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Respiratory symptoms Key points

and signs C The hypotheticodeductive method of diagnosis (Bayes’ theo-
rem) requires a detailed history and examination skills to elicit
Suveer Singh symptoms and signs

C History-taking should include all primary symptoms, with their

Abstract time course, characteristics, severity and trajectory
Laennec’s invention of the stethoscope in 1816, and description of
auscultatory sounds for clinical diagnosis remain important today. His- C A review of non-respiratory associations and pharmaceutical
tory and examination are pivotal to accurate diagnosis, helped by and historical aspects of respiratory symptoms precedes a
confirmatory investigations. The key symptoms of respiratory disease thorough review of clinical sign
are breathlessness, chest pain, cough with associated sputum pro-
duction, and wheeze. Non-respiratory conditions also produce such C Evidence-based physical diagnosis incorporates a pre-test
symptoms. A systematic approach to history-taking should include probability of a diagnosis, based upon the history and phys-
all primary symptoms, their time course, characteristics, severity and ical signs. A likelihood ratio then changes after the techno-
trajectory. A review of non-respiratory and pharmaceutical associa- logical standard test requested, to provide a post-test
tions, and historical aspects of respiratory symptoms, should precede diagnostic probability
a thorough review of clinical signs. Hence, a checklist of ‘pulmonary
risk factors’ completes a thorough evaluation. After clinical evaluation, C The 2019 saw the 200th anniversary of the publication of
assimilation of information, and synthesis with clinicopathophysiolog- Laennec’s treatise of auscultatory sounds related to clinico-
ical knowledge of respiratory diseases, allows formulation of a differ- pathological diagnosis. It followed his invention of the
ential diagnosis. Classical patterns of the most important focal stethoscope in 1816
abnormalities, if present, include consolidation, collapse, pneumo-
thorax, pleural effusion, or interstitial lung patterns. Clinical signs can
change during the time course of the illness. The pre-test likelihood importance of effectively eliciting symptoms and signs. In a
ratio of a diagnosis may then inform the post-test likelihood following sense, the likelihood of a clinical suspicion being confirmed is
investigations. This article reviews the key features of respiratory being mentally tested, by ascribing and altering pre-test proba-
symptoms and signs, outlines tips on how best to elicit these, and dis- bilities as each further piece of information from the history or
cusses patterns of clinical features in the context of differential examination findings is gathered. This form of clinical decision-
diagnosis. making, using so-called ‘system 2’ thinking, reduces the chan-
Keywords Breathlessness; chest pain; cough; dyspnoea; hae- ces of cognitive biases leading to an erroneous diagnostic
moptysis; MRCP; signs; stethoscope; symptoms; wheeze conclusion.

The main symptoms of respiratory disorders are breathlessness
(dyspnoea), chest pain, wheeze and cough, which can be pro-
Introduction ductive of sputum. Non-respiratory conditions can also produce
The aim of the history and examination is an accurate clinical such symptoms (e.g. gastrointestinal or cardiac causes of cough;
diagnosis. Of a number of methods in use, such as pattern wheeze and breathlessness caused by anaemia, hypothyroidism,
recognition (often associated with ‘spot diagnosis’), the hypo- metabolic acidosis, fevers, myopathies). The lungs can also
theticodeductive method based on Bayes’ theorem is favoured.1 produce non-respiratory symptoms such as paraneoplastic
Diagnostic hypotheses are considered. Clinical data based upon symptoms of lung malignancy.
history, examination and tests are evaluated. Either these To determine the origin and significance of the symptoms, an
strengthen the hypothesis, at the expense of more implausible understanding of their anatomical and mechanistic basis is
ones, or new hypotheses are entertained. A sound theoretical important. A further history with pulmonary risk factors and
knowledge of disease states with their presentation and trajec- potential associations of the primary symptoms is crucial to
tories is implicit. The process of sequential revision leads to a synthesize into a differential diagnosis. The following lines of
likelihood of diagnosis either strong enough to lead to action, or questioning should be considered:
low enough to abandon consideration of the disease, hence the  childhood illness (e.g. congenital or neonatal, whooping
cough, wheeze or asthma, allergies) and immunizations
(or omissions, i.e. BCG)
 occupational (organic or inorganic exposures that can
Suveer Singh BSc MB BS PhD EDIC DICM FFICM FRCP is Consultant
cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis, extrinsic allergic
Respiratory and Intensive Care Physician at Royal Brompton Hospital
and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and Honorary Senior Clinical alveolitis, pneumoconioses)
Lecturer at Imperial College London, UK. Competing interests: none  environmental (airborne or waterborne pollution) and
declared. work-based exacerbations

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 1 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Singh S, Respiratory symptoms and signs, Medicine,

 travel (e.g. tuberculosis, tropical diseases, tick-borne par- important. Symptoms can vary with time, position and exertion.
asites, hospitalization while overseas, endemic infections) Exercise tolerance should be documented in terms of everyday
 medication (potentially pneumotoxic agents including achievable tasks, distance or number of stairs managed, its
recreational drugs, chemotherapy, newer monoclonal change over time and its trajectory (gradual or step change).
antibody-based biological agents, radiation therapy; see Mechanisms of breathlessness: respiratory system breathless-
 smoking (e.g. tobacco, cannabis, passive smoking, e-cig- ness is governed by dysfunction of the respiratory central
arettes, vaping) controller (respiratory centre nuclei in the brainstem and me-
 nasal symptoms (postnasal drip, rhinorrhoea, blockage) dulla), ventilatory pump (diaphragm and respiratory muscles,
and previous surgery phrenic and other efferent and afferent nerves, pleura, thoracic
 rheumatological, autoimmune or connective tissue cage, airways) or gas exchanger (the alveolar interstitial capillary
disorders unit), by which hypoxaemia and hypercapnia influence the
 dermatological conditions (e.g. eczema, erythemas, sensation of breathlessness.
dermatomyositis) The development of respiratory dyspnoea is a complex phe-
 sleep-disordered breathing (e.g. daytime hypersomno- nomenon, arising through stimulation of mechano- and chemo-
lence, snoring, nocturnal choking, witnessed apnoeas, receptors in the upper and lower airways, lung parenchyma,
symptoms of hypercapnia) pleura, chest wall and thoracic blood vessels, as a result of an
 HIV and risk factors applied mechanical load or central overdrive. An imbalance be-
 family history (asthma, atopy, chronic obstructive pul- tween the effect and the received central response (afferent) is
monary disease (COPD), malignancy, pneumonias) perceived as breathlessness.
 psychosocial history. There are two key elements. First is a central drive to breath
Previous severe illness (pneumonias, malignancy, acute res- (i.e. urge to breath). This involves sensory input from chemo-
piratory distress syndrome, sepsis) should also be considered at sensors (e.g. medulla, carotid and aortic bodies), mechanore-
this stage. ceptors (e.g. chest wall, lung, neuromuscular receptors) and
higher cerebral cortical modulation (e.g. anxiety, personality).
Breathlessness Second is the ‘sense of respiratory effort’ (i.e. work of breath-
Degree of breathlessness (dyspnoea) is used to characterize the ing) associated with ventilation. A servo feedback loop with
subjective experience of breathing discomfort. It manifests as higher central nervous system (CNS) inputs exists. Efferent motor
qualitatively distinct sensations. The experience derives from signals to the respiratory muscles are accompanied by concomi-
interactions between multiple physiological, psychological, so- tant signals to the cortex, allowing conscious modulation. A
cial and environmental factors, and can induce secondary discrepancy between what is expected after a given efferent
physiological and behavioural responses.2 message (the urge) and the response to the message (the sense of
The common causes of unexplained dyspnoea are asthma, respiratory effort) is perceived as breathlessness. The mismatch is
COPD, interstitial lung disease, myocardial dysfunction and sometimes termed ‘efferenteafferent dissociation’ or ‘neuro-
deconditioning/obesity/anaemia. Others include hypothyroid- mechanical dissociation’. These mismatches can be caused by
ism, pulmonary vascular disease and rarer causes, like parox- obstruction, restriction or respiratory muscle weakness. In addi-
ysmal vocal cord dysfunction. Even nasal blockage can produce tion, breathlessness can occur when the urge/central drive for
the symptom. Patients describe difficult, painful, laboured or ventilation is greater than the actual need for adequate gas ex-
inadequate breathing. The terms ‘air hunger’, chest tightness, change for a given mechanical load, as in hyperventilation,
choking and suffocation apply. Certain patterns of verbal de- acidosis or hyperpyrexia, or after extreme exercise.
scriptors can favour particular physiological processes. Thus,
acute hypercapnia or restricted thoracic movement produces a Characteristics of breathlessness
sensation of ‘air hunger’ or ‘inability to catch a full breath’. Acute Speed of onset e sudden dyspnoea without an obvious cause
bronchoconstriction has descriptors such as ‘chest tightness’, suggests pulmonary embolism (PE) or pneumothorax (Table 1).
‘increased effort of breathing’ and ‘air hunger’. Patients with Acute asthma can have an associated wheeze. Progressive
COPD often complain of an ‘inability to take a deep breath’, breathlessness with fever, cough and purulent sputum is more in
‘increased effort’ or ‘unsatisfying breaths’. Heart failure sufferers keeping with pneumonia. A new-onset arrhythmia can present as
describe ‘air hunger’ or ‘suffocation’. The breathlessness of car- breathlessness, even without palpitations.
diac deconditioning is ‘heavy breathing’. These descriptors can Duration e this suggests the rate of disease progression, for
help to distinguish which of more than one cardiopulmonary which exercise tolerance is a good descriptor.
disorder is contributing to the breathlessness. Furthermore, Timing e paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea implies waking
dyspnoea can seem out of proportion to the underlying lung from sleep and may identify left ventricular failure (LVF) and
disease. For instance, chest tightness or inability to get a full severe COPD. Early morning waking that is recurrent and asso-
breath on exertion may suggest suboptimal control of airflow ciated with wheeze or cough is typical of asthma.
obstruction in COPD, rather than concomitant left ventricular Position e Orthopnoea is the onset of breathlessness when
dysfunction. Conversely, exertional breathlessness with fatigue the patient is supine and can indicate severe chronic lung disease
may favour the latter as the primary symptom driver. or LVF. When sudden, it is characteristic of rare bilateral dia-
Breathlessness can be a frightening and psychologically phragmatic paralysis (or immersion in water above the
demanding experience.3 The pattern of breathlessness is diaphragm).

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Please cite this article as: Singh S, Respiratory symptoms and signs, Medicine,

Causes of breathlessness classified by speed of onset Causes of pleuritic chest pain

Instantaneous C Pulmonary embolism/infarction
C Pulmonary embolism C Viral pleurisy
C Pneumothorax C Pneumothorax
Acute (minutes to hours) C Pericarditis
C Airways disease (e.g. asthma) C Collagen vascular disease (systemic lupus erythematosus, mixed
C Pulmonary embolism connective tissue disease)
C Parenchymal disease (e.g. pneumonia) C Rheumatic diseases
C Heart disease (e.g. LVF, myocardial infarction) C Inflammatory bowel disease
C Hyperventilation syndrome C Familial Mediterranean fever
C Metabolic acidosis C Radiation pneumonitis
Gradual (days)
Many of the above and: Table 2
C Lobar collapse (e.g. lung cancer)
C Pleural effusion and mediastinum, but not parenchyma. Upper parietal pleural
C Superior vena cava obstruction pathology presents as localized pain, whereas the lower parietal
Chronic (months to years) pleura and outer diaphragm cause referred pain in the abdomen
Some of the above and: through lower intercostal nerve innervation. The phrenic nerve
C COPD (C3/C4/C5) innervates the central diaphragm, with referred pain
C Diffuse parenchymal disease (e.g. usual interstitial pneumonitis) to the ipsilateral shoulder.
C Bronchiectasis Localized constant chest pain (with or without tenderness)
C Pulmonary vascular disease (e.g. chronic thromboembolism, occurs with rib fractures, pleural infection (e.g. empyema), chest
pulmonary hypertension) wall malignancy, costochondritis, benign asbestos pleural dis-
C Hypoventilation (e.g. chest wall deformity) ease and connective tissue diseases (e.g. systemic lupus erythe-
C General (e.g. anaemia, thyrotoxicosis) matosus). ‘Boring’ constant pain is characteristic of malignant
infiltration (e.g. mesothelioma, lung cancer).
Table 1
Chest wall pain can be musculoskeletal, rheumatic, non-
rheumatic or skin or sensory nerve related. Musculoskeletal
Platypnoea (Greek ‘platus’ means flat) is breathlessness when causes include intercostal radiculitis (e.g. spinal osteoarthritis),
upright that is relieved when supine. Platypnoeaeorthodeoxia is previous surgical scars, costochondritis (Tietze’s syndrome) or
the associated supine-related improvement in haemoglobin ox- posterior chest syndrome as a result of vertebral costochondral
ygen concentration. It may be noted when abdominal breathing joint dysfunction. Rheumatic involvement of the thoracic joints
is impaired (e.g. after major abdominal surgery), in severe COPD includes rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psori-
or in hepatopulmonary syndrome and other conditions associ- atic arthritis. Non-rheumatic causes of chest wall pain are sickle
ated with intracardiac or intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting. cell crisis, stress fractures and infection (osteomyelitis). Chest
wall pain is locally tender and made worse by movement.
Trepopnoea (from the Greek ‘trepo’ meaning twist or turn) refers Neuropathic pain, including from herpes zoster reactivation
to breathlessness worse in a lateral decubitus position, and usu- (shingles) and brachial plexus pain, are dermatomal, often
ally means unilateral parenchymal, pleural or airways disease. excruciating and difficult to control. Visceral pain occurs in many
Severity e breathlessness is effort dependent. Dyspnoea can cardiovascular, gastrointestinal (e.g. oesophagitis, cholecystitis)
be quantified using validated breathlessness scales (e.g. Borg and psychological (e.g. hyperventilation syndrome) disorders.
scale, Medical Research Council scale), questionnaires (e.g. St Tracheobronchitis is described as a raw substernal discomfort,
George’s Respiratory Questionnaire) and exercise tests (e.g. 6- exacerbated with the breathing cycle. Pericardial pain is often
minute walk test, shuttle walk). relieved on sitting forward, while myocardial pain is classically
‘crushing’ central pain, with associated symptoms.
Chest pain
Chest pain can arise from a number of structures in the thorax. It Cough
can lead to hypoventilation, atelectasis and retention of secre- Cough is perhaps the most common outpatient symptom. It can
tions, and is often associated with breathlessness. Pleuritic pain be classified by its duration: acute (<3 weeks), subacute (3e8
varies with the respiratory cycle and can be made worse by deep weeks) or chronic (>8 weeks). The term ‘upper airways cough
inspiration, coughing and movement. A number of causes should syndrome’ is an alternative classification, categorized into
be considered (Table 2), including non-respiratory thoracic infective and non-infective causes. More women tend to present
causes (originating from the myocardium, pericardium or oeso- with chronic cough, with some evidence of a heightened cough
phagogastrium, or musculoskeletal), particularly as acute chest reflex sensitivity compared with men.
pain is synonymous with myocardial injury.
Mechanisms of cough: every cough occurs via a reflex arc,
Mechanisms of chest pain: pain arises from the musculoskeletal initiated by chemical and mechanical cough receptors in the
system, parietal (not visceral) pleura, major airways, diaphragm epithelium of the respiratory tract, pericardium, oesophagus,

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Please cite this article as: Singh S, Respiratory symptoms and signs, Medicine,

diaphragm and stomach. Chemoreceptors are sensitive to acid,

cold, heat, capsaicin-like compounds and other chemical irri- Causes of cough
tants, while mechanoreceptors can be stimulated by touch and Cause Typical examples
The larynx and tracheobronchial tree have both receptor Respiratory
types. Vagal afferents to the medulla are modulated by higher C Acute infection Viral, bronchopneumonia,
CNS inputs, with efferents to the laryngopharyngeal and respi- tracheobronchitis
ratory muscles, producing the cough. Expiratory intrapleural C Chronic infection Bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis
pressures (up to 40 kPa) and airflow rates (500 miles/hour) can C Nasal, sinus disease Postnasal drip, sinusitis
be generated. Cough can occur even without glottic closure. C Airways disease Asthma, COPD, lymph node compression
Diminished cough is caused by centrally induced respiratory C Parenchymal disease Interstitial fibrosis, lung cancer
depression, pain, muscle weakness or antitussive agents. C Irritant Foreign body, allergy, smoke
Laryngeal or lower respiratory disease can result in retained se- C Pleural disease Pneumothorax, pleural effusion
cretions, infection and their consequences (i.e. bronchiectasis if Cardiovascular LVF, mitral stenosis
recurrent). Gastrointestinal GORD, tracheobronchial fistula
CNS Recurrent aspiration, e.g. multiple
Characteristics of cough: acute cough is usually caused by an sclerosis, stroke
acute upper respiratory tract infection, although acute exacer- Drug induced ACE inhibitors, inhaled drugs
bations of asthma and chronic pulmonary disease, pneumonia,
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; GORD, gastro-oesophageal reflux dis-
PE and gastro-oesophageal reflux (e.g. in pregnancy) are other ease.
Subacute cough is frequently post-infectious, often persisting Table 3
after resolution of other infective symptoms. More than 50% of
cases resolve spontaneously. causes. Recurrence of cough and infection raise the possibility of
The common causes of chronic cough, in up to 90% of cases, foreign body aspiration, bronchiectasis or an obstructing tumour.
are upper airway cough syndrome (from a nasal source, such as
postnasal drip, rhinitis or rhinosinusitis), asthma-like syndromes Sputum
(including bronchial hyperreactivity, often post-infectious) and Over 100 ml/day of sputum is produced by the respiratory tract,
laryngopharyngeal reflux (non-acid reflux or gastro-oesophageal to be absorbed or swallowed after removal by the mucociliary
reflux). Questioning should be directed at these if a clear expla- escalator. An excess is caused by inflammatory (e.g. infection) or
nation is not forthcoming from the initial history. The causes of allergic causes. Volume estimation in part defines chronic
postnasal drip e a sensation of liquid sliding down the naso- bronchitis and postnasal drip.
oropharynx e include allergic and perennial non-allergic A change in character is instructive. Purulence e the presence
rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, acute nasopharyngitis and sinusitis. of degenerate white cells in secretions e can be a sign of infec-
Upper airway secretions perpetuate cough. tion or inflammation (e.g. eosinophils in acute asthma). Blood-
Other important aetiologies in persistent cough include drug- stained, ‘rusty’ sputum classically occurs in pneumococcal
induced cough (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, b- pneumonia, and ‘redcurrant jelly’ sputum is characteristic of
adrenoreceptor blockers in airways disease).4 Less common Klebsiella pneumoniae. Sputum plugs and bronchial casts can
causes of chronic cough include disorders of the airways such as occur in asthma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis or
non-asthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis (diagnosed by cough, rarer causes like plastic bronchitis. Foul-smelling sputum in-
sputum eosinophilia without bronchial hyperreactivity), atypical dicates anaerobic infection in bronchiectasis, lung abscess or
infections (e.g. adult Bordetella pertussis), chronic bronchitis, necrotizing pneumonia. Consider bronchiectasis if there is
bronchiectasis, neoplasm, foreign body (enquire for any pro- excessive purulent, sporadically blood-streaked sputum, whereas
voking event) and parenchymal (interstitial lung disease, lung copious clear sputum (bronchorrhoea) is sometimes a feature of
abscess) and pleural disease. Chronic idiopathic cough is asso- adenocarcinoma of the bronchioloalveolar type. Pink-tinged
ciated with an exaggerated cough reflex sensitivity (Table 3). frothy sputum, caused by bloodstaining, occurs in pulmonary
Other features of cough e classic cough descriptors define oedema.
certain aetiologies. Thus, a ‘barking’ cough refers to laryngeal
disease, a ‘brassy’ cough to tracheobronchitis and a ‘bovine’ Wheeze and stridor
cough to vocal cord paralysis caused by laryngeal nerve palsy Wheeze: refers to the noisy musical sound produced by turbu-
(e.g. bronchogenic carcinoma). lent flow through narrow small airways. It occurs mainly during
Paroxysms of cough with ‘whoops’ are characteristic of B. expiration and is characteristic of asthma, COPD, bronchiolitis
pertussis (whose adult prevalence in the USA and Europe has and occasionally LVF. Associations are breathlessness or chest
increased over the previous 5e10 years and is characterized by a tightness caused by increased work of breathing and airway
catarrhal, a paroxysmal and a prolonged recovery phase, the so- resistance, respectively. Bronchial smooth muscle contraction,
called ‘100 days cough’). Mealtime and reclining cough are oedema and excessive mucus production are pathophysiological
indicative of laryngopharyngeal reflux (which can be non-acid correlates.
reflux). Associated weight loss suggests tuberculosis, malignancy Certain characteristics of the wheeze can help to identify its
or chronic infection. Fever suggests infective or inflammatory cause. Intermittent wheeze caused by allergens (e.g. pollen,

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house dust, moulds), exercise, drugs (e.g. aspirin, non-steroidal or Pain, or Unresponsive), allows recognition of the need for
anti-inflammatories, b-adrenoreceptor blockers) or chemicals immediate supportive care. Indeed, certain urgent situations such
(e.g. di-isocyanates in paints), and associated with ‘early morn- as tension pneumothorax require a quick correct diagnosis based
ing waking’, is suggestive of asthma. Reduced or absent wheeze only on the clinical signs. Check the observation charts for tem-
or a ‘silent’ chest during a severe asthmatic attack indicates very perature, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen
poor airflow and is a medical emergency. Persistent wheeze, saturation and their trends, which may predict outcome. Cues
characteristic of COPD, is often associated with a smoker’s from the patient’s bedside include the sputum pot and respiratory
‘productive’ morning cough. Nocturnal wheeze or wheeze paraphernalia (inhalers, bronchodilator nebulizer, high-flow ox-
caused by drugs (e.g. b-adrenoreceptor blockers) can also be ygen, peak flow meter, incentive spirometer, positive airway
caused by LVF (so-called ‘cardiac asthma’). A fixed monophonic pressure device). Ability to undress also provides information.
wheeze suggests local obstruction, which if new should raise The 6-minute walk test (distance walked at normal pace in
concern of possible malignant airway involvement. 6 minutes below 400 m or that predicted), is a robust functional
indicator of chronic lung disease.
Stridor: describes a coarse inspiratory wheeze that is caused by
upper airway obstruction (laryngeal, tracheobronchial). Airways Hands and limbs
infection (e.g. epiglottitis, diphtheria), anaphylaxis, tumours of Examine the hands for clubbing, nicotine staining, bounding
the upper airways (e.g. larynx), tracheal stenosis or extrinsic pulse and the coarse flap of hypercapnia. Skin lesions suggestive
tracheal compression (e.g. goitre), aspirated foreign bodies (e.g. of eczema, erythema nodosum (tender, indurated raised plaques
food), blood clots and sputum plugs can obstruct the upper air- on the shins in sarcoidosis or tuberculosis), erythema multiforme
ways and cause stridor. Paroxysmal vocal cord dysfunction can (target lesions) in mycoplasma pneumonia or the purple hue of
have a psychosocial cause underlying the stridor. Gottron’s patches in dermatomyositis, cracked fingertips of anti-
synthetase syndromes (associated with interstitial lung disease)
Haemoptysis should be sought, as should signs of intravenous drug use,
Haemoptysis is perhaps the most alarming respiratory symptom tremor caused by b-adrenoreceptor and muscarinic agonists or
that patients report. Most cases are infective (e.g. pneumonia, hypoxic pulmonary osteoarthropathy.
tuberculosis, bronchiectasis) or non-malignant (e.g. PE). A mi- Clubbing e typical features are loss of the nail fold angle
nority (10e20%) are caused by malignancy, and up to one-third (hyponychial angle and Schamroth sign e loss of the triangle
are idiopathic. Epistaxis and haematemesis are important non- with the nails together) and a spongy sensation on pressing the
respiratory causes to exclude. Rarer causes include lung ab- nail bed, especially if the finger appears bulbous.
scess, mycetomas, arteriovenous malformations (hereditary Hypoxic pulmonary osteoarthropathy e this is characterized
haemorrhagic telangiectasia), pulmonary hypertension, vascu- by pain and swelling of the wrists and ankles caused by sub-
litides, aortic aneurysmal fistulae, pulmonary endometriosis and periosteal new bone formation at the distal ends of the long
fungal (e.g. Aspergillus) or parasitic infections. Non-pulmonary bones, in association with lung cancer, particularly with superior
causes include coagulopathies, anticoagulation, LVF and iatro- vena cava obstruction.
genic causes (e.g. lung biopsy).
Most episodes of haemoptysis are less than massive. Massive Head and neck
haemoptysis (>0.5 litre/day of blood or any life-threatening Look at the conjunctivae for the pallor of anaemia, and the
haemoptysis) accounts for <20% of episodes but requires im- tongue and lips for central cyanosis. This is detectable when the
mediate attention. Bronchial tumours, bronchiectasis (including concentration of deoxygenated haemoglobin (deoxyHb) is
exacerbations of cystic fibrosis) and tuberculosis are potential >150g/litre or >10% of total haemoglobin. However, it may not
causes, as is fibrocavitatory lung disease of any cause, usually be a reliable sign of hypoxaemia, particularly in severe anaemia,
related to anomalous fragile-walled vasculature (Rasmussen’s or where there is a low dexoxyHb concentration (<100 g/litre), or
bronchial arterial aneurysms). Massive haemoptysis can lead to in polycythaemia (e.g. haemoglobin 200 g/litre), where cyanosis
asphyxia. Initial assessment should determine the amount and is present from a deoxyHb concentration >200 g/litre despite
character of the blood (e.g. fresh, old), time course (e.g. inter- oxygen saturation being about 90%. Patients with Raynaud’s
mittent, constant), associated symptoms (e.g. fever, pleurisy) syndrome appear cyanosed in the cold, and ‘apparent cyanosis’
and past history, with the potential aetiology, and an emergency is the blue discoloration caused by pigment rather than deoxyHb,
management plan in mind for massive haemoptysis. for instance from methylene blue or methaemoglobinaemia (use
of sulfonamides). Salivary gland enlargement (including the pa-
rotid and lacrimal glands) can be noted in sarcoidosis. Be aware
Physical signs on examination
of alternative systemic causes of lymphadenopathy, not least
The art of eliciting clinical signs is essential to corroborate find- malignancy (e.g. lymphoma), and tuberculosis.
ings from the history, but reliability is subject to intra- and
interobserver variation.5 Chest
Examination of the chest should involve inspection, palpation,
General percussion and auscultation. Eliciting vocal resonance on
An initial assessment of how unwell the patient is, incorporating auscultation is often more useful than tactile vocal fremitus
the ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) approach and conscious (TVF) on palpation. For assimilation and synthesis of the
level (i.e. Glasgow Coma Scale, or AVPU: Alert, response to Voice symptoms and signs, decide which of the signs elicited are most

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reliable (Figure 1). Ideally, position the patient at about 45 , anterior thorax, the absence of cardiac dullness suggests hyper-
comfortable and fully exposed. An awareness of surface anatomy expansion of the lung (e.g. emphysema) or displacement of the
is important for understanding the potential site of abnormal heart.
signs (Figure 2).
Radiological thoracic anatomy (coronal and sagittal computed Inspection: inspection of the chest and vertebral column shape
tomography) is helpful in contextualizing the surface anatomy. may reveal kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum or the ‘barrel’
Thus, examination of the anterior right hemithorax is mainly that chest of hyperinflation. Look carefully for scars of previous
of the upper lobe, with the middle lobe lower down the thorax, surgery (i.e. under skin-folds), radiotherapy markers, skin le-
and the lower lobe laterally. The back of the thorax is occupied sions, engorged chest wall veins (suggesting superior vena cava
predominantly by the lower lobes. On percussion of the left

Figure 1

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Figure 2

obstruction), hyperinflation, symmetry of chest wall movement chest and abdomen (indrawing of the abdomen in inspiration)
and use of accessory muscles of respiration. may indicate upper airway obstruction (e.g. a sleeping patient
Patients with severe airflow obstruction and hyperinflation with untreated severe obstructive sleep apnoea, foreign body in
tend to fix their rib cage and arms, allowing the accessory the airway) or bilateral diaphragm weakness.
muscles to lift the rib cage when diaphragmatic action is ineffi-
cient. These patients also breathe with ‘pursed lips’, thus Palpation: adequate chest wall expansion (>3 cm) should be
increasing intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure, shifting the sought. Hyperinflation can limit this, as can pathologies causing
equal pressure point towards the mouth and delaying closure of pain or muscle weakness. Absence of symmetry should be noted
the small airways during expiration. This reduces gas-trapping (i.e. reduction on the side of the abnormal signs). Determine the
and subsequent dynamic hyperinflation. Abdominal breathing position of the mediastinum by palpating the trachea and apex
is best noted with the patient lying flat, if tolerated. In dia- beat. Assessment for tracheal deviation can be performed with a
phragmatic weakness, there is indrawing of the abdomen on single finger in the suprasternal notch, rolling it off the trachea
inspiration. An obstructed airway (e.g. sleep apnoea syndrome, on each side, or with fingers on either side of the trachea. A
reduced conscious state) also produces paradoxical abdomino- tracheal tug is upwards movement of the rib cage by the acces-
thoracic movements (Figure 1). sory muscles, shortening the palpable trachea in the suprasternal
Abnormal breathing patterns e respirations should ideally notch. It signifies increased respiratory effort, particularly in
be observed for at least 60 seconds to increase the detection of airflow obstruction.
tachypnoea and to uncover unusual breathing patterns like TVF is the transmission of voice sounds from the central
CheyneeStokes breathing. Bradypnoea (<12/minute) suggests airways to the chest wall through patent conducting bronchi. It is
hypoventilation. Causes include sedative overdoses, brainstem increased by consolidated or locally fibrosed lung, but not by
or medullary conditions, and chronic hypercarbia-associated pleural effusion, pneumothorax or collapsed lung (except in the
respiratory conditions. CheyneeStokes respiration (periodic right upper lobe, because of collateral ventilation). TVF should
breathing) of alternating hyperpnoea and apnoea may be indic- be performed symmetrically over three or four regions anteriorly
ative of congestive cardiac failure. Kussmaul respirations are and posteriorly. It may be enhanced by the patient saying
rapid and deep, associated with metabolic acidosis. These are ‘Ninety-nine’.
often distinct and distinguishable from the rapid shallow
breathing responses to other ‘drive to breath’ stimuli such as Percussion: this was introduced into clinical practice by the Aus-
fever, pain, heart or lung disease. Paradoxical movement of the trian physician Leopold Auenbrugger in 1761, and promulgated by

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 7 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Singh S, Respiratory symptoms and signs, Medicine,

the Parisian physician Jean-Nicolas Corvisart after 1808. It is best

performed by tapping the middle phalanx of the third finger placed Abnormal (adventitious) breath sounds
in the intercostal space with the middle of the third finger on the Discontinuous (non-musical)
tapping hand. Assess symmetry. Dullness suggests pleural fluid C Crackles (generally high-pitched, discontinuous sounds)
(‘stony dull’), collapse or consolidation, while hyperresonance e Coarse: loud, low-pitched sounds
may indicate pneumothorax or severe emphysema. e Fine: soft, high-pitched sounds
C Pleural friction rubs (grating sound)
Auscultation: Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec (1781e1826) Continuous (musical)
is widely regarded as a forefather of the modern clinical assess- C Wheezes (high-pitched sounds that are musical in quality)
ment of respiratory diseases, through his invention of the C Rhonchi (sounds with a ‘snoring’ or ‘gurgling’ quality)
stethoscope (1816), and publication of De l’Auscultation mediate C Stridors (sounds heard over a trachea)
(1819), in which he described auscultatory sounds and their
pathoanatomical correlates. Table 5
Normal breath sounds are produced by turbulent airflow
through the respiratory system. They should be assessed and  Stridor is an example of a monophonic wheeze in inspi-
characterized by their pitch (high, low), intensity (absent, ration from large airway narrowing.
enhanced), quality (harshness, loudness) and duration (inspira-  Rhonchi have a continuous, low-pitched snoring or gur-
tory and expiratory phases). Typically, they are classified as gling quality, often caused by secretions in the larger
tracheal, bronchial, vesicular or bronchovesicular. They are best airways.
heard depending on the area of thorax being auscultated.  Vocal resonance is the elicitation of transmitted bronchial
Tracheal sounds are high pitched, loud and best heard over the sounds by auscultation. It provides similar information to
neck. Bronchial sounds are high pitched, ‘blowing’ and loud, TVF and is present in bronchial breathing.
with a gap between inspiration and expiration. Vesicular sounds  Whispering pectoriloquy (when whispered sounds are
are low-pitched, soft sounds with no gap, heard at the periph- transmitted clearly e ‘speech of the chest’) confirms
eries, as opposed to bronchovesicular sounds, which are high bronchial breathing or cavitatory disease.
pitched but soft (Table 4). Added (adventitious) sounds are  Aegophony (from the Greek for ‘bleating of a goat’) refers
abnormal. They can be discontinuous (crackles, pleural rub) or to the nasal sound heard over an area of consolidation or at
continuous (wheezes, rhonchi, rales, stridor) Listen for their the airefluid interface of compressed lung above a pleural
pitch, intensity, quality, duration and response to coughing effusion. When asked to say ‘E’, the auscultated sound
(resolution of added sounds with mucus clearance) (Table 5). changes from an ‘EE’ to an ‘Ah’.
 Bronchial breathing heard at the periphery is abnormal. It  Pleural friction rubs (described as crunching snow un-
occurs with consolidation and above pleural effusions (a derfoot or originally as the creaking of new leather e ‘bruit
term known as aegophony). Reduced or absent breath de cuir’) are heard in pneumonia, pleurisy and PE.
sounds indicate effusions, collapse, pneumothorax or an  The pericardial ‘crunch’ in time with the heartbeat is
elevated diaphragm. heard with a pneumomediastinum or small, left-sided
 Crackles (rales) represent the snapping open of small air- pneumothorax.
ways/alveoli. They can be early and coarser in COPD, or In obliterative bronchiolitis, crackles, wheezes and coarser
later and fine in fibrosis or pulmonary oedema. Coarse, creaking sounds may be heard. In extrinsic allergic alveolitis, late
variable crackles that partially clear on coughing are inspiratory squeaks or squawks (short, abrupt, high-pitched
caused by excessive bronchial secretions (e.g. bronchiec- sounds), are often present, perhaps related to airway narrow-
tasis, pneumonia). ing proximal to the alveoli.
 Wheeze has a continuous, high-pitched musical quality. It
usually occurs on expiration and can be generalized and Synthesis and analysis
polyphonic (e.g. asthma, COPD) or localized, fixed and Findings should be recorded coherently after the examination
monophonic (e.g. tumours, lymph glands, foreign body). has been completed. The implications of any signs should be

Characteristics of normal breath sounds

Feature Normal breath sounds
Tracheal Bronchial Bronchovesicular Vesicular

Location Trachea Manubrium Mainstem bronchi Peripheral lung

Quality Loud, harsh, hollow Loud, less harsh, hollow Soft Softer
Pitch Highest Higher High Low

/ ¼ inspiratory phase; y ¼ expiratory phase.

Table 4

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 8 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Singh S, Respiratory symptoms and signs, Medicine,

considered during the examination, and any uncertainties 2 American Thoracic Society. Dyspnea. Mechanisms, assessment
should be clarified by re-examination of a particular sign. Sub- and management. A consensus statement. Am J Respir Crit Care
sequent synthesis with the history should enable a differential Med 1999; 159: 321e40.
diagnosis, from which relevant confirmatory tests may be 3 Elliott MW, Adams L, Cockcroft A, et al. The language of breath-
requested. lessness: use of verbal descriptors by patients with cardiorespira-
The use of evidence-based physical examination, assisted by tory disease. Am Rev Respir Dis 1991; 144: 826e32.
technological standard investigations, thus allowing a post-test 4 Morice AH, McGarvey L, Pavord I. Recommendations for the
probability of the suspected diagnosis, remains the important management of cough in adults. British Thoracic Society Cough
purpose of modern-day clinical examination. Thus, based upon a Guideline Group. Thorax 2006; 61(suppl 1): i1e24.
clinical examination finding, a pre-test probability of a suspected 5 Spiteri MA, Cook DG, Clarke SW. Reliability of eliciting physical
diagnosis is formed. The diagnostic investigation is performed, signs in examination of the chest. Lancet 1988; 331: 873e5.
and this increases or decreases the post-test diagnostic proba-
bility (or likelihood ratio). Such likelihood ratios are available for FURTHER READING
physical examination findings, in the context of ruling ‘in’ or Hampton JR, Harrison MJG, Mitchell JRA, et al. Relative contributions
‘out’ particular lung diagnoses. These are often incorporated into of history taking, physical examination and laboratory investigation
prognostic scoring systems (i.e. Wells score for PE, CURB 65 for to diagnosis and management of medical outpatients. Br Med J
pneumonia). A final phase of reflective practice during clinical 1975; 2: 486e9.
reasoning should then improve diagnostic accuracy by reducing Kahneman D. Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrar, Straus &
Giroux, 2011.
cognitive biases. A
McGee SR. Evidence-based physical diagnosis. 4th edn. Elsevier,
KEY REFERENCES Roguin A. Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Lae €nnec (1781e1826): the man
1 Bayes T, Price. An essay towards solving a problem in the doctrine behind the stethoscope. Clin Med Res 2006; 4: 230e5.
of chances. Phil Trans Royal Soc Lond 1763; 53: 370e418.

MEDICINE xxx:xxx 9 Ó 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Singh S, Respiratory symptoms and signs, Medicine,

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