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Data: 24 2.2 23 Balanced and unbalanced forces gravitational ficld strength g= 9.81 ms? = 9.81 N kg? Forces in equilibrium In this section you will need to understand that all forces are pushes or pulls of one body on another = use the phrase “the push or pull of A on B’ when describing any particular force understand the meaning of the words weight and tension and of frictional and normal contact forces draw free-body force diagrams when analysing problems about bodies which are in equilibrium = understand that when a body is in equilibrium the sum of the forces acting on it, resolved in any direction, is zero = understand that forces occur in pairs which act on different bodies and that the push or pull of A on B is always equal in size to the push or pull of B on A = understand how to resolve forces into two mutually perpendicwlar components and how to add two forces which are perpendicular to one another. a A new-born baby is said to be a healthy 7.8 pounds. What is the baby’s weight in newtons? Take 2.2 Ib = 1.0 kg. The body shown in each of the following free-body force diagrams is in equilibrium. Write down the value(s) of the unknown force(s) in each case. P. 420N The diagram shows a man pulling a briefcase across a table. Free-body force diagrams for the briefcase and for the man are also drawn. {a} Describe cach of the forces acting on the briefease with phrases like ‘Bis the. frictional contact push of the table on the bricfcase’, (b) Describe each of the forces acting on the man with phrases like ‘F is the normal contact push of the floor on the man’. 24 25 2.6 7 2 Balanced and unblanced forces A child sits at rest on a swing. The figure shows free-body force diagrams for {i) the child (ii) the swing seat. {a) For cach of the forces P, W, T; wand P’, identify the body which is producing the force. { P’ is not produced by the Earth.] {b) Write a phrase describing cach force as the push or pull of the identified body on (i) the child Gi) the seat. (c) In this situation P = W, Newton's laws. = w+ P’and P = P’, Explain each equation in terms of a « Wy Pt A child learning to swim is supported by her instructor who stands on the side of the pool. The forces acting on the child are: the pull W of the Earth on the child, 300 N the pull P of the harness on the child the push Uof the water on the child, 250 N. (a) Drawa free-body force diagram for the child. How big is P? {b) Newton's third law tells us that there are other forces equal in size to W, Pand U. On which bodies do each of these forces act? {c) Draw a free-body force diagram for the instructor who weighs 800 N. Deduce the normal contact push of the floor on him. ‘The photo on the next page shows two skaters. At the moment shown the woman is exerting a horizontal force on the man who is moving at a constant velocity. ta) Draw a free-body force diagram for the man. {b) If the man weighs 700 N and his partner’s horizontal pull on him is 100 N, what are the sizes of ti) the normal contact push of the ice on the man (fi) the frictional contact push of the ice om the man (ii) the total push of the ice om the man? 1B 27 28 29 2.10 ‘A racing car is shown in the diagram together with a free-body force diagram describing the forces acting on it. fa) Copy the free-body force diagram and list the forces using phrases which end with ‘on the car. [Qis not the push or pull of the engine on the car (b) How big are the forces Pand @ {e) What would happen to the size of () Wi eg. at 70mph? F if the car was moving more slowly, steady 140M ph. ‘Aman pushes a lawnmower with a force of 80N directed along the handle which makes an angle of 40° to the vertical. What is the size of the resolved part of this force (a) in the horizontal direction (b) in the vertical direction? A force P is 20 N ina direction N 60° E. What is the resolved part of the force (a) north (b) east {e) N 30° E? An emply sledge of mass 5.0 kg slides at a constant speed down a slope which makes an angle of 20° to the horizontal. (a) Draw a free-body diagram for the sledge and add the forces acting on the it {b) By resolving the weight of the sledge parallel and perpendicular to the slope calculate the size of each of the forces in your free-body force diagram. In designing a supermarket there is sometimes a need for connecting ramps between different parts of the shop. It is decided to limit the push required by shoppers to push a 24 kg trolley to less than 25 N. What is the maximum angle at which the ramps can be built? Zz 242 2.13 2.14 “> 2 Balanced and unblanced forces A gymnast of weight 720 N is holding himself in the cross position on the high ings. He is quite still. A free-body force diagram for the gymnast shows the two upward pulls of the rings on his hands, each of size 380 N. Calculate the angle between the wires supporting the rings and the vertical A very heavy sack is hung from a rope and pushed sideways, When the sideways push is 220 N the rope supporting the sack is inclined at 18° to the vertical, {a} Calculate the tension in the rope. {b) Hence find the mass of the sack. A stone of weight 32 N is attached to a wire and hung from a rigid support. A string is then attached to the bob and is pulled sideways with a horizontal force P until the tension in the wire is 44 N. (a) Whatis the angle between the wire and the vertical? (b) Calculate the size of the force P. (c) Repeat your calculations for the case when the tension reaches 140 N. A framed picture of weight 15 N is to be hung on a wall, using a piece of string. The ends of the string are tied to two points, 0.60 m apart on the same horizontal level, on the back of the picture. Draw a free-body force diagram for the picture, and find the tension in the string if fa} the string is 1.0 m long (b) the string is 0.66 m long. Forces and moments In this section you will need to = use the equation: moment ofa force about an axis = the force times the perpendicular distance from the axis to the line of action of the force = draw frce-body force diagrams for extended bodies in equilibrium when solving problems involving the principle of moments = use the principle of moments: for a body in equilibrium the sum of the moments of the forces acting on it, about any axis, is zero 5 understand that couples and torques exert moments on extended bodi 15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 The diagram shows a boy and a girl on a seesaw plus a free-body force diagram for the seesaw beam. {a) Calculate the moment, about O, of the 400 N push of the girl on the beam, (b) What is the moment, about ©, of the 300 N pull of the Earth on the beam? (e) Deduce a value for F, the push of the boy on the beam, 4P ne 400N 300N Using the diagram from the previous question: (a) Calculate the moments, about B, of the 400 IN and the 300 N forces. (b) Deduce a value for P ‘Two men are walking carrying a ladder of length 12 m and weight 200 N: it may be considered to be uniform. The first man is 2.0 m from the end of the ladder; the second man is at the end_ (a) Draw a free-body force diagram for the ladder and calculate the force which each ‘man exerts on it. (b) Ifthe second man gradually slides his point of support forward until he is 4.0 m from the back, suggest how, in gencral terms, the foree he exerts changes. {c) How far from the back of the ladder is he when the men exert equal forces? The diagram shows a lorry of mass 45 000 kg crossing a bridge. The span from A to B is 32m, (a) When the lorry is at the centre of the bridge, what is the increase in the upward push of each of the bridge supports A and B on the bridge structure? (b) Where on the bridge will the lorry be when the additional upward push of the bridge support at A is 120000 N? A baby-buggy and baby together weigh 140 N. The diagram shows the position of the centre of gravity G of the baby and buggy. (a) In order to lift the front wheels up a step whilst moving forward the pusher exerts a downward force Fon the handle. Calculate the minimum value of F (b) What is the corresponding upward force the pusher needs to exert to lift the back wheels of the pram up a step whilst moving backwards? 221 2.22 2.23 2.24 2 Balanced and unblanced forces ‘The diagram shows a simplified model of the forcarm alongside a centimetre scale. fa) Estimate how far the centre of gravity of the 1H sete forearm is from the PLE AL Gees elbow joint. fit Wy (b) The forearm has a total ih i mass of 1.7 kg. What is Tt Awa hand the moment, about the foroarm elbow joint, ofthe gow on ) weight of the forearm? = 1 (c} Estimate the distance of H | the biceps muscle from SHEGa eS ae en the elbow joint. (d) Calculate the tension in the biceps muscle necessary to hold the forearm horizontal. (e) How big is the vertical contact force between the bones at the elbow joint? In order to find the mass m of a heavy clampstand, it is supported in equilibrium as shown in the diagram. G is its centre of gravity. (a) Draw free-body force diagram for the clampstand. {b) Calculate m if, when xis 42.0 cm, the Teading on the spring balance is 4.6 N. Take ato be 6.5 cm. {e) Plot a graph showing the relationship between F, the reading on the balance, and xas the balance is moved along the clampstand rod. {a} Describe how you would use the apparatus in the diagram to locate the position of the centre of gravity, relative to his feet, of a person with his arms at his sides. {b) Estimate the likely errors in the measurements you would take and hence the ‘uncertainty which could be achieved in the experiment. A ladder of mass 15.0 kg leans with its upper end against a frictionless wall as shown on the next page. (a) Describe the forces N and F shown on the free-body force diagram of the ladder. (b) By taking moments about the bottom of the ladder, calculate M, the normal contact push of the wall on the top of the ladder. {c) Write down the sizes of the forces Nand F. {d) Calculate (i) the total push of the ground on the bottom of the ladder (ii) the angle ‘which this force makes with the vertical. 7 2.25 2.26 227° A. uniform heavy window, freely hinged along its top edge, is swung open to 35° from the vertical by pulling horizontally on a handle at its bottom edge. {a} Draw a free-body force diagram for the window seen sideways on. (b) If the weight of the window is 80 N, calculate the pull on its bottom edge. {e} What is the size of the total pull of the hinge on the top of the window? A uniform horizontal beam of weight 200 N and length 2.5 mis freely hinged at one end to a wall. A rope is attached to the free end. The other end of the rope is attached to the wall at a point vertically above the beam so that the rope makes an angle of 30° with the vertical. fa). Draw a free-body force diagram for the beam. (b) Calculate the tension in the rope. {¢) Calculate the horizontal and vertical resolved parts X and Y of the push of the wall on the beam. {d) Show on your diagram the direction of the resultant of X and ¥. ‘Two men are carrying a large sheet of MDF measuring I by 21 up steps which are inclined at an angle @ to the horizontal. A free-body force diagram for the sheet is shown, its centre of gravity being at G in the middle of the uniform sheet. P and Qare the upward pulls the front man and rear man exert on the sheet. (a) Why is P< Q? Q=3P=075W. {b) Sketch a diagram to show what the sheet ‘of MDE looks like when P= O. (€) Show that P= O when 0 = 63°. (d) Sketch a graph to show how Q varies with @as @ rises from 0 to 63°. 2.28 2.29 2.30 221 2.32 2 Balanced and unblanced forces Forces causing acceleration In this section you will need to = drawa free-body diagram for the accelerated body when solving problems involving Newton's second law = use the equation, Newton's second law, for accelerated motion ma = sum of forces resolved parallel to a = describe experiments to demonstrate the validity of Newton’s second law = understand that all animals and vehicles accelerate forwards by pushing the ground, some water or the air backwards. The diagram shows five bodies (a) — (e) together with the mass of each. Calculate the acceleration of each body. 10N “isi 15 Tae BON oar fa) te) zn -— som ton 2 2 — SF on sone {b) $ (d) O— sox10°n 280 us © Calculate the extra force, in size and direction, which would need to be added to each of the situations above in order to produce an acceleration of 2.0m s* to the right for every object. ‘Two women push a car of mass 800 kg to get it started. Each pushes with a force of 300 N and the resistance forces are equivalent to an opposing force of 160 N. What is the acceleration of the car? A person is unlikely to be killed in a car crash if, held by a seatbelt, he or she accelerates at 250m s 7 of less. (a) What is the pull exerted by a seatbelt | on (ia man of mass 84 kg (ii) a child of mass 32 kg, at this maximum safe acceleration? aa (b) Express your answers to {a) as a multiple of the person's weight. A tractor pulls a log of mass 2000 kg. When the tractor is pulling with a force of 1300 N the acceleration of the log is 0.050 m s 2, What resistance force does the ground exert on the log? a 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 Superman slams head-on into a train speeding along at 30 m s |, bringing it to rest in an amazing 0.010 s and saving Lois Lane, who was tied to the tracks ahead of the train, (a) What is the acceleration of the train? {b) If the train’s mass is 200 tonnes (2.0 X 10° kg), what is the push which Superman exerts on the train? In one 10 minute interval during the Apollo 11 flight to the Moon the spacecraft’s speed decreased from 5374 m s“' to 5102 ms (with the rocket motors not in use). The mass of the space craft was 4.4 X 10" kg. Calculate the average force exerted on the spacecraft during this time. A free-body force diagram for a rear wheel drive car is shown in the diagram. ta) Write a phrase describing each of the forces Sand T, {b) How are Sand T'related when the car is moving (i) at a constant velocity v (ii) with constant acceleration a? {c) Describe what happens to the forces Sand Twhen the driver applies the brakes and slows the car down. A packing case of mass 50 kg rests on a rough horizontal floor. The surface is such that the maximum frictional force which the floor can exert on the case is 0.40 times the perpendicular contact force. Describe what happens when someone pushes horizontally ‘on the packing case with a force of (a) 98N {b} 196N {c) 294N. Just after the gun a sprinter of mass 65 kg is pushing against the starting block with a force of 800 N. This force acts at an angle of 65° to the horizontal. Calculate (a) the resultant horizontal force acting on her ) the resultant vertical force acting on her the forward acceleration of her centre of gravity ) the upward acceleration of her centre of gravity. tb) An articulated lorry consists of a tractor unit of mass 4.0 tonnes and a trailer of mass 26 tonnes. The lorry accelerates at 0.20 m s*. {a} Ignoring all resistive forces calculate (i) the forward push of the road on the driving wheels of the tractor unit (ii) the forward pull of the tractor unit on the trailer, (b) Draw separate free-body force diagrams for the tractor and trailer. Which pair of forces are equal because of Newton's third law? A sprinter of mass 60 kg reaches her top speed of 12 m s-! in the first 15 m of her run, {a} Calculate her average acceleration during this process. {b) Hence calculate the horizontal force (assumed to be constant) which the ground has been exerting on her. {e) What size horizontal force has she been exerting on the ground? Explain. 2.40 241 2.42 2.43 2.44 2 Balanced and unblanced forces Explain how, in the laboratory, you would demonstrate that the acceleration of a body is inversely proportional to its mass for a fixed resultant force. State how you would process and present any measurements so as to achieve the aim of the demonstration. A javelin thrower accelerates a javelin of mass 0.80 kg from §.5 ms to 31.5 mst in 0.30 s. What average pull does he exert on the javelin? ‘The table gives data for a skydiver during the first phase of the jump: time from start of jump/s 0 3.0 60 90 vertical velocity/m 5"? 0 28 46 53 vertical acceleration/m s* 98 7.9 40 10 ‘The skydiver has a mass of 85 kg. {a) Calculate at cach of these four times the resultant force on the skydiver ) the upward push of the air on the skydiver, {b) Draw four free-body force diagrams showing the forces acting on the skydiver at each time, Draw the force arrows (vectors) in proportion to the size of the forces. Ada the velocity of the skydiver at each time to your diagrams. {o) Explain why it is not sensible to say that a skydiver is a free-fall parachutist. A lift has a mass of 1200 kg. Calculate the tension in the cable supporting the lift when the lift is (@) ascending at a constant velocity (b) ascending with an upward acceleration of 2.0 ms? (©) descending with a downward acceleration of 3.0:m s? {d) descending with an upward acceleration of 3.0m s?. ‘The table gives the results of a standing-start acceleration test for a car of mass 1100 kg. ds o 2 4 6 8 Ww BR vims' 0 9 15 195 23 2 29 (a) Draw a graph of its speed v against time t {tb} Estimate the resultant force acting on the car when its speed was (i) 15 ms 25 ms. [Hint: you will have to draw tangents to your graph. ] 2.45 2.46 247 2.48 2.49 2.50 2.51 ‘The diagram shows a trampolinist at the bottom of her jump where she is instantaneously stationary. Her mass is 65 kg and her upward acceleration at this instant is 85 ms ?. Calculate the upward push of the trampoline on her at this instant. The flea in question 1.25 has a mass of 0.50 mg and its take-off acceleration is 800 m s*_ Calculate the average push of the ground on the flea as it jumps. A Doy catches a cricket ball of mass 160 g which is moving at 20m s, {a) Find the force which he must exert to stop it in (i) 0.10 s Gil) 0.50 s. {b) Describe how he can vary the time in this way, and explain the advantage of lengthening the time in which the ball is stopped. {e) Describe two other situations (as different as possible from this one} in which care is taken to lengthen the time in which a moving object is brought to rest. ‘The diagram shows a block on a horizontal frictionless table. A thread attached to it runs horizontally to a pulley at the edge of the table, passes over the pulley, and supports a load of mass 1.0 kg. The size of the acceleration of both the block and the load is 2.0m s >, (a) Draw free-body force diagrams for (i) the block Gi) the load, labelling as Gy T the pull of the thread on each of these bodies. (b) Use the free-body force diagram for the load to find the size of T. {c) Now use the free-body force diagram for 1.0 kg the block to find the mass of the block. A pendulum bob hangs by a thread from the roof of a railway carriage. Describe and explain, using free-body force diagrams for the pendulum bob, what happens to the bob when the train is fa) accelerating forwards (b) moving at a constant velocity _(¢) slowing down. For (a) make any possible calculations if the train acceleration is 0.80 ms7. ‘Three boxes in contact are being pushed along a system of rollers. The two outer boxes each have a mass of 140 kg and the middle box has a mass of 80 kg. The single pushing force is 220 N, By drawing suitable free-body force diagrams, calculate (a) the acceleration of the boxes (b)_ the push of each of the outer boxes on the middle box. In the diagram the dashed line shows the weight of a parachutist as she falls: her weight is constant. The solid line shows the size of the air resistance (drag) force on her (and her parachute, when open) as she moves downwards. She opens her parachute at time t). 252 2.53 254 2.55 256 257 2 Balanced and unblanced forces {a) Explain the shape of the graph. {b) Sketch a graph to show the variation of her acceleration with time. time Arman of mass 65 kg stands on a weighing machine in a lift which has a downwards acceleration of 3.0 ms, What is the reading on the weighing machine? Make it clear at ‘what stage you need to use Newton's third law and explain why it does not matter whether the lift is moving up or down. Centripetal forces = understand that the resultant force acting on a body moving in a circle at a constant speed is directed towards the centre of the circle = draw free-body force diagrams and use Newton's second law in the form mv?ir = Fy, for uniform circular motion, A particle moves in a circular path at a constant speed. Draw a diagram of the path, mark the position of the particle at some point on the path and, for that point, show the direction of {a) its velocity (b) its acceleration {(e} the resultant force on it. A sprinter of mass 70 kg is comering at 9.4 m s"! during a 200 m raee. {a) Calculate the centripetal force needed to corner at this speed if the radius of the bend is 38 m. {b) What provides this centripetal force? Sketch a free-body force diagram for the sprinter seen from the front. Refer to question 1.56 and take the mass of the ball to be 7.3 kg. Calculate the pull of the ball on the wire, assuming that the weight of the ball is negligible. A child of mass 30 kg is playing on a swing. Her centre of mass is 3.2 m below the supports when she moves through the bottom of her swing at 6.0 ms“. {a) Draw a free-body force diagram for the child at this moment. {b) Calculate (i) her centripetal acceleration (ii) the push of the seat of the swing on her. In the free-body force diagram, over the page, for a bicycle and cyclist seen from the front the push of the road on him has been resolved into two components: N the normal contact push of the ground on him and F the frictional push of the ground on him. {a) The total mass of cyclist plus bicycle is 95 kg. Explain why N'= 930 N. (b) He is moving at 18 ms in a circle of radius 50 m. Calculate (c) What is (i) the resultant force acting on the bicycle and cyclist ‘of the ground on him? SR ed 2.58 The designer of an amusement park ride wants a centripetal acceleration of 19.6 ms at the top of a loop of radius 7.0 m. fa) Calculate the minimum speed he must ensure the car has at the top of the loop. {b) The free-body force diagram for the car shows the two forces acting on it at the top of the loop. The resultant centripetal force is P + W. (i) Describe the two forces as the push or pull of something on the cat. Calculate Wand P for a car of mass 400 kg. 2.59 A car of mass 900 kg is driven over 2 hump-backed bridge at a speed of 18 ms. The road surface of the bridge forms part of a circular arc of radius 50 m. {a) Draw a free-body force diagram for the car when it is on top of the bridge. {b) Calculate the push of the road on the car then. te) What is the greatest speed at which the car may be driven over the bridge if its wheels are not to lose contact with the road? 2.60 Draw a sketch of a man of mass 75.0 kg standing on a weighing machine (a pair of scales calibrated in newtons) at the Farth’s equator where, because the Earth is rotating, he has a centripetal acceleration of 0.034 ms (a) What is the pull of the Earth on him? Take g to be 9.780 N kg! (b) Draw a free-body diagram for the man and add the forces acting on him. (c) Calculate the push of the weighing machine on him, (el) What will the weighing machine record as his weight? Explain in words why this is not equal to mg. 2.61 A metal bob is whirled on the end of a string once every second as shown in the diagram. A free-body force diagram for the bob is also shown. 2.62* 2.63" , 2 Balanced and unblanced forces: fa) Caleulate {i) the radius of the circle in which it is moving (ii) its constant speed vas it moves round the circle (iii) the size of its centripetal acceleration a, {b) The bob has a mass of 0,20 kg. Calculate i) the size of the centripetal force needed to produce the acceleration {ii the pull T of the string on the bob. 020 kg¢ ba The free-body force diagram shows a racing car of mass 800 kg moving in a circle of radius 300 m om a track banked at an angle @= 26°. Pand Frepresent the total perpendicular contact force and the total frictional Force of the track on the car. {a) Ata certain speed », the frictional force Fis zero. For this speed, calculate (i) the size of the force P ii) the value of v. {b) Explain how the direction of the force F depends on the speed of the car for speeds greater and less than v. ‘An aeroplane of mass m is moving at a constant speed v in a horizomtal circle of radius r. It does this by banking at an angle 6 to the horizontal. The diagram is a free-body force diagram for the plane. Show that v = v(rgtan@ ). 29 ‘Other exercises on particles moving in circles appear in Chapter 19 on electromagnetism. Chapter 20 on inverse square law fields. 25

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