Lesson Plan Parables of Rainbow

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I .


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

A. define parable
B. discuss the elements of a story using a tree story map
C. demonstrate understanding of the story through varied interpretations of ideas
D. draw out positive human values from the story
E. create a slogan related to the theme or moral of a story

II. Subject Matter

Topic : The Parable of the Rainbow Colors

Reference : English Learners Materials page 463-464

Materials : Colored papers, cartolina , printed text, card board , pictures and ppt presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Motivation

Before we begin our new lesson for today,

let us have first an activity. It is called “
Fly Swatter Game”.
I will group you into two. These two
groups will form a straight line side by side.
As I count 1, 2, 3, listen as I read
description of each of the colors. Each of
the group’s first member should be able to
tap the correct colors I am referring to.

Is it clear class?

Yes, ma’am

1. This color represents love.

2. What about the color that represents
3. It symbolizes the color of the seas.
4. The color that exemplified by the sun.
5. It is represented by fruits and carrots.
6. Pomp of royalty and power.
7. It stands for dimension and royalty.
B. Presentation
Based from the activity a while back
wherein you were asked to tap the correct
color while descriptions were read, do you
now have an idea of what our lesson for
today is? Yes, Ma’am our lesson for today is about
colors .
Very good Class!

Today we will talk about “ The Parable of

the Rainbow Colors”

I guess you have encountered those

different colors when you are in elementary
but today we will discuss the color in a
different light. You’ll find out later.

IV. Development of the lesson

Class we will watch a short video of a story.

(The students will watch a short video.)
After watching the short video class, do you
have something to say about the video
It is about a farmer and the seeds he planted.
Is there something you realized in yourselves
after watching the video?
Yes ma’am. I realized that it is important to be
In other words you learned a lesson from the patient.
story, right, class?
Yes, Ma’am
What kind of stories do you think teaches us
moral lessons?
Ma’am, these stories are called parables.
So, from there, please define parable?
Ma’am stories that has a moral lessons.
Very good !

Now, class how do you define parable?

Ma’am parable means a story that has a moral
lesson that is usually written in verse.

Another answer class? Ma’am It illustrates a moral attitude or a

religious principle or a story that is fiction.

A. Unlocking of Difficulties

Class I have here a set of words which are

used in the parable . They are unfamiliar to us,
so let us try to define them to help us
understand the story.

Our first word is this one ( pointing to the


Class denigrate means to deny the importance

or validity of belittle.

Next word,
Restraint means a control over the expression
How about this word (humility) of one’s emotion.

Humility means freedom from pride or

And finally our last word for today’s arrogance the quality or state of being humble.
vocabulary .( point to the screen)

B. Reading Yes, Ma’am

Class have you seen a rainbow ? Ma’am a rainbow is an arc shape that has many
different colors.
What is a rainbow ?

Very good !

Class rainbow is an arc that exhibits in

concentric bands the colors of the spectrum.

Do you wonder class how the rainbow are Yes, Ma’am

formed ?

Class rainbow are formed caused by

reflection ,refraction and dispersion of light in
water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light
appearing in the sky.

I would like you to close your eyes. Do you see Ma’am it feels lonely if we don’t see different
something. How does it feel when your world colors.
turns to black?

So, you are saying that colors are important Yes, Ma’am
right class?

The colors make your life livelier.

You were assigned to read the parable at home Yes, Ma’am

right class?

I did, with the following comprehension

questions which will be answered later.

You have grouped into five:

GROUP 1: Identify he setting and character

GROUP 2: Look for introduction and rising
GROUP 3: Identify the climax and falling
GROUP 4: Denoument /resolution

Later on after you read the story we will

answer the guide questions after we read.

C. Comprehension

1. If you were one of the colors, what

would you be? Why? Ma’am if we are one of the color I would be
color red because it represent strong

2. What is the change that happened in

each of the colors? How? Ma’am the change that happens in each of the
color is that they become arrogant by telling
their abilities.

3. How is this change relevant to the

existence of each of the colors? Ma’am the change is relevant to the existence
of each of the colors because it emphasizes
their strengths.

4. Why do you think rain emphasized the

need for cooperation? Ma’am the rain emphasizes the need for
cooperation because when the rain came a strip
of colors will appear.

5. What do you feel when you see a

rainbow? Ma’am we feel hopeful and happy.

6. Why does a rainbow represent hope?

Ma’am because after the typhoon a rainbow
will appear.
7. How will you encourage others to
cooperate in societal activities?
Ma’am by telling them the benefits that we can
V. Generalization gain from this activity.

Okay, Class what is parable again?

Ma’am parable means a simple short story

Very good! used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.

What was the story or a parable of the rainbow

colors all about? Ma’am it is all about the colors that argued
about their features and uniqueness.
Very good!

Class what is the similarities of those colors to Ma’am that we as a person know how to
our everyday life situations? defend ourself ad we should know how to
anchor our strengths.
Very good!

Class why does a rainbow represent hope? Ma’am because after a typhoon the rainbow
will show it colors.

Very good!

VI. Application

I will be providing strips of the different colors

of the rainbow. Write on these strips the
qualities: strength and powerful characteristics
of the different colors of the rainbow.

Group 1 : red, orange , and yellow

Group 2 : green and violet
Group 3 : Indigo and blue

Paste them on the board to create a rainbow.

VII. Evaluation

Group Differentiated activities

Group 1: for group of artists

Draw a symbol that best represent the message of the text.

Group 2: for group of writers

Reflecting on the parable’s message , construct a slogan that will encourage the
humanity to:

 Not to lose hope in times of hardships and challenges

 Cooperate and collaborate in order to achieve better outcomes.
 Accept inevitable changes and use them for self development.

Group 3: for group of actors and actresses

Dramatize one significant event in the parable.

VIII. Assignment

Using this quotation - If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.” As your guide , create
a Rainbow poster that will show the significant qualities you have or wishes to have.

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