a smal, he has been found o be vary hep in obtaining ‘he stalght we bythe eoge oto. Anarow coppor spor Nattaned wre is sldoed fo tho bare par oth wre. The connection fs then rendered smooth bythe edge othe ta. Final, tw Haeknoss (0! Scotch No.2 ape are paced onthe connec nor fo prowde adequate nsuiaion between {he wr (hich sstaight atts point) when te tap Is roqued to be rear he conor of he wining (tke # oof 8 uns) nt case, he vending of the anton fs started at he corer of ho wre ‘whore the tp shoud be CELE 1) Description The W2FMI5:1-HU is @ high-power urun (unbalancedso-unbalarced) ransmission ine ans former designed to match 80 ote 1 2 ohms Ihe a consant mpecanoe anstormation roo! 1151 (cou 1.565) rom TN o 40a Ia the reverse roto, mating 75 ohms 050 om, the ‘sponses fat om Naz t0 20 Mz. conservative power ang ls TKWY of conunucus power and 2AW of peak power The eficiency i 09 percent OSM Les" INEM 12) Circuit Diagram gure | shows the schematic dagram ofthis high eficiont and broadband transformer. Four ‘quinttiartrns ae wound on an Amidon PN F.1SC-K. The cater winding Figur tf Noa Fora SF wi. The ott fut ae No 16 Forman SF wie. Figure | Senemate dagram ofthe quntular UNUN transormordosgnod te rath 50 ofms to 32 ohs ©) Photograph attempt to show tha various contin, The 80239 canto in the low-mpadancs se Figure 2 Botom view of the high ecient and brosband W2FML! 1-H tanormer " SLNH-L:S' NZ 2 1A) Description “The W2FIE* 5:1-HU75 ea high-power unin (unblanento-unbalanced} transmission Sw transtrmer designed tomate 73 ohms 50 hms. Ithas @coraantmpedanee tensor eo ot 15:1 actualy 1581) rom IMs fo 40MM Inthe reverse deco, matching 0 come to 2 fe, he responde i fat rom sf 20 MHz, A conserve power ting is TKW of contnunus power and KW ot pak power The eilceney 99 peront 8) Schematic Diagram Figure 1 shows te Schemate saga of is ih eficont and broadband anstomes. Four qantta ums ara wound on an Amon PT-1S0-. Weng 7-8 n Fg t's No 14 fsinere se Tho oter four are Ne 16 Hicozo wire. Tho hick coating (8 mis) oH. Thermaloze wre assures he piu characterise impedance ofthe wendings. Forma and Thormaleze ses wih og Wickes ‘Sot eninge would peor a wal Mw, Ze Figure 1. Schama dogram ofthe quntta UNUN translomer designed to mst 75 ohms fo 50 ons ©) Photograph - Fweruiazssnuso 1) Description Fre oF I.225:-HUSO sa high power unun (xbalancedornbalanced) tansmisson Hoe easton deagnod to match 0 ohme to 2232 ome, thas acorsart mpedarce tanstormaton aio, Took rom into cokes, Ths rato chou easy many othe 2:1 reqorements, hiss parody a recat sneer mnpedanece vary win equony Ont a smal ference (rem a2 ratio) rene abso bea! mtcrpan owes VSWR) wa be cbsered. Also Hee wil be very se ce reat ees of he VSWIRS, Further fle mich ease toconsuct han a2: vansonmet. A conse tice power ning HW of cortnuous power and 2KW of pak power. The eticency 89 percent OSnH-HszzHWaZm 2B) Schematic Diagram Pe ase Schematic agar ol his Why eleert ad broadband tanstormer. Sx lartunso No 14H. Thermage we are wound onan Aidan FISD igus 1 Schematic gram of th ilar UNUN tanstrmer floogned to match 50 ohne to 2.22 ohms 1) Photograph a amiew ota rarstoumer (befor mauning) ie shown in Figure 2. The photograph sitompis sow the varous comeetions. The corseto in he lwimpesance side Fue 2 Boto-vew of he high ficient and broadband WFNI-2.25.1-HUSO ansformer 1) Description “The WEFME2"1-HUSO is ahigh-powerurun (anbalanedo-ubalanced)ansmnsson ean former decgned to match 50 cme to 25 rms. ha 4 constant mpedance vansiormatio ato of 2.1 from tie o SOMA consonatve power rag IKW of coninoous power and 2KW c! peak omer “The etcincy is 8 percent £2) Schematic Dingeam Tipu shows he scherrate agra ofthis gh elicit and broadband warstormer, Sx lartune of NO. 1 HThonmaioze SF wie are wound on an Amon FT.ISO. Tho oper wndng n Figuet islapped at ss rina. OSAH-H:2-WsZM — sme. anhe ° 2sonme sous ame Figure 1 Seherate ogra of he elar UNUN transformer geuiged to match 80 ofms o 25 ohms c)Photograph ‘Te bttom vw a th tensarmeralore mounting) is shown in Figure 2. The photograph aitompts to shom he varous connects. The connecter fon the lw-mpedance se 4 ‘) Description "The WEFIL1.70:1-HUSO high-power unin (obalanad onbalaned) ransmsson Be transtormar designed io match 89 ohms 028 Ts 178 ao shod satay mary of 2 1 roqurererts, The especialy tive wi aneanas since ter impedencss vary wth reauency. Only & “ira leence (em a 2 a) nthe equency of tha best rach-port fewest VSWR wills observed. | ‘so, are shoud be very Iti franca the wives tee VSWR. This vary broadband Wars | has constant impedance aslomaton ot Ts rom Te fo SOMH2! M shoul id many appears. "The power ang 1KW of coninucus goner and 2KW peak powor Th efelency i 9 pecan LZ OSnH- 1 £8) Schematic Diagram Tipu 1 shows the schematic agri of bia gh eftoent and broads tanstomer. Fe ‘uaa tuna are wound on an Angon PN FE-ISO.K: Whang 6.4.14, Thermaeze. The oer tee 8 No 18H. Themaeze Figure 1. Senamate dagram of the quaciiar UNUN, transformer designed To mai 60 ohne to 25 is ©) Photograph Se otlon-ew afte transforms eore mounting shown in Fire 2. The photorach ters to sho th varous connectors, The conned son We n-mpedance Se. 15 OsnaH-1:z-IN3zM 16 CEE ‘8 Deseiption “The WFOL21-HOUSO i a high-power, cucu uo (urbalanced-o unbalanced) rensmis: son tne tanlomer aig to math 0 ohm o 22:28 ors or 25 ons. In machin 0 cis to ‘hina is earsant fom TNz Wo S0WE. Aconeerave poner fatng sIKW of conruous power {Sd DW o peak power The efieny I 9 perce 2) Schema Diagram er owe scomat agra ot is gece and oadband vanser. Sct laruinsct NO ttt Thematece me ae wound oan Amen PN FEIGDK. The contr wr Foie itappd at ts tom minal 3ysang he 2 ao comesion A Wit comnedion the fepo2as4 Figure 1. Senemate dagram o the ilar ua output UUNUN tanstormer A connection a 80 otme to Aye Bitrate Aconnecten 08 yi a 225" Tale torah on amv ol ho Yarlome (ore matnings hawn Fg 2. The phtoganh axonps shone ros comctars The comesorstn he br inpoasnes x Fee 2-Botlom ew othe hgh eticen and basdband dua ouput WEF: 1-HUSO 1) Description “the W2FM:225:1-HUTI25 i high-pomer urn (unbalanced o-unbalance) tnstorrae ‘esgnedto match 1125 arms to 50 ohms. thes a constant impede vansermation rao of 28:1 from iii fo 40M A consortia power ating KW of cortrans power and KW of peak poe he efcnoy i 99 prcent, £8) Schematic Diagram gure 1 shows he schema agra of his ih ion ane broasban rarstrmer. Seven tear tun ne wound onan Anson PN FT-ISOX. Th top wang n Figure 16 No. 14H. Thetmaoas (wie. also hase ayers of Scotch No. 92 tape. The ator wo wings are No 18H. Thermaezo wie “The hk costings (16m) of. Thermaioze wires wo beth wo les of Scch No. 92 ape on he lop indeg in Figure needed or opumizg he chaacierste mpadance of he windegs. Ths Wan tomer seo nasa very high-voltage cape 20h Figure 1 Senemate agra a the tar UNUN tansormer osigned to match #12. ots 50 chs ©) Photograph “he bolle aw of th ranlorme: (lore mountings shown in Fire 2. The photogach | B o 7 18 1) Description The WOFM.21-HUI0 sa high power un (unbalanced o unbalanced) tanstomer designe to mate 109 ohms 1 50 ohms, thas a constant impedance ansforraton ra of 21 fom TNH to oNtz A conserve power tating ls IKW of conics owe and 2KW ef pak power. The eoncy 99 ecco 5) Schematic Diagram gure stows be schemate diagram ofthis hi ein! and broadband ranstormer, Seen tart ae wound an Amidon PNIF-1S0. The top weaingin Figure | No. 1H. Tetmaeze tite and has wo ayers of Seon Na 82 tape. is ao tapped at 8 us Kom terme Fgue 1) Ying he 21 vo The oer wo wadngs are No. 16H. Termaleze wre. Tho tox coats (1.6 mi) {1H Thermaieze wre, as wala the bo ayers of South No 82 tape on ho top winding. are needed or Shining he chevactrisc mpedarce tte windings. Th wangtormer also has ary hghetlage cpabity Figure 1. Sehemate sega ofthe war UNUN transformer ‘cesigned fo match 100 obs to 50 ohms (©) Photograph “The bottom vie ofthe ranstormer(beloremeuntng) is shown in Figure 2. The photogrsoh stems to show ne varous connectors. The connecter son te owsmpedance sie. Figure 2 -Botior-vie of te hgh ecient are broadband W2FIL21-HU100 ransorer |) Description "The W2FML2:1-HOUIOO is a high-power, dut-output unun unbalanced o-unbalanoed) ans rsson tine ianstormerdessned to maton 112% ome to 0 ohms or TOD dhs to 0 ohms. In maths tg 142.3 ohms fo 30 ts, te mpadance transéormaton rato (ot 2 2:1) conan tom IME 0 {toMHe. Inmatoring 100 ohms to 20 ots, is corsant rom 1M 1g SoMa Tha power Fangs ‘GV of contnuous power and 2KW of peak power. The eficiency is 88 percent, £8) Schematic Diagram igure 1 shows the schematic dagram of ths nigh etlont and broadband vanstormor. Seven tear ws re wound onan Amidon PN FT-150-. Tho tp winding in Figure 1 iS No. 14 Fortwar St tte and thas we ayers of Soot No 2 tape, fie aio fappo at 6 us om lerminal 5 yng the 2" rato (conection A. With eonnacon B, the Inpedance rato Is 2.25.1. The the wo winsings in Figure 1 are No, 16 Formvar SF wwe. The hick ceabngs ot H-Thermalze wre, as wel as ho two Vers fot Sesh No 82 tape on the top winding. Se needed fr oping the characterise empedance cl te Windngs, This tanstomer alo has avery higewokage breakdown, “OOLMGH-1:z-INaZM LUNUN transformer ceegned to mst 1125 fms or 100 ‘ohms 0 80 ohms ©) Photograph "he Bettom-view of he transformer (before mounting shown in Figure 2. The photoraph Fig 2-Botlomew of the righ ficient and broadband WEFM-21-HOU100 vansformet 19 "hs W2FMI-1-HRUSD i a igh power unun(unblancedo unbalance) tanamsson Ine translomer designe to match 50 ohms i125 oh. usos a bt ilar nang Ona rod eae vest {bro The mpedance transformation rao of #1) is constant from 1 SMH to 40MHe. The power rating 2 'STKW of contruous power and 2KW of peak power. The effciony is 99 parent i rasa = 2B) Sehemate Diagram gute 1 shows the schematic kagram ofthis highly cent and broadband tanstormer Ris the Rutivot #1 run whch vacea sige taromosion tne nthe boot stp eenguration, There ate ure 1 Schematic dagram ofthe Rutt &t UNUN ranstrmer delgned 1 Match 80 ohms to 125 ohms 6) Photograph “he bette ofthe transformer (below mounting shown in Figure 2. The photograph 20 a 1) Description “Te W2FMI-¢‘-HCUSO a avery high power unin (unalaneasto-unbaianced) transmission toe transfamer designed o match 60 ohms 012. coms. his capable of hgh power lvls becauso tusos lowampedane enasa cable ste ef wie-bilar windings. Thus th curents ae dtrBu0d more ‘sen aout ie conductors. alsa has'a ger requency capably than ts witeiiarcourerpat [Decals of les paratiecapactancsDetweon tum. In mang 50 ohms to 12 obs, tists former nasa conetant impedance anstormation rate at 41 Kem IMH2 to 40MHz. Nola, the power rating SRW of eomnbous power ans TOKW of peak power. Tho otcircy is 99 percent ©) Schematic Diagram gute * shows the schemate ckagram cs ighl etc, broadband and power ans sion tne nstermer Thar are situs of owampedaree coaxial cate onan Aion PN F150 ‘Th inet conductors No. 14H. Inideze wie and has layers of Seateh No, 02 tape. The ovr con ctr, rom RG22U cal, ght wrapped wh Scotch No. 92 tape. Tho characteris Impedance s ‘Bora. Experimental this found tobe the optimized characteristic impedance for lowrpeaace coax abi operating at ths impedance ev. Figuee 1. Schematic sgram of the cea cable version tf the Rho 4:1 UNUN transformer designed fo alah ‘0 ohm 0 12.5 ots ©) Photograph ‘Ihe Potor-view ote wanstarmar (lore mounting is shown in Figur 2. Te photog sitempi to show tha various connection, Figue 2 - Botom-vow ofthe highly oficent, power and brodband W2FMIA-HCUSO trantormer OSNYH-1:6-4WIZM The W2FML9-HRUSO sa high power unun (unalancsc--unbalanced) transmission ine transformer designed o math 60 stme Yo 558 ohms. uses a od core and a ransposed winding tcutig broadbard operation athe 30.5 S0-ahm impedance level At fis vel, the impedance {ranclormaton rato fs constant rom tls 30MHe. The pow ang TKW of continous power an 2KW of peak power. The aticioncy is 09 percent B) Schematic Diagram gute * shows the achemate gram o this highly elsent and bradban transformer. Seven tutar turns ee tightly wound on an Arson PN R-055-40 fer rod. The centr vending Fig 1 S20. 12 Formvar wie. The other to are No. 14 Fermvar SF wie sre Figure 1, Schema agra othe tflar UNUN translrmes ‘teignd o maton So ome fo 8.6 ohms 1) Photograph ho btior-viw ofthe transformer (etre mounting) i haan in Figure 2. The phsoaranh — 5 transiormer docigned to match 50 ohms o 5.58 ohms, uses a tordal core and hence requres only a | &By trasionner has constant mpedance transformation rao rom TMH SOMHa. The powor ang is 2K of corruous power and 4KW of peak power, The effcency S89 percent. 1) Schematic Diagra igure 1 stone te schematic dagram of te high power, eficint and broatband anstormer, “Tere are ou ilar uns wourd onan Adon PN FIE-SO-K. The windings are inthe “ansosed™ Configuration wich sows for better ow:mpedance-eve operation “The centr wining In iQue fo 12 FormvarTheoter wo sre No.4 Formvar SF wie Figure 4. Schema gra of he rar UNUN transtormer ‘Seigned to maten 60 ome to 5.56 ons (©) Photograph “The botomview ofthe tanstrmer(btore meunng) is shown in Figure 2. The photorsoh sttompls to show te various cantons, The eonsetor in the lwimpesance side Figure 2 Beton ew of the hghlyefcent and broadband W2FMLO1-HUHSO transformer 23 24 CT ‘) Description “The W2EML-HNMUSO i igh poner, mulimatch unun (unblancedto-untaarced) Yansmission Ine ransom designe to match 50 ohms eve lower impedances rangng tam 34.Te ohms downto 56 ofr, Spoctealy, he rat ans bandas (whore Impedance rats constant ae 2) 9:1(60556otms) WH te S0MH2 «2.251 (502222-0hme) _ 1MEz to 25MM 8) 5 76.1(608.660rm=) WH to Mie &) 1.40.1 (603472-ohme) 17MHe Yo 20NHZ ©) 404 Go2Sorms) IMME 6 20M Tis ranstomer also pertorms as wet when matching 75 ohms tothe appropriate sx lower impedances. The powering is IKW of coniracus power ara 2KW ct peak power The ocency is 88 pecan. £8) Schematic Diagram route * shows the schematic dagram ofthis highly ficient and broadband ansormer. There xe two tiflarturne onan Amon PN FESO-K. Th center wdng sn Pgue 15 No. 12 Fora wre The other ho tums ae No 14 Fore we. The ap wang tapped at two tus rom termina. The arm HuMMUso a a Figure 1. Scher agra ofthe tlar mul-match ranslormer fozigned to maton 50 anne to lower mpasancos ©) Photograph col the transformer with cove remaved)s shown in Fire 2, The ptagaph atop to 1) Description The W2FM-1.781-HOUSO a Nigh power, dua-cutut urun(ynbalancedo~unbelanced) tans mission ine bensormer designed to melon 50 ofa to 28 ohms or 125 af. When connecting tis {Tasforne er parle on thr S0 ohm sido) with WF 56:-HDUSO, four broadband ras of {omealy) 4.1.21, 2:1 and 15:1 become avalabe. In matching 50 a o 28 os (1.78.1) the \Mpodanee raefrmation ao constant rom TMi to OMe” In mateing 50 ots to 125 ots (21) iis constant ren t MH to 40MH2_ A conservative powering TK of conucus power and 2xW of poak power. The etiioncy is 99 percent — ') Schematic Diagram route * shows tha schematc gram ofthis highly fet and bcasband transformer. Four | quaciir ume ef Wo 14 Forma SF wea wound on an Arson FT-SOX. When connecting Ato | Evthe ais #178. When conocing BtoC. tis 14 [ara] Figure 1. Schema lgiam of the duatouputtrantermer Gesgned lo maton 50 arma to 28 lower o 12.5 obs ©) Photograph “fe Bottor-view of te tanformer (before mounting) is shown in Fepze 2. Te photograph sttompls to show the various cantons The comector onthe owmgedance side Figure 2 Sotiom-vew of the righty fen and broadband W2FM1.78:-HOUSO Yarsformes 25 1) Description "The WEFML.78:1-HMMUSO is a high power, munch uu unbalanced unbalanced) rans ricson ne tansormar I basal uses the szhomatc dag of ie W2FII178./MOUSO tanstormer vith mse connections t's designed te math 80 chme fo eit ower mpodaaces angina om 383 ms ‘downto 3425 ohms Spectely he ratios and andi (wher he impedance ates are const) ae 2) 136:1 (609676-0ts) 1M 252) 4:1(9012500hms) Hato gone 5) 178:1\6008-9-0nme) Meiosis 6) 9. 1(6055000%mns) — TMHa te 25Nee f) 22521 s022220rme) IMee to 40Mre 6) 1225-1 (SOA0@Doms) MHz to 2ONe B) 806-1 (6016.4-orms) Meteo Sous 6) 16:1 (608 125-rme) MMe to ZONE _ conserve power ratings 1KW of continues power and 2KW a peak power ortho fo loner ratios (1.36 41), Forth toe higher ates (1 To 161), the ates are SO0 wats of contuous power and KW ot peak power The etleeny foal aoe OD pereant 18) Schematic Diagram Fipuo eows the scharrate dagrem ofthis highly acer ard brand tarsovmet. Four quad ura of Na 14 Fora SF wre are wound onan Arion PN FFSO-K. Winding 5 i tppod {two tue rom terminal. The connections ot Og rab are Figure 1. Schematic gram of the quad, mth match tanstormer ‘oeignes to mater 50 ama Yo eit lowor mpedaness ‘oy Pnotograph ‘xr exloded view ofthe tanta ceo mounting) shawn a Figure 2. The phctowaph stiompla to shew he varus connecton Figure 2 An explode wew o the high ofcont and broadband WFML.78:1-HMMU 50 (CE -) Description ‘The NZFM-561-HDUSO is high power, us-ouput unun(unblancedo-unlance ran mission in tanstmer designe to match Sb afm 0 52 chme or 18 ohms. When connecting ths tars {emer (nparai on thor 50m ses} wth WPM 761-HOUSO, our broadband rats of (ermal A132 and 154 Dacome avatabe, mi malin 50 ons 32 os (1.561) te mpedace tans tot as constant rom TMH o AON. In atching 50 ohms 18 obs (2.781), is constant rom tM sok A conserve power ating e TW ot eatin power and 2KW of peak ome Tha etoonoy 99 percent, 98's 18) Schematic Diagram Tipu sows the echemate agra of his igh efisent and broadband ransormer: Four ‘unter tune ste wound onan Amidon FT-I5OK. Windegs 3 and 7-8 are No.4 Formar wre. The ‘cree are Ne. 16 Foray wt When eannacing Ato Cth a 1156, When connecting & 1 cite 1278 yee Figure 1. Sehamatie ogra of he dua-ouputrenstormer fesgned o match 80 ohms to 32 oso 18 ohms ) Photograph The botor ew ofthe tranetomer eer moving) ie shown a gure 2. The photograph Figure 2 Boome ot a gh eiclent and roads W2FME56:-HOUSO transformer a ‘Ay Descristion “The W2FMI-:7-HELSO lea hgh-powarbalun tranemieson ine anformer designed o match s0-chm coax eat toa balanced load of 50 ohms. Is expel designed to havea charactorste Impedance ef 0 ohms and eignioat marin in Band ana powernanding capabity The roeponce escent fat form MHz SoMa, The conservative power ating 2KW of contiuous SB rower and ax of pesk poner The eficiency = 99 percont 8) Schematic Diagram f ‘gute 1 shows the schematic lagram of is hl efficent and broadband warsormer. is the Guanata 1-1 lun which uses a ilar winding, There ae on Bar ums of No. 14H. mideze Wwe fnan Arson PN F200 K One we alsa covered wit a layer of Scot No.2 tape o_o me Figure 1. Schorati gra of the Guana 1 ban (©) Photograph The Botom- view o! the tanstormer (before mounting) I shown in Figure 2. The photograph Frute 2-Botomiew of the hh eleent and broadband W2FML1-HELSO rancfermer ELT £4) Description “The W2FMI-1-HBHO i @ vary Ngh-power balun Yansmisson ine tansormer designed 10 match Sochm connal cal to balanced load of 50 ohm. tis especialy designe to have a care {tne impacance 150 ote end sighficant mags m bandweth snd power nanan capabay. The Teoponte ic essemaly tom TM to SOW, The coneervave power rains KW of contnuous ower and TOKW of poak power. The efioncy is 99 percent cae OSHEH-L £2) Schematic Diagram ‘ute 1 shows the schoraic lagram ofthis vty Pgh powar, fen and broadband balun, vise Goanola tt balun whch uses aor nngng. There are tn Bla turn of Ne 12 idee tee on an Amon PN FE200-K. One wie's covered wih 2 layers of Scot No, 92 tape. . as vem Figure 1, Sobemate sega of the Guano 1:1 balun 6) Photogreph Te Boton-vew fhe transfor (eto mounting) is shown in Figure 2. Te photograph Fre 2 - Botom-vew ofthe high-power, ellen and broadband WaFM-1-HBHSO 29 a 1) Description Tee rl-)-HL200is a high-power balun ansmission tne tansormer designed © match so-hen coal eae ta bolancod lead of 200 ohm. Tho windings are especay eign to have a Se eat mpeaanoe af 10) obs, With hese optimizes windings, as well as & Sere core allowing Frases cade atin owrequeney response for eiceney, tis balun s capable of operating wih 2 1 Sosamampecancevarctormaton rato rm tMHs fo SOM, Te consratne power ang is HON of ‘ontmous poner and ZKW of peak power The eficency i 9 pecan ae So) Schematic Bagram Fane Snows tn schematic agra otha igh felon ard broadband bak. isthe 41 FF) counona en wich sums he tages of wo eaual diy Hoes. Thee re eg lr ts of No.8 F) Setete Sec on och of he wo varcminon ies. Te cools an Amidon PN FFZODK Each wre [Scovered with an a wal Teton seeing, ‘igure 1. Schematic diagram ofthe Guaneta 41 bln transformer dough to mate 0 ohms to 200 ohm 6) Photograph re Peton-vew of the Yansorne (oeore mounting) is shown in Figure 2, The photograph tempts to sow the vtius connections Figure 2 Botomrew othe highiy ean and broadband W2FIMI41-MBL200 varsonmer 30 |) Description “Tha W2FMI-4:1-HBN20O isa high power bali ansmission ine anstormer capable of easly nanting 2KW of evtinvous power and KW ol peak power when mahing SO-ohm coaxial cable to & Ealanci ad of 200 chm. Te windings are especialy designed To havea characteisicimpedance ot ‘ochre, Wh tha optinzes wersngs, a wel a afer Coe owing for he est raf in lo equeney response» eferoy ti alu fe espate of operating rom TM o SOMME wih & con: ‘Nant mpedance renstomaton rato. The ofcency is 98 percent 0OZWGH-F:t-iNAZM 18) Schematic Diagram eure + ston te scheme agra of this very hgh power and broadband tun. is he 41 Guana balun which sums te volages of wo equal doy Ines. There are eg lar tur of No, {ise tmcoae we on each ofthe vo tanamason ines. Te core an Amigon PN FT24D-. Each vive ie covered wi about a 1S: wall Teflon sleerng Figure 1. Senemate diagram of the Guano 4:1 bakin translormer designed to match 50 ohms 0 200 ohms ©) Photograph “The baton vew ofthe ansormer (before mcurting) is shown n Figure 2. The photograph 31 |B pescription “Ten SFM: 1-HB}200 isa very Upped and Nigh-poner balun ansmssion ine wensformer cpate of oasiy handling KW ol contnuovs power and TOKW of peak power when matching 30-ohm ‘Bena cal a balanced Toad of 200 ohms. Tho xtra ruggedness resus om th use of a 44 er.

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