University of Cagayan Valley Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North, Philippines 3500

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Tuguegarao City, Cagayan North, Philippines 3500



COURSE NAME The Teaching Profession

Course Description This course deals with the teacher as a person and as a professional within the context of national and global teachers’
standards and philosophies. It includes an articulation of rootedness and education in the philosophical and historical
context, the four pillars of learning, 21st Century skills, Professional Ethics, core values, professional rights, privileges
and responsibilities, and the teacher’s role in society as an agent of change. It will make use of methods and strategies
of teaching that enhance the development of learners’ life and career skills and higher – order – thinking skills.
Contact Hours/Week 3hrs/week
Prerequisite None
Course Outcome Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST)

6.3.1 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession, and become
familiar with the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

7.1.1 Articulate a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner – centered

7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviours that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as
caring attitude, respect and integrity

7.3.1 Seek opportunities to establish professional links with colleagues

7.4.1 Demonstrate an understanding of how professionals reflection and learning can be used to improve practice
7.5.1 Demonstrate motivation to realize professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers.
Competency Frameworks for Southeast Asian Teachers for the 21st Century
1. Facilitating the development of learners’life and career skills
A. 1 Equip oneself with KSVAs of the 21st Century
A. 2 Facilitate the development of students Learning to Know KSVAs
A. 3 Facilitate the development of students Learning to Do KSVAs
A. 4 Facilitate the development of students Learning to Be KSVAs
A. 5 Facilitate the development of students Learning to Live Together KSVAs
A. 6 Assess students’ KSVAs on the pupil 4 pillars of education
7. Enhancing ethical and moral values
G. 1 Internalize teachers’ professional code of ethics as specified in one’s country
G. 2 Uphold and model teacher’s professional code of ethics
G. 3 Educate learners and co – teachers with ethics and moral values
9. Engaging in professional development
1.1 Conduct development needs analysis
1.2 Prepare one’s professional development plan
1.3 Engage in professional development
1.4 Reflect on the relevance of professional development undertaken
1.5 Apply, share and disseminate new knowledge and skills gained from professional development activities,
study visits and exchange programs
1.6 mentor, coach novice/student teachers
1.7 assess the impact of development activities
Program Outcomes
Common to all programs in all types of schools
6.1 Articulate and discuss the latest development in the specific field of practice (teaching)
6.1.d. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
Common to the discipline (teacher education)
6.2.a Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical…and historical context
6.2.g Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national and global realities
6.2.h Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field – based

Course Outcomes Summative Assessment Tasks Details

1. Explain the elements of teaching as a Written Test Does teaching possess the elements of a profession?
2. Trace the historical development of teaching Written Test Trace the historical development of teaching as a
as a profession in the Philippines profession in the Philippines

3. Discuss the demands of the teaching Written Test Discuss the demands of the teaching profession from
profession from the teacher as a professional the teacher as a professional. What competencies
must he/she have?

4. To discuss the demands of the teaching Written Test What are the demands of the teaching profession
profession from the teacher as a person from the teacher as a person?

5. Discuss the provisions of and internalize the Group presentation with Powerpoint Each group is assigned a particular Article in the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Code of Ethics and present ways by which these
provisions are observed and not observed by
professional teachers.
Written Test

Reflection paper, scored by rubrics

6. Cite the rights and privileges of professional Written Test Enumerate then classify the rights and privileges of
teachers in the Philippines professional teachers in the Philippines

7. Describe the global and the global teacher Pencil and Paper Tests Describes the characteristics of the local teacher as
and the demands of the globalization of the well as the global teacher.
2ist Century Role Play and Characterization of the Role

Combine the characteristics and enumerate what

characteristics are common to both (local + global =

8. Describe the professional teacher in the Pencil and Paper Tests Identify the academic preparation of teachers in the
ASEAN and beyond ASEAN.
Cross content – analysis matrix
What are the current teaching practices of the
member countries in the ASEAN?

What does the Global Teacher Index Status inform

about teachers in the world?
9. Explain the life and career skills of the Pencil and Paper Tests Describe changing global landscape in teacher
learners and teachers in the global landscape education.
of the 21st Century
Life and Career skills of teachers and learners of
P21. UNESCO’s four Pillars of Teaching

10. Discuss that teacher competency frameworks Pencil and Paper Tests Differentiate teacher quality teachers.
and professional standards assure teacher
quality (revised as read) Quality Teachers Attributes

Teacher Quality and Standards (CFT – SEA and

PPST – Beginning Teacher Competencies)
Philippine Qualification Framework)PQF

11. To commit to continuing professional Formulation of a Personal Continuing Professional Students will be asked to design an Annual CPD
development Development Plan Plan to be scored with rubric

12. To formulate a personal learner – centered Writing My Philosophy of Education Student will write their philosophy of education by
philosophy of education explaining their:

- Concept of the learner

- Content (what they should teach)
- Teaching methodology –( how they should

Describe how they can be agents of change in


13. To commit to the teaching profession, noblest Focused Autobiographical Sketch Students will be asked to complete the statement I
of all professions am convinced that I have chosen the noblest
profession because _______________________ and
so I (commit myself to the teaching profession,
therefore I write their answer questions: 1) Are you
convinced that teaching is the noblest profession? 2)
Do you commit yourself to the teaching profession
or have you changed your mind for another?

Intended Topic/Lesson Methodology/strategy Assessment/ Student Output Resources/Materials Values

Learning Integration

1. Examine The elements of the profession – 1 ½ Article analysis on the “Nine Elements of a Reflection Paper on the McConnell, Steve http://www. Commitmen
the hrs Profession” by Steve McConnell difference between alexsbrown .com/prof9.html t
teaching professionalization and
profession http://www. alexsbrown .com/prof9.html professionalism
against the
of a

2. Trace the Historical development of the PD 1006 Cooperation

historical teaching profession from pre –
developm Hispanic times to professionalization Slide presentation on the History of Diagram presentation on the RA. 7836
ent of of teaching in 1994 – 1 hr Philippine Education History of Philippine
teaching Education Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B,
as s Llagas A., G. G.
profession foundations-of-philippine-education Salandanan, G (2018). The
in the Teaching profession,
Philippine Quezon City; Lorimar
s Publishing

3. Explain Teaching as a vocation, mission and Video analysis on Teaching as a vocation, Song/Poem composition on Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B, Creativity
teaching profession – 1 ½ hours mission and profession Teaching as a vocation and Llagas A., G. G.
as a mission Salandanan, G (2018). The
mission Teaching profession,
and as a v=6jHFl2xVXqo Quezon City; Lorimar
vocation Publishing
Metaphorical thinking
Teaching is…..

4a. Discuss the Meaning of teacher as a professional Video analysis on the 21st century teacher Research activity: What are Code of Ethics for Creativity
meaning of a – 1hr the challenges of a 21st Professional Teachers,
teacher as a century teacher? Board for Professional
professional v=Bbe_CWHQRZQ Teachers’ Res #435,s.1997

4b. Explain the - The competencies of a Analysis of the different models on teacher Written activity: Deped Order 42,s.2017 Resourceful
professional professional teacher – 2hrs effectiveness ness
competencies Models of effective teaching Make a comparison of the
that a teacher four models on effective sroom-resources/overview-of-
- Marzano, Danielson,Stronge,
resources/overview-of-robert-marzanos-model-of- robert-marzanos-model-of-
should possess McREL model – 1 hr teaching teaching-effectiveness/
- ThePhilippine Professional
Standards for Teachers –
Domains, Strands and stronge-tepes-hb-(1-11-16).pdf Admin/uploads/nj-stronge-tepes-
indicators – 3hrs hb-(1-11-16).pdf
content/uploads/AR-Mini- Session-McREL-Handout-2.pdf

5b. Explain Society’s Demands from a Teacher Research activity: What are expectations of Poetry Integration – You are Code of Ethics for Responsiven
what a teacher as a Person the society from a teacher as a person? a Teacher Professional Teachers, ess
must do, must Board for Professional
have and must Teacher ‘s Personal Teachers’ Res #435,s.1997
be to cope Qual ion/catholic-contributions/ten-traits-of-a-
videoities – 2hrs
with society’s great-teacher.html Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B,
high Llagas A., G. G.
expectations of Salandanan, G (2018). The
a teacher as a
person Teaching profession,
Quezon City; Lorimar

6. Discuss The Code of Ethics for Professional Read Preamble, Articles I – III, IX Written Output: Appreciatio
each article of Teachers – Preamble to Article XI to n of 1. Why should a teacher http://teachercodes.iiep.unesco.or
the Code of the Teacher as a Person (Lesson 1 – s/ g/teachercodes/codes/
Ethics for Lesson 4) – 5hrs possess high moral
Professional Asia/Philippines.pdf Asia/Philippines.pdf
Teachers values?
2. What is technical
ierson_every_kid_needs a
competence? Why is this champion

skill very important in the

21 century? ?video
3. What is nursery in the
field of agriculture? Why
are schools called the
“nurseries of the citizens
of the state?’
4. How can a teacher show
respect for community
customs and traditions?
Watch the video in YouTube on how
teachers should relate with parents Make a reaction paper on the
Research activity on “ helicopter parents”.
How should a teacher deal
with “helicopter parents?”

7. Describe the The Code of Ethics for Professional Read Articles VIII, IV-VI, X, XI Answer the following: Code of Ethics for Creativity
teacher’s Teachers – Preamble to Article XI to Professional Teachers, 1. Research on the steps a Board for Professional
ethical the Teacher as a Person (Lesson 1 – s/
response in Lesson 4) – 2hrs professional teacher Teachers’ Res #435,s.1997
given Asia/Philippines.pdf
situations should take if she decides
to raise her grievances http://teachercodes.iiep.unesco.or
against her superior.
2. Will filing a justified Asia/Philippines.pdf
complaint against a fellow
teacher do well for a
community of
professional teachers? If
you were the one
intending to file a
complaint, would you do
so? Explain your answer.
3. How do you want your
teachers to be? Give five
wishes on how you want
your teachers to be. After
doing this activity read
Article VIII. Are your
wishes found in article
Video Analysis;
VIII? Reflection Paper: How can a
eeds a champion teacher make a difference in
the life of students?

8. Discuss the The Rights and Privileges of Research Activity: Read the Magna Carta Written Output: The 1987 Philippine Responsiven
rights and Teachers in the Philippines – 2 hrs for Teachers Constitution; RA 4670, The ess
privileges of 1. Pretend that you belong to Magna Carta for Public
teachers in the School Teachers;
a team that campaigns for
Philippines 966/ra_4670_1966.html
Senior High School Commonwealth Act No.
578; National Budget
graduates to enrol in
Circular No.
teacher education. 514,Department of Budget
and Management; DepEd
Mention the privileges and
memorandum No.055,s.
benefits as stated in the 2018
Magna Carta for Teachers.
2. What if a teacher who is tutes/repacts/ra1966/ra_467
transferred to another
school believes there is no
justification for the
transfer. What must he/she
3. Research on the budget
allocated to education by
the government for the
past five years. Based on
the figures, has the
government been true to
the Constitution?
4. Interview teachers who
have been in the service
for ten or more years. Find
out if there are still
benefits that they wish the
government should

9. Describe the 1.5hrs Read about the global and glocal teacher Written test: Robertson, R. Collaboratio
global and (1992)Globalization: Time n
glocal teacher Describe who the glocal teacher is. 1. Can one be a global – space and Homogeneity –
earch/the-glocal-teacher teacher without teaching Heterogeneity.M.
Characteristics of a glocal teacher. Featherston, S. Lash and abroad? Explain your Robertson
Describe global education bal-education-and-global-teacher answer in 4-5 sentences.
UNESCO Education 2030,
2. Reflect on the statement: SGD 4
As a glocal teacher, act
CHED – TPTE (2017)
locally but think Master Plan for Teacher
globally.” Give examples. Education
3. As a future teacher how Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B,
can you prepare yourself Llagas A., G. G.
Salandanan, G (2015). The
to become globally Teaching profession,
competitive? Quezon City; Lorimar
4. If you were given the
chance to teach abroad,
which country will you glocal-teacher
choose? Why?
5. In a song or a poem
describe a global village
On – line Interview: Interview two Filipino education-and-global-
teachers, one teaching abroad and one Written report on the result of teacher
teaching in the Philippines as regards way of the interview
teaching and nature of students.

10. Compare 4.5 hrs Comparison of Teacher and Teaching in the Make a portfolio describing Khurusapha& UNESCO Creativity
ASEAN ASEAN and beyond the teaching profession in the (2014) World Teachers’
teachers and The Levels of schooling in the ASEAN countries, china, Day Country Report
teaching with ASEAN Japan and USA Brochures
3 other on-2
countries of The Teacher Professional in the ____________ China –
the world ASEAN in terms of Academic Teaching Profession –
Preparation and teaching profession ng-competency-standards-in-southeast- Teacher Education System
practices to include major asian-countries and System and system .
responsibilities, licensing and http//
recruitment, Include China, Japan Table analysis on the Global Teacher Status educ= state university
and the USA. Index 2013 Lubeck, S. (1999)Teachers
and the Teaching
The Teacher Global Status Index Profession in the United
states Case Study Finding:
a. Teacher Status in terms of Educational System of
social status,teaching as a USA
sought after profession, pupil
respect for teachers Dolton, P. &Gutierez –
b. Perception of Teacher Mercenero,O. (2013)
Reward Global Status Index Report,
c. Teacher agency and control Varkney Foundation
as in teachers to delivery



11. Discuss the 3.0 hrs Research Activity on the changing global Reflection Paper on the Guro 21 (2011) Course 1:
demands of landscape Changing Global Landscape Facilitating the
globalization Changing global landscape in Development of the 21st
on the teaching and learning Century Skills for
professional -Changing-Global-Landscape-for-the-21st-Century- Southeast Asian Teachers.
teacher in the a. New learning environment Mini – portfolio describing SEAMEO INNOTECH
21st Century b. New learning contents the global landscape in
c. New process of learning teaching and learning
changing-landscape-of-higher-education tion/438314315/The-Changing-
d. New types of learners
e. New types of teacher Century-Teachers-ppp

12. Relate the 1.5hrs Video Analysis on the Pillars of Learning Reaction paper on the Video Guro 21 (2011) Course 1:
four pillars of Facilitating the
learning to Four Pillars of Learning Development of the 21st
teaching and v=WVF0VgY2fKg Century Skills for
learning. a. Learning to know Southeast Asian Teachers.
b. Learning to do SEAMEO INNOTECH
c. Learning to be
Learning to live together watch?v=WVF0VgY2fKg
13.21st 2.0 hrs VIDEO ANALYSIS Reflection paper Delor, Jaques (1995)
Century Life
and Career 21st Century Life and Career Skills Learning, the treasure from
Skills v=bzQW_IXds20 within. UNESCO Report

Tawil, S. &Cougoureux,
M. (2013). Revisiting
Learning: The Treasure
from Within: Assessing the
influence of the 1996
DelorsReport . UNESCO
Occasional Paper

14. Discuss the 6hrs Analysis of the Competency Framework of Teachers Written Output: Comparison https://www.seameo- Resourceful
competency in Southeast Asia of Competency Framework ness
framework Description of quality teacher and of Teachers in Southeast Asia content/uploads/2019/04/SEA-
for teacher quality and the Philippine Quality TCF_Nov2017.pdf
Teachers in content/uploads/2019/04/SEA-TCF_Nov2017.pdf Framework
the Competency Framework of Teachers Thailand Teacher Council,
Southeast in Southeast Asia ( CFT SEA) SEAMES, SEAMEO,
Asia (CFT Innotech (2017)
– SEA) and Philippine Professional Standards for Competency Framework
the Teachers (PPST) Stage 1: Beginning for Teachers in Southeast
Philippine Teachers 1. When you become a Asia Report DepEd Order
Professiona No. 42. S. 2017. National
professional teacher in the
l Teachers Philippine Qualification Framework Adoptation and
Standards for Level 6 Competencies future, how can you enhance Implementation of the
(PPST) Philippine Professional
Career the state of quality teachers in Standards (PPST) for
Stage 1 – Teachers. RA. 10968
your country?
Beginning (2018) Institutionalizing
Teachers to the Philippine Qualification
assure framework, Establishing
teacher the PQF National
quality coordinating Council
15. Explain CPD: The lifeblood of the teaching Research Activity: Written test RA. 10912, CPD Act of Commitmen
why profession 2016 and its Implementing t
Continuing Philippine Professional Standards for 1. How does this proverb relate to Rules and Regulations;
Professiona RA. 10912, the CPD Act of 2016 – 1 Teachers (PPST) CPD? “A much-used plow PRC resolution No. 2016 –
l ½ hrs shines; stagnant waters stink.” 990
nt ( CPD) is pine_Professional_Standards_for_Teachers 2. Teaching is a “learning
necessary profession.” What does this blicacts/
for Objectives of CPD Historical and Legal Bases of Continuing mean?
professional Professional Education 110_republicacts.php?
teachers 3. What qualities are expected of id=10697 teachers based on the domains
of the PPST?
4. When you become a
professional teacher in the
future, how can you enhance
the state of quality of teachers
in your country?
5. After studying the different
domains and competencies of
the PPST, which domain do
you find easy to master? Why?
Which domain seems to be
difficult for you to master?
16. Discuss the How it is Done – 1hr RA. 10912, CPD Act of
pertinent 2016 and its IRR; PRC
provision of resolution No. 2016 - 990
the CPD
Act of 2016

17. Demonstrat Formulating my CPD Plan Joining Individual Activity – Formulating Personal CPD Plan as a written output Bautista, A,; Wong, J,; & Proactive
e genuine Professional Learning Communities/ CPD Plan and Presentation with scoring rubrics Go-pintahn, S. (2015)
desire for Communities of Practice Teacher professional
Continuing development in Singapore:
Professiona Depicting the landscape,
l Learning from the CPD practices of Psychology, Society and
Developme high performing countries – 2hrs Education

18. Explain at Various Philosophies of Education – Research activity: Written output: Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B, Persistence/
least 7 Llagas A., G. G. Patience
philosophie Constructivism Seven Philosophies ( Constructivism, 1. Which philosophy of Salandanan, G (2015). The
s of Essentialism, Progressivism, Perennialism, education is very relevant Teaching profession,
Education Essentialism Existentialism, Behaviorism, Linguistic in the 21st century? Choose Quezon City; Lorimar
Philosophy) Publishing
three and explain their
relevance to 21st century
Perennialism teaching and learning.
Video Analysis on Philosophies of 2. Search for a sample
Existentialism Education watch?v=2wYVrPPpzrQ
philosophy of education in
Behaviorism the internet. Formulate
v=2wYVrPPpzrQ your own philosophy of
Linguistic Philosophy education in 7-10
What is the nature of the learner?

Why teach; what to teach, how to

teach – 6hrs

19. Formulate a Formulating My Philosophy of Analysis of sample philosophies of Writing activity – My Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B, Self -
learner – Education – 2hrs education (get from the net) philosophy of Education Llagas A., G. G. Reliance
centered Salandanan, G (2015). The
philosophy Teaching profession,
of Quezon City; Lorimar
education Publishing

20. Commit to Why teaching is said to be the Viewing of a short fill: Three Letters from Reflection Paper on Three Sympathy
the teaching noblest of all professions “Three
profession, Letters from Teddy” – 2hrs Teddy Letters from Teddy watch?v=U5mw9W-_70c
the noblest
of all Written output: Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B,
profession v=U5mw9W-_70c Llagas A., G. G.
1. In the moving story of Salandanan, G (2015). The
Teddy and Ms. Thompson Teaching profession,
entitled “Three Letters from Quezon City; Lorimar
Publishing; Gubler, C. F,
Teddy,” what do you like most in
(2014) “Their special place
the story? Why? Did you ever in heaven”.
have a “Ms. Thompson” in your Teacher,Teacher: A Tribute
life? to Teachers Everywhere.
Technological Institution of
2. In two to three sentences, the Philippines, Quezon
connect the line below to the City.
teaching profession being the
noblest of all professions.
“One looks back with appreciation
to the brilliant teachers but with
gratitude to those who touched
our human feelings.” – Carl Jung

Suggested References:

 Bilbao, P.P.., Corpuz, B.B, Llagas A., G. G. Salandanan, G (2018). The Teaching profession, Quezon City; Lorimar Publishing

Electronic References:

References: (1&2)

References: (3,4,5)

References: (7-10)
Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Professional Education Teachers NORMA GUILLERMO, Ph. D VISITACION C. ROLA, Ph.D, DPA
Dean, School of SLATE VP for Academics

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