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A Textbook of Production Enginwring

= 1%min.

Example 2. For a metal m a c h i n i ~ ; ~ & e f i winformation

in is available :
Tool change time, = 8 min
-I '
* : ~ r f i ~ 1i1iri { V i ~ a ! ,iI < , .IT, . - * i t
1 !tv,tv
~ o ore-grid
i timea=3 nr'in'
Machine running cost, = @ 5 per hour
Tool depreciation per re-grind, = 30 p Ra

Calculating the optimum cutting speed a!. r,- ,,. , , I ' . . ,. ., t '

Solution. Tooling cost C, = Tool,changecost + tool regrind cost + tool depreciation

, ' 3 ~ .J
5. 5
= -~8+-x5+030
1.. 5 , 0 GO--,*< , x; .lo ,i
@$?-I 7 .

= Rs,1:38

snidagrr, silt bne

.. ,

Example 3. In an orthogonal Wthg operatiout, t kfol&?wjn~$$$h~e been gbewed : 1 . 1 '

, . Uncut chip thgkness, . t = 0.127 mm .--. ikji:~,~

I :,..
. Mdthofcut,. .<":.; 3 b = 6.35 mm I ,'..c:, . l~ .:: s t

I Cutring speed V =t m h 11

' RO& angle, a = 10°

Cutting farce, F, = 567 N
Thrust force, E, i.627 N
Chip thickness, t, = 0.228 mm I ,

Determine :SIsesrr fthe@&ti~i@atk he shew plane and €her power

for the cutting operatioa Also find &\@&~vgk#*.i%. in &@ ond shew strain rate.
Solution. (i) Shear angle,
1 '
t 0.127
r =ah- = -'
" 0.557
4- I , < , .

.st r=,pB = F, sina + F, cosa

*A. - F, cosa-F, sina

$ = ) tan-' (6.64) = 32.62O

(iii) Shear force,
'' ,
= 567x0855-227x0519

FV 567x2
Cutting power, = = -
loo0 1mo

(v) Now
Chip velocity, Ve = 2 x 0557 = 1.1 14 mls
Shear strain, s = cot p'+ tan (rp - a)
A Textbook of Protjtptjm Am@nq@ig

(vii) Shear plane lens = - t

sln cp - 0519 "'" '

= 0.245 mm.
Taking the thickness of deformation zone equal to one-tenth of shear plane length.
t$,(eq. 14.1 I ) = 0.0245 mm

Shear strain rate, 3 = -


Now v- = cosV (9cos-aa)

.-.. *:. 5 2 x 0.985
.. . = 2.1 1 m/s
:<L:, -.

Example 4. The following equation fir tool life is given for a turning operation :
FE= :b 0.77 0.37 .?a
~ ~ " 1 f3 d = C
A 60 minute tool life was obtained while cutting at V = 30 mlmin, f = 0.3 mm/rev. and
d = 2.5 mm.
Determine the change in f q l life the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut are increased
by 20% individually and also taken together:

( i ) Now


- 3

(ii) Now
, -- o
' - s..;J,.
".$ $F.-%
-&'gw-=&?<?. . 2 6
f = 0.3 x 12 = 0.36 mdrev.
..:i,.*~ - .: , .
1 28.38
'E" I,\ 9 = 1.48
, qk ":
g p.- y i
.r?iJ*j .-- - 4a3(a36)0'77
o el;r 3
x 1.403 x 30

. -, '
. ";- " - . -
P''-. ..-
,&q (1.48)'" = 20.39 min
(iii) Now . - _ .. -
a ~!.i)d~25xld=3mm.
.['. -
C Z P 28-38
8 ,L;~ iP8&

38 x 03% x (3)'"
= 1.591

. A 6~'"9 h~y$tl(<~4 ij7.a = 35.38 hin

:. The maximum tffeet on tool life is of cutting speed, and the least effkct is of depth of cut.
(iv) Now V = 36 &in, f = Q.36 mmlrev. d = 3 mm

.. ' m 3b
~ b yk ~ (1.154)'" = *oil nin.
3 ,w
&hi = n mnl T i
Example 5A Bring an orthogonal machining (turnihh operation of ~ 4 steel, 0 the
- - 7 < : I * I I 2i;i?lI...\
*- ?

Chip thickness = 0.45 mm

Width of cut = 2.5 mm.
!(I$: .iP:-frlr r,ur3r;uS31-q1;1.+
Feed = 0.25 mdrev
- Tangential cut force = IJ3@ N
111 t:c! 3 i ~ ' r e>ssdZ
Feed thrust force = 295 N
Cutting speqi = 2.5 4 s
, Emtfib we = + 100 =

of shear at the shear plane. (b) Kinetic co-eflcient ofpiction at the

4k*&43 mm, Q = 2.5 mm, a lo0, t = f = 0.25 mm,

= F c c o s 9 - F,ein cg, where cp is.sbeararsglw, .;(,it

~ L * , ~ H C ' , \ ~3iTT
.>~ J *$%s,r-~
A%.u\+.i<*, .:>: p
tap= ti I - . ,.,I ,* 4
A Textbook of P&t&n Engrngr&g

;: - -- - -
(ii) (1' .. F 0 CL = F, tan a + F, (eqn. 14.9)
4,- F, tan a

Example 6. The following data relate to an orthogonal turning process :

Chip thickness = 0.62 mm
<i J 3 t ? - > ~ h !O ZF )3&> l~zxtlM+ br, itli k*,:?*, .SS~I~n t k : r n l jam %<I' .
~ekii'=0.2 m d w .
3; -
~ o k eang@ i=
5P. di 6, .i:li':' +iofi t t t c l

(i) Calculate cutting,V i q and chip co-acient.

(ii) Calculate shear angle,
(iii) Calculate the &n* pkar strain iavalved in the deformation process.

S l r on t = f = 0 2 rn
i 3 * 3 t t b + - ~ ~ n o ~ \ ~rwl,
(y 14.13) t = 0.62 mm, a = 15O
~ o + b
, 9 , ~ ~ , ~ %
;* ,-c - .
r t .a ,=-, ..,. . -. ,
(0 Cutting ratio, r = - = 0.322 ,<

4:. !, i 1 *

1 s 7- i,,:<
Chip-reduction co-efficient = - = 3.1
t" 'I

r m a \ \ , . ,
Shear angle, tan cp =
1-rsjna iis.. %

= 2.947+ 0.065 = 3.012

Example 7. The Tayloriein tool-lfe equation for machining C-40 steel with a I 8 : 4 : I
H.S.S. Euiflrc;gMat!afeCd-~O.B ntnr/Wn d a depth of cut of 2 mm is given by VP = C, where
n and C are constants. TkfilIowing V and T observations have bem noted :
C: d m i n 25 35 $- - ; ; : , q,' 11' I

Z min 90 20 > r.
, C
Calculate (i) n and C. 7 ,
:t ii - - --
,:# (1
(ii) Hence recommend the cutting speed for a desired tool l f e of 60 minutes.
Solution. > < %. . ,,
. n"=C
.* V = 2739 mlmin. - .,
Example 8. The following data from an orthogonal cutting test is available'? '.' ' !
Rake angle, = lJO ' b9w. is-\%I
Chip-thickness ratio. = 0.383 :iizmrl ~Au:'.
Uncut chip thickness, t = 0.5 mm
Width of cut, b=3mm
Yield stress of material in shear, = 280 Ni'mm'
Average co-eflcietlr of friction
on the tool face = 0.7
Determine the nglrpal and t~ngentialforces on the tool face.
----- :,;,I '~2qf-"<
la,: '
nii i 3E 1: r 00s a 4 8

Solution. Now, tan cp =

1-rsinq - +

r = 0.353 and @- p 15"


.:*>: r,i)-,:+-t (3*7-+)

z,.t;r:tcwP ' 19rw(1.,
' 1 , ,C,i,l ., ,r -,.
.. Friction angle, $ = 350-
-(3) jr = ;
Now Fc=
sec [fi - a)-cos(cp +,$ -a)sin cp >w..& -


F l = S l l . 3 N .-
" , ~ k r2& F ' - h .1>'iL. 3:1Eit2 W P ~ . Yw<!4
F = Tangential force on tool Eace
A Textbook of Produdon Enginewing

N = Nonnel force on tool face

I! :. = Fc.cos cr - F,sin a
= 1405.7 x 0.966 - 51 1.3 x 0.259

Example 9. Thefollowing observations w e e wade during orthogonal cutting of steel tube

on a lathe : a&l&42&'Rs. % . ,

m*h of ~ ~ k i r y l ~ ~prt\u=, &&f5 T $ r n ~ % , , ,,4,4~<9,.,! .Y 2;tl! j m r 2

Cutting speed.
Rake angle,
P-z'8.2m/@p ,
.a = 20° *Q. -
' 4

t = o.a-@qD,q3.
- .
. ,.,-.,C:

r = 0.351.-C.& = 9 ' . ,hi . *, . ,%?,,?&

+ p- a = 3~ l i ~
3 i I \YUL()LNin -., .nl.t i.s;@.

Find Fc and F, given tensile properly of material as mkw%& attw-,~tp . , ,~qc.r,.:t

a = 784 @)@+$' NI mmz 5i+~~.~~w
l ,4c i
L ~ , G.

From here,
Shear angle, tan cp =
cp = 20'.5O

; i na




!GOL151 x sin ZOOeQvlirrilqtjl\r

.. p = 34.5"
Now shear strain reo
.'= 4 a@+tm(q-a)
921 = & 20.5" + tan (20.5' - 20°)
?c.sS ='2.474
A ' '

Now from the relations of chapter 13, (Eqn. 13.6), fiK simple tension test,
r + j L . ~ C 3; t:

a= k (E)~
k - -- P
For garnliaos- ef B = K.(T]* 92

(Considering Von Mise's yield condition)ll i
I .. 5 384i (4,605)o."

Yield shear stress, 7, = -
f i=-

= 485.95

&. 5x025
Now shear plane area, A =
:)? j:>c : -
@;., = -
sin 205
lr 3.65 mm2

' .

r 2
R' cos (P - a) = 2165.7cos (345- 20)
20914 N
7 1;

F, = R' sin ($ -a) = 2165.7 sin 14.5

r i r y c Fo =
- .-

= 541.5 N
Example 10. During machining of C-25 steel wit% 0 - . I 0 6 - .6 8 90 - 1 m m (ORS)
shaped tripple carbide cutting tool, the foll~~cing observations have been made :
- - -
Depth of cut ;mn\l'. tYl015 2 = Q t r n s zr:rh~3itr;rwZ
Feed ; = 0.2 m m / m
~ F V ~ ~ +

Li b i ~ u , \ \ > 'k: CS$.F, 2:i.;L.&:
~4ee41\ iiti ,,L,-va 9>tit.w. .:&I = 200
.. , .
btsic ?kt:..:!
i, 7 d"k
in6:i y \ r r v w i I . . I f . ; i ; i : b 3 ~ . 1 . 3

\\?I.: t,bn+* y %< , -Cb...-,*,?,


Tangential cutting force = I600 N WJYL im .:. ,:u :,

F d t h t f o r c e mm 1 L - '. ."F 850 N 5 = 'Ir 2:s t;;,,b fts.,i;r sif? nm,ui,r*.
Chip t h i h e s s 9 2.5 n4vi9 .*i 9
' Qr.19.amv 01 ,+,,;,!;h~ 01 I-.:- i:
Cakulate : -. -
(0shear few- ?- L tr-: at c i! -
'au ;>niz [+R (;3m - 1) - +.
(ii) Normal farce at shear plane - . - - ,- ;w + +-oA+, .- L, .-
(iii) Friction force r =:?&I 1-3 flh ~ ~ 3 i l f @ i l ( i ' $?, p l c f W t i 3rtil-3T':l$3 WI t
(iv) Kinetic co-eficient of fiction
( v ) Specifc cutting energy. EM.0 - ,% J.

Solution. From tool designation,

.m\!'t 5s"
. 5 t
Other given data are : d = 2 mm, t = / = O.?,,mn(Sipce*kr f , '"rr
90°, Equ. 14 .13),
V = 200 m/min, t = 0.39 mm, Fc = 1600 N*El E 85,O N:? ,. , ,.,, ,
- , a

( i ) Shear force, F, = Fc YF, cp, Lg,, x,,<:.,i '. Ti._iaJ.

0513 x cos 10"

:;>.;:; tan 9 = = 0.551
1 - 0513 x sin 10"
- = , 1 , .I cp = 32"

, -, , Fs= 1600 x cos 32" - 850 x sin 32"

(ii) Normal force at shear plane, dfiA
(&,.@F" = Fcsinp+F, COSP
: '; 8 ., 7s , ti:ncu=,* ~ ~ - . % c ~ .**
, :d
r l@Q,x 0.482 +850 x 0.76 = 1515.8 N2i+nrr.
~lI ; A k

(iii) ~ r i c t i 4force, F = F, sin a + F, C P ~ O

A Textbook of WWwAitM ErrgrrrgrmMng
F, tan a + F,
,ii ,
(iv) <; ..:?(:'I '=
i - 4-. .r.,,,--f*l-
' -
- 1600x tan 10" +850 = 0.753
1600 850 x tan lo0

Specific cutting energy = -

tr - \ I : Now b = d = 2 mm (See equ. 14.13) 4 1

: I J

Specific cutting energy = -
= 4000 N/mm2

Example 11. A turning tool with side and end cutting edge of 20" and 30" respectively,
operates at a feed of 0.1 mdrev. CaIcuIate the CLA of the sMace produced if the tool nose
radius is 3.00 mm. OE: = WWii A?~:J ! ~ b i i-:~...

Solution. The given data are : C, = 20°, Ce= 30°, f = 0.1 mmlrev, R = 3.00 mm
Refer to Fig. 14.26 (a),the peak to valley roughness is given as, eqn. 14.46,'

h = (I - cos Ce)R +f sin Ce cos Ce - J ( 2 f ~sin3 Ce -f '.sin4 c,)

0.402 + 0.0433 - 0.2727 = 0.1726 mm ' ', ''"l" 'nw'F'' .
- *-,.A. ,
The centre-line average roughness can be taken roughly as,

43.15 pm. =
Example 12. In 'ORS', the tool angles are :
~hctimtionangle (i) = 0°
Orthogonal rake (a) = lo0
Principal cutting edge angle' (A) = 75O
Calculate :( i ) Back rake (ii) Side rake. (AMIE 1974 W)
Solution. We know tan ab = cosAtana+sinAtani

a, = Back rake = tan -' (0.0456) = 2'37'

- )I<
Also, tan a , = sinhtana-coshtani
,' -! '/ - ZvJ- . a J r ' 8
sin 75" tan 100 =
fh "t?tbi I I * , u' '
= 0.966 x 0.176 = 0.17
.. (side rake) as= tan-' (0.17) = 9",40'
Example 13. In a single point cutting tool used for turning, the geometry as per ASA is :
Back rake L. g ~ - f l j ? '* nc r:3:1
: : Si&rake=Joz.WaI
Thheory of Metal Cwng c, A m ! 4 . a a

Side cutting edge angle = I S 0 , ,. , ,i.

Find the values of inclination angle and rake angle in ORS of tool nomenclature.
(AMIE 1975 S)
Solution. As per ASA system, cr, = 8O,a, = 4O, Cs = 15O
In ORS of npmenclature, A = approach angle
:> t).l#J <B r;
= 90" - Cs

' ~ i ( / l pi. r
= 900- 150 = 750
i a q aiiiiii' 4; - 1,.
Now we know tan a = tana,sinA+tana,, cosh

:. Orthogonal rake angle, a = tan-' 0.i04

Also, tan i = sin A tan a,,- cos A tan a,

:. Inclination angle, i = tan-' (0.1 176)

$ewe=I: = 6.70
Example 14. For a turning operation w!th H.S.S. tool for hot rolled 0.2% C-Steel the
following data is given :
Cutting speed = 0.3 d s
Depth of cut
Determine : Cutting power, motor power, specific cutting r@istance and unit power.
Solution. The cutting force is, Fc = 162.4 f Os5 kgf AT

Cutting Power, PC =
5,x v T:
1000 ,IW i-
A Textbook of PraducWmh~~

Motor Power, Pm = P, 1q,

, L!L 7- ,<.& :\,
Let q,, for lathe = 0.85
$2 - I ; G.'\ft

Area of uncut chip, A= = t x b = f x d = 05 x 3 2 = 1.6 mm2 (Eqb 14.12)

Specific cutting resistance = - Fc = 1727.34 N/mm2

f xd
Unit power = -e! = 0553 x lo00
A,V 1.6x02xlOOO
LO .- ?{I+ 1 (1 , :
= 1.728 W/mmz/s.
Example 15. Using Taylor equa r6n an using n = 0.5,C = 400. Calculate the percentage
increase in tool life when cutting speed is redreed by 50%.
Solution. ruu-a .5!3r5 59;: : F, *., 1.

1 ' 1 1

- ( I

-.z,, =?* 2

T, = 4T,

> >


*,ikr!x, tloifsrii! 3111

.. Percentage increase =
; T
ax 100 = 300%
314 , gnbi\l\r\ o 103 .L1 ;iqi~:b*.?
Exptapk 1.6, For an 'Orthghmcutting i dmcess :
.<<>41i> *, &,)L\'- > n , *y>:
Uncut chip t h i c k s = 0.127 mm
L.! "??<t\\l kt,?

V = 120 d m i n
Rake angle = lo0 ,
Wiath of cut = 6.35 rpln
.c* t . > i j ' v,, ,
Chip thickness = 0.229 mm ' ' %...,'I' I.\$

Cutting force = 556.25 N

= 222.50 N 3 ,I<*+ 21!i#\.' i : . i $ f n , i : ~ i ~ z ! ,{; :t

Calculate the percentage ofiota1 energy that goes into overcomingfi.iction at the tool-chip

Frictib d&i$
Total energy
- -F.Vcc'
Fc .VdrL .

Now (Equ. 14.9)

Friction energy = F.r -.-.i - -

Total energy Fr
It is cbar from Fig. 14.19, ti * \,
F = A' sin p
F, = 4'.cos ($ - a)
From here,
.. <
' '
- F
&~Q&-x sin (320)
. 8 ,

q*?ka* and
feed of 0.3 mnv'rev. > .

, -
:,,, :',,&i~e#d
fice = 450 N '"
' . I 1 I I

(ii) W @ c * e m : ~ : q l > t ,;L;A

(iii) Energy conrmed if the total, pjetal,femmed
* *.
during the hhing operation is
J c

:. Cutting power, - - , , E , m 9-C'

(i) ' PC I* ' ,rF; swig zl 33i8r.1 p n u , 31 i K T $ / :

- .-- - -- =.--- -4
+ +)~&3irn

i ni* "{a- 4 i[\sW +

0 3 x 4 5 .i4,jb
F d power =
, -~aox.l~
@ s --. -..5+ 1 rLf
m A Textbook of PCscrw~mEn-


=dxfxV V .
' . ''I (See Equ. 14.12)

= 2.545 x 10' mm3 / min.

1308 x '60
Specific cutting energy
!.:. \;
2545 x 10'
,3.08 W.s/mm3
Energy consumed = 3.08 x 25 x lo6, W.s

Example 18. A of 100 mm is being turned with a tool having ASA tool significant
as: 6"- 10"- 5" - 7" - lo0- 30'- 0.5 m m Determine the various components of the machining
force and the power consumption. Take : depth.of cut = 2.5 mm, feed = 0.125 mdrev, turning
speed of job = 300 rev./min., co-eflcient oyfriction at the tool-work interface = 0.6, ultimate
shear stress of the work material = 400 MPa. 3 ,
S~lutCon. It is ,olarr.&an the tool design* that the side cutting edge angle 4s 30".
Therefore, the tool approach sngle, A. = 90" 30" = 60" ;, >:,T- -rT v33 3~~34 1 0 .A, ' Y : ~ 8 %

~rictionangle, p=tan-I p=tan-l 0.6 = 3 0 $ ~a 31"

Now, ortkogonal rake angle is given as, C .

& tan a = tan a, . sin h + tan a, cos X -

'I.~~'L >\F
U 1

Now, as = 10" and a, = 60°,

From here, a = 11.6"
Now, from Merchant's relation, the shear angle is,
.tl>\i ,% p y x 3 41. '
d,=4S0 + d 2 - p12
= 45" + 5.8" - 15.5" 7 3 5 f 0 .:.w, ' 0 : -' .
Merchant's theory is more accurate for plastics but agrees w l y &K machining &, With
Lee and ShafFer relation,
5 -3-*-- ='.I
#jm Tf g

- as,

+ 6.62 >25.6*
45' -+jO
t:t)ktj !
Now, the cutting force is given

Fw:9 ,,
depth of cut d
Now, b = width c$ cyt = - =-
*ill sill&
and uncut chip thickness, t =f - sin X '

400x2.'5x0.125 . .
= 384 N.
(19-49 kp#p 4S0 x sin 25.p
Now, from equation (14.18a), the thrust component 3s;- " . , ,.# :
F,= FL . tan (p - a )
F. = 386 x tan 19.4" =' 135.932 N
The thrust force is normal to the tool-job inte;fa=e, that is, normal to the principal cutting
edge of the tool, see Fig. 14.17.
-,',,' I . , . ,
,.F ..> - ,.
:. Feed force (along- the axis of the job), ' ' ' '!
.,., > ., ,., - F;= Ft sin A = 135.932 i s i n 60' = 1 17.7 N
, 1 -A"

, 2 ' 1 ' ~
Radial force (Normal to the ~ i ofsye job),,(u rn@rat lo; :.'A,
' . - I


r. t - ~ . ~ dn*sd '=;f;;~p~
u 3vsd 67-96' &qo aantj. lfi,qa, 1 1 , . ' t

NOW, cutting Power -& $8W W b- -,u



. Power = 386 x 1.57 = 606 watd I:

. . snrmt>rr$l
rfisrrj + I ~ Oqdt)
IJ~ , ~ ~ d Wj Jq ~ ? sdri! gntrbi 2 ~IULD!!j '5,3! IJ .I@
Jw11341fi itsi it^^ ni;ilc I R ~ ~ .t@l3
F. ni r r , b ~ f r
1. Define Machining Pr-W: * , :, -,* .=
.* . , - J p 3 ~ r t t w c ~ l l7dro ~ .&!,
2. Expla,in a basic machining operation d t h the,help of a neat dia$pnl
3. Explain the various elements of a single-point cutting tool with the help of a neat diagram.
11 '1 , . i 8 * z*tr 3 51 ~ . r + , f itirr'i A
4. What is meant 'try 'band' of a single point cutting tool?
5. With the hplp of a neat sketch, disc"ss the principal surfaces and planes IS metal cutting.
u."t!i ;r 11,b*qt 84 s?t&tm:
,A !IS >: ' - ;o! , I ~ I L J J>~ @
6. Name the two systems of tool d e s i ~ t i ~ % ~ ( , ~ , , . ~b;ml>pi
~ ~ ! , : 371. , 041, !,, . p r ' ~

* I,,-J~ 7, W& a ne&atiue,raJceygle ig n~,qnally,employedfar cutting b d and strong materials?

- !b 18. Showzha 0$5 uftaol sngieswfth the belpaf a sketchad1 3n *JIJI::,.rr1+ 1 1 -~ ~. t

"' 9. Write the relations betweeri ASA nd ORS systems of to6lAangt&': '' -d' IJ .
-- ;RXs-0, >!..
it1 11,&.I
10. Wh? is meant by Orthogonal cutting and Oblique cutting?
. , "-.;5q1 ~ $ t v r ft; ai .s
;,, -,--!., ..:.,,

, ll;~~owdow,~ea~le~qtthe@eofthecunin&~!:!.,., -
12. Differentiate between positive and negative rake angl@ttlm3 ; . !cc. I!.;.) ,>I~I

13. How is thejaoseradiw of a cutting bol selected? - .

"" 2'"' - ';'
' 'I.: L IV b , -I : '
14. Discuss the various types of chips produced during metal cutting.
15. Why are 'discantiriuhs ty$e' chips p$e%rFed over the bntinuou's &@'*"'' ' '
16. Explain. why built up edge on a cutting tool is undesirable?
17. Name the factors that contribute to the formation of discontinqpus chi s.
A kn6 &,!I 4 %-.!,
18. Name the factors that contribute to the formation of B.U.E. I *

20. Discuss the two metha& of metal cu@kg.

2t. o h u ~ a-w~s ewau&er& & m&al ming.;a $Rl?!o, isnr I ~ . f b J 7 ~nc
1 r'i 8:.
,'$l~,i~ 4 - - - ' /: .F*
22. Explain 'Merchant h e circle'. l

sas1 *is { i l ! ,-1

23. Define Tool Life, I >1?,
--@@I A Textbook of F&&cti~@~
24. ~ h y t o o f w e a r i s i m p o r t a n t i n l l s ~ ~ ~ t t i e g ? 6 , ,!,,~.I~I,: ,r., % f ..r

25. Discuss various types of tool wears.

. 26. Enumerate the factors pr~nbigh,tool wpar q d tgRI ~,
tifa +pmd,
27. Nmpe the,@ctprs tRat cotpiby@ to f@& mar.
' , > i ' , f ,, .
. .. - t R'T@fl &j -&XU~

28; kame the facton that contribute to crater wear. 3% ,lt)cl s*,, ,&!A?
29. Which two pressure areas of the cutting tools @e~ k j v. tod w-.q d
.. . \

3+m7 ,: i

30. With
. help
\ I
of a sketch, show c ~ a t awear d;d ha& wear on a ytting rol.
,T - " - A % ,
, I

31. ' Discuss Taylor's re&ion$hip for cutting qki-tool life.

.i %r; & $ i ' # ~ ~ W ) ' s h n ' it r ; ~ i ~ i ;
32. Derive an expnssion for optimum val& df itmini ,sgeed: :
: 33. ,In an orthogond cutting o&
. .. .
the folkwing d& &e been observed :
. . ' - Cuttingspeed -, d.223 &fs7w9.-. .&,.fa
L+ .: ,b* .. - .
Uncut chip thickness = aiasmun .>'
, . *I.
"' =r j-&:&"4, . -bfri,

Width of cut
'.... . < ,

L3tip-tkicknc.s~ra%io = 0.51
-&,,'e~;+,.~~.~~ . . : .-
N H ~ , + L - - -- ,. : , . :a +

.< 2- 1 - I I

a@ 5

Determine : Shear angle, friction and% %R pla&, chip velocity, shear

strain in chip, shear strain rate and the power'fir the cutting operatio-
34. The following equation for tool life h
' yyOi?3sSg6.d0.3 ,
+w.$f&ib b dSi I L,
A 60 min. tool life was obtained using
V = 40 dmin, f = 0.25 mm; d = 2.0 mm
>.;,:!I - t=: ~ ! ' J I J . 1 1 t

Calculate the effect tool life if speed, feed and dspth of cut are topher increyd by 25%
and also if they are increased individually'by 25%. ' "' ' ''. '@ w'' " - '
35. ' 'bilrihg m&tnhg b f C-20 steel with an orthogohsll tmi havifrg a d e of 1O0 dt d feed of
0.2 mm/rev., the value of the sirear ande h a t ~ k e naeseFwd to be W under a shear angle
microscope. If the principal cutting Mge yp%ci$WO, ##&&&t-iijvalue of cutting ratio or the
chip reduction co-efficient.
36. In a turning operation, it w& observed that the tool life was 100 minutes and 50 minutes at
cutting speeds of 25 mlmin. and 180 mlmia r&pe&eIy. Ftnd khr i the to01 fife at 200 dmin
under the same cutting conditions. _ .I I

37. The end of a t@gbh!ing turn& on a +lathe.at200 d d n .md at a feed fate of

25.4 mmlmin.
- , 1 - .j<;

The tube is J5 cp'h diametsr and 2.5 mp thick. The tube meterial obeys the equation,
,, , r-jc-*7< r a -
&i 1,. s p i , F ~ \ ~ . . . & Jf! I nh 9rb.j qu j@%wnBli,x3 .e(
. . L

1 I I ~ r t t3rit r,? 4flKfi71?~-,%~6~1
bl..a &la+ - gtit ~ n r e p .-i
I &me n = 0.26 and K = 5fU Nlm2 I, s

I - I,) I I, 3!3i GI yigd<stim- ~,i,il@pt3~3

-943 ~ A I ' .31
f Y/V is
and a = se<The friction 'cea2 of the 4o#l onargy consumed.
Determine the power in optration. . '
38. In an orthogonal cutting opw@b, ~ ' , o
angle is 75O. Calcalate,
(0b d .,,.x- -
6 *: . .;*='
- +
-'> $-
:: d f the principal cutting edge angk is40°, how.muoh ae ,.

( i ) back rake (ii) Side &e.

- -
39. During machining of C-20 steel, a double carbide cutting tool of 0 10 - 6 6 - 8 - 75 - 1
mm (ORS) shape has been used. Feed is 0.15 mmlrev,, depth of.cqt of 1.4 mm at a cutting
g m of 120.,m/win., p cKip thiqbqcss,of Q.30 mm have been obtaiped. Calcdate :
- .
i(J) the &p -dw&i011 rm43&nt ;;ib k t (ii) the &ak angle, r~.:z ?
r * k~
Ib: 'SkeZCh a &g16-6&t kdng to6t'and sho~-&'itthe various tool and tool angles.
41. Give the function of each tool element. List the various tool angles and discuss their
42. Discuss the two construction of tipped tools.

43. Why indexable inserts are better than k h d Pdbt fibs.

44. Why do carbide tools employ negative rake angles more often than
45. When the use of positive rake angles and negative rak; $i;gles is recommended?
r Give the sigificape of providing no* +us od todl !ip.
8 " , ! C . >

47. What do you understand by the tenn. '~oolbesignation' or 'Tool Signature'.

48. Describe thptadrepmmted by.10, 1 4 6 9 6 , , % 8 , .win,ASA$ystem.
49. What is orthogonal rake angle?
S8. Dcfmeeutting nstfr). .
' '
51. What is the a h x i m a l e fhickness @shear m e in meW cutffng?
52. In orthogonal cutting dperation;'hc fecd isXkl'Omin and thexhip thickness is 0.25 mni. The
cuttitlg force 2s~1360 ad f a thrust 730*W:hi rake mgfe afthe tool is + lo0.
,, 1 *
Find :
. \ \
(a) The shear angle.
\ (bj The size of the force exerted by the too? on the'chip.
: {c) The -c@t of @@on on the faoc of $e tool. .
I %

(4The Sizes k i ~ )or# wd awldo& m 'me ~ mi face.

(6) The i s S ~ 6 ~4
‘ d~ - ,wd W a r n fbw, og &e.&ear ,plane.
53. An orthogonal cut 2.5 mm wide is made at a speed of 0.5 m/s and feed of 0.26 mm with a H.S.S.
tool huviag,a XI0 *,*, chip th&@wattio ia Run4 do be 0.58, the cutting force is
1400 N and the feed thrust force is 360 N. Find : 1

( a ) Chip thickness.
(b) Shear plane angle.
(c) Resultant force.
(d) Co-efficient of ofctio" on the &of the tool.
(e) Friction force and normal force on the chip.
V) Shearing .force and normal force on the shear plane.
(g) Specific energy.
54. In orthogonal cutting, the feed is 0.127 mm and the d@ sf aut m a l tebe plane of the paper
is 2.54 mm. The cutting s p e d is 4 mls. The cutting foroe is found tQ ba !l$@,@:pd the feed
tbrust force 900 N. The M e angle , ~the f the is $ 8'- Find : * p r.&

(c) The unit power in W/mm'ls.
59. A workpiecc is being cut %l?P6rmtk-W b;fed!@ hRd kW- 'k feed is
0.25 mmlrev. and the de@$,clf;q~tis 5 mm. E - .
.fia]Cutting farce 4.v: , 3t., ( . .,, i . ...
, I i r ' I I

cut 6.35 mm, thwlf@m& Pi7 .&Is, and a dyn ma sun^ .&e ,mt&vg @ce to be

k djrip gic&e$:'t.

,_ I I , , , ' 4 , , ' 1 J . t

! 4 .
< (

(6) Co-efficient of friction. ..' > , i i ' , , ., . i'.

.,! $. e
(c) S b r and normal stresses qn . & ~ # w ,. ,' . , , .&
(4*Shw!p& , .* ,
@tr+n,7% . I, ,:+I :4J# i$i,r. ? , . ' b : , ;~: . .J ,>t, 4,
4 % . ?.!911f,i'-'<.,2,1*:s * ' J' .is'. :O j i, ,, 8 4 .
57. What is understood by tog! life? #~$,:$~,$e: qignificw~;t;t~ an e;?~' ek,,w@ i>i$etp$ed in
productivity? What diRnrnf a h d a are u r e s b identify ifid th;.\ooXds reachgd tts Smiting
life? ..I ,, 1
;,I; $ 1 , :i.~;,s,i<::r),lT
1 - ,J;.:: ry18 , rq,- ,<,!f;; ,! -<t;: T-!\ , >

58. Establish BW (todlrii% cq

(Taylor's tool-life equation) : , ,,:, ,!a.2 b. :::,+,,{,,, : , - f,i c

A tool life of 100 min is obtained from a cutting tool at a cut$&& ~ I D ~ ; , S - , W * and
lo at 33.3 w;l~Yms,~~G:FH&W~~MA~,.Y;%%M.#~$~, , :

%&%2%fl&%~Jb. IT:..>. ! ' 7 *;

ctdtSjng. speed for
' +:

(c) W i v e rtil e x p r d m for the most economic cutting speed .,f.

(4 1s the most p r o d ~ t i v e~.v t t j, , .' l@~ ~ $ ~ f ! $ ~ m,qJ$$
e ~ ,e:$;p$y~?mif spe* reasons
for vow answer.
i l
d ;>+ !'a & % & ~ O ~ ~ & ~ i ~ ,#ri$iai9,tH,1&e
(e) Make a rough plot of the d a n
spa& &;a#&& 'WOW =HI0 rwmw
t - :!:' !i 9 ,,j c, ,I.* r, 3 .:
iflty. E $ tm p Ir$wW@l% ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~
: 1 , , ,2 k k t ] , ,
1 '" ,
(0 Wwk material micro-swture.
,,.<, A , , , : , ,i r

(ii) aLpe of cut.

(iii) Tool take angle.
!;'''8 '" i , ,
7 ' ''
62. Fotlowing data were collected from an orthogonal machine test oit%eef
L' -,;I ! o 2 . , > ' = l ~ ( , l j f ~ & t f ~ ,
Cuttlng speed
'* ..' >Ll
Rake angle - ~3~ *I

Clearance angle *it .' -61 k If)"

8 ~
Width of cut = 3.2mm . .
-, = ' . a r ~ ~ g: . { , ~ . I +I

t ,. ,
ff vel*~tt&tI&6~ '* - ,' ' ' - , .
H.ipraii?irYtnC d&elediagram of
forex and evaluate : shear aaelc, shesr wain, U*.agsiw chip flm,Eriction
force an the rake b. 1 2. I . .
., ...
63. S h w that &ring osdwgonal cx@@
with a zen, degm of rake w l e , the ratio of t k shear
%,work material t%qptfi4fip p~ltbing,m.e. is, giyen by

' i~b(41*1>d ITS: mm aod ! 16 -,.>r,? 7- v'7-@5m/mkr>.?!t , :r,rl,: .,-, I rv. I. ::

(-I ? e !. 3 1 .
~&f5SIi H.S.S.
take "$"':fi" r 1" I . " . ' -
i .I f i b I : ' 0 9-u qntJ4113 r, la 311: ;(, .I!? . . , I I LL
i s 4 1 15rlc~ 10 t. $$
' \ t ! t I = '1 Chip thickness ratio

S ~ I I 1ooj ~ e i .lnw (1 f~

q-15 mdr~v.
: b

lo L n g l ~ r i l t i o4 , ~1,. In
fu:3 ,x>irk ~ r b
3; 1r.tu3c @ 1331~a t ! - ~ i & A t ~ f f i a O 2 I,.L-,I 0.60 15 q!~~unn.,u=,~i>r~cy?T lrn} c'. t i ! t"
'"" force 6h t I i e ~ k i i 1 d t f i n ~ w ame&dwHI&~'W#sWh.*
wu3A&,r&oN! -1
s1 and was
r i'a~.~:,
2:: rrne,ts d+q,~&h-
the "$ nvtg of the m i for&* s f i a angk and the specific
M ~duittrnL to ? r , l c bnt, nrnrl~ R 16 arrrwvqo nrrdw rb-bnvrt
, ,+,
, 14 .r ... . - . L ,
1n:an o&oF9na1 cuFinp operation, the cutti'ng'speekb~>.5mls, rake angle is 8 p d the width
"" '' ' hf'thd ad is lo'thtk "Mie uriderfomied chip thidur'dsf 150.2 nun. 13.36 &'ns'of steel chips with
' a t&t#'&gth of 50 cm are obtained, l%e tool post dynamometer gives cutting and dvust farees
i 0 CI %r: ~ ~ M&IdN : a ~ . $ # . -& : &,I Arr~d * I t , 8 m u ?4 ! lit--) dC

(c) shear an&~y~m the proeatage ef total energy. . H M cjla:~-Ih ) \)T (So* 30.9% 69.3%)
66. Id &$onlrl~rcu%&g of a low carbon steel, the specific cutting energy is 4080 N/mmz. The
, uwut c & 1 , € 4 i c ~ is ,Q,F am and pha chip ,width .i~:5 mm. T@ecutting speed b 1.J d 3 , and
, . thc rake angle of the tool is 10". Assuming eo-efiokt of fEieffsnat the taol-ohjp interface as
,, 07, *c@~P : ,
(a) the cutting force
(b) the aver& shear s t e i n the &ear plane
(c) the normal $tress on tfiO shear plhe
(d) ihe av&i shear stdin i i ~tiutting
(e) thd1';rveiageshear stiain
Use the relation of Lee and Shaffer to find the shear angle.
. Iri (4080 N, 861.8'N/1*~, 861.8 N/&, 3.%, 4.44 x 105 5')
rm.nQ& ABRS6 is - h i with a tripple carbide cutting tool having 0 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 8 -
pb anlllc 3,-'1 mp OqS, $happ,q feqi of 0.2 rndrev and depth of cut of 2 mrn at the cutting ,,speed
bu9-t bm ~ f1 ; dmia:kav'e &en. employed. A chip thicJrness of 0.36 mm has been obtained. Calculate
the chip reduction co-efficient and shear angle.
68. Select the speed in r e v h b fbr tUreing a m d steel bar of diameter 320 man with a H.S.S. T-
.I tosl, hying a M E life o$# minutes. A feed of 0.2 mmlrev. and depth of cut 1 mm have
been chosen. The cutting speed equation is given in the following Taylorian form.l ,

fanddareinmm. I).
- ( . ,, . (A=. 165.2 rev./min)
69, , A H.S.S. tool et 24 @min. ibr qae bwr. Ci
-ccs arc such that it becomes desirable
r 1. +i. to run the tdQl for lW0 M&. Eqitgate the suitable speed. Take n = 0.25 In the Taylor quation.
(15.74 mlmin)
a $Ws A Textbook of
~ t - t b ; l ' Aimed

apprawh aagie iW,

of mtation. The mean I
the cutting ratio. -- (0.32)
7 t 1
71. When turning 19 mm d,imeer bar on an
i;l ,#lvId)?id<
g i v ~ tool life of 6 hours. If a length of
iq 0.16 w d r e ~ what is the
?Hween tool ~Rmgces. ,,, SI (122@y/rnin.. 16.5 s. i3W)
72, W M cutt11ag steel with a H.5.S. the tool life at a ouning & $39 mpm is 60 rnin.
.ad at a cutting speed of bg'&%
the ms&rid. ?E.i;
30 mia Wha is the m
1 liR
fv:2 I + ~ ~ : : J h . 2
1 1 : ~ ~ :
wh of t(n c u m on
( r = 21 1 15/kln4)
73. A' HSS tool requires regrinding af€#3 hours and 2(r m b f t s w b a @WMng steel at a cutting
,$$jc&{$&$ life if1 increased t?~JOSmlmin. (2.7 min.) ,
&16-~irll1irwl. Thg of 100 M w e e i ( d q m ~ t i ~ e
ng a4 W d~falrttin.and a life d a ~ e e d . Z & 4 9 e i ~ $~etennine

dmin : 4B.74 %~4&%,c

@f the Tqloa tost a$&quatiom,2P q8.F C = 54) ?-gkm$

Wt. The pnnr rwi
n d m turn a medium C - S d is a p p r n ~ i m a t ~ , & ~ +Tpe ~~~ power
avait* I mwhine spindle is 3.73 kW. ~ e r m i k e:'eyPi""
(3 MaximumMm' $$--ti .?+.>f!d @ -r &Gi%
JfiR "6 '1,' I 1.t r : , ",G' ,
,- ?i);
&%/ntia. W.I oh^ Fcrtd is O. rev.
Y - >; L i e d 31rfq!7a L Ftrbc:(lbcil#ifm 316 kbl, 6.53 mm)
e e i i cutting an
3i$ mrn and feed

was 6,25 ~ t i asnQ wm -med t

k &hipt h k b a
was 1.25 mm. The N and the *st was found out
to k 810 N.
?3wiwdMetdm- ~ t y e h 3 .
83. While turning a &d stel bar on a lathe, the following data were obtained.

- .. Machined len& c, = 150mm a r k f A . w s , , , ~
, (B .Jlfi

[,I .I Speed * 170 rev.lmin

I r ~n!txlo~*k nr OUT r wya M

w h i n i n g time and the total amount of heat

( N a p Universi~)
(mg+WkW9 1.765.-+, 94&5 1 kl)
awehiggies; o f i W-atting,aud &&ace various
i 3,
force angle relationships. Determine shear angle, fiction angle, shear and normal stress on shear
f%i*g plaieI khear strain by using the formula dPea.
nS;iRH di% U w dl$ tukknrdss er$l)b 3tL 0.b2gm $r1tJl:1~> $&emtW .fi?
%+ .
, Chip thi~knes+q,~,. ..: 0.250 mm ,: - ,:#&'5", , - .. I -
- 7
. - " r Width of cut #j$
a > g asnun &&&,-: . ,,

* : .'. . ; Cutting speed :-, Ahg@f41(FO @mi&,: .>-.: .'- . A:.

- . Rake angle
.,J *.,

. ,
- Cutting force
Thrust force

osa 23 N
. ._ .t'* ai

*. J@WY 3 & 29.G0, 61.24 N/mm2, 6

- hm e-td *UP t b * ~ ~ ~ W W ~ &fMgro->$ly!cCbeen
H&F nod
. .

at the cutting edge is 25 mm.

86. A50mmdimettrbarofstct 1
min. The speed was changed @.p2v w a n d the tooi failed in 60 min. of cutting time.
Assuming a straight line reletionship exim what cutting speed should be used to obtain a 30
min. tool life? (Aas: V,, = q939 m/min.)
87. For ortho$oml w t t i q w i 4 ,a ---:
4&$ag a reke angle of lo0, the uncut chip thicknrn
is 0.15 mar and chip t hm mm.-Ddemine (a) the cutting ratio. (6) the shear plane
an& wd (c) the sheat s b. . n k rw- :.,i ~(,+&~;~~;‘+75, " ~ 2 3 5 02.734)
,operation, the following oar8 have been observed:
- !-0.25 Ihm
* o,
' kiY.75 mm
-'.-$3.L4. - C'
*b,=2.3 mm ' If

Rake angle, '1 a08 I--?

n,u fa? -
a-- ,w&.
Cutting forceY: ' EC* N
~-fwce. . !,,+a:, ' ,;
!,&=475 ,

Determine: shear angle, d c i e n t of &on, the fiction angle, ultimate shear stress of the



Uneut chip thickness,?^

of cui,ww
Cutting speed .
Rake angle, 6rI ? $55
In h A m i E h i n i n g ~ ~ - ~ & - ~ ~data - %
,, h;i.-i n have

;Y=2QO mhnin.
fid . &dl@
(Aas: 18.4O, 0.5, 26.574 379.4 MPa)
g been o b m e d :

,% 'e
I ~ , ~ ~IlT l

C w of fiic#iW2h i 3 ' 4 I -1 .cP.@~ ,%, ,' , & M ~ W J ww -
Ultimate Shear b t k s ef W d , . ! ' t*lsO-MPa, ' ,
iius -t. : SPOE* tbe c irm ibd c o ~ m ~ r m &
. :- yuiik: 36.T. 420 N, 125 N?
*;: . .
1 9
? -- ",.'.ny;z.,;.<%.
-;- - . ,. z
d * 1- PJ

t g=- . - , -5;4. . :-; ,

. . .- .
* 5 , ~ ~

- -.-. .
,,l %
A Textbook of P~3Wctbn' l ! ? m n g

Hint: Use eqn. 14.19 +=450 + (I @ t6 i(etermine, (.

2 2'
90. Solve the above probleh, by psuming the machining cutstant to be 70° in Merchant's second
equation for angles. AIM, f& out the results by Uihg relation given by Lee and Shaffer
Itlwla WI.
relation. (Ans: ~ e r i A Th&ry
d :Ec= 468.7 N ;F, = 139.46 N)
- 2 ! ,,! :, Yc: bnfi x i a r t ~f:!,-tld.Li*-
n!.?. Lee and ~ h a f f kt h e w 1 F, m,W.OAJ; E, = 154.6 N)
kr I # . ah& hY'&&g during orthogonal machining of mild steel with an uncut chip
~'r#iid of 0.25 and width of cut being 2.5 mm. Take a ,- 09, = 0.5, aad 1, = 4 0 ' MPa.
,LA$ t ,,?SY& h m a bns 9igr:t r~rmrit wad2 snrmts,.ii! c<Grlz$:~rf&malg
q%h i 1 . , - . ~ . 3 I .(a ~ . : u . r - .4 . 4 h y n r ~ r .c o d lAns: N,
m. Qctmnine the cutting f m and the thrust h q e W thE fpaing ratio when machining M.S.
Take: .=

Uncut chip Wkness 0.25 mnn *

,.t. * ;

* $ .
- -1:. 5

. I ? i

Raks angle = 0' ,. . , , ?

(a.?ra~svl.!!.J ~u~bll, i4 a p = 0.5 ..3,, , ,f- *I

((!tt$l 5 <.pp.\U Ad*?.. : if 1A ->*rar T x F m + m

O ~~ tJ wW
- ~ ~ 82 relation fbr s b bmbpd. " - '* * ~ k * i W . 6 5 N ; 4803 N:8.333)
a d
93. ( a ) Detefmine the various cornpotfenti df the machining force d e f i machining a C.1. block on
a shkqj&'\nifth depth of cut = 4 mm, feed = 0:rS muW!hr61yd;'*tlt i&e angle of the
tool .3@', . Principal cutting edge angle = 30°, p = 0.6. 7, 340 MPa. "
-.1s1i141t I (b)the length
& average power consumition if $hqht~ration€&s.wit%
D ~ c & ~ the
of the job is 200 mm.
- LI 1 r
60 strokedmin. and
Len wrnl 4 - . 2 ! '
". @am(aJ,U&g
:-8 p: Lee and Shaffer relation for shear angle.
fil I ~ I T W Jstuflist
~ I ~ ?~ odr b nrm\ 13: kRl rs bmuf oaw txatz %I rsjsr;lr
%!ti qn~li;r>I!> fiim tB bhd jool ?hl $,it&

D f E IIIPJC';~o f 1I~c's34 bit&e tzr~q.:p:rw

t rtcnl~t:.~ $6 :*#A).
@=tan-' p = tan-1 0.6 = 30.960 = 3 t i h
. t n h ,~r!* a'& ~ 1 dt3 ,%i~ 20 3!q1!?i ~ S biI pT
* - I T , >. ,-- ,
I:\ -":.-.-k745O (31 101 = 2y ,. i :!, 7, - . , - _ - I

,lt;,r, ,LT.Tf&".,& r * , a s , *-I---

. ~1 1 NOW, fjqblX (it 8- along velocity vector), ., , :;I3, ,

Now, b=
and t =f cos C,

tr'1J.' .i ,'t? 4: .? f.i ' ~ r ~i s?q-\\ 340 x 1
.. i.2 1 ~ " " n~ ?ti.' '.&?
sM,IoX c0s4,pXPin240 = ?LW-,Nr t ; i*
n :i .r d .,, : c.i 12
Thrust force, jGfq . gn (J3 - a),it acts norm4 to tool-job interface.
111 '1'111 s7q ,,, (Eqn. 14.18~)
= 1103.8 x tan 21' = 423.7 N
Now fead force component, F, =F,. sin l (normal t&&p wlociQ,y.*j,
sSE4=423.7 x sin QOO = 366.93 N *!,: . ..,e *!tj
- rr )g)nrral f m component+ t;rn? rerr F,,*F,.eas t=311-85 N mim mud tq the mekined surface)
$I: :rnA) ,
i I GCI-
.iaf '

. - i
Theory of Metal Cutling

(b) Now Work done= Fc x length of stroke = 1103.8 - = 220.76 J

2 . ..
' 1000

Average Power= 220.76 x - = 220.76 watts
t Bat.owehind at 200 rev./min, with a feed of

r* P"
94. tM$u$e$he i f r ~ i ~ m ~a ~ ~ rW peDe
0.5 mmlrev. and a de of cut o 4 mm.(Ans. 5.78 x 10' mm3/min)
%pb dh$I maohlSik& 8 2 I& &meter bar at 40 rev./min. with depth of cut of 2 mm and a feed of 0.3
. -
,---mmhw., the cutting fonx at the tool point was 1800 N and the feed force was 400 N. Calculatethe
power consumption. (Ans. 935 W, 0.08 W)
Sol: Power consumption = Force ~Telocity
; ! r v ! ~ . e .. I ~ I
and Velocity =
x,P,,&'JV. =
.; Power = 1800x n x 2 4 8 x 4 0 =935
Now velociQ ofpfeed afQrce=, LOOO
' I , -
.-.P"M-~ ,-: 4W'x 0 3 x @ '= o - i

Which is very n li ble as c m p & to Ppwer consux,nption for cutting force.

9@,. i .
Now MRR = d.f. Dave.n N

:. Specific energy eonsumption =I -Power


96. Tht wmlt8#t &We rrt.8tub1 psint,is f 200 N and its angle s f inclination to the. horktn$al is
3 P . The approach a g l e to whi& itacts perpendicularly is 26". Determine the three
+w&ipal cornponeat forees. . ,., . - t I >a
b 4,5. I s

a - 54b = 970.8 N LJd,', iYI ff"*.ili

%hitian. 8 1

Ff=F,,.tan 26" (Fn= 635.5 N; Ff= 310 N).

-- F;= F . + Ff+ 17n2
97. A W C cutting tool myhning MS gave a life between ~ g r i n d sof 100 min. when operating at 80
fiJtnjn. and 33 m h when operating at 100 mlmin. Determine tfie value of the index and the constant-
_ tool life equatian.

rc>t,'" ' , -... - 2

- > ., 1
r ,
r- Sol. - . - - VTn = C I

:.Log 80+nlog100,= logC ...(1)

and ' loglOO+nlog33=logC ..-(21,
from these two eqw- a = 0.2 and L3 = 28 1. I

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