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Article  in  Appita Journal · April 2013


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Geoff Covey


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PRE-COMMISSIONING being undertaken. Therefore, the following should
be considered as what should be done rather than
GEOFF COVEY as a prescriptive list. Conversely, the following is
not in any way exhaustive, it is merely a guide for
Executive Chairman, Covey Consulting Pty Ltd, ‘ordinary’ installations; more thorough methods
660 High Street, Kew East, Victoria, 3102, will be required with some equipment and with
Australia. some hazardous materials

Keywords: Commissioning, Pre-commissioning
Even before pre-commissioning begins there are
INTRODUCTION some tasks to be performed to ensure that the plant
It is not always easy to make a precise definition of is ready for pre-commissioning. The general
pre-commissioning, but broadly it covers the objective here is to check that the plant has been
activities between the mechanical completion of a assembled as intended.
plant and the when process fluids are first fed into
Typical functions at this stage will include:
the plant with the intent of making product.
 ‘Walking all lines’ – tracing the route of
The stage is usually characterised by the use of
all pipework to see that it runs between the
water and air (or occasionally steam) in place of
vessels it is supposed to connect. At the
process fluids, but sometimes it is more appropriate
same time look for errors in construction
to use other fluids if water in the equipment is
e.g. open flanges on spare “T’s”, pipe run
in a manner inappropriate for its duty.
There are several objectives in pre-commissioning: Although there will be resistance to
changes at this stage it is better to fix the
 Removing foreign material and problem now than to wait until the plant is
construction debris from the process. being commissioned and confirm an
 Testing that drives and instruments are already identified fault then. Example:
functioning correctly (to the extent that is process engineer’s inspection of a plant
practical). shortly before pre-commissioning found
 Checking that lines are connected properly lines for fast settling slurry rising at 45°-
and that they can accommodate an rising slurry lines will block rapidly unless
acceptable flow. they are vertical. The fault was corrected
 Testing that valves function correctly while the plant was still at the end of the
 For plant that will regularly be dismantled construction phase and operational
and re-assembled, to familiarise crews difficulties in this area were avoided.
with how this is done and to identify any  Check that plant really is mechanically
difficulties in undertaking these tasks so complete. This includes ensuring that all
that corrective measures can be taken construction tools and accessories have
before the plant becomes live. been removed. Example: start-up of a high
temperature fluid bed had been delayed
There is also the benefit of enabling everyone who several times. At last it was possible to
will be involved in commissioning and operating start heating it for the first time. When the
the plant to gain familiarity with the details of its bed reached incandescent temperature,
construction and layout. looking through the viewing point
revealed an aluminium ladder propped
It is obvious that it is better to undertake these tasks inside.
before corrosive, toxic, flammable or expensive  Confirm that all lines have been pressure
materials are introduced to the plant. This is why tested – this is a better way of finding
water is usually used at this stage. leaks than waiting until pre-
commissioning. It is important to note that
Often time, cost or inconvenience will prevent all
although pressure testing involves filling
of the proper steps in pre-commissioning from
lines with water, it is a static process and
does not avoid the need for line flushing.
 Vessels have been water filled – looking
for leaks, flexible flanges etc.
 Rotation direction of all motors and driven
equipment – remember that some
gearboxes will reverse the turning
direction as well as altering shaft speed.
Example: this is particularly important
with screw conveyor. A piece of equipment
had multiple screws which conveyed
material in a zig-zag manner. One of the
screws should have run in the opposite
direction to the rest. This was not picked Figure 2 Typical debris found in pre-
up before the first material was put commissioning
through the plant and the screw jammed
(fortunately without significant damage). Water flushing

CLEANING This work will usually involve the breaking of

lines, will often be undertaken before all drives are
This should be undertaken before any other activated and may require flow to be in reverse
function as it minimises risk of damage during direction to that for normal operation. Therefore it
subsequent testing. The objective is to remove both will often not be practical to use the pump normally
large debris (e.g. welding rods, bolts, gloves) which associated with the line for flushing. Often one
can block lines and damage equipment and small large pump can be used for most of the line
debris (e.g. ‘dirt’, tape, metal filings) which can flushing. The fire pump is commonly suitable for
plug instruments etc. and contaminate product. this purpose: it has high capacity, it is attached to a
Figures 1 and 2 show typical debris found when large water reservoir and it must be tested anyway.
cleaning lines and equipment. In the past, welding Therefore for the purpose of cleaning lines it is
rods have been a major source of contamination, convenient to employ a fire hose and an adaptor
but the increased use of TIG welding has reduced with a series of flanges and couplings to suit the
this problem. various line sizes in the plant.

When flushing lines the following principles should

be applied when possible:

 Visually inspect as much of the line to be

flushed and associated tanks before
starting flushing, and remove foreign
 Use a source of water that is sufficient to
flush at high velocity – at more than the
highest anticipated operating velocity and
always greater than 2 m/s. The objective is
to remove any material which might
otherwise be displaced in normal
Figure 1 Debris found in equipment during pre-
operation. Therefore the conveying
capacity of the flushing water must be
greater than that of the process fluid. If the
process fluid is of high density and/or
viscosity, this will require an even higher
flushing velocity to be effective.
 Remove strainer baskets from the line and remove it at the end of pre-
where possible any instruments that commissioning!
project into the line (annubar flowmeters,  Where possible flush down-hill – this will
thermowells etc) or which have small often be in the opposite direction to
sensing holes which might block or which normal fluid flow. Obviously, it is easier
are easily damaged by impact (e.g. which to remove large debris when gravity is
have membranes or soft surfaces). Many working with the flushing water. For
instrument engineers prefer ALL complex lines it is best to break the line at
instruments to be removed at this stage. A each high point and flush down-hill
package cooling tower was stored in a towards both ends.
dusty section of the site for some weeks  Where lines branch, flush from small lines
before being put into position. Although into large lines. This will occasionally lead
the lines had been flushed, first circulation to a complex procedure when a large
of water round the whole circuit blocked header feeds down into branches. In such
the in-line filter in less than ten minutes. cases it will often be necessary to proceed
 Wherever possible avoid flushing a line by first flushing the branches from the
into a vessel from which it is difficult to header to cleanse the branches, and then
remove large debris (e.g. a sealed tank flush up through the branches to clear the
which does not have large access header (in this last stage it is important to
openings). have sufficient flow to remove debris from
 Remove any accessories which provide a the header – often an end of line flushing
significant narrowing of the flow passage point can be provided on the header).
in which debris can become wedged – e.g.  Flushing must be continued for long
certain types of valves. (This may not enough to give time for heavy (i.e. slow
always be practical as it would require the moving) debris to be removed from the
provision of temporary spools or breaking line (say 10 sec/m run).
the line into additional segments for  Further visual inspection is required at the
flushing. If this is the case, extra rigour end of flushing. This will sometimes show
must be applied in checking for that further flushing is required.
obstructions in these valves before flow  On moving to the next line, fresh water
testing). Example: A plant used a large should be used whenever possible. There
number of leaf type flow switches. These is little value in flushing dirt out of one
were not removed prior to flushing. line and then pumping it into another!
Inspections following failure of these  If lines are broken to create a flush water
switches to respond in operation revealed discharge, it may be necessary to cover
that almost every switch was jammed open equipment etc. to avoid wetting it – even
by PTFE tape or reinforcing string hose proof motors may not yet be fully
fragments. sealed at the time you are flushing. If
 There should be no packing, ion exchange discharge is not to the lowest floor, check
resins, catalysts etc in vessels at this point. where the water will run to and protect
If a vessel has already been filled before it equipment on lower floors.
is handed over for pre-commissioning it
will be necessary to make a decision of the Cleaning without water
relative inconvenience of emptying and re-
For large lines it may not be practical to supply an
filling, or of consequences of
adequate flow of water to properly cleanse them.
contaminating the contents. This is not as
Such lines are often for vapour and water flushing
great a problem if there is provision to
may present other problems as well.
back-flush the vessel. Sometimes it is
possible to introduce a temporary mesh or In such cases some of the following may be useful:
fabric to catch debris from flushing – if
this is done it is important to remember to  For vapour lines a very hard blow through
with compressed air (perhaps using a
mobile compressor) or steam may be Steam lines
sufficient to dislodge low density and
small size debris, but will probably not Steam lines are a special case because small, hard
dislodge items such as bolts. However, pieces of debris, such as welding slag, can cause
these lines are usually for vapour, and serious problems once the plant is operational. For
provided that the blow velocity is at least most lines within a plant area, the flushing
2-3 times normal operating velocity, any procedures described above are adequate. However,
material not removed during this blow will for long lines, particularly the line from the boiler
usually not be displaced once operation to the plant boundary, blowing of the line is
begins. Figure 3 shows the remains of a necessary.
bird’s nest blown out of a pneumatic
Blowing steam lines is an art of its own, but the
conveying line.
following is a guide
 For very large lines, crawling through
(possibly on a trolley) is the only practical (1) Preferably have a quick opening valve on
method. the supply end of the steam line. All other
 For large liquid lines where there is valves and obstructions downstream of
provision for ‘pigging’ this can be used for this valve are to be removed before the
clearing debris. However, it is not always line is blown
(2) Get the boiler up to pressure
an idea solution as heavy items can jam (3) Warm the line.
between the pig and the wall of the line (4) Blow steam through for 5-30 seconds – as
and may also damage the pig. hard as possible. This first stage is
 Flue brushes (of the type to which extra merely to remove the ‘easy’ debris.
handle lengths can be added) may be (5) Shut off steam
suitable for some lines, but there are limits (6) Put a target plate about 150/200 mm in
front of discharge end of the line. The
on the number of small radius bends round
target plate should be polished copper or
which they can be manoeuvred, and to the aluminium and at least twice the size of
length of line for which they can be used. the line opening
 A plumber’s electric eel can also be (7) Blow out again.
considered for longer lines (up to about (8) Check target plate. If no dents, job is done,
50m). otherwise repeat until no new dents are
 A suitable flexible optical probe can be
used to locate large debris, but there
remains the problem of removing debris In determining how hard to blow, one standard
so located. piece of advice is “If you are not scared, you are
not blowing hard enough.”

The line blowing process is very noisy – large

volumes of sonic steam. Therefore it is best to
undertake it outside of normal working hours when
there are less people on site. However, it should
always be done during daylight hours. If the plant
is in a residential area early morning or late
evening blowing is unwise.

Depending on the size of the line, a very large

quantity of steam will be used. For a site where
there are already other manufacturing plants it will
be necessary to schedule the blowing for a time
Figure 3 Bird’s nest blown out of a pneumatic when sufficient steam is available (e.g. during a
conveying line. shut of another plant section).
CHECKS BEFORE TESTING plenty of other types of foreign objects
which can cause similar problems.
A great deal of time can be saved by performing a  Instruments work as expected:
few checks before attempting to test the plant on o Flow switches and flow meters
fluids. give appropriate response (note if
the instrument is not calibrated
 Pumps running the right way (this should
for water, it will not give the
have already been done, but it should be
‘correct’ reading, but for most
repeated. It is alarming how often wiring
types of flow meter it will give
will have been disconnected and then
some reading, and the indicated
reversed at this stage of the project)
value should be positive)
 Valves stroke in both directions.
o Temperature indicators should
 Instruments removed for cleaning stage
give an indication similar to air
have been re-installed. temperature when line is empty
 Determine no-load current for all drives. (perhaps higher if exposed to
direct sun) and will usually go to
a lower temperature when water
TESTING flows.
o Pressure indicators and switches
The main part of the testing process is intended to should function normally.
determine if the plant, as built, is physically o Level indicators and switches –
capable of providing an opportunity for the process behaviour will depend on the
to work when commissioning begins. property used to determine level,
but for most types they should
The following checks will help achieve this. indicate a change in level (even if
not the correct value).
 Flow goes to the right place
 For pumps, measure at least two of:
 Flow at least at the maximum design rate
pressure rise, power consumed and flow
(if measurable)
rate – this provides data to permit checks
 Observed pressure drop is similar to that
of deviation from the pump characteristic
expected (if measurable). Beware; a very
low pressure drop might be as serious as a
very high one.
 Valves do provide shut off (e.g. nothing
stuck in them). This involves stroking AFTER TESTING
valves while there is flow. For valves on
discharge side of pumps, a short duration When the main testing phase is over, there are still
valve closure is usually acceptable. On the a few things to be done to minimise the probability
suction side of pumps it is usually best to of problems during the commissioning phase.
shut the pump and open its drain valve to
 Recheck valve stroking (foreign objects
establish that suction side valves seal.
may become lodged in valves during
Testing that valves do seal is critical.
testing, despite efforts to remove them
Example: Many types of valve are very
during cleaning).
effective in trapping debris, particularly
 Drain water from system.
long items such as wire, welding rods and
 Where traces of water are not acceptable
gloves – in one valve in a pulp mill that
in process fluids, dry system out.
would not seal, inspection showed SIX
 Check and clean strainers
welding rods in the one valve.
Increasing use of TIG welding has  Visual inspection, particularly of vessels.
reduced the number of welding rods used  Secure hatches etc.. Example: A furnace
during construction. However, it has not operating at moderate pressure had
totally eliminated their use, and there are entries that were closed with dry fitted
bricks to provide a thermal barrier before
the covering door was bolted up.
Inspection shortly after the furnace was
started found the door wide open and the
loose brick wall pulsating with pressure


In the real world commissioning is almost always a

difficult time with a whole range of unexpected
process, mechanical, electrical and control
problems arising. However, careful pre-
commissioning can reduce the pain by identifying
many of these problems early and addressing them
while the plant is still in a non-hazardous state.

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