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Rolling Pumpkin

.Once upon a time, there was an old woman who lived in a faraway village

The old woman had a daughter who lived in a nearby village. Her daughter lived with
her husband and children.

Every summer, she used to go to visit her daughter and her daughter’s family. She
stayed there until the start of Fall and then she would go back home.

That year at the beginning of summer she baked cookies that her grandchildren loved
and put them inside a cloth bundle. The old woman locked her door and went to her
.daughter’s house

The old woman passed by the houses in the village and reached the desert.

She walked and walked until she reached the bottom of the hill where she came upon a

Mr. Wolf howled loudly and said, “What delicious food. I am really hungry.”

The old woman was very afraid. Her voice quivered as she said, “Mr. Wolf, look at me,
See how weak and skinny I am.

If you wait I will go to my daughter’s house where I will become fat and plump. So
when I come back you can eat me.”

Mr. Wolf said: “Okay, I will wait for you here until you come back.”

The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk away. She walked and
walked until she reached a growling leopard.

Mr. Leopard roared loudly and said, “You have arrived at just the right time. I am
really hungry.”

The old woman’s voice trembled as she said, “Oh, Mr. Leopard, look at me, how
skinny I am. Let me go to my daughter’s home where I will eat delicious food which
will make me fat and plump. Then on my way back you can eat me.”
Mr. Leopard thought for a while and said, “Okay, I will wait for you here until
you come back.” The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and started to walk.
She walked and walked until she reached the top of the hill that was closest to her
daughter’s village where she saw a fox.

Mr. Fox approached the old woman and said,“Wow, what a good meal that God has
”.sent to me. I am dying of hunger

“What meal?” the old woman replied. “I’m just a handful of skin and bones. Me, such
a skinny old woman is not worth eating. Let me go to my daughter’s house and eat
some good, greasy and sweet food. Then I will get fat and plump. When I come back
you can eat me.”

Mr. Fox thought and said, “Okay, I will wait here until you come back.”

The old woman walked and walked until she reached her daughter’s house and
breathed a sigh of relief. Her daughter and her daughter’s family were very happy to
see her.

Over the next few months, the old woman had a wonderful time with her daughter
and her grandchildren. She enjoyed her stay so much that she barely noticed the
passing of time.

However, the weather was getting cold and the old woman wanted to return home
before the Fall when it would constantly rain.

The old woman consulted her daughter, her son-in-law, and their children and they
decided to put her in a large Pumpkin and roll her from the top of the hill to her house.

The next day they put her in a big Pumpkin and rolled her down the hill. The Pumpkin
.rolled and rolled until it stopped in front of Mr. Fox’s feet

Mr. Fox looked at the Pumpkin and asked: “Rolling Pumpkin have you seen an old
woman?” The old woman said in a thin and a shivering voice “I swear by heaven and
earth that I have not seen an old woman. Now roll me down the hill and see how fast I
can roll.” Mr. Fox looked at the Pumpkin and rolled it down the hill.

The Pumpkin rolled and rolled until it stopped in front of Mr. Leopard's feet. Mr.
Leopard roared and asked the Pumpkin,” Rolling Pumpkin, have you seen an old
woman?” Again the old woman answered him with a quivering voice “ I swear by
heaven and earth that I have not seen any old woman. Now roll me down the hill and
see how fast I can roll.” Mr. Leopard rolled her down the hill and the Pumpkin rolled
and rolled until it stopped in front of Mr. Wolf’s feet.

Mr. Wolf looked curiously at the Pumpkin and asked “Rolling Pumpkin, have you
seen an old woman? The old woman inside the Pumpkin replied with a shaky voice, “I
swear by heaven and earth that I have not seen any old woman. Now roll me down the
hill and see how fast I can roll”

Mr. Wolf waited for a minute and rolled the Pumpkin down the hill. While the
Pumpkin was rolling down the hill Mr. Wolf was curiously watching it. He jumped
and started to follow the Pumpkin. The Pumpkin was rolling fast and Mr. Wolf was
running after it.

The Pumpkin rolled until it reached the middle of the village and stopped.
The lid of the Pumpkin lifted and the old woman with all her luggage poured out of
the Pumpkin.
Mr. Wolf jumped on her angrily to tear her apart, the people of the village attacked
him with long sticks and clubs and made him run away from the village.
The old woman went home happy and in good health.

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