Rhiannen N Sears

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Rhiannen N.

After a year of research and countless academic papers, I have decided to
publish my research as artwork. Globally, about 400 million women were
married before the age of 18. One-hundred and fourty million additional
girls are predicted to become child brides by the year 2030. They are
stripped of their right to make choices for their sexuality, education, and are
at higher risk to experience sexual/ domestic violence.
They Couldn’t Have Known, is an instillation piece featuring 3 ceramic
female (life-sized) busts placed in a half circle. Each bust is representative
of one of the top cultures with the worst number of child bride offences.
Directly behind these is a red curved wall with palm size ceramic circles are
bright white to represent the purity of what childhood should be. Most of
these white circles have been corrupted by a mound of red stained cotton,
symbolic of the blood and gore of child birth. This piece acts as the
mediator between the viewer and those who’ve had their voices stolen. The
backside of the curved wall has statistical data and informative materials
regarding the practice of child brides. This work is intended to bring
increased attention to this human rights violation and perhaps prevent
future girls from experiencing this atrocity.
Girls under the age of 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth
compared to women in their 20’s. A dire consequence of girls giving birth at
a young age is a medical condition called obstetric fistula. A rupture or hole
develops in the surrounding tissue (bladder or rectum)from being in labor
for days, and often results in the baby dying. The young mother, a child
herself, is left incontinent by something that is 100% preventable by simply
postponing when a girl gives birth and access to modern medicine.
I wanted to create something so large and loud that viewers would be
incapable of getting away from viewing it. They would be continuously
confronted with my message as they moved through the gallery. It’s my
goal to impress upon people the severity of this human rights violation in
our 21st century world. I hope to be the spark that inspires a flame of other
young artists and people to be the active change in their world. Growing up
I was taught to believe “If you don’t do it, who will?”

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