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Let’s Check 7

In this activity, please write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if
the statement is false. This is to check your understanding of the concepts.

FALSE1.The center gravity is always found at the center of the object.

TRUE2.The center of gravity of the regularly shaped object is found at its center.
TRUE3.The first condition of equilibrium involves only the vertical and horizontal vector
of the object.
TRUE4.The condition of equilibrium involves the turning effect of the body.
TRUE5.The net force for the first condition of equilibrium must be equal to zero.

Let’s Analyze 7
Solve the following problems

1. A girl weighing 245 N sits one end of 4-m long seesaw. Where should a 209 N boy
sit sot that the seesaw is balanced at the center? Disregard the weight of the

245N(F1) 209N(F2)

Solution :
ΣT = 0
0 = T1-T2
(First Equation)

ΣT1 = FI
ΣT1 = 245N(4m)
ΣT1 = 980N,m
(positive because F1 tends to rotate the counterclockwise)

ΣT2 = FI
ΣT2 = -209N(m)
(negative because F2 tends to rotate the clockwise)
Substituting to the first equation
209N(m) = 980Nm
m = 980Nm/209N
m= 4.7m

2. Two men, Gerry and Brent, carry a 700-N load placed on a 120 N uniform plank
between them. Their hands are 3 m apart and the center of the loads is 0.8 m away
from Gerry. How much heavy does each carry? The weight of the load is
concentrated at its center.


F1(Gerry) F2(Brent)
0.8m 3m

Solution :
ΣFx = 0 = F1x + F2x – W1x - W2x

ΣFy =0
ΣFy = F1y + F2y – W1y – W2y
0 = F1 + F2 -700N – 120N
F1 + F2 = 820N (First Equation)

ΣT1(F1) = 0 (pivot point)

ΣT2 = FI
ΣT2 = F2 (3m)
ΣT2 = 3mF2
(positive because F2 tends to rotate the counterclockwise)

ΣTw = FI
ΣTw = 820 (0.8m)
ΣTw = -656N,m
(negative because W tends to rotate the clockwise)
ΣT = ΣT2 + ΣTw
0 = 3mF2 + (-656N)
F2 = 656Nm/3m
F2 = 218.67 N (Brent)
Substituting to the first equation

F1 + F2 = 820N

F1 + 218.67N = 820N

F1 = 601.33 N (Gerry)

3. A car weighing 300 N on a bridge is 7 m from one of the bridge piers and 6 m from
the other. How much force does each pier to support the car?

7m 6m

F1 F2
W = 300N

Solution :
ΣFx = 0 = F1x + F2x + Wx

ΣFy = F1y + F2y – Wy

0 = F1 + F2 -300N
F1 + F2 = 300N (First Equation)

ΣT1(F1) = 0 (pivot point)

ΣT2 = FI
ΣT2 = F2 (13m)
ΣT2 = 13mF2
(positive because F2 tends to rotate the counterclockwise)

ΣTw = FI
ΣTw = 300N (7m)
ΣTw = -2,100N,m
(negative because W tends to rotate the clockwise)
ΣT = ΣT2 + ΣTw
0 = 13mF2 + (-2100N)
F2 = 2100Nm/13m
F2 = 161.54 N
Substituting to the first equation

F1 + F2 = 300N

F1 + 161.54N = 300N

F1 = 138.46 N

4. Determine the tension in the two nylon cords used to support a 3000-N chandelier
shown below.

T1 600


Solution :

T1x = T1Cos60° = -0.5T1

T1y = T1Cos60° = 0.866T1

T2x = T2

T2y = 0

Fgx =0
Fgy = 3000N

Σx = T1x + T2x + Fgx

0 = -0.5T1 + T2 + 0

T2 = -0.5T1 (First Equation)

Σy = T1y + T2y + Fgy

0 = 0.866T1 +0 - 3000

T1 = 3000/0.866

T1 = 3,464.2 N

Substituting to the first equation

T2 = -0.5T1

T2 = -0.5(3,464.2N)

T2 = -1,7321.1 N

In a Nutshell 7
Let’s try this critical thinking question based on what you’ve learned in this lesson.

Question: Cary and Razel balance each other on a seesaw. Razel is heavier than Cary.
Who is sitting closer to the fulcrum (pivot point) of the seesaw? Explain.
If Cary and Razel are balancing on the seesaw and Razel is heavier than Cary,
Razel is closer to the fulcrum of the seesaw. The seesaw can balance this way because the
center of gravity of the seesaw can handle heavier weight. This means that the closer a
person is to the center of the seesaw from one of its sides, the lesser the weight the person
from the other side has to balance.

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