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Syllabus in Speech and Oral Communication

The Communication Process. Diagram courtesy of MindTools.Com.

Course Description:

A course on the principles of speech and oral communication; including speaking and listening, correct
pronunciation and diction, and the appropriate use of language in communicative situations.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the semester, the students should be able to:

1. explain the components of the communication process;

2. recognize the levels, types and functions of communication;
3. apply correct pronunciation and diction;
4. use English as a second language in different communicative situations.

Course Outline:

I. Introduction to the course

A. Getting to know the instructor, the students, and the course
B. Distribution of course syllabus
C. Introduction to Speech and Oral Communication

II. Communication and Language

A. Properties of language
B. Aspects of communication
1. Verbal aspect
2. Extralinguistic aspects
3. Paralinguistic aspects
4. Metalinguistic aspect
C. Types of communication
D. Elements of communication
E. The communication process
F. Barriers to communication

III. Listening in Communication

A. The listening process
B. Types of listening
C. Levels of listening
D. Roadblocks to listening
E. Good listening


IV. The Mechanics of Speech

A. The organs of speech
B. Voice
C. Posture
D. Breathing

V. The sounds of English

A. Vowels
B. Consonants
C. Dipthongs

VI. The Rhythm of English

A. Word stress
B. The unstressed vowel


VII. The Intonation of English

A. The music of language
B. Intonation and stress
C. Phrasing
D. Special stresses

VIII. Variants that Affect Speech

A. Aspiration
B. Syllabic consonants
C. Vowel length
IX. Drills and Exercises on English Vowels
A. Front closed vowels [iy] and [ɪ]
B. Middle open vowels [ey] and [e]
C. Near-open and open vowels [æ] and [a]
D. Back closed vowels [uw] and [u]
E. Back middle vowels [ow] and [o]
F. The schwa (Mid-central vowel) [ə]

X. Drills and Exercises on English consonants

A. Dentals hard and soft [th] and alveolars [t] and [d]
B. Labiodentals [f] and [v] and bilabials [p] and [b]
C. Sibilants [s], [z], [sh] and [zh]
D. Affricates [ch] and [j]
E. Three ways of pronouncing the final [s] and the prothetic [s]
F. The retroflex [r]

XI. Speaking situations

A. The art of conversation
B. Using the telephone
C. The interview
D. Small group discussion
E. Preparing an oral talk



Diaz, R. H. (2005). Speech and oral communication for college students. Mandaluyong: National
Bookstore. (Course textbook.)

Concepcion, P. G., E. M. de la Cruz & L. P. Enriquez. (1984). Speech communication for Filipinos. Manila:
Rex Bookstore. (Copies available at the library.)

German, K., B. E. Grondeck, D. Ehninger, A. H. Monroe. (2001). Principles of public speaking. Singapore:
Pearson Education Southeast Asia Pte Ltd. (A book a public speaking for various occasions. Copies of
various editions are available at the library.)

Egipto, J. J. L. (2000). English sounds in focus. Quezon Ciy: Katha Publishing.

Mata, L. S. & Soriano, I. S. (1998). English pronunciation for the Filipino college students (3rd ed.).
Quezon City: Ken Inc.

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