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Meaning and Importance

Art of Art
MEANING and Importance
Meaning and Importance of Art
*Art is a subject under humanities, the term Humanities originated from
Renaissance Latin expression Studia Humanitatis or study of humanitas which
refers to “culture refinement , education”

*The Humanities today include literature, language,philosophy,geography,history,

religion, music and art.

*Humanities are academic disciplines that deal on various aspects of society and
the noble in man.
Some of the definitions of Art given by various
authors and writers
1. Art is derived from latin word “ars” meaning ability and skill- J.V. Estolas
2. Art is taken from the Italian word “artis” which means craftmanship, skill,
mastery of form, inventiveness, and the associations that exist between
form and ideas, between material and technique. By: A. Tan
3. Art is a product of man’s need to express himself . F. Zulueta
4. Art is concerned itself with the communication of certain ideas and feelings
by means of sensuous medium, color, sound, bronze, marble, words and film-
C. Sanchez
5. Art is that which brings life in harmony with the world. -Plato
6. Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind-one which demands for its own
satisfaction and fulfilling, a shaping matter to new and more significant form,
-John Dewey

7. Art is the skillful arrangement or composition of some common but

significant qualities of nature such as colors, sounds, lines, movements, words,
stones, wood, etc. to express human feelings, emotions, or thoughts in a
perfect, meaningful, and enjoyable way.- Panizo and Rustia

8. Art is not what we see but what you make others see.Georgia O’Keefe

9. Art is a life that help us to realize the truth- Pablo Picasso

10. Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the action of
his personality in the world he lives in. -Amy Lowell

11. Art is never finished, only abandoned- Leonardo da vinci

12.Art is not handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling, tha artist

has experienced.-Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

13. Art is the realization in external form of a true idea and is traced back to
that natural love of imitation which characterizes human. Aristotle
14. Art is the conscious creation of something beautiful or meaningful using
skill and imagination.- Lisa Morder

15. Art is the discovery and development of elementary principles of nature

into beautiful forms suitable for human use.- Frank Lloyd Wright

16. Art is not what you see but what you make others see- Edgar Degas

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