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Oslob, Cebu

Fourth Summative Test in Science 10

SY 2020-2021

Name________________________________________ Grade 10 ________________Date ____________ Score______

I. Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully and choose the correct answer. Circle the letter of your choice. (R x 1=20)
1. The motion of gas or liquid caused by differences in temperature is a ____
a tectonic movement c. plate tectonic
b. convection current d. magma chamber
2. Where is the source of heat in a mantle convection current?
a. the crust b. the core c. the moon d. the sun
3. The plastic –like portion of the mantle is called___
a. the asthenosphere b. the core c. the magma d. the lithosphere
4. In a convection current hot materials move___
a. any direction b. downward c. sideward d. upward
5. Which of the following has lesser density in a convection cell?
a. warm fluid materials c. room temperature fluid materials
b. cold fluid materials d. hot fluid materials
6. Which of the following has a faster movement of molecules?
a. cold materials c. warm materials
b. hot materials d. room temperature materials
7. What is the source of heat generated by the core of the earth?
a. gases c. molten rocks
b. decayed radio active elements d. molten metals
8. Which of the following is NOT a method of heat transfer?
a. condensation b. conduction c. convection d. radiation
9. Scientists believed that the motion of tectonic plates is caused by____
a. pressure in the earth’s crust c. convection current
b. conveyor belt d.heat in the earth’s core
10. A convection current is caused by differences in temperature resulting to variation in ____
a. air pressure b. color c. density d. mass
11. If you are a cartographer, what would give you an idea that the continents were once joined?
a. ocean depth c. position of the south pole
b. shape of the continents d. size of the Atlantic ocean
12. What discovery provided strong support for Continental Drift Theory?
a. Geology b. Fossils c. Electromagnetism d. Paleomagnetism
13. What do you call the supercontinent landmass formed million years ago?
a. Asia b. Panthalasa c. Pangaea d. Eurasia
14. The youngest crust is found ______ the mid-ocean ridge.
a. away b. beside c. far d. near
15. The process that continually adds new crust is ______.
a. convection current b. earthquake c. seafloor spreading d. subduction
16. Early observers thought that continents might have been joined based on what observation? and fossils b. earthquakes c. magnetism d. coastline
17. Peer scientists reviewing Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift rejected his notion because____
a. his evidence was too few to make a valid conclusion.
b. he did not explain how continents move and what moves them.
c. his evidence was not clear in showing how continents were joined.
d. he lied by including false evidence.
18. Plate movement originates in the ____
a. continental crust b. mid-ocean ridge c. mantle d. oceanic crust
19. The Seafloor Spreading Theory states that _______
a. all continents are moving.
b. ages of rocks near a ridge are older than the ones far from it.
c. fossils of plants and animals are found in almost all continents.
d. hot and less dense material from below the Earth’s crust rises towards the surface at the mid-ocean ridge.
20. What modern technology led to the discovery of continental shelves and that they match up more perfectly to the
shorelines of the continents?
a. radar b. sonar c. ultrasound d. x-ray

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