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Before Revision plan After paragraph Revision analysis

In the assignment we  Center the In the assignment we In the first version I

were asked to look at paragraph more were asked to look at wanted to look at all
different ways that  Find a true different ways that these different countries
literacy work. In my question I am literacy work. In my and their literacy
fashion of twisting words looking for just fashion of twisting words practices in comparison
around to work for my one thing around to work for my to America or in
mind I Have investigated  Improve with mind I Have investigated comparison to what I am
the question of how grammar the question of how familiar with. How ever
literacy works of us and  Convey my literacy works of us and this is really broad and
the importance of literacy message more the importance of literacy can be too broad with
in different parts of the clearly in different parts of the research and I won’t be
world and the impact. world and the impact. making a point so I have
With extensive research I With research and slimed it down into two
have looked at different personal experience, I counties. I have also
parts of the world and have seen how literacy reworded some stuff and
their development stages has a huge role in the erased an example to
and how literacy has a development and center my and convey my
huge role in the progression of the world. massage a bit more
development and I was also interested in
progression of the world. looking at how different
I was also interested in literacy practices affect
looking at how different different cultures.
literacy practices affect Throughout this
different cultures. For assignment I will be
example, in Europe their looking and comparing
literacy practices include two different countries I
reading older literacy and have been familiar with
thus they preserve their the united states and
cultures and cities to fulfil Mexico. In America, our
these beautiful images literacy practices seem to
given to us In a book. In go into more industrial
America, our literacy and nonfictional reading.
practices seem to go into We are constantly looking
more industrial and for new and better ways
nonfictional reading. We to progress and be on top
are constantly looking for of the world. How does
new and better ways to this link into what we are
progress and be on top of taught as kids? Where
the world. How does this does the shift from
link into what we are nursery stories separate
taught as kids? Where and two countries have
does the shift from such vast differences?
nursery stories separate
and two countries have
such vast differences?

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