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COMSATS University Islamabad

Sahiwal Campus
(Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Course Title: CAD/CAM Course Code: MEE 408 Credit Hours: (2,0)
Course Instructor: Muhammad Hunzala Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Mech.Engg.
Semester: 7th Batch: 13 Section: D Date: 01-12-2020
Time Allowed: 1.5 Hours Maximum Marks: 30
Student’s Name: Umer Raza Reg. No. CUI/ FA17-BME-121 /SWL
Question Nos. Max. Marks. Question Nos. Max. Marks. Question Nos. Max. Marks.
1+3 10 + 10 2 10 - -
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
Read the question paper carefully and answer the questions according to their statements.
Sessional-II Examination Fall-2020

Q # 1. (CLO1-C2-PLO3) (5+5)

a) Explain the detail role of AI in area of your choice. Also Summarize in your own words that
how this technique can create a difference in near future.
b) Generalize the significance and limitation of the Constructive Solid Geometry Modelling.

Q # 2. (CLO2-C3-PLO5) (5+5)

a) Classify the major attributes/features which play a role for designing of the product. Apply
some of the features on any application which suites you.
b) Restructure the steps which are required to shift a manual industry towards automated one.

Q # 3. (CLO1-C2-PLO3) (10)

Viva Voce

The End

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence In COVID-19 Pandemic
Key Points:
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to help us in the fight against COVID-19
pandemic because of its self-learning algorithms.
 AI will help the doctors and nursing workers to Screen, Track and Predict current and future
 The major applications will enable the doctors to detect and diagnose early stages of
 The use of AI in developing drugs and medicinal vaccines will reduce the workload of health

The world is changing rapidly, and technology is evolving at a pace no one can imagine. In the world
full of technical aspects, the medical sector is also looking for new and innovative ways to monitor
and control severe diseases like novel COVID-19 pandemic. Artificial intelligence might me the
technology which can help and track the spread of this dangerous virus by identifying,

 High Risk Patients

 Controlling the Virus In Real-Time

The technology will help us by screening the patients and predicting future cases to improve the
planning and treatment of disease.

How The AI Will Actually Help?

The major applications of AI will be in,

1. The Detection and Diagnosis of virus:

The artificial intelligence is trained by feeding data. Thus, by providing a large set of data related to
the symptoms of the virus, the AI can quickly analyze the symptoms and alarm the health workers of
the patient’s condition. Similarly, it can help in developing a new management system to sort Covid-
19 cases. It can help evolving medical technologies like CT (Computed Tomography) and MRI
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to keep track of virus in human body and thus accelerating the
diagnosis process.

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2. Treatment Monitoring:

Monitoring in current situation of Covid-19 is an important aspect of study. By building a neural

network fed with data specifically related to Covid-19 patients, AI will help on keep track of the
patients and develop visual features of this disease.

3. Prediction of Death and Recovery Rate:

The computational power of AI is un-imaginable. AI is the best way to keep track of the recovery
and forecasting the death rate from the data available on the internet through social media and health
records. It will help us predicting the regions, where is virus is taking stronghold and locating the
individuals with partial or full immunity against the virus.

4. Development of Vaccine:
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Scientists and physicians need proper data to work on the cure of Covid-19. For this purpose, the
anti-bodies of partial of full immune individuals along with their medical history is required. In the
age of AI, it is possible with just a single click. Thus, to develop a cure for the Covid-19 it is
essential to train AI on the immunity aspects of humans to locate the areas of herd immunity.
Furthermore, the AI can also help us in delivering the cure to the needy by locating the most
vulnerable individuals.


AI is very useful as a medicinal tool because of its enormous potential in identifying and diagnosing
the fatal diseases. It can help us in,

 Developing Proper Treatment

 Preventing Large-scale Spread of disease
 Developing drugs and vaccines

AI is also helpful in facilitating research and development of new strategies to fight for cure.

Development of AI in Future
AI is an ever-developing technology. The software like Alexa and Siri and has led us to believe its
potential and impact on future will be great. The future is more fascinating and clearer than ever
because robots will change the nature of society. Some of the aspects in which AI will be seen in
future will be,

1. Universal Implementation

AI will be a part of daily life and will be used from production to cleaning departments. The
technologies like self-driving cars and self-repairing machines will handle most of our workload.

2. AI and Robotics will combine

No doubts robotics will impact the future to a great extent. It will automate many parts of human
society. From education to the development, in every aspect they will utilize to form a greater bond
towards success.

3. Casual and Simple Work life

Most of the people will fear that AI will eat the jobs. Its true because when robots do the jobs of
humans what will humans do? But it is not true to each aspect. Human will guide the technology. At
first the living standards will fall but at the end everything will become more clear and simpler.

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Robots will work in harmony with humans. They will do their regular chores and make life simpler
for them.

Significance of Constructive Solid Geometrical Modeling:
It is a technique that is used in solid-modeling to create complex shapes and geometries using
Boolean concept. Its significance lies in,
 Creation of intricate parts like torus, cylinder, and hedges.
 Combination of more than two geometries.
 The major operators used for creating shapes are,
o Union
o Intersection
o Difference

The application lies in,

 Geometric modeling of car surfaces
 Aerodynamical parts
 Complex piping systems

Limitations of Constructive Solid Geometrical Modeling

CSG is an easy process to create complex geometries but its not without limitations. The two basic
limitations are,
1. A user can only apply Boolean operations for creation of geometry and user defined
commands are not acceptable due to which the range of shapes are restricted.
2. It is impossible to make un-usual shapes because it requires a great deal of Boolean
computational knowledge. Moreover, the surface topologies are also limited because order of
constraint must be followed.

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Product Attributes:

The product attributes are the major characteristics that define the quality and phase of service or a
finished good. These attributes are the major influencing parameters to make the user like or dislike
the product.

These characteristics are of two types,

1. Tangible: That can be touched or sensed like shape, size, color or smell etc.
2. In-tangible: These refer to price, quality, or aesthetics.

These types are further classified into sub-categories like,

1. Quality: It is the measure of the goodness of a product like durability and reliability factor.
2. Marketing Claims: In case the product is failed what kind of law-suits or claims can be
3. Verification: The internal attributes of the products that led to the popularity or the success
in the quality check phase.

List of some Product Attributes:

The tangible and In-tangible attributes of the products are endless and can’t be categorized in long
terms. Some examples are given as,

 Size
 Color
 Design
 Weight
 Content
 Smell
 Feel
 Quantity
 Price
 Market Value
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 Taste
 Material Hardness

These are just mere examples. The point is that the product attribute helps the marketers to decide the
custom selection according to their own criteria. It is essentially one of the key aspects of design and
product manufacturing.


The product attribution can be explained by a simple example like, if one owns a cotton T-shirt
industry. So, as an end-user and as an owner the product attributes that will be suitable for business

 Price
 Marketing Claims
 Colour variations
 Material
 Size

etc. Thus, these attributes will decide the design features of product.


Industry 4.0

Industrial revolutions have reformed the production systems with each new invention from
mechanization, electricity and IT (information technology). After the invention of robots and
automatic systems many thought that industry is not just ready to adopt the trend. Recently, with the
invention of IOT (internet of things) and CPS (cyber physical systems) it is more than easy for
industries to implant 4.0 at relatively low cost.

Implementation Steps of Industry 4.0

The potential of industry 4.0 in increasing the productivity is endless but proper implementation and
survey is also necessary to accomplish the true aspects and benefits of industry 4.0. The brief
explanation is divided into 3 steps.

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1. Data Collection: Data is the main aspect for CPS system to break the tasks of 4.0 in major
categories. The machines will utilize this data to come up with daily task routines and production
target. By comparing the input of this data one can apply factors to increase productivity and make
the product realization even more realistic.

2. Digital Processes: The step 2 involves technical processes of production. To automate these
aspects, one need a complete digital memory of production processes like,
 Lean Manufacturing
 Six-Sigma

and more. These memories will be fed to machines and they work on the given commands to
improve efficiency and reduce downtime of process.
3. Predictive Maintenance: This step will be related to the maintenance feature of working a
machine. The history of maintenance will act as data to be fed to Artificial Intelligence and it will
come up with plans for,
 Predictive Maintenance
 Corrective Maintenance

Charts so that the production line is not disturbed in any scenario.

Proper overlooking and management will still a greater aspect of industry 4.0 because without proper
management system, complete automation is not possible.

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