Roughdraft 1

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What goes inside a procrastinators mind?

Many times we ask ourselves questions like Why do we get distracted easily or why do we spend

more time doing things were not supposed to? We ask ourselves many different questions like this

because we feel unmotivated to finish the tasks we were put to do or assigned to do by a certain day

and we wait till the last minute.  

A personal experience that has motivated me to investigate about this question has been so

many. But recently I found myself struggling through the first few weeks of college not knowing what

was going on or learning anything, just trying to submit my work by the time it was due. But one main

reason why I was struggling was because I kept procrastinating so much and leaving things till the last

minute to the point to where I was so stressed out not only because I was not learning anything but

scared that I will not pass my exams or even the semester. So, this question relates so much to me and I

would like to know more about why we procrastinate so much.

Now from watching the ted talk called “Inside a mind of a master procrastinator” I have got

some good reasoning as to what goes through the mind of a procrastinator. So, in the video the Tim

describes how in our mind there is an instant gratification monkey and there is a rational decision

maker. Now by this he means that in a brain of a non-procrastinator there is only a rational decision

maker which means that the person has something to do and he does it in when he has to without

lacking off or leaving it off for later. Now in a mind of a procrastinator they have both but when it comes

time to do what they are assigned to do the instant gratification monkey appears which means this

monkey is like a thought of yours telling you, I still got time I’ll do it later, or let me first go into

Instagram then twitter then YouTube and then ill finish my homework. 

So now, In my opinion I believe that everyone is actually a procrastinator because we

procrastinate on things that sometimes are not even assigned or scheduled. An example would be like
going to visit your family, this is not assigned or has a due date but you know that if you don’t do it now

you can do it later and when we think about it we are already procrastinating without even knowing.

So, looking back at my source called “develop good habits titled, eight causes of procrastination

and why people put things off” impacted my inquiry. One of the reasons why it impacted my inquiry was

because it talked about “perfectionism” and how us as procrastinators we often want our assignment or

work to be done perfect so when we can’t figure out how to make it perfect, we end up putting it off for

later and we never get things done. Another reason that it also talked about was about “fear of the

unknown” many times we procrastinate because we are afraid that we might not get a good grade or

we might not pass so we just put it off for later because we put our mind to think that we will not do

good in our job. 

A curiosity that I have for my question is still, why do we still procrastinate even though we have

so many reasons as to not to and there is so much time but we still decide to do other stuff. I feel like it’s

a lack of motivation because may times we are just unmotivated to do what we are suppose to do but if

we had a good motivation like remembering why we are doing a certain task or just thinking about the

fact that if we get it done now we won't have to worry about it later then maybe we would feel

motivated but many times we don’t think about that we only see the negative and we keep


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