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Metro/Davidson County, Tennessee

Criminal Justice Information System
Project Overview and Keys to Success
By Teri B. Sullivan, SEARCH Federal agency under the Department of address the data management issues as
Michaela Mathews, Office of the Justice that provides grant funding and comprehensively as the Davidson
District Attorney General, Nashville technical assistance to State and local County JIS.
levels of government to improve the The successes thus far appear to be
Metro/Davidson County1 has criminal justice system. The following linked to the following:
implemented a successful integrated are excerpts from a memo OJP sent to • County-level executive sponsorship
criminal justice information system that Davidson County following its visit:2
• County governance body represent-
can serve as a model for jurisdictions In OJP’s experience looking at State
ing all necessary components and
nationwide, both in how the system was and local justice information systems
interested parties to the justice
organized and implemented, and in how nationwide, we find that “integrated”
it works technically. systems are designed from an informa-
tion visibility perspective and from an • A dedicated funding stream for all
In September 1999, the Office of phases of the project
Justice Programs (OJP) sent representa- information management perspective.
tives to Nashville to review Metro/ Systems built on the information • Commitment from high-level
Davidson County’s Criminal Justice visibility design allow various compo- component leaders, i.e. the judiciary,
Information System (CJIS). OJP is the nents of the justice system to “view” data county board members, the District
within the system, but do not address Attorney
The National Task Force on Court the streamlining input, access, and • A project manager with the vision,
Automation and Integration was supplementing a record as it moves experience, and commitment
established in 1997 by the Bureau of through the justice process. The necessary to understand justice
Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of information management perspective, integration concepts, contract
Justice, and SEARCH to develop however, allows the system to stream- negotiation, system design, imple-
practical resources and to provide
line how data is entered and maintained, mentation management, and local
technical assistance to state courts in
eliminating redundant data entry and politics
the development of automated and
integrated court and justice informa- allowing for real-time access to data by • Trust by the justice components of
tion systems. The “Davidson County all participating agencies. the project manager and each other
Criminal Justice Information System” is The Justice Information System
currently under construction and testing • An industry partner dedicated to
the latest in a series of Case Studies
developed under the guidance of the in Davidson County, Tennessee, is a working with the user community
Task Force to document examples of leading example of an integrated county and the project director to implement
operational intregrated justice justice information management solutions meeting jurisdictional
information systems. Additional Case system. In our experience, there are only needs, rather than redesigning
Studies and further information on
a handful of integrated justice systems, business practices to fit previously
integrated justice information systems developed technologies
all of which are at the county level, that
are available at

Fall 2002/Winter 2003

This case study is intended to provide accomplish this goal, a unique, coopera- • Training services, materials and
background on the Justice Information tive organization, JIS, was created by facilities.
System (JIS) agency, which was created Metropolitan Ordinance Number 092- • VPN (Virtual Private Network)
in 1992 to develop the Criminal Justice 415.5 assistance for secure remote access to
Information System (CJIS) for the One of the purposes of JIS was to network resources.
Davidson County justice community.3 develop, implement and maintain a
In addition to providing background on comprehensive, automated justice Strategic Value Recognized
JIS, its purpose and governance struc- system that would be solely managed The creation of JIS represented
ture, this case study also: provides an and controlled by the members of the recognition by all branches of govern-
overview of CJIS; documents the phases justice community. The independent ment in Nashville that a multiagency
of the system; discusses the technical nature of JIS was required due to the body was necessary to improve the local
applications; describes cost and funding extremely important and sensitive justice system through greater coordina-
sources; recommends successful nature of justice-related activities. tion and cooperation of elected officials.
strategies for other agencies undertaking Matters of public safety, confidentiality The member agencies of JIS recognized
integration projects; and explains the of certain records and the efficient that it was only through common action
lessons learned by the agencies involved administration of justice were para- and purpose that the goal of establishing
in this ongoing effort.4 mount considerations in establishing integrated justice information systems
this unique organization. JIS is com- would be achieved.
Background posed of the 14 agencies that comprise
In the late 1980s, key elected officials the justice community in Davidson
from Davidson County attended a County. Figure 1 shows the participating
SEARCH conference on integrated agencies within JIS. Operationally, these
justice. Based upon the information- agencies cover the major components of
sharing principles that were presented, a typical local-level justice system,
they decided to formally work together including criminal, civil, chancery and
to automate and integrate the justice juvenile courts; prosecution and public
agencies within the county. In order to defense; law enforcement (police and Figure 1:
sheriff ); and probation. JIS Participating Agencies
In addition to developing and Chancery Court
The Case Study Series is published by implementing the CJIS, the JIS agency is
SEARCH, The National Consortium for also responsible for: Circuit Court
Justice Information and Statistics, with
funding from the Bureau of Justice Assis- • Network hardware, including servers
tance, U.S. Department of Justice. Criminal Court
and the network operating system,
This document was prepared under grant fiber-optic backbone and all hubs,
number 99-MU-MU-0005, provided by the General Sessions Court
Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Depart- switches and routers.
ment of Justice. The points of view or • 24/7 support of network infrastruc- Probate Court
opinions stated in the document are those
of the authors and do not necessarily rep- ture and critical network and District Attorney
resent the official position or policies of software applications.
the U.S. Department of Justice.
• Email, including remote access. Public Defender
SEARCH is located at 7311 Greenhaven
Drive, Suite 145, Sacramento, California • Backup of all user applications and Juvenile Court
95831, (916) 392-2550.
data stored on JIS servers.
Gerald E. Wethington
Chairman • Technical support, including both Juvenile Court Clerk
Gary R. Cooper front-line support to users and Circuit Court Clerk
Executive Director backup support to agencies’ in-house
Sheila J. Barton
Deputy Executive Director
technical support staff. Criminal Court Clerk
George A. Buck • Database and application support for
Metro Police Department
Deputy Executive Director CJIS and Chancery Case Management
David J. Roberts systems.
Deputy Executive Director
Sheriff ’s Office
Francis L. Bremson • Help Desk services and access to
Courts Program Director problem-tracking software. Clerk and Master

“The Justice Information System has
brought recordkeeping and procedures
forward from the 18th century to the
21st century. We have put away our quill JIS Policy Operations
Committee Subcommittee
pens and grabbed our mouse,” said the
Honorable John P. Brown, General
Sessions Court, Division V. “A major
part of our success was made possible by
vesting control of JIS in a governing Director
body of users. We have been able to
present a unified front to our Mayor and
our legislative body.” Office Administration
Manager Division
Purpose of JIS
Under the ordinance, JIS was charged
with the following mission:
“To improve the administration of Program
justice through the creation and Manager
operation of comprehensive integrated
management information systems and
to promulgate and implement minimum
uniform standards for all participating JIS Projects/ Network/ Training/
agencies. The goals to be accomplished Application Division Operations Division Help Desk
are: create a modern simplified system
or systems for managing justice informa-
tion; provide quick and easy access to Figure 2: JIS Organizational Chart
information; expedite case processing;
enhance productivity and efficiency by
the use of technology; reduce costs and Alderman, Public Defender and Chair, The major elements of this structure are
increase revenue; and plan for future JIS Policy Committee. “As you know, the as follows:
needs.” process of developing JIS and designing The Policy Committee
Committee, comprised of
the CJIS required literally years of elected and appointed officials, is the
JIS Organizational Structure/ meetings between representatives of the primary decision- and policymaking
Governance several member agencies. Since some of entity of JIS. The Committee coordi-
the agencies have competing interests nates, approves and implements the
Justice agency leaders and
concerning how information is gathered, design, development and ongoing
decisionmakers in Davidson County
stored and shared, the development and management of JIS. The Committee
recognized that developing a strong
design efforts required that each agency consists of one judge each from the
governance structure for JIS was a
buy into the concept that there is a Criminal, Circuit, Chancery and General
necessary foundation step for this
larger systemwide benefit that could Sessions courts. For multi-judge courts,
information technology (IT) project. A
only be realized if each agency was open the judges who serve as representatives
strong structure provides leadership and
to discussions about changing the on the Policy Committee are selected by
accountability, defines the business
business processes within the justice a majority vote of the judges of each
needs and goals of the participant
community. Because we were successful court. Additional members include the
agencies, analyzes technical environ-
in the development of JIS and CJIS, the Police Chief, Sheriff, District Attorney
ments, policies and solutions, and
Metro justice system agencies have been General, Public Defender, Juvenile Clerk,
provides effective policy management.
reinforced in the skills that allow us to Criminal Court Clerk, Circuit Court
“While the JIS process and the CJIS
meaningfully collaborate on much Clerk, and Chancery Clerk and Master.
system are huge tech advances for the
broader issues such as jail population The Operations Subcommittee
Subcommittee, a
Metro Justice community, I think that
management.” subgroup of the Policy Committee,
another important benefit we have
Figure 2 provides an organizational provides day-to-day assistance and
realized has been in the broader area of
chart of the JIS governance structure. guidance to the JIS Director regarding
collaborative decisionmaking,” said Ross
financial management and operations. system.6 automation improved the efficiency and
The subcommittee also has the responsi- In many areas of operation, users overall information flow within and
bility to review and recommend policies have gone from an entirely manual between the JIS criminal justice agen-
and procedures having multiple organi- mode of doing business to a fully cies. The major objectives/benefits were:
zational impacts; to provide a focus for computerized business process. Auto- 1. Reduction of repetitive tasks
tasks. Data
the current and future justice systems mation has improved the processing, are collected and input once at the
studies; and to provide a knowledge base reporting, information access and source. For example, once an arrest
for understanding the interrelated information management needs of the record is created on the police
Metro justice processes, and how justice agencies in Davidson County. system, this information automati-
changes in any part of those processes (See Figure 3 for a partial list of justice cally flows into and creates records in
will have an impact on the total system. tasks CJIS has automated, and the the case management system.
The JIS Administration Division “Phases” section on page 6 for a more
2. Enhancement of data quality
quality. Edit
(three staff members) is comprised of detailed description of the system
checks, in many cases, are automati-
the JIS Director, Program Manager and capabilities.)
cally performed on all incoming data
Office Manager. The JIS Director is the “The implementation of the CJIS
to ensure data are input correctly. For
highest-ranking staff person at the system has produced many benefits
example, all dates and charge codes
agency and is responsible for the day-to- throughout the justice system and
are validated. Additionally, the
day operations of JIS. The JIS Director specifically within the District Attorney’s
system is coded to check and report
reports directly to the Chair of the JIS Office,” said General Victor S. (Torry)
on any incomplete dockets. Some
Policy Committee. Johnson III, District Attorney General
cases require documents to be filed
The next three elements of this and Vice-Chair, JIS Policy Committee.
within a fixed number of days, and
structure report to the Program Man- “We are now able to track our files
the system reports on those cases that
ager and, ultimately, to the JIS Director: and produce all grand jury reports
are approaching or have missed the
• The JIS Projects/Application Division electronically. This has allowed us to
(nine staff members) is responsible reallocate resources and to participate in
quality control within the court system. 3. Increased information accessibility
for the database and functional
More importantly, the accuracy of the An automated system allows many
support of a multitude of justice
criminal history records maintained in people to view the same information
applications, some of which operate
Davidson County has improved. All at the same time. Also, an automated
on a 24/7 basis.
cases are tied to fingerprint identifica- system allows the users to access and
• The JIS Network/Operations view the data in many different ways.
tion and all dispositions are being sent
Division (three staff members) is For example, one user may look up a
to the State criminal history repository.
responsible for all network hardware case using party name and date, while
Also, management information that was
and operating systems for participat- another user may use a case number.
previously nonexistent in the manual
ing justice agencies.
system is now available.” 4. Increased organizational integration
• The JIS Training/Help Desk (three CJIS has allowed for much greater The information on the system is
staff members) provides various efficiency in many areas, but more shared between the agencies of the JIS
types of support within the JIS importantly, it ultimately improved community. Therefore, the data is no
community. Software and hardware public safety by reducing the amount of longer “mine,” or “theirs,” but “ours.”
installation, support and trouble- paperwork law enforcement personnel 5. Enhanced statistics and monitoring
shooting are provided directly to a had to manually complete, thereby This system provides standard
number of JIS member agencies. getting officers back on the street faster, statistical reporting, as well as ad hoc
providing precise tracking of prisoner reporting capabilities. The users
CJIS Overview release date calculations, and precisely within the different agencies extract
One of the major projects of JIS is the determining releasability of prisoners in and format data in a way that is
Criminal Justice Information System a jail-overcrowding situation. meaningful and useful to them.
(CJIS). JIS and Metro/Davidson County
6. Increased effectiveness
effectiveness. Information
partnered with Unisys Corporation and CJIS Goals/Objectives
have successfully integrated the diverse stored in an automated system can
One of the major goals of the CJIS perform new functions not practical
needs of the Metro/Davidson County program was to streamline criminal
criminal justice agencies into a modern, in a manual environment. For
workflows and processes through the example, the system supports a
fully automated, enterprise-level use of state-of-the-art technology. This

master docketing and calendar
Phase I
system and an integrated accounting
system. Agency Key Functions Implementation Status
As these goals were met, better Criminal Court Clerk/ Judicial Commissioners April 1999
State Trial Court Warrant and Bond September 1999
information was available faster to the
General Sessions Division October 1999
people who needed it to make decisions,
Case Management October 1999
fund programs desired by the public,
Accounting/Collections January 2000
report on the state of the community,
State Traffic January 2000
interact with the criminal and juvenile
Criminal Division January 2000
justice system, and improve public
safety. District Attorney Grand Jury Processing January 2000
“The CJIS integrated system has Police Department Arrest and Incident Entry March 1999
allowed the Office of the Criminal Court Police Interface to CJIS March 1999 – January 2000
Clerk to move to the forefront of Officer Scheduling January 2000
automated public offices,” said Walt Police Criminal History January 2000
Draper, Chief Administrative Officer,
Phase II
Criminal Court Clerk’s Office. “The
automation of affidavits, warrants, Probation Adult Probation January 2000
subpoenas, capiases and dockets has DUI School/Safety Center February 2000
vastly improved our ability to serve the Public Defender Case Management (unique view) March 2001
justice community and the public both Attorney Time Tracking March 2001
more professionally and more effi-
Pretrial Services Case Management First Quarter 2003
Juvenile Court Clerk/ Intake February 2003

Public Benefits Juvenile Court Case Management February 2003

(Delinquent/Dependent Case Processing)
Additionally, there are many public
Accounting/Collections February 2003
benefits with the implementation of an
Records/Minutes February 2003
integrated CJIS. Some of these benefits
Juvenile Probation May 2003
are outlined below:
Reduce the time from arrest to trial
trial. District Attorney Case Management (unique view) July 2001
Much of the time that passes between Victim/Witness Module Spring 2003
arrests and completion of trial is Phase III
protracted while court and justice
Sheriff’s Office Inmate Intake/Classification August 2000
officials gather information on criminal
Transportation August 2000
histories, research and validate court
Civil Warrants Service Processing August 2000
data, and review and gather defendant
Inmate Release August 2000
information. Having this information
Interfaces with CJIS/Police August 2000
available on a single system reduced the Mainframe/Circuit Clerk
amount of time to perform multiple
record checks in multiple agencies, so Additional Features and Upgrades
cases could be scheduled faster and Feature Implementation Status
disposed of more efficiently. Web access to dockets April 2002
Reduce continuances because of Web access to CJIS case search (case number or name) April 2002
conflicts. Often a citizen would appear Upgrade version of DB engine and application code December 2002
for a court event only to find the event (Oracle 9i and PowerBuilder 8)
had been rescheduled because of a Integrated imaging component (Adult/Juvenile) Second quarter 2003
conflict with another case that the Upgrade to storage area network (SAN) for disaster recovery December 2002
attorney, public defender, police officer and high availability (with seamless failover)
or witness would have. A single schedul- Convert to browser-based system 2003-2004
ing system that checks for conflicts and
Figure 3: CJIS Overall Enterprise System Solution Implementation Phases
does not allow double booking reduces
the number of times a person has to

appear at the court, and makes it mitigate project risk, it was decided that Financial processing includes the
possible for the public to schedule its a phased development and rollout of the assessment of fines and costs through
court- and justice-related actions more systems would result in the most case events, collection of fines and costs,
efficiently. successful outcome. automatic posting of received funds to
Record criminal history information the General Ledger, and disbursement of
faster and more accurately. Since Phase I collected funds to the appropriate
information is transferred automatically Phase I of the CJIS application was entities.
from the courts to the police system designed to meet the business process-
following the disposition of an ing requirements of the Davidson Phase II
Phase II of CJIS allows users through-
out the Metro criminal justice system to
“The CJIS integrated system has allowed the Office have access to the most up-to-date
information. Data from CJIS are used to
of the Criminal Court Clerk to move to the forefront initiate cases in the Public Defender,
of automated public offices. The automation of affi- District Attorney, Pretrial Services and
Probation systems, eliminating the need
davits, warrants, subpoenas, capiases and dockets for duplicate data entry. The DUI School
has vastly improved our ability to serve the justice uses data from the Adult Probation
system to initiate DUI School cases,
community and the public both more professionally when possible. Court dates, dispositions
and more efficiently.” and other court events, maintained in
the Criminal Court Clerk’s office, are
— Walt Draper viewable by all users. The Juvenile Court
Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk will also have a new system
that will process civil cases, such as
Office of the Criminal Court Clerk
neglect/dependant, child support and
delinquent cases. Juvenile Probation will
use data from the Juvenile Court system
individual’s case, the records accessed County Metro/State Criminal Courts
to initiate its cases. The Public Defender
are more up-to-date. The more accurate and criminal justice agencies. These
and District Attorney systems interface
information allows the justice system requirements included records manage-
with both the Juvenile and Adult
officials to make more informed ment functions, calendaring, grand jury
systems. Additionally, bar-coding
decisions when a complaint is brought case processing, financial processing and
technology has been integrated into the
forward. police interface functions. The records
CJIS Phase I, II and III modules with
Produce audit trails for tracking management functions included
imaging capabilities to follow.
money due to the court, witnesses or affidavit, charging instrument, bond and
victims. The county now finds it easier case management. The calendaring
Phase III
to track moneys due. Often, a single requirements consisted of the ability to
Phase III of CJIS is comprised of
individual owes several types of fines, set up calendar docket sessions in which
functions necessary to provide a fully
fees and support to the county. It is cases could be scheduled. The ability to
integrated Jail Management System
difficult, if not impossible, in a manual set caps for the number of defendants
(JMS) and interfaces to facilitate
system to track what is owed on a and cases was included, as well as
interagency data access and exchange
defendant-by-defendant or fund-by-fund conflict checking for judges, police
between JMS and other components of
basis. Coordinated financial records and officers and attorneys.
CJIS. The CJIS JMS replaced the existing
tracking assist in accurately reporting The system meets the case reporting
mainframe-based inmate tracking
what funds are due and for what reason. requirements of the State Administrative
system with a comprehensive jail
Office of the Courts and the arrest/
management system. The JMS supports
CJIS Phases disposition reporting requirements of
a relational database of name, demo-
Due to the extensive scope of change the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
graphic, arrest and behavioral informa-
associated with the automation of many (TBI). The CJIS application also handles
tion relating to individuals who are
of the participating agencies’ business financial processing for Criminal Court,
currently in jail, as well as information
processes, funding cycles, and to General Sessions and Juvenile cases.
on previous incarcerations. The JMS

includes a Warrants module that tracks • Data and process modeling. Both was enhanced by integrating addi-
the service status of papers served by the data and process modeling were tional functions and modules. As the
Sheriff ’s Office. Additionally, several performed to capture the data and new functions were added, the
interfaces are coded to exchange processing requirements based on existing functions were constantly
information with internal Metro and information obtained from existing refined and tested. This method
external State agencies. documentation, and from inter- provided for continual testing by the
“With the development and imple- views/casual analysis. The Metro user and early detection of problems,
mentation of our new CJIS program, I staff had full visibility of the models, thereby minimizing the impact on
am able to keep tabs on my court dates, and Unisys worked with the Metro subsequent software modules.
cases, defendants and dockets all in one staff and users to verify and validate • Phased planning. As each phase of
program. I can tell what caseloads look all models produced. the development process concluded,
like and what adjustments need to be • Evolving development (prototyping). plans for the next phase were made
made in order to keep moving forward Prototyping was introduced early in and any risks were assessed and
and not waste anyone’s time,” said the the requirements phase and evolved resolved.
Honorable Michael Mondelli, General to become operational at the deploy- • Customer involvement. The system
Sessions Court, Division VI. “In the near ment phase. Graphical User Interface was developed for the users with
future I will also have the ability to check (GUI) builders greatly enhanced the participation of the users throughout
my traffic docket for caseload informa- development of prototypes by the development process. From the
tion and be able to avoid congested allowing rapid generation of user definition of requirements — using
courtrooms, which lead to frustrated interfaces and on-line modification business process reengineering
scenarios and rushed results. CJIS is a based on customer interaction. The techniques and interviews — to
good tool with potential.” PowerBuilder development environ- system testing, the customer was
ment was used for this purpose. involved at all levels, thereby provid-
Development Methodology • Incremental development. The initial ing the validation and verification of
In order to produce high-quality system was a small, central core of the evolving system.
software, the development organization functionality, and the desired system
must have a well-defined, documented
process that guides software develop-
ment. Unisys followed the development
process described in this section, which “With the development and implementation of our
was tailored for the CJIS program. new CJIS program, I am able to keep tabs on my
The Unisys system development
approach was a disciplined methodology court dates, cases, defendants and dockets all in one
that used a combination of established
program. I can tell what caseloads look like and what
methodologies to best capture the
information required to engineer the adjustments need to be made in order to keep mov-
system. A controlled development effort
and continuous customer participation
ing forward and not waste anyone’s time. In the near
were key aspects of this approach. future I will also have the ability to check my traffic
Implementation of this approach
resulted in reduced risk, improved
docket for caseload information and be able to avoid
product quality and maintainability, and congested courtrooms, which lead to frustrated sce-
a cost-effective solution. By involving the
customer as an integral part of the
narios and rushed results. CJIS is a good tool with
process, it ensured the system was potential.”
designed to meet the needs of the users.
The methods and techniques Unisys — Honorable Michael Mondelli
introduced into the system development General Sessions Court, Division VI
approach included:

Technical Overview implemented through PL/SQL stored into specific tables in the CJIS database
The CJIS application is a three-tier procedures on the Oracle servers. The to be processed. This example is typical
Client/Server application with a GUI GUI retrieves data for presentation to of how all data are processed through
front-end and distributed databases the user employing Standard Query the CENTRIOD. It acts like a post office
employing a Relational Database Language (SQL). by picking up the data (from a file or
Management System. (Figure 4 shows The CENTralized Repository Inter- directly from an Oracle database),
the CJIS Architecture for Phases I, II and face with Object Databases determining where it needs to go, and
III.) The GUI is the client portion of the (CENTRIOD) application/database placing it in the correct location for
system. The databases consist of middleware switch system was devel- further processing. This system allows
structures to store data (SQL Schema), oped in response to the need to transfer the transfer of data to and from all
business rules and transactions (Stored data between two or more Oracle systems in the CJIS enterprise transpar-
Procedures), and system utilities to databases or between an Oracle data- ently, smoothly and with enough
support the business functions (Replica- base and some other type of system, flexibility to allow for additional
tion, Periodic Process Scheduler, Backup such as the Police mainframe. The exchanges as needs arise.
Scheduler, etc.). CENTRIOD is comparable to a post
Under the original environment, the office that acts as a central location for Business Process Reengineering
GUI was intended for a Windows 95 or the movement of information between One of the primary goals of JIS was to
98 or higher client and was developed systems. For example, when the arrest streamline criminal justice workflows,
using the PowerBuilder 5.0.4 32-bit process is started for the defendant, a which meant the agency had to avoid
object-oriented development environ- file containing all defendant demo- simply automating the existing manual
ment. The databases were implemented graphic information is created by the processes. In order to help accomplish
using Oracle 7.3.x with the stored Police mainframe and placed in a folder this goal, operational project teams
procedures developed using PL/SQL.7 on the CENTRIOD server. The (comprised of vendor representatives,
The GUI gathers input from the user and CENTRIOD application picks up the file JIS staff and justice agency staff mem-
passes it to the database by invoking from the folder, retrieves all of the data bers) were formed and educated on
System Business Transactions (SBT) from the file, and then inserts the data basic reengineering principals. In order

Figure 4: CJIS Architecture, Phases I-III

(Distributed Oracle Database)

to electronically document the business the software. It did not include money tors; the elements of CJIS that are
processes of Metro/Davidson County’s for salaries or fringe benefits. Local bond working the best involved every member
justice agencies, Popkin’s System funds were attained for the custom of the staff during the planning and
Architect was chosen as the case/ development of the CJIS program and reengineering phase of the project. Each
process-modeling tool. The teams used can be broken down by phase: Phase I agency diagrammed its workflow as it
the IDEF8 component of the tool, which — $2.6 million, Phase II — $2.7 million, existed at the start of the project. Within
was a structured modeling methodology and Phase III — $3.2 million. Ongoing several months, each employee’s daily
widely used to improve business support and maintenance is funded activities — including every piece of
processes and systems. The IDEF models from JIS’ annual operating budget. paper they touched and each document
provided a graphical representation and JIS funding falls in either a recurring they produced — was analyzed. This
consistent interpretation of the business or non-recurring category and comes detailed analysis enabled them to design
processes, and enhanced the communi- from four sources: the integrated system as they wanted it
cation between the technicians and the • Metropolitan Davidson County to be in the future. Teams of employees
justice users. annual operating budget; were able to identify the areas of each
The first step in the process was to agency that should be part of CJIS. They
• 4% County funds (used to purchase
develop the “AS IS” business model. were able to identify the area of the
hardware/network components);
Each agency had to document its system that should be computerized,
existing workflow down to the smallest • Bond funding enacted to procure and which forms and reports should be
detail. To develop the enterprise model, CJIS; and built into the system as a PowerBuilder
interagency process flows were docu- • State and Federal grants, which have document. That preliminary exercise
mented and all existing paper forms been obtained on an ad hoc basis. prepared them to specify the systems
were collected and analyzed to deter- requirements.
mine the information exchange points. Keys to Success Taking as much time as necessary on
The next step was to develop the “TO The JIS organization has learned a this part of the project will save money
BE” business model, which is how they great deal from the CJIS project efforts to in the long run. Many of the costly
wanted the system to be designed. The date. Based on its experiences, JIS offers changes made in the Davidson County
two models were then compared and the following recommendations for CJIS in the past several years were often
from that comparison the functional other jurisdictions undertaking integra- a result of a lack of a complete analysis
requirements for the system were tion efforts: of the workflow. If problems arise, the
developed. The teams spent over a year time spent documenting your future
on this part of the project for each of the Develop a Comprehensive Plan: Avoid system will also provide the proof that
phases. Simply Automating the Existing System you will need to get the system fixed
This detailed analysis enabled the The success of the CJIS project to while it is still under warranty. You will
teams to design the future integrated integrate Metro/Davidson County be able to prove that it is not performing
system, identify how each agency fit into criminal justice agencies into an as designed. There is a huge difference
the overall “big picture,” determine automated, enterprise-level system between a bug (fixed at no-cost under
which parts of the system would be began with a comprehensive plan that warranty) and an enhancement (a
automated and which would remain considered the range of user needs, potentially high-cost system addition). If
manual, identify the processes that identified automation and integration possible, you need to avoid this type of
would be modified and their resulting priorities, and analyzed existing and frustration and additional costs that can
effect on the organizational resources, potential technology and data stan- lead to project failure.9
and gain a better understanding of how dards.
each agency’s processes impacted the — Involve users
overall justice system. — Model your processes A side benefit to this analysis was the
Implementing a good process- teamwork. All employees contributed to
JIS/CJIS Funding modeling tool is key to a successful the design of the new system. They
Approximately $10 million was project. JIS dedicated more than a year understood why it was being built and
expended for the development and to this part of the project. Each agency were interested in its success. Some
implementation of CJIS. This amount was asked to draw out or diagram its employees were asked to do additional
included funding for the network existing workflow in detail. To be work that traditionally would be
infrastructure, hardware and personal effective, do not assign this project to a handled by other agencies in the
computer purchases needed to support small team of upper-level administra- criminal justice system. By being

involved in the design, they were was transferred to the Police Depart- great deal of time and energy to provide
ultimately willing to do data entry that ment mainframe and the Sheriff ’s Office input into the development of a system
would benefit agencies other than their JMS. During the grand jury testing, requires an incentive, or “hook.”
own. For the first time all the players in charges were changed and added, Something is needed that will get people
the system understood how the other defendants were added, and grand jury interested and excited about what they
agencies were organized, recognizing reports were generated. At this point, will be working on when they are
that each had different needs. the testing proceeded to the State Trial designing your system. This goal, or
The system analysis also allowed Court module for motions, trials and hook, will be different for each agency.
managers to understand how CJIS would dispositions, and was finally completed Finding one will result in a motivated
impact each organization’s resources when the outputs from the court group that will put in the time and effort
and to effectively plan for the changes processing were electronically trans- to make the project a success.
before the system went “live.” It enabled ferred to the Police Department main- For example, the CJIS goal for the
all the individuals in the system to begin frame and the JMS. These end-to-end Office of the District Attorney General
to redesign jobs. By the time the system tests allowed the users to verify that was the creation of a complete criminal
was put into operation, employees had information was flowing correctly from history record for each defendant that
clear ideas of their new jobs and how to the initial booking process, into the would then be transmitted to the State
function within the CJIS environment. grand jury and court systems, and back criminal history repository and on to the
By involving each employee in the initial into the Police criminal history records. Federal system. This goal has now been
design, good trainers were identified This step is a difficult and time- spotlighted by the current emphasis on
who could assist after CJIS was built. consuming process, but it will pay homeland security.
dividends. The more time and imagina- The criminal justice system had been
Testing! Testing! Testing! tion expended in this activity, the better relying on the Police Department
Initiating your own testing is integral the system will perform. The agencies in mainframe to transmit criminal history
to the project. Do not rely solely on the CJIS project that spent the most time data to the FBI. The District Attorney
vendor testing. The first step will be to in designing test scripts and testing now General’s Office had been relying on a
identify the employees with the most have the fewest problems. manual system of record cards. Once
experience, enthusiasm for their jobs The difficult part of testing the CJIS forced a detailed analysis of the
and imagination. The chosen team will system is that it never ends. The system data from the mainframe, large gaps
design test scripts to challenge the must be retested after each new build or were found in the old system. The old
system. They will need to imagine as upgrade.10 It is inevitable that something system worked very well in the lower
many different and difficult situations as that worked before an upgrade will be courts where there was a one-to-one
possible. Specific demographics will damaged after the enhancement or relationship between an arrest on a
need to be written for each person type replacement. Locating the ripple-effect single warrant and a later disposition of
— defendant, victim, witness, attorney, errors before an upgrade is rolled out to that warrant. However, it did not work
etc. Each form and report will have to be the user community will save time and well in the felony court system after
checked after altering any data. trouble. A full end-to-end test of CJIS indictment by the grand jury.
Because all parts of the justice system requires several people from each agency Working on CJIS has allowed
were to be integrated, end-to-end tests working full-time on the project for at representatives from the District
had to be designed. Profiles of fake least three weeks. Attorney General’s Office, the Police
individuals were created in the Police Agencies should maintain records of Department and the Criminal Court
Department mainframe, and the testing their tests; doing so will result in cost Clerk’s Office to correct those errors. The
started at the booking process where the savings. Accurate records will assist an system requires each defendant to be
team checked whether demographic agency’s case if the agency needs to show identified by fingerprint in order to be
information would come through the the vendor that a particular part of the scheduled for court. It will track the
interface between the mainframe and delivered system worked the last time merger of warrants into a single count in
CJIS. Next, the test information was the test scripts were run, and the current an indictment, alternative theories of a
processed through the General Sessions problem was created by the vendor’s crime added in the grand jury, co-
court module; some cases were disposed most recent upgrade. defendants who are at different stages in
of in the lower court, and others through the court system, additional charges that
the grand jury. If the cases were disposed Identify an Incentive were not part of the initial arrest but
of in the lower court, the test team Asking a group of employees to were added in the grand jury, and all the
verified that the disposition information disrupt their workflow and expend a charges that are contained in sealed
These solutions require: employees at the District Attorney’s • Do not overlook the infrastructure
1) A positive ID of all defendants. Office have been willing to accept a (network) and need for stability in
system that requires a huge increase in that area.
2) Police Department cooperation in
data entry by their office. (CJIS offers • Ensure executive-level members have
rebuilding the legacy system.
hundreds of ways that data can be a clear understanding of the amount
3) Increased data entry by employees of shared. Figure 5 illustrates a small of time and resources the project will
the District Attorney General. example of interactive, integrated data require.
4) Each count of an indictment having sharing in CJIS.)
• If possible, implement the system in
all the data elements that tie it to a
phases that reflect flow of informa-
particular arrest. Lessons Learned tion through the criminal justice
5) All agencies agreeing to a multitude As with any project, there were system.
of new numbering schemes. elements of the CJIS project that should
have been handled differently. It is • Have full-time administrative help for
6) The creation of tables that tie every the project.
criminal offense by name and code important to identify those issues
throughout the project so past mistakes • Assign key personnel from the user
number to a particular law enforce-
are not repeated. The following is a community to the project full time.
ment identifying number.
summary of some of the critical “lessons • Keep records of all design meetings/
7) Ongoing implementation meetings
learned” from the CJIS project: decisions with vendor.
that bring all the agencies together on
a regular basis to work on problems • Issues are mostly political, not • Carefully manage the vendor’s Project
as they arise. technical. Manager.
By achieving the goal of electronically • Funding must include development, • Establish an effective error-tracking
compiling and maintaining complete as well as maintenance costs. system.
criminal history records of defendants, • Identify cost/benefit measurement In summary, there is no exact
the prosecutors now have a more tools in the initial planning process. formula that guarantees a successful
complete picture of a defendant’s • Development and implementation system implementation. But by effec-
background and this helps them make are complicated, time-consuming tively managing the process of techno-
more informed decisions on how to processes. logical change, the risk factors can be
prosecute a case. Consequently, the greatly reduced.

One of the critical success factors of
the Davidson County CJIS project was
CJIS — Criminal Justice Information System the continued dedication and commit-
ment from the members of the project
(General Sessions)
GRAND JURY teams and the JIS staff, and the unfailing
support of the Operations Subcommit-



tee and the Policy Committee.


This spirit of cooperation in working

toward the seemingly unattainable goal


of building a truly integrated justice


system has been a remarkable achieve-


ment that benefits the government as


well as all citizens of Davidson County.

For additional information on the

MPD DCSO Davidson County project, contact Ms.
MAINFRAME JMS Nikki Meyer, JIS Director, at or (615)
862-6195, ext. 109.
Figure 5: Example of Interactive, Integrated Data Sharing

SEARCH, The National Consortium for
Justice Information and Statistics NONPROFIT ORG.
7311 Greenhaven Drive, Suite 145
Sacramento, CA 95831
Permit No. 1632
Sacramento, CA

ENDNOTES The system was designed and developed by the
Update: 1
Davidson County has a metropolitan form of Justice and Public Safety Division of Unisys
100% Disposition Matching government. The State capital of Nashville is the Corporation. The application is written in Oracle
and PowerBuilder and was installed on Microsoft
  seat of that government. In 2001, Metro/
Davidson County had a population in excess of Windows NT servers running on a Novell
Beginning in May 1999, Davidson Network. More information about Unisys
540,000, according to the U.S. Bureau of the
County deployed the initial phase Census. Corporation is available at: http://
of an integrated CJIS that had been 2
Memorandum from Anne Gardner and David
designed and built in cooperation Boyer, September 1999. After the upgrade in December 2002, the
JIS created and maintains a Web site, http:// current technical environment consists of
with Unisys Corporation. As of Windows 2000 clients that will utilize, to inform the public and
late 2002, it is in final testing with PowerBuilder 8 and Oracle 9i.
Davidson County justice agency participants of
the Tennessee Bureau of Investiga- the status of the CJIS project, as well as the
IDEF means “integrated definition,” a group of
tion to clear 100 percent of all case support provided by the JIS agency. modeling methods that can be used to describe
4 operations in an enterprise.
dispositions (felonies and misde- Information contained in this case study was 9
compiled through interviews and personal “Failure” in this context is defined as a project
meanors) in the Davidson County that cost more or took longer to implement than
observations, and from the JIS Web site and
justice system each night to the system documentation. Ms. Sullivan is a Justice planned, did not meet user expectations for
State’s criminal history repository Information Systems Specialist with SEARCH. functionality, and/or negatively impacted the
located at the Bureau. The final Prior to joining SEARCH in 2001, she served as organizational culture.
Director of JIS. Ms. Mathews is an Assistant The testing process has evolved over time.
implementation of this process Davidson County has created test scripts that are
District Attorney General with the Office of the
will complete a major milestone in now run through an automated testing tool. This
District Attorney General, Nashville. She was
the CJIS project, and will provide involved in the CJIS project from the RFP release automated tool allows them to speed up the
accurate criminal history disposi- until system implementation and has served as a testing as well as have an objective statistic on
response time for “before” and “after” results.
tions tied to fingerprint identifica- voting member of the Change Control Board for 4
tions to the State criminal history years.
The full text of Metropolitan Ordinance
repository and on to the Federal Number 092-415 is available at: http://


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