Rujukan Bab 1

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Rujukan Bab 1


1. Leithwood, Kenneth; Seashore, Karen; Anderson, Stephen; Wahlstrom,

Kyla; (2004)Review of Research: How Leadership Influences Student Learning,
Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (University of Minnesota,
Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement, 2004

2. guru besar untuk memainkan peranan kerana mereka adalah kunci kejayaan sekolah
(Andrew & Morefield,1991;Edmunds,1979;Quinby,1985).

3. Peranan pemimpin sekolah merupakan fokus kepada beberapa kajian kerana ianya
merupakan kunci utama kepada aspek keberkesanan sesebuah sekolah (Cotton ,2003;
Goodwin, Cunningham, & Childress, 2003; Hallinger & Heck, 1996)

4. Hallinger, P. (2003). Leading educational change: Reflections on the practice of instructional

and transformational leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33 (3), 329-351.

5. Kajian dan perbincangan tentang kepimpinan instruksional telah bermula sejak dua dekad
yang lalu (Hopkins, 2003)

6. kualiti kepimpinan instruksional merupakan satu faktor umum yang telah memainkan peranan
penting dalam kejayaan negara-negara yang ini (Stacey, 2010)

7. fungsi kepimpinan instruksional daripada guru besar merupakan masalah utama yang
dihadapi oleh kebanyakan sekolah dalam jangka masa yang panjang (Ramaiah, 1992)

8. Azlin Mansor(2005) Amalan Pengurusan Pengetua: Satu Kajian Kes, Tesis Doktor
falsafah.Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

9. Penglibatan secara langsung guru besar dapat menghasilkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran
berkesan di kalangan para guru dan pelajar yang dapat mencapai prestasi akademik yang
cemerlang (Weber, 1971; Brookover, et al. 1979; Hallinger dan Murphy 1985; Wiebes, 1991;
Hallinger dan Heck, 1996; Johnson, et al. 2000 ) Weber, George. Inner-City Children Can Be
Taught to Read: Four Successful Schools. Washington, D.C.: Council for Basic Education,
10. Pengajaran yang berkesan di bilik darjah pembelajaran dikalangan pelajar akan berlaku

secara berkesan (Abdul Shukur, 2000; Rowe, et al.1995 dan Van der Werf, 1997).

11. Amalan pengajaran guru yang berkesan di bilik darjah adalah sangat kuat dan akibatnya akan
mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik para pelajar (Mohd Nor, 2004)

12. Menurut Drake dan Roe (1994) peranan guru besar dilihat dari dua dimensi iaitu
pentadbiran atau pengurusan dan kepimpinan instruksional. Drake, T. L. & Roe, W. H.
(1999). The princinalship (5th ed.). NewJersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

13. Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Virginia:
Association for supervision and curriculum development.

14. Drs. Jalaludin Rakhmat, M.Sc.2008. Psikologi Komunikasi. Bandung. PT.

RemajaRosdakarya. Mulyana, Deddy. 2003. Ilmu Komunikasi Suatu Pengantar.

15. Hallinger, P. (2003). Leading educational change: Reflections on the practice of instructional
and transformational leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33 (3), 329-351.

16. Hallinger, R., Bickman, L. & Davis, K. (1996). School context, principal leadership, and student
reading achievement. The Elementary School Journal, 96 (5), 527-549.

17. Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. (1998). Exploring the principal’s contribution to school
effectiveness: 1980- 1995. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(2), 157-191.

18. Hallinger, P., Bickman, L., & Davis, K. (1996). School context, principal leadership and student
reading achievement. The Elementary School Journal, 96, 527–549.

19. Hallinger, P. (2003). Leading Educational Change: Reflections on the Practice of Instructional
and Transformational Leadership. Cambridge Journal of Education, 33(3), 329–352.

20. Hallinger, P. (2011). A Review of Three Decades of Doctoral Studies Using the Principal
Instructional Management Rating Scale: A Lens on Methodological Progress in Educational
Leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 47(2), 271–306.

21. Hallinger, P. (2012). A Data-Driven Approach To Assess And Develop Instructional Leadership
with the PIMRS. In Shen, J., Tools for improving principals’ work (pp. 47–69). New York: Peter
Lang Publishing.

22. Hallinger, P., & Heck, R. H. (1998). Exploring the Principal’s Contribution to School
Effectiveness: 1980‐1995∗. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(2), 157–191.
23. Hallinger, P., & Murphy, J. (1985). Assessing the Instructional Management Behavior of
Principals. The Elementary School Journal, 86(2), 217–247.

24. Hallinger, P., Taraseina, P., & Miller, J. (1994). Assessing the Instructional Leadership of
Secondary School Principals in Thailand. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 5(4),

25. Fullan, M. G. (2002). Leadership and sustainability. Principal Leadership. 3141 14-17.

26. Fullan, M. G. (1991). The new meaning of educational change. New York: Teachers College

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