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Lesson Plan Form Date: 11/23/2020

Teacher: Claude Vallance

School: Lesher Middle School

Title: French

Grade Level: 1A (Novice Low proficiency)

Class time: 60 minutes

Lesson Idea/ Topic and Les couleurs (colors)


Student Profile: 32 students

Lesson was delivered online

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

1.2 Identify the general topic and some basic information in texts that are spoken, written, or signed in both very
familiar and everyday contexts, by recognizing memorized words or familiar words (interpretive mode).
4.1 Identify similarities and differences of the target language and the student’s own language.

Evidence Outcomes (Learning Targets):

Students can identify colors in French

Using basic grammatical structures and recognizing differences in their own language students understand that the adjectives of
colors in French are placed after the noun

Students can describe a simple object and its color in French

List of Assessments + Include Criteria (A/B/C/D)

Scaffolded formative assessments using Pear Deck during the lesson delivery - Criteria A (Listening and Interpersonal
Communication) and C (Speaking and Writing)
- What color is this?
- What color is this object or food?
- Name this object and describe its color?

Gimkit online learning game given after the lesson - Criteria C (Speaking and Writing)

20 multiple choice questions

-Students need to identify the right color

-Students need to identify and select the correct spelling and placement of a noun and its color

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson Learning colors and using them in a sentence to describe an object

Co-Teaching NO

Approx. Time and Materials 60 minutes

Warm-up Time: 10 minutes

Strategy: interactive slides displaying each color and its French word - lots of repetitions and
Procedures Time: 30 minutes

Teacher Actions: Interactive Pear Deck slides and introduction of grammatical rule about
the placement of adjectives in a French sentence. Comparison between French structure
and their own language (the red car vs. the car red).

Student Actions:

Interactive slide 1: students write as many colors as they can in 3 minutes and in French

Interactive slide 2: students are given a color (vert) and 4 objects (2 in singular, 2 in plural).
students need to identify the objects and describe their color. Students need to place the
adjective of color after the noun, not before.

Data Collected: Teacher Dashboard on Pear Deck displays the students’ answers

Time: 2 minutes
Teacher Actions: Restate the grammatical rule about the placement of adjectives of colors
in a French sentence.

Questioned multiple students to make sure they were engaged and following.

Student Actions: Answer question “is the adjective of color placed before the noun or after
the noun in French”?

Data Collected: Answers from students indicated that they were engaged and understood
the basic rule

Closure Time: Until the end of class. The assignment was set to 30 minutes and gives an opportunity
for students to practice their colors for 30 minutes.

Strategy: Online learning game Gimkit

Post Lesson Reflection

1. To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize assessment data to justify your level of achievement)

A lot of students had been already introduced to colors during their 6th grade French class and the warm-up was a nice review for
them. Students learned 15 colors during this class. I could see a lot of engagement and participation in class. During the Pear Deck
formative assessments I noticed that most of the students logged in to Pear Deck knew and could spell French colors correctly
(>10 colors), a fraction of students misspelled the colors and only remembered about 5 colors. As the lesson progressed 6
students dropped out of the interactive lesson and did not complete the last slide.

Attendance appears to be a major concern during online learning. Google Meet indicated that 27 students were logged in to my
call. Pear Deck, however, showed that only 23 students were signed in to listen to the lesson and complete the interactive
assessments. This shows that 4 students were logged in to their French class but did not do any French.

Lesson objectives were met for most of the students who participated in the lesson. I plan on providing a review during the next
session using various colored shapes. I will assess students with a live in-class assignment, provide help to those who need it and
address any issues regarding attendance if students drop out of the meeting before class ends.
2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to teach again?
I would provide in-class time for students to work on their assignment and ask questions if needed.

3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (continued practice, reteach content, etc.)

The next lesson and assessments would be the same but would allow more time for one-on-one support and questions. Advanced
students who complete their assignment with ease will be able to practice French on duo-lingo or another assignment to keep
them engaged.

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