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SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
C%6p'.%ry he"r are the per%& h% a&&%t
WILLS & SUCCESSION be depr"ed %+ the"r "&her"ta&e re/ard.e %+
the ".. %+ the"r deede&t$
TITLE IV  b. Volunar' succession or $e succession
Succession o $e #ree .orion  < I+ a per%& d"e3 h"
etate ha.. be d""ded "&t% 2 part$ O&e part
CHAPTER 1 " the .e/"t"6e h"h " reered +%r h"
General Provisions %6p'.%ry he"r a&d the %ther part " the
+ree p%rt"%& h"h he a& /"e t% a&yb%dy
ARTICLE 77! Succession  " a 6%de %+ a7'""t"%& by
"rt'e %+ h"h the pr%perty3 r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& t% the IV$  As to the extent of right and obligations involved:
ete&t %+ the a.'e %+ the "&her"ta&e3 %+ a per%& are
tra&6"tted thr%'/h h" death t% a&%ther %r %ther e"ther by a. Universal succession or succession 4' an
h" ".. %r by %perat"%& %+ .a$ (&) $eir  " the 'e"%& t% the '&"era."ty %r
the a."7'%t p%rt"%& %+ the etate %+ the
• Succession " a der"at"e 6%de %+ a7'""t"%&
 b. Paricular succession  h"h " 'e"%&
"ases o# Succession t% the pe"+" p%rt"%& %+ the pr%perty %+ the
;$ Nat'ra. a deede&t
2$ S%"%-e%&%6" p%t'.ate < pree&t  +r%6 c. Conracual succession  happe& he&
be"&/ ta/&a&t +'t're h'ba&d a&d "e /"e t% eah %ther
=$ ,ttr"b'te %+ %&erh"p "& the"r 6arr"a/e ett.e6e&t +'t're pr%perty3
h"h ha.. be e++et"e 'p%& the"r death
• >%re"/&er a& a7'"re .a&d "& the Ph"."pp"&e d. 5rea6 succession  " here there " t"..
%&.y "& ae %+ $ere%iar' succession(  h"h " 'e"%& ee& "th%'t the "&tere&"&/
'e"%& by %perat"%& %+ .a a&d &%t by a ".. e++et %+ 'e"%&$ @h" happe& he& "& a
deree %+ a&&'.6e&t %r eparat"%& %r &'.."ty
)in%s o# Succession %+ the 6arr"a/e3 the p%'e are %rdered t%
I$  As to effectivity: de."er t% the"r h".dre& the"r pre'6pt"e
a. Iner vivos *%onaion+ < e++et"e d'r"&/ the .e/"t"6e$
."+et"6e %+ the per%&
ARTICLE 77$ I& th" @"t.e3 A%ece%enA " the /e&era.
 b. ,oris causa *succession+  < e++et"e 'p%& ter6 app."ed t% the per%& h%e pr%perty " tra&6"tted
the death %+ the per%& thr%'/h 'e"%&3 hether %r &%t he .e+t a "..$ I+ he .e+t a
"..3 he " a.% a..ed the tetat%r$ (&)
• I+ a deed " a d%&at"%&3 there are
erta"& +%r6a."t"e that 6't be %bered •  @he %ece%en " the per%& h% d"ed
• I+ a deed " 'e"%&3 the +%r6a."t"e
hether %r &%t he .e+t a "..
".. be d"++ere&t$ I+ "t " a "..3 the per%&
"&te&ded "t t% be a 'e"%& a&d the •  @he esaor " the per%& h% d"ed h% .e+t
+%r6a."t"e ha.. %6p.y "th the +%r6a."t"e a "..
%+ a "..
ARTICLE 778!  @he "&her"ta&e "&.'de a.. the pr%perty3
- T'.es o# Will: r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& %+ a per%& h"h are &%t
i! Noarial Will et"&/'"hed by h" death$ (B9)
ii! Holo/ra.$ic Will
• I&her"ta&e " d"++ere&t +r%6 'e"%&
0 %isin/uis$in/ c$aracerisics o# a %onaion bea'e the .atter " a 6%de %+ a7'""t"%&3 by
oris causa2 "rt'e %+ h"h the pr%perty3 r"/ht a&d
;$ It %&ey &% t"t.e %r %&erh"p t% the tra&+eree %b."/at"%& are tra&6"tted$
be+%re the death %+ the tra&+er%r1 %r hat a6%'&t • Pr%perty3 a de+"&ed by .a3 6ay be 'bet
t% the a6e th"&/: the tra&+er%r h%'.d reta"& %+ 'e"%& eept the +%..%"&/:
%&erh"p (+'.. %r &a?ed) a&d %&tr%. %+ the 1.  @h%e h"h are %'t"de the
pr%perty %66ere %+ 6e& %r h"h are &%t %&ed by
2$ e+%re h" death3 the tra&+er h%'.d be 6e& (res nullus)
re%ab.e by the tra&+er%r at "..3 ad &'t'6 b't
re%ab"."ty 6ay be pr%"ded +%r "&d"ret.y by 2.  @h%e h"h are %&ed by
6ea& %+ a reered p%er "& the d%&%r t% d"p%e eery%&e (res communes)
%+ the pr%pert"e %&eyed =$ @h%e h"h are pr%h"b"ted by
=$ @he tra&+er h%'.d be %"d "+ the tra&+er%r .a
h%'.d 'r"e the tra&+eree 4$ ,&y pr%perty h"h " &%t
I+ thee = harater"t" are pree&t3 the apab.e %+ appr%pr"at"%&
d%'6e&t " &%t a deed %+ d%&at"%& b't rather3 "t "
a "..$ It 6't %6p.y "th the +%r6a."t"e %+ a ".. •  @he %&erh"p %+
%r/a& 6ay be tra&+erred by d%&at"%& %r by "..$

II$  As to whether or not there is a will: Ee&

"th3 "+
athe +%r6a."t"e
.%&/ %+ the "..
a the d%&at"%& a are6ade
&%t %6p."ed
"& /%%d
a. Tesaenar' or Tesae Succession < "+ a +a"th3 the ".. %r d%&at"%& " &%t a."d$ It ha.. be
per%& .eae a ".. /"e& e++et "&e the "6p%rta&t e.e6e&t " that
 b. Inesae or Le/al Succession 3 "+ a per%& the ".. a 6ade "& /%%d +a"th$
d"e "th%'t .ea"&/ a "..
III$  As to the transferee or the recipient of the property  Purel' Personal Ri/$s
a. Co.ulsor' succession or succession o DENER, RUE: It " &%t tra&6""b.e "&e "t "
$e le/iie  < Part %+ pr%perty h"h a&&%t et"&/'"hed by death
be d"p%ed %+ t% a&yb%dy bea'e that p%rt"%& ECEP@ION: It " tra&6""b.e:
" reered t% h" %6p'.%ry he"r$ ,rt".e ;F= >a6".y C%de < @he at"%& t% .a"6
.e/"t"6ay 6ay be br%'/ht by the h".d during 1/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
his lifetime and shall be transmitted to the heirs %+ ee&ty-+"e year3 a& abe&e %+ +"e year
should the child die during minority or in a state ha.. be '++""e&t "& %rder that h" 'e"%& 6ay
of insanity $ I& thee ae3 the he"r ha.. hae a be %pe&ed$ (&)
per"%d %+ +"e year "th"& h"h t% "&t"t'te the ,R@ICE =9; (Ne C"". C%de)$ @he +%..%"&/ ha..
at"%&$ be pre'6ed dead +%r a.. p'rp%e3 "&.'d"&/ the
Ea6p.e: d"""%& %+ the etate a6%&/ the he"r:
- r"/ht t% pare&ta. a'th%r"ty (;) , per%& %& b%ard a ee. .%t d'r"&/ a ea
%ya/e3 %r a& aer%p.a&e h"h " 6""&/3 h% ha
- 6ar"ta. r"/ht
- r"/ht %+ a Ch"&ee 6erha&t &%t bee& heard %+ +%r +%'r year "&e the .% %+
the ee. %r aer%p.a&e1
- r"/ht t% %te (2) , per%& "& the ar6ed +%re h% ha ta?e&
Parionial ri/$s  part "& ar3 a&d ha bee& 6""&/ +%r +%'r year1
•  @hee are r"/ht h"h re+er (=) , per%& h% ha bee& "& da&/er %+ death
t% pr%perty '&der %ther "r'6ta&e a&d h" e"te&e ha
DENER, RUE: @ra&6""b.e &%t bee& ?&%& +%r +%'r year$ (&)
Ea6p.e: at"%& +%r +%r"b.e e&tryG'&.a+'.
deta"&er ,R@ICE 4= (Ne C"". C%de)$ I+ there " a d%'bt3
at"%& t% re%er pr%perty a betee& t% %r 6%re per%& h% are a..ed t%
'eed eah %ther3 a t% h"h %+ the6 d"ed +"rt3
h%eer a..e/e the death %+ %&e pr"%r t% the
Et"&/'"hed by death a pr%"ded by .a %r %ther3 ha.. pr%e the a6e1 "& the abe&e %+
a/ree6e&t by the part"e (e$ a/e&y3 %66%dat'63 pr%%+3 "t " pre'6ed that they d"ed at the a6e
%&trat %+ .eae) t"6e a&d there ha.. be &% tra&6""%& %+ r"/ht
O"LIGATIONS +r%6 %&e t% the %ther$ (==)
DENER, RUE: @ra&6""b.e
ECEP@IONS: • I+ there are "r'6ta&e h"h p%"&t t% the
;$ P're.y per%&a. t"6e %+ the at'a. death %+ the per%&3 the&3
2. N%&-tra&+erab.e by .a that t"6e here"& there " pr%%+ h%'.d be
3. N%&-tra&+erab.e by %&trat %r a/ree6e&t +.%ed a&d &%t the pre'6pt"%&$
betee& the part"e$
Ea6p.e %+ %b."/at"%& et"&/'"hed by death: • I& the%ry3 the he"r a& "66ed"ate.y d"p%e
;$ Ob."/at"%& t% pay tae %+ the"r pr%pert"e he& the deede&t d"e
bea'e %+ ,rt".e FFF$ 't "& rea."ty3 y%' a&&%t
2. Cr"6"&a. ."ab"."ty "&e the ".. ha t% be pr%bated +"rt$
3. R"/ht t% /"e 'pp%rt • I+ y%' are the %.e he"r3 a.. y%' hae t% d% "
9e4s *- vie:s+ ee'te a& ,++"da"t %+ Se.+-,d'd"at"%& a&d
;$ N%t tra&6""b.e "&e "t " at'a..y the etate +%..% the pr%e pr%"ded by .a
%+ the deeaed h"h pay the debt • I+ there " 6%re tha& %&e he"r3 they 6ay
2$ @ra&6""b.e
are red'ed by bea'e the hare%+%+the
the pay6e&t the debt
he"r ee'te a&d Etra'd""a. ett.e6e&t a6%&/
the6e.e a&d +%..% the pr%e pr%"ded by
(pre+erred "e) .a

ARTICLE 777$ @he r"/ht t% the 'e"%& are tra&6"tted ARTICLE 77<$ S'e"%& 6ay be:
+r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ the death %+ the deede&t$ (BFa) (;) @eta6e&tary1
(2) e/a. %r "&tetate1 %r
• 5eath " a %&d"t"%& +%r (=) #"ed$ (&)
the tra&6""%& %+ a r"/ht by 'e"%&$
ARTICLE 77=$ @eta6e&tary 'e"%& " that h"h
• Wh".e y%'r pare&t are re'.t +r%6 the de"/&at"%& %+ a& he"r3 6ade "& a "..
t".. a."e3 the"r pr%pert"e are t".. %&ed by the6$ ee'ted "& the +%r6 prer"bed by .a$ (&)
What y%' hae " 6ere.y a& inc$oae ri/$ %r a&
e;.ecanc'$ It " &%t a& ab%.'te r"/ht$ Con%iions #or Tesaenar' Succession2
  ;$ @here 6't be a "..
ri/$2 #or $e ransission o# a successional 2$ @here h%'.d be a de"/&at"%& %+ he"r
=$ @here 6't be %bera&e %+ the +%r6a."t"e
;$ @here h%'.d be death (at'a. %r pre'6ed) %+ the re7'"red
tra&+er%r by .a$
2$ @he r"/ht %r pr%pert"e are tra&6""b.e
=$ @he tra&+eree " a."e PRINCIPLES IN TESTA,ENTAR> SUCCESSION 

Presue% 9ea$ 1.  @ES@,#EN@,RY SUCCESSION IS PRE>ERRE5

• U&der %rd"&ary "r'6ta&e3 ;0 year OVER IN@ES@,@E SUCCESSION
• ,+ter the a/e %+ F3  year Whe& there " a "..3 the ".. ha t% '&der/%
I& thee 2 "&ta&e3 the 6%6e&t %+ death pr%bate$ Pr%bate " a pr%eed"&/ here"& y%'
" re?%&ed a+ter  %r ;0 year3 h"heer " deter6"&e hether %r &%t the ".. a a."d.y
app."ab.e$ ee'ted a&d hether %r &%t the ".. a
ee'ted by per%& h% ha teta6e&tary
• U&der etra%rd"&ary "r'6ta&e3 4 apa"ty$
year  @here " &% prer"pt"e per"%d "& the pr%bate
I& th" "&ta&e3 the 6%6e&t %+ death " %+ ".. a .%&/ a there " a "..$
+r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ d"appeara&e$ 2. 5OU@S #US@ E RESOVE5 IN >,VOR O>
,R@ICE =90 (Ne C"". C%de)$ ,+ter a& abe&e %+ I+ there " d%'bt a t% the a."d"ty %+ a "..3 the
ee& year3 "t be"&/ '&?&%& hether %r &%t the "&terpretat"%& here"& the ".. " /"e& e++et
abe&tee t".. ."e3 he ha.. be pre'6ed dead +%r a.. h%'.d be pre+erred$
p'rp%e3 eept +%r th%e %+ 'e"%&$
 @he abe&tee ha.. &%t be pre'6ed dead +%r
the p'rp%e %+ %pe&"&/ h" 'e"%& t".. a+ter a& Le/al or Inesae Succession
abe&e %+ te& year$ I+ he d"appeared a+ter the a/e ;$ @here " &% "..
2$ @he ".. " &%t a."d at a.. 2/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• Le/aee 'eed t% per%&a. pr%pert"e

ARTICLE 7<?$ #"ed 'e"%& " that e++eted part.y by
".. a&d part.y by %perat"%& %+ .a$ (&) • 9evisee  'eed t% rea. pr%pert"e %r
"66%ab.e pr%pert"e %+ the deede&t
W$en i;e% succession occurs2
;$ Whe& the tetat%r +a". t% d"p%e a.. %+ 9isincions 4e:een Heirs & Le/aees an%
h" pr%pert"e "& a ".. 9evisees2

2$ Whe& %+
%+ a.. the pr%perty thethe
".. d%e &%t a."d.y d"p%e
;$ S'eed by /e&era. ;$ S'eed by pe"a. %r
ARTICLE 7<1$ @he "&her"ta&e %+ a per%& "&.'de &%t %&.y r"/ht %r '&"era. t"t.e t% part"'.ar t"t.e
the pr%perty a&d the tra&6""b.e r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& a.. %r a& a."7'%t part %+
e"t"&/ at the t"6e %+ h" death3 b't a.% th%e h"h hae the etate
ar'ed theret% "&e the %pe&"&/ %+ the 'e"%&$ (&) 2$ He"r e"t b%th "& 2$ e/atee a&d
teta6e&tary 'e"%& de"ee e"t %&.y "&
•  @h" art".e re+er t% a#er@acuire% a&d "&tetate 'e"%& teta6e&tary 'e"%&ies$ @h%e are a7'"red +r%6 the 6%6e&t =$ @he he"r3 "+ =$ e/atee a&d
%+ death %&ard ".. be.%&/ t% the de"ee3 %6p'.%ry3 'eed t% de"ee 'eed %&.y by
.e/atee %r the he"r t% h%6 the pr%perty a the "&her"ta&e tetat%r "..
/"e&$ re/ard.e %+ the ".. %+
the deede&t
In$eriance inclu%es2 4$ J'a&t"ty a&&%t be 4$ J'a&t"ty a& ea".y be
•  @he pr%perty3 tra&6""b.e deter6"&ed '&t". a+ter deter6"&ed
r"/ht a&d the tra&6""b.e %b."/at"%& %+ the ."7'"dat"%& %+ pr%pert"e
deede&t t% the ete&t %+ the a.'e %+ the %+ the etate
"&her"ta&e1 a&d $ He"r repree&t the $ e/atee a&d
•  @h%e pr%pert"e3 %r r"/ht %r  'r"d"a. per%&a."ty %+ de"ee d% &%t
%b."/at"%&3 "+ a&y3 h"h hae ar'ed "&e the the deeaed3 a7'"r"&/ repree&t the 'r"d"a.
%pe&"&/ %+ the 'e"%&$ h" pr%perty3 r"/ht a&d per%&a."ty %+ the
%b."/at"%& deeaed bea'e "t
ARTICLE 7<-! ,& he"r " a per%& a..ed t% the 'e"%&
a7'"re %&.y pr%pert"e
e"ther by the pr%""%& %+ a ".. %r by %perat"%& %+ .a$ B$ He"r 'eed t% the B$ e/atee a&d
5e"ee a&d .e/atee are per%& t% h%6 /"+t %+ rea. re6a"&der %+ the etate de"ee 'eed %&.y t%
a&d per%&a. pr%perty are repet"e.y /"e& by "rt'e %+ a a+ter a.. the debt3 the deter6"&ate th"&/ %r
"..$ (&) de"ee a&d .e/atee a6%'&t /"e&
hae bee& pa"d
•  @h%e h% 'eed t% the '&"era."ty %+ the I.orance o# %isin/uis$in/ $eirs #ro
r"/ht3 pr%pert"e a&d %b."/at"%& %+ the deede&t le/aees an% %evisees2
•  @hey are &%t /"e& pe"+" p%rt"%& %+ the 1. Whe& there " preter"t"%&3 the
pr%perty b't a."7'%t hare instituted voluntary heirs  d% &%t /et a&yth"&/$
 @he legatees/devisees reta"& the pr%pert"e /"e&
"&d %+ He"r: t% the6 a .%&/ a the .e/"t"6e " &%t "6pa"red$
• Co.ulsor' or #orce% $eirs 2. Whe& there " "&a."d d""&her"ta&e3
are per%& h% are &%t depr"ed %+ the"r the instituted voluntary heir /et &%th"&/ h".e
"&her"ta&e '&.e there are a'e t% d""&her"t the %&e h% ree"ed pr%pert"e by ay %+ .e/ay
the6 a&d the a'e are pr%"ded by .a! %r de"e reta"& the pr%perty /"e& t% the6 a
LEGITI,E " that p%rt"%& %+ the pr%perty3 r"/ht a&d .%&/ a the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r are
%b."/at"%& %+ the deede&t h"h y%' a&&%t 't &%t "6pa"red$
d"p%e %+ bea'e the .a reered "t +%r the
%6p'.%ry he"r$ CHAPTER -
• Le/al or inesae $eirs  are Tesaenar' Succession
he"r h% "&her"t by %perat"%& %+ .a$ @he per%&
d"e "th%'t a "..$  Volunar'( esaenar' or SECTION 1
esae $eirs are he"r h% ".. "&her"t bea'e %+ Wills
the ".. %+ the deede&t$
Wills in General
• ,.. %6p'.%ry he"r are .e/a.
he"r$ 't &%t a.. .e/a. he"r are %6p'.%ry he"r$ ARTICLE 7<0! , ".. " a& at hereby a per%& "
Whe& a per%& d"e "th%'t a "..3 the&3 the per6"tted3 "th the +%r6a."t"e prer"bed by .a3 t% %&tr%.
%6p'.%ry he"r 'eed by %perat"%& %+ .a$ I+ t% a erta"& de/ree the d"p%"t"%& %+ h" etate3 t% ta?e
there " a ".. b't the ".. " &%t a."d3 the&3 the e++et a+ter h" death$ (BBFa)
%6p'.%ry he"r 'eed by %perat"%& %+ .a "&e
the ".. " d"re/arded$ •  @he 6a?"&/ %+ a ".. " a& at by h"h a

 @he +ree p%rt"%& 6ay be /"e& t% a&yb%dy per%& " per6"tted by .a t% rep%e h" pr%perty
eept th%e h% are pr%h"b"ted by .a t% "&her"t e++et"e 'p%& h" death$ It " &%t a 6%de %+
+r%6 the deede&t$ I+ there " a "..3 the +ree tra&+err"&/ pr%perty bea'e that " 'e"%&$
p%rt"%& " /"e& t% the %.'&tary he"r It d%e &%t a.% %&"t %+ pr%perty3 r"/ht a&d
• PRETERITION happe& he& a d"ret ."&e %r a %b."/at"%& bea'e that " "&her"ta&e$
%6p'.%ry he"r " %6"tted +%r6 the "..$ @he e++et • , :ill  " a& "&tr'6e&t here"& erta"&
" the ".. a&&%t be /"e& e++et$ S%3 there ha.. be d"p%"t"%& are 6ade by per%& t% e++et 6%rt"
"&tetay here"& the ".. " d"re/arded a&d a "+ a'a
the per%& d"ed "th%'t a "..$ •  @h'3 "t 6ay be a& %r a& "&tr'6e&t

Le/aee or 9evisee Eleens o# a Will2 3/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
;$ It " tr"t.y a per%&a. at 3.  @hee pe"+" pr%perty %r '6 %+ 6%&ey are
It a&&%t be de.e/ated t% a th"rd per%&$ @he .e+t "& /e&era. t% pe"+" .ae %r a'e
d"p%"t"%& %+ the ".. h%'.d be the d"p%"t"%& %+ the 4$ @here " the de"/&at"%& %+ the per%&3
per%&$ S"&e "t " per%&a.3 "..-6a?"&/ ha.. &%t be "&t"t't"%& %r etab."h6e&t t% h%6 'h
6ade "& p'b."$ Ee& "+ a ".. " a?&%.ed/ed be+%re pr%perty %r '6 %+ 6%&ey are t% be /"e& %r
a &%tary p'b."3 a ".. " &%t a p'b." d%'6e&t$ Ee& app."ed
a &%tary p'b." " &%t re7'"red t% ?eep a %py %+ the

@here 6't be a&"6' teta&d" ("&te&t t% 6a?e a 9isincion 4e:een Aricle 7< an% Aricle 7<82
"..) Aricle 7< Aricle 7<8
O&e h%'.d ?&% that the e++et %+ 'h  @he he"r3 .e/atee %r  @here " &% 'h he"r3
d%'6e&t " t% tra&+er %&e pr%pert"e t% a de"ee are &a6ed$ .e/atee %r de"ee that "
part"'.ar per%& 6e&t"%&ed "& the d%'6e&t$ &a6ed
=$@he 6a?"&/ %+ a ".. " a tat't%ry r"/ht3 &%t a &at'ra.
 @here " &% pe"+"  @here " pe"+" pr%perty
pr%perty %r '6 %+ %r '6 %+ 6%&ey$
4$It " a %.e6& %r +%r6a. at
>%r the ".. t% be a."d3 eah +%r6 ha.. %6p.y
What " de.e/ated " the  @here " a deter6"&at"%&
"th the r'.e prer"bed by the Ne C"". C%de$
deter6"&at"%& %+ the %+ the per%&3
$It " a '&".atera. at
p%rt"%& h"h ha.. /% t% etab."h6e&t %r
 @he tetat%r a&&%t %&d"t"%& the a."d"ty %+ h"
the &a6ed he"r3 .e/atee "&t"t't"%& %r t% h%6 the
".. 'p%& the %&e&t %+ a&%ther$
%r de"ee$ pe"+" pr%perty %r '6
B$@he tetat%r 6't be apa"tated t% 6a?e a "..
F$It " +ree +r%6 "t"ated %&e&t %+ 6%&ey " t% be /"e& %r
8$It " ee&t"a..y re%ab.e a&d a6b'.at%ry
9$It " a& "&d""d'a. at3 a d"t"&/'"hed +r%6 a %"&t at
ARTICLE 7<7!  @he tetat%r 6ay &%t 6a?e a
 @he ".. 6't %&ta"& the at %+ %&.y %&e
teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& "& 'h 6a&&er that a&%ther
per%&$ %"&t ".. are pr%h"b"ted$ per%& ha t% deter6"&e hether %r &%t "t " t% be %perat"e$
;0$ It d"p%e %+ the tetat%r etate "& a%rda&e t% (&)
h" "he
;;$ It " e++et"e 6%rt" a'a
Aricle 7< Aricle 7<7
 @h" re+er 6%re t% the  @h" re+er 6%re %& the
ARTICLE 7<!  @he 6a?"&/ %+ a ".. " a tr"t.y per%&a. at1
"&t"t't"%& %+ the he"r$ de"/&at"%& %r d"p%"t"%&
"t a&&%t be .e+t "& h%.e %r "& part t% the d"ret"%& %+ a th"rd
per%&3 %r a%6p."hed thr%'/h the "&tr'6e&ta."ty %+ a& %+ the pr%pert"e$ @h" "
a/e&t %r att%r&ey$ (BF0a) &%t a."d bea'e the
d"p%"t"%& " 'bet t%
the ".. %+ a = rd  per%&$

r"tte&3 dated a&d".. "/&ed
are 'pp%ed
"& the t% be e&t"re.y
ha&d %+ the Whether %r &%t a
d"p%"t"%& ha.. be a."d
tetat%r$ Ee& the 6eha&"a. at %+ dra+t"&/ the
a&&%t be .e+t t% the "..
".. a&&%t be de.e/ated t% a th"rd per%&
%+ a =rd per%&$
• , t% &%tar"a. "..3 the 6eha&"a. at %+
dra+t"&/ the ".. a& be de.e/ated t% a th"rd per%&$
ARTICLE 7<<! I+ a teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& ad6"t %+
't the %&te&t %+ the ".. 6't be the d"p%"t"%&
d"++ere&t "&terpretat"%&3 "& ae %+ d%'bt3 that "&terpretat"%&
%+ the tetat%r h"6e.+  by h"h the d"p%"t"%& " t% be %perat"e ha.. be
pre+erred$ (&)
ARTICLE 7<!  @he d'rat"%& %r e++"ay %+ the de"/&at"%& %+
he"r3 de"ee %r .e/atee3 %r the deter6"&at"%& %+ the
p%rt"%& h"h they are t% ta?e3 he& re+erred t% by &a6e3 •  @he ".. 6't be "&terpreted ."bera..y "& +a%r
a&&%t be .e+t t% the d"ret"%& %+ a th"rd per%&$ (BF0a) %+ a."d"ty
• I& the "&terpretat"%& %+ the "..3 the "he %+
the tetat%r " the +"rt a&d pr"&"pa. .a

Tesaenar' acs :$ic$ canno 4e %ele/ae% o ARTICLE 7<=! Whe& there " a& "6per+et der"pt"%&3 %r
$ir% .ersons: he& &% per%& %r pr%perty eat.y a&er the der"pt"%&3
6"ta?e a&d %6""%& 6't be %rreted3 "+ the err%r
;$ @he d'rat"%& %+ de"/&at"%& %+ the he"r3 appear +r%6 the %&tet %+ the ".. %r +r%6 etr"&"
de"ee %r .e/atee e"de&e3 e.'d"&/ the %ra. de.arat"%& %+ the tetat%r a
2$ @he e++"ay %+ the de"/&at"%& %+ the he"r3 t% h" "&te&t"%&1 a&d he& a& '&erta"&ty ar"e 'p%& the
de"ee %r .e/atee +ae %+ the "..3 a t% the app."at"%& %+ a&y %+ "t pr%""%&3
=$ @he deter6"&at"%& %+ the p%rt"%& h"h the the tetat%rK "&te&t"%& " t% be aerta"&ed +r%6 the %rd
he"r3 de"ee3 %r .e/atee are t% ta?e3 he& %+ the "..3 ta?"&/ "&t% %&"derat"%& the "r'6ta&e
re+ereed t% by &a6e '&der h"h "t a 6ade3 e.'d"&/ 'h %ra. de.arat"%&$
ARTICLE 7<8!  @he tetat%r 6ay e&tr't t% a th"rd per%&
the d"tr"b't"%& %+ pe"+" pr%perty %r '6 %+ 6%&ey that he
6ay .eae "& /e&era. t% pe"+"ed .ae %r a'e3 a&d a.%
the de"/&at"%& %+ the per%&3 "&t"t't"%& %r etab."h6e&t - )IN9S O5 A,"IGUIT> 
t% h"h 'h pr%perty %r '6 are t% be /"e& %r app."ed$ ;$ PATENT OR EBTRINSIC A,"IGUIT> 3
(BF;a) appear %& the +ae %+ the ".. "te.+$
• What " e&tr'ted t% a th"rd per%& " the &%t appear %& the +ae %+ the "..$ ,6b"/'"ty "
d"tr"b't"%& %+ pe"+" pr%perty %r '6 %+ 6%&ey d"%ered by ea6"&at"%& %'t"de the "..$

Reuisies o# Aricle 7<82  6in%s o# Laen or inrinsic a4i/ui'

1.  @he tetat%r e&tr't t% a th"rd per%& ;$ I6per+et der"pt"%& %+ the he"r3 .e/atee %r
2.  @he d"tr"b't"%& %+ pe"+" pr%perty %r '6 %+ 2$ I6per+et"%& der"pt"%& %+ the pr%perty t% be
6%&ey /"e&
=$ Whe& 2 %r 6%re per%& 6eet the der"pt"%& 4/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
4$ Whe& 2 %r 6%re th"&/Gpr%pert"e 6eet the ARTICLE 7=0! Pr%perty a7'"red a+ter the 6a?"&/ %+ a
der"pt"%& ".. ha.. %&.y pa thereby3 a "+ the tetat%r had p%eed
"t at the t"6e %+ 6a?"&/ the "..3 h%'.d "t epre.y appear
Ho: o resolve $e a4i/uiies by the ".. that 'h a h" "&te&t"%&$ (&)

1. Inrinsic Evi%ence < Y%' 're the a6b"/'"ty

by ea6"&"&/ the "..$ Y%' ea6"&e the %rd • ,rt".e F9= %er th%e a+ter-a7'"red
'ed "& the "..$ pr%pert"e a+ter the ee't"%& %+ the ".. 'p t% the

2. E;rinsic Evi%enceDEvi%ence Aliun%e  < t"6e,rt".e

%+ the F8
%er pr%pert"e ar""&/ +r%6 the

E"de&e that " &%t +%'&d "& the ".. b't +%'&d 6%6e&t %+ death %&ard
%'t"de %+ the "..3 'h a .etter3 d%'6e&t3
• ,rt".e F9= %&.y app."e t% de"e a&d
per%& %r "&et"/at"%&
.e/a"e a&d &%t t% "&her"ta&e bea'e
"&her"ta&e %6pr"e the '&"era."ty %r a&
Oral evi%ence
a."7'%t p%rt"%& %+ the etate
• S'pp%ed %ra. de.arat"%& %+ the
tetat%r a&&%t be 'ed bea'e the tetat%r " DENER, RUE: O&.y th%e pr%pert"e %&ed by the
a.ready dead tetat%r at the time of the execution %+ the ".. are
• Ora. tet"6%&"e %+ %ther per%& a& "&.'ded$ @h%e a7'"red a+ter the ee't"%& %+ the
be 'ed +%r a .%&/ a they are &%t tet"+y"&/ %& the ".. are e.'ded$
'pp%ed %ra. de.arat"%& %+ the tetat%r ECEP@IONS:
;$ I+ the tetat%r epre.y pr%"de "& h" "..
9ea% ,ans Saue that pr%pert"e a7'"red ,>@ER the ee't"%& %+

I& a& at"%& here a .a"6 " +".ed a/a"&t the the ".. are "&.'ded$
etate3 here the p.a"&t"++ " the .a"6a&t a&d the 2$ ,rt".e 8=B < the e++et %+ the ee't"%& %+ a
de+e&da&t " the ee't%r %+ the deeaed per%&3 %d"".
b%th part"e are pr%h"b"ted t% tet"+y a t% =$ ,rt".e 9=0 < .e/ay %r de"e be.%&/"&/ t%
%6eth"&/ h"h the deeaed a"d "& h" ."+et"6e a&%ther per%& " %"d a a /e&era. r'.e bea'e
the tetat%r a&&%t /"e hat he d%e &%t %&$
ARTICLE 7=?!  @he %rd %+ a ".. are t% be ta?e& "& the"r 't "+ the tetat%r .ater a7'"re the %&erh"p3
%rd"&ary a&d /ra66at"a. e&e3 '&.e a .ear "&te&t"%& t% the .e/ay %r de"e a& be /"e& e++et
'e the6 "& a&%ther e&e a& be /athered3 a&d that %ther 4$ ,rt".e 9= < .e/ay %+ red"t %r re6""%& %+
a& be aerta"&ed$
 @eh&"a. %rd "& a ".. are t% be ta?e& "& the"r teh&"a.
e&e3 '&.e the %&tet .ear.y "&d"ate a %&trary
"&te&t"%&3 %r '&.e "t at"+at%r".y appear that the ".. a ARTICLE 7=! Eery de"e %r .e/ay ha.. %&ey a.. the
dra& %.e.y by the tetat%r3 a&d that he a '&a7'a"&ted "&teret h"h the tetat%r %'.d de"e %r be7'eath "& the
"th 'h teh&"a. e&e$ (BFa) pr%perty d"p%ed %+3 '&.e "t .ear.y appear +r%6 the "..
that he "&te&ded t% %&ey a .e "&teret$ (&)
Or%inar' Ters
DENER, RUE: D"e "t a& %rd"&ary %r ."tera. 6ea&"&/ DENER, RUE: ,.. %+ the tetat%r r"/ht "& a
ECEP@ION: I+ there " a& "&te&t"%& t% /"e "t a&%ther pr%perty are tra&6"tted bea'e "t " pre'6ed that
6ea&"&/ the tetat%r "&te&ded t% d"p%e h" h%.e "&teret "&
the pr%perty$
Tec$nical Ters ECEP@IONS:
•  @hee are 'ed by per%& e&/a/ed "& 1. I+ "t .ear.y appear "& the ".. that the
pe"a."!ed at""t"e "& erta"& +"e.d %r pr%+e"%& tetat%r 6ere.y "&te&d t% %&ey a .e "&teret
DENER, RUE: D"e "t a teh&"a. 6ea&"&/ 2. I+ the tetat%r .ear.y pr%"ded that he
ECEP@IONS: %&ey a /reater "&teret
;) I+ the tetat%r h"6e.+ 6ade the ".. a&d "t " ery =$ @he tetat%r a& a.% /"e pr%perty h"h he
.ear that he " '&a7'a"&ted %r '&+a6"."ar "th the ?&% " &%t %&ed by h"6

2) I+ "t " rea..y

teh&"a. the%rd"&ary
%rd a& "&te&t"%& %+ the tetat%r t% /"e the
6ea&"&/ ARTICLE
'p%& the 7=!  @he a."d"ty
%bera&e %+ the %+ a "..
.a a t% at
"& +%re "t the
"t "
6ade$ (&)
ARTICLE 7=1!  @he %rd %+ a ".. are t% ree"e a&
"&terpretat"%& h"h ".. /"e t% eery epre"%& %6e e++et3 )in%s o# vali%i' o# :ills2
rather tha& %&e h"h ".. re&der a&y %+ the epre"%& 1! 5OR,AL or EBTRINSIC VALI9IT> < re+er t% the
"&%perat"e1 a&d %+ t% 6%de %+ "&terpret"&/ a "..3 that " t% +%r6 a&d %.e6&"t"e a&d the +%r6a."t"e that hae
be pre+erred h"h ".. pree&t "&tetay$ (&) t% be %&+%r6ed a&d %6p."ed "th "& the ee't"%&
%+ the "..$
- .ars o# Aricle 7=12
;$ @he ".. 6't be "&terpreted a a h%.e -! INTRINSIC VALI9IT> < re+er t% the .e/a."t"e %+
2$ @etay +a%red %er "&tetay the pr%""%& %+ "..$

ARTICLE 7=-!  @he "&a."d"ty %+ %&e %+ eera. d"p%"t"%& EBTRINSIC VALI9IT> 

%&ta"&ed "& a ".. d%e &%t re'.t "& the "&a."d"ty %+ the %ther

%'.d &%t hae'&.e
" t% be d"p%"t"%&
%ther pre'6ed that
"+ thethe
"&a."d ,R@ICE ;F NEW CIVI CO5E$ @he +%r6 a&d
%.e6&"t"e %+ %&trat3 "..3 a&d %ther p'b."
d"p%"t"%& had &%t bee& 6ade$ (&) "&tr'6e&t ha.. be /%er&ed by the .a %+ the
%'&try "& h"h they are ee'ted$
DENER, RUE:  @he "&a."d d"p%"t"%& ".. &%t a++et Whe& the at re+erred t% are ee'ted be+%re
the a."d %&e$ @he ".. re6a"& a."d$ the d"p.%6at" %r %&'.ar %++""a. %+ the Rep'b."
ECEP@ION: E&t"re ".. " "&a."dated %r the a."d %+ the Ph"."pp"&e "& a +%re"/& %'&try3 the
d"p%"t"%& are "&a."dated " "+ "t " the "&te&t"%& %+ the %.e6&"t"e etab."hed by Ph"."pp"&e .a ha.. be
%bered "& the"r ee't"%&$
tetat%r that b%th the a."d a&d "&a."d d"p%"t"%& are
Pr%h"b"t"e .a %&er&"&/ per%&3 the"r at
t% be "&d"""b.e3 'h that the %ther d"p%"t"%& a&&%t %r pr%perty3 a&d th%e h"h hae +%r the"r %bet
be /"e& e++et "+ the %ther d"p%"t"%& t'r& %'t t% be p'b." %rder3 p'b." p%."y a&d /%%d 't%6 ha..
"&a."d$ &%t be re&dered "&e++et"e by .a %r 'd/6e&t 5/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
pr%6'./ated3 %r by deter6"&at"%& %r %&e&t"%& "th th" &e b%dy %+ .a a&d by the R'.e %+
a/reed 'p%& "& a +%re"/& %'&try$ (;;a) C%'rt1 b't the teta6e&tary pr%""%& ha.. be
arr"ed %'t "&%+ar a they 6ay be per6"tted by
E;rinsic Vali%i' can 4e vie:e% #ro - .oins2 th" C%de$ @here+%re3 .e/"t"6e3 better6e&t3
a! Vie:.oin o# TI,E < the etr"&" a."d"ty %+ a ".. .e/a"e a&d be7'et ha.. be repeted1
h%eer3 the"r a6%'&t ha.. be red'ed "+ "& &%
depe&d 'p%& the %bera&e %+ the .a e&+%red at %ther 6a&&er a& eery %6p'.%ry he"r be /"e&
the t"6e the ".. " 6ade3  &%t at the t"6e %+ death a&d h" +'.. hare a%rd"&/ t% th" C%de$ (R'.e ;2a)
a&d at the epeted
" &%t t"6e %+ pr%bate$
t% ?&% @etat%r
hat .a a&&%t p%"b.y
".. /%er& "& Ea6p.e: , ".. a ee'ted "& ;9;0 "th%'t
the +'t're$ /""&/ a&yth"&/ t% h" "..e/"t"6ate h".d$ I+ he d"ed
4$ Vie:.oin o# PLACEDCOUNTR>  '&der the O.d C"". C%de3 the "..e/"t"6ate h".d d%e
"$ @etat%r " a >"."p"&% h% &%t hae a 'e"%&a. r"/ht$ I+ he d"ed '&der the
ee'te a ".. "& the Ph"."pp"&e < Ne C"". C%de3 "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& hae
Ph"."pp"&e .a ha.. be app."ed 'e"%&a. r"/ht$ S"&e the tetat%r d"ed d'r"&/
""$ @etat%r " a >"."p"&% h% the e++et""ty %+ the Ne C"". C%de3 the ".. "
ee'te a ".. abr%ad be+%re the "&tr"&"a..y %"d$
d"p.%6at" %r %&'.ar %++""a. %+ the
Ph"."pp"&e < Ph"."pp"&e .a ha.. be app."ed 4$ Vie:.oin o# PLACEDCOUNTR> 3 .a e&+%red
"""$ @etat%r " a >"."p"&% h% " the &at"%&a. .a %+ the deede&t
ee'te a ".. abr%ad &%t be+%re a
d"p.%6at" %r %&'.ar %++""a. %+ the
,R@ICE ;B NEW CIVI CO5E$ Rea. pr%perty a
Ph"."pp"&e e.. a per%&a. pr%perty " 'bet t% the .a %+
A. a %+ the p.ae here the %'&try here "t " "t'ated$ "atd200
he 6ay be < ,rt".e 8; H%eer3 "&tetate a&d teta6e&tary
'e"%&3 b%th "th repet t% the %rder %+
B. a %+ the p.ae here 'e"%& a&d t% the a6%'&t %+ 'e"%&a.
he ee'te the ".. < ,rt".e ;F r"/ht a&d t% the "&tr"&" a."d"ty %+ teta6e&tary
C. Ph"."pp"&e .a < ,rt".e pr%""%&3 ha.. be re/'.ated by the &at"%&a. .a
8; %+ the per%& h%e 'e"%& " '&der
%&"derat"%&3 hateer 6ay be the &at're %+ the
"$ @etat%r " a& a."e& h% pr%perty a&d re/ard.e %+ the %'&try here"&
ee'te a ".. abr%ad a"d pr%perty 6ay be +%'&d$ (;0a)
,$ a %+ the p.ae here
the ".. " ee'ted < ,rt".e ;F - Procee%in/s i# a .erson %ies :i$ a :ill2
$ a %+ the p.ae %+ h" ;$ Pr%bate pr%per < pr%eed"&/ "&t"t'ted t%
re"de&e %r d%6"".e < ,rt".e 8;B deter6"&e the /e&'"&e&e a&d a'the&t""ty
C$ a %+ h" %& %'&try %+ a "..$ It " %&er&ed %&.y "th the
%r &at"%&a."ty < ,rt".e
5$ 8;B .a < ,rt".e
Ph"."pp"&e etr"&" a."d"ty %+ the "..$
2$ 5"tr"b't"%& pr%eed"&/ < "&tr"&" a."d"ty %+
8;B the ".. " %&"dered
$ @etat%r " a& a."e& h%
ee'te a ".. "& the Ph"."pp"&e DENER, RUE: >%re"/& .a 6ay &%t be ta?e&
A. a %+ the p.ae here  'd""a. &%t"e %+ a&d ha t% be pr%e& ."?e a&y %ther
the ".. " ee'ted (Ph"."pp"&e) < +at "& d"p'te betee& the part"e "& a&y pr%eed"&/
,rt".e ;F ECEP@IONS:
$ a %+ h" %& %'&try ;$ I+ the +%re"/& .a are "th"& the at'a.
%r &at"%&a."ty < ,rt".e 8;F ?&%.ed/e %+ the %'rt1 %r
2$ Whe& thee .a hae bee& %&"dered
ARTICLE <1! Whe& a >"."p"&% " "& a +%re"/& %'&try3 he " be+%re by the %'rt "& a pre"%' ae a&d the
a'th%r"!ed t% 6a?e a ".. "& a&y %+ the +%r6 etab."hed by part"e d% &%t %pp%e a t% the %&"derat"%& %+
the .a %+ the %'&try "& h"h he 6ay be$ S'h ".. 6ay be the %'rt a t% the e"te&e %+ the +%re"/& .a$
pr%bated "& the Ph"."pp"&e$ (&)

ARTICLE <18!  @he ".. %+ a& a."e& h% " abr%ad pr%d'e
Insances :$en $e inrinsic vali%i' o# :ills o#
e++et "& the Ph"."pp"&e "+ 6ade "th the +%r6a."t"e prer"bed #orei/ners is /overne% 4' P$ili..ine la:s
by the .a %+ the p.ae "& h"h he re"de3 %r a%rd"&/ t% the 1! 9OCTRINE O5 PROCESSUAL PRESU,PTION
+%r6a."t"e %bered "& h" %'&try3 %r "& %&+%r6"ty "th th%e I& the abe&e %+ e"de&e %+ +%re"/& .a3 "t
h"h th" C%de prer"be$ (&) " pre'6ed that "t " the a6e a Ph"."pp"&e .a$
-! RENVOI 9OCTRINE *re#errin/ 4ac6+
ARTICLE <17! , ".. 6ade "& the Ph"."pp"&e by a "t"!e& %r  @he tetat%r " a Ph"."pp"&e re"de&t a&d a
'bet %+ a&%ther %'&try3 h"h " ee'ted "& a%rda&e &at"%&a. %+ a&%ther %'&try$ @he &at"%&a. .a %+
"th the .a %+ the %'&try %+ h"h he " a "t"!e& %r 'bet3
a&d h"h 6"/ht be pr%ed a&d a..%ed by the .a %+ h" %&
the deede&t ay that the "&tr"&" a."d"ty %+ a
%'&try3 ha.. hae the a6e e++et a "+ ee'ted a%rd"&/ t% ".. h%'.d be /%er&ed by the d%6""."ary .a %r
the .a %+ the Ph"."pp"&e$ (&) the .a %+ h" re"de&e %r d%6"".e$ He&e3
Ph"."pp"&e .a ".. be app."ed$
•  @he .e/".at're a&&%t a."date a %"d "..
INTRINSIC VALI9IT>  Tesaenar' Ca.aci' an% Inen
Inrinsic Vali%i' can 4e vie:e% #ro - .oins2
a! Vie:.oin o# TI,E < .a e&+%red at the t"6e %+ • Tesaenar' .o:er  re+er t% the r"/ht %r
the death %+ the deede&t pr"".e/e /"e& by the tate t% the "&d""d'a. t%
ee'te "..$
,R@ICE 22B= NEW CIVI CO5E$ R"/ht t% t he • Tesaenar' ca.aci'  re+er t% the
"&her"ta&e %+ a per%& h% d"ed3 "th %r "th%'t a
"..3 be+%re the e++et""ty %+ th" C%de3 ha.. be 7'a."+"at"%& %+ a per%& t% ee'te a "..$  
/%er&ed by the C"". C%de %+ ;8893 by %ther • , per%& 6ay hae teta6e&tary p%er b't
pre"%' .a3 a&d by the R'.e %+ C%'rt$ @he &% teta6e&tary apa"ty
"&her"ta&e %+ th%e h%3 "th %r "th%'t a "..3 d"e
a+ter the be/"&&"&/ %+ the e++et""ty %+ th" C%de3
ha.. be ad'd"ated a&d d"tr"b'ted "& a%rda&e 6/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
•  @here are per%& h% hae teta6e&tary be "&a&e3 the per%& h% 6a"&ta"& the a."d"ty %+ the "..
apa"ty b't they d% &%t hae teta6e&tary p%er3 6't pr%e that the tetat%r 6ade "t d'r"&/ a .'"d "&tera.$
."?e "& %6e %ther %'&tr"e (&)
• 't they 6ay be 'ed "&terha&/eab.y
W$en esaor is .resue% o# unsoun% in%2
)IN9S O5 TESTA,ENTAR> CAPACIT>  (;) Whe& the tetat%r3 %&e 6%&th3 %r .e3 be+%re
6a?"&/ h" ".. a p'b.".y ?&%& t% be "&a&e1
1. Acive Tesaenar' Ca.aci'  < re+er t%
the 7'a."+"at"%& %+ per%& t% ee'te ".. (2) Whe&
be+%re the tetat%r
6a?"&/ h" "..1 a 'd""a..y de.ared "&a&e
2. Passive Tesaenar' Ca.aci'  < re+er t% (=) Whe& the tetat%r ha I&a&"ty %+ a /e&era. %r
the 7'a."+"at"%& %+ per%& t% ree"e by "rt'e %+ per6a&e&t &at're h%& t% hae e"ted at %&e t"6e$
a "..$ @h" %'.d be d"'ed 6%re eha't"e.y
'&der the hapter %& the apa"ty t% 'eed$ Ho: o esa4lis$ evi%ence o# soun%ness o#
ARTICLE 7=8! ,.. per%& h% are &%t epre.y pr%h"b"ted
by .a 6ay 6a?e a "..$
1.  Y%' 6ay 'e the tet"6%&y %+ the &%tary
2$ @he tet"6%&y %+ the attet"&/ "t&ee
•  @eta6e&tary apa"ty " the /e&era. r'.e =$ @he tet"6%&y %+ the atte&d"&/ phy""a&
4$ @he tet"6%&y %+ %ther "t&ee
ARTICLE 7=7! Per%& %+ e"ther e '&der e"/htee& year
%+ a/e a&&%t 6a?e a "..$ (&)
ARTICLE <?1! S'pere&"&/ "&apa"ty d%e &%t
Ho: %o 'ou co.ue 1< 'ears "&a."date a& e++et"e "..3 &%r " the ".. %+ a& "&apab.e
a."dated by the 'pere&"&/ %+ apa"ty$ (&)
1! T$eor' un%er $e S.anis$ La:
U&der the Spa&"h .a3 the ;8th b"rthday h%'.d •  @etat%r 6't be %+ '&%'&d 6"&d ,@ @HE
hae paed %r %66e&ed be+%re the per%& a&  @I#E %+ the ee't"%& %+ the "..
ee'te a "..$ We +%..% Spa&"h a
-! T$eor' un%er $e Aerican La: •  @h" " the PRINCIPLE O5 SUPERVENING
It " '++""e&t that the day preed"&/ %&e CAPACIT> 
b"rthday ha a.ready %66e&ed$
0! T$eor' un%er $e Civil Co%e ARTICLE <?-! , 6arr"ed %6a& 6ay 6a?e a ".. "th%'t
 Y%' are a.ready ;8 year %.d 4 day be+%re y%'r the %&e&t %+ her h'ba&d3 a&d "th%'t the a'th%r"ty %+ the
b"rthday bea'e '&der the C"". C%de3 ; year " %'rt$ (&)
=B day$ ,&d "& ;8 year3 there are 4 .eap year$
S%3 4 day pr"%r t% y%'r b"rthday3 '&der the C"". ARTICLE <?0! , 6arr"ed %6a& 6ay d"p%e by ".. %+
a.. her eparate pr%perty a e.. a her hare %+ the %&'/a.
C%de3 y%' are a.ready ;8 year %+ a/e$
part&erh"p %r ab%.'te %66'&"ty pr%perty$ (&)

ARTICLE 7=<! I& %rder t% 6a?e a ".. "t " ee&t"a. that the
tetat%r be %+ %'&d 6"&d at the t"6e %+ "t ee't"%&$ W$a can $e arrie% :oan or an %is.ose%
o# in a :ill
;$ HeGhe 6ay d"p%e %+ h"Gher eparate pr%perty1
ARTICLE 7==$ @% be %+ %'&d 6"&d3 "t " &%t &eeary that
the tetat%r be "& +'.. p%e"%& %+ a.. h" rea%&"&/ +a'.t"e3 %r
%r that h" 6"&d be h%..y '&br%?e&3 '&"6pa"red3 %r 2$ HeGhe 6ay d"p%e %+ h"Gher hare "& the
'&hattered by d"eae3 "&'ry %r %ther a'e$ %&'/a.G%66'&"ty pr%perty$
It ha.. be '++""e&t "+ the tetat%r a ab.e at the t"6e %+
6a?"&/ the ".. t% ?&% the &at're %+ the etate t% be
d"p%ed %+3 the pr%per %bet %+ h" b%'&ty3 a&d the • I+ the p%'e d"p%e %+ the e&t"re
harater %+ the teta6e&tary at$ (&) %66'&"ty pr%perty3 the d"p%"t"%& " %&.y a."d
"th repet t% the p%rt"%& perta"&"&/ t% the hare
0 Reuisies o# a soun% in%2 %+ the p%'e h% " the tetat%r$ @he re6a"&"&/
;$ @he tetat%r 6't ?&% the &at're %+ the etate t% p%rt"%& be%6e "&a."d$ 't "+ the p%'e ?&%
be d"p%ed %+  that he %r he ha &% r"/ht t% d"p%e %+ the hare
2$ He 6't ?&% the pr%per %bet %+ h" b%'&ty %r h" %r her p%'e b't t".. he %r he pr%"de "&
=$ He 6't ?&% the harater %+ the teta6e&tary at the ".. that 'h p%rt"%& %r the e&t"re p%rt"%& be
/"e& t% a erta"& per%&3 "& that ae3 y%' "..
9e/rees o# ,enal Inca.aci' or Inca.aci' .ear& .ater %& that "t " a."d$ What " t% be d%&e
;$ Id"%t < IJ aera/e %+ 21 %&/e&"ta..y a&d " +%r the etate t% a7'"re the %ther p%rt"%&$
"&te..et'a..y de+""e&t1 %&"dered a %+ '&%'&d
6"&d "& 'e"%& SU"SECTION 0
2$ I6be".e < IJ aera/e %+ 2B t% 01 6e&ta..y 5ors o# Wills
de+""e&t1 %&"dered a %+ '&%'&d 6"&d "&
'e"%& - )in%s o# Wills2
=$ #%r%& < IJ aera/e %+ ; t% F01 they a& d% 1. OR9INAR> OR NOTARIAL WILL  < that
read"&/ a&d r"t"&/1 they a& be e.+-'pp%rt"&/1 h"h re7'"re3 a6%&/ %ther th"&/3 a&
%&"dered a %+ %'&d 6"&d "& 'e"%& attetat"%& .a'e a&d a?&%.ed/e6e&t be+%re
a &%tary p'b."$ @h" ".. " %rd"&ar".y ee'ted
DENER, RUE: @eta6e&tary "&apa"ty "&a."date
the h%.e ".. "th the a"d %+.a'e$
a&d attetat"%& a .ayer$ @here are "t&ee
ECEP@ION: I+ the "&apa"ty pr%eed +r%6 a de.'"%& 2. HOLOGRAPH OR HOLOGRAPHIC WILL  <
%& a part"'.ar 'bet a&d the pr%d't %+ 'h de.'"%& ".. h"h are EN@IREY r"tte&3 dated a&d
6"/ht be de.ared "&a."d "th%'t a++et"&/ %ther "/&ed "& the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r$ @h"
p%rt"%& %+ the ".. a.% re7'"re NO attetat"%& .a'e %r "t&ee
%r a?&%.ed/6e&t$
ARTICLE <??!  @he .a pre'6e that eery per%& " %+
%'&d 6"&d3 "& the abe&e %+ pr%%+ t% the %&trary$
ARTICLE <?! Eery ".. 6't be "& r"t"&/ a&d ee'ted
 @he b'rde& %+ pr%%+ that the tetat%r a &%t %+ %'&d
"& a .a&/'a/e %r d"a.et ?&%& t% the tetat%r$ (&)
6"&d at the t"6e %+ 6a?"&/ h" d"p%"t"%& " %& the per%&
h% %pp%e the pr%bate %+ the "..1 b't "+ the tetat%r3 %&e
6%&th3 %r .e3 be+%re 6a?"&/ h" ".. a p'b.".y ?&%& t% • N% 'h th"&/ a %ra. ".. "& the Ph"."pp"&e 7/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• Nuncu.aive Wills  are ".. %ra..y 6ade by C%&"t "& "t&e"&/ the  @he "/&"&/ %+ the
tetat%r "& %&"%& %+ death a&d be+%re tetat%r ee't"%& %+ the "t&ee &a6e 'p%&
%6pete&t "t&ee$ N'&'pat"e ".. are &%t ".. "& %rder t% ee a&d the a6e paper +%r the
re%/&"!ed "& the Ph"."pp"&e$ ta?e &%te 6e&ta..y that p'rp%e %+
th%e th"&/ are d%&e "de&t"+"at"%& %+ 'h
•  @he pre'6pt"%& " that the tetat%r ?&e the
.a&/'a/e 'ed "& r"t"&/ the ".. h"h the tat'te re7'"re paper a a "..
+%r the ee't"%& %+ the ".. ee'ted by the
•  @here " &% tat't%ry re7'"re6e&t that the "..
h%'.d a..e/e that the .a&/'a/e 'ed there"& " a&d that the
the tetat%r "/&at're
e"t %+
a a +at$ tetat%r$
'&dert%%d by the tetat%r
#e&ta. at %+ the e&e$ #eha&"a. at %+ the
•  @here " &% &eed t% tate "& the ,ttetat"%&  Y%' ee3 6e..3 +ee. et$ ha&d$
.a'e that the ".. " "& the .a&/'a/e %r d"a.et
 @he p'rp%e " t% re&der  @he p'rp%e "
?&%& t% the tetat%r
aa".ab.e pr%%+ %+ the "de&t"+"at"%&$
•  @hat the ".. " "& a .a&/'a/e ?&%& t% the a'the&t""ty %+ the ".. a&d
tetat%r a& be pr%ed by etr"&" e"de&e %r "t d'e ee't"%&$
ee& by par%. %r %ra. e"de&e  @he at %+ the "t&ee #ay be the at %+ the
• I+ the ".. " ee'ted "& the .%a."ty here the tetat%r he& the
tetat%r ."e3 "t " pre'6ed that "&deed the tetat%r "/& the "..
tetat%r d'r"&/ h" ."+et"6e ?&e %r '&dert%%d the %r the "t&ee "+ the
.a&/'a/e %r d"a.et "& that .%a."ty "t&ee a++"ed the"r
•  @he tetat%r 6't ?&% the .a&/'a/e %r d"a.et$ "/&at're "& the "..$
N% a6%'&t
the de+et %+ "&terpretat"%& %r ep.a&at"%& ".. 're  @%
thatattet a "..
"t a " t% ?&%
p'b."hed a  @% 'br"be
p'b."hed a aa "..
• ,ttet"&/ "t&ee are &%t re7'"red t% ?&% 'h a&d t% ert"+y the +at %&.y t% r"te %& the
the .a&/'a/e 'ed "& the b%dy %+ the ".. re7'"red t% %&t"t'te a& a6e paper the&
at'a. %r .e/a. p'b."at"%&$ &a6e %+ the "t&ee
+%r the %.e p'rp%e %+
ARTICLE <?! Eery "..3 %ther tha& a h%.%/raph" "..3
6't be 'br"bed at the e&d there%+ by the tetat%r h"6e.+ "de&t"+"at"%&$
%r by the tetat%rK &a6e r"tte& by %6e %ther per%& "& h"
pree&e3 a&d by h" epre d"ret"%&3 a&d atteted a&d Tess o# Presence
'br"bed by three %r 6%re red"b.e "t&ee "& the a$ @et %+ ""%&
pree&e %+ the tetat%r a&d %+ %&e a&%ther$ b$ @et %+ p%"t"%&
 @he tetat%r %r the per%& re7'eted by h"6 t% r"te h" $ @et %+ 6e&ta. apprehe&"%&
&a6e a&d the "&tr'6e&ta. "t&ee %+ the "..3 ha.. a.%
d$ @et %+ aa".ab.e e&e
"/&3 a a+%rea"d3 eah a&d eery pa/e there%+3 eept the
.at3 %& the .e+t 6ar/"&3 a&d a.. the pa/e ha.. be &'6bered
"e.y "& .etter p.aed %& the 'pper part %+ eah pa/e$ 0! T$e esaor or $e .erson
 @he attetat"%& ha.. tate the &'6ber %+ pa/e 'ed 'p%& reuese% 4' $i o :rie $is nae an% $e
h"h the ".. " r"tte&3 a&d the +at that the tetat%r "/&ed cre%i4le :inesses o# $e :ill s$all si/n
the ".. a&d eery pa/e there%+3 %r a'ed %6e %ther per%& eac$ an% ever' .a/e o# $e :ill( on $e le#
t% r"te h" &a6e3 '&der h" epre d"ret"%&3 "& the pree&e ar/in( e;ce. $e las .a/e
%+ the "&tr'6e&ta. "t&ee3 a&d that the .atter "t&eed
• #ar/"&a. "t&ee are a.%
a&d "/&ed the ".. a&d a.. the pa/e there%+ "& the pree&e
%+ the tetat%r a&d %+ %&e a&%ther$ the 'br"b"&/ "t&ee
I+ the attetat"%& .a'e " "& a .a&/'a/e &%t ?&%& t% the • P'rp%e %+ the "/&"&/ at the
"t&ee3 "t ha.. be "&terpreted t% the6$ (&) .e+t-ha&d 6ar/"& %+ the ".. " t% "de&t"+y the
pa/e a&d t% pree&t +ra'd
;$ ,rt".e 80 %&.y app."e t% &%tar"a. ".. DENER, RUE: ,be&e %+ "/&at're %& the +"rt
2$ @he re7'"re6e&t '&der ,rt".e 80 are t% be pa/e %+ the ".. "&a."date the "..$
tr"t.y %&tr'ed ECEP@IONS:
;$ I+ the ".. %&ta"& %&.y %&e pa/e3 the&
5oral Reuireens un%er Aricle <?2 .%/"a..y that %&e pa/e a.ready ha the "/&at're
1! Su4scri4e% a $e en% 4' $e %+ the tetat%r bea'e he " re7'"red t% "/& at
esaor $isel# or $e esaors nae is the e&d %+ the d"p%"t"%& a&d that a.% %&ta"&
:rien 4' soe o$er .erson in $e .resence the "/&at're %+ the "t&ee "& the attetat"%&
an% un%er $e e;.ress %irecion o# $e .a'e$
esaor 2. I&aderte&t ."+t"&/ %+ pa/e$
• S'br"pt"%& 6ea& the
phy"a. at %+ "/&"&/ ! All $e .a/es s$all 4e nu4ere%
• E-"/&at're a&&%t be a++"ed correlaivel' in leers .lace% on $e
"& a ".. bea'e e-"/&at're are app."ab.e .ar o# eac$ .a/e
%&.y t% tra&at"%& a&d %&trat • , .%&/ a "t the pa/e &'6ber
• S"/&at're 6't appear &%t the ha a phy"a. .%at"%&3 the ".. " t".. a."d$
phy"a. e&d b't at the .%/"a. e&d %+ the "..  @he pa/e &'6ber 6ay ee& be "&%rp%rated
•  @he pree&e %+ add"t"%&a. "& the tet %+ the d%'6e&t "te.+ 
d"p%"t"%& "& a &%tar"a. ".. a+ter the "/&at're • I+ the ".. ha %&.y %&e pa/e3
%+ the tetat%r "&a."date the e&t"re ".. the ".. " a."d bea'e y%' a& ea".y detet
bea'e "t a++et the +%r6 hether there " .% %+ pa/e bea'e "+ the
-! Aese% an% su4scri4e% 4' $ree %&e pa/e " .%t the& there " &% ".. t% pea?
or ore cre%i4le :inesses in $e .resence o# %+ 
$e esaor an% o# one ano$er • P'rp%e %+ &'6ber"&/ the
• L"& the pree&e %+ the tetat%r pa/e %+ a "..:
a&d %+ %&e a&%therM < &%t at'a..y ee"&/ b't "& a) @% /'ard a/a"&t
a p%"t"%& t% ee "+ y%' a&t t% ee "th%'t a&y +ra'd1
phy"a. %btr't"%& b) @% +%reta.. a&y
atte6pt t% 'ppre %r 'bt"t'te a&y %+

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
) @% a++%rd 6ea& %+ a/a"&3 by the &%tary p'b." be+%re h%6 the ".. "
detet"&/ the .% %+ a&y %+ "t pa/e1 a?&%.ed/ed$ (&)
d) @% pree&t a&y "&reae
%r dereae "& the pa/e$ ARTICLE <?=! I& the abe&e %+ bad +a"th3 +%r/ery3 %r
+ra'd3 %r '&d'e a&d "6pr%per pre're a&d "&+.'e&e3
ATTESTATION de+et a&d "6per+et"%& "& the +%r6 %+ attetat"%& %r "& the
.a&/'a/e 'ed there"& ha.. &%t re&der the ".. "&a."d "+ "t "
• It " the at %+
pr%ed that the ".. a "& +at ee'ted a&d atteted "&
"t&e"&/ the ee't"%& %+ the "..$ It " a 6e&ta. 'bta&t"a. %6p."a&e "th a.. the re7'"re6e&t %+ art".e
at$ 80$ (&)
• Aesaion
clause " that .a'e %+ a& %rd"&ary %r &%tar"a. ".. • ,rt".e
here"& the "t&ee ert"+y that the "&tr'6e&t 809 /"e the r'.e %& su4sanial co.liance
ha bee& ee'ted be+%re the6 a&d the 6a&&er %+ :i$ o $e aesaion clause
ee't"%& %+ the a6e
• What d% the •  @here "
'br"b"&/ "t&ee attet t% su4sanial co.liance  he& there ha bee&
;$ @hey attet t% the /e&'"&e&e %+ the "/&at're a& HONES@ ,@@E#P@ %& the part %+ the tetat%r
%+ the tetat%r t% %6p.y "th the +%r6a. re7'""te pr%"ded by
.a b't the %6p."a&e " %&.y 'bta&t"a. a&d
2.  @hey attet t% the d'e ee't"%& %+ the ".. &%t ."tera. b't the p'rp%e %+ the .a "
• What 'bta&t"a..y a%6p."hed'/h &%t tr"t.y
h%'.d the attetat"%& .a'e tate +%..%ed
1.  @he &'6ber • , t%
%+ pa/e 'ed 'p%& h"h the ".. " r"tte& 6ar/"&a. "/&at're3  there " &% part"'.ar
2.  @he +at re7'"re6e&t that "t h%'.d rea..y appear %& the
that the tetat%r "/&ed the ".. a&d eery pa/e .e+t 6ar/"& bea'e the %&.y p'rp%e %+ 6ar/"&a.
there%+3 %r a'ed %6e %ther per%& t% r"te "/&at're " +%r "de&t"+"at"%&$
h" &a6e3 '&der h" epre d"ret"%&1 • , t%
3.  @he "/&"&/ attet"&/ "/&at're3 the attet"&/ "t&ee are
by the tetat%r %r by the per%& re7'eted by 'pp%ed t% %& the tate6e&t 6e&t"%&ed "&
h"6 "& the pree&e %+ the "&tr'6e&ta. the attetat"%& .a'e$ @here+%re3 the"r
"t&ee1 a&d "/&at're h%'.d appear at the b%tt%6 %+ the
attetat"%& .a'e$ I+ y%' 't r"te %& the
4.  @hat the
6ar/"&3 the p'rp%e here " &%t t% %& the
"&tr'6e&ta. "t&ee "t&eed a&d "/&ed
tate6e&t 6e&t"%&ed here b't 't t% "de&t"+y
the ".. a&d a.. he pa/e there%+ "& the
th" pa/e3 .ater %&3 a the a6e pa/e h"h y%'
pree&e %+ the tetat%r a&d %+ %&e a&%ther$ atteted be+%re$
ARTICLE <?8! Eery ".. 6't be a?&%.ed/ed be+%re a
Reuisies o# Aricle <?=2
&%tary p'b." by the tetat%r a&d the "t&ee$ @he &%tary
p'b." ha.. &%t be re7'"red t% reta"& a %py %+ the "..3 %r +".e 1.  @he de+et a&d "6per+et"%& re+er t% the
a&%ther "th the %++"e %+ the %+ C%'rt$ (&) +%r6 %+ the attetat"%& %r the .a&/'a/e 'ed
• Ac6no:le% 2$ @here " &% bad +a"th3 +%r/ery %r +ra'd3 %r
/en " a tate6e&t 6ade by the &%tary p'b."
'&d'e %r "6pr%per pre're a&d "&+.'e&e1
that the tetat%r a&d the "t&ee hae per%&a..y =$ @he ".. a ee'ted a&d atteted "&
%6e be+%re h"63 that they %.'&tar".y ee'ted 'bta&t"a. %6p."a&e "th a.. the
the ".. a&d that they '&dert%%d the %&te&t$ re7'"re6e&t1 a&d
4$ @he +at %+ 'h ee't"%& a&d attetat"%& "
• FTo pr%ed$
ac6no:le%/e  6ea& t% ad6"t3 t% a%3 t% %&
a /e&'"&e 9e#ecs or i.er#ecions e;cuse% un%er Aricle
• , <?=2
h%.%/raph" ".. &eed &%t be a?&%.ed/ed be+%re 1. 5e+etG"6per+et"%& "& the +%r6 %+
a &%tary p'b." attetat"%& .a'e1
•  @he tetat%r
a?&%.ed/e the ee't"%& %+ the "..$ @he 2. 5e+etG"6per+et"%& "& the .a&/'a/e 'ed "&
"t&ee a?&%.ed/e the attetat"%& .a'e$ the attetat"%& .a'e$
• ,?&%.ed/
5oral reuisies o 4e o4serve% in $e
6e&t &eed &%t be 6ade "& the pree&e %+ the
e;ecuion o# Noarial Wills2
tetat%r a&d eah a&d eery%&e %+ the "t&ee$ It
" 't re7'"red that the tetat%r a&d the "t&ee 1.  @he ".. 6't be "& r"t"&/ (,rt".e 804)1
appear be+%re the &%tary p'b."3 &%t at'a..y at the 2$ It 6't be "& the .a&/'a/e %r d"a.et ?&%& t%
a6e t"6e the tetat%r1
• It " &%t 3.  @he ".. 6't be "/&ed by the tetat%r %r by
re7'"red that the &%tarybe
".. " a?&%.ed/ed p'b." be+%red'r"&/
pree&t h%6 the
the a&%ther per%& "& h" pree&e %r '&der h"
epre d"ret"%& (,rt".e 80)1
ee't"%& %+ the ".. 4$ @hat the "/&"&/ by the tetat%r %r by the
• ,be&e %+ per%& '&der h" epre d"ret"%& a&d "& h"
a& a?&%.ed/6e&t " a +ata. de+et pree&e 6't be d%&e "& the pree&e %+ at
.eat = "&tr'6e&ta. "t&ee1
ARTICLE <?7! I+ the tetat%r be dea+3 %r a dea+-6'te3 he $ @hat the ".. " atteted a&d 'br"bed by at
6't per%&a..y read the "..3 "+ ab.e t% d% %1 %ther"e3 he .eat = red"b.e "t&ee "& the pree&e %+ the
ha.. de"/&ate t% per%& t% read "t a&d %66'&"ate t% tetat%r a&d %+ eah a&d eery %&e %+ the61
h"63 "& %6e prat"ab.e 6a&&er3 the %&te&t there%+$ (&) B$ @hat the ".. 6't be "/&ed by the tetat%r
a&d by at .eat = red"b.e "t&ee %& the .e+t
ARTICLE <?<! I+ the tetat%r " b."&d3 the ".. ha.. be read ha&d 6ar/"& %& eah a&d eery pa/e1
t% h"6 t"e1 %&e3 by %&e %+ the 'br"b"&/ "t&ee3 a&d 9/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
F$ @hat the ".. 6't be &'6bered "e.y "& tetat%r$ EPICI@ 6ea&"&/ y%' 6't p%"b.y
.etter1 a&d '&%&d"t"%&a..y de.are
8$ @hat the "/&"&/ by the = "t&ee 6't be • I+ pr%bate " CON@ES@E53 at .eat = %+ 'h
d%&e "& the pree&e %+ the tetat%r a&d eah a&d "t&ee h%'.d be pree&ted
eery %&e %+ the61
• , ph%t%%py %r arb%& %py %+ a h%.%/raph"
9$ @here 6't be a& ,ttetat"%& .a'e tat"&/
" a..%ed
there"& the &'6ber %+ pa/e 'p%& h"h the ".. "
r"tte&3 a tate6e&t
".. %r a&%ther per%&that the tetat%r
"/&ed the ".. "/&ed
'&der the
the DENER, RUE: @he re7'"re6e&t %+ pree&t"&/ a&
epert "t&e " d"ret"%&ary %& the part %+ the
epre d"ret"%& %+ the tetat%r1
;0$ @he ".. " "/&ed at the .e+t 6ar/"& by the
ECEP@ION: It " 6a&dat%ry he& a+ter the
tetat%r a&d the = "&tr'6e&ta. "t&ee "& the
pree&t"&/ "t&ee h% a..e/ed.y ?&% the ha&d
pree&e %+ the tetat%r a&d %+ %&e a&%ther1
r"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r3 the %'rt t".. " &%t %&"&e
11. @he ".. 6't be a?&%.ed/ed be+%re a &%tary a t% the a'the&t""ty a&d /e&'"&e&e %+ the "..
p'b." (,rt".e 80B)1 the& the %'rt h%'.d re7'"re epert tet"6%&y$
12. @he ".. 6't be read t"e by 2 per%&
de"/&ated by the tetat%r "+ the tetat%r " dea+ %r ARTICLE <1-! I& h%.%/raph" "..3 the d"p%"t"%& %+ the
dea+-6'te (,rt".e 80F)1 tetat%r r"tte& be.% h" "/&at're 6't be dated a&d
"/&ed by h"6 "& %rder t% 6a?e the6 a."d a teta6e&tary
13. I+ the tetat%r " b."&d the ".. 6't be read t% d"p%"t"%&$ (&)
h"6 %&e3 by %&e %+ the 'br"b"&/ "t&ee3 a&d
a/a"&3 by the &%tary p'b." (,rt".e 808)1 a&d
14. @here 6't be 'bta&t"a. %6p."a&e "th a.. • I+ there " &% "/&at're a&d date3 the& "t "
pre'6ed that the tetat%r ha &% teta6e&tary
the re7'"re6e&t %+ the .a (,rt".e 809)$
"&te&t a t% h" add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%&
ARTICLE <1?$ , per%& 6ay ee'te a h%.%/raph" ".. • I+ dated "th%'t "/&at're3 the add"t"%&a.
h"h 6't be e&t"re.y r"tte&3 dated3 a&d "/&ed by the ha&d d"p%"t"%& " %"d$ I+ "/&ed %&.y "th%'t date3
%+ the tetat%r h"6e.+$ It " 'bet t% &% %ther +%r63 a&d 6ay the add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& " %"d$ 't the
be 6ade "& %r %'t %+ the Ph"."pp"&e3 a&d &eed &%t be h%.%/raph" ".. "te.+ " &%t a++eted
"t&eed$ (BF83 B88a)
• W"th repet t% &%tar"a. "..3 the pree&e %+
thee add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& ".. "&a."date the
• , $olo/ra.$ic :ill  " a ".. that " e&t"re.y e&t"re ".. bea'e "& a &%tar"a. "..3 the "/&at're
r"tte&3 dated a&d "/&ed by the ha&d %+ the h%'.d appear at the .%/"a. e&d$ @h%e
tetat%r h"6e.+  add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& a+ter the "/&at're "..
• It " "6p%rta&t t% ?&% the date %+ ee't"%& "&a."date the e&t"re "..$
bea'e a+ter the e++et""ty %+ the Spa&"h C"".
C%de3 h"h a %erta?e& by the C%de %+ C"". ARTICLE <10! Whe& a &'6ber %+ d"p%"t"%& appear"&/
Pr%ed're ,'/'t F3 ;90; < ,'/'t ;90 < "& a h%.%/raph" ".. are "/&ed "th%'t be"&/ dated3 a&d the
h%.%/raph" "..3 d'r"&/ that per"%d3 ere &%t .at d"p%"t"%& ha a "/&at're a&d a date3 'h date
a..%ed$ a."date the d"p%"t"%& preed"&/ "t3 hateer be the t"6e
%+ pr"%r d"p%"t"%&$ (&)
• Str"t.y pea?"&/3 "& &%tar"a. "..3 attetat"%&
.a'e " &%t part %+ the ".. bea'e "t %&ta"& &%
d"p%"t"%&$ @he +at that the attetat"%& .a'e " • I+ the d"p%"t"%& are 6ere.y "/&ed "th%'t
typer"tte& ".. &%t "&a."date the "..$ the date3 a&d the .at d"p%"t"%& " "/&ed a&d
dated3 the e++et " that "t a."date the
Reuisies in $e e;ecuion o# $olo/ra.$ic :ills2 d"p%"t"%& preed"&/ "t$
;$ It 6't be r"tte& "& a .a&/'a/e %r d"a.et • I+ the add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& "& a h%.%/raph"
?&%& t% the tetat%r ".. are &%t "& the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r a&d
2$ It 6't be EN@IREY r"tte& by the tetat%r1 they are &%t "/&ed by the tetat%r3 the&3 thee
=$ It 6't be dated "& the ha&d r"t"&/ %+ the add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& are &%t a."d b't the "..
tetat%r1 "te.+ re6a"& a."d$
4$ It 6't be "/&ed "& the ha&d r"t"&/ %+ the
tetat%r1 a&d • 't3 "+ thee add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& are "/&ed
$ It 6't be "th a&"6' teta&d"$ by the tetat%r3 the tetat%r " %&"&/ %r ad%pt"&/
the add"t"%&a. d"p%"t"%& a h" %&$ @hey "..
&% +%r6 part %+ the ".. bea'e "t &% %&ed
ARTICLE <11! I& the pr%bate %+ a h%.%/raph" "..3 "t ha..
be &eeary that at .eat %&e "t&e h% ?&% the by the tetat%r %r ad%pted$ I& that ae3 the
ha&dr"t"&/ a&d "/&at're %+ the tetat%r ep.""t.y de.are e&t"re ".. " %"d$ @he ".. &% " &%t e&t"re.y "&
that the ".. a&d the "/&at're are "& the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r$
tetat%r$ I+ the ".. " %&teted3 at .eat three %+ 'h • S"/&ed b't &%t dated a&d the .at d"p%"t"%&
"t&ee ha.. be re7'"red$
I& the abe&e %+ a&y %6pete&t "t&e re+erred t% "& " "/&ed a&d dated < a."dated
the preed"&/ para/raph3 a&d "+ the %'rt dee6 "t &eeary3 • 5ate %&.y a&d the .at d"p%"t"%& " dated
epert tet"6%&y 6ay be re%rted t%$ (B9;a) a&d "/&ed < %&.y the .at d"p%"t"%& " a."d3 a..
the pre"%' d"p%"t"%& are %"d bea'e the
• Pro4ae  " the a..%a&e %+ the ".. by the .a ay "/&ed &%t dated$ O&.y the d"p%"t"%&
%'rt a+ter "t d'e ee't"%& " pr%ed '&"/&ed " "&a."d$
• N%t "/&ed a&d &%t dated ee& "+ the .at
• J'et"%& addreed d'r"&/ pr%bate
d"p%"t"%& " "/&ed a&d dated < %"d
pr%eed"&/: 7'et"%& %+ "de&t"ty3 7'et"%& %+
teta6e&tary apa"ty a&d 7'et"%& %+ d'e
ARTICLE <1$ I& ae %+ a&y "&ert"%&3 a&"%&3
ee't"%& era're %r a.terat"%& "& a h%.%/raph" "..3 the tetat%r 6't
• I+ pr%bate " UNCON@ES@E53 %&e "t&e h% a'the&t"ate the a6e by h" +'.. "/&at're$ (&)
?&% the ha&d r"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r 6't be
pree&ted a&d h% 6't ep.""t.y de.are that the •  @he "&ert"%&3 a&"%& era're %r
".. a&d the "/&at're are "& the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the a.terat"%& 6e&t"%&ed "& ,rt".e 8;4 are the %&e
r"tte& "& the ha&d r"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r 10/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• I&ert"%&3 a&"%&3 era're %r a.terat"%&3 " ;t  "e: It " a."d bea'e "+ "t " a..%ed
&%t per e pr%h"b"ted a .%&/ a they are '&der h" &at"%&a. .a3 "t h%'.d be a..%ed here
a'the&t"ated by the +'.. "/&at're %+ the tetat%r "& the Ph"."pp"&e '&der ,rt 8;F$
2&d "e: y rea%& %+ p'b." p%."y3 "t " %"d
• I+ the "&ert"%&3 a&"%&3 era're %r
bea'e '&der ,rt".e ;F3 %'r .a a&&%t be
a.terat"%& d%e &%t bear the "/&at're %+ the
'br%/ated by the .a pr%6'./ated "& %ther
DENER, RUE: O&.y the era're %r "&ert"%& "
%"d$ @he e&t"re ".. "te.+ " a."d$ SU"SECTION 
ECEP@ION: Whe& th" "&ert"%&3 a&"%&3
Winesses o Wills
era're %r a.terat"%& " 6ade "& a& ee&t"a. part %+
the "..$ Whe& th" "&ert"%&3 a&"%&3 era're
ARTICLE <-?! ,&y per%& %+ %'&d 6"&d a&d %+ the a/e
%r a.terat"%& ".. a++et the ee&e %+ the ".. the&
%+ e"/htee& year %r 6%re3 a&d &%t b."&d3 dea+ %r d'6b3 a&d
&%t %&.y the "&ert"%&3 a&"%&3 era're %r ab.e t% read a&d r"te3 6ay be a "t&e t% the ee't"%& %+
a.terat"%& " %"d b't the e&t"re ".. "te.+$ a ".. 6e&t"%&ed "& art".e 80 %+ th" C%de$ (&)

 ,rt".e 8;3 8;B a&d 8;F ere pre"%'.y • , b."&d per%&3 '&der ,rt".e 8083 a& be a
d"'ed '&der etr"&" a."d"ty %+ ".. +r%6 the tetat%r$ 't he a&&%t be a "t&e
"ep%"&t %+ p.ae %r %'&try
ARTICLE <-1!  @he +%..%"&/ are d"7'a."+"ed +r%6 be"&/
ARTICLE <1<!  @% %r 6%re per%& a&&%t 6a?e a ".. "t&ee t% a "..:
 %"&t.y3 %r "& the a6e "&tr'6e&t3 e"ther +%r the"r re"pr%a. (;) ,&y per%& &%t d%6"".ed "& the
be&e+"t %r +%r the be&e+"t %+ a th"rd per%&$ (BB9)
(2) @h%e h% hae bee& %&"ted %+
•  OINT WILL  " %&e here"& the a6e +a."+"at"%& %+ a d%'6e&t3 per'ry %r +a.e tet"6%&y$
teta6e&tary "&tr'6e&t " 6ade a the ".. %+ 2 %r
6%re per%& a&d "t " %"&t.y ee'ted a&d "/&ed
by the6$ Juali#icaion o# :inesses o a :ill2
;$ He 6't be %+ %'&d 6"&d
• ,UTUAL WILLS or RECIPROCAL WILLS are 2$ ,t .eat ;8 yr %+ a/e
".. %+ 2 per%& here"& the d"p%"t"%& %+ %&e " =$ N%t b."&d3 dea+ %r d'6b
6ade "& +a%r %+ the %ther a&d the %ther a.% 4$ ,b.e t% read a&d r"te1
6a?e d"p%"t"%& "& +a%r %+ the %ther$ @h" " $ 5%6"".ed "& the Ph"."pp"&e
a.% a..ed TWIN WILLS$ @he #'t'a. %r re"pr%a. B$ N%t %&"ted %+ +a."+"at"%& %+ d%'6e&t3 per'ry
".. are e6b%d"ed "& eparate "&tr'6e&t$ %+ +a.e tet"6%&y
• Whe& the 2 d"p%"t"%& are 6ade "& the a6e
"..3 "t be%6e a %"&t "..$ N%3 e hae a %"&t Essenial eleens o# %oicile2
a&d #'t'a. "..$ Whe& y%' hae a %"&t a&d #'t'a. 1.  @he +at %+ re"d"&/3 %r the phy"a.
"..3 "t " pr%h"b"ted '&der ,rt".e 8;8$ pree&e "& a +"ed p.ae
• ,rt".e 8;8 6ay %er a %"&t a&d 6't'a. ".. %r 2$ @he "&te&t"%& %+ re6a"&"&/
 %"&t ".. here"& the be&e+"t " &%t +%r the 2 part"e per6a&e&t.y3 %r the a&"6' 6a&e&d"
h% ee'te the ".. b't +%r a th"rd per%&$
• N%t a.. 6't'a. a&d re"pr%a. ".. are %"&t •  @hee d"7'a."+"at"%& app.y %&.y "+ the ".. "
"..$ ee'ted "& the Ph"."pp"&e
• C%&"t"%& here h%'.d be by +"&a. 'd/6e&t
W$' are oin :ills no allo:e% • I+ pard%&ed a&d the pard%& " by rea%& %+
1. It te&d t% %&ert a ".. "&t% a %&trat "&&%e&e the& y%' be%6e 7'a."+"ed a/a"& t%
2$ It detr%y the harater %+ ".. a a tr"t.y be%6e a "t&e t% a ".. bea'e he& y%'
per%&a. at ere a7'"tted bea'e %+ "&&%e&e3 that 6ea&
=$ It r'& %'&ter t% the "dea that ".. are y%' are tr't%rthy a "t&e$

4$ It re%ab.e
6ay 'bet %&e %rt%a6b'.at%ry1
'&d'e "&+.'e&e$ It I+ the pard%& " by rea%& %+ a& ee't"e
.e6e&y3 y%' are t".. d"7'a."+"ed bea'e the
"&d'e Parr""de$ pard%& erae %&.y the pe&a.ty %r the "".
5. It 6a?e pr%bate 6%re d"++"'.t epe"a..y "+ the %&e7'e&e %+ the %&"t"%& b't "t d%e &%t
tetat%r d"e at d"++ere&t t"6e$ ha&/e the +at that y%' are d"h%&et a&d
ARTICLE <1=! W"..3 pr%h"b"ted by the preed"&/ art".e3 • , &%tary p'b." a&&%t be %&e %+ the attet"&/
ee'ted by >"."p"&% "& a +%re"/& %'&try ha.. &%t be a."d "&
the Ph"."pp"&e3 ee& th%'/h a'th%r"!ed by the .a %+ the
%'&try here they 6ay hae bee& ee'ted$ (F==a)
ARTICLE <--! I+ the "t&ee attet"&/ the ee't"%& %+
a ".. are %6pete&t at the t"6e %+ attet"&/3 the"r be%6"&/
•  %"&t ".. ee'ted by a >"."p"&% "& a +%re"/& 'be7'e&t.y "&%6pete&t ha.. &%t pree&t the a..%a&e
%'&try are &%t a."d "& the Ph"."pp"&e3 ee& %+ the "..$ (&)
th%'/h a..%ed "& the p.ae %+ ee't"%&

,rt".e the"r
ee't"&/ 8;9 "..$
" &%t app."ab.e
I+ a %"&t t% +%re"/&er
".. " ee'ted by a • , .%&/ a the "t&e " 7'a."+"ed at the t"6e
%+ the ee't"%& %+ the "..3 "t d%e &%t 6atter "+
+%re"/&er abr%ad a&d "t " a."d "& the p.ae %+ 'be7'e&t.y he be%6e "&apa"tated$ @he
ee't"%&3 "t ha.. be re%/&"!ed by %'r %'rt3 a."d"ty %+ the ".. re6a"&$
bea'e %+ .e .%" e.ebrat"%&e (.a %+ the p.ae
%+ ee't"%&)$ I+ "t " a."d "& the p.ae %+ ee't"%& ARTICLE <-0! I+ a per%& attet the ee't"%& %+ a "..3
"t " a."d here "& the Ph"."pp"&e$ t% h%6 %r t% h%e p%'e3 %r pare&t3 %r h".d3 a de"e %r
• I+ a %"&t ".. " ee'ted by a >"."p"&% a&d a .e/ay " /"e& by 'h "..3 'h de"e %r .e/ay ha..3 %
+%re"/&er3 the ".. " %"d a t% the >"."p"&% a&d a."d +ar %&.y a %&er& 'h per%&3 %r p%'e3 %r pare&t3 %r
"th repet t% the +%re"/&er$ h".d %+ 'h per%&3 %r a&y %&e .a"6"&/ '&der 'h per%&
I+ a +%re"/&er ee'te a %"&t ".. "& the %r p%'e3 %r pare&t3 %r h".d3 be %"d3 '&.e there are three

%ther %6pete&t "t&ee t% 'h "..$ H%eer3 'h
Ph"."pp"&e: 11/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
per%& % attet"&/ ha.. be ad6"tted a a "t&e a "+ 'h %r"/"&a. "..3 the& the  @he %&e re%?"&/ the
de"e %r .e/ay had &%t bee& 6ade %r /"e&$ (&) %r"/"&a. ".. a&d the %ther$
%d"". are ta?e& a %&e$
•  @h" art".e re+er t% a& attet"&/ "t&e t% the
ee't"%& %+ the ".. b't at the a6e t"6e he " a ARTICLE <-8$ I& %rder that a %d"". 6ay be e++et"e3 "t
ha.. be ee'ted a "& the ae %+ a "..$
de"ee %r .e/atee "& that "..
•  @he ".. " t".. a."d b't he " d"7'a."+"ed +r%6
ree""&/ the de"e %r .e/ay - 6in%s o# Co%icil2
;$ NO@,RI, CO5ICI < "t +%..% the r'.e
• Ee& "+ the attet"&/ "t&e " &%t the de"ee re7'"red by .a +%r &%tar"a. "..$
%r .e/atee h"6e.+ b't h" p%'e3 the pare&t3 the 2$ HOODR,PHIC CO5ICI < "t +%..% the r'.e
h".d %+ that "t&e3 % the 6%ther %+ the attet"&/ re7'"red by .a +%r h%.%/raph" "..
"t&e3 the ".. " t".. a."d b't 'h per%& a&&%t
ree"e the .e/ay %r de"e
• I+ the %d"". d%e &%t +%..% the re7'"re6e&t
• 't th" art".e ".. &%t app.y "+ there are 6%re
%+ the .a3 the %d"". " %"d$ 't the "&a."d"ty %+
tha& = "t&ee$
the %d"". ".. &%t a++et the a."d"ty %+ the "..$
• I& %.'&tary he"r3 the "&her"ta&e h"h they
are t% ree"e '&der the ".. " %"d$ V%.'&tary ARTICLE <-7! I+ a "..3 ee'ted a re7'"red by th"
he"r are th%e h% ree"e by "rt'e %+ the C%de3 "&%rp%rate "&t% "te.+ by re+ere&e a&y d%'6e&t %r
."bera."ty by the tetat%r b't they d% &%t ree"e paper3 'h d%'6e&t %r paper ha.. &%t be %&"dered a
%6eth"&/ "+ the tetat%r d%e &%t pr%"de +%r the6$ part %+ the ".. '&.e the +%..%"&/ re7'""te are pree&t:

(;) @he d%'6e&t %r paper re+erred t% "& the ".. 6't be "&
, t% %6p'.%ry
.e/"t"6e$ he"r3 they
't "th repet t% 6ay
the t"..
+ree/et the"r
p%rt"%& e"te&e at the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the "..1
(2) @he ".. 6't .ear.y der"be a&d "de&t"+y the a6e3
a%rded t% the %6p'.%ry he"r "& the "..3 "t " tat"&/ a6%&/ %ther th"&/ the &'6ber %+ pa/e there%+1
%"d "+ 'h %6p'.%ry he"r " a.% %&e %+ the = (=) It 6't be "de&t"+"ed by .ear a&d at"+at%ry pr%%+ a
"t&ee$ the d%'6e&t %r paper re+erred t% there"&1 a&d
(4) It 6't be "/&ed by the tetat%r a&d the "t&ee %&
ARTICLE <-! , 6ere har/e %& the etate %+ the tetat%r eah a&d eery pa/e3 eept "& ae %+ %.'6"&%' b%%? %+
+%r the pay6e&t %+ debt d'e at the t"6e %+ the tetat%rK a%'&t %r "&e&t%r"e$ (&)
death d%e &%t pree&t h" red"t%r +r%6 be"&/ %6pete&t
"t&ee t% h" "..$ (&)
•  @h" " the R'.e %& Incor.oraion 4'
Re#erence! It " "&%rp%rat"%& %+ a& "&tr"&" %r
• , red"t%r " &%t d"7'a."+"ed t% ree"e "+ the eparate d%'6e&t %r paper "&t% a ".. by
tetat%r pr%"de "& the ".. that 'h p%rt"%& ha.. re+ere&e % a t% be%6e a part there%+ a&d
be /"e& t% the a"d red"t%r a pay6e&t +%r a& pr%bated a 'h$
%b."/at"%&$ Whether %r &%t he " "&t"t'ted "& the
"..3 the red"t%r " e&t"t.ed t% be pa"d +%r h" red"t$ Reuisies o# Incor.oraion 4' Re#erence2
;$ @he d%'6e&t %r paper re+erred t% "&
the ".. 6't be "& e"te&e at the t"6e %+ the
ee't"%& %+ the "..$
2$ @he ".. 6't .ear.y der"be a&d
"de&t"+y the a6e3 tat"&/ a6%&/ %ther th"&/ the
SU"SECTION  &'6ber %+ pa/e there%+ 
Co%icils an% Incor.oraion 4' Re#erence =$ It 6't be "de&t"+"ed by .ear a&d
at"+at%ry pr%%+ a the d%'6e&t %r paper
ARTICLE <-!  , co%icil  " a 'pp.e6e&t %r add"t"%& t% a re+erred t% there"&
"..3 6ade a+ter the ee't"%& %+ a ".. a&d a&&eed t% be 4$ It 6't be "/&ed by the tetat%r a&d
ta?e& a a part there%+3 by h"h a&y d"p%"t"%& 6ade "& the
%r"/"&a. ".. " ep.a"&ed3 added t%3 %r a.tered$ (&)
the "t&ee %& eah a&d eery pa/e3 eept "&
ae %+ %.'6"&%' b%%? %+ a%'&t %r
•  @he a."d"ty %+ the %d"". depe&d 'p%& the
a."d"ty %+ the ".. Reuireens o 4e sae% in $e #ace o# $e
• I+ the pr%""%& %+ the ".. a&d the %d"". are :ill2
"&%&"te&t3 the %d"". h%'.d prea". bea'e the ;$ @he +at that y%' are re+err"&/ t% the d%'6e&t %r
p'rp%e %+ a %d"". " t% a6e&d3 a.ter3 %r add t% a paper
pre"%'.y ee'ted "..$ 2$ @he .ear der"pt"%& a&d "de&t"+"at"%& %+ the
CO9ICIL NEW WILL =$ @he &'6ber %+ pa/e
Whe& y%' ee'te a Whe& y%' ay a+ter
%d"". a+ter y%' ee'te ee't"&/ the +"rt "..3 Reuireens o a..ear on $e #ace o# $e
a "..3 the %d"". " ta?e& y%' a/a"& ee'te %ocuen o 4e incor.orae% or 4ein/ re#erre%
a a part %+ the "..$ a&%ther ".. the& the &e o2
".. e"t "&depe&de&t.y ;$ @he "/&at're %+ the tetat%r1
%+ the %r"/"&a. ".. a&d 2$ @he "/&at're %+ the "t&ee
"th%'t re+ere&e t% the
%r"/"&a. "..$ Reuireens $a can 4e .rove% 4' e;rinsic
 @he %d"". ep.a"&3 add Ha &% re/ard t% the evi%ence2
t%3 'pp.e6e&t3 a&d pre"%' "..3 "t d%e &%t ;$ @hat the d%'6e&t " "&e"te&e at the t"6e %+
a.ter the pr%""%& "& ep.a"&3 %r add t%3 %r the ee't"%& %+ the "..1
the %r"/"&a. "..$ 'pp.e6e&t the %r"/"&a. 2$ @hat the d%'6e&t " the %&e be"&/ re+erred t% "&
"..$ $ the "..$
 @he %d"". 6ay re%?e Whe& y%' ee'te a &e
%&.y a P,R@ %+ the "..3 the EN@IRE pre"%' DENER, RUE: O&.y &%tar"a. ".. ha.. hae
%r"/"&a. "..$ ".. " re%?e a a /e&era. "&%rp%rat"%& by "&+ere&e bea'e:
r'.e$ 1.  @hee d%'6e&t '&der ,rt".e 82F
ea'e a %d"". " Whe& y%' ee'te a &e hae t% be "/&ed by the tetat%r a&d the
ta?e& a a part %+ the "..3 they are eparate$ 12/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
"t&ee$ I& &%tar"a. "..3 there are "t&ee$ I&
h%.%/raph" "..3 there are &% "t&ee$ 0 :a's o# revocaion2
2. I& a &%tar"a. "..3 the %&te&t a& ;$ y "6p."at"%& %+ .a
e"ther be "& the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r3 2. y %6e "..3 %d"".3 %r %ther r"t"&/
typer"tte& %r a %6b"&at"%&$ Whe& y%' ay ee'ted a pr%"ded "& ae %+ ".. (by
d%'6e&t t% be "&%rp%rated "&t% the "..3 thee 'be7'e&t "&tr'6e&t)
d%'6e&t 6ay e"ther be typer"tte& %r "& the =$ y 6ea& %+ a& %ert at
ha&d %+ the tetat%r$
ECEP@ION: It 6ay be a h%.%/raph" "..: Acs consi%ere% 4' la: as an ac o# revocaion2
1. Whe& the h%.%/raph" ".. ha at .eat = ;$ ,rt".e 9F %+ the NCC < Whe& a+ter
"t&ee3 there a& be "&%rp%rat"%& by re+ere&e the tetat%r ha 6ade a "..3 he e..3 d%&ate the
bea'e by the&3 the 'br"b"&/ "t&ee "& the .e/ay %r de"e
h%.%/raph" "..3'/h a 'rp.'a/e3 a& "/& 2$ ,rt".e ;0B %+ the >C < Pr%""%& "&
the ".. "& +a%r %+ the p%'e h% ha /"e&
the d%'6e&t t% be "&%rp%rated$
a'e t% .e/a. eparat"%&
2. Ee& "+ there are &% "t&ee b't the =$ ,rt".e ;0=2 %+ the NCC - Whe& a&
d%'6e&t t% be "&%rp%rated are e&t"re.y r"tte&3 he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee %66"t a& at %+
"/&ed a&d dated "& the ha&d %+ the tetat%r$ I& '&%rth"&e
th" ae3 hat e hae " a p're.y h%.%/raph" "..$ 4$ ,rt".e 9=B %+ the NCC < Whe& a
 Y%' 6ay hae a a."d "&%rp%rat"%& by re+ere&e$ red"t ha bee& /"e& a a .e/ay " 'd""a..y
de6a&ded by the tetat%r
SU"SECTION 8 $ ,rt".e 84 %+ the NCC < Preter"t"%&
Revocaion o# Wills an% Tesaenar'
9is.osiions )in%s o# Revocaion 4' Su4seuen Insruen2
1. EPRESS REVOC,@ION < Whe& the &e ".. %r
ARTICLE <-<$ , ".. 6ay be re%?ed by the tetat%r at a&y
t"6e be+%re h" death$ ,&y a"er %r retr"t"%& %+ th" r"/ht " %d"". %&ta"& a re%at%ry .a'e$
%"d$ (F=Fa) 2. I#PIE5 REVOC,@ION < Whe& the pr%""%&
"& the 'be7'e&t ".. %r %d"". are co.leel'
inconsisen "th the pr%""%& "& the pre"%'
• Revocaion " a& at %+ the 6"&d ter6"&at"&/
the p%te&t"a. apa"ty %+ a ".. t% %perate at the
death %+ the tetat%r 6a&"+eted by %6e %'tard
Reuisies #or $e a..licaion o# revocaion 4'
a&d ""b.e at %r "/& y6b%." there%+
su4seuen insruen2
DENER, RUE: @he tetat%r a& a.ay re%?e h" "..
;$ @here 6't be teta6e&tary apa"ty
d'r"&/ h" ."+et"6e
,@ @HE @I#E %+ re%at"%&
ECEP@ION: I+ the tetat%r d'r"&/ h" ."+et"6e .%e
2$ @he 'be7'e&t "&tr'6e&t 6't be
teta6e&tary apa"ty %r be%6e %+ '&%'&d 6"&d$ a."d
=$ @he 'be7'e&t ".. %r "&tr'6e&t
ARTICLE <-=$ , re%at"%& d%&e %'t"de the Ph"."pp"&e3 by
a per%& h% d%e &%t hae h" d%6"".e "& th" %'&try3 "
6't %&ta"& a re%at%ry .a'e %r be
a."d he& "t " d%&e a%rd"&/ t% the .a %+ the p.ae here "&%6pat"b.e "th the +%r6er ".. thereby
the ".. a 6ade3 %r a%rd"&/ t% the .a %+ the p.ae "& h%"&/ "&te&t t% re%?e
h"h the tetat%r had h" d%6"".e at the t"6e1 a&d "+ the 4$ @he 'be7'e&t ".. %r "&tr'6e&t
re%at"%& ta?e p.ae "& th" %'&try3 he& "t " "& a%rda&e 6't be ad6"tted t% pr%bate
"th the pr%""%& %+ th" C%de$ (&)
Reuisies #or $e a..licaion o# revocaion 4'
• I+ the re%at"%& " 6ade "th"& the Ph"."pp"&e an over ac2
e %&.y hae t% %6p.y "th the Ph"."pp"&e .a ;$ @he tetat%r ha teta6e&tary
re/ard.e %+ the &at"%&a."ty %r d%6"".e apa"ty ,@ @HE @I#E %+ per+%r6"&/ the at
• I+ the re%at"%& " 6ade %'t"de the Ph"."pp"&e 2.  @he at 6't be a&y %+ the %ert at
by a &%&-re"de&t (>"."p"&% %r +%re"/&er): 6e&t"%&ed '&der ,rt".e 8=0:
1.  @he .a %+ the p.ae here the ".. a a. "URNING  <
#,5E (&%t here the ".. " re%?e) It " &%t re7'"red that the h%.e "&tr'6e&t "
2$ @he .a %+ the p.ae %+ the p.ae %+ %6p.ete.y b'r&ed$ Ee& "+ %&.y a p%rt"%& %+
5O#ICIE %+ the tetat%r the d%'6e&t " b'r&ed3 "t " %&"dered t%
• I+ the re%at"%& " 6ade %'t"de the Ph"."pp"&e be a& at %+ re%at"%&$
by a re"de&t (>"."p"&% %r +%re"/&er):  b. TEARING  <
1.  @he .a %+ the p.ae %+ the e"ther y%' tear %r 't by 6ea& %+ y%'r
REVOC,@ION ha&d %r "%r$ , ."/ht 't %r a ."/ht tear
2$ @he .a %+ the p.ae %+ 5O#ICIE " '++""e&t t% be %&"dered a& at %+
• I& re%at"%&3 the &at"%&a. .a ha &% re%at"%&$ @he /reater the 't the /reater "
re%at"%& the pre'6pt"%& that there " a&"6'
re%a&d" %& the part %+ the tetat%r$ I+ the
ARTICLE <0?! N% ".. ha.. be re%?ed eept "& the %d"". " t%r&3 "t " a& at %+ tear"&/ a&d b%th
the ".. a&d %d"". are re%?ed bea'e a
(;) ae:
y "6p."at"%& %+ .a1 %r %d"". " part %+ the "..$
(2) y %6e "..3 %d"".3 %r %ther r"t"&/ ee'ted a c. CANCELING
pr%"ded "& ae %+ "..1 %r
< he& y%' p.ae a 6ar? %r a ."&e ar% the
(=) y b'r&"&/3 tear"&/3 a&e.."&/3 %r %b."terat"&/ the "..
"th the "&te&t"%& %+ re%?"&/ "t3 by the tetat%r h"6e.+3 %r by r"t"&/$ I+ y%' p.ae a 6ar? %r a ."&e %& the
%6e %ther per%& "& h" pree&e3 a&d by h" epre pae3 there " &% a&"%&$
d"ret"%&$ I+ b'r&ed3 t%r&3 a&e..ed3 %r %b."terated by %6e d. O"LITERATI
%ther per%&3 "th%'t the epre d"ret"%& %+ the tetat%r3 the NG < "t " he& y%' erae thr' eraer %r ."?e
".. 6ay t".. be etab."hed3 a&d the etate d"tr"b'ted "&
y%' b.%t %'t$ I+ hat " b.%tted %'t " 't
a%rda&e there"th3 "+ "t %&te&t3 a&d d'e ee't"%&3 a&d
the +at %+ "t '&a'th%r"!ed detr't"%&3 a&"%&3 %r %6e pr%""%&3 thee pr%""%& are
%b."terat"%& are etab."hed a%rd"&/ t% the R'.e %+ C%'rt$ %&"dered t% be re%?ed b't the "..
(&) re6a"& a."d 13/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
=$ @he at 6't be a %6p.eted at (at .eat a • 't "+ he detr%yed the ;t ".. OND E>ORE
"%& %+ the 'bet"e phae %+ the %ert the ee't"%& %+ the 'be7'e&t "..3 y%' a& &%
at) .%&/er app.y the d%tr"&e$ @he ".. here a
DENER, RUE: Ee& "+ the tear"&/ " &%t %6p.ete detr%yed by a& %ert at3 % "t " ab%.'te$
%r the b'r&"&/ " &%t %6p.ete the& there " a&
at %+ re%at"%&$
ARTICLE <00$ , re%at"%& %+ a ".. baed %& a +a.e
ECEP@ION: Whe& the tetat%r tart b'r&"&/ h" a'e %r a& "..e/a. a'e " &'.. a&d %"d$ (&)
".. b't heh"
t% re%?e rea."!ed
"..$ S%that he rea..y
be+%re the "..d%e &%t a&t
" %6p.ete.y
b'r&ed3 he de"t +r%6 b'r&"&/ a&d that " • ,rt".e 8== " a&%ther apet %+ the 5%tr"&e
%.'&tary de"ta&e %& h" part$ I& th" ae3 %+ 5epe&de&t"e Re%at"%&$ Y%' re%?e
ee& "+ the ".. %&ta"& a ."/ht b'r& %r ."/ht the ".. baed %& a +a.e be."e+ 
tear there " NO ,C@ O> REVOC,@ION bea'e %+ • Whe& the re%at"%& " 6ade by a
the %.'&tary de"ta&e by the tetat%r$ 'be7'e&t "&tr'6e&t $e #alse cause us
4$ @here 6't be "&te&t t% re%?e %r a&"6' re%a&d" 4e sae% in $e #ace o# $e :ill
$ @he re%at"%& 6't be d%&e by the tetat%r
h"6e.+ %r by %6e %ther per%& "& h" pree&e ARTICLE <0$ @he re%/&"t"%& %+ a& "..e/"t"6ate h".d
a&d '&der h" epre d"ret"%& d%e &%t .%e "t .e/a. e++et3 ee& th%'/h the ".. here"& "t
a 6ade h%'.d be re%?ed$ (F4;)
• PRESU#P@ION: , d'.y ee'ted ".. ha &%t
bee& re%?ed • Re%/&"t"%& ta?e p.ae "66ed"ate.y 'p%&
the ee't"%& %+ the "..
• 'rde& %+ pr%%+ that the ".. " re%?ed ."e
'p%& the %&e h% %pp%e the pr%bate %+ the ".. • Re%/&"t"%& " &%t d"p%"t"%& %+ pr%perty
h"h that per%& a..e/e ha bee& re%?ed
Re.u4licaion an% Revival o# Wills
W$a s$oul% 4e .roven %urin/ $e .ro4ae o# a
los or %esro'e% noarial :ill2
1. Etab."h %6p."a&e "th the +%r6a."t"e It " the re-etab."h6e&t by It " the re-
re7'"red by .a '&der ,rt".e 804-809 %+ the NCC the tetat%r %+ pre"%'.y etab."h6e&t t%
2. Pr%e that the ".. a "&e"te&t at the t"6e %+ re%?ed ".. %r %&e "&a."d a."d"ty by %perat"%&
the death %+ the tetat%r %r that "t a +ra'd'.e&t.y +%r a&t %+ pr%per ee't"%& %+ .a %+ a pre"%'.y
detr%yed %r .%t "th%'t the ?&%.ed/e %+ the a t% +%r6 %r +%r %ther re%?ed "..$
tetat%r %r "t a a"de&ta..y .%t %r detr%yed by rea%& % a t% /"e
the tetat%r "th%'t "&te&t t% re%?e$ a."d"ty t% a"d "..
3. Pr%e the %&te&t .ear.y a&d d"t"&t.y by It "&%.e the at %+ the It "&%.e the at %+
%p"e %r "th%'t %py by re"ta. %+ %&te&t by tetat%r$ .a3 %perat"%& %+ .a$
%6e d%'6e&t %r the tet"6%&y %+ the "t&ee  @here " a ".. pre"%'.y , ".. pre"%'.y
re%?ed %r a ".. a."d a t% re%?ed$
ARTICLE <01! S'be7'e&t ".. h"h d% &%t re%?e the +%r6 %r a ".. "&a."d +%r a&y
pre"%' %&e "& a& epre 6a&&er3 a&&'. %&.y 'h %ther a'e
d"p%"t"%& "& the pr"%r ".. a are "&%&"te&t "th %r
%&trary t% th%e %&ta"&ed "& the .ater "..$ (&) ARTICLE <0$ @he tetat%r a&&%t rep'b."h3 "th%'t
repr%d'"&/ "& a 'be7'e&t "..3 the d"p%"t"%& %&ta"&ed
• ,rt".e 8=; ta.? ab%'t I6p."ed Re%at"%& "& a pre"%' %&e h"h " %"d a t% "t +%r6$ (&)
6ade "& a 'be7'e&t "&tr'6e&t
•  @here " I,PLIE9 REVOCATION he& the • ,rt".e 8= /"e the r'.e %& e;.ress
tetat%r3 a+ter ha"&/ ee'ted a ".. ee'te re.u4licaion  %r re.u4licaion 4' re@
a&%ther ".. %r %d"". h"h the ".. %r %d"". d%e e;ecuion
&%t %&ta"& a re%at%ry .a'e b't "t %&te&t are • Re.u4licaion " the re-etab."h6e&t by the
"&%&"te&t "th the +%r6er ".. the& there " tetat%r %+ a pre"%'.y re%?ed ".. %r %&e "&a."d
"6p."ed re%at"%& +%r a&t %+ pr%per ee't"%& a t% +%r6 %r +%r
%ther rea%& % a t% /"e a."d"ty t% a"d "..
ARTICLE <0-! , re%at"%& 6ade "& a 'be7'e&t ".. ha..
ta?e e++et3 ee& "+ the &e ".. h%'.d be%6e "&%perat"e by • I+ the tetat%r pre"%'.y ee'ted a %"d "..
rea%& %+ the "&apa"ty %+ the he"r3 de"ee %r .e/atee a&d he %'.d a&t t% /"e ."+e t% th" %"d "..3
de"/&ated there"&3 %r by the"r re&'&"at"%&$ (F40a) the& he ha t% rep'b."h h" "..$
• Or3 "+ pre"%'.y3 the tetat%r re%?ed h" "..
• ,rt".e 8=2 " the 9OCTRINE O5 A"SOLUTE a&d he %'.d ."?e t% /"e ."+e t% th" re%?ed "..$
REVOCATION S%3 he ha t% rep'b."h h" "..$
• O& the %ther ha&d3 the 9OCTRINE O5
- )in%s o# Re.u4licaion2
the at %r detr't"%& " %&&eted t% the 6a?"&/ %+ 1) EBPRESS REPU"LICATIOND
a ".. % a 7'are.y t% ra"e the "&+ere&e that the REPU"LICATION "> RE@EBECUTION  " a
tetat%r 6ea&t the re%at"%& %+ the %.d %'.d rep'b."at"%& "& a 'be7'e&t ".. a pre"%' %&e
depe&d 'p%& the e++"ay %+ the &e d"p%"t"%& h"h " %"d a t% +%r6 (,rt".e 8=)
a&d "+ +%r a&y rea%& the &e ".. "&te&ded t% be 2) I,PLIE9
6ade a a 'bt"t'te " "&%perat"e3 the re%at"%& REPU"LICATIONDREPU"LICATION ">
+a". a&d the %r"/"&a. ".. " "& +'.. +%re a&d e++et RE5ERENCE   " the ee't"%& by a %d"".
•  @here " &% re%at"%& by %ert at "+ the re+err"&/ t% a pre"%'.y re%?ed ".. %r a "..
detr't"%& %+ the +"rt ".. a pr%6pted by a +a.e a."d a t% +%r6 b't %"d bea'e %+ %6e
be."e+ that the 'be7'e&t ".. ee'ted a a."d etr"&" de+et ."?e .a? %+ teta6e&tary
• I+ the detr't"%& " ,>@ER the ee't"%& %+ the apa"ty (,rt".e 8=B)
'be7'e&t "..3 the 5%tr"&e %+ 5epe&de&t"e
Re%at"%& app."e$ He detr%yed the ;t ".. a+ter
ha"&/ ee'ted the 2&d "..$ 14/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
ARTICLE <08$ @he ee't"%& %+ a %d"". re+err"&/ t% a • ,N@E #OR@E# PRO,@E 6ea& a pr%bate
pre"%' ".. ha the e++et %+ rep'b."h"&/ the ".. a 6%d"+"ed
d%&e d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r
by the %d"".$ (&)
• POS@ #OR@E# PRO,@E 6ea& a pr%bate
d%&e a+ter the death %+ the tetat%r
• I+ the %.d ".. " %"d a t% +%r63 the %&.y ay t%
rep'b."h "t " by re-ee't"%&$
• I+ %.d ".. " %"d b't &%t a t% +%r6 bea'e the
tetat%r .a? teta6e&tary apa"ty3 "t a& be 1. PRO,@E PROPER " %&.y %&er&ed
%& the d'e ee't"%& %+ the ".. a&d the
rep'b."hed by re-ee't"%& %r "t a& be teta6e&tary apa"ty %+ the tetat%r
rep'b."hed by re+ere&e$ 2$ 5E@ER#IN,@ION O> @HE ED,I@Y O>
ARTICLE <07$ I+ a+ter 6a?"&/ a "..3 the tetat%r 6a?e a DENER, RUE: 5'r"&/ pr%bate pr%per3 the pr%bate
e%&d ".. epre.y re%?"&/ the +"rt3 the re%at"%& %+ the
%'rt H,S NO URIS5IC@ION t% e&terta"& %ther "'e
e%&d ".. d%e &%t re"e the +"rt "..3 h"h a& be re"ed
%&.y by a&%ther ".. %r %d"".$ (F=9a) eept %& "'e %& hether %r &%t the ".. a d'.y
pr%bated "& %6p."a&e "th the +%r6a."t"e re7'"red
by .a a&d hether %r &%t the tetat%r ha
•  @here " &% re"a. "+ the +"rt ".. " epre.y teta6e&tary apa"ty at the t"6e he ee'ted the
re%?ed by the 2&d ".. "..

ECEP@ION2  S'66ary %& "'e that 6ay be
 @here by
REVOE5 " are"a.
the +"rt ".. " I#PIE5Y paed 'p%& by the pr%bate %'rt ("&tr"&" a."d"ty):
;$ O&erh"p
• PRINCIPLE O5 INSTANTER  tate that he& a$ he& the tetat%r ha d"p%ed %+
the ".. " EPRESSY re%?ed by a 2 &d  "..3 the pr%perty h"h " &%t h"1 %r
re%at"%& %+ the 2 &d  ".. by the = rd  ".. ".. &%t b$ hether %r &%t a erta"& pr%perty "
re"e the ;t "..$ @h" " bea'e re%at"%& ta?e "&.'ded "& the etate$
e++et immediately $ It d%e &%t a"t +%r the death 2$ >"."at"%&
%+ the tetat%r t% be%6e e++et"e bea'e a$ hether %r &%t the %pp%"t%r ha
re%at"%& d%e &%t ta?e the +%r6 %+ teta6e&tary per%&a."ty t% "&tere&e1 %r
d"p%"t"%&$ b$ hether %r &%t the ".. ha bee&
SU"SECTION < =$ Whether %r &%t there a preter"t"%&
Allo:ance an% 9isallo:ance o# Wills
 't de""%& %+ the %'rt perta"&"&/ t%
ARTICLE <0<$ N% ".. ha.. pa e"ther rea. %r per%&a.
pr%perty '&.e "t " pr%ed a&d a..%ed "& a%rda&e "th thee 7'et"%& are %&.y pr%""%&a.$
the R'.e %+ C%'rt$
 @he tetat%r h"6e.+ 6ay3 d'r"&/ h" ."+et"6e3 pet"t"%& the ,aers $a a' 4e .asse% u.on 4' $e
%'rt ha"&/ 'r"d"t"%& +%r the a..%a&e %+ h" "..$ I& 'h .ro4ae cour2
ae3 the pert"&e&t pr%""%& %+ the R'.e %+ C%'rt +%r the ;) J'et"%& %+ "de&t"ty
a..%a&e %+ ".. a+ter the tetat%rK death ha.. /%er&$ " 2) 5'e Ee't"%&
 @he S'pre6e C%'rt ha.. +%r6'.ate 'h add"t"%&a. R'.e
%+ C%'rt a 6ay be &eeary +%r the a..%a&e %+ ".. %&
3) J'et"%& a t% the teta6e&tary apa"ty
pet"t"%& %+ the tetat%r$
S'bet t% the r"/ht %+ appea.3 the a..%a&e %+ the "..3 PRO"ATE O5 PRO"ATE O5
e"ther d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r %r a+ter h" death3 HOLOGRAPHIC WILL NOTARIAL WILL
ha.. be %&.'"e a t% "t d'e ee't"%&$ (&)   I& the pr%bate %+   I& the pr%bate %+
h%.%/raph" "..3 "+ there &%tar"a. "..3 he& there
• Pro4ae " the at %r pr%e %+ pr%"&/ be+%re " &% %&tet3 "t " e&%'/h " &% %&tet3 at .eat ;
a %6pete&t %'rt the d'e ee't"%& %+ a& that at .eat ; "t&e 'br"b"&/ "t&e
"&tr'6e&t p'rp%rted t% be the .at ".. a&d ep.""t.y
the ".. de.are
" "& that
the h%'.d
%+ athet% "..$
teta6e&t %+ a deeaed +%r "t a..%a&e by the
a"d %'rt3 that "3 +%r "t %++""a. re%/&"t"%& a&d the ha&dr"t"&/ a&d Whe& there "t "
arry"&/ %'t %+ "t pr%""%& "& % +ar a they are "& "/&at're %+ the tetat%r$ %&teted3 , %+ the
a%rda&e "th .a$ Whe& the ".. " 'br"b"&/ "t&ee
%&teted3 there 6't be p.' the &%tary p'b."
• , pr%bate pr%eed"&/ " a pe"a. pr%eed"&/$
at .eat = %+ "t&ee$ 6't tet"+y$ I+ a.. %+ the
It " a pr%eed"&/ "& re6$
I& the abe&e %+ 'h 'br"b"&/ "t&ee
• I& a pr%bate pr%eed"&/3 the "&7'"ry a a "t&ee3 epert a&d the &%tary p'b." are:
De&era. R'.e " ."6"ted %&.y t% the E@RINSIC tet"6%&y 6ay be ;$dead1
V,I5I@Y %+ the ".. re%rted t% %r ee& "+ 2$"&a&e1 %r
• Etr"&" a."d"ty 6ea&: there " &% %&tet3 t".. =$they are a.. abe&t "&
1. hether %r &%t the tetat%r a %+ epert tet"6%&y 6ay be the Ph"."pp"&e %r
%'&d 6"&d he& he ee'ted the ".. re%rted t%$ 4$tet"+y a/a"&t the d'e
ee't"%& %+ the "..1 %r
2. hether %r &%t he " ;8 year %r ab%e $they d% &%t re6e6ber
3. hether %r &%t the ".. %6p."ed "th ha"&/ atteted the
the +%r6a."t"e '&der ,rt".e 804-809 "th ee't"%& %+ the "..1 %r
repet t% &%tar"a. ".. B$they are %+ d%'bt+'.
4$ hether %r &%t the ".. " e&t"re.y red"b"."ty
r"tte&3 dated a&d "/&ed "& the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the&3 %ther "t&ee
the tetat%r "th repet t% h%.%/raph" ".. 6ay be re%rted t%$
•  @he r'.e %& ES@OPPE a&d the S@,@U@E O>
I#I@,@ION d% &%t app.y "& pr%bate
• Etra'd""a. Sett.e6e&t " NO@ a..%ed he& HOLOGRAPHIC WILL NOTARIAL WILL
there " a "..   Whe& "t %6e t% a I& &%tar"a. "..3 ee& "+ 15/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
h%.%/raph" "..3 there there " &% %py3 the
6't be a ph%t%%py %r &%tar"a. ".. 6ay be SECTION -
arb%& %py %+ the pr%bated bea'e the Insiuion o# Heir
h%.%/raph" "..$ I+ there %&te&t %+ a &%tar"a. "..
" &% %py %+ the 6ay be pr%ed by the ARTICLE <?!  Insiuion o# $eir  " a& at by "rt'e %+
h%.%/raph" "..3 ee& "+ tet"6%&"e %+ at .eat 2 h"h a tetat%r de"/&ate "& h" ".. the per%& %r per%&
the rea%& hy the "t&ee t% .ear.y a&d h% are t% 'eed h"6 "& h" pr%perty a&d tra&6""b.e
r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%&$ (&)
%r detr%yed"..aa
t% d"t"&t.y
%&te&t %+ pr%ed the
the &%tar"a.
the at %+ a&%ther per%& "..$ • I&t"t't"%& re+er t% the +ree p%rt"%&
"th%'t "&te&t t% re%?e
%& the part %+ the N: , .%&/ a there " &% C$aracerisics o# an insiue% $eir
tetat%r t"..3 &% pr%bate animus revocandi  %& the ;$ @he "&t"t'ted he"r %&t"t'te the"%& %+ the
%+ the h%.%/raph" ".. part %+ the tetat%r$ per%&a."ty3 t% %&t"&'e the per%&a."ty %+ the
6ay be a..%ed bea'e tetat%r b't %&.y "&"%& t% the "&her"ta&e "th%'t
there " &% %py$ be"&/ per%&a..y ."ab.e +%r the death %+ the tetat%r$
2$ @he "&t"t'ted he"r a7'"re the r"/ht ."6"ted t%
ARTICLE <0=!  @he ".. ha.. be d"a..%ed "& a&y %+ the the d"p%ab.e p%rt"%& a&d he a&&%t "6pa"r the
+%..%"&/ ae: .e/"t"6e$
(;) I+ the +%r6a."t"e re7'"red by .a hae &%t bee& %6p."ed
"th1 Reuisies #or an insiuion o 4e vali%2
(2) I+ the tetat%r a "&a&e3 %r %ther"e 6e&ta..y
1.  @he ".. 6't be etr"&"a..y a."d
"&apab.e %+ 6a?"&/ a "..3 at the+%re
t"6e %+
%r "t ee't"%&1
(=) I+ "t a ee'ted thr%'/h '&der d're3 %r the 2.  @he "&t"t't"%& 6't be "&tr"&"a..y a."d
"&+.'e&e %+ +ear3 %r threat1 =$ @he "&t"t't"%& 6't be e++et"e
(4) I+ "t a pr%'red by '&d'e a&d "6pr%per pre're a&d
"&+.'e&e3 %& the part %+ the be&e+""ary %r %+ %6e %ther
ARTICLE <1$ , ".. ha.. be a."d ee& th%'/h "t h%'.d
&%t %&ta"& a& "&t"t't"%& %+ a& he"r3 %r 'h "&t"t't"%&
() I+ the "/&at're %+ the tetat%r a pr%'red by +ra'd1
h%'.d &%t %6pr"e the e&t"re etate3 a&d ee& th%'/h the
(B) I+ the tetat%r ated by 6"ta?e %r d"d &%t "&te&d that the
per%& % "&t"t'ted h%'.d &%t aept the "&her"ta&e %r
"&tr'6e&t he "/&ed h%'.d be h" ".. at the t"6e %+ a++""&/
h%'.d be "&apa"tated t% 'eed$
h" "/&at're theret%$ (&)
I& 'h ae the teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& 6ade "&
a%rda&e "th .a ha.. be %6p."ed "th a&d the
•  @hee /r%'&d are e.'"e$ H%eer3 re6a"&der %+ the etate ha.. pa t% the .e/a. he"r$ (FB4)
dep"te the e.'""ty /"e&3 "t ee6 that there
are %ther /r%'&d h"h are 6"&%r"ty3 re%at"%& • , ".. " a."d ee& th%'/h "t d%e &%t %&ta"& a&
a&d +%r/ery$ "&t"t't"%& %+ a& he"r

1s /roun%2 S'h
etate"&t"t't"%& h%'.d &%t %6pr"e the e&t"re
• I& ae %+ &%tar"a. "..3 +%r6a."t"e '&der • Ee& th%'/h the per%& % "&t"t'ted h%'.d &%t
,rt".e 804-809 aept the "&her"ta&e %r h%'.d be "&apa"tated
• I& ae %+ h%.%/raph" ".. "t 6't be: t% 'eed
a. e&t"re.y r"tte&3 "/&ed a&d dated "& ARTICLE <-$ O&e h% ha &% %6p'.%ry he"r 6ay
the ha&dr"t"&/ %+ the tetat%r d"p%e by ".. %+ a.. h" etate %r a&y part %+ "t "& +a%r %+
b$ "& the .a&/'a/e ?&%& t% the tetat%r a&y per%& ha"&/ apa"ty t% 'eed$
$ 6't be ee'ted a t the t"6e he& O&e h% ha %6p'.%ry he"r 6ay d"p%e %+ h"
h%.%/raph" ".. are a..%ed etate pr%"ded he d%e &%t %&trae&e the pr%""%& %+
-n% /roun%2 th" C%de "th re/ard t% the .e/"t"6e %+ a"d he"r$ (FB=a)

•  @h" /r%'&d re+er t% the %'&d&e %+

6"&d %+ the tetat%r at the t"6e %+ ee't"%& %+ the •  @h" art".e " a..ed the #ree%o o# %is.osiion
".. •
0r% /roun%2 't th" +reed%6
bea'e %+ d"p%"t"%&
he& there " &%the"r3
are %6p'.%ry ab%.'te
•  @h" %&&%te the "dea %+ %er"%&3 6e&ta. tetat%r ha t% %bere the p%rt"%& perta"&"&/ t%
%r phy"a. the %6p'.%ry he"r
$ /roun%2
ARTICLE <0$ @he tetat%r ha.. de"/&ate the he"r by h"
• Un%ue In#luence  %&&%te the "dea %+
&a6e a&d 'r&a6e3 a&d he& there are t% per%& ha"&/
%er"%& by "rt'e %+ h"h the 'd/6e&t %+ the the a6e &a6e3 he ha.. "&d"ate %6e "r'6ta&e by
tetat%r " d"p.aed3 a&d he " "&d'ed t% d% that h"h the "&t"t'ted he"r 6ay be ?&%&$
h"h he %ther"e %'.d &%t hae d%&e$ Ee& th%'/h the tetat%r 6ay hae %6"tted the &a6e
$ /roun%2 %+ the he"r3 h%'.d he de"/&ate h"6 "& 'h 6a&&er that
there a& be &% d%'bt a t% h% ha bee& "&t"t'ted3 the
•   5rau%  " the 'e %+ "&"d"%' %rd %r "&t"t't"%& ha.. be a."d$ (FF2)
6ah"&at"%& t% %&"&e a per%& t% d% hat
%rd"&ar".y he %'.d &%t hae d%&e$
•  @he bet ay t% de"/&ate the he"r " by &a6e %r
•  @here " a& "&te&t t% 6a?e a "..
8$ /roun%2 •
Ee& "+ the &a6e " %6"tted3 the de"/&at"%& "
•  @he tetat%r " at"&/ bea'e %+ h"
t".. a."d a .%&/ a 'h per%& a& be "de&t"+"ed
6"ta?e a&d the tetat%r ha &% "&te&t t% 6a?e a
• I+ there are 2 %r 6%re 2 per%& "&t"t'ted a&d
they hae the a6e &a6e %r %rrep%&d t% the
•  @here " &% "&te&t t% 6a?e a "..
a6e der"pt"%&3 ,rt".e F89 a& be app."ed:
,R@ICE F89$ Whe& there " a& "6per+et
  , %.'&tary at %+ the D"e& by 'd""a. %rder der"pt"%&3 %r he& &% per%& %r pr%perty
tetat%r$ eat.y a&er the der"pt"%&3 6"ta?e
#ay be "th %r "th%'t #'t a.ay be +%r .e/a. a a&d %6""%& 6't be %rreted3 "+ the
a'e$ a'e$ err%r appear +r%6 the %&tet %+ the ".. %r
#ay be part"a. %r t%ta.$ ,.ay t%ta.$ +r%6 etr"&" e"de&e3 e.'d"&/ the %ra. 16/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
de.arat"%& %+ the tetat%r a t% h" "&te&t"%&1 • Re6e6ber that br%ther a&d "ter are &%t
a&d he& a& '&erta"&ty ar"e 'p%& the +ae
%6p'.%ry he"r'/h they are .e/a. he"r
%+ the "..3 a t% the app."at"%& %+ a&y %+ "t
pr%""%&3 the tetat%rK "&te&t"%& " t% be • Whe& the tetat%r "&t"t'te h" br%ther a&d
aerta"&ed +r%6 the %rd %+ the "..3 ta?"&/ "ter hether %r +'.. b.%%d %r ha.+ b.%%d they are
"&t% %&"derat"%& the "r'6ta&e '&der dee6ed t% hae bee& "&t"t'ted e7'a..y
h"h "t a 6ade3 e.'d"&/ 'h %ra.
ARTICLE <$ ,& err%r "& the &a6e3 'r&a6e3 %r  @he hare %+ the  @here " NO 'h
"r'6ta&e %+ the he"r ha.. &%t "t"ate the "&t"t't"%& he& br%ther %r "ter %+ the pre'6pt"%&$
"t " p%"b.e3 "& a&y %ther 6a&&er3 t% ?&% "th erta"&ty the +'.. b.%%d3 " t"e a
per%& "&t"t'ted$
I+ a6%&/ per%& ha"&/ the a6e &a6e a&d 'r&a6e3
6'h a th%e %+ the ha.+
there " a "6".ar"ty %+ "r'6ta&e "& 'h a ay that3 ee& b.%%d$ S% here there " a
"th the 'e %+ %ther pr%%+3 the per%& "&t"t'ted a&&%t be pre'6pt"%& that the
"de&t"+"ed3 &%&e %+ the6 ha.. be a& he"r$ (FF=a) a++et"%& %+ the tetat%r
+%r the br%ther a&d
"ter %+ the +'.. b.%%d "
• ,rt".e 84= 6e&t"%& %6""%&$ ,rt".e 844
/reater tha& th%e %+ the
6e&t"%& err%r$
ha.+ b.%%d
• Err%r "& the &a6e3 'r&a6e %r "r'6ta&e
%'.d &%t 6atter a .%&/ a '.t"6ate.y the %'rt ARTICLE <=! Whe& the tetat%r a.. t% the 'e"%&
a& tetat%r
the "de&t"+y h% are rea..y the he"r "&te&ded by a per%& a&d
"&t"t'ted h" h".dre&a&d
"6'.ta&e%'.y they&%t
a.. dee6ed t% hae bee&
• ,&y 6a&&er 6aybe re%rted t% deter6"&e the
per%& "&t"t'ted eept %ra. de.arat"%& 6ade by •  @h" art".e " ?&%& a the PRINCIPLE O5
the tetat%r SI,ULTANEIT> 

ARTICLE <$ Eery d"p%"t"%& "& +a%r %+ a& '&?&%& •  @here " %&.y a pre'6pt"%&$ @here " &%th"&/
per%& ha.. be %"d3 '&.e by %6e ee&t %r "r'6ta&e h"h a& pree&t the tetat%r +r%6 pr%"d"&/ "&
h" "de&t"ty be%6e erta"&$ H%eer3 a d"p%"t"%& "& +a%r %+ h" ".. that the "&t"t't"%& ha.. be 'e"e a&d
a de+"&"te .a %r /r%'p %+ per%& ha.. be a."d$ (F0a) &%t "6'.ta&e%'$

ARTICLE <?!  @he tate6e&t %+ a +a.e a'e +%r the

• ,& un6no:n .erson " %&e that a&&%t be
"&t"t't"%& %+ a& he"r ha.. be %&"dered a &%t r"tte&3
"de&t"+"ed$ He " &%t &eear".y a tra&/er '&.e "t appear +r%6 the ".. that the tetat%r %'.d &%t
• , d"p%"t"%& "& +a%r %+ a& '&?&%& per%& h% hae 6ade 'h "&t"t't"%& "+ he had ?&%& the +a."ty %+

a&&%t be "de&t"+"ed a&&%t be /"e& e++et 'h a'e$ (FBFa)

ARTICLE <8! He"r "&t"t'ted "th%'t de"/&at"%& %+ DENER, RUE2  @he tate6e&t %+ a +a.e a'e +%r
hare ha.. "&her"t "& e7'a. part$ (FB) the "&t"t't"%& %+ a& he"r ha.. &%t "t"ate the
"&t"t't"%&$ @he +a.e a'e ha.. a.ay be
%&"dered a &%t r"tte&$
• ,rt".e 84B re+er t% PRINCIPLE O5 EJUALIT>   @he .a pre'6e that "& /""&/ a .e/ay %r
• It " pre'6ed that the tetat%r "&te&ded t% /"e de"e %r "&her"ta&e3 the rea. 6%t"at"%& %r the rea.
e7'a. hare t% the he"r "&t"t'ted$ Other"e3 he a'e " the ."bera."ty %r /e&er%"ty %+ the tetat%r &%t
%'.d hae pe"+"a..y 6e&t"%&ed the hare %+ the he +a.e a'e$
he"r had he "&te&ded that eah he"r ha.. /et ECEP@ION: U&.e "t appear +r%6 the ".. that the
d"++ere&t p%rt"%& %r '&e7'a. p%rt"%& tetat%r %'.d &%t hae 6ade 'h "&t"t't"%& "+ he
had ?&%& the +a."ty %+ 'h a'e$
DENER, RUE: He"r "&t"t'ted "th%'t de"/&at"%& %+
hare ha.. "&her"t "& e7'a. part$ •
ECEP@ION2  ,rt".e 84B a&&%t app.y he& there are ,%rd"&/
tate6e&t t%%+ %6e
I..e/a.a'th%r"t"e "& 'e"%&3
a'e +%r the the
"&t"t't"%& "..
%6p'.%ry he"r$ &%t "&a."date the "&t"t't"%&$ @he "..e/a. a'e "
dee6ed &%t r"tte&$
ARTICLE <7!  Whe& the tetat%r "&t"t'te %6e he"r
"&d""d'a..y a&d %ther %..et"e.y a he& he ay3 AI
ARTICLE <1! I+ the tetat%r ha "&t"t'ted %&.y %&e he"r3
de"/&ate a 6y he"r , a&d 3 a&d the h".dre& %+ C3A th%e
a&d the "&t"t't"%& " ."6"ted t% a& a."7'%t part %+ the
%..et"e.y de"/&ated ha.. be %&"dered a "&d""d'a..y
"&her"ta&e3 .e/a. 'e"%& ta?e p.ae "th repet t% the
"&t"t'ted3 '&.e "t .ear.y appear that the "&te&t"%& %+ the
re6a"&der %+ the etate$
tetat%r a %ther"e$ (FB9a)
 @he a6e r'.e app."e3 "+ the tetat%r ha "&t"t'ted
eera. he"r eah be"&/ ."6"ted t% a& a."7'%t part3 a&d a..
•  @h" art".e re+er t% the PRINCIPLE O5 the part d% &%t %er the h%.e "&her"ta&e$ (&)
• , .%&/ a the "&te&t"%& t% hae the etate • ,."7'%t part 6ea& a +rat"%& %r '&d""ded
%..et"e.y d"tr"b'ted d%e &%t appear "& the "..3 "&teret

the pre'6pt"%& " "&d""d'a. "&t"t't"%& • ,rt".e 8; h%'.d be app."ed he& there " NO
• Whe& there are %6p'.%ry he"r3 y%' hae t% +"rt IN@EN@ION %& the part %+ the tetat%r t% /"e the
at"+y the p%rt"%& perta"&"&/ t% the .e/"t"6e %+ the re6a"&"&/ part %+ the etate$ S%3 %&.y the pe"+"
%6p'.%ry he"r$ p%rt"%& 6e&t"%&ed$
• INS@I@U@ION re+er t% >REE POR@ION
ARTICLE <-! I+ "t a the "&te&t"%& %+ the tetat%r that
ARTICLE <<! I+ the tetat%r h%'.d "&t"t'te h" br%ther the "&t"t'ted he"r h%'.d be%6e %.e he"r t% the h%.e
a&d "ter3 a&d he ha %6e %+ +'.. b.%%d a&d %ther %+ ha.+ etate3 %r the h%.e +ree p%rt"%&3 a the ae 6ay be3 a&d
b.%%d3 the "&her"ta&e ha.. be d"tr"b'ted e7'a..y '&.e a eah %+ the6 ha bee& "&t"t'ted t% a& a."7'%t part %+ the
d"++ere&t "&te&t"%& appear$ (FF0a) "&her"ta&e a&d the"r a."7'%t part t%/ether d% &%t %er the
h%.e "&her"ta&e3 %r the h%.e +ree p%rt"%&3 eah part ha..
be "&reaed pr%p%rt"%&a..y$ (&) 17/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• I& ,rt".e 823 the "&te&t"%& %+ the tetat%r " t% /"e I+ the %6"tted %6p'.%ry he"r h%'.d d"e be+%re the
tetat%r3 the "&t"t't"%& ha.. be e++et'a.3 "th%'t pre'd"e
the e&t"re etate t% the "&t"t'ted he"r %r he"r b't
t% the r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&$ (8;4a)
the hare /"e& t% the "&t"t'ted he"r he& added
d% &%t %6pr"e the e&t"rety %+ the etate
• PRETERITION " the t%ta. %6""%& /e&era..y d'e
Pr%b.e6; t% 6"ta?e %r %er"/ht by the tetat%r "& h" "..
J: ,3  a&d C are "&t"t'ted a he"r: ,  ;G43   ;G4 a&d C  %+ %&e3 %6e %r a.. %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r "& the
;G4$ @he tetat%r ay that he " /""&/ the e&t"re etate t% ,3 
a&d C$ @he etate " %rth P;203000$ 5%e the "&t"t't"%& d"ret ."&e .""&/ at the t"6e %+ the tetat%r
%6pr"e the e&t"re etate N%3 bea'e the "&t"t't"%& %&.y
•  @he %6""%& 6ay be %.'&tary %r "&%.'&tary
a6%'&t t% =G4$ H% d% e d""de the etate a6%&/ ,3  a&d
Reuisies o# Preeriion
,: ,  P=03000 ;$ The omission from the inheritance must be total
  P=03000 or complete
C  P=03000 N% preter"t"%& "& the +%..%"&/ "t'at"%&:

------------- a$ I+ the %6p'.%ry he"r " /"e& a

de"e %r a .e/ay3 he " &%t
P;203000 - 903000  P=03000 %&"dered preter"ted ee& "+ the
P=03000 G =  P;03000 .e/ay %r de"e " %rth .e tha&
the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r$
 @%ta. hare %+: b$ I+ the etate " %rth P;00@ b't the
,  P=03000 Q ;03000  P403000
  P=03000 Q ;03000  P403000 tetat%r
he"r ay3 LI%+hereby
t% %&e-ha.+ "&t"t'te
6y etate$M @hat6y
C  P=03000 Q ;03000  P403000 the %&.y pr%""%& "& the "..$ >%r
ea6p.e3 , " a %&3 a& he"r$ @here "
&% preter"t"%& ee& "+ , " &%t
Pr%b.e62 6e&t"%&ed bea'e %6eth"&/ "
J: ,  ;GB3   ;G83 C  2G=$ @he etate " %rth P;203000$ be"&/ .e+t +%r , "& the "&her"ta&e$
$ , .%&/ a there " t".. a ba.a&e a+ter
,: ,  (P;203000 G B)  ;  P203000 a.. the pr%""%& "& the ".. hae
    (P;203000 G 8)  ;  P;3000 bee& /"e& e++et3 there are t"..
  C  (P;203000 G =)  2  P803000 '&d"p%ed pr%pert"e h"h the
%6"tted %6p'.%ry he"r 6ay parta?e
% there " &% preter"t"%&$
,  (203000 G ;;3000)  3000  P 8B9$B 2$ The omission must be the compulsory heir in the
  (;3000 G ;;3000)  3000  P B2$;F9 direct line
C  (803000 G ;;3000)  3000  P=34F8$82B •
C%6p'.%ry he"r:
  ---------------- ;$ @he h".dre& hether .e/"t"6ate
%r "..e/"t"6ate
 @%ta. hare %+: 2.  @he pare&t "& the abe&e %+ the
,  P203000 Q 8B9$B  P2038B9$B h".dre&
  P;3000 Q B2$;F9  P;3B2$;F9 • , p%'e " a %6p'.%ry
C  P803000 Q =34F8$8B2  P8=34F8$8B2 he"r b't NO@ "& the d"ret ."&e
  P;203000$00 • y +"t"%& %+ .a3 a&
ad%pted h".d " a %6p'.%ry he"r "&
ARTICLE <0! I+ eah %+ the "&t"t'ted he"r ha bee& /"e& the d"ret ."&e
a& a."7'%t part %+ the "&her"ta&e3 a&d the part t%/ether =$ The omitted compulsory heir must survive the
eeed the h%.e "&her"ta&e3 %r the h%.e +ree p%rt"%&3 a the testator.
ae 6ay be3 eah part ha.. be red'ed pr%p%rt"%&a..y$ (&)
• I+ the %6"tted he"r d"ed ahead %+ the tetat%r3

,rt".e 8= " the reere %+ ,rt".e 82 there " &% preter"t"%& bea'e by rea%& %+ h"
ear.y death3 he " dee6ed &%t t% hae "&her"ted
+r%6 the tetat%r
J: , ;G43   ;G83 C  2G=$ @he etate " %rth P;203000$ • H%eer3 the %6"tted %6p'.%ry he"r d"e ahead
a&d he ha h".dre& h% a& repree&t h"6$
,: ,  ;G4  P;203000  P=03000  @here " re.resenaion here"& the
    ;G8  P;203000  P;3000 repree&tat"e " ea.ted t% the p%"t"%& %+ the
  C  2G=  P;203000  P803000
%&e they are repree&t"&/$ I& th" ae3 there "
  P;23000 preter"t"%&$
• I+ there a a d%&at"%& /"e& t% the %6p'.%ry
,  (P=03000 G ;23000)  3000  P;3200 he"r d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r3 a&d 'h
  (P;3000 G ;23000)  3000  PB00 he"r " %6"tted +r%6 the "..3 there " &%
C  (P803000 G ;23000)  3000  P=3200 preter"t"%& bea'e he " &%t %6"tted +r%6 the
"&her"ta&e$ @here 6't be %6""%& +r%6 the
 @%ta. hare %+: "&her"ta&e3 &%t 6ere.y +r%6 the "..$
,  P=03000 - ;3200  P283800
  P;3000 - B00  P;43400 •  @he d%&at"%& 6ade t% %6p'.%ry he"r d'r"&/
C  P803000 - =3200  PFB3800 the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r3 'p%& the death %+ the
  ------------- tetat%r3 the a.'e %+ thee d%&at"%& are
br%'/ht ba? t% the a.'e %+ the etate thr%'/h
ARTICLE <!  @he preter"t"%& %r %6""%& %+ %&e3 %6e3 %r
a.. %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r "& the d"ret ."&e3 hether .""&/ at
the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the ".. %r b%r& a+ter the death %+ E##ecs o# Preeriion
the tetat%r3 ha.. a&&'. the "&t"t't"%& %+ he"r1 b't the de"e 1. It ha.. a&&'. the "&t"t't"%& %+ he"r (,rt".e
a&d .e/a"e ha.. be a."d "&%+ar a they are &%t "&%++""%'$ 84) 18/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

2.  @he .e/ay %r de"e ha.. be a."d "& % +ar a %ther$ (>"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& < ,rt".e
they are &%t "&%++""%' (d% &%t "6pa"r the 8B=)
Pur.oses o# su4siuion
ARTICLE <!  @he hare %+ a h".d %r dee&da&t %6"tted 1.  @% a%"d "&tetate 'e"%&
"& a ".. 6't +"rt be ta?e& +r%6 the part %+ the etate &%t 2$ @% pree&t the dee&t %+ the etate
d"p%ed %+ by the "..3 "+ a&y1 "+ that " &%t '++""e&t3 % 6'h %+ the tetat%r t% h%6 the tetat%r d%e &%t
a 6ay%+be
hare &eeary
the 6't be he"r$
%ther %6p'.%ry ta?e&(;080a)
pr%p%rt"%&a..y +r%6 the a&t t% 'eed h"6 "& h" pr%perty hether by
r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&3 %r by r"/ht %+ aret"%& %r
by r"/ht %+ "&tetate 'e"%&
• ,rt".e 8 ta.? ab%'t the hare %+ a h".d %r =$ @% a..% the tetat%r /reater +reed%6
dee&da&t %6"tted "& the "..$ t% he.p %r reard th%e h% by rea%& %+
•  @h" art".e a& a.% be app."ed he& hat " at er"e re&dered are 6%re %rthy %+ h"
ha&d " 6ere.y a& "6pa"r6e&t %+ the .e/"t"6e3 %3 a++et"%& a&d deer"&/ %+ h" b%'&ty tha&
y%' 't hae t% %6p.ete the .e/"t"6e$ "&tetate he"r
4$ @% e&ab.e the tetat%r t% 6a?e
• ,rt".e 8 ta.? %&.y %+ the .e/"t"6e$ It ha &% arra&/e6e&t +%r h" 'e"%& "& the 6a&&er
%&er& %+ the >ree P%rt"%&$ 6%t %&e&"e&t +%r h"6
ARTICLE <8! , %.'&tary he"r h% d"e be+%re the tetat%r
5.  @% rea."!e %6e h%&%rab.e p'rp%e %+
tra&6"t &%th"&/ t% h" he"r$ the tetat%r ."?e the 6a"&te&a&e %+ the pr%perty
, %6p'.%ry he"r h% d"e be+%re the tetat%r3 a per%& "th"& h" pr%perty bea'e "& 'bt"t't"%&3 the
"&apa"tated t% 'eed3 a&d %&e h% re&%'&e the
"&her"ta&e3 ha.. tra&6"t &% r"/ht t% h" %& he"r eept "& tetat%r t% %6e ete&t 6ay preere the
pr%perty "th"& the %&+"&e %+ h" %&
ae epre.y pr%"ded +%r "& th" C%de$ (FBBa) "66ed"ate +a6".y a&d pree&t the etate +r%6
dee&d"&/ t% the %ther .e/a. he"r ."?e the
•  @he ter6 volunar' $eir  here %er br%ther %r "ter
a.% .e/a"e %r de"e$ S%3 "+ a .e/ay %r de"e "
/"e&3 "t tra&6"t &%th"&/ t% the he"r %+ the •  Y%' a& hae a 'bt"t'te +%r a .e/atee %r
%.'&tary he"r "+ the %.'&tary he"r d"e be+%re the de"ee bea'e ,rt".e 8F app."e t% the +ree
tetat%r p%rt"%& a&d &%t t% the .e/"t"6e

DENER, RUE: I+ a co.ulsor' $eir  " predeeae3 ARTICLE <<! S'bt"t't"%& %+ he"r 6ay be:
" "&apa"tated %r re&%'&e %r rep'd"ate the (;) S"6p.e %r %66%&1
"&her"ta&e3 he tra&6"t &%th"&/ t% h" %& he"r$ (2) r"e+ %r %6pe&d"%'1
(=) Re"pr%a.1 %r
ECEP@ION : R"/ht %+ Repree&tat"%& (4) >"de"%66"ary$ (&)

•  @h" art".e pea? %+ a& he"r h%

predeeaed the tetat%r3 "&apa"ty a&d %&e h% • S"6p.e %r C%66%& - ,rt".e 89
re&%'&e the "&her"ta&e$ 't th" art".e app."e • r"e+ %r C%6pe&d"%' <,rt".e 8B0
by a&a.%/y t% 5ISINHERI@,NCE$ , %6p'.%ry he"r
h% " d""&her"ted ha.. tra&6"t &% r"/ht t% h" • Re"pr%a. < ,rt".e 8B;
%& he"r eept he& there " R"/ht %+ • >"de"%66"ary < ,rt".e 8B=
ARTICLE <=$ @he tetat%r 6ay de"/&ate %&e %r 6%re
SECTION 0 per%& t% 'bt"t'te the he"r %r he"r "&t"t'ted "& ae 'h
Su4siuion o# Heirs he"r %r he"r h%'.d d"e be+%re h"63 %r h%'.d &%t "h3 %r
h%'.d be "&apa"tated t% aept the "&her"ta&e$
, "6p.e 'bt"t't"%&3 "th%'t a tate6e&t %+ the ae
ARTICLE <7! S'bt"t't"%& " the app%"&t6e&t %+ a&%ther
t% h"h "t re+er3 ha.. %6pr"e the three 6e&t"%&ed "& the
he"r % that he 6ay e&ter "&t% the "&her"ta&e "& de+a'.t %+ the
preed"&/ para/raph3 '&.e the tetat%r ha %ther"e
he"r %r"/"&a..y "&t"t'ted$ (&)
pr%"ded$ (FF4)

• ,rt".e 8F pea? %+ su4siuion here there "

•  @he 'bt"t'te "&her"t +r%6 tetat%r3 &%t +r%6 the
app%"&t6e&t %+ a&%ther he"r "& de+a'.t %+ a&%ther
per%& 'bt"t'ted
he"r "&t"t'ted$ I+ the +"rt he"r a&&%t "&her"t +%r
rea%& pr%"ded +%r by .a3 the& the tetat%r 6ay • U&der ,rt".e 893 "+ the %r"/"&a. he"r d"e ahead
app%"&t a 'bt"t'te "& p.ae %+ the %r"/"&a. he"r$ %+ the tetat%r %r re&%'&e the "&her"ta&e %r
 @he 'bt"t'te ".. "&tead /et the "&her"ta&e be%6e "&apa"tated the& the 'bt"t't"%& ha..
h"h h%'.d hae perta"&ed t% the %r"/"&a. he"r be e++et"e ee& "+ the d"p%"t"%& " ".e&t a t%
the a'e %+ the 'bt"t't"%&$
• I& 'bt"t't"%&3 there are a.% "&ta&e here"&
b%th he"r3 the %r"/"&a. he"r a&d the 'bt"t'te • LU&.e the tetat%r ha %ther"e pr%"deM :
"&her"t$ @hat " %ered by the ae %+ hat e a.. th'3 the tetat%r here " &%t pre.'ded +r%6
the 5I9EICO,,ISSAR> SU"STITUTION pr%"d"&/ %ther a'e %ther tha& predeeae3
"&apa"ty a&d re&'&"at"%&
• , 'h3 su4siuion  " the app%"&t6e&t %+

a&%ther he"r"&%de+a'.t
"&her"ta&e that he%+ 6ay
the e&ter "&t% the
he"r %r"/"&a..y 't
the=d"p%"t"%& " ".e&t3 the&
a'e 6e&t"%&ed "t ",rt".e
'&der pre'6ed
"&t"t'ted %r ,>@ER SUCH HEIR e"ther %&e a+ter the are the %&e be"&/ re+erred t% by the tetat%r
%ther %r a.. at the a6e t"6e$ • S'bt"t't"%& 6't be EPRESSY pr%"ded by the
tetat%r$ N% pre'6pt"%& that there "
- Conce.s o# Su4siuion2 'bt"t't"%&$
1. 9irec Su4siuion < %&.y %&e "&her"t$ I+ the
%r"/"&a. he"r de+a'.t3 the& the 'bt"t'te Aricle <8?$ @% %r 6%re per%& 6ay be 'bt"t'ted +%r
"&her"t$ (,rt".e 8F) %&e3 a&d %&e per%& +%r t% %r 6%re he"r$
2. In%irec Su4siuion < the "&her"ta&e "
a'6ed by 2 he"r$ S%3 %&e "&her"t a+ter the • ,rt".e 8B0 ta.? ab%'t "rie# or Co.en%ious
Su4siuion 19/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• "RIE5 SU"STITUTION " he& 2 %r 6%re per%& • >"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& " a& in%irec
6ay be 'bt"t'ted +%r %&e he"r (p.'ra."ty %+ su4siuion3 here b%th he"r "&her"t %&e a+ter
'bt"t'te) the %ther
• CO,PEN9IOUS SU"STITUTION  " he& 2 %r
6%re he"r are "&t"t'ted a&d %&e " app%"&ted a Ea6p.e %+ a +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%&:
'bt"t'te +%r a.. he"r %r"/"&a..y "&t"t'ted$ (p.'ra."ty  @he tetat%r ha 2 he"r , a&d $ , +"rt
'eed t% the pr%perty3 +"rt a7'"red %r e&%yed
%+ per%& 'bt"t'ted) the pr%perty$ 't the e&%y6e&t %+ , " 'bet t% the
• 't "& %6pe&d"%' 'bt"t't"%&3 the 'bt"t'te " %&d"t"%& that he h%'.d preere the pr%perty a&d
+%r , the he"r$ @he 'bt"t'te "&her"t "+ a.. the .ater %&3 'p%& %&d"t"%& /"e& by the tetat%r3 e"ther
he"r d"e ahead %+ the tetat%r3 re&%'&e the 'p%& death %r rep'd"at"%& %r 'p%& erta"& per"%d3 ,
"&her"ta&e %r be%6e "&apa"tated$ ".. &% tra&6"t the pr%perty t% 3 the e%&d he"r$
• I+ %&.y %&e d"e3 re&%'&e %r " "&apa"tated3 the %th , a&d  e&%y the pr%perty$ ,.th%'/h , here
%&ept %+ accreion  " app."ed '&.e there are 6ere.y e&%y 'e %+ the pr%perty3 he " ."?e a
repree&tat"e ''+r't'ary bea'e he a&&%t %& the pr%perty
bea'e %+ h" %b."/at"%& t% tra&6"t the pr%perty t%
ARTICLE <81$ I+ he"r "&t"t'ted "& '&e7'a. hare h%'.d $ ,"de +r%6 e&%y"&/ the pr%perty3  a.% %& the
be re"pr%a..y 'bt"t'ted3 the 'bt"t'te ha.. a7'"re the pr%perty "th a.. the r"/ht perta"&"&/ t% a& %&er$
hare %+ the he"r h% d"e3 re&%'&e3 %r " "&apa"tated3 ea'e %+ the %b."/at"%& %+ , t% preere a&d
'&.e "t .ear.y appear that the "&te&t"%& %+ the tetat%r a tra&6"t3 ,:
%ther"e$ I+ there are 6%re tha& %&e 'bt"t'te3 they ha..
hae the a6e hare "& the 'bt"t't"%& a "& the "&t"t't"%&$
1. a&&%t ab%.'te.y a."e&ate the pr%perty "&ter
(FF9a) "% %r 6%rt" a'a
2$ a&&%t 6a?e a ".. pr%"d"&/ that the
pr%pert"e " /"e& t% a&%ther per%&
• ,rt".e 8B; re+er t% Reci.rocal Su4siuion
here a.. the he"r are %&t"t'ted a the Reuisies o# #i%eicoissar' su4siuion2
'bt"t'te %+ %&e a&%ther$ 1! T$e #i%eicoissar' su4siuion
• Ea6p.e ;: I+ the hare %+ , " P =03000 a&d the us 4e e;.ressl' a%e
hare %+  " P ;030003 "+ , d"e ahead %+ the H%
tetat%r3  ".. /et , hare ee& "+ , hare " a! y pr%"d"&/ the &a6e %+ the
/reater tha& 3 '&.e the tetat%r EPRESSY +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t'te %r that
pr%"de that the 'bt"t't"%& %+  t% the hare %+ , th" " a +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%&
" %&.y t% the ete&t %+ the "&her"ta&e by $ 4! y pr%"d"&/ the %b."/at"%& t%
preere a&d %b."/at"%& t% tra&6"t
• Ea6p.e 2: I+ there are 6%re tha& 2 per%&
"&t"t'ted here the etate " P =003000 a&d the 2. T$ere us 4e a #irs $eir (+"d'"ary3

he"r are ,3  a&d C$ , hare " P ;0030003  +"d'"ar%3 hereder% %r tr'tee)
hare " P 03000 a&d C hare " P ;03000$ I+ , •  @he +"rt he"r 6't hae the
d"e ahead %+ the tetat%r3  a&d C ha.. hae the apa"ty t% "&her"t a&d ha the %b."/at"%& t%
a6e hare "& 'bt"t't"%& a "& the "&t"t't"%&$ preere a&d tra&6"t the etate "& h%.e %r
I&t"t't"%& S'bt"t't"%& "& part 
 P 0@ 0G200  ;00@  P 2@ P HEIR+
F@ , tr'tee %r a tr't ha , +"d'"ary3'/h he
C P;0@ ;0G200  ;00@  P F@ &% r"/ht t% e&%y the ha the %b."/at"%&
P 22@ pr%perty perta"&"&/ t% a tr'tee "&
a tr't3 he a& e&%y the
ARTICLE <8-!  @he 'bt"t'te ha.. be 'bet t% the a6e pr%perty
har/e a&d %&d"t"%& "6p%ed 'p%& the "&t"t'ted he"r3
'&.e the tetat%r ha epre.y pr%"ded the %&trary3 %r the
har/e %r %&d"t"%& are per%&a..y app."ab.e %&.y t% the he"r USU5RUCTUAR> 5I9UCIAR>  
"&t"t'ted$ (F80) Re7'"red t% +'r&"h a b%&d @he +"d'"ary " &%t
re7'"red t% +'r&"h a
DENER, RUE: @he 'bt"t'te ha.. be 'bet t% the b%&d %r e'r"ty$
a6e har/e a&d %&d"t"%& "6p%ed 'p%& the N%t e&t"t.ed t% re+'&d$ E&t"t.ed t% re+'&d +%r
"&t"t'ted he"r$ epe&e a&d +%r the
ECEP@IONS: "&reae "& the a.'e %+
;$ Whe& the tetat%r ha epre.y pr%"ded the the pr%perty by rea%&
%&trary %+ "t "6pr%e6e&t
2$ Whe& the har/e %r %&d"t"%& are %&.y
per%&a..y app."ab.e t% the per%& "&t"t'ted 3. T$ere us 4e a secon% $eir
(+"de"%66"ary %r +"de"%6"ar"% %r be&e+""ary
ARTICLE <80! , #i%eicoissar' su4siuion  by "rt'e %r et'" 7'e tr't)
%+ h"h the +"d'"ary %r +"rt he"r "&t"t'ted " e&tr'ted "th
the %b."/at"%& t% preere a&d t% tra&6"t t% a e%&d he"r the •  @he e%&d he"r ree"e the pr%perty
h%.e %r part %+ the "&her"ta&e3 ha.. be a."d a&d ha.. ta?e +r%6 the +"rt he"r b't the 2 &d  he"r at'a..y
e++et3 pr%"ded 'h 'bt"t't"%& d%e &%t /% bey%&d %&e "&her"t +r%6 the tetat%r3 &%t +r%6 the +"rt
de/ree +r%6 the he"r %r"/"&a..y "&t"t'ted3 a&d pr%"ded he"r
+'rther3 that the +"d'"ary %r +"rt he"r a&d the e%&d he"r are
.""&/ at the t"6e %+ the death %+ the tetat%r$ (F8;a)
•  @he 2&d  he"r 6't be apa"tated t%
"&her"t +r%6 the tetat%r$ He 6't &%t d"e
ahead %+ the tetat%r3 6't &%t be '&%rthy3
• S"6p.e 'bt"t't"%&3 br"e+ %r %6pe&d"%' a&d 6't &%t rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e +r%6
'bt"t't"%& a&d re"pr%a. 'bt"t't"%& are the tetat%r$
ea6p.e %+ %irec su4siuion3 here the
'bt"t'te "&her"t "& de+a'.t %+ the he"r %r"/"&a..y ! T$e secon% $eir us no 4e 4e'on% one
"&t"t'ted$ @he"r e&%y6e&t %+ the pr%perty " "& the %e/ree #ro $e #irs $eir or $e $eir
a.ter&at"e$ ori/inall' insiue% 20/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
he h%'.d d"e be+%re the +"d'"ary$ @he r"/ht %+ the e%&d
- vie:s as o :$a Fone %e/ree eans2 he"r ha.. pa t% h" he"r$ (F84)
a$ S%6e a'th%r"t"e be+%re "&terpreted
%&e de/ree a %&e tra&+er$
• , .%&/ a the +"rt he"r a&d the e%&d he"r d"d
 b. ater %&3 "t a .ar"+"ed that &%t predeeae the tetat%r3 the&3 the"r r"/ht
de/ree 6ea& /e&erat"%&$ O&e de/ree 6ea& be%6e eted 'p%& the death %+ the tetat%r
%&e /e&erat"%& apart$ @he ;t he"r a&d the 2&d &d t

he"r 6't &%t be bey%&d %&e de/ree %r %&e Whether the 2 &%t
he"r3 th" %'.d  he"r d"e the
de+eat ahead
the 2the
&d ;
/e&erat"%& apart$ Y%' %'&t %&e /e&erat"%&
t% "&her"t$
+r%6 the +"rt he"r &%t +r%6 the tetat%r$ @he 2 &d
he"r 6't e"ther be h".d %r a pare&t %+ the +"rt • I+ the 2&d he"r d"e ahead %+ the ; t he"r3 h" r"/ht
he"r$ ha.. pa t% h" %& he"r
•  @he e%&d he"r a& e.. the pr%perty ee& "+ he
•  @here " %&.y +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& t".. a&&%t e&%y the pr%perty bea'e the
"& &at'ra. per%& ''+r't t".. be.%&/ t% the ;t  he"r$ @h" "
•  @here a& be &% +"de"%66"ary bea'e the e%&d he"r a7'"red h" t"t.e a
'bt"t't"%& "& 'r"d"a. per%& bea'e there &a?ed %&er 'p%& the death %+ the tetat%r$ 't
" &% /e&erat"%& t% pea? %+ he& "t %6e t% the b'yer " a.% 'bet t% the r"/ht %+ the +"rt
 'r"d"a. per%& he"r t% e&%y the pr%perty$

! "o$ o# $e 1s  $eir an% $e -n% $eir us 4e ARTICLE <87$ @he +%..%"&/ ha.. &%t ta?e e++et:
livin/ a $e ie o# $e %ea$ o# $e esaor (;) >"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& h"h are &%t 6ade "& a&
epre 6a&&er3 e"ther by /""&/ the6 th" &a6e3 %r
or a leas conceive%!
"6p%"&/ 'p%& the +"d'"ary the ab%.'te %b."/at"%& t%
de."er the pr%perty t% a e%&d he"r1
,R@ICE 4; NEW CIVI CO5E$ >%r "". (2) Pr%""%& h"h %&ta"& a perpet'a. pr%h"b"t"%& t%
p'rp%e3 the +%et' " %&"dered b%r& "+ "t " a."e a."e&ate3 a&d ee& a te6p%rary %&e3 bey%&d the ."6"t +"ed
at the t"6e "t " %6p.ete.y de."ered +r%6 the "& ,rt".e 8B=1
6%therK %6b$ H%eer3 "+ the +%et' had a& (=) @h%e h"h "6p%e 'p%& the he"r the har/e %+ pay"&/
"&tra-'ter"&e ."+e %+ .e tha& ee& 6%&th3 "t " t% ar"%' per%& 'e"e.y3 bey%&d the ."6"t prer"bed
&%t dee6ed b%r& "+ "t d"e "th"& te&ty-+%'r h%'r "& ,rt".e 8B=3 a erta"& "&%6e %r pe&"%&1
a+ter "t %6p.ete de."ery +r%6 the 6ater&a. (4) @h%e h"h .eae t% a per%& the h%.e %r part %+ the
%6b$ (=0a) hered"tary pr%perty "& %rder that he 6ay app.y %r "&et the
a6e a%rd"&/ t% eret "&tr't"%& %66'&"ated t% h"6
by the tetat%r$ (F8a)

(;) Fideicommissary substitutions which are not

ARTICLE <8$ , +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& a& &eer made in an express manner either by giving
b'rde& the .e/"t"6e$ (F82a) them this name or imposing upon the fiduciary
the absolute obligation to deliver the property to
• e/"t"6e " "6p%ed by .a % the tetat%r a&&%t a second heir  
depr"e h" he"r %+ the"r .e/"t"6e a&d he a&&%t •  @he +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& 6't be a&
"r'6e&t the .a %& .e/"t"6e by "6p%"&/ %b."/at"%&$ I+ "t " 't a '//et"%& %r a&
%&d"t"%&3 har/e3 b'rde& a&d 'bt"t't"%& ad"e3 the& that " &%t +"de"%66"ary
'p%& the .e/"t"6e 'bt"t't"%&$ Whe& e ay %b."/at"%&3 the he"r
•  @he r"/ht %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r t% the"r .e/"t"6e ha &% h%"e b't t% %6p.y$
are ab%.'te eept he& there " a a'e +%r
d""&her"ta&e (2) !rovisions which contain a perpetual prohibition
to alienate and even a temporary one beyond
•  @he +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& " %&.y ."6"ted t%
the limit fixed in article "#$
the +ree p%rt"%&
• ,&y perpet'a. pr%h"b"t"%& %& the +"d'"ary t%
ARTICLE <8$ Eery +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& 6't be a."e&ate the pr%perty " 't %?ay bea'e "&
epre.y 6ade "& %rder that "t 6ay be a."d$ the +"rt p.ae he " pr%h"b"ted +r%6 a."e&at"&/
 @he +"d'"ary ha.. be %b."/ed t% de."er the "&her"ta&e t% the pr%perty
the e%&d he"r3 "th%'t %ther ded't"%& tha& th%e h"h
ar"e +r%6 .e/"t"6ate epe&e3 red"t a&d "6pr%e6e&t3 • I+ %&.y +%r a per"%d ea6p.e ;0 year3 he "
ae "& the ae here the tetat%r ha pr%"ded %ther"e$ pr%h"b"ted +r%6 d"p%"&/ the pr%perty +%r ;0
(F8=) year b't a+ter ;0 year he a& a."e&ate U@
ONY t% the 2 N5 HEIR
O4li/aions o# $e #i%uciar'2 • I+ the tetat%r ay "& h" ".. that he "
;$ t% preere the pr%perty pr%h"b"t"&/ h" he"r +r%6 a."e&at"&/ the
2$ t% de."er the pr%perty t% the 2&d he"r pr%perty +%reer3 "t " %"d "&%+ar a "t
• I+ the "&t"t't"%& " SIEN@ a t% the date eeed the 20th year$ I+ "t " 'p t% ;00 year3
he& the de."ery h%'.d be 6ade3 "t h%'.d be "t " a."d %&.y 'p t% 20 year$
#,5E ,@ @HE @I#E O> 5E,@H O> @HE • Pr%h"b"t"%& t% a."e&ate " %&.y 'p t% the +"rt
tated by the%r tetat%r3
;   HEIR$ I+ there
the&3 " a h%'.d
that per"%d per"%d
be +%..%ed$ (=) Those which impose upon the heir the charge of
=$ t% 6a?e a& "&e&t%ry %+ the pr%perty  paying to various persons successively beyond
the limit prescribed in Article "#$ a certain
9e%ucions $e #i%uciar' can a6e ou o# $e income or pension'2 •  @he 'e"e pay6e&t ha.. %&.y be
;$ .e/"t"6ate epe&e ."6"ted t% th%e he"r %&e de/ree +r%6 the
2$ red"t +"rt he"r
=$ "6pr%e6e&t •  @h" para/raph app."e "+ the %b."/at"%& t% pay
" 'e"e3 &%t "6'.ta&e%'
ARTICLE <88!  @he e%&d he"r ha.. a7'"re a r"/ht t% the
'e"%& +r%6 the t"6e %+ the tetat%rK death3 ee& th%'/h 21/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
(4) Those which leave to a person the whole or part of tetat%r3 the %6p'.%ry he"r are e&t"t.ed t%
the hereditary property in order that he may apply the"r .e/"t"6e
or invest the same according to secret instructions • I&t"t't"%& re+er t% the +ree p%rt"%&
communicated to him by the testator 
•  @h" " &%t a..%ed bea'e e d% &%t ?&%  )in%s o# Insiuion2
hat ere the "&tr't"%& 6ade by the 1. Si.le or Pure Insiuion  < It " a&
tetat%r t% 'h per%& "&t"t't"%& that ta?e "66ed"ate.y a+ter the death
%+ the tetat%r$ It " ab%.'te a&d &%t 'bet t%
ARTICLE <8<!  @he &'.."ty %+ the +"de"%66"ary a&y %&d"t"%&3 har/e %r b'rde&$
'bt"t't"%& d%e &%t pre'd"e the a."d"ty %+ the "&t"t't"%& %+
the he"r +"rt de"/&ated1 the +"de"%66"ary .a'e ha.. 2. Con%iional Insiuion  < It " a&
"6p.y be %&"dered a &%t r"tte&$ (F8B) "&t"t't"%& h"h " 'bet t% a %&d"t"%&$ @here
  are d"++ere&t ?"&d %+ %&d"t"%&3 e$/$ a t% a'e3
a t% e++et3 a t% 6%de$ C%&d"t"%&a. "&t"t't"%&
• I+ the +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& " &%t a."d
a& be +%'&d "& ,rt".e 8F;-8FF a&d ,rt".e 88=-
bea'e the %b."/at"%& t% preere a&d tra&6"t
ere &%t epre.y 6ade %r bea'e the e%&d
he"r d"e ahead %+ the tetat%r3 there " &% 6%re 3. Insiuion :i$ a Ter  < It " a&
+"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%&$ @he +"rt he"r ".. t".. "&t"t't"%& that h"h " 'bet t% a ter6 h"h
/et the pr%perty$ It be%6e a "6p.e 'bt"t't"%&$ 6't &eear".y %6e3'/h &%t ?&%&
he&$ ,& ea6p.e " he& the tetat%r "&t"t'te
ARTICLE <8=$ , pr%""%& hereby the tetat%r .eae t% a , a a& he"r b't , ".. %&.y ree"e the
per%& the h%.e %r part %+ the "&her"ta&e3 a&d t% a&%ther the "&her"ta&e  year a+ter the death %+ the
''+r't3 ha.. be a."d$ I+ he /"e the ''+r't t% ar"%' tetat%r$ It " 're that , ".. ree"e the
per%&3 &%t "6'.ta&e%'.y3 b't 'e"e.y3 the pr%""%& "&her"ta&e b't %&.y 'p%& the death %+ the
%+ art".e 8B= ha.. app.y$ (F8Fa) tetat%r$
4. ,o%al Insiuion < It " a& "&t"t't"%&
• I+ the tetat%r /"e the ''+r't t% , a&d the &a?ed
that h"h +%r a erta"& p'rp%e %r a'e %r that
%&erh"p t% 3 th" " a."d
h"h " pr%"ded '&der ,rt".e 882 a&d 88=$
• I+ the tetat%r /"e the &a?ed %&erh"p t% , a&d
t%  a&d C the ''+r't3 re6e6ber "& Pr%perty that
the ''+r't "& +a%r %+ a 6a&y per%& h% ".. • CON5I@ION "& Ob."/at"%& a&d C%&trat " a
.a"6 'e"e.y " &%t a..%ed +'t're %r '&erta"& ee&t %r a pat ee&t
• I+ the tetat%r /"e t% , the &a?ed %&erh"p a&d '&?&%& t% the part"e
the ''+r't t%  a&d he&  d"e3 C ".. 'eed  • CON5I@ION "& S'e"%& " a +'t're %r '&erta"&
t% the ''+r't a&d "+ C d"e3 5 ".. 'eed t% the ee&t %r a pat ee&t '&?&%& t% the part"e
''+r't3 the&3 the tra&+er +r%6  t% C " a."d$ 't 'p%& h"h the a7'""t"%& %r et"&/'"h6e&t %+ a
C t% 5'&der
."6"t " &% ,rt".e
.%&/er 8B=$
a."d bea'e
I+ 3 C "ta&d
" bey%&d the
5 are 't r"/ht '&der a teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& " 6ade
+r"e&d3 +r%6  t% C a&d C t% 53 a.. are &%t a."d •  @he %&d"t"%& 6't be epre
bea'e are &%t %&e de/ree$
• , @ER# " a day %r t"6e h"h &eear".y %6e
• I+ he /"e the ''+r't t% ar"%' per%&'/h "t 6ay &%t be ?&%& he&
'e"e.y3 the&3 "t ".. parta?e the &at're %+ a
+"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%&$ @he he"r ".. be )in%s o# Con%iion2
b%'&d by the pr%""%& %+ ,rt".e 8B= "&%+ar a ;$  As to %ause
the de/ree " %&er&ed$
a. Poesaive Con%iion  - the
•  @he +"rt per%& h% e&%y the ''+r't a&d the +'.+"..6e&t depe&d e.'"e.y 'p%& the "..
e%&d per%& e&%y"&/ the ''+r't h%'.d &%t be %+ the he"r3 de"ee %r .e/atee$
bey%&d %&e de/ree3 "+ e are ta.?"&/ %+ 'e"e
e&%y6e&t %+ pr%perty$  b. Casual Con%iion  - depe&d 'p%&
ha&e %r the ".. %+ a th"rd per%&
• I+ "t " "6'.ta&e%'3 e d% &%t hae t% %bere the
r'.e %& +"de"%66"ary 'bt"t't"%& c. ,i;e%
'p%& the the he"r  -a&d
".. %+ depe&d
part.y part.y
 ARTICLE <7?$ @he d"p%"t"%& %+ the tetat%r de.ar"&/ a..
ha&e %r the ".. %+ a th"rd per%&$
%r part %+ the etate "&a."e&ab.e +%r 6%re tha& te&ty year 2$  As to &ffect 
are %"d$ (&) a. Sus.ensive Con%iion  - the
happe&"&/ %+ h"h /"e r"e t% the
• ,rt".e 8F0 pr%"de the per"%d "th"& "&her"ta&e
h"h the tetat%r 6ay ."6"t the d"p%"t"%& %+ h"  b. Resoluor' Con%iion  - the
pr%perty h"h " %&.y 'p t% 20 year %&.y$ happe&"&/ %+ h"h et"&/'"he the r"/ht t%
 I+ 20 year a."d$ the "&her"ta&e$
 I+ #ORE tha& 20 year3 hat " %"d " 6ere.y =$  As to 'ode
the ee$ a. Posiive Con%iion  - t% d%
 I+ the pr%h"b"t"%& " ".e&t3 "t " %&"dered a 20 %6eth"&/ that %'.d happe&$
year$ @he a6e " tr'e "+ the pr%h"b"t"%& "  b. Ne/aive Con%iion  - t% d%
+%reer$ %6eth"&/ that ".. &%t happe& %r that h%'.d
&%t be d%&e$
Con%iional Tesaenar' 9is.osiions an% 4$  As to Form
Tesaenar' 9is.osiions Wi$ a Ter a$ E;.ress Con%iion
b$ I.lie% Con%iion
ARTICLE <71!  @he "&t"t't"%& %+ a& he"r 6ay be 6ade
%&d"t"%&a..y3 %r +%r a erta"& p'rp%e %r a'e$ (F90a) ARTICLE <7-$ @he tetat%r a&&%t "6p%e a&y har/e3
%&d"t"%&3 %r 'bt"t't"%& hat%eer 'p%& the .e/"t"6e
prer"bed "& th" C%de$ Sh%'.d he d% %3 the a6e ha.. be
•  @here " &% &eed %+ "&t"t't"%& "& the ae %+ %&"dered a &%t "6p%ed$ (8;=a)
.e/"t"6e bea'e re/ard.e %+ the "&te&t"%& %+ the 22/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
•  @he .e/"t"6e h%'.d &%t be "6pa"red
•  @here " %&.y %&e pr%h"b"t"%& h"h a& be "6p%ed • ,rt".e 8F " hat e a.. 9ISPOSITION
'p%& the .e/"t"6e a&d that "3 the tetat%r a& CAPTATORIA
a."d.y pr%"de that the .e/"t"6e h%'.d &%t be • 9is.osiion Ca.aoria " he& the tetat%r "&
part"t"%&edGd""ded +%r a per"%d &%t eeed"&/ 20 h" ".. "&t"t'te , a h" he"r pr%"ded that , "..
year$ ,.th%'/h "t " &%t rea..y %&"dered a& a.% /"e the tetat%r a erta"& pr%perty %r /"e t%
"6pa"r6e&t bea'e the pr%pert"e are t"..
pr%pert"e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r'/h they the %& %+ the tetat%r erta"& pr%perty
ha.. &%t d""de the pr%pert"e +%r 6%re tha& 20 • It " pr%h"b"ted the %&tr%.."&/ 6%t"e %r the 6a"&
year$ %&"derat"%& "& 'e"%& " the ."bera."ty %+ the
tetat%r$ I+ y%' 6a?e that ?"&d %+ pr%""%&3 the&
ARTICLE <70$ I6p%"b.e %&d"t"%& a&d th%e %&trary t% y%' are 6a?"&/ teta6e&tary pr"".e/e a a
.a %r /%%d 't%6 ha.. be %&"dered a &%t "6p%ed a&d %&trat'a. pr"".e/e$ Y%' are t'r&"&/ y%'r "..
ha.. "& &% 6a&&er pre'd"e the he"r3 ee& "+ the tetat%r "&t% a %&trat$
h%'.d %ther"e pr%"de$ (F92a) • %th the "&t"t't"%& a&d the %&d"t"%& are VOI5
• I+ "t " a 5eed %+ 5%&at"%&3 there " &% d"p%"t"%&
• ,rt".e 8F= ta.? %+ "6p%"b.e %&d"t"%& "6p%ed aptat%r"a "&e the .a re+er t% a "..
"& the "&t"t't"%& %+ he"r
ARTICLE <78$ ,&y p're.y p%tetat"e %&d"t"%& "6p%ed
• I& 'e"%&3 he& there " a& "6p%"b.e %r "..e/a. 'p%& a& he"r 6't be +'.+"..ed by h"6 a %%& a he .ear& %+
%&d"t"%& the&3 the "&t"t't"%& " t".. a."d$ 't the tetat%rK death$
d"re/ard the "6p%"b.e %r "..e/a. %&d"t"%&$ @h" "  @h" r'.e ha.. &%t app.y he& the %&d"t"%&3 a.ready
bea'e "& 'e"%&3 the '&der.y"&/ rea%& +%r %6p."ed "th3 a&&%t be +'.+"..ed a/a"&$
the "&t"t't"%& " the ."bera."ty %+ the tetat%r a&d
&%t rea..y the "..e/a. %r "6p%"b.e %&d"t"%&$ • POTESTATIVE CON9ITION  " the %&d"t"%& the
•  @he .e/a."ty %r "..e/a."ty %+ the %&d"t"%& " t% be +'.+"..6e&t %+ h"h depe&d 'p%& the %.e ".. %+
deter6"&ed at the t"6e he& the %&d"t"%& " t% be the debt%r ("& %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat) %r %+ the
per+%r6ed he"r ('e"%&)

ARTICLE <7$ ,& ab%.'te %&d"t"%& &%t t% %&trat a +"rt Poesaive Con%iion Poesaive Con%iion
%r 'be7'e&t 6arr"a/e ha.. be %&"dered a &%t r"tte&
in O4li/aions an% in Succession
'&.e 'h %&d"t"%& ha bee& "6p%ed %& the "d% %r
"d%er by the deeaed p%'e3 %r by the .atterK ae&da&t Conrac
%r dee&da&t$ Va."d Va."d bea'e the he"r "
Neerthe.e3 the r"/ht %+ ''+r't3 %r a& a..%a&e %r   't he& "t " &at'ra..y "&tereted "&
%6e per%&a. pretat"%& 6ay be de"ed %r be7'eathed t% 'pe&"e at the a6e +'.+".."&/ the %&d"t"%&$
a&y per%& +%r the t"6e d'r"&/ h"h he %r he h%'.d re6a"& t"6e %& the part %+ the S% ee& "+ p%tetat"e
'&6arr"ed %r "& "d%h%%d$ (F9=a) debt%r3 "t " &%t a."d$ a&d 'pe&"e3 the
 @h" 6ea& that the %&d"t"%& " t".. a."d$
• ,rt".e 8F4 re+er t% the pr%h"b"t"%& t% 6arry %r %b."/at"%& ".. ar"e "+
re6arry 'bet t% a %&d"t"%&
• RELATIVE PROHI"ITION  " a..%ed$ 't "+ th" h"h " t% be +'.+"..ed by
%'.d a6%'&t t% a& ab%.'te pr%h"b"t"%& ."?e t% the debt%r$ @hat " hat
6arry +%r B0 year the& "t " &%t a..%ed$ ,& " p%tetat"e a&d
ea6p.e " pr%h"b"t"%& t% 6arry %r re-6arry a 'pe&"e$ It " &%t a."d
part"'.ar per%& %r pr%h"b"ted t% 6arry a part"'.ar bea'e &at'ra..y the
t"6e debt%r %'.d &%t +'.+"..
the %&d"t"%& bea'e "+
• A"SOLUTE PROHI"ITION  " &%t a..%ed$ ,& the %&d"t"%& " +'.+"..ed
ea6p.e " pr%h"b"t"%& t% 6arry %r re-6arry the& he " %b."/ed a.ready
a&yb%dy %r pr%h"b"ted t% 6arry at a.. bea'e he " the debt%r

 @he e++et %+ a& ab%.'te

be %&"dered a &%t pr%h"b"t"%& " that
r"tte& a&d ha.."t "..
be •  @he p%tetat"e %&d"t"%& " t% be %6p."ed "th
d"re/arded a %%& a the he"r .ear& %+ the tetat%r death
bea'e "&e the ".. " re%ab.e d'r"&/ the
E;ce.ions o A4solue Pro$i4iion ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r3 "t %'.d be 'e.e +%r the
a$ Whe& the %&d"t"%& " "6p%ed he"r t% %6p.y "th the %&d"t"%& ?&%"&/ that "t
'p%& the p%'e by a deeaed p%'e 6ay be re%?ed by the tetat%r a&yt"6e
b$ I+ "6p%ed by the ae&da&t %r
dee&da&t %+ a deeaed p%'e t% the p%'e %+ • O&.y 'bta&t"a. %6p."a&e " re7'"red bea'e
a deeaed p%'e "t " pre'6ed that by "6p%"&/ a p're.y
p%tetat"e %&d"t"%& the tetat%r tr'ted the
he"r e&%'/h t% %6p.y "th the %&d"t"%&
• Ee& "+ "t " the deeaed p%'e h% pr%"de +%r
the pr%h"b"t"%&3 that pr%h"b"t"%& ".. &%t app.y t% the • , a /e&era. r'.e3 "+ a.ready %6p."ed "th by the
.e/"t"6e %+ the p%'e$ O&.y that h"h perta"& t% he"r3 "t 6't be %6p."ed "th a/a"& '&.e "t " %+
her a a %.'&tary he"r (+ree p%rt"%&) " +%r+e"ted 'h a &at're that "t a&&%t be %6p."ed "th
• I& the ;t para/raph %+ ,rt".e 8F43 the pr%perty " ARTICLE <77! I+ the %&d"t"%& " a'a. %r 6"ed3 "t ha..
&%t yet e&%yed$ I& the 2&d  para/raph3 there " be '++""e&t "+ "t happe& %r be +'.+"..ed at a&y t"6e be+%re %r
a.ready the r"/ht %+ ''+r't %r a..%a&e %r %6e a+ter the death %+ the tetat%r3 '&.e he ha pr%"ded
per%&a. pretat"%&$ @hat " a..%ed b't "t " %&.y %ther"e$
."6"ted t% ''+r't3 a..%a&e %r per%&a. Sh%'.d "t hae e"ted %r h%'.d "t hae bee& +'.+"..ed at
pretat"%&$ I+ "t " &%t a6%&/ thee =3 "t " &%t the t"6e the ".. a ee'ted a&d the tetat%r a
%&"dered a a a."d pr%h"b"t"%&$ '&aare there%+3 "t ha.. be dee6ed a %6p."ed "th$
I+ he had ?&%.ed/e there%+3 the %&d"t"%& ha.. be
%&"dered +'.+"..ed %&.y he& "t " %+ 'h a &at're that "t
ARTICLE <7$ ,&y d"p%"t"%& 6ade 'p%& the %&d"t"%& a& &% .%&/er e"t %r be %6p."ed "th a/a"&$ (F9B)
that the he"r ha.. 6a?e %6e pr%""%& "& h" ".. "& +a%r %+
the tetat%r %r %+ a&y %ther per%& ha.. be %"d$ (F94a) 23/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• ,rt".e 8FF ta.? ab%'t casual %r i;e% con%iion • I+ the he"r %&trae&e the %&d"t"%&3 the he"r "..
• CASUAL CON9ITION " a %&d"t"%& h"h depe&d &% ret'r& hat he %r he ree"ed by ay %+
'p%& ha&e a&dG%r 'p%& the ".. %+ a th"rd per%& "&her"ta&e a&d a.. the +r'"t a&d "&teret

• ,IBE9 CON9ITION " a %&d"t"%& h"h depe&d • Whe& 6%&th.y a..%a&e3 6%&th.y pe&"%&3
'p%& 6%&th.y "&%6e3 ''+r't %r per%&a. pretat"%&
;$ the ".. %+ the he"r ,N5 are /"e& by ay %+ "&her"ta&e a&d the he"r "

'p%& ha&e1 %r pr%h"b"ted +r%6the

ha.. +%r+e"t d%"&/ %6eth"&/3 there
"&her"ta&e3 %ther"e3
" he
2. the ".. %+ the he"r ,N5 re7'"re6e&t %+ /""&/ a e'r"ty$ I+ the he"r
'p%& the ".. %+ a =rd per%& %&trae&e the %&d"t"%&3 the he"r " &%t %b."/ed
• Ea6p.e %+ a 6"ed a&d a'a. %&d"t"%&: LI t% ret'r& the +r'"t a&d "&teret bea'e "& th"
hereby /"e t% , 6y ee.ry pr%"ded that , ".. ea6p.e e app.y by a&a.%/y ,rt".e 8F4 here"&
bear a h".dM &% e'r"ty " re7'"red a&d the he"r " &%t
re7'"red t% ret'r& the +r'"t a&d "&teret$
•  @here 6't be at'a. %r tr"t %6p."a&e bea'e
by 'b%rd"&at"&/ the %&d"t"%& 'p%& ha&e3 the
ARTICLE <<?! I+ the he"r be "&t"t'ted '&der a 'pe&"e
tetat%r pre'6ab.y d"d &%t tr't the he"r e&%'/h %&d"t"%& %r ter63 the etate ha.. be p.aed '&der
ad6"&"trat"%& '&t". the %&d"t"%& " +'.+"..ed3 %r '&t". "t
ARTICLE <7<$ , d"p%"t"%& "th a 'pe&"e ter6 d%e be%6e erta"& that "t a&&%t be +'.+"..ed3 %r '&t". the
&%t pree&t the "&t"t'ted he"r +r%6 a7'"r"&/ h" r"/ht a&d arr"a. %+ the ter6$
tra&6"tt"&/ the6 t% h" he"r ee& be+%re the arr"a. %+ the  @he a6e ha.. be d%&e "+ the he"r d%e &%t /"e the
ter6$ (F99a) e'r"ty re7'"red "& the preed"&/ art".e$ (80;a)

• ,rt".e 8F8 ta.? ab%'t sus.ensive er • ,rt".e 880 re+er t% a "t'at"%& here"& the
• , er  " a day erta"& h"h 6't &eear".y "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% a sus.ensive con%iion
%6e'/h "t 6ay &%t be ?&%& he& or er
• Whe& the d"p%"t"%& " 'bet t% a 'pe&"e • Whe& the "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% a 'pe&"e
ter63 "t 6ea& that the he"r " 're t% "&her"t b't ter6 %r a 'pe&"e %&d"t"%&3 the he"r "&t"t'ted
the de6a&dab"."ty %+ the "&her"ta&e " 't ".. NO@ /et the "&her"ta&e r"/ht aay$ @he he"r
'pe&ded$ @he he"r " &%t pree&ted +r%6 "&t"t'ted t".. ".. hae t% a"t +%r the arr"a. %+
a7'"r"&/ h" r"/ht he& the "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% the ter6 %r +%r the happe&"&/ %+ the %&d"t"%&$
a 'pe&"e ter6$ @he r"/ht %+ the "&t"t'ted he"r Pe&d"&/ the arr"a. %+ the ter6 %r the happe&"&/
be%6e eted +r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ the death %+ %+ the %&d"t"%&3 the pr%perty b't ha.. be p.aed
the tetat%r3'/h the e&%y6e&t %+ the '&der ad6"&"trat"%&$
pr%perty " 't 'pe&ded$ What " 'pe&ded " • , t% h% ".. be e.eted a the ad6"&"trat%r3
 't the de6a&dab"."ty %+ the "&her"ta&e b't h" the pr%""%& %+ the R'.e %+ C%'rt "& Spe"a.
r"/ht t% de6a&d be%6e eted 'p%& the 6%6e&t Pr%eed"&/ 6't be %6p."ed "th$ @h%e h%
%+ death$ are pre+erred "& the app%"&t6e&t a
• I& a sus.ensive con%iion( '&.e the %&d"t"%& " ad6"&"trat%r are a.% the .e/a. he"r$
+'.+"..ed3 the "&t"t'ted he"r a7'"re &% r"/ht t% the •  @he pr%perty " a.% p.aed '&der ad6"&"trat"%&
"&her"ta&e$ "+ " b%&d " &%t +'r&"hed
• I& @ER#3 the r"/ht ".. pa
ARTICLE <<1!  @he app%"&t6e&t %+ the ad6"&"trat%r %+
• I& CON5I@ION3 '&t". a+ter the %&d"t"%& " +'.+"..ed3 the etate 6e&t"%&ed "& the preed"&/ art".e3 a e.. a the
the& the he"r "&t"t'ted ha &% r"/ht t% de6a&d$ 6a&&er %+ the ad6"&"trat"%& a&d the r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%&
• Whe& "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% a %&d"t"%&3 the %+ the ad6"&"trat%r ha.. be /%er&ed by the R'.e %+ C%'rt$
a7'""t"%& %+ r"/ht 6't be deter6"&ed ,@ @HE
 @I#E O> @HE >U>I#EN@ O> @HE CON5I@ION$ S%3
at the t"6e %+ the +'.+"..6e&t %+ the %&d"t"%& he& •  @h" art".e pea? +%r the app%"&t6e&t %+
the he"r " a.ready dead the&3 there " &% r"/ht t% ad6"&"trat%r3 h"h are d"'ed "& Spe"a.
pea? %+$ Pr%eed"&/
•  @he tetat%r a& "&t"t'te a& he"r 'bet t% a • A%inisraor  " a per%& app%"&ted by the
re%.'t%ry ter6 bea'e the .a d%e &%t pr%h"b"t "t %'rt t% ta?e are %+ the pr%pert"e %+ the tetat%r
h% d"ed "th%'t a "..
ARTICLE <7=! I+ the p%tetat"e %&d"t"%& "6p%ed 'p%&
the he"r " &e/at"e3 %r %&"t "& &%t d%"&/ %r &%t /""&/ • E;ecuor " the per%& pr%"ded by the tetat%r
%6eth"&/3 he ha.. %6p.y by /""&/ a e'r"ty that he ".. "& h" ".. h% ".. ta?e are %+ h" pr%pert"e
&%t d% %r /"e that h"h ha bee& pr%h"b"ted by the tetat%r3 pe&d"&/ ett.e6e&t %+ h" etate
a&d that "& ae %+ %&trae&t"%& he ".. ret'r& hateer he
6ay hae ree"ed3 t%/ether "th "t +r'"t a&d "&teret$ ARTICLE <<-$ @he tate6e&t %+ the %bet %+ the
(800a) "&t"t't"%&3 %r the app."at"%& %+ the pr%perty .e+t by the
tetat%r3 %r the har/e "6p%ed by h"63 ha.. &%t be
,rt".e 8F9 ta.? %+ NEGATIVE POTESTATIVE %&"dered a a %&d"t"%& '&.e "t appear that 'h a

h" "&te&t"%&$
a %&d"t"%& that " p're.y depe&de&t
'p%& the ".. %+ the he"r3 de"ee %r .e/atee h"h  @hat h"h ha bee& .e+t "& th" 6a&&er 6ay be .a"6ed
at %&e pr%"ded that the "&t"t'ted he"r %r h" he"r /"e
%&"t %+ &%t d%"&/ %r &%t /""&/ %6eth"&/ e'r"ty +%r %6p."a&e "th the "he %+ the tetat%r a&d
• U&der th" art".e3 "&her"ta&e " "66ed"ate.y +%r the ret'r& %+ a&yth"&/ he %r they 6ay ree"e3 t%/ether
de6a&dab.e +r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ death %+ the "th "t +r'"t a&d "&teret3 "+ he %r they h%'.d d"re/ard
tetat%r th" %b."/at"%&$ (F9Fa)

• 't3 the he"r %r de"ee 6't /"e a caucion

uciana • ,rt".e 882 re+er t% ,O9AL INSTITUTION
(200; ar J'et"%&)
• CAUCION ,UCIANA " the e'r"ty /"e& by a&
he"r h% " 'bet t% a p%tetat"e %&d"t"%& h"h • ,O9AL INSTITUTION " the "&t"t't"%& here"&
" &e/at"e %r h% " 'bet t% the %&d"t"%& h"h the tate6e&t %+ the %bet %+ the "&t"t't"%&3 %r
%&"t "& &%t d%"&/ %r &%t /""&/ %6eth"&/ the app."at"%& %+ the pr%perty .e+t by the 24/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
tetat%r3 %r the har/e "6p%ed by h"63 ha.. &%t be that %ther per%& pree&ted h"6 +r%6 +'.+".."&/
%&"dered a a %&d"t"%& '&.e "t appear that h" %b."/at"%&$
'h a h" "&te&t"%&$ • Ea6p.e %+ %&tr't"e +'.+"..6e&t " he& a
• I+ the he"r d%e &%t %6p.y "th the %bet %r the th"rd per%& 't the ha&d %+ the he"r % that
attetat"%& a&d the p'rp%e %+ the "&t"t't"%&3 the 'h he"r a&&%t pa"&t a p%rtra"t %+ the tetat%r
he"r +%r+e"t the "&her"ta&e a&y6%re$

I+ the "&t"t't"%&
"66ed"ate.y e&%y"the
'bet t% a 6%de3 the he"r
pr%perty ARTICLE <<! C%&d"t"%& "6p%ed by the tetat%r 'p%&
the he"r ha.. be /%er&ed by the r'.e etab."hed +%r
•  @he he"r " re7'"red t% +'r&"h a e'r"ty % that he %&d"t"%&a. %b."/at"%& "& a.. 6atter &%t pr%"ded +%r by th"
Set"%&$ (F9;a)
".. d% hat ha bee& "6p%ed by the tetat%r
• I+ there " d%'bt a t% hether the "&t"t't"%& " a
6%de %r %&d"t"%&3 "t " re%.ed "& +a%r %+ a 6%de • ,& ea6p.e %+ the a6e r'.e %& %&d"t"%&
bea'e e hae t% %&"der that the rea. rea%& "& app."ed b%th t% 'e"%& a&d %b."/at"%& a&d
the "&t"t't"%& " the ."bera."ty %+ the tetat%r %&trat " a& "&t"t't"%& 'bet t% a re%.'t%ry
• ,%rd"&/ t% Para3 "+ there " a d%'bt a t% hether %&d"t"%&$ 't ."?e "& %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat3
"t " a 6%de %r a '//et"%&3 "t " %&"dered a a the he"r "66ed"ate.y e&%y the pr%perty$ 't
'//et"%& bea'e "t " .e b'rde&%6e 'p%& the +'.+"..6e&t %+ the re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%&
the he"r eae t% e&%y the pr%perty$ @he
happe&"&/ %+ the %&d"t"%& /"e r"e t% the
et"&/'"h6e&t %+ the r"/ht t% the "&her"ta&e
 @h" re+er t%: I+ "t re+er t% %ther
a$ t th"&/3 y%' a& ay that • I+ there are pe"+" pr%""%& "& 'e"%&
he %bet %+ the they are %&d"t"%&$ re+err"&/ t% %&d"t"%& a&d thee %&d"t"%& are
"&t"t't"%&1 &%t the a6e a "& %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat3 the
b$ t pr%""%& "& 'e"%& ha.. prea".
he app."at"%& %+ • I& 'e"%&3 a& "6p%"b.e %&d"t"%& ha.. be
the pr%perty1 a&d %&"dered a &%t r"tte& a&d %3 the "&t"t't"%&
$  ha.. t".. be /"e& e++et$
har/e I& %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat3 "+ the %b."/at"%& "

He"r "66ed"ate.y e&%y He"r d% &%t e&%y the 'bet t% a& "6p%"b.e %&d"t"%& b%th the
the pr%perty 'p%& the pr%perty a+ter the death %&d"t"%& a&d the %b."/at"%& are a&&'..ed
death %+ the tetat%r3 %+ the tetat%r b't %&.y
pr%"ded he ha +'r&"hed 'p%& the +'.+"..6e&t %+ ARTICLE <<!  @he de"/&at"%& %+ the day %r t"6e he&
e'r"ty the %&d"t"%& the e++et %+ the "&t"t't"%& %+ a& he"r ha.. %66e&e %r
It " %b."/at%ry 'p%& the It " &%t %b."/at%ry 'p%& eae ha.. be a."d$
I& b%th ae3 the .e/a. he"r ha.. be %&"dered a
ha he"r a&d
t% %6p.y %3 the
"th he the part the
bea'e %+ the he"r
%&d"t"%& a..ed t% the 'e"%& '&t". the arr"a. %+ the per"%d %r "t
%bet %+ the "&t"t't"%& %r 6ay %r 6ay &%t happe& ep"rat"%&$ 't "& the +"rt ae he ha.. &%t e&ter "&t%
p%e"%& %+ the pr%perty '&t". a+ter ha"&/ /"e& '++""e&t
the b'rde& "6p%ed by
e'r"ty3 "th the "&tere&t"%& %+ the "&t"t'ted he"r$ (80)
the tetat%r$ @he +a".'re
t% d% % %'.d re'.t "&
the +%r+e"t're %+ the •  @h" art".e ta.? ab%'t a& "&t"t't"%& 'bet
"&her"ta&e t% e"ther a sus.ensive er  %r resoluor'
Whe& y%' are "& d%'bt3 't "+ the %&d"t"%& er
treat the a6e a a 6%de happe&3 the b'rde& " • I+ "t " 'bet t% a sus.ensive er3 the
bea'e he& there " a hea"er bea'e a de6a&dab"."ty %+ the pr%perty "&her"ted ha.. be
%&d"t"%&3 the b'rde& " %&d"t"%& %b."/ate ,N5 'pe&ded '&t". a+ter the arr"a. %+ the ter6$ I+ "&
hea"er$ , 6%de 6ere.y 'pe&d$ the 6ea&t"6e the "&t"t'ted he"r d"e be+%re the
%b."/ate b't d%e &%t arr"a. %+ the ter63 h" r"/ht ha.. pa %& t% h"
'pe&d$ %& he"r bea'e the he"r a.ready a7'"red
r"/ht t% the pr%perty +r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ death
ARTICLE <<0! Whe& "th%'t the +a'.t %+ the he"r3 a&'/h the de6a&dab"."ty " 't p%tp%&ed$
"&t"t't"%& re+erred t% "& the preed"&/ art".e a&&%t ta?e
e++et "& the eat 6a&&er tated by the tetat%r3 "t ha.. be • I+ the "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% a resoluor'
%6p."ed "th "& a 6a&&er 6%t a&a.%/%' t% a&d "& er3 "66ed"ate.y a+ter the death %+ the
%&+%r6"ty "th h" "he$ tetat%r3 the he"r e&%y the pr%perty a&d 'p%&
I+ the per%& "&tereted "& the %&d"t"%& h%'.d pree&t "t arr"a. %+ the ter6 the he"r ha.. ret'r& the
+'.+"..6e&t3 "th%'t the +a'.t %+ the he"r3 the %&d"t"%& ha.. be pr%perty$
dee6ed t% hae bee& %6p."ed "th$ (F98a)
Insances :$erein $e le/al $eirs or $e
• ,rt".e 88= ta.? ab%'t su4sanial co.liance %r insiue% $eirs are o /ive a securi'2
consrucive #ul#illen 1. Whe& the "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% a
• W"th%'t the +a'.t %+ the he"r "&t"t'ted3 the 'pe&"e ter63 the .e/a. he"r a& e&%y the
%b."/at"%& a&&%t be +'.+"..ed by the he"r eat.y "& pr%perty pe&d"&/ the arr"a. %+ the ter6
the 6a&&er tated by the tetat%r$ pr%"ded that the .e/a. he"r ha.. /"e
• 't a .%&/ a "t " 'bta&t"a..y "& a%rda&e "th e'r"ty (,rt".e 88)1
the %b."/at"%& "6p%ed the& the "&t"t't"%& ".. ta?e 2. I& 6%da. "&t"t't"%&3 the he"r "&t"t'ted
e++et$ 'bet t% a 6%de ha.. /"e e'r"ty be+%re
• Ea6p.e %+ 'bta&t"a. %6p."a&e " he& the he"r the he"r a& e&%y the pr%perty (,rt".e 882)1
" %b."/ated t% pa"&t a p%rtra"t %+ the tetat%r b't a&d
the p%rtra"t " &%t a& eat ree6b.a&e %+ the 3. Whe& the "&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% a &e/at"e
tetat%r$ Neerthe.e3 there " 'bta&t"a. p%tetat"e %&d"t"%& %r %&"t "& &%t d%"&/
%6p."a&e$ %r &%t /""&/ the& the he"r "&t"t'ted 6't
• Ee& "+ the %b."/at"%& a&&%t be +'.+"..ed "th3 t"..3 "t a.% /"e a e'r"ty h"h " a..ed a'"%&
" a "+ "t " +'.+"..ed by %&tr't"e +'.+"..6e&t$ @he 6'"a&a (,rt".e 8F9)$
"&t"t'ted he"r h%'.d &%t be pre'd"ed by the +at 25/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
SECTION  h".dre&3 "t " he& the ae&da&t %r pare&t
Le/iie "&her"t$ It " e"ther the .e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r
dee&da&t3 pare&t %r ae&da&t$ @hey "..
Si.ler Ta4le o# Le/iie *#ro $e 4oo6 o# &%t %&'r$
Paras+ • I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %&'r "th .e/"t"6ate
h".dre&$ @hey %&'r "th the pare&t %r
I..e/"t"6ate Ch".dre& < ;G= I..e/"t"6ate Pare&t <  ae&da&t$ @hey %&'r "th the 'r""&/
S'r""&/ Sp%'e < ;G= p%'e$ I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& are concurrin/
I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& <  S'r""&/ Sp%'e < 3 co.ulsor' $eirs
S'r""&/ Sp%'e < ;G8 ;G=3  • r%ther a&d "ter are &%t %6p'.%ry he"r
e/"t"6ate Pare&t < 
I..e/"t"6ate Ch".dre& <  e/"t"6ate Ch".d a.%&e < ARTICLE <<<!  @he .e/"t"6e %+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d
e/"t"6ate Pare&t <   dee&da&t %&"t %+ %&e-ha.+ %+ the hered"tary etate %+
e/"t"6ate Pare&t <  ; e/"t"6ate Ch".d <  the +ather a&d %+ the 6%ther$
S'r""&/ Sp%'e <  S'r""&/ p%'e <   @he .atter 6ay +ree.y d"p%e %+ the re6a"&"&/ ha.+3
I..e/"t"6ate Pare&t <  2 %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate 'bet t% the r"/ht %+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d %+ the
S'r""&/ Sp%'e <  h".dre& <  'r""&/ p%'e a here"&a+ter pr%"ded$ (808a)
S'r""&/ p%'e - a6e
a ; .e/"t"6ate h".d •  @he .e/"t"6e %+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre& "  %+ the
I..e/"t"6ate Ch".d a.%&e < e/"t"6ate Ch".d <  &et hered"tary etate
 I..e/"t"6ate h".d <  %+ •  @he .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e a&d
e/"t"6ate Pare&t a.%&e eah .e/"t"6ate h".d "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& ha.. be ta?e& +r%6 the +ree
< p%rt"%&$ What re6a"& " the +ree d"p%a.
•  @"p: C%6p'te +"rt the .e/"t"6e %+ the
ARTICLE <<8$ Le/iie  " that part %+ the tetat%rK h".dre& be+%re the p%'e pr%"ded there are 2
pr%perty h"h he a&&%t d"p%e %+ bea'e the .a ha %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate h".dre&
reered "t +%r erta"& he"r h% are3 there+%re3 a..ed
%6p'.%ry he"r$ (80B)
ARTICLE <<=!  @he .e/"t"6e %+ .e/"t"6ate pare&t %r
ae&da&t %&"t %+ %&e-ha.+ %+ the hered"tary etate %+
• Whe& "t %6e t% +%re"/&er3 the "&tr"&" the"r h".dre& a&d dee&da&t$
a."d"ty %+ the ".. ha.. be /%er&ed by the &at"%&a.  @he h".dre& %r dee&da&t 6ay +ree.y d"p%e %+ the
.a %+ the deede&t$ S%3 "+ "& the"r %'&try there " %ther ha.+3 'bet t% the r"/ht %+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d
%+ the 'r""&/ p%'e a here"&a+ter pr%"ded$ (809a)
&% yte6 %+ .e/"t"6e3 the ".. " t".. a."d$
• Ph"."pp"&e +%..% a yte6 %+ .e/"t"6e
•  @he .e/"t"6e %+ .e/"t"6ate pare&t "  %+ the
•  @he p'rp%e %+ pr%"d"&/ +%r .e/"t"6e " t%
&et hered"tary etate$ It " the a6e bea'e
pr%tet the %6p'.%ry he"r %+ the tetat%r
bea'e the tetat%r by h" pa"%&3 pre'd"e .e/"t"6ate pare&t "&her"t "& the abe&e %+
.e/"t"6ate h".dre&$
6"/ht 't %6"t h" %6p'.%ry he"r$
• I+ the pare&t are .e/"t"6ate3 they are
ARTICLE <<7!  @he +%..%"&/ are co.ulsor' $eirs: e.'ded %&.y by the pree&e %+ .e/"t"6ate
(;) e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d dee&da&t3 "th repet t% the"r h".dre&$ @hey %&'r "th "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&$
.e/"t"6ate pare&t a&d ae&da&t1 • 't "+ the pare&t %r ae&da&t are
(2) I& de+a'.t %+ the +%re/%"&/3 .e/"t"6ate pare&t a&d "..e/"t"6ate3 they are e.'ded ee& by the
ae&da&t3 "th repet t% the"r .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d
pree&e %+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r dee&da&t$
(=) @he "d% %r "d%er1
(4) ,?&%.ed/ed &at'ra. h".dre&3 a&d &at'ra. h".dre& by ARTICLE <=?!  @he .e/"t"6e reered +%r the .e/"t"6ate
.e/a. +"t"%&1 pare&t ha.. be d""ded betee& the6 e7'a..y1 "+ %&e %+ the
() Other "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& re+erred t% "& art".e 28F$ pare&t h%'.d hae d"ed3 the h%.e ha.. pa t% the
C%6p'.%ry he"r 6e&t"%&ed "& N%$ =3 4 a&d  are &%t 'r"%r$
e.'ded by th%e "& N%$ ; a&d 21 &e"ther d% they e.'de I+ the tetat%r .eae &e"ther +ather &%r 6%ther3 b't "
'r"ed by ae&da&t %+ e7'a. de/ree %+ the pater&a. a&d
%&e a&%ther$
I& a.. ae %+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the"r +"."at"%& 6't be 6ater&a. ."&e3 the .e/"t"6e ha.. be d""ded e7'a..y
d'.y pr%ed$ betee& b%th ."&e$ I+ the ae&da&t h%'.d be %+ d"++ere&t
 @he +ather %r 6%ther %+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %+ the three de/ree3 "t ha.. perta"& e&t"re.y t% the %&e &earet "&
.ae 6e&t"%&ed3 ha.. "&her"t +r%6 the6 "& the 6a&&er a&d de/ree %+ e"ther ."&e$ (8;0)
t% the ete&t etab."hed by th" C%de$ (80Fa)
•  @h" " the "&her"ta&e %+ the pare&t %r
•  @h" ha bee& a.ready 7'a."+"ed by the >a6".y ae&da&t
C%de bea'e the >a6".y %de d%e &%t 6e&t"%& • Obere the rule on .ro;ii' < the &earer
a?&%.ed/ed &at'ra. h".dre& %r &at'ra. h".dre&"e e.'de th%e h% are +arther
by .e/a. +"t"%&$ We %&.y hae .e/"t"6ate h".dre& • I& the ae&d"&/ ."&e3 there " &% r"/ht %+
a&d "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&$ repree&tat"%&
• ,rt".e 88F e&'6erate h% are the • ,.ay re6e6ber t% d""de e7'a..y betee&
co.ulsor' $eirs the 6ater&a. "de a&d the pater&a. "de

 @he depr"e
a&&%t %rd co.ulsor'
the he"r %+  6ea& that b't
the"r hare the the
ARTICLE <=1!  @he ae&da&t h% "&her"t +r%6 h"
ha the ."berty hether %r &%t t% aept the
dee&da&t a&y pr%perty h"h the .atter 6ay hae
"&her"ta&e$ It " &%t %6p'.%ry 'p%& the he"r t% a7'"red by /rat'"t%' t"t.e +r%6 a&%ther ae&da&t3 %r a
aept b't " %6p'.%ry 'p%& the tetat%r t% br%ther %r "ter3 " %b."/ed t% reere 'h pr%perty a he
pr%"de %6eth"&/ +%r h" he"r$ 6ay hae a7'"red by %perat"%& %+ .a +%r the be&e+"t %+"e h% are "th"& the th"rd de/ree a&d h% be.%&/ t%
•  @he .riar' co.ulsor' $eirs the .e/"t"6ate
the ."&e +r%6 h"h a"d pr%perty a6e$ (8F;)
h".dre&3 "d% %r "d%er3 a&d "..e/"t"6ate
h".dre&$ @hey "&her"t a.. at the a6e t"6e$ @hey
%&'r "th eah %ther$ • ,rt".e 89; ta.? ab%'t RESERVA TRONCAL
•  @he .e/"t"6ate pare&t are secon%ar'
co.ulsor' $eirs$ I& the abe&e %+ .e/"t"6ate 26/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
•  @he p'rp%e %+ reere tr%&a. " t% pree&t the •  @he reservor  " &%t 6ere.y a ''+r't'ary$
pr%perty %+ %&e +a6".y +r%6 +a.."&/ "&t% the ha&d %+ He " the +'.. %&er %+ the pr%perty$ He a&
a&%ther +a6".y a."e&ate3 d%&ate %r p.ed/e the pr%perty$ He %&
•  @he %&ept %+ reere tr%&a. " t% ret'r& the the pr%perty b't h" %&erh"p " 'bet t% a
pr%perty +r%6 here "t %r"/"&a..y a6e +r%6 RESOU@ORY CON5I@ION$ Up%& the happe&"&/ %+
•  @he %&ept %+ reera tr%&a. " at'a..y a the re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%&3 the %&erh"p %+ the
b'rde& %r retr"t"%& %r a har/e %& the .e/"t"6e %+ reer%r ".. be et"&/'"hed$
the ae&da&t$ •  @he re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%& " that 'p%& the
death %+ the reer%r3 there 6't be reeree %r
Paries involve% in Reserva Troncal2"e %+ the dee&da&t pr%p%"t' h% are
;$ Or"/"& %+ the pr%perty IVIND ,N5 WI@HIN @HE =R5  5EDREE O>
2$ Pr%p%"t' CONS,NDUINI@Y +r%6 the dee&da&t pr%p%"t'$
= Reer%r %r reer"ta Up%& the happe&"&/ %+ th" re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%&3
4$ Reeree %r reerat%r"% the %&erh"p %+ the reer%r " et"&/'"hed$

  Or"/"& Reer%r • 't the d"p%"t"%& a/a"& " a.% 'bet t% the
Reeree re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%& that 'p%& the death %+ the
reer%r (ae&da&t)3 "+ there are .""&/
reeree3 the& the e++et %+ the a."e&at"%&
be%6e "&e++et"e$
Pr%p%"t' • I+ the reer%r %.d the pr%perty t% a th"rd

ORIGIN per%&3 the %b."/at"%& %+ the reer%r3 "+ "t " a

per%&a. pr%perty3 " &%t t% ret'r& b't the etate
•  @he ori/in 6't be a .e/"t"6ate"e3 e"ther %+ the reer%r 6't pay the a.'e t% the
the .e/"t"6ate 6%ther %r +ather %r ae&da&t %r reeree$
.e/"t"6ate ha.+-br%ther %r ha.+-"ter • I+ hat a %.d a a rea. pr%perty3 "+ the = rd
• It a&&%t be +'.. b.%%d br%ther a&d "ter party " NO@ "&&%e&t3 a 'h that he ?&% that
bea'e there %'.d be &% d"t"&t"%& a t% the the pr%perty " 'bet t% the reere tr%&a.3
."&e$ the& that =rd  party " %b."/ed t% ret'r& the
 @he pr%perty tra&+erred +r%6 the %r"/"& t% the pr%pert"e t% the reeree$

pr%p%"t' 6't be OWNE5 by the %r"/"& • 't "+ the =rd party " a& "&&%e&t p'rhaer %r
"&&%e&t 6%rt/a/%r3 the& the r"/ht %+ the
PROPOSITUS reeree %&"t %+ de6a&d"&/ pay6e&t +r%6
 @he .ro.osius  6't be a dee&da&t %+ the the etate %+ the reer%r %r de6a&d"&/ pay6e&t

+r%6 the ,'ra&e >'&d '&der the a&d
a %r %+ the
.e/"t"6ate ha.+ br%ther %r ha.+ "ter$ It 6't be"%&h"p$ Re/"trat"%& ,'th%r"ty$
• O4li/aions o# $e reservor %urin/ $e
•  @he tra&+er +r%6 the %r"/"& t% the pr%p%"t'
su4sisence o# $e reserve2
h%'.d be by /rat'"t%' t"t.e3 h"h " e"ther the
%r"/"& d%&ated the pr%perty t% the pr%p%"t' %r the 1.  @he reer%r 6't 6a?e a& "&e&t%ry %+ the
pr%p%"t' "&her"ted the pr%perty +r%6 the %r"/"&$ pr%perty ree"ed by %perat"%& %+ .a +r%6
the dee&da&t1
•  @he pr%p%"t'3 there be"&/ &% %b."/at"%& t%
2$ He 6't re/"ter the "&e&t%ry "th the
reere yet %& h" part3 a& 't d"p%e the
Re/"try %+ Pr%perty1
pr%perty t% a&yb%dy$ He a& 'e the pr%perty %r he
a& detr%y the pr%perty$ @hat " hy the 3. I+ the pr%perty ree"ed +r%6 the dee&da&t
pr%p%"t' " a..ed the ,RI@ER %+ the reere " Rea. pr%perty3 the& the reer%r ha the
bea'e "t " "th"& the ha&d %+ the pr%p%"t' %b."/at"%& t% +'r&"h a b%&d3 6%rt/a/e %r
hether %r &%t the reere ".. ar"e$ I+ the e'r"ty t% "&'re the a+e de."ery %+ the
pr%p%"t' ".. detr%y the pr%perty3 the& reera pr%perty t% the reeree h% 6"/ht be .""&/

pr%pertya&&%t ar"e$ I+ the pr%p%"t'
reere reere the
'&t". h" death3 the& tr%&a. 6ay 4. at the t"6e %+ the death %+ the reer%r1
I+ the rea. pr%perty " a.ready re/"tered3 the&
ar"e$ I+ the pr%p%"t' ha h".dre& %+ h" %&3 the reer%r " %b."/ed t% a&&%tate the
the& reere tr%&a. a&&%t ar"e$ reere$ He 6't d% th" "th"& 90 day +r%6
• Up%& the death %+ the pr%p%"t'3 the %b."/at"%& the t"6e he ree"ed the pr%perty +r%6 the
t% reere ".. &% ar"e$ @he pr%p%"t' d"ed "th dee&da&t %r +r%6 the t"6e the %'rt 6a?e
&% "'e a&d &% h".dre&3 the&3 the a6e pr%perty a de""%& that the reer%r " e&t"t.ed t%
ree"ed +r%6 the %r"/"& " tra&+erred t% the ree"e the pr%perty$ I+ the reer%r d%e &%t
reer%r (ae&da&t) by OPER,@ION O> ,W$ 6a?e the a&&%tat"%&3 the& the reeree
hae the r"/ht t% +".e a& at"%& t% %6pe. the
• Whe& the pr%p%"t' d"ed "th a "..3 hat " reer%r t% 6a?e the a&&%tat"%& b't they
tra&+erred by %perat"%& %+ .a " the p%rt"%& 6't a"t a+ter the .ape %+ 90 day$ @he
%rrep%&d"&/ t% the .e/"t"6e %+ the reer%r$ I+ a&&%tat"%& "te.+ " '++""e&t pr%tet"%& %r "+
there " NO "..3 the e&t"re pr%perty " tra&6"tted there " &% a&&%tat"%&3 b%&d3 e'r"ty3 %r
t% the reer%r by %perat"%& %+ .a$ 6%rt/a/e 6't be +'r&"hed$
•  @he ery a6e pr%perty ree"ed by the 5.  @he reer%r a.% 6't &%t 'bt"t'te the
pr%p%"t' +r%6 the %r"/"& 6't be the a6e pr%perty "th a&%ther$ @he a6e pr%perty
pr%perty tra&+erred t% the reer%r ree"ed +r%6 the %r"/"& a&d +r%6 the
• I+ the %r"/"& (ae&da&t) .e+t a& "&'ra&e p%."y dee&da&t 6't be a6e pr%pert"e t% be
here the pr%p%"t' a the be&e+""ary3 there " /"e& t% the reeree
&% reere "+ the ah ree"ed by the pr%p%"t' &xceptions :
a "&her"ted by h" 6%ther bea'e the pr%eed 1. I+ the pr%perty " %.d t% the "&&%e&t
+r%6 the "&'ra&e p%."y ere &%t ree"ed by the p'rhaer +%r a.'e3 "& e++et the
pr%p%"t' +r%6 the %r"/"& b't +r%6 the "&'ra&e %b."/at"%& %+ the reer%r " 'bt"t'ted
%6pa&y$ "th the %b."/at"%& t% pay 6%&ey t%

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

2. I+ the pr%perty " .%t %r detr%yed "th%'t

the +a'.t %+ the reer%r3 the& the %b."/at"%& • Reera tr%&a. deter6"&e %&.y a .a %+
" et"&/'"hed$"e h% %'.d be e&t"t.ed t% the pr%perty
a+ter the death %+ the tetat%r$ 't a t% h% "..
•  @he reeree 6ay "&tere&e "& the pe"+"a..y be e&t"t.ed t% the pr%perty3 +%..% the
.a&d re/"trat"%& pr%eed"&/ &%t +%r the p'rp%e %+ r'.e %& .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%&
%pp%"&/ the re/"trat"%& b't +%r the p'rp%e %+
• I& .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%&3 the &earer
ha"&/ the"r .a"6 t% the reera be"&/ a&&%tated
t% the t"t.e"e e.'de the +arther$ @h%e h% are "&
the dee&d"&/ ."&e are +a%red tha& th%e h%
• I+ the reeree d"d &%t "&tere&e "& the are "& the ae&d"&/ ."&e$ ,&d th%e h% are "&
a"d pr%eed"&/3 "th"& ; year3 they a& +".e +%r a the d"ret ."&e are +a%red %ther tha& th%e h%
re"e %+ deree %+ re/"trat"%& % that they a& are "& the %..atera. ."&e$
a'e the a&&%tat"%& there%+$ 't they a& &%
.%&/er d% % bey%&d the ;-year per"%d "+ the T$e o4li/aion o# $e reservors esae u.on $is
p'rhaer " "&&%e&t$ I+ the p'rhaer " &%t %ea$ i# $e' %eerioraes inclu%es :
"&&%e&t3 the ;-year per"%d d%e &%t app.y$ @he ;$ re"6b're the reeree +%r the a.'e %+ the
p'rhaer 6ay t".. be %b."/ed t% ret'r& the deter"%rat"%& +r%6 the e'r"ty +'r&"hed by
pr%perty bea'e ?&%.ed/e " e7'"a.e&t t% the reer%r1 %r
re/"trat"%&$ 2$ .a"6 re"6b're6e&t +r%6 the etate %+ the
• Reservees  are = rd  de/ree"e %+ the - $eories on $e value o# $e reserva2
pr%p%"t'$ 1. U&der the the%ry %+ RESERVA ,ABI,A3 a..
• Up%& the death %+ the reer%r3 "+ there are t".. that a& be e6braed %r "&.'ded "& the .e/"t"6e"e "th"& the =rd  de/ree %+ the pr%p%"t' ha.. be %&"dered a reerab.e pr%perty$
h% are t".. .""&/3 the& the %&erh"p %+ the 2. U&der the the%ry %+ RESERVA ,INI,A3 %&.y
reer%r " et"&/'"hed a&d the pr%perty ".. &% H,> %+ the pr%perty ree"ed +r%6 the %r"/"& t%
/% t% the reeree$ the dee&da&t " tra&+erred t% the ae&da&t
•  @he reeree "&her"t +r%6 the pr%p%"t'3 &%t reer%r a .e/"t"6e$
+r%6 the reer%r$ @he reer%r " at'a..y a
%&d"t"%&a. he"r %+ the pr%p%"t'$ Ea6p.e: Pr%p%"t' "&her"t a .a&d %rth P003000$
•  @he reeree a.ready hae r"/ht t% the Up%& h" death3 he a.% ha P ;# %rth %+ pr%pert"e
pr%perty b't the"r "&her"ta&e " 'bet t% the a"de +r%6 the P 003000$@he dee&da&t pr%p%"t'
%&d"t"%& that they 6't be .""&/ at the t"6e %+ the ha &% "'e a&d th'3 a.. h" pr%pert"e ".. /% t% h"
death %+ the reer%r$ +ather (ae&da&t)$ @he dee&da&t 6ade a "..
/""&/ a.. h" pr%pert"e t% h" +ather$ I+ the +ather ha
• 5'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the reer%r the &% %ther pr%pert"e3 h% 6'h h%'.d be the a.'e %+
reeree a& %6pe. the reer%r t% +'r&"h b%&d3 the pr%pert"e a6e +r%6 the pr%p%"t' h%'.d the
e'r"ty3 6%rt/a/e %r t% a&&%tate the reera reer%r (+ather) reere "& +a%r %+ the reeree
bea'e they a.ready "&her"t 'h pr%perty'/h %&d"t"%&a.$ 't the r"/ht %+ at"%& %+ the •  @he .e/"t"6e %+ the ae&da&t " PF030003
reeree %66e&e %&.y +r%6 the death %+ the h"h " +r%6 P ;$ # d""ded by 2$ U&der the
reer%r$ , .%&/ a the reer%r " a."e3 "+ the the%ry %+ reserve a;ia3 the reerab.e
reer%r e.. the pr%perty t% the =rd  per%&3 the pr%perty " that h"h a& be e6braed "& the
reeree a&&%t "6p'/& the a.e 6ade by the .e/"t"6e$ , 'h3 the e&t"re P 003000 "
reer%r$ @hey %&.y hae the r"/ht t% de6a&d that reerab.e bea'e "t a& be e6braed "& the
the reer%r a&&%tate the reera %r that the h%.e .e/"t"6e %rth P F03000$ O't %+ the
reer%r /"e e'r"ty3 b%&d %r 6%rt/a/e$ .e/"t"6e3 P 003000 " reerab.e a&d P
• Reeree a& e.. the pr%perty the6e.e 203000 " pr%perty %&ed by the dee&da&t$
ee& "+ the reer%r " t".. a."e$ • U&der the the%ry %+ reserva inia3 %&.y
•  @h" " &%t a ae %+ +'t're "&her"ta&e bea'e ha.+
the reeree "&her"t &%t +r%6 the reer%r b't +r%6 the %+ the pr%perty
dee&da&t " ree"ed +r%6
reerab.e$ S%3theha.+
%+ t%
the pr%p%"t'$ @h" " a ae %+ a.e %+ +'t're 003000 a&d ha.+ %+ P ;# ".. be part %+ the
pr%perty %r e6pt"% re" peratae$ @he a.e %+ +'t're .e/"t"6e3 h"h " e7'a. t% P F03000$ @h'3 the
pr%perty " a."d 'bet t% the %&d"t"%& that "t reerab.e pr%perty " %&.y P 2030003 h"h "
h%'.d e"t$ ha.+ %+ the pr%perty ree"ed +r%6 the %r"/"& t%
the dee&da&t$
,R@ICE ;4B; NEW CIVI CO5E$ @h"&/ ha"&/ a
p%te&t"a. e"te&e 6ay be the %bet %+ the Ea6p.e: Pr%p%"t' "&her"t a .a&d %rth P ;#$
%&trat %+ a.e$ Up%& h" death3 he a.% ha P 00300 %rth %+
 @he e++"ay %+ the a.e %+ a 6ere h%pe %r pr%pert"e a"de +r%6 the P ;#$@he dee&da&t
epeta&y " dee6ed 'bet t% the %&d"t"%& that pr%p%"t' ha &% "'e a&d th'3 a.. h" pr%pert"e
the th"&/ ".. %6e "&t% e"te&e$ ".. /% t% h" +ather (ae&da&t)$ @he dee&da&t
 @he a.e %+ a a"& h%pe %r epeta&y " %"d$ 6ade a ".. /""&/ a.. h" pr%pert"e t% h" +ather$ I+
(&) the +ather ha &% %ther pr%pert"e3 h% 6'h h%'.d
be the a.'e %+ the pr%pert"e a6e +r%6 the
Ho: o 6no: $a a relaive is :i$in 1s( -n% or 0r% pr%p%"t' h%'.d the reer%r (+ather) reere "&
%e/ree +a%r %+ the reeree
;t de/ree: pare&t3
2&d de/ree: /ra&dpare&t3 br%ther a&d "ter •  @he .e/"t"6e %+ the ae&da&t " PF030003
=rd de/ree: /reat /ra&dpare&t3 '&.e a&d h"h " +r%6 P ;$ # d""ded by 2$ U&der the
a'&t3 &ephe a&d &"ee the%ry %+ reserve a;ia3 the reerab.e
pr%perty " that h"h a& be e6braed "& the
.e/"t"6e$ , 'h3 %&.y P F03000 " reerab.e
• Collaeral relaives  are '&.e * a'&t3 bea'e "t " %&.y 'p t% 'h a6%'&t that a& be
br%ther * "ter3 &ephe * &"ee e6braed "& the h%.e .e/"t"6e %rth P F03000$
• Relaives in $e %irec line  are pare&t3
/ra&dpare&t a&d the /reat /ra&dpare&t 28/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• U&der the the%ry %+ reserva inia3 %&.y ha.+ +'.+"..6e&t %+ the %&d"t"%&$ S"&e there " &% "..3
%+ the pr%perty ree"ed +r%6 the %r"/"& t% the the&3 the reeree "&her"t by "rt'e %+ "&tetate
dee&da&t " reerab.e$ S%3 ha.+ %+ P ;# a&d ha.+ 'e"%&3 the deede&t be"&/ the pr%p%"t'$ @he
%+ P 00300 ".. be part %+ the .e/"t"6e3 h"h " "&her"ta&e %+ the reeree are de.ayed$
e7'a. t% P F03000$ @h'3 the reerab.e pr%perty "
%&.y P 0030003 h"h " ha.+ %+ the pr%perty ARTICLE <=-! I+ %&.y %&e .e/"t"6ate h".d %r dee&da&t
%+ the deeaed 'r"e3 the "d% %r "d%er ha.. be
ree"ed +r%6 the %r"/"& t% the dee&da&t$
e&t"t.ed t% %&e-+%'rth
.e/a. eparat"%&3 %+ the hered"tary
the 'r""&/ etate$
p%'e 6ay I& ae
"&her"t "+ "t %+
the deeaed h% had /"e& a'e +%r the a6e$
•  @he reera 6a"6a the%ry " 6%re "& ?eep"&/ I+ there are t% %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r
"th ,rt".e 89;$ Reera 6"&"6a " 6%re "& dee&da&t3 the 'r""&/ p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% a
?eep"&/ "th e7'"ty a&d 't"e$ W$a is #ollo:e% p%rt"%& e7'a. t% the .e/"t"6e %+ eah %+ the .e/"t"6ate
is reserva inia$ h".dre& %r dee&da&t$
I& b%th ae3 the .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e ha..
be ta?e& +r%6 the p%rt"%& that a& be +ree.y d"p%ed %+ by
I+ there " &% "..: the tetat%r$ (8=4a)
•  @he e&t"re pr%perty h"h a6e +r%6 the %ther
ae&da&t " reerab.e bea'e the e&t"re
pr%perty a tra&+erred t% the ae&da&t by • I+ there " %&.y %&e .e/"t"6ate h".d3 the
%perat"%& %+ .a bea'e there " &% "..$ S%3 the .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e %'.d be  %+
e&t"re P 003000 " reerab.e +r%6 the +"rt the &et hered"tary etate t% be ta?e& +r%6 the
ea6p.e a&d the e&t"re P ;# " reerab.e +r%6 the +ree p%rt"%&

e%&d ea6p.e "+ there a &% "..$ •  @he /'".ty p%'e ha.. be d"7'a."+"ed +r%6
• Whe& there " a "..3 %&.y that part h"h "&her"t"&/ +r%6 the "&&%e&t p%'e b't the
%rrep%&d t% the .e/"t"6e " tra&+erred by "&&%e&t p%'e a& t".. "&her"t +r%6 the /'".ty
%perat"%& %+ .a$ p%'e$
• 't "+ there " &% ".. the& eeryth"&/ " • I+ there are 2 %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the
reerab.e 'r""&/ p%'e a& "&her"t +r%6 the deeaed
ee& "+ there a .e/a. eparat"%& a&d the
Ho: is reserva a;ia e;in/uis$e% deeaed p%'e /ae a'e +%r the .e/a.
1. Up%& the death %+ reer%"r
2. Up%& the death %+ , the %'.d-be reeree ARTICLE <=0$ I+ the tetat%r .eae &% .e/"t"6ate
ahead %+ the reer%"r dee&da&t3 b't .eae .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t3 the
3. Up%& the .% %+ the reerab.e pr%pert"e 'r""&/ p%'e ha.. hae a r"/ht t% %&e-+%'rth %+ the
hered"tary etate$
"th%'t the +a'.t %r &e/."/e&e %+ the reer%"r
 @h" +%'rth ha.. be ta?e& +r%6 the +ree p%rt"%& %+ the
4. Up%& prer"pt"%& < ,dere p%e"%& a etate$ (8=Ba)
a/a"&t reeree by the reer%"r %r a tra&/er %+
the reerab.e pr%perty a +ree +r%6 reera +%r =0
• I& here3 the 'r""&/ p%'e %&'r "th the
year "+ "t " a rea. pr%perty a&d 8 year "+ "t " a
.e/"t"6ate ae&da&t$ @here are &% .e/"t"6ate
per%&a. pr%perty$ I& %rder +%r prer"pt"%& t% r'&3
the +at that the reer%r rep'd"ate %r h%.d the
pr%perty +ree +r%6 the reera 6't be •  @he hare %+ the .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t " %&e-
%66'&"ated t% the reeree3 the reeree ha.+$ @he hare %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e "  t% be
6't ?&% that the reer%r " h%.d"&/ the pr%perty ta?e& +r%6 the +ree p%rt"%&
a +ree +r%6 the reera %ther"e there ".. be &% • I& %rder t% 6e6%r"!e e++et"e.y3 y%' hae t%
prer"pt"%&$ 6e6%r"!e +"rt the hare %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e$
5. Up%& re/"trat"%& '&der the @%rre& Syte6 a
+ree +r%6 the reerat"%&$ ARTICLE <=! I+ the tetat%r .eae "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3
the 'r""&/ p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% %&e-th"rd %+ the
6. Up%& re&'&"at"%& %r a"er by , reeree hered"tary etate %+ the deeaed a&d the "..e/"t"6ate
,>@ER the death %+ the reer%"r h".dre& t% a&%ther th"rd$ @he re6a"&"&/ th"rd ha.. be at the
+ree d"p%a. %+ the tetat%r$ (&)
• Reerab.e pr%perty " &%t et"&/'"hed by the
/%er&6e&t$ It ".. 't %&t"&'e %& the "&de6&"ty • I& th" e&ar"%3 the 'r"%r are the p%'e
%r 't %6pe&at"%& a&d the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&$
• I+ the reerab.e pr%perty " "&'red a&d the&3 •  @he hare %'.d be ;G= eah$ @he re6a"&"&/
detr%yed3 there " reere %& the "&'ra&e ;G= %'.d be the +ree p%rt"%&$
"&de6&"ty %r pr%eed there%+  •  @he hare %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e " &%t ta?e&
+r%6 the +ree p%rt"%&
"ar Juesion2 W$a %o 'ou un%ersan% 4' $e •  @he .e/"t"6e %+ the .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d
9ELA>E9 INTESTAC> THEOR> the .e/"t"6ate pare&t %'.d a.ay be 
 @h" " the the%ry that " app."ed "& RESERV, •  @he .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e a&d the
 @RONC,$ Re6e6ber3 "& RESERV, @RONC,3 the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& 6ay ary$
reer%r "&her"t +r%6 the pr%p%"t'$ @he reeree

"&her"t +r%6
thethe pr%p%"t'$
"&her"ta&e by the reeree +r%6 the ARTICLE <=$ @he .e/"t"6e %+ eah %+ the a?&%.ed/ed
&at'ra. h".dre& a&d eah %+ the &at'ra. h".dre& by .e/a.
pr%p%"t' " de.ayed '&t". a+ter the death %+ the +"t"%& ha.. %&"t %+ %&e-ha.+ %+ the .e/"t"6e %+ eah %+ the
reer%r$ @he "&her"ta&e %+ the reeree +r%6 the .e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r dee&da&t$
pr%p%"t' " by "rt'e %+ .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%&$  @he .e/"t"6e %+ a& "..e/"t"6ate h".d h% " &e"ther a&
Re6e6ber3 ee& "+ the pr%p%"t' d"e tetate %r "th a a?&%.ed/ed &at'ra.3 &%r a &at'ra. h".d by .e/a. +"t"%&3
"..3 that %&.y re+er t% the "&her"ta&e %+ the reer%r$ ha.. be e7'a. "& eery ae t% +%'r-+"+th %+ the .e/"t"6e %+
't3 "th repet t% the reeree3 hat /%er& " the a& a?&%.ed/ed &at'ra. h".d$
 @he .e/"t"6e %+ the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& ha.. be ta?e&
.a %& .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%&$ +r%6 the p%rt"%& %+ the etate at the +ree d"p%a. %+ the
 @hat " the %&ept %+ 5E,YE5 IN@ES@,CY < he& tetat%r3 pr%"ded that "& &% ae ha.. the t%ta. .e/"t"6e %+
the re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%& %+ the reer%r " +'.+"..ed3 the 'h "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& eeed that +ree p%rt"%&3 a&d that
pr%pert"e are d"tr"b'ted t% the reeree a "+ they the .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e 6't +"rt be +'..y
are "&her"t"&/ +r%6 the pr%p%"t' at the t"6e %+ the at"+"ed$ (840a) 29/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
.e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e a the %.e he"r ha.. be
%&e-th"rd %+ the hered"tary etate3 eept he& they hae
• N%te that '&der the >a6".y C%de3 there are &%
bee& .""&/ a h'ba&d a&d "+e +%r 6%re tha& +"e year$ I&
.%&/er a?&%.ed/ed &at'ra.3 &at'ra. h".d by .e/a. the .atter ae3 the .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e ha.. be
+"t"%&$ We %&.y hae .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate that pe"+"ed "& the preed"&/ para/raph$ (&)
• W"th repet t% "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 they are •  @he %&.y 'r"%r here " the p%'e

h".d t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the hare %+ %&e .e/"t"6ate DENER, RUE: @he p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t%  %+
• I& the d"tr"b't"%& %+ .e/"t"6e3 y%' +"rt hae t% the &et hered"tary etate "+ heGhe " the %&.y
at"+y the .e/"t"6e %+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d the&3 'r"%r$
the 'r""&/ p%'e h"h h%'.d be ta?e& +r%6 ECEP@ION: @he p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% ;G= "+:
the +ree p%rt"%&$ ,&d hateer re6a"&3 d""de "t 1.  @he 6arr"a/e a
e7'a..y a6%&/ the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& e.ebrated "& articulo mortis a&d
2$ the %ther p%'e d"ed
ARTICLE <=8$ I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& h% 6ay 'r"e "th "th"& = 6%&th +r%6 the e.ebrat"%& %+ the
.e/"t"6ate pare&t %r ae&da&t %+ the deeaed ha.. be 6arr"a/e
e&t"t.ed t% %&e-+%'rth %+ the hered"tary etate t% be ta?e& +r%6
•  @he p%'e h% " at the p%"&t %+ death
the p%rt"%& at the +ree d"p%a. %+ the tetat%r$ (84;a)
d'r"&/ the 6arr"a/e 6't be the %&e h%
h%'.d d"e
• I& th" e&ar"%3 the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& 'r"e
"th the .e/"t"6ate pare&t %+ the tetat%r •  @he a'e %+ death 6't be the ery a6e
•  t% the pare&t a&d  t% the "..e/"t"6ate rea%& hy the 6arr"a/e a "& articulo
h".dre& mortis
ECEP@ION @O @HE ECEP@ION: S'r""&/ p%'e
• I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& 5O NO@ e.'de the /et ;G2 ee& "+ the tetat%r %r the tetatr" d"ed
.e/"t"6ate pare&t %r ae&da&t herea "th"& = 6%&th +r%6 t"6e %+ e.ebrat"%& %+ 6arr"a/e
.e/"t"6ate h".dre& e.'de .e/"t"6ate pare&t %r here"& the %'p.e had bee& .""&/ pre"%'.y a
ae&da&t h'ba&d a&d "+e +%r 6%re tha&  year

ARTICLE <=7! Whe& the "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th

.e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r dee&da&t3 a&d a?&%.ed/ed &at'ra. •  @h" pr%""%& " %&.y tr'e "th repet t%
h".dre&3 %r &at'ra. h".dre& by .e/a. +"t"%&3 'h 'r""&/ tetate 'e"%&$ Whe& "t %6e t% "&tetate %r
p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% a p%rt"%& e7'a. t% the .e/"t"6e %+ .e/a. 'e"%&3 th" pr%""%& d%e &%t app.y$
eah %+ the .e/"t"6ate h".dre& h"h 6't be ta?e& +r%6 that
part %+ the etate h"h the tetat%r a& +ree.y d"p%e %+$ (&)
ARTICLE =?1$ Whe& the tetat%r d"e .ea"&/ "..e/"t"6ate
h".dre& a&d &% %ther %6p'.%ry he"r3 'h "..e/"t"6ate
•  @he "d% %r the 'r""&/ p%'e %&'r "th h".dre& ha.. hae a r"/ht t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the hered"tary
.e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& etate %+ the deeaed$
 @he %ther ha.+ ha.. be at the +ree d"p%a. %+ the
• I+ there " %&.y ; .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the tetat%r$ (842a)
'r""&/ p%'e /et 
• I+ there are 2 %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the
•  @he %&.y 'r"%r here are the "..e/"t"6ate
p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% a hare h"h "
h".dre&$ @hey are e&t"t.ed t%  %+ the etate$ @he
e7'"a.e&t t% a hare %+ %&e %+ the .e/"t"6ate h".d
%ther ha.+ " %&"dered a the +ree p%rt"%&$
• >%r the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the hare %'.d be
 %+ the hare %+ ; .e/"t"6ate h".d
ARTICLE =?-!  @he r"/ht %+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& et +%rth
"& the preed"&/ art".e are tra&6"tted 'p%& the"r death t%
the"r dee&da&t3 hether .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate$ (84=a)

ARTICLE <=<! I+ the "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th • I+ the "..e/"t"6ate h".d d"ed ahead %+ h"
.e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r dee&da&t3 a&d "th "..e/"t"6ate pare&t a&d he a.% ha h" %& h".dre&
h".dre& %ther tha& a?&%.ed/ed &at'ra.3 %r &at'ra. h".dre& .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate3 a.. %+ thee h".dre& "..
by .e/a. +"t"%&3 the hare %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e ha.. be the "&her"t by Ri/$ o# Re.resenaion$ @hey "..
a6e a that pr%"ded "& the preed"&/ art".e$ (&) /et hateer r"/ht the"r pare&t hae$
•  @he r"/ht %+ a& "..e/"t"6ate h".d pae t% h"
ARTICLE <==! Whe& the "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th
.e/"t"6ate pare&t %r ae&da&t a&d "th "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& hether .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate$
h".dre&3 'h 'r""&/ p%'e ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% %&e-e"/hth • I& the ae %+ a .e/"t"6ate h".d3 h" %&
%+ the hered"tary etate %+ the deeaed h"h 6't be ta?e& "..e/"t"6ate h".d a&&%t repree&t$
+r%6 the +ree p%rt"%&3 a&d the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& ha.. be
e&t"t.ed t% %&e-+%'rth %+ the etate h"h ha.. be ta?e& a.%
+r%6 the d"p%ab.e p%rt"%&$ @he tetat%r 6ay +ree.y d"p%e %+ ARTICLE =?0!  @he .e/"t"6e %+ the pare&t h% hae a&
the re6a"&"&/ %&e-e"/hth %+ the etate$ (&) "..e/"t"6ate h".d3 he& 'h h".d .eae &e"ther .e/"t"6ate
dee&da&t3 &%r a 'r""&/ p%'e3 &%r "..e/"t"6ate
h".dre&3 " %&e-ha.+ %+ the hered"tary etate %+ 'h
•  @he 'r"%r here are the .e/"t"6ate pare&t3 "..e/"t"6ate h".d$ I+ %&.y .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&
"..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d the p%'e$ are .e+t3 the pare&t are &%t e&t"t.ed t% a&y .e/"t"6e
hat%eer$ I+ %&.y the "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th
•  @% the .e/"t"6ate pare&t 3 t% the "..e/"t"6ate
h".dre&  t% be ta?e& +r%6 the +ree p%rt"%& a&d t% pare&t %+ the "..e/"t"6ate h".d3 the .e/"t"6e %+ the pare&t
the 'r""&/ p%'e ;G8 t% be ta?e& +r%6 the +ree " %&e-+%'rth %+ the hered"tary etate %+ the h".d3 a&d that
%+ the 'r""&/ p%'e a.% %&e-+%'rth %+ the etate$ (&)

ARTICLE =??! I+ the %&.y 'r"%r " the "d% %r "d%er3 •  @he pare&t '&der th" art".e are the
he %r he ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the hered"tary etate "..e/"t"6ate pare&t (pare&t %+ a& "..e/"t"6ate
%+ the deeaed p%'e3 a&d the tetat%r 6ay +ree.y d"p%e %+ h".d)
the %ther ha.+$ (8=Fa) •  @he pree&e %+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre& "..
I+ the 6arr"a/e betee& the 'r""&/ p%'e a&d the
tetat%r a %.e6&"!ed "& art"'.% 6%rt"3 a&d the tetat%r
e.'de the .e/"t"6ate pare&t$ 't .e/"t"6ate
d"ed "th"& three 6%&th +r%6 the t"6e %+ the 6arr"a/e3 the 30/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
pare&t3 "& the abe&e %+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 ".. •  Y%' a& a"e y%'r r"/ht t% the "&her"ta&e
%&'r "th the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&$ a&d that a& be ee'ted bea'e +r%6 the
• W"th repet t% the "..e/"t"6ate pare&t %+ the 6%6e&t %+ death %+ the tetat%r3 the r"/ht %+ he"r
tetat%r3 they are e.'ded by the pree&e %+ the t% the etate a.ready be%6e eted ee& "+
h".dre& %+ the tetat%r hether h" h".dre& are there " t".. &% d"tr"b't"%&$
.e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate$
•  @he "..e/"t"6ate pare&t are %&.y e%&dary ARTICLE =?8! ,&y %6p'.%ry he"r t% h%6 the tetat%r
%6p'.%ry he"r bea'e they "&her"t the"r ha .e+t by a&y t"t.e .e tha& the .e/"t"6e be.%&/"&/ t% h"6
.e/"t"6e %&.y "& the abe&e %+ the .e/"t"6ate %r 6ay de6a&d that the a6e be +'..y at"+"ed$ (8;)
"..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r dee&da&t %+ the
deede&t • ,rt".e 90B ta.? ab%'t co.leion o#
• ,rt".e 90= re+er t% %&.y t% "..e/"t"6ate pare&t le/iie
a&d &%t t% %ther ae&da&t ."?e the pare&t %+ the
• I& th" ae3 a %6p'.%ry he"r ha bee&
"..e/"t"6ate pare&t$
/"e& h" .e/"t"6e by 6ea& %+ d%&at"%&3
•  @h'3 the r'.e here " d"++ere&t +r%6 the ae %+ %&d%&at"%&3 re6""%&3 de"e3 .e/ay a .%&/ a
the /ra&dpare&t %+ a .e/"t"6ate h".d3 +%r they 6ay the /""&/ %+ the t"t.e " /rat'"t%'
"&her"t "& de+a'.t %+ b%th .e/"t"6ate pare&t
ARTICLE =?!  @he tetat%r a&&%t depr"e h" %6p'.%ry LEGITI,E *Aricle =?8+
he"r %+ the"r .e/"t"6e3 eept "& ae epre.y pe"+"ed by Part %+ the etate " /"e&  @here " t%ta. %6""%& %
t% the %6p'.%ry he"r &%th"&/ " /"e& t% the
Ne"ther a& he "6p%e 'p%& the a6e a&y b'rde&3'/h the a6%'&t " %6p'.%ry he"r d'r"&/
e&'6bra&e3 %&d"t"%&3 %r 'bt"t't"%& %+ a&y ?"&d
hat%eer$ (8;=a) e7'"a.e&t t% the the ."+et"6e %r "& the "..3
.e/"t"6e b't .e tha& the &%th"&/ at a.. "& the
Ee& "th%'t the ".. %+ the tetat%r3 the .e/"t"6e$ "&her"ta&e$

%6p'.%ry he"r are a.ay e&t"t.ed t% the"r ,.. y%' hae t% d% " t% We a&&'. the "&t"t't"%&
.e/"t"6e /"e hateer a6%'&t %+ he"r$
that " .a?"&/$
•  @he %&.y ay t% depr"e the %6p'.%ry he"r  @he ".. re6a"& @he ".. " "&a."dated b't
%+ the"r .e/"t"6e " by epre.y d""&her"t"&/ the6 .e/a"e a&d de"e
"& a "..3 here"& the .e/a. a'e there+%re ha.. be h"h are &%t "&%++""%'
pe"+"ed$ ha.. be repeted$
• O&.y the >ree p%rt"%& %+ the etate that the
tetat%r a& /"e aay " 'bet t% erta"& ARTICLE =?7!  @eta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& that "6pa"r %r
%&d"t"%&3 'bt"t't"%& %r b'rde&$ d"6"&"h the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r ha.. be
• 't the .a tate except in cases expressly red'ed %& pet"t"%& %+ the a6e3 "&%+ar a they 6ay be
"&%++""%' %r ee"e$ (8;F)
specified by law.
"ur%ens $a $e esaor a' i.ose on $e • ,rt".e 90F ta.? ab%'t teta6e&tary
le/iie2 d"p%"t"%& that "6pa"r %r d"6"&"h the .e/"t"6e %+
I& a%rda&e "th .a: %6p'.%ry he"r
1. , pr%h"b"t"%& t% part"t"%& the .e/"t"6e " a."d +%r • y a&a.%/y3 th" art".e app."e t% d%&at"%&
a per"%d &%t eeed"&/ 20 year
"&ter "%$ 5%&at"%& h"h "6pa"r (d%&at"%&
2$ Reera @r%&a. " a.% a b'rde& "&%+ar a the
"&ter "%) the .e/"t"6e ha.. be red'ed %&
.e/"t"6e %+ the reer%r %r reer"ta "
pet"t"%& %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r$
• Whe& y%' app.y "&%++""%' d%&at"%&3 %&.y the
ARTICLE =?! Eery re&'&"at"%& %r %6pr%6"e a %6p'.%ry he"r a& aa". that the d%&at"%&
re/ard a +'t're .e/"t"6e betee& the per%& %"&/ "t a&d h" ha.. be red'ed bea'e "t "6pa"r the"r .e/"t"6e$
%6p'.%ry he"r •  @he red"t%r a&&%t pet"t"%& that d%&at"%&
'p%& the death %+ "
the%"d3 a&d b't
+%r6er1 the they
.a"6t%the a6e
hateer they 6ay hae ree"ed by "rt'e %+ the "&ter "% h"h are "&%++""%' be red'ed
re&'&"at"%& %r %6pr%6"e$ (8;B)
ARTICLE =?<$ @% deter6"&e the .e/"t"6e3 the a.'e %+
the pr%perty .e+t at the death %+ the tetat%r ha.. be
• 5'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r3 the he"r %&"dered3 ded't"&/ a.. debt a&d har/e3 h"h ha.. &%t
%&.y hae "&h%ate r"/ht %er the pr%pert"e %+ the "&.'de th%e "6p%ed "& the "..$
 @% the &et a.'e %+ the hered"tary etate3 ha.. be
tetat%r a e.. a t% the"r .e/"t"6e
added the a.'e %+ a.. d%&at"%& by the tetat%r that are
•  @he r"/ht t% the"r .e/"t"6e %&.y be%6e eted 'bet t% "%&3 at the t"6e he 6ade the6$ (8;8a)
he& the tetat%r d"e
•  @here a& be &% re&'&"at"%& %r %6pr%6"e • I+ y%' d% &%t arr"e at the %rret &et
that a& be 6ade baed 'p%& a r"/ht that " yet a& hered"tary etate3 a.. y%'r %6p'tat"%& %+ the
epeta&y %r a& "&h%ate r"/ht .e/"t"6e %'.d be r%&/
• Ee& "+ the %6pr%6"e " 6ade a6%&/ the •
%6p'.%ry he"r the6e.e3 'h %6pr%6"e  Y%' %+
."+et"6e addthethe d%&at"%&
tetat%r$ @hat6ade
" the d'r"&/
%'.d t".. &%t be a."d$ COLLATION$
•  @here a& be re&'&"at"%& %+ %r %6pr%6"e %& • I& "%&3 y%' d% &%t at'a..y ret'r& the
pree&t .e/"t"6e bea'e the 'bet 6atter " &% pr%perty phy"a..y b't %&.y the a.'e there%+ "
.%&/er a +'t're "&her"ta&e %&"dered a part %+ the etate
•  @% re%&".e "th a a"er %+ a hered"tary r"/ht3 • 5%&at"%& are %..ated bea'e "t %'.d be
a a"er %+ hered"tary r"/ht " ee'ted a+ter the eay +%r the tetat%r t% "r'6e&t the .a %&
death %+ the tetat%r$ Hered"tary r"/ht 6ea& y%'r .e/"t"6e by d%&at"&/ a.. h" pr%pert"e d'r"&/ h"
r"/ht t% the "&her"ta&e$ 't "& ,rt".e 903 e are ."+et"6e % that &%th"&/ %'.d be .e+t +%r h"
ta.?"&/ here %+ +'t're "&her"ta&e %r +'t're .e/"t"6e %6p'.%ry he"r at the t"6e %+ h" death$
ee'ted d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r$ 31/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• 5%&at"%& h"h are "&%++""%' a&&%t be  @h" " &%t "&%++""%' bea'e "t a& be
aa".ed by red"t%r eept he& the d%&at"%& " "& a%66%dated "& the +ree p%rt"%&$
+ra'd %+ the red"t%r ,'6"&/ that the tetat%r "& h" ".. 6ade a
.e/ay t% # %rth P 003000$ @he tetat%r " 'r"ed
•  @he a.'e t% be %&"dered " the a.'e %+ the a by a p%'e3 a .e/"t"6ate h".d a&d a& "..e/"t"6ate
pr%perty d%&ated at the t"6e "t a d%&ated3 &%t h".d$ , d%&at"%& t% Y %rth P =03000 a a.%
the a.'e 'p%& the death %+ the tetat%r 6ade$

S"&e "t " %"d3that
"t " d%&at"%&
t".. part %+t%the
%3 e/"t"6ate
Sp%'e h".d P ;32F3000
B=F300 (;32F3000G2)
there " &%th"&/ t% %..ate bea'e "t a &%t   Y =03000
ded'ted   I..e/"t"6ate h".d B=F300
 @he etate " a.ready %&'6ed "th hat d'e t%
Ea6p.e: the .e/"t"6ate h".d3 the p%'e a&d the "..e/"t"6ate
5%&at"%& h".d$ I& th" ae3 there " &% 6%re +ree p%rt"%& .e+t$
 P ;003000 Etate: P23003000  @h'3 the d%&at"%& be%6e "&%++""%'$ I& add"t"%&3
 Y P =03000 5ebt: 203000 the .e/ay t% # a&&%t be /"e& e++et bea'e there
 @ae: ;03000 " &% +ree p%rt"%& a&y6%re

Etate: P 23003000 ARTICLE =1?! 5%&at"%& h"h a& "..e/"t"6ate h".d 6ay
e: hae ree"ed d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ h" +ather %r 6%ther3
5ebt ( 203000) ha.. be har/ed t% h" .e/"t"6e$
  @ae ( 03000) Sh%'.d they eeed the p%rt"%& that a& be +ree.y
---------------- d"p%ed %+3 they ha.. be red'ed "& the 6a&&er prer"bed
by th" C%de$ (84Fa)
P 23;003000
5%&at"%& () ;003000  ARTICLE =11! ,+ter the .e/"t"6e ha bee& deter6"&ed "&
5%&at"%& (Y) =03000 a%rda&e "th the three preed"&/ art".e3 the red't"%&
ha.. be 6ade a +%..%:
---------------- (;) 5%&at"%& ha.. be repeted a .%&/ a the .e/"t"6e
NE@ HERE5I@,RY ES@,@E P 2303000 a& be %ered3 red'"&/ %r a&&'.."&/3 "+ &eeary3 the
 de"e %r .e/a"e 6ade "& the "..1
(2) @he red't"%& %+ the de"e %r .e/a"e ha.. be pr%
Ree%ies .rovi%e% #or 4' la: in assurin/ $a rata3 "th%'t a&y d"t"&t"%& hateer$
$e co.ulsor' $eirs :oul% receive $eir I+ the tetat%r ha d"reted that a erta"& de"e %r
le/iie2 .e/ay be pa"d "& pre+ere&e t% %ther3 "t ha.. &%t
'++er a&y red't"%& '&t". the .atter hae bee& app."ed "&
1. Preter"t"%& here ee& "+ the +'.. t% the pay6e&t %+ the .e/"t"6e$
tetat%r %6"t the %6p'.%ry he"r "& h" etate3 (=) I+ the de"e %r .e/ay %&"t %+ a ''+r't %r ."+e
the .a a're that the %6p'.%ry he"r %'.d a&&'"ty3 h%e a.'e 6ay be %&"dered /reater tha& that
%+ the d"p%ab.e p%rt"%&3 the %6p'.%ry he"r 6ay h%%e
t".. ree"e the"r "&her"ta&e$
betee& %6p.y"&/ "th the teta6e&tary pr%""%&
2."%& here ee& "+ the a&d de."er"&/ t% the de"ee %r .e/atee the part %+ the
tetat%r a.ready d"p%e a.. h" pr%pert"e d'r"&/ h" "&her"ta&e %+ h"h the tetat%r %'.d +ree.y d"p%e$
."+et"6e3 t"..3 the %6p'.%ry he"r are a'red %+ (820a)
the"r .e/"t"6e$
Or%er o# .riori'2
ARTICLE =?=! 5%&at"%& /"e& t% h".dre& ha.. be har/ed ;$ e/"t"6e
t% the"r .e/"t"6e$ 2$ 5%&at"%&
5%&at"%& 6ade t% tra&/er ha.. be har/ed t% that part =$ Pre+erred .e/ay %r de"e1 a&d
%+ the etate %+ h"h the tetat%r %'.d hae d"p%ed by h"
.at "..$
4$ ,.. %ther pr%-rata
I&%+ar a they 6ay be "&%++""%' %r 6ay eeed the
d"p%ab.e p%rt"%&3 they ha.. be red'ed a%rd"&/ t% the Se.s o 4e #ollo:e% un%er Aricle =11 :
r'.e etab."hed by th" C%de$ (8;9a) ;$ 5eter6"&e the Net Hered"tary Etate (NHE)1
H% Dr% Etate
  e: 5ebt * har/e
• Re6e6ber that "& 'e"%&3 a sran/er  "   P.': 5%&at"%& 'bet t%"%&
%&e h% " &%t a %6p'.%ry he"r %+ the tetat%r 2. 5eter6"&e the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry
• 5%&at"%& 6ade t% tra&/er d'r"&/ the he"r baed %& T;1
."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r are har/ed t% the +ree =$ ,dd t%ta. a.'e %+ a.. %+ a.. the .e/"t"6e %+ a..
p%rt"%&$ the %6p'.%ry he"r1
• 5%&at"%& t% tra&/er h%'.d be %..ated3 4$ 5ed't the t%ta. a.'e %+ the .e/"t"6e "& T=
%ther"e3 the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r ".. +r%6 the Net Hered"tary Etate "& T; t% arr"e at
be "6pa"red the +ree d"p%a.1
• I+ there " &% +ree p%rt"%& t% pea? %+3 the 5. Char/e the d%&at"%& t% %6p'.%ry he"r t%
d%&at"%& be%6e "&%++""%'$ , 'h3 there ha t% the"r .e/"t"6e$ I& ae %+ ee %+ d%&at"%&
be a red't"%& %r a ret'r& %+ the pr%perty d%&ated$ %er the .e/"t"6e3 har/e ee t% +ree d"p%a.1
6. Char/e the d%&at"%& t% tra&/er t% the +ree
,rt".e 908 Sa6e data a "& the pre"%' ea6p.e "& d"p%a.1
e/"t"6e  P 2303000 G 2 7. Char/e PRE>ERRE5 .e/a"eGde"e t% +ree
   P ;32F3000 d"p%a.1
8. Char/e a.. %ther .e/a"eGde"e t% +ree
5%&at"%& 6ade t%  " %&"dered a a& ada&e$ d"p%a.1
Up%& d"tr"b't"%&3 he ".. %&.y ree"e P ;3;F3000$ 9$ I& ae +ree d"p%a. " "&'++""e&t3 red'e
5%&at"%& 6ade t% Y ha.. be har/ed t% the +ree the .e/a"e3 d%&at"%& et "& the %rder %+
p%rt"%&: pr"%r"ty$
P ;32F3000 < =03000  P 923000
 @he re6a"&"&/ +ree p%rt"%& " P 923000 bea'e H%
the tetat%r a.ready d"p%ed P =03000 "& ada&e$ ;$ 5%&at"%& t% tra&/er1 32/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

2. I+ there " t".. a& ee3 the& y%' har/e the a&d the de"ee ".. 't pay the %6p'.%ry he"r
.e/a"e * de"e1 +%r 'h a.'e
3. I+ t".. "&'++""e&t3 a.. %ther$ • I+ the red't"%& ab%rb 6%re tha&  %+ "t
a.'e3 "t ha.. /% t% the %6p'.%ry he"r a&d the
• ,rt".e 9;; " he& there are %6p'.%ry he"r %6p'.%ry he"r ".. 't pay the de"ee +%r
,N5GOR there are d%&at"%& 'bet t% "%& 'h a.'e

Ea6p.e: ha..I+ /%
"t "t%
eat.y  %+ "t"+a.'e3
the de"ee the rea.
y%' app.y thepr%perty
Net Hered"tary Etate P 2303000 ."tera..y3 y%' %'.d be de+eat"&/ the "&te&t %+ the
5%&at"%&: e/"t"6ate h".d P ;003000 tetat%r$ @he de"ee ".. 't pay the
   (+r"e&d) =03000 %6p'.%ry he"r +%r the a.'e
  # (.e/ay) 003000
  N (de"e) 2003000 ARTICLE =10$ I+ the he"r %r de"ee d% &%t h%%e t%
 @etat%r " 'r"ed by a p%'e a&d a .e/"t"6ate aa". the6e.e %+ the r"/ht /ra&ted by the preed"&/
h".d$ art".e3 a&y he"r %r de"ee h% d"d &%t hae 'h r"/ht 6ay
eer"e "t1 h%'.d the .atter &%t 6a?e 'e %+ "t3 the pr%perty
e/"t"6ate h".d P ;32F3000 ha.. be %.d at p'b." a't"%& at the "&ta&e %+ a&y %&e %+
the "&tereted part"e$ (822)
Sp%'e B=F300
>ree P%rt"%& P B=F300 • I+ the .e/atee %r de"ee d%e &%t a&t t%
eer"e the r"/ht '&der ,rt".e 9;23 the %ther
 @he +ree p%rt"%& " &%t '++""e&t t% a%66%date part"e (he"r %r de"ee) 6ay eer"e the r"/ht
the d%&at"%&3 the .e/ay3 a&d the de"e$ %& beha.+ %+ the party h% d%e &%t "h t%
5%&at"%& are pre+erred a .%&/ a the .e/"t"6e a& eer"e the r"/ht
be %ered3 red'"&/ %r a&&'.."&/3 "+ &eeary3 the
• I+ &%&e %+ the part"e hae the "&teret t%
de"e %r .e/a"e 6ade "& the "..$
eer"e the r"/ht %r re"6b're6e&t %r rete&t"%&3
the pr%perty 6ay 't be %.d at a p'b." a't"%&
>ree P%rt"%& P B=F300
at the "&ta&e %+ a&y "&tereted party 'h a a
5%&at"%& t%  (+r"e&d) =03000
red"t%r %+ the etate
Re6a"&"&/ >ree P%rt"%& P 28F300
ARTICLE =1$ @he tetat%r 6ay de"e a&d be7'eath the
 @he re6a"&"&/ +ree p%rt"%& " t% be d"tr"b'ted pr%- +ree p%rt"%& a he 6ay dee6 +"t$ (&)
rata "&e the tetat%r d"d &%t pre+er a erta"& de"e %r
.e/ay$ • ,+ter a.. the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r

e/ay: GF  28F300  P 203 =F$;4 hae bee&

p%'e a&d theat"+"ed3 "&.'d"&/
"..e/"t"6ate the 'r""&/
h".dre&3 the +ree
5e"e: 2GF  28F300  P 823 ;42$8B d"p%a. 6ay be /"e& by the tetat%r t% a&yb%dy
pr%"ded that there " &% pr%h"b"t"%& by .a$
• I+ there are pre+erred .e/ay %r de"e3 +%r • I+ he /"e the +ree d"p%a. t% h" %&'b"&e3
ea6p.e3 the tetat%r ay that the .e/ay t% # " that " &%t a..%ed
pre+erred3 there+%re3 %+ the P28F300 re6a"&"&/3
th" ".. a.. be /"e& a .e/ay t% #$ @he h%.e P Revie: on LEGITI,E
003000 a&&%t be /"e& bea'e the &et etate "
&%t '++""e&t.  't bea'e "t " pre+erred3 "t ha.. • ,E,ORIKE $e le/iie o# $e
be /"e& ahead %+ the de"e$ I& that ae3 the co.ulsor' $eirs
de"e ".. &%t be /"e& a&y6%re. • >%r eay 6e6%r"!at"%&3 6aybe3 y%' +"rt tart
• I+ there ere 2 %r 6%re d%&at"%&3 they ha.. be "th the .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e bea'e
repeted e7'a..y "+ 6ade at the a6e t"6e$ It the .e/"t"6e %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e ar"e
ha.. be app%rt"%&ed the a6e "th the .e/ay a&d a%rd"&/ t% the %ther %&'rr"&/ he"r$
de"e3 h"h 6ea& pr%-rata$
• I+ there ere 2 %r 6%re d%&at"%& 6ade %& ;$ S'r""&/ p%'e "th ; .e/"t"6ate h".d 
d"++ere&t date3 the ear."er %&e ha.. be repeted$ e/"t"6ate h".d 
 @he 6%re ree&t d%&at"%& are .e pre+erred tha&
the d%&at"%& ear."er 6ade bea'e there " a 2$ I+ there are 2 %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the
pre'6pt"%& that "t a 6ade +"rt$ @h" 6ea& hare %+ the 'r""&/ p%'e ha&/e:
that the tetat%r ha 6%re pre+ere&e %r a++et"%& S'r""&/ p%'e  hare %+ ; .e/"t"6ate h".d
+%r that per%& t% h%6 he 6ade that +"rt e/"t"6ate h".d  ;G2
d%&at"%&$ @hat " "+ the d%&at"%& are 6ade %&
d"++ere&t date$ =$ Sp%'e 'r""&/ "th the pare&t %+ the tetat%r:
S'r""&/ p%'e  
ARTICLE =1-! I+ the de"e 'bet t% red't"%& h%'.d
Pare&t 
%&"t %+ rea. pr%perty3 h"h a&&%t be %&e&"e&t.y d""ded3
"t ha.. /% t% the de"ee "+ the red't"%& d%e &%t ab%rb %&e-   I+ there are "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&:
ha.+ %+ "t a.'e1 a&d "& a %&trary ae3 t% the %6p'.%ry
he"r1 b't the +%r6er a&d the .atter ha.. re"6b're eah %ther S'r""&/ p%'e  ;G8
"& ah +%r hat repet"e.y be.%&/ t% the6$ 4$ Sp%'e 'r"e "th "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %&.y:
 @he de"ee h% " e&t"t.ed t% a .e/"t"6e 6ay reta"& the S'r""&/ p%'e  ;G=
e&t"re pr%perty3 pr%"ded "t a.'e d%e &%t eeed that %+ the I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& ;G=
d"p%ab.e p%rt"%& a&d %+ the hare perta"&"&/ t% h"6 a
.e/"t"6e$ (82;)
$ I+ the p%'e " the %&.y 'r"%r 
I+ 6arr"a/e e.ebrated art"'.% 6%rt" a&d the
• I& th" ae3 the de"e 'bet t% red't"%& %ther p%'e d"ed "th"& = 6%&th  ;G=
a&&%t be %&e&"e&t.y d""ded I+ they hae bee& .""&/ t%/ether +%r  year  
• ,%rd"&/ t% ,rt".e 9;23 "+ the red't"%& d%e
&%t ab%rb  %+ "t a.'e3 "t ha.. /% t% the de"ee • e/"t"6ate h".dre& a.ay  33/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
• e/"t"6ate pare&t a.ay 
ARTICLE =17!  @he b'rde& %+ pr%"&/ the tr'th %+ the
• I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a.ay  %+ the hare %+ ;
a'e +%r d""&her"ta&e ha.. ret 'p%& the %ther he"r %+
.e/"t"6ate h".d '&.e there are 6a&y "..e/"t"6ate the tetat%r3 "+ the d""&her"ted he"r h%'.d de&y "t$ (80)
h".dre& a&d the etate " &%t e&%'/h t%
a%66%date the"r hare$ I& that ae3 d""de the
ARTICLE =1<! 5""&her"ta&e "th%'t a pe"+"at"%& %+
re6a"&der a6%&/ the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&$ the a'e3 %r +%r a a'e the tr'th %+ h"h3 "+ %&trad"ted3
" &%t pr%ed3 %r h"h " &%t %&e %+ th%e et +%rth "& th"
C%de3 ha.. a&&'. the "&t"t't"%& %+ he"r "&%+ar a "t 6ay
SECTION 8 pre'd"e the per%& d""&her"ted1 b't the de"e a&d
9isin$eriance .e/a"e a&d %ther teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& ha.. be a."d
t% 'h ete&t a ".. &%t "6pa"r the .e/"t"6e$ (8;a)
ARTICLE =1! , %6p'.%ry he"r 6ay3 "& %&e7'e&e %+
d""&her"ta&e3 be depr"ed %+ h" .e/"t"6e3 +%r a'e
epre.y tated by .a$ (848a)
• ,rt".e 9;8 ta.? %+ invali% %isin$eriance
• ,rt".e 9; ta.? ab%'t the %&e7'e&e %+ Insances :$erein $ere is ine##ecive
be"&/ d""&her"ted %isin$eriance2
• 9ISINHERITANCE " the pr%e %r at3 thr' a ;$ 5""&her"ta&e "th%'t pe"+"at"%& %+ the a'e
teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& %+ depr""&/ "& a ".. a&y 2$ >%r a a'e h"h " &%t a tr'e a'e
%6p'.%ry he"r %+ h" .e/"t"6e +%r tr'e a&d .a+'. =$ >%r a a'e &%t /"e& "& .a
• 5""&her"ta&e re+er %&.y t% a %6p'.%ry he"r Conseuence i# $ere is an invali%
• 5""&her"ta&e " 6ade thr%'/h a teta6e&tary
• It ha.. a&&'. the "&t"t't"%& %+ the he"r b't "&
d"p%"t"%&$ @here 6't be a "..$
% +ar a %&.y +%r the p'rp%e %+ "&/ the
•  @here " &% d""&her"ta&e "& .e/a. %r "&tetate .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r
'e"%&3 %&.y "& tetate 'e"%& • 't the de"e a&d .e/a"e a&d %ther
• 5""&her"ta&e a& be 6ade %&.y +%r a'e teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& ha.. be a."d t% 'h
epre.y tated by .a ete&t a ".. &%t "6pa"r the .e/"t"6e

Wa's o# %e.rivin/ $e co.ulsor' $eir o# $is E,#PE T ;:

le/iie  @he tetat%r "&t"t'ted , a&d  "& h" ".. a&d
1. 5""&her"ta&e (,rt".e 9;) d""&her"ted C +%r the rea%& that C " '/.y $ ,3 
a&d C are a.. h" .e/"t"6ate h".dre&$ H" etate "
2. Rep'd"at"%& %+ the "&her"ta&e - the at %+ the %rth P ;203000$
he"r h"6e.+   @he e++et " "t ha.. a&&'. the "&t"t't"%& %+ he"r
3. I&apa"ty by rea%& %+ '&%rth"&e "&%+ar a %&.y "t 6ay pre'd"e the .e/"t"6e %+ the
4. Predeeae - the at'a. %r pre'6pt"e death "&a."d.y d""&her"ted he"r$
%+ the he"r e/"t"6e  P ;203000 G 2
$ % %+ the etate    P B03000
B$ Whe& the death %r har/e are e7'a. t% %r e/"t"6e %+ eah h".d  P B03000 G =
6%re tha& the a.'e %+ the etate  P 203000
C  P 203000 (.e/"t"6e)
ARTICLE =18! 5""&her"ta&e a& be e++eted %&.y thr%'/h
a ".. here"& the .e/a. a'e there+%r ha.. be pe"+"ed$ (849) ,  P 203000 Q =03000  P
  P 203000 Q =03000  P
Reuisies #or a vali% %isin$eriance2
;$ @he d""&her"ta&e 6't be 6ade "& a."d "..
•  @he d""&her"ta&e a& a.% be e++eted by E,#PE T 2:
"rt'e %+ a %d"". Sa6e ea6p.e "th add"t"%&a. data that  "
• 5""&her"ta&e a& a.% be 6ade "& a eparate /"e& a .e/ay %+ P =03000 ah$
".. C P 203000
• 5""&her"ta&e a& a.% be 6ade "& ,  P 203000 Q P ;3000
I&%rp%rat"%& y Re+ere&e   P 203000 Q P ;3000
2$ @he d""&her"ta&e 6't be 6ade epre.y3 &%t  P =03000
=$ @here 6't be a .e/a. a'e +%r the d""&her"ta&e • Re6e6ber3 "& the %rder %+ d"tr"b't"%&3 the
4$ @he d""&her"ta&e 6't be 6ade +%r a tr'e a'e de"e %r .e/ay ha.. be /"e& ahead %+ the
$ @he d""&her"ta&e 6't be +%r a&d e"t"&/ a'e "&her"ta&e$
• , %&d"t"%&a. d""&her"ta&e " &%t a..%ed:
LI ".. d""&her"t 6y %& "+ he ".. ?".. 6e "& the PRETERITION VALI9 9ISINHERITANCE
+'t'reM  @he %6""%& 6ay be 5""&her"ta&e " a.ay
• 't a %&d"t"%&a. re%at"%& %+ d""&her"ta&e " e"ther "&te&t"%&a. %r "&te&t"%&a. bea'e "t ha
a..%ed: '&"&te&t"%&a. a .%&/ a t% be pr%"ded +%r "& the
L#y %& atte6pted +%r 6y ."+e$ I ".. d""&her"t the depr"at"%& " t%ta.$ "..$
h"6$ 't "+ he ".. a? +%r 6y +%r/"e&e3 I W"th a'e %r "th%'t  @he a'e 6't be
".. re%?e the d""&her"ta&eM a'e pr%"ded +%r by .a$
B$ @he d""&her"ta&e 6't be t%ta. %r %6p.ete (,rt".e 920 * 92; NCC)
F$ @he a'e 6't be tated "& the ".. "te.+  ,&&'. the "&t"t't"%& @he d""&her"ted he"r
8$ @he he"r d""&her"ted 6't be .ear.y "de&t"+"ed3 % "&her"t &%th"&/ +r%6 the
that there ".. be &% d%'bt a t% h% " rea..y be"&/ .e/"t"6e * the +ree p%rt"%&$
d""&her"ted #ay e"t "th %r  @here 6't a.ay be a
9$ @he ".. "& h"h the d""&her"ta&e " tated 6't "th%'t a "..$ "..
&%t hae bee& re%?ed3 at .eat "& % +ar a the J: H% d%e preter"t"%&
d""&her"ta&e " %&er&ed e"t "th%'t a ".. 34/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
,: 5'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ • He a& be +%'&d /'".ty a&d the 'd/6e&t 6ay
the tetat%r3 he a& be%6e +"&a. a+ter the death a .%&/ a "t
6a?e d%&at"%& a&d the be%6e +"&a.$ 5""&her"ta&e a& be /"e&
d%&at"%& ".. be e++et %&e the 'd/6e&t be%6e +"&a.
%..ated .ater %&$ I+ a.ready$ @here 6't be a& "&te&t t% ?"..$
d'r"&/ h" ."+et"6e3 he Ee& "+ the dee&da&t " 't a& a%6p."e

/ae a.. h" pr%pert"e
%r ae%ry3 th" para/raph app."e
S% %&e
'p%&%+ h"
h" h".dre&$
• Ee& "+ the .a ay atte6pt3 the 6%re
rea%& that +r'trated a&d %&'66ated
there " &%th"&/ .e+t$ S%
ta/e are t% be "&.'ded
'p%& h" death3 there "
&% ".. b't t".. there "
(*) hen a child or descendant has accused the
preter"t"%& bea'e
testator of a crime for which the law prescribes
there " %6""%&$
imprisonment for six years or more if the
 @he "&t"t't"%& " a.ay  @he "&t"t't"%& ".. be
accusation has been found groundless
%"d +%..%ed '&.e there "
a&%ther a'e +%r &%t •  @he a'at"%& be /r%'&d.e
+%..%"&/ the "&t"t't"%& •  @he r"6e be"&/ re+erred here " a/a"&t
h"h " &%t bea'e %+ the a&yb%dy
d""&her"ta&e b't +%r Accusaions re#erre% in $is .ara/ra.$2
%ther a'e$ 1. It 6ay "&.'de the "&t"t't"%& %+ a r"6"&a.
PRETERITION I,PER5ECT 2.  Y%' tet"+y "& a ae a/a"&t y%'r pare&t %r
9ISINHERITANCE ae&da&t "&%."&/ a r"6e h"h arr"e a
 @he "&t"t't"%& %+ he"r  @he "&t"t't"%& re6a"& pe&a.ty %+ B year %r 6%re
" %6p.ete.y a&&'..ed a."d3 b't 6't be red'ed 3. State6e&t here"& y%' a++"r6 the
"&%+ar a the .e/"t"6e ha
a'at"%& 6ade a/a"&t y%'r pare&t3
bee& "6pa"red
I+ there " a de"e %r 5e"e3 .e/a"e %r %ther
.e/ay3 he ".. ree"e teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& ($) hen a child or descendant has been convicted
the de"e %r .e/ay a ha.. be a."d$ Ee& "+ the of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of
.%&/ a "t " &%t per%& " 't a& "&t"t'ted the testator 
"&%++""%' he"r3 he ".. t".. ree"e h"
•  @he .a here ay %&"ted %+ ad'.tery %r
hare %r "&her"ta&e$
%&'b"&a/e3 '&."?e the /r%'&d "& .e/a.
It " "6p%rta&t t% Ee& "+ the per%& " 't
eparat"%& here prep%&dera&e %+ e"de&e
d"t"&/'"h hether the a& "&t"t'ted he"r3 a .%&/
per%& " a& "&t"t'ted a the "&t"t't"%& d%e &%t " '++""e&t
•  @here ha t% be %&"t"%&
he"r %r a de"ee %r pre'd"e the .e/"t"6e %+
.e/atee the "&a."d.y d""&her"ted
(+) hen a child or descendant by fraud violence
he"r3 the&3 that he"r ha..
intimidation or undue influence causes the
ree"e the "&her"ta&e
testator to ma,e a will or to change one already
ARTICLE =1=!  @he +%..%"&/ ha.. be '++""e&t a'e +%r
the d""&her"ta&e %+ h".dre& a&d dee&da&t3 .e/"t"6ate a •  @here ha t% be a&%ther ".. 6ade
e.. a "..e/"t"6ate:
(;) Whe& a h".d %r dee&da&t ha bee& +%'&d /'".ty %+ a& (-) A refusal without ustifiable cause to support the
atte6pt a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the tetat%r3 h" %r her p%'e3  parent or ascendant who disinherits such child
dee&da&t3 %r ae&da&t1 or descendant 
(2) Whe& a h".d %r dee&da&t ha a'ed the tetat%r %+ a
r"6e +%r h"h the .a prer"be "6pr"%&6e&t +%r " •  @he deter6"&at"%& hether %r &%t the re+'a.
year %r 6%re3 "+ the a'at"%& ha bee& +%'&d /r%'&d.e1 %+ the h".d " "th%'t 't a'e ".. depe&d
(=) Whe& a h".d %r dee&da&t ha bee& %&"ted %+
ad'.tery %r %&'b"&a/e "th the p%'e %+ the tetat%r1 'p%& the%+ 6ea&
&ee"ty %+ the
the ae&da&t h".d a&d the
(4) Whe& a h".d %r dee&da&t by +ra'd3 "%.e&e3
"&t"6"dat"%&3 %r '&d'e "&+.'e&e a'e the tetat%r t% 6a?e (#) 'altreatment of the testator by word or deed by
a ".. %r t% ha&/e %&e a.ready 6ade1
the child or descendant 
() , re+'a. "th%'t 't"+"ab.e a'e t% 'pp%rt the pare&t %r
ae&da&t h% d""&her"t 'h h".d %r dee&da&t1 •  @h" /r%'&d %+ 6a.treat6e&t " pree&t %&.y
(B) #a.treat6e&t %+ the tetat%r by %rd %r deed3 by the h".d "th repet t% d""&her"ta&e %+ a
%r dee&da&t1 dee&da&t
(F) Whe& a h".d %r dee&da&t .ead a d"h%&%rab.e %r
d"/rae+'. ."+e1
(8) C%&"t"%& %+ a r"6e h"h arr"e "th "t the pe&a.ty %+
() hen a child or descendant leads a dishonorable
"". "&terd"t"%&$ (FB3 8=3 BF4a) or disgraceful life
• What " d"h%&%rab.e %r d"/rae+'. ."+e " a
• ,rt".e 9;9 ta.? ab%'t the /roun%s #or 7'et"%& h"h " addreed t% the 'd/6e&t
%isin$eriance %+ the %'rt b't /e&era..y3 the at 6't &%t

• U&der ,rt".e 9;93 the per%& h% " be a& "%.ated %r "&/.e at
• It ha t% be a ay %+ ."+e
d""&her"ted " a h".d %r dee&da&t %+ the tetat%r3 •  @he h".d %r dee&da&t 6ay be a 6a.e %r a
hether that h".d " .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate +e6a.e
() hen a child or descendant has been found guilty (") %onviction of a crime which carries with it the
of an attempt against the life of the testator his or  penalty of civil interdiction
her spouse descendants or ascendants
• De&era..y3 r"6e h"h are p'&"hab.e by
•  @here " +"&a. 'd/6e&t %r %&"t"%& a.ready death pe&a.ty3 re.'"%& perpert'a a&d
• ,t the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the "..3 "t " &%t re.'"%& te6p%ra.3 a.. %+ thee arry "th "t
&eeary that the 'd/6e&t " +"&a. the ae%ry pe&a.ty %+ "". "&terd"t"%& 35/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
ARTICLE =-?!  @he +%..%"&/ ha.. be '++""e&t a'e +%r h%'.d 6a?e the6 be/ %r aba&d%& the6$ I& thee
the d""&her"ta&e %+ pare&t %r ae&da&t3 hether ae3 the %'rt 6ay a.% depr"e the pare&t3 "&
.e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate: h%.e %r "& part3 %+ the ''+r't %er the h".dK
(;) Whe& the pare&t hae aba&d%&ed the"r h".dre& %r pr%perty3 %r ad%pt 'h 6ea're a they 6ay
"&d'ed the"r da'/hter t% ."e a %rr'pt %r "66%ra. ."+e3 %r dee6 ad"ab.e "& the "&teret %+ the h".d$ (;F;a)
atte6pted a/a"&t the"r "rt'e1
(2) Whe& the pare&t %r ae&da&t ha bee& %&"ted %+ a&
• , h".d '&der pare&ta. a'th%r"ty a&&%t
atte6pt a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the tetat%r3 h" %r her p%'e3
dee&da&t3 %r ae&da&t1
(=) Whe& the pare&t %r ae&da&t ha a'ed the tetat%r %+ •
ee'te a ""& pare&ta. a'th%r"ty3 there
I+ the pare&t
a r"6e +%r h"h the .a prer"be "6pr"%&6e&t +%r " are 2 "e:
year %r 6%re3 "+ the a'at"%& ha bee& +%'&d t% be +a.e1 1.  @he d""&her"ta&e ".. re6a"&
(4) Whe& the pare&t %r ae&da&t ha bee& %&"ted %+
ad'.tery %r %&'b"&a/e "th the p%'e %+ the tetat%r1 &%t"thta&d"&/ that the pare&t ha
() Whe& the pare&t %r ae&da&t by +ra'd3 "%.e&e3 re/a"& h" %r her pare&ta. a'th%r"ty
"&t"6"dat"%&3 %r '&d'e "&+.'e&e a'e the tetat%r t% 6a?e bea'e the rea%& +%r the d""&her"ta&e
a ".. %r t% ha&/e %&e a.ready 6ade1 " &%t rea..y the .% %+ pare&ta. a'th%r"ty
(B) @he .% %+ pare&ta. a'th%r"ty +%r a'e pe"+"ed "& th" b't the a'e +%r the .% %+ pare&ta.
C%de1 a'th%r"ty$
(F) @he re+'a. t% 'pp%rt the h".dre& %r dee&da&t
"th%'t 't"+"ab.e a'e1 2.  @he d""&her"ta&e " a.ready dee6ed
(8) ,& atte6pt by %&e %+ the pare&t a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the "&e++et"e bea'e 'p%& the death %+ the
%ther3 '&.e there ha bee& a re%&"."at"%& betee& the6$ h".d there " rea..y &% 6%re .% %+
(FB3 843 BF4a) pare&ta. a'th%r"ty$

•  @h" art".e dea. "th the causes () The refusal to support the children or
descendants without ustifiable cause
%isin$eriin/ an ascen%an
•  @he a6e "th ,rt".e 9;9
•  @he d""&her"ted he"r 6ay %&tr%ert the
/r%'&d tated "& the ".. (") An attempt by one of the parents against the life
of the other unless there has been a reconciliation
() hen the parents have abandoned their children or between them.
induced their daughters to live a corrupt or •  @he h".d3 the %&3 the da'/hter %r the
immoral life or attempted against their virtue /ra&dh".d 6ay d""&her"t h" pare&t h% ha
• ,ba&d%&6e&t here d%e &%t ee& hae t% atte6pted a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the %ther pare&t
a6%'&t t% a r"6e a .%&/ a he ha a.ready • N% &eed +%r %&"t"%& bea'e the .a ay
depr"ed h" h".d %+ the ba" &ee"ty %r he atte6pt3 % 6ere atte6pt
ha &%t bee& ee& +%r a &'6ber %+ year • 't "+ there " a re%&"."at"%& betee& the

,ba&d%&6e&t re+er a t%
ed'at"%&a. %r 6%ra. .%&/e"ther
a y%'phy"a.3
&e/.et pare&t3 the&3 the h".d a&&%t a&y6%re
d""&her"t bea'e "+ the %++e&ded party ha
y%'r h".d dee6ed "t pr%per t% +%r/"e the %ther p%'e3
•  @h" 6ay be app."ed by a&a.%/y t% %& the&3 "th 6%re rea%& the h".d bea'e he
" &%t the party d"ret.y %++e&ded
(*) hen the parent or ascendant has been convicted
of an attempt against the life of the testator his or ARTICLE =-1!  @he +%..%"&/ ha.. be '++""e&t a'e +%r
her spouse descendants or ascendants d""&her"t"&/ a p%'e:
($) hen the parent or ascendant has accused the (;) Whe& the p%'e ha bee& %&"ted %+ a& atte6pt
testator of a crime for which the law prescribes a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the tetat%r3 h" %r her dee&da&t3
%r ae&da&t1
imprisonment for six years or more if the (2) Whe& the p%'e ha a'ed the tetat%r %+ a r"6e
accusation has been found to be false +%r h"h the .a prer"be "6pr"%&6e&t %+ "
(+) hen the parent or ascendant has been convicted year %r 6%re3 a&d the a'at"%& ha bee& +%'&d t% be
of adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the +a.e1
testator  (=) Whe& the p%'e by +ra'd3 "%.e&e3 "&t"6"dat"%&3 %r
(-) hen the parent or ascendant by fraud violence '&d'e "&+.'e&e a'e the tetat%r t% 6a?e a ".. %r t%
intimidation or undue influence causes the testator ha&/e %&e a.ready 6ade1
(4) Whe& the p%'e ha /"e& a'e +%r .e/a. eparat"%&1
to ma,e a will or to change one already made
() Whe& the p%'e ha /"e& /r%'&d +%r the .% %+
• N'6ber 23 =3 43 a&d  are the a6e a th%e pare&ta. a'th%r"ty1
"& ,rt".e 9;9 (B) U&'t"+"ab.e re+'a. t% 'pp%rt the h".dre& %r the %ther
p%'e$ (FB3 83 BF4a)
(#) The loss of parental authority for causes specified
in this %ode hen the spouse has given cause for legal
• I& th" ae3 th" h%'.d re+er t% th%e a'e separation
by h"h the pare&t %r ae&da&t " at +a'.t$ • I& th" ae3 there " yet &% deree %+ .e/a.
 @hee a'e are pr%"ded +%r "& ,rt".e ==0 eparat"%& b't %&.y the %'rre&e %+ the
a&d ==2 %+ the C"". C%de$ a'e +%r .e/a. eparat"%&$
•  Y%' d% &%t hae t% e're a deree %+ .e/a.
,R@ICE ==0 NEW CIVI CO5E$ @he +ather a&d "& a
pr%per ae the 6%ther3 ha.. .%e a'th%r"ty %er eparat"%&
p%'e h%+"rt
habe+%re y%' a& d""&her"t y%'r
/"e& /r%'&d
the"r h".dre&:
(;) Whe& by +"&a. 'd/6e&t "& a r"6"&a. ae the
pe&a.ty %+ depr"at"%& %+ a"d a'th%r"ty " "6p%ed Groun%s #or Le/al Se.araion2
'p%& h"6 %r her1 ,R@ICE  NEW CIVI CO5E$ , pet"t"%& +%r .e/a.
(2) Whe& by a +"&a. 'd/6e&t "& .e/a. eparat"%& eparat"%& 6ay be +".ed %& a&y %+ the +%..%"&/
pr%eed"&/ 'h .% %+ a'th%r"ty " de.ared$ (;B9a) /r%'&d:
(;) Repeated phy"a. "%.e&e %r /r%.y ab'"e
,R@ICE ==2 NEW CIVI CO5E$ @he %'rt 6ay %&d't d"reted a/a"&t the pet"t"%&er3 a
depr"e the pare&t %+ the"r a'th%r"ty %r 'pe&d the %66%& h".d3 %r a h".d %+ the pet"t"%&er1
eer"e %+ the a6e "+ they h%'.d treat the"r (2) Phy"a. "%.e&e %r 6%ra. pre're t% %6pe.
h".dre& "th ee"e harh&e %r h%'.d /"e the pet"t"%&er t% ha&/e re."/"%' %r p%."t"a.
the6 %rr'pt"&/ %rder3 %'&e.3 %r ea6p.e3 %r a++"."at"%&1 36/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
(=) ,tte6pt %+ rep%&de&t t% %rr'pt %r "&d'e the d""&her"ted pare&t ha.. &%t hae the ''+r't %r
pet"t"%&er3 a %66%& h".d3 %r a h".d %+ the ad6"&"trat"%& %+ the pr%perty h"h %&t"t'te the
pet"t"%&er3 t% e&/a/e "& pr%t"t't"%&3 %r %&&"a&e .e/"t"6e$ (8F)
"& 'h %rr'pt"%& %r "&d'e6e&t1
(4) >"&a. 'd/6e&t e&te&"&/ the rep%&de&t t%
"6pr"%&6e&t %+ 6%re tha& " year3 ee& "+ • ,rt".e 92= ta.? ab%'t the ri/$ o#
pard%&ed1 re.resenaion o# $e $eirs o# $e
() 5r'/ add"t"%& %r hab"t'a. a.%h%."6 %+ the %isin$erie% $eir
(B) eb"a&"6 %r h%6%e'a."ty %+ the rep%&de&t1 E,#PE:   @etat%r ha 2 h".dre&3 , a&d $ , ha 2
(F) C%&trat"&/ by the rep%&de&t %+ a 'be7'e&t
h".dre&3 C a&d 5$ , " d""&her"ted$ Ee& "+ , a& &%
b"/a6%' 6arr"a/e3 hether "& the Ph"."pp"&e
%r abr%ad1 .%&/er "&her"t3 C a&d 5 ".. &% repree&t , b't %&.y
(8) Se'a. "&+"de."ty %r perer"%&1 "th repet t% the .e/"t"6e %+ ,$ @he +a'.t %+ ,
(9) ,tte6pt by the rep%&de&t a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the h%'.d &%t be "6p'ted a/a"&t , he"r$
pet"t"%&er1 %r
(;0),ba&d%&6e&t %+ pet"t"%&er by rep%&de&t
"th%'t 't"+"ab.e a'e +%r 6%re tha& %&e • ,& he"r h% ha bee& d""&her"ted a& be
year$ repree&ted
>%r p'rp%e %+ th" ,rt".e the ter6 Ah".dA ha.. • PER CAPITA  6ea& %&e "&her"t "& h" %&
"&.'de a h".d by &at're %r by ad%pt"%&$ (9Fa) r"/ht$ I& the ea6p.e3  "&her"t "& h" %& r"/ht$
• PER STIRPES  6ea& %&e "&her"t by "rt'e
• N%te that ee& "+ there " 6ere.y a& atte6pt
a/a"&t the ."+e %+ the %ther p%'e3 "t a& be a %+ repree&tat"%&$ I& the ea6p.e3 C a&d 5
/r%'&d +%r d""&her"ta&e bea'e "t " a /r%'&d "&her"t a repree&tat"e %+ ,
+%r .e/a. eparat"%&$ I& th" /r%'&d3 there " &%
%&"t"%&3 b't 6ere atte6pt • Whe& there " a "..(  repree&tat"%& ta?e
p.ae %&.y "th repet t% the .e/"t"6e
• 't '&der ,rt".e 92;3 para/raph ;3 ta?e &%te
that hat "t pr%"de " %&"t"%&: L hen the • 't "+ there " &% ".. ( repree&tat"%& perta"&
spouse has been convicted of an attempt t% the EN@IRE p%rt"%&
against the life of the testator his or her
descendants or ascendants0  • , ".. %&ta"&"&/ %&.y a d""&her"ta&e " a&
• I+ %&e %+ the p%'e atte6pt a/a"&t the ."+e %+ "&d"ret d"p%"t"%&$ It " a a."d "..
a %66%& h".d %r dee&da&t3 there ha t% be
%&"t"%& "& %rder that "t 6ay %&t"t'te a • PRINCIPE: Whe& there " a "..3 the
/r%'&d +%r d""&her"ta&e bea'e "t " &%t a repree&tat"%& %+ the he"r %+ the d""&her"ted he"r
/r%'&d +%r .e/a. eparat"%& ".. %&.y be t% the E@EN@ O> @HE EDI@I#E$ 't
"th repet t% the +ree p%rt"%&3 that /%e t% the
I+ there a.ready ha bee& a deree %+ .e/a. "&t"t'ted he"r UNESS the ".. d%e &%t d"p%e

%+ the e&t"re pr%perty a&d that there " "&tetay
eparat"%&3 there " &% 6%re &eed t% d""&her"t the the %& he"r %+ the d""&her"ted he"r 6ay t"..
%++e&d"&/ p%'e bea'e by %perat"%& %+ .a3 the part %+ the +ree p%rt"%&
"&her"ta&e /"e& t% the %ther p%'e " re%?ed
a&d he %r he " a.% d"7'a."+"ed +r%6 "&her"t"&/
+r%6 the "&&%e&t p%'e$ •  @he d""&her"ted he"r h% " repree&ted ha
&% ''+r't %r ad6"&"trat"%& %+ the pr%perty
ARTICLE =--! , 'be7'e&t re%&"."at"%& betee& the
h"h %&t"t'te the .e/"t"6e$ Ee& "+ h" %&
%++e&der a&d the %++e&ded per%& depr"e the .atter %+ the h".dre& ".. /et the pr%perty h"h he h%'.d
r"/ht t% d""&her"t3 a&d re&der "&e++et'a. a&y d""&her"ta&e hae /%tte& had he &%t bee& d""&her"ted3 he
that 6ay hae bee& 6ade$ (8B) a&&%t 'e "t a&d he a&&%t ad6"&"ter "t

• Reconciliaion " the 6't'a. ret%rat"%& %+ •  @here " &% repree&tat"%& "th repet t% the
+ee."&/ t% the tat' 7'%$ It " a b".atera. at$ @he p%'e$ r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& perta"& %&.y t%
%++e&ded party 6't be ab.e t% +%r/"e a&d the the dee&d"&/ a&d d"ret ."&e
%++e&der 6't be ab.e t% aept the +%r/"e&e$ •  @here " &% r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& "& the
• I+ there " d""&her"ta&e a&d 'be7'e&t.y ae&d"&/ ."&e
there " re%&"."at"%&3 the& the d""&her"ta&e
be%6e "&e++et'a. SECTION 7
•  @here " &% re%&"."at"%& "+ "t " 6ere.y a Le/acies an% 9evises
/e&era. pard%& here"& the tetat%r +%r/"e a..
h% hae %++e&ded h"6 bea'e 'h " a '&".atera. ARTICLE =-! ,.. th"&/ a&d r"/ht h"h are "th"& the
%66ere %+ 6a& 6ay be be7'eathed %r de"ed$ (8Ba)
at %+ the tetat%r

Ho: is %isin$eriance revo6e% • Eeryth"&/ a& be be7'eathed %r de"e a

;$ @here " 'be7'e&t re%&"."at"%& (% .%&/ a "th"& the %66ere %+ 6a&
the d""&her"ta&e ha.. be "&e++et"e)
T$in/s :$ic$ canno 4e 4euea$e% or %evise%2
"&t"t'ted y 6a?"&/ the d""&her"ted he"r a&
he"r ;$ Re C%66'&e
2$ Pr%perty %+ P'b." 5%6"&"%&
=$ y the re%at"%& %+ a ".. %&ta"&"&/ =$ Pr%perty %+ P'b." Ue
d""&her"ta&e 4$ Re N'..'
4$ y the d"a..%a&e %+ a ".. %&ta"&"&/ $ I..""t th"&/
the d""&her"ta&e B$ P're.y Per%&a. %r I&tra&6""b.e R"/ht

ARTICLE =-! , tetat%r 6ay har/e "th .e/a"e a&d

de"e &%t %&.y h" %6p'.%ry he"r b't a.% the .e/atee
a&d de"ee$
ARTICLE =-0!  @he h".dre& a&d dee&da&t %+ the per%&  @he .atter ha.. be ."ab.e +%r the har/e %&.y t% the ete&t %+
d""&her"ted ha.. ta?e h" %r her p.ae a&d ha.. preere the the a.'e %+ the .e/ay %r the de"e ree"ed by the6$ @he
r"/ht %+ %6p'.%ry he"r "th repet t% the .e/"t"6e1 b't the 37/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
%6p'.%ry he"r ha.. &%t be ."ab.e +%r the har/e bey%&d the • ,rt".e 929 pre'pp%e that the tetat%r
a6%'&t %+ the +ree p%rt"%& /"e& the6$ (88a)
?&% that he " &%t the +'.. %&er %+ the th"&/
b't t".. he ha "&teret %r he " a part %&er
DENER, RUE: Whe& the ".. " ".e&t3 the etate ha •  @he ?&%.ed/e %+ the tetat%r a& be pr%ed
the d'ty %+ e++et"&/ the .e/ay %r de"e by the ".. "te.+ %r by e"de&e a."'&de (e"de&e
ECEP@ION: I+ the tetat%r har/e h" he"r "th the %'t"de the "..)$

.e/atee%r %r
de"e3 the& ha
de"ee3 , %+
thethe he"r3
d'ty %+ "&.'d"&/
e++et"&/ the
• 't "+ the tetat%r a&t t% /"e the pr%perty
"& "t e&t"rety3 he 6't epre.y pr%"de "t "& the
.e/ay %r de"e$ @he a.'e %+ the .e/ay %r de"e "..$
/"e& by the he"r ha.. be pr%p%rt"%& t% the hare
h"h they ree"ed$ ARTICLE =0?!  @he .e/ay %r de"e %+ a th"&/ be.%&/"&/
ECEP@ION @O @HE ECEP@ION: 't " a SPECI>IC HEIR t% a&%ther per%& " %"d3 "+ the tetat%r err%&e%'.y
%r ED,@EE OR 5EVISES " har/ed "th the b'rde& %+ be."eed that the th"&/ perta"&ed t% h"6$ 't "+ the th"&/
/""&/ th" .e/ay %r de"e3 the& that .e/atee3 de"ee3 be7'eathed3 th%'/h &%t be.%&/"&/ t% the tetat%r he& he
%r he"r a.%&e ha.. bear the b'rde& %+ /""&/ %'t the 6ade the "..3 a+terard be%6e h"3 by hateer t"t.e3
.e/ay %r de"e$ Ee& the %6p'.%ry he"r 6ay be the d"p%"t"%& ha.. ta?e e++et$ (8B2a)
har/ed "th the b'rde& %+ the .e/ay %r de"e b't "t
h%'.d &%t eeed the a6%'&t %+ the +ree p%rt"%& /"e& ARTICLE =-= ARTICLE =0?
 @he tetat%r " a part-  @he tetat%r ha &%
)in%s o# Le/ac' %&er %r ha a part "&teret hat%eer b't
"&teret ,N5 he ?&% he err%&e%'.y be."eed
/"eLEGAC> PROPER < @he etate ha the d'ty t%
the .e/ay$ that he a part "&teret %r that he %& the
%&erh"p "& the th"&/ pr%perty$
2. PRE@LEGAC>  < @he d'ty " /"e& t% the etate be7'eathed %r de"e$
b't the /"+t " /"e& t% a pe"+" he"r %r .e/atee$
 @he .e/ay " 6ade pe"+" %r deter6"&ate % a
ar3 a h%'e a&d .%t b't t".. the d'ty t% /"e the ARTICLE =01! I+ the tetat%r %rder that a th"&/
.e/ay %r de"e " 'p%& the etate$ be.%&/"&/ t% a&%ther be a7'"red "& %rder that "t be /"e& t%
a .e/atee %r de"ee3 the he"r 'p%& h%6 the %b."/at"%& "
3. SU"@LEGAC>DSU"@9EVISE  < th" " the %&e "6p%ed %r the etate 6't a7'"re "t a&d /"e the a6e t%
re+erred t% '&der ,rt".e 923 he& a .e/ay " the .e/atee %r de"ee1 b't "+ the %&er %+ the th"&/ re+'e
har/ed t% a& he"r3 %r a .e/atee %r a de"ee$ t% a."e&ate the a6e3 %r de6a&d a& ee"e pr"e
there+%r3 the he"r %r the etate ha.. %&.y be %b."/ed t% /"e
ARTICLE =-8! Whe& the tetat%r har/e %&e %+ the he"r the 't a.'e %+ the th"&/$ (8B;a)
"th a .e/ay %r de"e3 he a.%&e ha.. be b%'&d$
Sh%'.d he &%t har/e a&y%&e "& part"'.ar3 a.. ha.. be Aricle =0? Aricle =01
."ab.e "& the a6e pr%p%rt"%& "& h"h they 6ay "&her"t$ (89)
the tetat%r d%e b't
pr%perty &%t %&
he  @he tetat%r ?&%
the pr%perty " &%t that
ARTICLE =-7! I+ t% %r 6%re he"r ta?e p%e"%& %+ the err%&e%'.y be."eed that a&d he 6a?e a& OR5ER
etate3 they ha.. be %."dar".y ."ab.e +%r the .% %r detr't"%& he %& the pr%perty that the pr%perty ha..
%+ a th"&/ de"ed %r be7'eathed3 ee& th%'/h %&.y %&e %+
be /"e& t% the de"ee
the6 h%'.d hae bee& &e/."/e&t$ (&)
%r t% the .e/atee$
I+ the %&er %+ the I+ there a& %rder3 the
• Ee& "+ they are %."dar".y ."ab.e3 the he"r h% "
pr%perty de6a&d a& etate3 %r the he"r3
&%t &e/."/e&t a& de6a&d re"6b're6e&t +%r6 the
ee"e pr"e %r re+'e .e/atee %r de"ee
%&e h% a &e/."/e&t
t% a."e&ate the pr%perty har/ed #US@ ,CJUIRE
• I+ the th"&/ " .%t thr%'/h a +%rt'"t%' ee&t3 the&3 that " the t"6e "t a&d /"e "t t% the
the he"r d% &%t hae a&y %b."/at"%& t% de."er$ he& the etate3 %r the .e/atee %r de"ee$
• I+ "t " "&te&t"%&a.3 there " &% %."dary ."ab"."ty$ he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee
 @he %&e h% " at +a'.t " the %&.y %&e ."ab.e$ har/ed "th the d'ty %+
/""&/ ha.. /"e a
ARTICLE =-<$ @he he"r h% " b%'&d t% de."er the .e/ay rea%&ab.e %r 't a.'e
%r de"e ha.. be ."ab.e "& ae %+ e"t"%&3 "+ the th"&/ " %+ the th"&/$
"&deter6"&ate a&d " "&d"ated %&.y by "t ?"&d$ (8B0)

• I+ the tetat%r ?&% that he d%e &%t %&

• I+ "&deter6"&ate %r /e&er"3 the he"r b%'&d t%
the pr%perty b't /"e "t t% the de"ee %r .e/atee
de."er " ."ab.e +%r e"t"%&$ @here " arra&ty
a&d there " &% %rder that "t ha.. be a7'"red by
a/a"&t e"t"%& bea'e be"&/ "&deter6"&ate %r
the etate3 the de"e %r .e/ay " t".. a."d b't
be"&/ /e&er"3 the he"r har/ed h%'.d &%t hae
the etate3 %r the he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee
de."ered th"&/ h"h " de+et"e$
har/ed "th the d'ty %+ /""&/ the pr%perty ha
• I+ pe"+"3 the he"r " &%t ."ab.e bea'e h" d'ty a h%"e$ He 6ay hae %r a7'"re the pr%perty
" 6ere.y t% de."er hat the tetat%r ha h%e&$ It a&d /"e "t t% the .e/atee %r de"ee %r he 6ay
" bey%&d the p%er %+ the he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee  't pay the 't a.'e$
har/ed$ He " 6ere.y har/ed "th he d'ty %+
de."er"&/ the ery a6e th"&/ 6e&t"%&ed by the • I+ there " a& %rder3 +%..% the %rder
tetat%r$ He ha &% ."ab"."ty +%r e"t"%&$ •
't "+ the %&er %+ the pr%perty d%e &%t
ARTICLE =-=! I+ the tetat%r3 he"r3 %r .e/atee %& %&.y a a&t t% a."e&ate the pr%perty3 the he"r %r the
part %+3 %r a& "&teret "& the th"&/ be7'eathed3 the .e/ay %r etate 6't pay the 't a.'e
de"e ha.. be '&dert%%d ."6"ted t% 'h part %r "&teret3
'&.e the tetat%r epre.y de.are that he /"e the th"&/ • I+ there " &% %rder that "t ha.. be a7'"red by
"& "t e&t"rety$ (8B4a) the etate3 the etate ha the h%"e$ He 6ay
 't a7'"re the pr%perty %r pay the 't a.'e
DENER, RUE: @he .e/ay %r de"e ha.. be a."d there%+$
%&.y t% that p%rt"%& h"h " %&ed by the tetat%r
ECEP@ION: I+ the tetat%r EPRESSY de.are that he •  @he %rder that the th"&/ be.%&/"&/ t% a&%ther
/"e the th"&/ "& "t e&t"rety be a7'"red NEE5 NO@ E EPRESS$ It 6ay be
"6p."ed$ 38/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
be+%re the ee't"%& %+ the "..3 the etate " %b."/ed t% pay
Ree4er $e %i##erence: the debt3 '&.e the %&trary "&te&t"%& appear$
• ,rt".e 929 < he %& %&.y a part %+ the th"&/  @he a6e r'.e app."e he& the th"&/ " p.ed/ed %r
• ,rt".e 9=0 < he d%e &%t %& the th"&/ a&d he 6%rt/a/ed a+ter the ee't"%& %+ the "..$
,&y %ther har/e3 perpet'a. %r te6p%rary3 "th h"h
d%e &%t ?&% that he d%e &%t %& the th"&/
the th"&/ be7'eathed " b'rde&ed3 pae "th "t t% the
• ,rt".e 9=; < he d%e &%t %& the th"&/ b't at .e/atee %r de"ee$ (8BFa)
the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the "..3 he ?&e that
he a &%t the %&er %+ the th"&/ • Here3 the pr%perty de"ed %r be7'eathed "
'bet t% a p.ed/e %r 6%rt/a/e t% e're a
ARTICLE =0-!  @he .e/ay %r de"e %+ a th"&/ h"h at the
re%erab.e debt
t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the ".. a.ready be.%&/ed t% the
.e/atee %r de"ee ha.. be "&e++et"e3 ee& th%'/h a&%ther •  @he etate ha the %b."/at"%& t% +ree the .a&d
per%& 6ay hae %6e "&teret there"&$ +r%6 the 6%rt/a/e
I+ the tetat%r epre.y %rder that the th"&/ be +reed •  @h" ".. app.y ee& "+ the 6%rt/a/e a
+r%6 'h "&teret %r e&'6bra&e3 the .e/ay %r de"e ha.. 6ade a+ter the ee't"%& %+ the ".. %r be+%re
be a."d t% that ete&t$ (8BBa)
•  @he etate ha &% %b."/at"%& t% +ree the
pr%perty +r%6 the b'rde& "6p%ed by a b%&d
•  @h" art".e ta.? %+ a th"&/ /"e& a a de"e %r bea'e th" art".e %&.y app."e t% a p.ed/e %r a
a a .e/ay h"h at the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ 6%rt/a/e %r a&yth"&/ h"h e're a
the ".. a.ready be.%&/ t% the .e/atee %r de"ee re%erab.e debt$ I+ the pr%perty b%&d "
•  @he p%"&t t% re6e6ber " @HE @I#E O> @HE %&t"t'ted 'p%& a pr%perty3 that " &%t a
EECU@ION O> @HE WI re%erab.e debt$
• I& th" ae3 the .e/ay %r de"e %'.d be %"d •  @he a6e th"&/ "+ the pr%perty " .eaed$ @he
bea'e "t %'.d be a .e/a. "6p%"b"."ty +%r the etate ha &% %b."/at"%& t% +ree the .a&d +r%6 the
tetat%r t% /"e t% the .e/atee %6eth"&/ that the .eae$ @he .eae " &%t a p.ed/e %r a 6%rt/a/e$
.e/atee a.ready %& • I& thee ae3 the .e/atee %r de"ee ha the
• Ee& "+ the th"&/ " 6%rt/a/ed t% a&%ther %b."/at"%& t% repet the .eae %r hae the
per%&3 the 6%rt/a/%r t".. re6a"& t% be the %&er %b."/at"%& t% repet the pr%perty b%&d
%+ the th"&/$ @he .e/ay %r de"e ".. t".. be %"d$
• 't "+ there " a& %rder +r%6 the tetat%r that ARTICLE =0!  @he .e/ay %+ a red"t a/a"&t a th"rd
the th"&/ be aed +r%6 the 6%rt/a/e3 the .e/ay per%& %r %+ the re6""%& %r re.eae %+ a debt %+ the
".. be a."d %&.y t% 'h ete&t$ Up%& the death %+ .e/atee ha.. be e++et"e %&.y a re/ard that part %+ the
the tetat%r3 the etate ha t% pay the debt % that red"t %r debt e"t"&/ at the t"6e %+ the death %+ the
the pr%perty 6ay be aed +r%6 the 6%rt/a/e$ tetat%r$
I& the +"rt ae3 the etate ha.. %6p.y "th the .e/ay
ARTICLE =00! I+ the th"&/ be7'eathed be.%&/ed t% the by a"/&"&/
a/a"&t t% theI&.e/atee
the debt%r$ a.. r"/ht
the e%&d ae3%+
6ay hae
.e/atee %r de"ee at the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the "..3 the
.e/ay %r de"e ha.. be "th%'t e++et3 ee& th%'/h "t 6ay a& a7'"tta&e3 h%'.d he re7'et %&e$
hae 'be7'e&t.y a."e&ated by h"6$ I& b%th ae3 the .e/ay ha.. %6pr"e a.. "&teret %&
I+ the .e/atee %r de"ee a7'"re "t /rat'"t%'.y a+ter 'h the red"t %r debt h"h 6ay be d'e the tetat%r at the t"6e
t"6e3 he a& .a"6 &%th"&/ by "rt'e %+ the .e/ay %r de"e1 %+ h" death$ (8F0a)
b't "+ "t ha bee& a7'"red by %&er%' t"t.e he a& de6a&d
re"6b're6e&t +r%6 the he"r %r the etate$ (8F8a) •  @h" art".e re+er t% LEGAC> O5 CRE9IT
• ;t  para/raph: ,t the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ • I& Le/ac' o# Cre%i3 the tetat%r (red"t%r)
the "..3 the .e/atee %r de"ee " the %&er ha %6e ree"ab.e +r%6  (debt%r)$ I& h" "..3
• 2&d para/raph: ,t the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ the tetat%r pr%"de that "+ 'p%& h" death3 the
the "..3 the .e/atee %r de"ee " NO@ the %&er$ a"d %b."/at"%& " &%t yet pa"d3 the&3 , ".. hae
He a& t".. /et %6eth"&/ "+ he a7'"re the the r"/ht t% hateer a6%'&t " pa"d by  %r ,
pr%perty 'be7'e&t.y by "rt'e %+ %&er%' t"t.e$ I+ 6ay pr%eed a/a"&t $
"t a a7'"red by /rat'"t%' t"t.e3 he a& .a"6   @he .a ay L%&.y a re/ard that part %+ the
&%th"&/ +r%6 the etate %+ the tetat%r$ red"t %r debt e"t"&/ at the t"6e %+ the
•  @h" a.% app."e ee& "+ at the t"6e %+ the death %+ the tetat%rM
ee't"%& %+ the "..3 the tetat%r a the %&er %+  Whe& pr%perty " a7'"red a+ter the ee't"%&
the th"&/$ %+ the ".. b't be+%re the death3 th%e
pr%pert"e ".. &%t pa t% the he"r (,rt".e
W$a s$oul% 4e rei4urse% F9=)
1. I+ thr' a.e < the pr"e pa"d there+%re • I& Le/ac' o# Reission3 the tetat%r
2. I+ thr' barter < the a.'e %+ the th"&/ pr%"de 'p%& h" death that hateer %b."/at"%&
eha&/ed  ha at that t"6e " a.ready %&d%&ed %r
3. I+ thr' a& %&er%' d%&at"%& (there " re6"tted$
%&"derat"%&3 &%t p're ."bera."ty) < the a.'e %+   @h" re+er t% %&.y 'h part e"t"&/ at the
the b'rde& "6p%ed t"6e %+ the death %+ the tetat%r
4. I+ thr' adudicacion en pago < the a.'e %+ the   @h" .e/ay %+ re6""%& ta&d "& the a6e
red"t3 "&teret a&d %t tat' a d%&at"%& bea'e he& the tetat%r
d"e3 the a.'e %+ the debt h%'.d be added
W$o rei4urses %r %..ated t% the /r% etate
1.  @he etate "+ &% %&e ha bee& har/ed "&   @he .e/ay %+ re6""%& a.% arr"e "th "t
part"'.ar the d'ty %+ the etate %+ the tetat%r t% /"e
2$ @he he"r3 .e/atee3 %r de"ee h% ha bee& the .e/atee a& a7'"tta.3 ."?e a &%te "&d"at"&/
har/ed that the .e/atee ha &% 6%re debt
ARTICLE =0! I+ the tetat%r h%'.d be7'eath %r de"e
ARTICLE =08!  @he .e/ay re+erred t% "& the preed"&/
%6eth"&/ p.ed/ed %r 6%rt/a/ed t% e're a re%erab.e debt
art".e ha.. .ape "+ the tetat%r3 a+ter ha"&/ 6ade "t3 39/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
h%'.d br"&/ a& at"%& a/a"&t the debt%r +%r the pay6e&t %+ • I+ "t " a pay6e&t +%r a& %b."/at"%&3 the
h" debt3 ee& "+ 'h pay6e&t h%'.d &%t hae bee& e++eted etate ha.. pay %&.y the eat a6%'&t h"h "
at the t"6e %+ h" death$ d'e
 @he .e/ay t% the debt%r %+ the th"&/ p.ed/ed by h"6 "
'&dert%%d t% d"har/e %&.y the r"/ht %+ p.ed/e$ (8F;) • I+ the debt %+ the tetat%r ha a.ready
prer"bed b't the tetat%r pr%"ded +%r the
pay6e&t there%+ "& h" "..3 "t h%'.d be /"e&
•  @h" " a& ea6p.e %+ REVOCATION ">
e++et bea'e th" " /%er&ed by N,@UR,
•  @he .a pre'6e that by +"."&/ the at"%& +%r
%..et"%&3 the tetat%r " &% .%&/er "&tereted t% ARTICLE =?! I& a.ter&at"e .e/a"e %r de"e3 the
/"e the .e/ay h%"e " pre'6ed t% be .e+t t% the he"r 'p%& h%6 the
• L,t"%&M 6ea& 'd""a. at"%&$ #ere de6a&d %b."/at"%& t% /"e the .e/ay %r de"e 6ay be "6p%ed3 %r
the ee't%r %r ad6"&"trat%r %+ the etate "+ &% part"'.ar
.etter " &%t '++""e&t$ >%r the .a t% et "& %r +%r
he"r " % %b."/ed$
' t% pre'6e that there " re%at"%& by %perat"%& I+ the he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee3 h% 6ay hae bee&
%+ .a3 there ha t% be a 'd""a. at"%&$ /"e& the h%"e3 d"e be+%re 6a?"&/ "t3 th" r"/ht ha.. pa
• , .e/ay that be.%&/ t% the .e/atee %r de"ee t% the repet"e he"r$
" %"d$ Ee& "+ the .e/atee p.ed/ed the ar t% the O&e 6ade3 the h%"e " "rre%ab.e$
I& the a.ter&at"e .e/a"e %r de"e3 eept a here"&
tetat%r3 b't3 that " 't a p.ed/e$ @here " &% pr%"ded3 the pr%""%& %+ th" C%de re/'.at"&/ %b."/at"%&
/ra&t %+ %&erh"p t% the tetat%r$ @he .e/atee %+ the a6e ?"&d ha.. be %bered3 ae 'h 6%d"+"at"%&
re6a"& t% be the %&er %+ the ar$ S%3 the tat' a 6ay appear +r%6 the "&te&t"%& epreed by the tetat%r$
%+ the .e/ay " %"d$ (8F4a)
• 't3 a a %&e7'e&e %+ that .e/ay3 the .a
pre'6e that the tetat%r " a"d t% et"&/'"h the • ,rt".e 940 ta.? ab%'t  ri/$ o# c$oice in an
p.ed/e a.ready$ @he .e/atee a&&%t e&+%re the alernaive le/ac' or %evise
.e/ay b't he 6ay e&+%re3 a a .e/a. %&e7'e&e3  @h" " 't ."?e "& a.ter&at"e %b."/at"%&

that the p.ed/e " &% et"&/'"hed$
here"& the de."ery %+ %&e %+ the pretat"%& "
• U&der ,rt".e 9=B3'/h there " a .e/ay %+ '++""e&t t% et"&/'"h the e&t"re %b."/at"%&
re6""%& a&d .e/ay %+ red"t3 t".. there " &% It " the he"r 'p%& h%6 the %b."/at"%& t%

arra&ty %& the part %+ the tetat%r a t% the
/"e the .e/ay %r de"e " "6p%ed %r "+3 +%r
e"te&e %r .e/a."ty %+ the red"t %r a t% the
"&ta&e there " &% he"r har/ed "& part"'.ar3
%.e&y %+ the debt%r$
the ee't%r %r ad6"&"trat%r %+ the etate3 h%
ha the %b."/at"%& t% de."er
ARTICLE =07$ , /e&er" .e/ay %+ re.eae %r re6""%& %+
debt %6pr"e th%e e"t"&/ at the t"6e %+ the ee't"%& %+ • I+ be+%re 6a?"&/ the h%"e3 the he"r3 the
the "..3 b't &%t 'be7'e&t %&e$ (8F2) .e/atee %r de"ee d"e3 the r"/ht t% 6a?e the
h%"e ha.. be eer"ed by the he"r %+ 'h
•  @h" art".e pe"+"a..y ta.? ab%'t .e/ay %+ he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee$
re.eae %r re6""%& %+ debt •  @h" " &%t a per%&a. r"/ht$ @h" " a
tra&6""b.e r"/ht$
• O&.y th%e e"t"&/ at the t"6e %+ the ee't"%&
%+ the ".. • O&e the he"r b'rde&ed eer"ed the r"/ht %+
h%"e3 the& the .e/ay %r de"e eae t%
•  @he a.'e %+ the debt re6"tted h%'.d &%t be%6e a& a.ter&at"e %&e$ It be%6e p're a&d
eeed the p%rt"%& h"h the tetat%r a& +ree.y "6p.e .e/ay$
d"p%e %+$ It 6't &%t eeed the +ree d"p%a.$
• #%re%er3 %&e the h%"e " eer"ed3 that
ARTICLE =0<! , .e/ay %r de"e 6ade t% a red"t%r ha.. h%"e be%6e "rre%ab.e
&%t be app."ed t% h" red"t3 '&.e the tetat%r % epre.y • I& a.ter&at"e .e/a"e %r de"e3 the r'.e "&
de.are$ %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat "th repet t%
I& the .atter ae3 the red"t%r ha.. hae the r"/ht t%
a.ter&at"e %b."/at"%&3 " a.% app."ed b't %&.y "&
%..et the ee3 "+ a&y3 %+ the red"t %r %+ the .e/ay %r
de"e$ (8F=a) a '
here " rea..y 6a&&er bea'e
the ".. %+ the 'pre6e
the tetat%r$ .a
I+ a&yth"&/
"& the r'.e "& %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat %&+."t
• I& th" ae3 the tetat%r " the debt%r
"th the ".. %+ the tetat%r3 the& the ".. %+ the
•  @he rea%& +%r the .e/ay " pre'6ed a the
tetat%r ha.. prea".$
."bera."ty %+ the tetat%r
• 't "+ "t " epre.y de.ared by the tetat%r ARTICLE =1! , .e/ay %+ /e&er" per%&a. pr%perty ha..
that the .e/ay %r de"e ha.. be app."ed t% the be a."d ee& "+ there be &% th"&/ %+ the a6e ?"&d "& the
debt3 the&3 "t 6ay be /"e& e++et etate$
, de"e %+ "&deter6"&ate rea. pr%perty ha.. be a."d
• 't3 "+ "t " a&%ther ?"&d %+ pr%perty3 y%' a&&%t
%&.y "+ there be "66%ab.e pr%perty %+ "t ?"&d "& the etate$
+%re the red"t%r t% aept %6eth"&/ h"h " &%t  @he r"/ht %+ h%"e ha.. be.%&/ t% the ee't%r %r
the %b."/at"%& ad6"&"trat%r h% ha.. %6p.y "th the .e/ay by the
de."ery %+ a th"&/ h"h " &e"ther %+ "&+er"%r &%r %+ 'per"%r
ARTICLE =0=! I+ the tetat%r %rder the pay6e&t %+ hat 7'a."ty$ (8Fa)
he be."ee he %e b't d%e &%t "& +at %e3 the d"p%"t"%&
ha.. be %&"dered a &%t r"tte&$ I+ a re/ard a pe"+"ed •  @h" art".e ta.? ab%'t the d"++ere&e "& the
debt 6%re tha& the a6%'&t there%+ " %rdered pa"d3 the
ee " &%t d'e3 '&.e a %&trary "&te&t"%& appear$ r'.e %& /e&er"G"&deter6"&ate per%&a. pr%perty
 @he +%re/%"&/ pr%""%& are "th%'t pre'd"e t% the a&d /e&er"G"&deter6"&ate rea. pr%perty
+'.+"..6e&t %+ &at'ra. %b."/at"%&$ (&) •  @he etate ha the %b."/at"%& t% de."er 'h
per%&a. pr%perty h"h " %+ 6"dd.e 7'a."ty$ @h"
• I& th" ae3 the tetat%r " a..%tt"&/ a erta"& depe&d 'p%& the tat' %+ the etate %r 'p%&
a6%'&t %+ 6%&ey "& pay6e&t %+ h" %b."/at"%& the "t'at"%&
h"h he be."ee t% e"t3 b't "& +at d%e &%t e"t • 't "+ y%' are ta.?"&/ %+ a& "66%ab.e
• , 'h3 "t " %&"dered a &%t r"tte& bea'e pr%perty3 "+ there "+ there " &% %ther "66%ab.e
the /""&/ here " "6pe..ed by the r%&/ be."e+ by pr%perty "& the etate3 the&3 the de"e " %"d$
the tetat%r 40/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
•  @he per"%d t% re?%& "+ there " rea..y 'h ?"&/ ARTICLE =! I+ a per"%d"a. pe&"%&3 %r a erta"& a&&'a.3
%+ th"&/ e"t"&/ "& the etate %+ the tetat%r " at 6%&th.y3 %r ee?.y a6%'&t " be7'eathed3 the .e/atee 6ay
the t"6e %+ the death %+ the tetat%r pet"t"%& the %'rt +%r the +"rt "&ta..6e&t 'p%& the death %+
the tetat%r3 a&d +%r the +%..%"&/ %&e h"h ha.. be d'e at
the be/"&&"&/ %+ eah per"%d1 'h pay6e&t ha.. &%t be
ARTICLE =-! Whe&eer the tetat%r epre.y .eae the ret'r&ed3 ee& th%'/h the .e/atee h%'.d d"e be+%re the
r"/ht %+ h%"e t% the he"r3 %r t% the .e/atee %r de"ee3 the ep"rat"%& %+ the per"%d h"h ha %66e&ed$ (880a)
+%r6er 6ay /"e %r the .atter 6ay h%%e h"heer he 6ay

pre+er$ (8FBa) •  @he he"r a& pet"t"%& +%r h" a..%a&e %r

•  @h" art".e a.% ta.? ab%'t a.ter&at"e .e/ay pe&"%& a+ter the death %+ the tetat%r +%r the ;t
%r de"e "&ta..6e&t a&d +%r the +%..%"&/ %&e3 h"h ha..
be d'e at the be/"&&"&/ %+ eah per"%d
DENER, RUE: @he r"/ht %+ h%"e be.%&/ t% the
etate3 %r the he"r %r .e/atee %r de"ee W$en %o 'ou .eiion
ECEP@ION: I+ the tetat%r ".. /"e the r"/ht %+ h%"e ;$ @he ".. 6't be ad6"tted t% pr%bate
t% the he"r %r .e/atee %r de"ee +a%red 2$ ,+ter the ".. " ad6"tted t% pr%bate3 the .e/atee
a& pet"t"%& the %'rt +%r the de."ery t% h"6 %+
•  @he .e/atee %r de"ee a& at'a..y h%%e the a..%a&e pr%"ded that the debt a&d tae %+
th"&/ h"h are %+ 'per"%r 7'a."ty %r "&+er"%r the etate hae bee& pa"d +"rt$
7'a."ty %r 6ed"'6 7'a."ty$ @here " &% %b."/at"%&
%& h" part t% h%%e %&.y the %&e h"h " %+ ARTICLE =8! I+ the th"&/ be7'eathed h%'.d be 'bet
t% a ''+r't3 the .e/atee %r de"ee ha.. repet 'h r"/ht
6ed"'6 7'a."ty$
'&t". "t " .e/a..y et"&/'"hed$ (8B8a)
ARTICLE =0! I+ the he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee a&&%t 6a?e
the h%"e3 "& ae "t ha bee& /ra&ted h"63 h" r"/ht ha.. pa • I+ the th"&/ " 'bet t% ''+r't3 the etate
t% h" he"r1 b't a h%"e %&e 6ade ha.. be "rre%ab.e$ ha &% %b."/at"%& t% +ree the th"&/ +r%6 the
(8FFa) ''+r't bea'e the .e/atee %r de"ee ha t%
repet the ''+r't
•  @h" " a re"terat"%& %+ ,rt".e 940 •  @h" " re.ated t% ,rt".e 9=4
• , .%&/ a the har/e %r b'rde& " &%t t%
Liiaions o# $e ri/$ o# c$oice: ("& a.ter&at"e e're a re%erab.e debt3 that ha.. pa %& t%
.e/a"eGde"ee %r "& /e&er"G"&deter6"&ate the he"r3 .e/atee %r de"ee
1.  @he h%"e " ."6"ted t% th"&/ a.ter&at"e.y the ARTICLE =7!  @he .e/atee %r de"ee a7'"re a r"/ht t%
%bet %+ .e/ay %r de"e$ I+ "t " a /e&er" the p're a&d "6p.e .e/a"e %r de"e +r%6 the death %+
.e/ay %+ a ar3 he a& h%%e %&.y a ar$ He the tetat%r3 a&d tra&6"t "t t% h" he"r$ (88;a)

a&&%t h%%e a h%'e$

2. He a&&%t h%%e a& "..e/a. %r "6p%"b.e th"&/ • , .ure an% si.le le/ac' or %evise " %&e
%r that h"h %'.d &%t hae bee& "&te&ded by that " "66ed"ate.y de6a&dab.e 'p%& the death
the tetat%r$ %+ the tetat%r$ It " &%t 'bet t% a %&d"t"%&3 a
=$ N% r"/ht %+ h%"e he& a6%&/ .e/a"e %r ter6 %r a 6%de
de"e %&.y %&e " prat"ab.e$ • , .%&/ a the tetat%r " a.ready dead3 the
r"/ht %+ the .e/atee %r de"ee be%6e eted
ARTICLE =! , .e/ay +%r ed'at"%& .at '&t". the .e/atee
a.ready$ I+ the .e/atee %r the de"ee d"e pr"%r
" %+ a/e3 %r bey%&d the a/e %+ 6a%r"ty "& %rder that the
.e/atee 6ay +"&"h %6e pr%+e"%&a.3 %at"%&a. %r /e&era. t% the de."ery %+ the .e/ay %r de"e3 h" he"r
%'re3 pr%"ded he p'r'e h" %'re d"."/e&t.y$ 6ay e&+%re the .e/ay %r de"e$
, .e/ay +%r 'pp%rt .at d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the • It " d"++ere&t "+ the .e/atee %r de"ee d"e
.e/atee3 "+ the tetat%r ha &%t %ther"e pr%"ded$ ahead %+ the tetat%r$ I& that ae3 the he"r %+
I+ the tetat%r ha &%t +"ed the a6%'&t %+ 'h .e/a"e3
"t ha.. be +"ed "& a%rda&e "th the %"a. ta&d"&/ a&d the
the .e/atee %r de"ee a&&%t de6a&d +r%6 the
etate$ Whe& "t %6e t% the +ree p%rt"%&3 there
"r'6ta&e %+ the
I+ the tetat%r .e/atee
d'r"&/ h" a&d the a.'e
."+et"6e %+ the
'ed t% /"eetate$
the .e/atee " &% r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&$
a erta"& '6 %+ 6%&ey %r %ther th"&/ by ay %+ 'pp%rt3 the • I+ the pr%perty " pe"+"3 the& y%' a7'"re
a6e a6%'&t ha.. be dee6ed be7'eathed3 '&.e "t be
6ar?ed.y d"pr%p%rt"%&ate t% the a.'e %+ the etate$ (8F9a)
the pr%perty +r%6 the tetat%r death
• I+ the pr%perty " /e&er"3 the& +r%6 the t"6e
• LEGAC> O5 E9UCATION %+ the e.et"%&$ ,.th%'/h y%' hae r"/ht t% the
DENER, RUE: @he .e/ay %+ ed'at"%& .at 'p .e/ay %r de"e +r%6 the t"6e %+ death b't a t%
t% the a/e %+ 6a%r"ty (;8 year %.d) the pr%perty "te.+3 y%' hae the r"/ht %er the
ECEP@ION: ey%&d the a/e %+ 6a%r"ty "& %rder pr%perty +r%6 the t"6e %+ e.et"%&
that the .e/atee 6ay +"&"h %6e pr%+e"%&a.3 • I+ "t " a.ter&at"e3 +r%6 the t"6e %+ e.et"%&
%at"%&a. %r /e&era. %'re3 pr%"ded he p'r'e a.%
h" %'re d"."/e&t.y
• I+ "t " t% be a7'"red +r%6 a tra&/er3 +r%6
the t"6e %+ a7'""t"%&

• I+ the .e/ay %r de"e " 'bet t% a
RUE: , .%&/ a the .e/atee " a."e the %&d"t"%&3 a .%&/ a the %&d"t"%& " +'.+"..ed3 "t
.e/ay +%r 'pp%rt .at retr%at t% the death %+ the tetat%r
ECEP@ION: @he tetat%r a& pr%"de %ther"e • I+ the .e/ay %r de"e " 'bet t% a ter63 "+
• I+ the .e/ay " har/ed a/a"&t the etate3 the& the .e/atee %r de"ee d"e pr"%r t% the arr"a. %+
"t h%'.d &%t eeed the a.'e %+ the +ree d"p%a. the ter63 he a7'"red the r"/ht +r%6 the t"6e %+
death b't the r"/ht t% the pr%perty et %&.y
• 't "+ the .e/ay " har/ed a/a"&t a& he"r %r
'p%& the arr"a. %+ the ter6
a&%ther .e/atee3 the& the a.'e h%'.d &%t eeed
the "&her"ta&e %+ that he"r %r .e/atee har/ed "th
the .e/ay +%r 'pp%rt %r ed'at"%& 41/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
ARTICLE =<! I+ the .e/ay %r de"e " %+ a pe"+" a&d • RIGHT O5 A9E,PTION " the pr%e %+
deter6"&ate th"&/ perta"&"&/ t% the tetat%r3 the .e/atee %r
/""&/ e++et inter vivos  t% a d"p%"t"%& mortis
de"ee a7'"re the %&erh"p there%+ 'p%& the death %+ the
tetat%r3 a e.. a a&y /r%"&/ +r'"t3 %r '&b%r& %++pr"&/ %+ causa.  He a&t t% /"e e++et t% the .e/ay
a&"6a.3 %r '&%..eted "&%6e1 b't &%t the "&%6e h"h a intervivos   h"h " d"p%"t"%& mortis causa
d'e a&d '&pa"d be+%re the .atterK death$ d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the tetat%r bea'e the
>r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ the tetat%rK death3 the th"&/ tetat%r ay the .e/ay " t% be e++et"e "+ a&d
be7'eathed ha.. be at the r"? %+ the .e/atee %r de"ee3 h% %&.y "+ I hae &%t d%&e th" d'r"&/ 6y ."+et"6e$
ha..3 there+%re3 bear "t .% %r deter"%rat"%&3 a&d ha.. be
be&e+"ted by "t "&reae %r "6pr%e6e&t3 "th%'t pre'd"e t% ARTICLE ==! I+ the be7'et h%'.d &%t be %+ a pe"+"
the rep%&"b"."ty %+ the ee't%r %r ad6"&"trat%r$ (882a) a&d deter6"&ate th"&/3 b't " /e&er" %r %+ 7'a&t"ty3 "t +r'"t
a&d "&teret +r%6 the t"6e %+ the death %+ the tetat%r ha..
•  @h" ta.? ab%'t pe"+" %r deter6"&ate th"&/ perta"& t% the .e/atee %r de"ee "+ the tetat%r ha
epre.y % %rdered$ (884a)
• I+ a pare. %+ .a&d " de"ed3 /r%"&/ +r'"t a&d
r%p at the t"6e %+ the death %+ the tetat%r ha..
be "&.'ded "& the de."ery t% the de"ee$ @h%e • I& ,rt".e 9493 the de"e %r .e/ay " a
h"h are a.ready hareted %r /athered &% .%&/er /e&er" th"&/
+%r6 part %+ the de"e %r .e/ay$ O&.y the /r%"&/ • #%&ey " /e&er"3 '&.e er"a. &'6ber "
r%p are "&.'ded3 by "rt'e %+ ae"%&$ pr%"ded 
• U&b%r& %++pr"&/ are a.% "&.'ded
•  @he "&teret ar'e %&.y +r%6 the t"6e %+
• U&%..eted "&%6e are a.% "&.'de$ de+a'.t$ @here " de+a'.t he& there " a.ready
U&%..eted "&%6e are "&%6e that h%'.d hae de6a&d$
ar'ed a+ter the death %+ the tetat%r
• Accrue% 6ea& "t " a.ready d'e a&d DENER, RUE: @he r"/ht t% the +r'"t d%e &%t perta"&
de6a&dab.e t% the .e/ateeGde"ee pr"%r t% e.et"%& a&d ee&
• ,+ter-a7'"red pr%pert"e ('&der ,rt".e F9=) a+ter the death %+ the tetat%r
are &%t t% be "&.'ded bea'e they ere a7'"red ECEP@ION: I+ the tetat%r epre.y pr%"de that
a+ter the "&t"t't"%& %+ the ".. 'p t% the t"6e be+%re the .e/ateeGde"ee ".. t".. /et the +r'"t pr"%r t%
the death %+ the tetat%r e.et"%&

,R@ICE F8; NEW CIVI CO5E$ @he "&her"ta&e %+ a ARTICLE =?! I+ the etate h%'.d &%t be '++""e&t t%
per%& "&.'de &%t %&.y the pr%perty a&d the %er a.. the .e/a"e %r de"e3 the"r pay6e&t ha.. be
tra&6""b.e r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& e"t"&/ at the 6ade "& the +%..%"&/ %rder:
t"6e %+ h" death3 b't a.% th%e h"h hae ar'ed (;) Re6'&erat%ry .e/a"e %r de"e1
theret% "&e the %pe&"&/ %+ the 'e"%&$ (&) (2) e/a"e %r de"e de.ared by the tetat%r t% be
(=) e/a"e +%r 'pp%rt1
,R@ICE F9= NEW CIVI CO5E$ Pr%perty a7'"red
a+ter the 6a?"&/ %+ a ".. ha.. %&.y pa thereby3 a (4) e/a"e +%r ed'at"%&1
() e/a"e %r de"e %+ a pe"+"3 deter6"&ate th"&/
"+ the tetat%r had p%eed "t at the t"6e %+ 6a?"&/
h"h +%r6 a part %+ the etate1
the "..3 h%'.d "t epre.y appear by the ".. that
(B) ,.. %ther pr% rata$ (88Fa)
'h a h" "&te&t"%&$ (&)

• ,rt".e 90 ta.? ab%'t the %rder %+ pay6e&t

• 2&d  para/raph pr%"de that +r%6 the 6%6e&t "+ the etate " &%t '++""e&t t% pay a.. the
%+ death3 the .e/atee %r de"ee be%6e the .e/a"e %r de"e ( RPSESA+
%&er$ We hae the .rinci.le o# res .eri
• R 3 reuneraor' le/acies or %evises
%oino3 here"& the %&er bear the r"? %+ the
P @ .re#erre%
.%$ 't he ha.. a.% bear the be&e+"t %+ the
S @ su..or
E @ e%ucaion
• 't "+ the .% " by +a'.t %+ a&y%&e %ther tha& S 3 s.eci#ic $in/s
the .e/ateeGde"ee3 app.y the r'.e %& 7'a"-de."t A 3 all o$ers
%r %b."/at"%& a&d %&trat$ 1. Remuneratory legacies or devises
• Ea6p.e: I+ there " a de.ay "& the de."ery %+ • @h%e h"h are 6ade by the tetat%r "&
the th"&/ /"e& a .e/ayGde"e a&d the %&"derat"%& %+ the er"e 6ade by the .e/atee
.e/ateeGde"ee a.ready de6a&ded +%r "t3 a&d the %r de"ee b't that h"h d%e &%t %&t"t'te a
th"&/ " .%t be+%re the de."ery3 the etate3 the he"r re%erab.e debt
%r .e/atee %r de"ee b'rde&ed ha.. bear the .%$ 2. Preferred legacy or devise
•  @he he"r %+ the .e/ateeGde"ee "& ,rt".e 948 • @h%e h"h are de.ared by the tetat%r t%
&eed &%t pay the tetat%r +%r the epe&e "th be pre+erred
repet t% the pr%d't"%& '&der ,rt".e 44=$ @he 3. Support  
tetat%r " &%t %&"dered a a th"rd per%&$ @he
.e/ateeGde"ee " 6ere.y 'eed"&/ t% the r"/ht • U&der the >a6".y C%de3 'pp%rt %6pr"e
%+ the tetat%r eeryth"&/ "&d"pe&ab.e < +%%d3 he.ter3 .%th"&/3
,rt".e 44= NEW CIVI CO5E$ He h% ree"e the • I& 'e"%&3 "+ e are ta.?"&/ %+ 'pp%rt3 e
+r'"t ha the %b."/at"%& t% pay the epe&e 6ade d% &%t "&.'de ed'at"%&
by a th"rd per%& "& the"r pr%d't"%&3 /ather"&/ a&d  4. Education
preerat"%&$ 5. Specific Legacy or Devise
• Ee& "+ "t " pe"+" .e/ay %r de"e b't "t "
A..lica4ili' o# Aricle =<2
;$ S"6p.e a&d p're .e/ayGde"e &%t yet %& the etate a&d "t " t% be a7'"red +r%6
2$ e/a"e a&d de"e 'bet t% re%.'t%ry a&%ther per%& %r a&%ther etate3 "t " &%t
%&d"t"%& "&.'ded "& the .e/ay %r de"e %+ a pe"+"
=$ e/a"e a&d de"e 'bet t% 'pe&"e deter6"&ate th"&/$ I+ the .e/ayGde"e " t% be
%&d"t"%& "& "e %+ the retr%at"e e++et %+ the ta?e& +r%6 a&%ther per%& t% be /"e& t% the
%&d"t"%& %&e "t " +'.+"..ed .e/ateeGde"ee3 that +a.. '&der La.. %ther pr%-
"ar Juesion2 W$a is a Ri/$ o# A%e.ion . !mong all ot"er pro#rata 42/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
Or%er un%er Aricle =112 •  @he debt a&d %b."/at"%& %+ the etate 6't
1. e/"t"6e +"rt be pa"d a&d a+terard3 "+ there " ee3 e
&% hae the de."ery %+ the .e/ay3 de"e %r
2. 5%&at"%& inter vivos "&her"ta&e$
=$ Pre+erred .e/a"eGde"e
4. ,.. %ther pro rata ARTICLE =!  @he .e/atee %r de"ee a&&%t aept a
part %+ the .e/ay %r de"e a&d rep'd"ate the %ther3 "+ the

Aricle =11 Aricle =? .atterSh%'.d

be %&er%'$
he d"e be+%re ha"&/ aepted the .e/ay %r
 @h" art".e " app."ed  @h" art".e " app."ed he&
he& there "Gare there NO %6p'.%ry he"r de"e3 .ea"&/ eera. he"r3 %6e %+ the .atter 6ay aept
a&d the %ther 6ay rep'd"ate the hare repet"e.y
%6p'.%ry he"rG a&d the"r .e/"t"6e are "& be.%&/"&/ t% the6 "& the .e/ay %r de"e$ (889a)
,N5GOR there are da&/er %+ be"&/ "6pa"red
d%&at"%& inter vivos  ,N5GOR there are NO
d%&at"%& inter vivos$ ,.. •  @h" art".e re+er t% %&e .e/ay %r de"e3
y%' hae t% d% "3 a6%&/ h"h part.y %&er%' a&d part.y /rat'"t%'
the .e/a"eGde"e h"h •  @he de"ee a&&%t 't aept the part h"h
%+ the6 h%'.d be /"e& ha &% b'rde& "6p%ed a&d rep'd"ate the part
pr"%r"ty %er the %ther$ I+ h"h " %&er%'
there are %6p'.%ry he"r
b't the"r .e/"t"6e are &%t • 't he a& h%%e t% aept the %&er%' a&d
"6pa"red3 y%' app.y ,rt".e reet the /rat'"t%' part
90$ • I+ the .e/atee %r de"ee d"e3 h" r"/ht 6ay
• I+ there are &% %6p'.%ry he"r3 there " &% be eer"e by h" he"r
&eed t% %..ate the d%&at"%& bea'e the p'rp%e
%+ "%& " %&.y t% deter6"&e the .e/"t"6e$ ARTICLE =!  @he .e/atee %r de"ee %+ t% .e/a"e %r
de"e3 %&e %+ h"h " %&er%'3 a&&%t re&%'&e the
%&er%' %&e a&d aept the %ther$ I+ b%th are %&er%' %r
ARTICLE =1!  @he th"&/ be7'eathed ha.. be de."ered /rat'"t%'3 he ha.. be +ree t% aept %r re&%'&e b%th3 %r t%
"th a.. "t ae"%& a&d ae%r"e a&d "& the %&d"t"%& "& re&%'&e e"ther$ 't "+ the tetat%r "&te&ded that the t%
h"h "t 6ay be 'p%& the death %+ the tetat%r$ (88=a) .e/a"e %r de"e h%'.d be "&eparab.e +r%6 eah %ther3
the .e/atee %r de"ee 6't e"ther aept %r re&%'&e b%th$
ARTICLE =-!  @he he"r3 har/ed "th a .e/ay %r de"e3 %r ,&y %6p'.%ry he"r h% " at the a6e t"6e a .e/atee
the ee't%r %r ad6"&"trat%r %+ the etate3 6't de."er the %r de"ee 6ay a"e the "&her"ta&e a&d aept the .e/ay
ery th"&/ be7'eathed "+ he " ab.e t% d% % a&d a&&%t %r de"e3 %r re&%'&e the .atter a&d aept the +%r6er3 %r
d"har/e th" %b."/at"%& by pay"&/ "t a.'e$ a"e %r aept b%th$ (890a)
e/a"e %+ 6%&ey 6't be pa"d "& ah3 ee& th%'/h the
he"r %r the etate 6ay &%t hae a&y$
 @he epe&e &eeary +%r the de."ery %+ the th"&/ • ,rt".e 9 re+er t% t% %r 6%re .e/a"e %r
be7'eathed ha.. be +%r the a%'&t %+ the he"r %r the etate3 de"e
b't "th%'t pre'd"e t% the .e/"t"6e$ (88Ba) •  @he a6e r'.e - the .e/atee %r de"ee a&&%t
re&%'&e the %&er%' a&d aept the /rat'"t%'$
•  @he %b."/at"%& %+ the he"r3 .e/atee3 de"ee %r
etate har/ed " t% de."er the ery a6e th"&/ t% • I+ b%th are %&er%' %r /rat'"t%'3 he a& 't
be /"e& aept %r re&%'&e b%th %r e"ther3 '&.e the
tetat%r "&te&d that the t% .e/a"e %r de"e
•  @he etate a&&%t 't d"har/e the .e/ay %r ha.. be "&eparab.e
de"e by pay"&/ the a.'e %+ the th"&/ de"ed %r
be7'eathed • , %6p'.%ry he"r h% " a .e/atee %r
de"ee3 6ay a"e h" "&her"ta&e a&d aept
• I+ the .e/ay " +%r ah3 ee& "+ the etate ha the .e/ay %r e"ther ay3 aept the "&her"ta&e
&% ah3 the etate ha t% e.. pr%perty % that "t a&d re&%'&e the .e/ay %r aept b%th %r
6ay /e&erate ah re&%'&e b%th
• Ee& "& a.ter&at"e .e/a"eGde"e3 y%' hae

t% de."er
the the th"&/ h"h " %&te6p.ated "th"&
e.et"%& ARTICLE =8$ I+ the
'&".."&/ t% aept the .e/ay
.e/atee %r de"ee
%r de"e3 a&&%t
%r "+ the %r %r
.e/ay "

 @he b'rde&ed he"r3 .e/ateeGde"ee %r the de"e +%r a&y rea%& h%'.d be%6e "&e++et"e3 "t ha.. be

6er/ed "&t% the 6a %+ the etate3 eept "& ae %+
etate ha.. bear the epe&e +%r the de."ery %+ 'bt"t't"%& a&d %+ the r"/ht %+ aret"%&$ (888a)
the th"&/ be7'eathed %r de"ed$ I+ he " a
%6p'.%ry he"r3 the epe&e h%'.d &%t 'h a
t% a++et the .e/"t"6e %+ %6p'.%ry he"r$ • I+ the .e/atee %r de"ee d%e &%t a&t t%
aept %r a&&%t aept %r " d"7'a."+"ed +r%6
ARTICLE =0!  @he .e/atee %r de"ee a&&%t ta?e aept"&/3 "t ha.. be 6er/ed "&t% the 6a %+ the
p%e"%& %+ the th"&/ be7'eathed 'p%& h" %& a'th%r"ty3 etate$ It ha.. /% by ay %+ .e/a. 'e"%&3
b't ha.. re7'et "t de."ery a&d p%e"%& %+ the he"r 'bet t% the r"/ht %+ 'bt"t't"%& a&d the r"/ht
har/ed "th the .e/ay %r de"e3 %r %+ the ee't%r %r %+ aret"%&
ad6"&"trat%r %+ the etate h%'.d he be a'th%r"!ed by the
%'rt t% de."er "t$ (88a) • Re6e6ber that e hae the r'.e %& ISRAI a
t% the %rder h"h ha t% be +%..%ed "& ae
•  @here h%'.d be a& a'th%r"ty by the %'rt that there
aa&y "& the p%rt"%& "&her"ted 2
the th"&/ ha.. &% be de."ered t% the .e/atee %r 2$ SU"STITUTION
• , .e/atee %r de"ee3 +r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ 4$ ACCRETION
death3 the%ret"a..y3 " a.ready e&t"t.ed t% the $ INTESTATE SUCCESSION
.e/ay %r de"e$ 't he a&&%t "66ed"ate.y
de6a&d the de."ery bea'e there ha t% be ARTICLE =7$ @he .e/ay %r de"e ha.. be "th%'t
pr%eed"&/ %&d'ted$ e++et:
(;) I+ the tetat%r tra&+%r6 the th"&/ be7'eathed "& 'h
• We are ta.?"&/ %+ tetate pr%eed"&/ bea'e a 6a&&er that "t d%e &%t reta"& e"ther the +%r6 %r
th" " .e/ay %r de"e$ the de&%6"&at"%& "t had1 43/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
(2) I+ the tetat%r by a&y t"t.e %r +%r a&y a'e a."e&ate the  I+ the .% " the +a'.t %+ the he"r har/ed "th
th"&/ be7'eathed %r a&y part there%+3 "t be"&/ '&dert%%d
the %b."/at"%& t% de."er3 the&3 the he"r ha
that "& the .atter ae the .e/ay %r de"e ha.. be
"th%'t e++et %&.y "th repet t% the part th' a."e&ated$ I+ the %b."/at"%& t% pay the .e/atee +%r the a.'e
a+ter the a."e&at"%& the th"&/ h%'.d a/a"& be.%&/ t% the %+ the th"&/ .%t
tetat%r3 ee& "+ "t be by rea%& %+ &'.."ty %+ the %&trat3 the  Whe& the th"&/ " &%t pe"+"3 "t " /e&er" %r
.e/ay %r de"e ha.. &%t therea+ter be a."d3 '&.e the deter6"&ate3 the& the h%"e perta"& t% the
rea7'""t"%& ha.. hae bee& e++eted by "rt'e %+ the etate %r the .e/ateeGde"ee %r the he"r
eer"e %+ the r"/ht %+ rep'rhae1
(=) I+ the th"&/ be7'eathed " t%ta..y .%t d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+
har/ed3 "& h"h ae they h%'.d &%t
de."er a th"&/ h"h ha de+et
the tetat%r3 %r a+ter h" death "th%'t the he"rK +a'.t$
Neerthe.e3 the per%& %b."/ed t% pay the .e/ay %r
de"e ha.. be ."ab.e +%r e"t"%& "+ the th"&/ be7'eathed ARTICLE =<$ , 6"ta?e a t% the &a6e %+ the th"&/
h%'.d &%t hae bee& deter6"&ate a t% "t ?"&d3 "& be7'eathed %r de"ed3 " %+ &% %&e7'e&e3 "+ "t " p%"b.e
a%rda&e "th the pr%""%& %+ ,rt".e 928$ (8B9a) t% "de&t"+y the th"&/ h"h the tetat%r "&te&ded t% be7'eath
%r de"e$ (&)
• ,rt".e 9F ta.? %+ re%at"%& %+ a .e/ay %r
•  @h" art".e " re.ated t% ,rt".e F89 a&d 844
de"e by %perat"%& %+ .a$ ea'e %+ the at
per+%r6ed by the tetat%r3 the .a pre'6e that • I+ there " a 6"ta?e a t% the &a6e %+ the
there " re%at"%&$ th"&/3 "t " t".. p%"b.e t% deter6"&e hat " the
th"&/ re+erred t% by the tetat%r a a de"e %r
1! TRANS5OR,S THE THING .e/ay$ Y%' a& 'e the r'.e %+ "&terpretat"%&3
epe"a..y3 th%e r'.e "& .ate&t %r pate&t
  @he th"&/ here re+er t% a pe"+" th"&/
bea'e "+ "t " a /e&er" th"&/ the& y%' d% &%t a6b"/'"ty$
?&% pr"%r t% e.et"%& h"h %+ the th"&/ "& • S%3 the de"e %r .e/ay re6a"& a."d
the etate %+ the tetat%r " be"&/ be7'eathed
%r de"ed ARTICLE ==! , d"p%"t"%& 6ade "& /e&era. ter6 "&
+a%r %+ the tetat%rK"e ha.. be '&dert%%d t% be "&
  @he tra&+%r6at"%& 6't be IN >OR# +a%r %+ th%e &earet "& de/ree$ (F;)
(appeara&e %+ the th"&/) %r IN 5ENO#IN,@ION
(&a6e be"&/ /"e& t% the th"&/)
• ,rt".e 99 ta.? %+ a COLLECTIVE
 Whe& the tetat%r tra&+%r6 the th"&/ 'h INSTITUTION3 here"& there " a d"p%"t"%&
that "t d%e &%t reta"& the +%r6 %r the 6ade "& /e&era. ter6 "& +a%r %+ the tetat%r
de&%6"&at"%& "t had3 the&3 there ""e
REVOC,@ION %+ the .e/ay %r de"e a&d the
• U&der th" art".e3 the %&.y r'.e t% be +%..%ed
.e/ayGde"e be%6e "&e++et"e
" the RULE O5 PROBI,IT>( the &earer"e
e.'de the +arther$
  @he
6ade a."e&at"%& 6ade t%
"th the "&te&t bypart
the "th
tetat%r h%'.d be
the th"&/
•  @here " &% r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& here a&d
e d% &%t +%..% the r'.e that th%e h% are "&
 I+ the tetat%r a."e&ate P,R@ %+ the pr%perty the dee&d"&/ ."&e are +a%red %er th%e "& the
the& the re%at"%& " %&.y a t% the part ae&d"&/ ."&e a&d that th%e h% are "& the
a."e&ated$ S% %&.y part"a. &%t e&t"re re%at"%& d"ret ."&e are +a%red %er th%e h% are "& the
 I+ a+ter the a."e&at"%& the th"&/ h%'.d a/a"& %..atera. ."&e$ We 't +%..% %&e r'.e$
be.%&/ t% the tetat%r3 the .a ay Lthe .e/ay •  @he .a re%/&"!e %&.y th%e h% are "th"&
%r de"e ha.. &%t therea+ter be a."dM the th  de/ree "th"& the %..atera. ."&e a the
 Ee& "+ the a."e&at"%& a %"d by rea%& %+ .e/a."e %+ the tetat%r$ I+ there are &%
&'.."ty %+ the %&trat % that the pr%perty"e "th"& that ."&e3 the&3 the etate ha.. be
ret'r& t% the tetat%r3 t".. the .e/ay %r de"e /"e& "& +a%r %+ the State$
ha.. &%t be a."d
• I+ "t " a d"ret ."&e3 there " &% ."6"t$ 't "+
 I+ the a."e&at"%& a a&&'..ed bea'e there y%' are ta.?"&/ %+ a %..atera. ."&e3 %&.y "th"& the
a +ra'd %r "&t"6"dat"%& %r 6"ta?e %& the part th

%+ the tetat%r3 the de"e %'.d be a."d   de/ree %+ %&a&/'"&"ty$

bea'e the .a pre'pp%e a %.'&tary • I+ the tetat%r %rd are Lt% a.. th%e h%
a."e&at"%& by the tetat%r are e&t"t.ed theret%M3 he %'.d be re+err"&/ t% the
.e/a. %r "&tetate he"r$ We +%..% the r'.e %&
 I+ the rea7'""t"%& ha.. hae bee& e++eted by "&tetate 'e"%& a&d th'3 e are &%t ."6"ted
"rt'e %+ the eer"e %+ the r"/ht rep'rhae3 by %&.y %&e r'.e %& pr%"6"ty$
the de"e %r .e/ay %'.d t".. be a."d
• I+ the tetat%r ay LI a6 /""&/ th" h%'e
  @he r"/ht t% rep'rhae 6't be "&.'ded "& the a&d .%t t% the"e %+ 6y "+eM3 ,rt".e 99
%&trat %+ a.e "te.+ %r "& the %&trat here"& a&&%t be app."ed bea'e ,rt".e 99 %&.y re+er
the tetat%r a."e&ated the th"&/ de"ed %r t% the tetat%r"e$
be7'eathed bea'e "+ "t " a& ab%.'te a.e
a&d the&3 'be7'e&t.y3 he rep'rhae the
pr%perty3 the de"e h%'.d be %"d %r "t " CHAPTER 0
re%?ed Le/al or Inesae Succession

the'be7'e&t.y3 the .e/atee
th"&/ de"ed %r de"ee a7'"re
%r be7'eathed3 the&3 "t SECTION 1
General Provisions
depe&d hether %r &%t h" a7'""t"%& " by
%&er%' t"t.e %r by /rat'"t%' t"t.e ARTICLE =8?$ Le/al or inesae succession  ta?e
0! LOST O5 THE THING p.ae:
 , th"&/ " %&"dered LOST he& "t per"he3 (;) I+ a per%& d"e "th%'t a "..3 %r "th a %"d "..3 %r %&e
h"h ha 'be7'e&t.y .%t "t a."d"ty1
/%e %'t %+ %66ere %r d"appear "& 'h a (2) Whe& the ".. d%e &%t "&t"t'te a& he"r t%3 %r d"p%e %+
ay that "t e"te&e " '&?&%& %r "t a&&%t a.. the pr%perty be.%&/"&/ t% the tetat%r$ I& 'h ae3
be re%ered .e/a. 'e"%& ha.. ta?e p.ae %&.y "th repet t% the
  @he th"&/ " .%t WI@HOU@ the +a'.t %+ the pr%perty %+ h"h the tetat%r ha &%t d"p%ed1
tetat%r (=) I+ the 'pe&"e %&d"t"%& attahed t% the "&t"t't"%& %+
he"r d%e &%t happe& %r " &%t +'.+"..ed3 %r "+ the he"r 44/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
d"e be+%re the tetat%r3 %r rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e3 there abe&e %+ the .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the .e/"t"6ate
be"&/ &% 'bt"t't"%&3 a&d &% r"/ht %+ aret"%& ta?e pare&t %r ae&da&t3 e hae the 'r""&/
p.ae1 p%'e a&d the tate$
(4) Whe& the he"r "&t"t'ted " "&apab.e %+ 'eed"&/3
eept "& ae pr%"ded "& th" C%de$ (9;2a)  •  @h" art".e d%e &%t yet ta.? ab%'t the
pre+ere&e %r %rder b't a t% h% are e&t"t.ed t%
• ,rt".e 9B0 /"e y%' the "&ta&e he& there the etate "& de+a'.t %+ teta6e&tary he"r
".. be .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%& •

• I& .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%& "t " baed %& N%t

he"r$ 'ta..a...e/a.G"&tetate he"r
%6p'.%ry he"r areare %6p'.%ry
.e/a. he"r$
the pre'6ed ".. %+ the tetat%r • r%ther a&d "ter are .e/a. he"r b't they
are &%t %6p'.%ry he"r
1! Wi$ou a :ill( voi% :ill or su4seuenl' los
•  @here " &% d""&her"ta&e "& .e/a. 'e"%&
is vali%i'
bea'e d""&her"ta&e %'r %&.y he& there "
 I+ a per%& d"e "th%'t a "..3 h" etate ".. /% a ".. a&d that the ".. 6't be a a."d "..
by .e/a. 'e"%&
• 't there " EBCLUSION  here .e/a. he"r
  @he ".. be%6e %"d he& "t d%e &%t %6p.y h% are NO@ %6p'.%ry he"r are &%t /"e&
"th the +%r6a."t"e re7'"red by .a a&yth"&/ "& the "..
 y "rt'e %+ the re%at"%&3 the ".. .%e • Ee& "+ y%' a& e.'de a .e/a. he"r h% "
a."d"ty$ @here+%re3 y%' a&&%t /"e e++et t% &%t a %6p'.%ry he"r3 y%' a&&%t e.'de the
the ".. a&d the etate ".. be d"p%ed %+ by State
ay %+ "&tetay • I+ y%' d% &%t hae he"r "th"& the th de/ree
-! No insiuion o# $eir the&3 the pr%perty ha t% /% t% the State
 ,& ea6p.e " he& the ".. %&.y pr%"de +%r •  @here " repree&tat"%& %+ the e.'ded .e/a.
d""&her"ta&e here"& the ".. " e++et"e a t% he"r
the d""&her"ta&e a&d the ret %+ the etate
ha.. /% by "&tetate 'e"%& )in%s o# e;clusion2
  @he ".. d%e &%t d"p%e %+ a.. the pr%perty ;) Epre E.'"%&
be.%&/"&/ t% the tetat%r$ I& th" ae3 there " 2) I6p."ed E.'"%&
6"ed 'e"%&
0! Sus.ensive con%iion is no #ul#ille%( ARTICLE =8-! I& eery "&her"ta&e3 the"e &earet
.re%ecease( re.u%iaes "& de/ree e.'de the 6%re d"ta&t %&e3 a"&/ the r"/ht
%+ repree&tat"%& he& "t pr%per.y ta?e p.ae$
 S'pe&"e %&d"t"%& " %&e here"& the"e "& the a6e de/ree ha.. "&her"t "& e7'a.
"&t"t't"%& " 'bet t% the +'.+"..6e&t %+ a hare3 'bet t% the pr%""%& %+ art".e ;00B "th repet
%&d"t"%&$ I+ the %&d"t"%& d%e &%t happe&3 the t%"e %+ the +'.. a&d ha.+ b.%%d3 a&d %+ art".e 98F3

"&t"t't"%& a&&%t be /"e& e++et$ para/raph."&e$

6ater&a. 23 %&er&"&/
(92;a) d"""%& betee& the pater&a. a&d
 I+ the he"r d"e ahead %+ the tetat%r a&d
there " &% repree&tat"e t% 'eed3 the&3
there " "&tetate 'e"%& RULE ON PROBI,IT> 

 I& ae %+ rep'd"at"%&3 there be"&/ &% •  @he &earer e.'de the +arther
'bt"t't"%&3 &% repree&tat"e a&d &% r"/ht %+
aret"%& the&3 there " "&tetay$ RULE O5 EJUAL 9IVISION
! Inca.aci' DENER, RUE:"e "& the a6e de/ree ha..
"&her"t "& e7'a. hare
 I+ "&apa"tated3 "t ha.. /% by ay %+ .e/a. ECEP@IONS:
(1) ,rt".e ;00B "th repet t% the"e %+ +'.. b.%%d a&d ha.+ b.%%d$ I& .e/a.
O$er insances :$ere le/al or inesae
'e"%&3 the +'.. b.%%d"e are e&t"t.ed t%
succession a6es .lace2
t"e a 6'h a th%e %+ the ha.+-b.%%d
;$ Preter"t"%&"e$
2. I6pr%per d""&her"ta&e (2) ,rt".e 98F %&er&"&/ the d"""%&
3. >'.+"..6e&t %+ a re%.'t%ry %&d"t"%& betee& the 6ater&a. a&d pater&a. ."&e
4. ,rr"a. %+ the re%.'t%ry per"%d (=) R"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&
(4) I& .e/a. 'e"%& a&d the a6e "&
5orce% Succession Le/alDinesae teta6e&tary 'e"%&3 "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&
succession %&.y /et  %+ the hare %+ %&e .e/"t"6ate h".d$
S'e"%& t% the  @he d"p%"t"%& are
.e/"t"6e re/ard.e %+ pr%"ded +%r by .a SU"SECTION 1
the ".. %+ the tetat%r$ bea'e "t " baed %& the Relaions$i.
Ee& "+ "t " a/a"&t the pre'6ed ".. %+ the
de"re %+ the tetat%r3 tetat%r$ ARTICLE =80! Pr%"6"ty %+"%&h"p " deter6"&ed by
b't the he"r are the &'6ber %+ /e&erat"%&$ Eah /e&erat"%& +%r6 a de/ree$
%6p'.%ry he"r the&3 (9;)
the tetat%r ha t% /"e
t% thee %6p'.%ry
he"r$ • Relaions$i.  " b.%%d (%&a&/'"&"ty) %r
6arr"a/e (a++"&"ty) t"e '&"t"&/ a per%& t% a&%ther
ARTICLE =81$ I& de+a'.t %+ teta6e&tary he"r3 the .a per%&
et the "&her"ta&e3 "& a%rda&e "th the r'.e here"&a+ter
et +%rth3 "& the .e/"t"6ate a&d "..e/"t"6ate"e %+ the ARTICLE =8! , er"e %+ de/ree +%r6 a ."&e3 h"h
deeaed3 "& the 'r""&/ p%'e3 a&d "& the State$ (9;=a) 6ay be e"ther d"ret %r %..atera.$
, d"ret ."&e " that %&t"t'ted by the er"e %+ de/ree
a6%&/ ae&da&t a&d dee&da&t$
•  @he .e/a. a&d "&tetate he"r %+ the deede&t
are .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d dee&da&t3
"..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r dee&da&t$ I& the 45/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
, %..atera. ."&e " that %&t"t'ted by the er"e %+ •  @he ad%ptee a& "&her"t +r%6 the ad%pter
de/ree a6%&/ per%& h% are &%t ae&da&t a&d • ,& ad%pted h".d a&&%t repree&t
dee&da&t3 b't h% %6e +r%6 a %66%& a&et%r$ (9;Ba)
• Ne"ther 6ay a& ad%pted h".d be repree&ted

ARTICLE =8!  @he d"ret ."&e " e"ther dee&d"&/ %r ARTICLE =71!  @he repree&tat"e " a..ed t% the
ae&d"&/$ 'e"%& by the .a a&d &%t by the per%& repree&ted$
 @he +%r6er '&"te the head %+ the +a6".y "th th%e h%  @he repree&tat"e d%e &%t 'eed the per%&
 @he +r%6
b"&d a per%& "th th%e +r%6 h%6 he repree&ted b't the %&e
%'.d hae 'eeded$ (&) h%6 the per%& repree&ted
dee&d$ (9;F)

• Repree&tat"e "&her"t &%t +r%6 the per%&

ARTICLE =88$ I& the ."&e3 a 6a&y de/ree are %'&ted a
there are /e&erat"%& %r per%&3 e.'d"&/ the pr%/e&"t%r$ repree&ted b't +r%6 the per%& t% h%6 the
I& the d"ret ."&e3 ae&t " 6ade t% the %66%& a&et%r$ per%& repree&ted %'.d hae "&her"ted
 @h'3 the h".d " %&e de/ree re6%ed +r%6 the pare&t3 t%
+r%6 the /ra&d+ather3 a&d three +r%6 the /reat-/ra&dpare&t$ ARTICLE =7-!  @he r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& ta?e p.ae "&
I& the %..atera. ."&e3 ae&t " 6ade t% the %66%& the d"ret dee&d"&/ ."&e3 b't &eer "& the ae&d"&/$
a&et%r a&d the& dee&t " 6ade t% the per%& "th h%6 I& the %..atera. ."&e3 "t ta?e p.ae %&.y "& +a%r %+ the
the %6p'tat"%& " t% be 6ade$ @h'3 a per%& " t% de/ree h".dre& %+ br%ther %r "ter3 hether they be %+ the +'.. %r
re6%ed +r%6 h" br%ther3 three +r%6 h" '&.e3 h% " the ha.+ b.%%d$ (92)
br%ther %+ h" +ather3 +%'r +r%6 h" +"rt %'"&3 a&d % +%rth$
(9;8a) • I& the %..atera. ."&e3 the r"/ht %+
repree&tat"%& ta?e p.ae %&.y "& +a%r %+ the
ARTICLE =87! >'.. b.%%d"%&h"p " that e"t"&/ h".dre& %+ br%ther %r "ter (&ephe %r
betee& per%& h% hae the a6e +ather a&d the a6e &"ee)
Ha.+ b.%%d"%&h"p " that e"t"&/ betee& per%& • R"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& &eer ta?e p.ae "&
h% hae the a6e +ather3 b't &%t the a6e 6%ther3 %r the the ae&d"&/ ."&e
a6e 6%ther3 b't &%t the a6e +ather$ (920a)
ARTICLE =70! I& %rder that repree&tat"%& 6ay ta?e
ARTICLE =8<! I+ there are eera."e %+ the a6e p.ae3 "t " &eeary that the repree&tat"e h"6e.+ be
de/ree3 a&d %&e %r %6e %+ the6 are '&".."&/ %r apab.e %+ 'eed"&/ the deede&t$ (&)
"&apa"tated t% 'eed3 h" p%rt"%& ha.. ar'e t% the %ther
%+ the a6e de/ree3 ae the r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& he& "t •  @he repree&tat"e 6't be apa"tated t%
h%'.d ta?e p.ae$ (922)
ARTICLE =8=! I+ the "&her"ta&e h%'.d be rep'd"ated by
ARTICLE =7$ Whe&eer there " 'e"%& by
the &earet"e3 h%'.d there be %&e %&.y3 %r by a.. the
repree&tat"%&3 the d"""%& %+ the etate ha.. be 6ade per
&earet"e a..ed by .a t% 'eed3 h%'.d there be
eera.3 th%e %+ the +%..%"&/ de/ree ha.. "&her"t "& the"r %& t"rpe3 "& 'h
repree&tat"e ha..6a&&er that
&%t "&her"t thetha&
6%re repree&tat"e %r
hat the per%&
r"/ht a&d a&&%t repree&t the per%& %r per%& rep'd"at"&/
they repree&t %'.d "&her"t3 "+ he ere .""&/ %r %'.d
the "&her"ta&e$ (92=)
"&her"t$ (92Ba)

•  @h" art".e ta.? ab%'t hat happe& he&

there " rep'd"at"%& • Re6e6ber that PER STIRPES  6ea&
"&her"ta&e by a.. th%e "th"& the /r%'p
•  @he per%& h% rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e "&her"t"&/ "& e7'a. hare
C,NNO@ be repree&ted
ARTICLE =7$ Whe& h".dre& %+ %&e %r 6%re br%ther %r
SU"SECTION - "ter %+ the deeaed 'r"e3 they ha.. "&her"t +r%6 the
Ri/$ o# Re.resenaion .atter by repree&tat"%&3 "+ they 'r"e "th the"r '&.e %r
a'&t$ 't "+ they a.%&e 'r"e3 they ha.. "&her"t "& e7'a.
ARTICLE =7?! Re.resenaion " a r"/ht reated by +"t"%& p%rt"%&$ (92F)
%+ .a3 by "rt'e %+ h"h the repree&tat"e " ra"ed t% the
p.ae a&d the de/ree %+ the per%& repree&ted3 a&d a7'"re
the r"/ht h"h the .atter %'.d hae "+ he ere .""&/ %r "+ he ARTICLE =78$
"&her"ta&e he ha,re&%'&ed$
per%& 6ay
(928a)repree&t h"6 h%e
%'.d hae "&her"ted$ (924a)

ARTICLE =77$ He"r h% rep'd"ate the"r hare 6ay &%t

Insances :$ere $ere is ri/$ o# re.resenaion2
be repree&ted$ (929a)
1) Predeeae
2) I&apa"ty
• , re&%'&er 6ay repree&t b't he 6ay &%t
3) 5""&her"ta&e
be repree&ted
• , re&%'&er3 +%r 6%t"e %+ h" %&3 d%e %
•  @he r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& ta?e p.ae "& b%th %.'&tar".y$ H" at %+ rep'd"at"%& ta?e aay h"
tetate a&d "&tetate 'e"%& r"/ht t% d"p%e %+ the pr%perty
• 5""&her"ta&e " %&.y "& tetate 'e"%& • I& ae %+ "&apa"ty %r d""&her"ta&e3
bea'e y%' hae t% hae a ".. h%eer3 the .% " "&%.'&tary$ @he h".dre& %+
the "&apa"tated %r d""&her"ted per%& h%'.d
• I& tetate 'e"%&3 repree&tat"%& %er
&%t be depr"ed %+ the r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&$
%&.y the .e/"t"6e  @hey h%'.d &%t '++er +%r ha"&/ a& '&%rthy
• I& .e/a. %r "&tetate 'e"%&3 the r"/ht %+ pare&t
repree&tat"%&3 he& pr%per3 %er , that the
per%& be"&/ repree&ted %'.d hae "&her"ted SECTION -
•  @he r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& %er &%t %&.y the Or%er o# Inesae Succession
pr%pert"e b't a.% the tra&6""b.e r"/ht a&d SU"SECTION 1
%b."/at"%& 9escen%in/ 9irec Line
• I& ad%pt"%&3 the"%&h"p that " reated "
%&.y betee& the ad%pter a&d the ad%ptee ARTICLE =7<! S'e"%& perta"&3 "& the +"rt p.ae3 t%
the dee&d"&/ d"ret ."&e$ (9=0)
• I+ the ad%pter d"e ahead %+ h" pare&t3 the
ad%ptee a&&%t repree&t the ad%pter
• 5ee&da&t are pre+erred 46/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
•  @he &earer e.'de the +arther ha.. /% t% the pater&a. a&d the %ther ha.+ t% the 6ater&a.
• C%6p'.%ry he"r3 "th the .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t$ I& eah ."&e the d"""%& ha.. be 6ade per
ap"ta$ (9=F)
dee&da&t3 are %&'rre&t "&tetate he"r
ARTICLE =7=! e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d the"r dee&da&t Ille/iiae C$il%ren
'eed the pare&t a&d %ther ae&da&t3 "th%'t d"t"&t"%&

a t% e %r a/e3 a&d ee& "+ they h%'.d %6e +r%6 d"++ere&t
6arr"a/e$ ARTICLE =<<! theI&"..e/"t"6ate
%r ae&da&t3 the abe&e %+ .e/"t"6ate
h".dre& dee&da&t
ha.. 'eed t% the
,& ad%pted h".d 'eed t% the pr%perty %+ the ad%pt"&/ e&t"re etate %+ the deeaed$ (9=9a)
pare&t "& the a6e 6a&&er a a .e/"t"6ate h".d$ (9=;a)
ARTICLE =<=! I+3 t%/ether "th "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3
ARTICLE =<?!  @he h".dre& %+ the deeaed ha.. a.ay there h%'.d 'r"e dee&da&t %+ a&%ther "..e/"t"6ate
"&her"t +r%6 h"6 "& the"r %& r"/ht3 d""d"&/ the "&her"ta&e "& h".d h% " dead3 the +%r6er ha.. 'eed "& the"r %&
e7'a. hare$ (9=2) r"/ht a&d the .atter by r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&$ (940a)

•  @h" " tr'e ee& "+ the h".dre& %6e +r%6 • 5ee&da&t "& th" art".e re+er t%
d"++ere&t 6arr"a/e3 +%r a+ter a..3 the dead pare&t " .e/"t"6ate a&d "..e/"t"6ate dee&da&t3 "&e the
the %66%& pare&t .a d%e &%t d"t"&/'"h
•  @he /ra&dh".dre& "&her"t by r"/ht %+
ARTICLE =<1! Sh%'.d h".dre& %+ the deeaed a&d repree&tat"%& "& %rder &%t t% pre'd"e the
dee&da&t %+ %ther h".dre& h% are dead3 'r"e3 the h".dre& .e+t
+%r6er ha.. "&her"t
repree&tat"%&$ "& the"r %& r"/ht3 a&d the .atter by r"/ht %+
ARTICLE ==?!  @he hered"tary r"/ht /ra&ted by the t%
preed"&/ art".e t% "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& ha.. be
ARTICLE =<-!  @he /ra&dh".dre& a&d %ther dee&da&t tra&6"tted 'p%& the"r death t% the"r dee&da&t3 h% ha..
ha.. "&her"t by r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&3 a&d "+ a&y %&e %+ the6 "&her"t by r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& +r%6 the"r deeaed
h%'.d hae d"ed3 .ea"&/ eera. he"r3 the p%rt"%& perta"&"&/ /ra&dpare&t$ (94;a)
t% h"6 ha.. be d""ded a6%&/ the .atter "& e7'a. p%rt"%&$
• ,%rd"&/ t% Para3 "t " be."eed that ,rt".e
989 a&d 990 app.y &%t %&.y t% predeeae b't
• Whe& the h".dre& are , dead3 the
a.% t% "&apa"ty a&d d""&her"ta&e
/ra&dh".dre& "&her"t by r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&3
pr%"ded that repree&tat"%& " pr%per • I& rep'd"at"%&3 there " &% r"/ht %+
• Whe& , the h".dre& rep'd"ate3 there " &%
r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%& a&d there+%re the
ARTICLE ==1! I+ .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t are .e+t3 the
/ra&dh".dre& "&her"t "& he"r %& r"/ht3 per ap"ta
"..e/"t"6ate h".dre& ha.. d""de the "&her"ta&e "th the63
a&d "& e7'a. p%rt"%& ta?"&/ %&e-ha.+ %+ the etate3 hateer be the &'6ber %+ the
ae&da&t %r %+ the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&$ (9423 84;a)
ARTICLE =<0! I+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& 'r"e "th
.e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the hare %+ the +%r6er ha.. be "& the
pr%p%rt"%& prer"bed by art".e 89$ (&) • I+ "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& 'r"e "th .e/"t"6ate
ae&da&t3 the har"&/ %'.d be %&e-ha.+ 
•  @he hare %+ the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& are t% be • Whe& there are "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d &%
ta?e& %&.y +r%6 the ha.+3 h"h " the +ree p%rt"%& .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 the .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t
"&her"t ha.+ "& "&tetate 'e"%&
ARTICLE =<! I& ae %+ the death %+ a& ad%pted h".d3 • Whe& there are .e/"t"6ate h".dre&3
.ea"&/ &% h".dre& %r dee&da&t3 h" pare&t a&d"e .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t are e.'ded
by %&a&/'"&"ty a&d &%t by ad%pt"%&3 ha.. be h" .e/a. he"r$
• ,.th%'/h "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& are p.aed = rd "&
the %rder %+ "&tetate 'e"%&3 the pree&e %+
the .e/"t"6ate dee&da&t a&d ae&da&t d%e
•  @he ad%pted h".d ha.. be%6e the .e/a. he"r %+
h" ad%pt"e pare&t a&d ha.. a.% re6a"& the .e/a. &%t e.'de the6$ @hey are %&'rr"&/ "&tetate
he"r %+ h" &at'ra. pare&t
• I& ae %+ the death %+ the ad%pted h".d3 h" DENER, RUE +%r a.. ae %+ P,R@I, IN@ES@,CY:
pare&t a&d"e by &at're3 a&d &%t by Char/e the .e/a"e t% the "&tetate hare %+
ad%pt"%&3 ha.. be h" .e/a. he"r th%e /"e& by .a %& "&tetate 'e"%& 6%re tha&
the"r repet"e .e/"t"6e3 "th%'t "6pa"r"&/ a"d
SU"SECTION - .e/"t"6e$ #%re%er3 the har/"&/ 6't be
Ascen%in/ 9irec Line pr%p%rt"%&ate t% the a6%'&t "& the "&tetate hare
%er a&d ab%e that /"e& by .a a .e/"t"6e$
ARTICLE =<! I& de+a'.t %+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d
dee&da&t %+ the deeaed3 h" pare&t a&d ae&da&t ARTICLE ==-$ ,& "..e/"t"6ate h".d ha &% r"/ht t% "&her"t
ha.. "&her"t +r%6 h"63 t% the e.'"%& %+ %..atera."e$ ab "&tetat% +r%6 the .e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d"e %+ h"
(9=a) +ather %r 6%ther1 &%r ha.. 'h h".dre& %r"e "&her"t
"& the a6e 6a&&er +r%6 the "..e/"t"6ate h".d$ (94=a)

Pare&t a&d ae&da&t re+erred t% "& th"
art".e h%'.d be .e/"t"6ate • ,rt".e 992 " the Princi.le o# A4solue
Se.araion  "th the .e/"t"6ate +a6".y a&d the
ARTICLE =<8!  @he +ather a&d 6%ther3 "+ .""&/3 ha.. "&her"t "..e/"t"6ate +a6".y$ @here " Re"pr%a.
"& e7'a. hare$ pr%h"b"t"%&$ @h" " pr%h"b"t"%& " a.% a..ed the
Sh%'.d %&e %&.y %+ the6 'r"e3 he %r he ha.. 'eed
t% the e&t"re etate %+ the h".d$ (9=B)
• I+ the per%& t% be repree&ted " a&
ARTICLE =<7! I& de+a'.t %+ the +ather a&d 6%ther3 the
IEDI@I#,@E3 he a& be repree&ted by h"
ae&da&t &earet "& de/ree ha.. "&her"t$ .e/"t"6ate a&d "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&
Sh%'.d there be 6%re tha& %&e %+ e7'a. de/ree be.%&/"&/ • I+ the per%& t% repree&ted " a EDI@I#,@E
t% the a6e ."&e they ha.. d""de the "&her"ta&e per ap"ta1 h".d3 he a& %&.y be repree&ted by h" %&
h%'.d they be %+ d"++ere&t ."&e b't %+ e7'a. de/ree3 %&e-ha.+ .e/"t"6ate h".dre& 47/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

5. r%ther * "ter 'bet t% ,rt".e 992$

Aricles =?-( =<= & Aricle ==- (I..e/"t"6ate br%ther * "ter a&&%t "&her"t
==- +r%6 h"6)
De&era. R'.e: @hee Eept"%&: Ee& "+
pea? %+ the 'e"%&a. "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& hae
6. Nephe * &"ee 'bet t% ,rt".e 9921
r"/ht %+ "..e/"t"6ate the r"/ht t% 'eed +r%6 7. C%..atera."e 'p t% the th  de/ree
h".dre& h"h r"/ht are the"r pare&t they a&&%t 'bet t% ,rt".e 992
tra&6"tted t% the"r "&her"t +r%6 the 8$ @he State$
dee&da&t 'p%& the"r RE,@IVE %+ the"r
death hether .e/"t"6ate pare&t$ • e/"t"6ate h".dre& e.'de the pare&t3
%r "..e/"t"6ate$ br%ther * "ter3 &ephe * &"ee a&d %ther
Ta4le o# Inesae S$ares2
• e/"t"6ate h".dre& %&'r "th the p%'e
I..e/"t"6ate Ch".dre& <  I..e/"t"6ate Ch".d a.%&e < • I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %&'r "th the p%'e
S'r""&/ Sp%'e <  , • I..e/"t"6ate e.'de br%ther * "ter3
I..e/"t"6ate Ch".dre& <  e/"t"6ate Pare&t ,.%&e &ephe * &"ee %+ the deeaed
S'r""&/ p%'e <  < ,.. • Pare&t a.% e.'de the br%ther * "ter3
e/"t"6ate Pare&t <  &ephe * &"ee a&d %ther %..atera."e
I..e/"t"6ate Ch".dre& -  I..e/"t"6ate Pare&t ,.%&e • Pare&t %&'r "th the 'r""&/ p%'e
e/"t"6ate Pare&t <  < ,.. • S'r""&/ p%'e %&'r "th the br%ther *
S'r""&/ Pare&t< < S'r""&/ Sp%'e ,.%&e -
,.. "ter %r &ephe * &"ee %+ the deeaed
I..e/"t"6ate Pare&t <  e/"t"6ate Ch".d ,.%&e < SU"SECTION 
S'r""&/ Sp%'e <  ,.. Survivin/ S.ouse
S'r""&/ p%'e <  ; e/"t"6ate Ch".d < 
r%ther * &"ee3 S'r""&/ p%'e <  ARTICLE ==$ I& the abe&e %+ .e/"t"6ate dee&da&t
&ephe * &"ee <  a&d ae&da&t3 a&d "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d the"r
2 %r 6%re .e/"t"6ate h".d dee&da&t3 hether .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate3 the
'r""&/ p%'e ha.. "&her"t the e&t"re etate3 "th%'t
) pre'd"e t% the r"/ht %+ br%ther a&d "ter3 &ephe a&d
S'r""&/ p%'e ) &"ee3 h%'.d there be a&y3 '&der ,rt".e ;00;$ (94Ba)
&"der p%'e a ; ARTICLE ==8! I+ a "d% %r "d%er a&d .e/"t"6ate
.e/"t"6ate h".d a&d h".dre& %r dee&da&t are .e+t3 the 'r""&/ p%'e ha "&
d""de etate by t%ta. the 'e"%& the a6e hare a that %+ eah %+ the
&'6ber h".dre&$ (8=4a)

ARTICLE ==0! I+ a& "..e/"t"6ate h".d h%'.d d"e "th%'t • ,rt".e 99B pea? %+ Lh".dre&M3 a&d d%e &%t
"'e3 e"ther .e/"t"6ate %r "..e/"t"6ate3 h" +ather %r 6%ther epre.y pr%"de +%r a ae he& there " %&.y
ha.. 'eed t% h" e&t"re etate1 a&d "+ the h".dK +"."at"%& " %&e .e/"t"6ate h".d3 '&."?e "& the ae %+ the
d'.y pr%ed a t% b%th pare&t3 h% are b%th .""&/3 they ha..
"&her"t +r%6 h"6 hare a&d hare a."?e$ (944a)
• I+ there " %&.y %&e .e/"t"6ate h".d %&'rr"&/
"th the 'r""&/ p%'e a&d there are &% %ther
ARTICLE ==! I& de+a'.t %+ the +ather %r 6%ther3 a&"e3 b%th ".. /et e7'a. "&tetate hare3 "&
"..e/"t"6ate h".d ha.. be 'eeded by h" %r her 'r""&/
p%'e3 h% ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% the e&t"re etate$ a%rda&e "th the .ear "&te&t %+ the .a t%
I+ the "d% %r "d%er h%'.d 'r"e "th br%ther a&d %&"der the p%'e a a h".d
"ter3 &ephe a&d &"ee3 he %r he ha.. "&her"t %&e-ha.+ %+
the etate3 a&d the .atter the %ther ha.+$ (94a) ARTICLE ==7! Whe& the "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th
.e/"t"6ate pare&t %r ae&da&t3 the 'r""&/ p%'e ha..
Heirs o# $e ILLEGITI,ATE CHIL92 be e&t"t.ed t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the etate3 a&d the .e/"t"6ate

1. e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d %ther .e/"t"6ate pare&t %r ae&da&t t% the %ther ha.+$ (8=Ba)
dee&da&t ARTICLE ==<! I+ a "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th
2$ I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d %ther dee&da&t "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 'h "d% %r "d%er ha.. be
=$ I..e/"t"6ate pare&t1 ( N: ,& "..e/"t"6ate h".d e&t"t.ed t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the "&her"ta&e3 a&d the "..e/"t"6ate
ha &% .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t) h".dre& %r the"r dee&da&t3 hether .e/"t"6ate %r
4$ S'r""&/ p%'e "..e/"t"6ate3 t% the %ther ha.+$ (&)
$ I..e/"t"6ate br%ther a&d "ter 'bet t%
art".e 9921 ARTICLE ===! Whe& the "d% %r "d%er 'r"e "th
B$ Nephe * &"ee 'bet t% r'.e "& art".e 992 .e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r the"r dee&da&t a&d "..e/"t"6ate
(bea'e &ephe * &"ee h% are .e/"t"6ate h".dre& %r the"r dee&da&t3 hether .e/"t"6ate %r
a&&%t "&her"t +r%6 the "..e/"t"6ate h".d$) "..e/"t"6ate3 'h "d% %r "d%er ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% the
a6e hare a that %+ a .e/"t"6ate h".d$ (&)
7. Other %..atera."e 'p t% the  th  "".
de/ree %+ %&a&/'"&"ty ARTICLE 1???! I+ .e/"t"6ate ae&da&t3 the 'r""&/
8$ @he State p%'e3 a&d "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& are .e+t3 the ae&da&t
ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the "&her"ta&e3 a&d the %ther
ha.+ ha.. be d""ded betee& the 'r""&/ p%'e a&d the
Heirs o# $e LEGITI,ATE CHIL92 "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& % that 'h "d% %r "d%er ha..
hae %&e-+%'rth %+ the etate3 a&d the "..e/"t"6ate h".dre&
1. e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d he"r .e/"t"6ate the %ther +%'rth$ (84;a)
2$ e/"t"6ate pare&t a&d %ther .e/"t"6ate
ARTICLE 1??1! Sh%'.d br%ther a&d "ter %r the"r
ae&da&t h".dre& 'r"e "th the "d% %r "d%er3 the .atter ha..
3. I..e/"t"6ate h".dre& a&d the"r dee&da&t be e&t"t.ed t% %&e-ha.+ %+ the "&her"ta&e a&d the br%ther
a&d "ter %r the"r h".dre& t% the %ther ha.+$ (9=3 8=Fa)
4. S'r""&/ p%'e3 "th%'t pre'd"e t% the
r"/ht %+ br%ther * "ter3 &ephe * &"ee
h%'.d there be a&y 48/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
• r%ther a&d "ter d% &%t %&'r "th
re%/&"!ed "..e/"t"6ate h".dre& %+ the deeaed$ I& ARTICLE 1??7$ I& ae br%ther a&d "ter %+ the ha.+
+at3 the +%r6er are e.'ded by the .atter$ b.%%d3 %6e %& the +atherK a&d %6e %& the 6%therK "de3
are the %&.y 'r"%r3 a.. ha.. "&her"t "& e7'a. hare
"th%'t d"t"&t"%& a t% the %r"/"& %+ the pr%perty$ (90)
ARTICLE 1??-! I& ae %+ a .e/a. eparat"%&3 "+ the 'r""&/
p%'e /ae a'e +%r the eparat"%&3 he %r he ha.. &%t hae
a&y %+ the r"/ht /ra&ted "& the preed"&/ art".e$ (&) ARTICLE 1??<$ Ch".dre& %+ br%ther a&d "ter %+ the ha.+
b.%%d ha.. 'eed per ap"ta %r per t"rpe3 "& a%rda&e
"th the r'.e .a"d d%& +%r br%ther a&d "ter %+ the +'..
Rules #or SURVIVING SPOUSE2 b.%%d$ (9;)
  @he deede&t a&d the 'r""&/ p%'e 6't be
.e/a..y 6arr"ed$ ARTICLE 1??=! Sh%'.d there be &e"ther br%ther &%r
  @he 'r""&/ p%'e 6't &%t be the /'".ty "ter3 &%r h".dre& %+ br%ther %r "ter3 the %ther
party he& there " .e/a. eparat"%&$ %..atera."e ha.. 'eed t% the etate$
 @he .atter ha.. 'eed "th%'t d"t"&t"%& %+ ."&e %r
  @here 6't be a deree %+ .e/a. eparat"%&$ I+ pre+ere&e a6%&/ the6 by rea%& %+"%&h"p by the
there " &% deree3 he " &%t d"7'a."+"ed b't h%.e b.%%d$ (94a)
he a& be d""&her"ted$
 I+ there " a re%&"."at"%& betee& the • I+ the deeaed " 'r"ed by h".dre& %+ a
'r""&/ p%'e a&d the deede&t pr"%r t% the predeeaed +'.. b.%%d "ter3 a&d by h".dre& %+ a
death %+ the deede&t3 ee& "+ there " a deree predeeaed ha.+ b.%%d br%ther3 eah %+ the +"rt
%+ .e/a. eparat"%&3 the 'r""&/ p%'e " &% /r%'p /et t"e the hare %+ eah %+ the e%&d
7'a."+"ed$ /r%'p
 I& "&tetate 'e"%& there " &% "6".ar r'.e •  @he abe&e %+ br%ther3 "ter3 &ephe3
%& death "& articulo mortis. a&d &"ee %+ the deede&t " a pre%&d"t"%& %+
the %ther %..atera.
 I+ there " a 'r""&/ p%'e "th ; .e/"t"6ate
h".d a&d ; "..e/"t"6ate h".d3 there " &% 'h
ARTICLE 1?1?!  @he r"/ht t% "&her"t ab "&tetat% ha.. &%t
pr%""%& "& "&tetate 'e"%& app."ab.e "& ete&d bey%&d the +"+th de/ree %+"%&h"p "& the
th" ae$ @he r'.e "3 /"e  t% the .e/"t"6ate %..atera. ."&e$ (9a)
h".d the& the "..e/"t"6ate h".d /et  %+ the
hare %+ the .e/"t"6ate h".d (a6e a tetate
'e"%&)$ @he p%'e /et the re6a"&der •  @he collaeral relaives are the br%ther3
(h"h " ) bea'e "& tetate 'e"%& the "ter3 &ephe a&d &"ee3 a&d the '&.e a&d
p%'e /et $ a'&t a&d %'"&$
 I+ there " part"a. "&tetay3 y%' har/e the Rules #or COLLATERAL RELATIVES2
.e/ayGde"e t% the hare %+ %&e /et 6%re by

"&tetay tha& by tetay$ I& tetate3 the hare  @he &earer
+arther 'bet"e
t% the r"/ht e.'de the
%+ repree&tat"%&
%+ the p%'e %&'rr"&/ "th the pare&t " 3
h".e "& "&tetay $ , .%&/ a the .e/"t"6e %+ he& pr%per$
the 'r""&/ p%'e " &%t "6pa"red$  I+ they are a.. "& the a6e de/ree3
th%e h% are "& d"ret ."&e are pre+erred %er
SU"SECTION  th%e h% are "& the %..atera. ."&e
Collaeral Relaives  I+ b%th are "& the d"ret ."&e3 th%e
h% are "& the dee&d"&/ ."&e are +a%red %er
ARTICLE 1??0! I+ there are &% dee&da&t3 ae&da&t3 th%e h% are "& the ae&d"&/ ."&e$ @hat "
"..e/"t"6ate h".dre&3 %r a 'r""&/ p%'e3 the %..atera. hy the dee&da&t e.'de the pare&t %r"e ha.. 'eed t% the e&t"re etate %+ the deeaed "& ae&da&t$
a%rda&e "th the +%..%"&/ art".e$ (94Ba)
 I+ b%th are "& the %..atera. a&d the
a6e de/ree3 th%e h% are "& the dee&d"&/
•  @he %..atera. re+erred t% "& th" art".e are are +a%red %er th%e "& the ae&d"&/$ @hat
"&tetate3 b't &%t %6p'.%ry he"r
• ,6%&/ a"d %..atera.3 the &earer e.'de the "
thehy the *
'&.e &ephe
a'&t$ * &"ee are +a%red %er
+arther  ,.. %+ the br%ther * "ter %& the +'..
• C%..atera. a&&%t "&her"t "& the pree&e %+ b.%%d ".. "&her"t "& e7'a. hare$
dee&da&t   @h%e h% are "& the ha.+ b.%%d3 a
.%&/ a 6arr"ed3 &%t "..e/"t"6ate3 e&t"t.ed t% 
ARTICLE 1??! Sh%'.d the %&.y 'r"%r be br%ther a&d %+ the hare %+ the +'.. b.%%d$
"ter %+ the +'.. b.%%d3 they ha.. "&her"t "& e7'a. hare$
(94F)  W"th repet t% the he"r "& the
%..atera. ."&e3 the r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&
ARTICLE 1??$ Sh%'.d br%ther a&d "ter 'r"e t%/ether
ete&d %&.y t% the &ephe * &"ee (h".dre&
"th &ephe a&d &"ee3 h% are the h".dre& %+ the %+ br%ther * "ter)$
dee&da&tK br%ther a&d "ter %+ the +'.. b.%%d3 the +%r6er  Dra&d&ephe * &"ee a&d the
ha.. "&her"t per ap"ta3 a&d the .atter per t"rpe$ (948) /reat /ra&d&ephe * &"ee a& &% .%&/er

a deede&t3 "t " the"r
a +ath".dre&3
that br%ther a&d "ter
are %..atera. %+
he"r3  etee& '&.e * a'&t "--" the
&ephe * &"ee3 the &ephe * &"ee are
they are &%t /"e& a&y hare "& the "&her"ta&e "+
there " a ".. "&t"t't"&/ the "d% a the %.e he"r
%+ the etate

ARTICLE 1??8! Sh%'.d br%ther a&d "ter %+ the +'.. b.%%d

'r"e t%/ether "th br%ther a&d "ter %+ the ha.+ b.%%d3
the +%r6er ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% a hare d%'b.e that %+ the .atter$ T$e Sae
ARTICLE 1?11! I& de+a'.t %+ per%& e&t"t.ed t% 'eed "&
a%rda&e "th the pr%""%& %+ the preed"&/ Set"%&3
•  @he"e %+ the +'.. b.%%d d%e &%t e.'de the State ha.. "&her"t the h%.e etate$ (9Ba)
the"e %+ the ha.+-b.%%d 49/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
;$ @here " %&.y %&e "&her"ta&e3 de"e %r
ARTICLE 1?1-$ I& %rder that the State 6ay ta?e p%e"%& .e/ay ('&"ty %+ %bet)1
%+ the pr%perty 6e&t"%&ed "& the preed"&/ art".e3 the 2. P.'ra."ty %+ 'bet < there 6't be at .eat 2
pert"&e&t pr%""%& %+ the R'.e %+ C%'rt 6't be %bered$
%r 6%re he"r3 de"ee %+ .e/atee "&t"t'ted$
=$ @here " a aa&t p%rt"%& < 6ea&"&/3 %&e %+
the he"r3 de"e3 .e/atee "&t"t'ted a&&%t
• R'.e 9; (Eheat) %+ the R'.e %+ C%'rt ha..
be %bered 4. ,epta&e %+ the p%rt"%& ar'"&/ by the
ARTICLE 1?10! ,+ter the pay6e&t %+ debt a&d har/e3 the per%& e&t"t.ed$ (I+ there " &% aepta&e the
per%&a. pr%perty ha.. be a"/&ed t% the 6'&""pa."ty %r "ty hare ".. /% by ay %+ "&tetay$)
here the deeaed .at re"ded "& the Ph"."pp"&e3 a&d the
rea. etate t% the 6'&""pa."t"e %r "t"e3 repet"e.y3 "&
h"h the a6e " "t'ated$ •  @here " uni' o# o4ec he& t% %r 6%re
I+ the deeaed &eer re"ded "& the Ph"."pp"&e3 the h%.e per%& are a..ed t% the a6e "&her"ta&e$ @he
etate ha.. be a"/&ed t% the repet"e 6'&""pa."t"e %r pr%perty " &%t d""ded a&d the he"r3 de"ee %r
"t"e here the a6e " .%ated$ .e/atee are a..ed t% the e&t"re etate  pro
S'h etate ha.. be +%r the be&e+"t %+ p'b." h%%.3 a&d indiviso
p'b." har"tab.e "&t"t't"%& a&d e&ter3 "& 'h • I+ there " a.ready a pe"+"at"%& ( &%rth
6'&""pa."t"e %r "t"e$ @he %'rt ha.. d"tr"b'te the etate a
p%rt"%&3 %'th p%rt"%&)3 aret"%& " &%t pr%per
the repet"e &eed %+ eah be&e+""ary 6ay arra&t$
 @he %'rt3 at the "&ta&e %+ a& "&tereted party3 %r %& "t • W"th repet t% 6%&ey %r +'&/"b.e /%%d3 a
%& 6%t"%&3 6ay %rder the etab."h6e&t %+ a per6a&e&t .%&/ a the hare %+ de"ee3 .e/atee %r he"r "
tr't3 % that %&.y the "&%6e +r%6 the pr%perty ha.. be 'ed$
(9Ba) &%t ear6ar?ed3 there " t".. '&"ty %+ %bet
ARTICLE 1?18$ I& %rder that the r"/ht %+ aret"%& 6ay
• Wh".e the State at'a..y "&her"t3 t".. ta?e p.ae "& a teta6e&tary 'e"%&3 "t ha.. be
a"/&6e&t %+ the pr%pert"e t% the pr%per &eeary:
6'&""pa."t"e 6't be 6ade (;) @hat t% %r 6%re per%& be a..ed t% the a6e
•  @he .a 6a?e a d"t"&t"%& a t% hether %r "&her"ta&e3 %r t% the a6e p%rt"%& there%+3 pr% "&d""%1
&%t the deeaed re"ded "& the Ph"."pp"&e a&d
(2) @hat %&e %+ the per%& th' a..ed d"e be+%re the
tetat%r3 %r re&%'&e the "&her"ta&e3 %r be
ARTICLE 1?1! I+ a per%& .e/a..y e&t"t.ed t% the etate %+ "&apa"tated t% ree"e "t$ (982a)
the deeaed appear a&d +".e a .a"6 theret% "th the %'rt
"th"& +"e year +r%6 the date the pr%perty a de."ered t%
the State3 'h per%& ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% the p%e"%& %+ ARTICLE 1?17!  @he %rd A%&e-ha.+ +%r eahA %r A"& e7'a.
the a6e3 %r "+ %.d3 the 6'&""pa."ty %r "ty ha.. be hareA %r a&y %ther h"h3 th%'/h de"/&at"&/ a& a."7'%t
a%'&tab.e t% h"6 +%r 'h part %+ the pr%eed a 6ay &%t part3 d% &%t "de&t"+y "t by 'h der"pt"%& a ha.. 6a?e
hae bee& .a+'..y pe&t$ (&) eah he"r the e.'"e %&er %+ deter6"&ate pr%perty3 ha..
&%t e.'de the r"/ht %+ aret"%&$
I& ae %+ 6%&ey %r +'&/"b.e /%%d3 "+ the hare %+ eah
• I& the abe&e %+ , th%e "& the d"ret ."&e he"r " &%t ear6ar?ed3 there ha.. be a r"/ht %+ aret"%&$
a&d , th%e "th"& the th de/ree "& the %..atera. (98=a)
."&e3 the State 'eed
In esaenar' succession( accreion is
• CA9UCIAR> RIGHT " the r"/ht %+ the tate t%
i# $e vacanc' is cause% i# one o# $e $eirs2
;$ Predeeaed
• , .a"6 6't be +".ed "th"&  year +r%6 the
2$ I&apa"tated1
date the pr%perty a de."ered t% the State
=$ Rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e
4$ I+ the 'pe&"e %&d"t"%& " &%t +'.+"..ed
$ >a".'re t% "de&t"+y %&e part"'.ar he"r
Provisions Coon o Tesae an% Inesae
ARTICLE 1?1<! I& .e/a. 'e"%& the hare %+ the per%&
SECTION 1 h% rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e ha.. a.ay ar'e t% h"
Ri/$ o# Accreion %-he"r$ (98;)
ARTICLE 1?1! Accreion " a r"/ht by "rt'e %+ h"h3 he&
•  @h" treat %+ aret"%& "& "&tetay
t% %r 6%re per%& are a..ed t% the a6e "&her"ta&e3
de"e %r .e/ay3 the part a"/&ed t% the %&e h% re&%'&e • O&e h% re&%'&e a&&%t repree&ted
%r a&&%t ree"e h" hare3 %r h% d"ed be+%re the tetat%r3 "
added %r "&%rp%rated t% that %+ h" %-he"r3 %-de"ee3 %r ARTICLE 1?1=!  @he he"r t% h%6 the p%rt"%& /%e by the
%-.e/atee$ (&) r"/ht %+ aret"%& ta?e "t "& the a6e pr%p%rt"%& that they
"&her"t$ (&)

• ,ret"%& " baed %& the pre'6ed ".. %+ the

tetat%r that he pre+er t% /"e erta"& pr%pert"e t% • I& "&tetate 'e"%&3 aret"%& " pr%per "+
erta"& "&d""d'a. rather tha& that the pr%perty the aa&y " a'ed by rep'd"at"%& %r
ha.. /% by ay %+ "&tetay "&apa"ty ('bet t% the r"/ht %+ repree&tat"%&)
• ,ret"%& " pr%per "& b%th tetate a&d "&tetate •  @here " &% aret"%& "& "&tetate 'e"%&
'e"%& "+ the aa&y " a'ed by d""&her"ta&e
• I& tetate 'e"%&3 "t " pr%per %&.y "th
repet t% the +ree p%rt"%& ARTICLE 1?-?!  @he he"r t% h%6 the "&her"ta&e ar'e
• I& "&tetate 'e"%&3 "t " pr%per "th the ha.. 'eed t% a.. the r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& h"h the he"r
h% re&%'&ed %r %'.d &%t ree"e "t %'.d hae had$
e&t"re p%rt"%&

• @h" " the a6e "& 'btat"%&$ @he r"/ht a&d

%b."/at"%& ha.. pa t% the %ther t% h%6 the
hare ".. ar'e

Reuisies o# Accreion2 50/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

1. I+ the tetat%r epre.y pr%"de that the %ther ARTICLE 1?-8! , teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%& 6ay be 6ade
he"r ".. &%t be 'bet t% the a6e r"/ht a&d t% the State3 pr%"&e3 6'&""pa. %rp%rat"%&3 pr"ate
%rp%rat"%&3 %r/a&"!at"%&3 %r a%"at"%& +%r re."/"%'3
%b."/at"%& "e&t"+"3 '.t'ra.3 ed'at"%&a.3 %r har"tab.e p'rp%e$
2. I+ the r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& are per%&a. t% the ,.. %ther %rp%rat"%& %r e&t"t"e 6ay 'eed '&der a
he"r h%e p%rt"%& be%6e aa&t "..3 '&.e there " a pr%""%& t% the %&trary "& the"r
harter %r the .a %+ the"r reat"%&3 a&d a.ay 'bet t%
the a6e$ (F4Ba)
ARTICLE 1?-1! ,6%&/ the %6p'.%ry he"r the r"/ht %+
aret"%& ha.. ta?e p.ae %&.y he& the +ree p%rt"%& " .e+t t%
t% %r 6%re %+ the63 %r t% a&y %&e %+ the6 a&d t% a tra&/er$ •  'r"d"a. per%& "&her"t %&.y by WI
Sh%'.d the part rep'd"ated be the .e/"t"6e3 the %ther %-
he"r ha.. 'eed t% "t "& the"r %& r"/ht3 a&d &%t by the r"/ht • U&der art".e ;02B3 %6e %+ thee e&t"t"e are
%+ aret"%&$ (98) &%t 'r"d"a. per%&$ 'r"d"a. per%&a."ty "
a7'"red he& "t " re/"tered$
•  @here a& be &% aret"%& "&%+ar a the • ,rt".e ;02B /ra&t apa"ty t% 'eed ee&
.e/"t"6e " %&er&ed t% &%&-'r"d"a. per%&
• ,ret"%&3 "+ "t ta?e p.ae3 %&er& %&.y the •  @he S@,@E "&her"t by ".. %r by "&tetay by
+ree p%rt"%& "rt'e %+ "t ad'"ary r"/ht

ARTICLE 1?--! I& teta6e&tary 'e"%&3 he& the r"/ht

%+ aret"%& d%e &%t ta?e p.ae3 the aa&t p%rt"%& %+ the
"&t"t'ted he"r3 "+ &% 'bt"t'te ha bee& de"/&ated3 ha..
ARTICLE 1?-7!  @he +%..%"&/ are inca.a4le o#
pa t% the .e/a. he"r %+ the tetat%r3 h% ha.. ree"e "t "th
the a6e har/e a&d %b."/at"%&$ (98B) succee%in/:
(;) @he pr"et h% heard the %&+e"%& %+ the tetat%r
d'r"&/ h" .at "..&e3 %r the 6"&"ter %+ the /%pe. h%
•  @h" "..'trate the %rder %+ pre+ere&e (ISRAI) ete&ded p"r"t'a. a"d t% h"6 d'r"&/ the a6e per"%d1
(2) @he"e %+ 'h pr"et %r 6"&"ter %+ the /%pe.
"th"& the +%'rth de/ree3 the h'rh3 %rder3 hapter3
ARTICLE 1?-0! ,ret"%& ha.. a.% ta?e p.ae a6%&/ %66'&"ty3 %r/a&"!at"%&3 %r "&t"t't"%& t% h"h 'h
de"ee3 .e/atee a&d ''+r't'ar"e '&der the a6e pr"et %r 6"&"ter 6ay be.%&/1
%&d"t"%& etab."hed +%r he"r$ (98Fa) (=) , /'ard"a& "th repet t% teta6e&tary d"p%"t"%&
/"e& by a ard "& h" +a%r be+%re the +"&a. a%'&t
SECTION - %+ the /'ard"a&h"p hae bee& appr%ed3 ee& "+ the
Ca.aci' o Succee% 4' Will or 4' Inesac' tetat%r h%'.d d"e a+ter the appr%a. there%+1
&eerthe.e3 a&y pr%""%& 6ade by the ard "& +a%r
ARTICLE 1?-! Per%& &%t "&apa"tated by .a 6ay
%+ the /'ard"a& he& the .atter " h" ae&da&t3
dee&da&t3 br%ther3 "ter3 %r p%'e3 ha.. be a."d1
'eed by ".. %r ab "&tetat%$
 @he pr%""%&"&/ t% "&apa"ty by ".. are e7'a..y (4) ,&y attet"&/ "t&e t% the ee't"%& %+ a "..3 the
p%'e3 pare&t3 %r h".dre&3 %r a&y %&e .a"6"&/ '&der
app."ab.e t% "&tetate 'e"%&$ (F443 9;4) 'h "t&e3 p%'e3 pare&t3 %r h".dre&1
() ,&y phy""a&3 'r/e%&3 &'re3 %++"er %r dr'//"t
• CAPACIT> TO SUCCEE9  " the ab"."ty t% h% t%%? are %+ the tetat%r d'r"&/ h" .at "..&e1
"&her"t a&d reta"& pr%perty %bta"&ed 6%rt" a'a a
(B) I&d""d'a.3 a%"at"%& a&d %rp%rat"%& &%t per6"tted
• Capa"ty t% 'eed " /%er&ed by the .a %+ by .a t% "&her"t$ (F43 F23 F=3 F4a)
the &at"%& %+ the deede&t
1! Pries or ,iniser
"ar Juesion2 W$a aers are /overne% 4' $e
naional la: o# $e %ece%en  t% a+e/'ard the r"/ht %+ the he"r h% 6ay
U&der ,rt".e ;: be de+ra'ded by the "&"ter a&d '&d'e
;$ @he %rder %+ 'e"%& "&+.'e&e h"h 6ay be eer"ed by %6e
2.  @he a6%'&t %+ 'e"%&a. r"/ht pr"et a&d 6"&"ter %er a dy"&/ 6a&
  @he ".. 6't be 6ade 5URIND @HE ,S@
3.  @he "&tr"&" a."d"ty %+ the teta6e&tary INESS %+ the tetat%r
4.  @he apa"ty t% 'eed$  ,S@ INESS 6ea& the "..&e %+ h"h the
tetat%r d"e %r the "..&e h"h "66ed"ate.y
preeded the death %+ the tetat%r
ARTICLE 1?-! I& %rder t% be apa"tated t% "&her"t3 the
  @he ".. 6't be 6ade ,>@ER the %&+e"%&
he"r3 de"ee %r .e/atee 6't be .""&/ at the 6%6e&t the
'e"%& %pe&3 eept "& ae %+ repree&tat"%&3 he& "t "   @he pr"et 6't hear the %&+e"%&$ I+ he
pr%per$ 6ere.y ete&d p"r"t'a. a"d3 that " &%t
, h".d a.ready %&e"ed at the t"6e %+ the death %+ the %&"dered a %&+e"%&$ U@ "th repet
deede&t " apab.e %+ 'eed"&/ pr%"ded "t be b%r& .ater t% the 6"&"ter3 the /""&/ %+ p"r"t'a. a"d
'&der the %&d"t"%& prer"bed "& art".e 4;$ (&)
d"7'a."+"e the 6"&"ter$
 It d%e &%t 6atter hether the "..&e " .%&/3
• Nat'ra. per%& 6't be .""&/ ,@ @HE @I#E ."&/er"&/ %r h%rt a .%&/ a there " /reat
that the 'e"%& %pe& %r ,@ @HE @I#E O> @HE p%"b"."ty %+ death
  @he d"7'a."+"at"%& '&der th" para/raph

't the
%&e"ed %rd 4;)$
(,rt".e L.""&/M "&.'deh".d
, %&e"ed th%e at .eat
" dee6ed d%e &%t ete&d h"h
a&d d"p%"t"%& t% thed%.e/"t"6e3 "&tetay
&%t ete&d t% a
t% hae ."e +r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ the %6p.ete teta6e&tary be&e+"t
eparat"%& +r%6 6%ther %6b$ -! Relaives o# suc$ .ries or iniser :i$in
• 't "+ the h".d ha a& "&tra-'ter"&e ."+e ESS $e $ %e/ree( $e c$urc$( or/aniaion( ec!
 @H,N F #ON@HS3 he h%'.d be %&"dered a."e "+ 0! Guar%ians
the h".d d%e &%t d"e WI@HIN 24 HOURS$   @h" re+er t% b%th t% /'ard"a& %er the
• I& repree&tat"%&3 the repree&tat"e 6't a.% pr%perty a&d /'ard"a& %+ the per%&
be .""&/ %r at .eat %&e"ed at the 6%6e&t the  , .%&/ a the +"&a. a%'&t ha &%t bee&
'e"%& %pe& appr%ed3 the /'ard"a& " pr%h"b"ted +r%6
be"&/ a& he"r3 .e/ateeGde"ee %+ the tetat%r 51/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

 What " "6p%rta&t " that at the t"6e %+ the B$ N% p.ae " pe"+"ed %r date " +"ed +%r the
6a?"&/ %+ the "..3 the +"&a. a%'&t hae &%t prayer
bee& appr%ed$ It d%e &%t 6atter that he " &%
.%&/er the /'ard"a& at the t"6e %+ death$ ARTICLE 1?0?!  @eta6e&tary pr%""%& "& +a%r %+ the
p%%r "& /e&era.3 "th%'t de"/&at"%& %+ part"'.ar per%& %r
  @he pr%h"b"t"%& %&.y app."e he& the %+ a&y %66'&"ty3 ha.. be dee6ed ."6"ted t% the p%%r
"&t"t't"%& " d'r"&/ the 'b"te&e %+ the .""&/ "& the d%6"".e %+ the tetat%r at the t"6e %+ h" death3
'&.e "t h%'.d .ear.y appear that h" "&te&t"%& a
a%'&t pr"%r t% the appr%a. %+ the +"&a. %ther"e$
 @he de"/&at"%& %+ the per%& h% are t% be
 U&."?e the pr"et3 the"e (p%'e3 %&"dered a p%%r a&d the d"tr"b't"%& %+ the pr%perty ha..
ae&da&t3 dee&da&t3 br%ther %r "ter) are be 6ade by the per%& app%"&ted by the tetat%r +%r the
&%t d"7'a."+"ed3 >%r the pr"et 'p t% the 4th p'rp%e1 "& de+a'.t %+ 'h per%&3 by the ee't%r3 a&d
de/ree they are d"7'a."+"ed$ h%'.d there be &% ee't%r3 by the 't"e %+ the peae3 the
6ay%r3 a&d the 6'&""pa. trea'rer3 h% ha.. de"de by a
! Aesin/ :inesses
6a%r"ty %+ %te a.. 7'et"%& that 6ay ar"e$ I& a.. thee
 I+ y%' /"e a .e/ay %r de"e %&.y3 the .e/ay ae3 the appr%a. %+ the C%'rt %+ >"rt I&ta&e ha.. be
%r de"e " %"d b't the "t&e " t".. 7'a."+"ed &eeary$
 @he preed"&/ para/raph ha.. app.y he& the tetat%r
 't app.y"&/ ,rt".e 82=3 "+ there are = %ther ha d"p%ed %+ h" pr%perty "& +a%r %+ the p%%r %+ a de+"&"te
"t&ee h% are %6pete&t3 the& the "t&e .%a."ty$ (F49a)
t% h%6 the .e/ay %r de"e " /"e& "
apa"tated t% "&her"t
! P$'sicians( sur/eons( ec •  @h" " %is.osiion in #avor o# $e .oor
  @he ".. 6't be 6ade 5URIND the ,S@ •  @h" re+er %&.y t% the p%%r .""&/ "& the
INESS a&d ,>@ER @HE C,RE had %66e&ed d%6"".e %+ the tetat%r at the t"6e %+ h" death3
  @he d"7'a."+"at"%& d%e &%t app.y "+ the '&.e the tetat%r ha pr%"ded %ther"e
phy""a& %r &'re " a %6p'.%ry he"r •  @he "&t"t't"%& " +%r the p%%r "& /e&era.$
8! In%ivi%uals( associaions an% cor.oraions no • Whe& the tetat%r ay a p%%r %+ a de+"&"te
.erie% 4' la: o in$eri .%a."ty3 the& the p%%r "& that p.ae$
• I&a&e per%& hae &% teta6e&tary
• ,rt".e ;02F t".. app."e ee& "+ "t " pr%ed that apa"ty
there a &% '&d'e "&+.'e&e %& the part %+ the
pr"et3 /'ard"a&3 %r phy""a& • 't "th repet t% be"&/ he"r3 "&a&e
per%& are apa"tated
• ,rt".e ;02F pr%"de +%r a %&.'"e
• I&apa"ty h%'.d be %&tr'ed tr"t.y
pre'6pt"%&$ e"&/ %&.'"e3 y%' a&&%t pree&t
%&tr%ert"&/ e"de&e W$o :ill %esi/nae $e .ersons :$o are
ARTICLE 1?-<!  @he pr%h"b"t"%& 6e&t"%&ed "& art".e F=93 consi%ere% .oor de"/&ated by the tetat%r1
;$ @he per%&
%&er&"&/ d%&at"%& "&ter "% ha.. app.y t% teta6e&tary
pr%""%&$ (&)
2$ @he ee't%r1
=$ @hree pe%p.e by 6a%r"ty %te
•  @h" " "&apa"ty by rea%& %+ p'b." 6%ra."ty
)in%s o# Inca.aci'
A..l'in/ $e la: on succession( $e #ollo:in/ ;$ ,SOU@E INC,P,CI@Y < Y%' a&&%t "&her"t +r%6
%onaions s$all 4e voi%2 a&yb%dy '&der a&y "r'6ta&e$
;$ Whe& the tetat%r a&d the re"p"e&t are 2$ RE,@IVE INC,P,CI@Y < Y%' a& "&her"t %&.y +r%6
/'".ty %+ ad'.tery %r %&'b"&a/e erta"& per%& %r a& %&.y "&her"t erta"& pr%pert"e
2$ Whe& the tetat%r a&d the re"p"e&t are '&der erta"& "r'6ta&e$
/'".ty %+ the a6e r"6"&a. %++e&e "& %&"derat"%&
there%+  Classes un%er A4solue Inca.aci'
=$ @h%e 6ade by the tetat%r t% a p'b." ;$ ,rt".e ;02B .at para/raph :  1,.. %ther
%++"er3 %r h" "+e3 dee&da&t a&d ae&da&t by %rp%rat"%& %r e&t"t"e 6ay 'eed '&der a "..3
rea%& %+ h" %++"e '&.e there " a pr%""%& t% the %&trary "&
the"r harter %r the .a %+ the"r reat"%&3 a&d
ARTICLE 1?-=! Sh%'.d the tetat%r d"p%e %+ the h%.e %r a.ay 'bet t% the a6e$M
part %+ h" pr%perty +%r prayer a&d p"%' %r? +%r the be&e+"t
2$ ,rt".e ;02F para/raph B : LI&d""d'a.3
%+ h" %'.3 "& /e&era. ter6 a&d "th%'t pe"+y"&/ "t
app."at"%&3 the ee't%r3 "th the %'rtK appr%a. ha.. a%"at"%& a&d %rp%rat"%& &%t per6"tted by
de."er %&e-ha.+ there%+ %r "t pr%eed t% the h'rh %r .a t% "&her"t$M
de&%6"&at"%& t% h"h the tetat%r 6ay be.%&/3 t% be 'ed +%r =$ @h%e h% .a? 'r"d"a. per%&a."ty
'h prayer a&d p"%' %r?3 a&d the %ther ha.+ t% the State3
+%r the p'rp%e 6e&t"%&ed "& art".e ;0;=$ (F4Fa) Classes un%er Relaive Inca.aci'
;$ ,rt".e ;02F: I&apa"ty by rea%& %+ p%"b.e
• ,rt".e ;029 " %66%&.y a..ed the '&d'e "&+.'e&e
Insiuion o# $e Soul $ @he %'. " %&"dered a 2. ,rt".e ;02F para/raph ;-: I&apa"ty by
a& e&t"ty h"h d%e &%t hae a 'r"d"a. rea%& %+ p'b." p%."y
per%&a."ty b't 6ay %ther"e "&her"t =$ ,rt".e ;028 I&apa"ty by rea%& %+ p'b."
p%."y a&d 6%ra."ty
Reuisies #or $e insiuion o# $e soul2 4$ ,rt".e ;0=2: I&apa"ty by rea%& %+
1.  @he d"p%"t"%& 6't be +%r prayer a&d p"%' '&%rth"&e$
ARTICLE 1?01! , teta6e&tary pr%""%& "& +a%r %+ a
2.  @he prayer a&d p"%' %r? 6't +%r the d"7'a."+"ed per%&3 ee& th%'/h 6ade '&der the /'"e %+
be&e+"t %+ the tetat%r %'. a& %&er%' %&trat3 %r 6ade thr%'/h a& "&ter6ed"ary3 ha..
3.  @he d"p%"t"%& 6't be "& /e&era. ter6 be %"d$ (F)
4$ It d%e &%t pe"+y the app."at"%&
5. N% part"'.ar per%& " har/ed "th the d'ty %+ •  @h" art".e app."e %&.y t% "&apa"ty by
/""&/ the 6%&ey %r pr%perty rea%& %+ p%"b.e "&+.'e&e a&d I&apa"ty by 52/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
rea%& %+ p'b." 6%ra."ty$ W"th repet t% .e/"t"6e a&d a e.. t% the +ree p%rt"%&$ 't
"&apa"ty by rea%& %+ '&%rth"&e3 ,rt".e ;0=; the "&apa"tated he"r a& be repree&ted$
".. &%t app.y
ARTICLE 1?00!  @he a'e %+ '&%rth"&e ha.. be
ARTICLE 1?0-!  @he +%..%"&/ are "&apab.e %+ 'eed"&/ by "th%'t e++et "+ the tetat%r had ?&%.ed/e there%+ at the
rea%& %+ '&%rth"&e: t"6e he 6ade the "..3 %r "+3 ha"&/ ?&%& %+ the6
(;) Pare&t h% hae aba&d%&ed the"r h".dre& %r "&d'ed 'be7'e&t.y3 he h%'.d %&d%&e the6 "& r"t"&/$ (FFa)
the"r da'/hter t% .ead a %rr'pt %r "66%ra. ."+e3 %r
atte6pted a/a"&t the"r "rt'e1
(2) ,&y per%& h% ha bee& %&"ted %+ a& atte6pt a/a"&t •  @h" art".e ta.? ab%'t P,R5ON OR
the ."+e %+ the tetat%r3 h" %r her p%'e3 dee&da&t3 %r CON5ON,@ION
(=) ,&y per%& h% ha a'ed the tetat%r %+ a r"6e +%r Con%onaion D Par%on Reconciliaion
h"h the .a prer"be "6pr"%&6e&t +%r " year %r It " the '&".atera. %+ the It " a b".atera. at$ @here
6%re3 "+ the a'at"%& ha bee& +%'&d /r%'&d.e1
tetat%r$ 6't be +%r/"e&e a&d
(4) ,&y he"r %+ +'.. a/e h%3 ha"&/ ?&%.ed/e %+ the "%.e&t
death %+ the tetat%r3 h%'.d +a". t% rep%rt "t t% a& %++"er %+ the the he"r 6't aept$
.a "th"& a 6%&th3 '&.e the a'th%r"t"e hae a.ready
ta?e& at"%&1 th" pr%h"b"t"%& ha.. &%t app.y t% ae Rules #or Con%onaion2
here"&3 a%rd"&/ t% .a3 there " &% %b."/at"%& t%
• I+ the tetat%r a.ready ?&e the a'e %+ the
6a?e a& a'at"%&1
() ,&y per%& %&"ted %+ ad'.tery %r %&'b"&a/e "th the '&%rth"&e at the t"6e %+ 6a?"&/ the "..
p%'e %+ the tetat%r1 b't t".. he pr%"de %6eth"&/ +%r that
(B) ,&y per%& h% by +ra'd3 "%.e&e3 "&t"6"dat"%&3 %r '&d'e '&%rthy he"r "& the "..3 there " &% a&
"&+.'e&e h%'.d a'e the tetat%r t% 6a?e a ".. %r t% I,PLIE9 CON9ONATION$
ha&/e %&e a.ready 6ade1 •  @he ".. "& h"h the "6p."ed %&d%&at"%& "
(F) ,&y per%& h% by the a6e 6ea& pree&t a&%ther 6ade 6't be a."d a&d "t 6't &%t be
+r%6 6a?"&/ a "..3 %r +r%6 re%?"&/ %&e a.ready 6ade3 %r
re%?ed "& %rder that there " "6p."ed
h% 'pp.a&t3 %&ea.3 %r a.ter the .atterK "..1
(8) ,&y per%& h% +a."+"e %r +%r/e a 'pp%ed ".. %+ the %&d%&at"%& bea'e "6p."ed %&d%&at"%& "
deede&t$ (FB3 BF=3 BF4a) depe&de&t %& the "..$
• I+ ?&%.ed/e %6e %&.y ,>@ER the ee't"%&
*nd paragraph: Any person who has been convicted of %+ the "..3 %&d%&at"%& 6't be "& r"t"&/$
an attempt against the life of the testator his or her  @h" " EBPRESS CON9ONATION
spouse descendants or ascendants
• I+ the a'e +%r '&%rth"&e " a.% a /r%'&d
  @he "&apa"ty 6't be 6ea'red ,@ @HE @I#E
+%r d""&her"ta&e3 the r'.e %& d""&her"ta&e
%+ death %+ the tetat%r app."e$ @h'3 re%&"."at"%& " e&%'/h$ @here
 S'h per%& " &%t "&apa"tated "+ the atte6pt " &% re7'"re6e&t that the tetat%r h%'.d
a/a"&t the "+e %+ the tetat%r a 6ade a+ter %&d%&e "t "& r"t"&/$ 't "+ there " &%
the death %+ the tetat%r d""&her"ta&e a&d there " %&.y at %+
+th  paragraph: Any heir of full age who having '&%rth"&e3 "+ the tetat%r ?&e %+ the at
,nowledge of the violent death of the testator should %&.y a+ter the ee't"%& %+ the "..3 there ha
fail to report it to an officer of the law within a month t% be %&d%&at"%& "& r"t"&/$
unless the authorities have already ta,en action2 this •  @he %&.y "&ta&e here"& a& "&apa"tated
 prohibition shall not apply to cases wherein according he"r " ret%red t% apa"ty by the 6ere at %+
to law there is no obligation to ma,e an accusation re%&"."at"%& " he& there " a deree %+
 ;8 year %.d " the .e/a. a/e b't 2; " the +'.. .e/a. eparat"%& the /'".ty p%'e be%6e
a/e "&apa"tated$ 't he& there " 'be7'e&t
 5eath 6't be "%.e&t$ It 6't be a'ed by a re%&"."at"%& the deree ha.. be et a"de
r"6e a&d the p%'e ".. &% be ret%red t%
 U&der the .at e&te&e3 para/raph 4 app."e apa"ty$
%&.y he& there " a& %b."/at"%& t% 6a?e a&
a'at"%& b't there " &% .a "& the Ph"."pp"&e ARTICLE 1?0! I& %rder t% 'd/e the apa"ty %+ the he"r3
h"h %b."/e a&y%&e t% 6a?e a& a'at"%& de"ee %r .e/atee3
%+ the deede&t ha..h"
be7'a."+"at"%& at the t"6e %+ the death
the r"ter"%&$
bea'e "& r"6"&a. ae3 "t " Pe%p.e %+ the
I& ae +a.."&/ '&der N%$ 23 =3 %r  %+ art".e ;0=23 "t
Ph"."pp"&e er' the r"6"&a.$ It " the State ha.. be &eeary t% a"t '&t". +"&a. 'd/6e&t " re&dered3
h"h pr%e'te$ , %+ the pree&t3 para/raph a&d "& the ae +a.."&/ '&der N%$ 43 the ep"rat"%& %+ the
4 ha &% app."at"%&$ 6%&th a..%ed +%r the rep%rt$
-th  paragraph: Any persons convicted or adultery or I+ the "&t"t't"%&3 de"e %r .e/ay h%'.d be %&d"t"%&a.3
concubinage with the spouse of the testator  the t"6e %+ the %6p."a&e "th the %&d"t"%& ha.. a.% be
%&"dered$ (F8a)
  @he per%& %&"ted " the %&e "&apa"tated3
he " the '&%rthy$ @he p%'e %+ the tetat%r
" &%t "&apa"tated %r '&%rthy$ 't the • I& ae %+ a 'pe&"e %&d"t"%&a. "&t"t't"%&3
"&+"de."ty %+ the p%'e %&t"t'te a /r%'&d +%r the he"r 6't be apa"tated O@H:
d""&her"ta&e$ I+ there " a deree %+ .e/a. ;$ ,t the t"6e %+ the tetat%r death
eparat"%&3 by .a3 the p%'e h% " /'".ty " 2$ ,t the t"6e the %&d"t"%& " +'.+"..ed
d"7'a."+"ed +r%6 "&her"t"&/$
 I+ there " &% re%&"."at"%& betee& the /'".ty ARTICLE 1?0!
"&her"ta&e I+ the
by rea%& per%& e.'ded
%+ "&apa"ty h%'.d be +r%6
a h".d the
p%'e a&d the "&&%e&t p%'e a+ter the dee&da&t %+ the deede&t a&d h%'.d hae h".dre& %r
deree %+ .e/a. eparat"%& ha bee& /ra&ted3 dee&da&t3 the .atter ha.. a7'"re h" r"/ht t% the
the deree ha.. be et a"de % the p%'e ".. .e/"t"6e$
&% be re"&tated t% 'eed t% apa"ty$  @he per%& % e.'ded ha.. &%t e&%y the ''+r't a&d
"th  !aragraph: Any person who falsifies or forges a ad6"&"trat"%& %+ the pr%perty th' "&her"ted by h" h".dre&$
supposed will of the decedent. (FB;a)
 ,rt".e ;0=2 app."e t% b%th tetate %r "&tetate
'e"%& • I& d""&her"ta&e3 "+ a per%& " d""&her"ted
 Whe& "t " the %6p'.%ry he"r h% be%6e he a& t".. be repree&ted$
'&%rthy3 the %6p'.%ry he"r .%e the
.e/"t"6e a&d a.. %ther r"/ht perta"&"&/ t% the 53/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• 't the d""&her"ted pare&t ha.. hae &% %+ the pr%perty3 r"/ht a&d %b."/at"%& h"h are
''+r't a&d ad6"&"trat"%& %+ the pr%perty tra&6"tted t% h"6 thr' the death %+ the deede&t
ree"ed by the repree&tat"e (,rt".e 92=)$ • Re.u%iaion " the at by h"h the per%&
•  @h" a6e r'.e app."e t% "&apa"ty$ @he a..ed t% 'eed t% the "&her"ta&e 6a&"+et h"
"&apa"tated he"r a& t".. be repree&ted b't the '&".."&/&e t% 'eed t% the a6e
"&apa"tated he"r ha &% r"/ht %+ ''+r't %r • R"/ht 6ay be a"ed pr%"ded that the

repree&tat"e$ %er the pr%perty ree"ed by the a"er " &%t
p%."y3 /%%d %&trary
't%6 t% .a3 6%ra.3
%r pre'd""a. p'b."
t% the r"/ht %+
the per%& re%/&"!ed by .a$ @h" " app."ab.e
ARTICLE 1?08! ,."e&at"%& %+ hered"tary pr%perty3 a&d at "& aepta&e a&d rep'd"at"%&$
%+ ad6"&"trat"%& per+%r6ed by the e.'ded he"r3 be+%re the • N% per%& a& be +%red t% aept the
 'd""a. %rder %+ e.'"%&3 are a."d a t% the th"rd per%& /e&er%"ty %+ a&%ther
h% ated "& /%%d +a"th1 b't the %-he"r ha.. hae a r"/ht t%
re%er da6a/e +r%6 the d"7'a."+"ed he"r$ (&) • Rep'd"at"%& a&d aepta&e are 'be7'e&t
t% the death %+ the deede&t$ 't the"r e++et
retr%at +r%6 the 6%6e&t %+ death$
•  @he '&%rth"&e 6't be de.ared by the
%'rt • I+ y%' aept %r rep'd"ate be+%re the death %+
the deede&t3 "t " %"d bea'e "t "&%.e +'t're
ARTICLE 1?07!  @he '&%rthy he"r h% " e.'ded +r%6 the "&her"ta&e$ #%re%er3 a ".. " ee&t"a..y
'e"%& ha a r"/ht t% de6a&d "&de6&"ty +%r a&y epe&e re%ab.e %3 the aepta&e %r rep'd"at"%& "
"&'rred "& the preerat"%& %+ the hered"tary pr%perty3 a&d t% pre6at're
e&+%re 'h red"t a he 6ay hae a/a"&t the etate$ (&)
DENER, RUE: ,epta&e a&d rep'd"at"%& %&e
ARTICLE 1?0<! ,&y per%& "&apab.e %+ 'e"%&3 h%3 6ade are "rre%ab.e
d"re/ard"&/ the pr%h"b"t"%& tated "& the preed"&/ art".e3 ECEP@ION: Whe& "t a 6ade thr%'/h a&y %+ the
e&tered "&t% the p%e"%& %+ the hered"tary pr%perty3 ha.. a'e that "t"ate %&e&t %r he& a& '&?&%& "..
be %b."/ed t% ret'r& "t t%/ether "th "t ae"%&$ appear$
He ha.. be ."ab.e +%r a.. the +r'"t a&d re&t he 6ay hae
ree"ed3 %r %'.d hae ree"ed thr%'/h the eer"e %+ d'e
d"."/e&e$ (FB0a) • ,epta&e 6ay be EPRESS3 @,CI@ %r
• Rep'd"at"%& be"&/ a& at %+ d"p%"t"%&3 "t
• ,rt".e ;0=F a&d ;0=8 pea? %+ the r"/ht a&d re7'"re /reater apa"ty a&d 6%re +%r6a."t"e
%b."/at"%& %+ the e.'ded '&%rthy he"r tha& aepta&e
• Rep'd"at"%& %+ hered"tary r"/ht parta?e the
ARTICLE 1?0=! Capa"ty t% 'eed " /%er&ed by the .a
%+ the &at"%& %+ the deede&t$ (&) &at're %+ d%&at"%&
• ,epta&e %+ "&her"ta&e d%e &%t 6a?e the
ARTICLE 1??!  @he at"%& +%r a de.arat"%& %+ "&apa"ty he"r per%&a..y ."ab.e +%r the debt a&d
a&d +%r the re%ery %+ the "&her"ta&e3 de"e %r .e/ay ha.. %b."/at"%& %+ the deede&t
be br%'/ht "th"& +"e year +r%6 the t"6e the d"7'a."+"ed
per%& t%%? p%e"%& there%+$ It 6ay be br%'/ht by a&y %&e • ,epta&e a&d Rep'd"at"%& 6't be
h% 6ay hae a& "&teret "& the 'e"%&$ (FB2a) ab%.'te3 th'3 &%t 'bet t% %&d"t"%&

ARTICLE 1?0! N% per%& 6ay aept %r rep'd"ate a&

•  @he at"%& +%r de.arat"%& %+ "&apa"ty a&d "&her"ta&e '&.e he " erta"& %+ the death %+ the per%&
re%ery %+ the "&her"ta&e ha.. be br%'/ht WI@HIN +r%6 h%6 he " t% "&her"t3 a&d %+ h" r"/ht t% the
 YE,RS +r%6 the t"6e the 5ISJU,I>IE5 he"r t%%? "&her"ta&e$ (99;)
p%e"%& %+ the pr%perty
• O&.y th%e h% hae a& "&teret h% ".. e"ther Reuisies2
ta&d t% /a"& %r .%e by the e.'"%& %+ the 1.  @he he"r 6't be erta"& %+ the death
"&apa"tated he"r a& br"&/ the at"%& (at'a. %r pre'6ed) %+ the deede&t
2$ @he he"r 6't be erta"& %+ h" r"/ht
SECTION 0 t% the "&her"ta&e
Acce.ance an% Re.u%iaion o# $e In$eriance =$ @he he"r 6't hae +ree d"p%a. %+
h" pr%perty
ARTICLE 1?1!  @he aepta&e %r rep'd"at"%& %+ the
"&her"ta&e " a& at h"h " p're.y %.'&tary a&d +ree$ (988) ARTICLE 1?! ,&y per%& ha"&/ the +ree d"p%a. %+ h"
pr%perty 6ay aept %r rep'd"ate a& "&her"ta&e$
,&y "&her"ta&e .e+t t% 6"&%r %r "&apa"tated per%&
• ,epta&e a&d rep'd"at"%& 6't be a +ree a&d 6ay be aepted by the"r pare&t %r /'ard"a&$ Pare&t %r
%.'&tary at /'ard"a& 6ay rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e .e+t t% the"r ard
•  @he pree&e %+ "t"ated %&e&t /"e r"e t% %&.y by 'd""a. a'th%r"!at"%&$
the"r re%ab"."ty  @he r"/ht t% aept a& "&her"ta&e .e+t t% the p%%r ha..
•  @here a& be part"a. aepta&e a&d part"a. be.%&/ t% the per%& de"/&ated by the tetat%r t%
deter6"&e the be&e+""ar"e a&d d"tr"b'te the pr%perty3 %r
rep'd"at"%& "& the"r de+a'.t3 t% th%e 6e&t"%&ed "& art".e ;0=0$ (992a)
• Ee& the .e/"t"6e 6ay be rep'd"ated "&e &%
%&e a& be %6pe..ed t% aept the /e&er%"ty %+
#INORS #"&%r a& be  @he rep'd"at"%&
ARTICLE 1?-!  @he e++et %+ the aepta&e %r rep'd"at"%&
ha.. a.ay retr%at t% the 6%6e&t %+ the death %+ the
repree&ted by the
deede&t$ (989) by the"r pare&tG/'ard"a&
pare&t %r  6't be "th
/'ard"a&  'd""a. appr%a.
• Acce.ance " the at by h"h a per%& a..ed (#"&%r h"6e.+ +%r "t t% be a."d$
t% 'eed t% the "&her"ta&e %+ a deede&t e"ther a&&%t
by ".. %r by .a 6a&"+et h" ae&t t% the ree"pt aept)
POOR ,epta&e 54/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
6't be 6ade (=) I+ he re&%'&e "t +%r a pr"e "& +a%r %+ a.. h" %-he"r
by the per%& "&d"r"6"&ate.y1 b't "+ th" re&'&"at"%& h%'.d be
de"/&ated by /rat'"t%'3 a&d the %-he"r "& h%e +a%r "t " 6ade
the tetat%r %r are th%e 'p%& h%6 the p%rt"%& re&%'&ed h%'.d
de%.e by "rt'e %+ aret"%&3 the "&her"ta&e ha..
"& h" de+a'.t3
&%t be dee6ed a aepted$ (;000)
+%..% the
%rder 6ade "&

,rt".e ;0=0$
('t"e %+ the ,rt".e$ere
:$erein ;00 e&'6erate
is aci the insances
Peae3 #ay%r3 • U&der the 2&d  para/raph3 ta?e &%te that the
#'&""pa. re&'&"at"%& 6't be "& +a%r %+ %&e %r %6e b't
 @rea'rer) &%t a..$ Whe& y%' re&%'&e "& +a%r %+ %&e %r
CORPOR,@IONSG #ay be 6ade  @he .a+'. %6e3 y%' are at'a..y h%%"&/ h% ".. ree"e$
,SSOCI,@IONSG by the .a+'. repree&tat"e  Y%' are eer""&/ d%6"&"%& %er y%'r hare a&d
EN@I@IES repree&tat"e 6ay rep'd"ate "t " a& at %+ %&erh"p$ @h'3 there " ta"t
$ "th %'rt aepta&e
PUIC O>>ICI,G #'t be "th W"th the • U&der the =rd  para/raph3 "+ y%' re&%'&e "&
ES@,ISH#EN@ the appr%a. appr%a. %+ the +a%r %+ y%'r %-he"r %+ , "&d"r"6"&ate.y b't
S %+ the /%er&6e&t y%' ere pa"d3 the& there " ta"t aepta&e
/%er&6e&t bea'e hy %'.d they pay y%' "+ y%' d% &%t
#,RRIE5 #ay aept %& #ay rep'd"ate %& the hare y%' are /""&/ t% the6$ U@ the
WO#,N her %& %& her %& p%rt"%& re&%'&ed h%'.d &%t de%.e t% the
"th%'t the "th%'t the %ther he"r h% %'.d 'eed by "rt'e %+
%&e&t %+ her %&e&t %+ her aret"%& "+ the re&'&"at"%& " /rat'"t%'$
h'ba&d h'ba&d$
5E,>-#U@E #ay aept #ay rep'd"ate ARTICLE 1?1$ @he rep'd"at"%& %+ a& "&her"ta&e ha.. be
6ade "& a p'b." %r a'the&t" "&tr'6e&t3 %r by pet"t"%&
Wh% a& read per%&a..y %r per%&a..y %r pree&ted t% the %'rt ha"&/ 'r"d"t"%& %er the
a&d r"te thr' a& a/e&t thr' a& a/e&t$ teta6e&tary %r "&tetate pr%eed"&/$ (;008)
5E,>-#U@E #'t be 6ade #'t be 6ade by
h% a&&%t read by the the /'ard"a& Ho: %o 'ou re.u%iae
%r r"te /'ard"a& "th %'rt ;$ Rep'd"at"%& by p'b." d%'6e&t
(bea'e dea+ appr%a. 2$ Whe& rep'd"at"%& " e6b%d"ed "& a& a'the&t"
6'te h% d%'6e&t
a&&%t read =$ y pet"t"%& pree&ted "& %'rt ha"&/ 'r"d"t"%&
a&d r"te ha %er the teta6e&tary %r "&tetate pr%eed"&/
&% 'r"d"a.
apa"ty) ARTICLE 1?-! I+ the he"r rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e t%
the pre'd"e %+ h" %& red"t%r3 the .atter 6ay pet"t"%&
ARTICLE 1?!  @he .a+'. repree&tat"e %+ %rp%rat"%&3 the %'rt t% a'th%r"!e the6 t% aept "t "& the &a6e %+ the
a%"at"%&3 "&t"t't"%& a&d e&t"t"e 7'a."+"ed t% a7'"re he"r$
pr%perty 6ay aept a&y "&her"ta&e .e+t t% the .atter3 b't "&  @he aepta&e ha.. be&e+"t the red"t%r %&.y t% a&
%rder t% rep'd"ate "t3 the appr%a. %+ the %'rt ha.. be ete&t '++""e&t t% %er the a6%'&t %+ the"r red"t$ @he
&eeary$ (99=a) ee3 h%'.d there be a&y3 ha.. "& &% ae perta"& t% the
re&%'&er3 b't ha.. be ad'd"ated t% the per%& t% h%63
ARTICLE 1?8! P'b." %++""a. etab."h6e&t a& &e"ther "& a%rda&e "th the r'.e etab."hed "& th" C%de3 "t 6ay
aept &%r rep'd"ate a& "&her"ta&e "th%'t the appr%a. %+ be.%&/$ (;00;)
the /%er&6e&t$ (994)
•  @he red"t%r a& aept "& beha.+ %+ the he"r
ARTICLE 1?7! , 6arr"ed %6a& %+ a/e 6ay rep'd"ate a& %&.y "+ the he"r rep'd"ate a&d the rep'd"at"%&
"&her"ta&e "th%'t the %&e&t %+ her h'ba&d$ (99a) pre'd"e the red"t%r

ARTICLE 1?<! 5ea+-6'te h% a& read a&d r"te 6ay

• 't "& that ae3 red"t%r a&&%t aept the
aept %r rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e per%&a..y %r thr%'/h a& e&t"re "&her"ta&e3 de"e G.e/ay$ O&.y the
a/e&t$ Sh%'.d they &%t be ab.e t% read a&d r"te3 the a6%'&t '++""e&t t% %er the red"t$
"&her"ta&e ha.. be aepted by the"r /'ard"a&$ @hee
/'ard"a& 6ay rep'd"ate the a6e "th 'd""a. appr%a.$ ARTICLE 1?0! I+ the he"r h%'.d d"e "th%'t ha"&/
(99Ba) aepted %r rep'd"ated the "&her"ta&e h" r"/ht ha.. be
tra&6"tted t% h" he"r$ (;00B)
ARTICLE 1?=! ,epta&e 6ay be epre %r ta"t$
,& e;.ress acce.ance  6't be 6ade "& a p'b." %r •  @he death %+ the he"r h%'.d be a+ter that %+
pr"ate d%'6e&t$ the deede&t "& %rder that ,rt".e ;0= 6ay be
, aci acce.ance  " %&e re'.t"&/ +r%6 at by h"h app."ed
the "&te&t"%& t% aept " &eear".y "6p."ed3 %r h"h %&e
%'.d hae &% r"/ht t% d% eept "& the apa"ty %+ a& he"r$
,t %+ 6ere preerat"%& %r pr%""%&a. ad6"&"trat"%& d% ARTICLE 1?! Sh%'.d there be eera. he"r a..ed t% the
&%t "6p.y a& aepta&e %+ the "&her"ta&e "+3 thr%'/h 'h "&her"ta&e3 %6e %+ the6 6ay aept a&d the %ther 6ay
at3 the t"t.e %r apa"ty %+ a& he"r ha &%t bee& a'6ed$ rep'd"ate "t$ (;00Fa)
• I+ a.. the he"r aept3 there " %-%&erh"p
•  @he at %+ 6ere preerat"%& %r ad6"&"trat"%& • I+ %&e %+ the6 rep'd"ate3 there " aret"%&
d% &%t %&t"t'te aepta&e bea'e thee at %r 'bt"t't"%& "+ there " a 'bt"t'te
are &%t at %+ d%6"&"%&
ARTICLE 1?! I+ a per%&3 h% " a..ed t% the a6e
"&her"ta&e a a& he"r by ".. a&d ab "&tetat%3 rep'd"ate
ARTICLE 1??! ,& "&her"ta&e " dee6ed aepted:
the "&her"ta&e "& h" apa"ty a a teta6e&tary he"r3 he "
(;) I+ the he"r e..3 d%&ate3 %r a"/& h" r"/ht t% a
'&dert%%d t% hae rep'd"ated "t "& b%th apa"t"e$
tra&/er3 %r t% h" %-he"r3 %r t% a&y %+ the61
(2) I+ the he"r re&%'&e the a6e3 ee& th%'/h /rat'"t%'.y3
+%r the be&e+"t %+ %&e %r 6%re %+ h" %-he"r1 55/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
Sh%'.d he rep'd"ate "t a a& "&tetate he"r3 "th%'t
?&%.ed/e %+ h" be"&/ a teta6e&tary he"r3 he 6ay t".. ARTICLE 1?8-!"%& ha.. &%t ta?e p.ae a6%&/
aept "t "& the .atter apa"ty$ (;009) %6p'.%ry he"r "+ the d%&%r h%'.d hae % epre.y
pr%"ded3 %r "+ the d%&ee h%'.d rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e3
• ,& he"r " b%th a teta6e&tary he"r a&d a& '&.e the d%&at"%& h%'.d be red'ed a "&%++""%'$ (;0=B)
"&tetate he"r
• I+ y%' re&%'&ed y%'r hare "& teta6e&tary ARTICLE 1?80! Pr%perty .e+t by ".. " &%t dee6ed 'bet
t% "%&3 "+ the tetat%r ha &%t %ther"e pr%"ded3 b't
'e"%&3 "t +%..% that y%' a.% re&%'&ed y%'r the .e/"t"6e ha.. "& a&y ae re6a"& '&"6pa"red$ (;0=F)
hare "& .e/a. 'e"%&
• I+ at the t"6e %+ y%'r be"&/ .e/a. %r "&tetate ARTICLE 1?8! Whe& /ra&dh".dre&3 h% 'r"e "th
he"r3 y%' a.ready ?&e that y%' are "&t"t'ted a the"r '&.e3 a'&t3 %r %'"&3 "&her"t +r%6 the"r
teta6e&tary he"r3 y%' are dee6ed t% hae /ra&dpare&t "& repree&tat"%& %+ the"r +ather %r 6%ther3
rep'd"ated b%th$ 't "+ at the t"6e that y%' are they ha.. br"&/ t% "%& a.. that the"r pare&t3 "+ a."e3
re&%'&"&/ y%'r be"&/ a& "&tetate %r .e/a. he"r3 %'.d hae bee& %b."/ed t% br"&/3 ee& th%'/h 'h
/ra&dh".dre& hae &%t "&her"ted the pr%perty$
y%' d% &%t ?&% that y%' are a.% "&t"t'ted he"r "&  @hey ha.. a.% br"&/ t% "%& a.. that they 6ay hae
a "..3 the& y%' are &%t dee6ed t% hae re&%'&ed ree"ed +r%6 the deede&t d'r"&/ h" ."+et"6e3 '&.e the
y%'r "&t"t't"%& "& the ".. bea'e the pre'6pt"%& tetat%r ha pr%"ded %ther"e3 "& h"h ae h" "he
" that the hare %+ the he"r "& .e/a. 'e"%& " 6't be repeted3 "+ the .e/"t"6e %+ the %-he"r " &%t
 't baed %& the pre'6ed ".. %+ the tetat%r$ pre'd"ed$ (;0=8)

ARTICLE 1?8!  @he aepta&e %r rep'd"at"%& %+ a&

"&her"ta&e3 %&e he&
"6p'/&ed3 eept 6ade3 "t "a
"rre%ab.e3 a&d a&y
6ade thr%'/h a&&%t be
%+ the Ies :$ic$ are no su4ec o collaion2
a'e that "t"ate %&e&t3 %r he& a& '&?&%& ".. appear$
1. I+ the tetat%r pr%"de that the d%&at"%& ha..
(99F) &%t be %..ated3 b't 'bet t% the r'.e that "t
h%'.d &%t "6pa"r the .e/"t"6e %+ the %ther
 ARTICLE 1?7! W"th"& th"rty day a+ter the %'rt ha "'ed
%6p'.%ry he"r
a& %rder +%r the d"tr"b't"%& %+ the etate "& a%rda&e "th 2. I+ the %6p'.%ry he"r rep'd"ated h" hare "&
the R'.e %+ C%'rt3 the he"r3 de"ee a&d .e/atee ha.. the "&her"ta&e$ @he d%&at"%& ".. &%t be
"/&"+y t% the %'rt ha"&/ 'r"d"t"%& hether they aept %r re%?ed b't "+ "t " "&%++""%'3 the he"r h%
rep'd"ate the "&her"ta&e$ rep'd"ated the "&her"ta&e ".. pay %r /"e
I+ they d% &%t d% % "th"& that t"6e3 they are dee6ed t%
hae aepted the "&her"ta&e$ (&)
ba? the a.'e t% the %ther %6p'.%ry he"r
h%e .e/"t"6e are "6pa"red$
• W"th"& =0 day3 y%' 6't "/&"+y y%'r 3.  @h%e /"e& t% %.'&tary he"r3 .e/atee a&d
aepta&e %r rep'd"at"%&$ Other"e3 the de"ee$ @he d%&at"%& /"e& t% the6 "..
pre'6pt"%& " y%' hae aepted the "&her"ta&e be har/ed t% the +ree p%rt"%&$ I+ "t "..
"6pa"r the .e/"t"6e %+ the %ther %6p'.%ry
• ,rt".e ;0F re+er t% .resue% acce.ance he"r3 "t ha t% be red'ed$ (,rt".e ;0B=)
• ,rt".e ;00 re+er t% aci acce.ance 4. Epe&e "&'rred by the pare&t "& /""&/
the"r h".dre& the pr%+e"%&a.3 %at"%&a. %r
SECTION  %ther areer (,rt".e ;0B8)
E;ecuors an% A%inisraors
5. Wedd"&/ /"+t (,rt".e ;0F0)
ARTICLE 1?<! ,.. 6atter"&/ t% the app%"&t6e&t3
p%er a&d d't"e %+ ee't%r a&d ad6"&"trat%r a&d
DENER, RUE: Epe&e "&'rred by the pare&t "&
%&er&"&/ the ad6"&"trat"%& %+ etate %+ deeaed per%& /""&/ the"r h".dre& the pr%+e"%&a.3 %at"%&a. %r
ha.. be /%er&ed by the R'.e %+ C%'rt$ (&) %ther areer " &%t har/ed t% the .e/"t"6e %+ the
%6p'.%ry he"r b't %&.y t% the +ree p%rt"%&
ARTICLE 1?=! I+ the aet %+ the etate %+ a deede&t ECEP@ION: I+ the pare&t epre.y pr%"de that "t
h"h a& be app."ed t% the pay6e&t %+ debt are &%t ha.. be har/ed t% the .e/"t"6e
'++""e&t +%r that p'rp%e3 the pr%""%& %+ art".e 22=9 t%
22; %& Pre+ere&e %+ Cred"t ha.. be %bered3 pr%"ded that ARTICLE 1?7?! Wedd"&/ /"+t by pare&t a&d ae&da&t
the epe&e re+erred t% "& art".e 22443 N%$ 83 ha.. be th%e %&"t"&/ %+ ee.ry3 .%th"&/3 a&d %'t+"t3 ha.. &%t be
"&%.ed "& the ad6"&"trat"%& %+ the deede&tK etate$ (&) red'ed a "&%++""%' eept "&%+ar a they 6ay eeed
%&e-te&th %+ the '6 h"h " d"p%ab.e by "..$ (;044)
ARTICLE 1?8?! , %rp%rat"%& %r a%"at"%& a'th%r"!ed t%
%&d't the b'"&e %+ a tr't %6pa&y "& the Ph"."pp"&e
6ay be app%"&ted a a& ee't%r3 ad6"&"trat%r3 /'ard"a& %+ •  @hee "te6 are har/ed t% the +ree p%rt"%&
a& etate3 %r tr'tee3 "& ."?e 6a&&er a a& "&d""d'a.1 b't "t b't 'bet t% the ."6"tat"%& that they h%'.d &%t
ha.. &%t be app%"&ted /'ard"a& %+ the per%& %+ a ard$ (&) eeed ;G;0 %+ the +ree p%rt"%&

SECTION  ARTICLE 1?8$ Pare&t are &%t %b."/ed t% br"&/ t%

Collaion "%& "& the "&her"ta&e %+ the"r ae&da&t a&y pr%perty
h"h 6ay hae bee& d%&ated by the .atter t% the"r
h".dre&$ (;0=9)
ARTICLE 1?81! Eery %6p'.%ry he"r3 h% 'eed "th
%ther %6p'.%ry he"r3 6't br"&/ "&t% the 6a %+ the etate
a&y pr%perty %r r"/ht h"h he 6ay hae ree"ed +r%6 the ARTICLE 1?88! Ne"ther ha.. d%&at"%& t% the p%'e %+
deede&t3 d'r"&/ the ."+et"6e %+ the .atter3 by ay %+ d%&at"%&3 the h".d be br%'/ht t% "%&1 b't "+ they hae bee& /"e&
%r a&y %ther /rat'"t%' t"t.e3 "& %rder that "t 6ay be %6p'ted by the pare&t t% the p%'e %"&t.y3 the h".d ha.. be
"& the deter6"&at"%& %+ the .e/"t"6e %+ eah he"r3 a&d "& the %b."/ed t% br"&/ t% "%& %&e-ha.+ %+ the th"&/ d%&ated$
a%'&t %+ the part"t"%&$ (;0=a) (;040)

ARTICLE 1?87! Epe&e +%r 'pp%rt3 ed'at"%&3 6ed"a.

• COLLATION 6ea& %6p't"&/ %r add"&/ atte&da&e3 ee& "& etra%rd"&ary "..&e3 appre&t"eh"p3
erta"& a.'e t% the etate3 a&d har/"&/ the a6e %rd"&ary e7'"p6e&t3 %r 't%6ary /"+t are &%t 'bet t%
t% the EDI@I#E "%&$ (;04;)
• COLLATION a.% 6ea& %6p't"&/ %r add"&/
erta"& a.'e t% the etate3 a&d har/"&/ the a6e • SUPPOR@ "&.'de ed'at"%& b't ,rt".e ;0BF
t% the >REE POR@ION eparate 'pp%rt a&d ed'at"%& 56/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para

• Ed'at"%& '&der th" art".e 6ea& %&.y 'p t% 1. Pr%perty %+ the a6e &at're3 .a a&d
HIDH SCHOO ed'at"%& bea'e there " eparate 7'a."ty
pr%""%& '&der ,rt".e ;0B8 a t% pr%+e"%&a.3 2. I+ &% pr%perty %+ the a6e &at're3 ah %r
%at"%&a. a&d %ther areer e'r"ty
=$ Other pr%perty a 6ay be &eeary ha.. be
Ies :$ic$ are no collae% o $e le/iie an% %.d at p'b." a't"%&
o $e #ree .orion 4ecause $e' are no inclu%e%
in $e co.uaion in $e ne $ere%iar' esae2 Rules #or ova4les2
1. Pr%pert"e ree"ed +r%6 the tetat%r by the 1. Pr%perty %+ the a6e &at're3 .a %r 7'a."ty
h".dre& %+ the he"r (,rt".e ;0B)
2. I+ &%&e3 the e7'"a.e&t a.'e %+ the pr%perty
2. 5%&at"%& by the tetat%r t% the p%'e %+ the
%6p'.%ry he"r (,rt".e ;0BB) < I+ the d%&at"%&
a 6ade t% the p%'e %"&t.y3  " 'bet t% • Whe& the pr%perty d%&ated " a #OV,E
"%& perta"&"&/ t% the hare %+ the he"r pr%perty3 there " NO RIDH@ t% e.. at a p'b."
=$ Epe&e +%r 'pp%rt3 ed'at"%&3 6ed"a. a't"%&
ARTICLE 1?7!  @he +r'"t a&d "&teret %+ the pr%perty
'bet t% "%& ha.. &%t perta"& t% the etate eept
+r%6 the day %& h"h the 'e"%& " %pe&ed$
>%r the p'rp%e %+ aerta"&"&/ the"r a6%'&t3 the +r'"t
a&d "&teret %+ the pr%perty %+ the etate %+ the a6e ?"&d
a&d 7'a."ty a that 'bet t% "%& ha.. be 6ade the
ta&dard %+ ae6e&t$ (;049)

• I& d%&at"%&3 there " "66ed"ate tra&+er %+

ARTICLE 1?8<! Epe&e "&'rred by the pare&t "& /""&/
the"r h".dre& a pr%+e"%&a.3 %at"%&a. %r %ther areer ha..
%&erh"p$ @h'3 the +r'"t a&d "&teret +r%6 the
&%t be br%'/ht t% "%& '&.e the pare&t % pr%"de3 %r t"6e %+ the d%&at"%& 'p t% the death %+ the
'&.e they "6pa"r the .e/"t"6e1 b't he& the"r "%& " tetat%r ha.. be.%&/ t% the d%&ee
re7'"red3 the '6 h"h the h".d %'.d hae pe&t "+ he had •  @he +r'"t +r%6 the t"6e %+ the death %+ the
."ed "& the h%'e a&d %6pa&y %+ h" pare&t ha.. be tetat%r ha.. perta"& t% the etate
ded'ted there+r%6$ (;042a)
ARTICLE 1?78!  @he %-he"r are b%'&d t% re"6b're t% the
• Whe& y%' /"e y%'r h".d e.e6e&tary %r h"/h d%&ee the &eeary epe&e h"h he ha "&'rred +%r the
preerat"%& %+ the pr%perty d%&ated t% h"63 th%'/h they
h%%. ed'at"%& 3 th" " &%t /e&er%"ty b't a #%ra.
6ay &%t hae a'/6e&ted "t a.'e$
Ob."/at"%& %& y%' part  @he d%&ee h% %..ate "& ?"&d a& "66%ab.e3 h"h

ARTICLE 1?8=! ,&y '6 pa"d by a pare&t "& at"+at"%& %+ ha bee&
+%r the /"e& t% h"63
"6pr%e6e&t 6'thae
h"h be re"6b'red by a.'e
"&reaed the h" %-he"r
%+ the
the debt %+ h" h".dre&3 e.et"%& epe&e3 +"&e3 a&d "6".ar pr%perty3 a&d h"h e"t at the t"6e the part"t"%& "
epe&e ha.. be br%'/ht t% "%&$ (;04=a) e++eted$
, t% %r? 6ade %& the etate +%r the 6ere p.ea're
ARTICLE 1?71!  @he a6e th"&/ d%&ated are &%t t% be %+ the d%&ee3 &% re"6b're6e&t " d'e h"6 +%r the61 he
br%'/ht t% "%& a&d part"t"%&3 b't %&.y the"r a.'e at the ha3 h%eer3 the r"/ht t% re6%e the63 "+ he a& d% %
t"6e %+ the d%&at"%&3 ee& th%'/h the"r 't a.'e 6ay &%t "th%'t "&'r"&/ the etate$ (&)
the& hae bee& aeed$
 @he"r 'be7'e&t "&reae %r deter"%rat"%& a&d ee& the"r
t%ta. .% %r detr't"%&3 be "t a"de&ta. %r '.pab.e3 ha.. be
•  @h" art".e ta.? the RULES 5OR
+%r the be&e+"t %r a%'&t a&d r"? %+ the d%&ee$ (;04a) RETURNING IN )IN9
• Whe& there " "%& L"& ?"&dM (ret'r& %+
• O&.y the a.'e at the t"6e %+ the per+et"%& %+ the pr%perty %r the a.'e)3 the %ther he"r h%'.d
the d%&at"%& h%'.d be %..ated re"6b're the d%&ee +%r the &eeary epe&e

ARTICLE 1?7-! I& the "%& %+ a d%&at"%& 6ade by b%th the  Y%' hae t% re"6b're the he"r %+ the a.'e %+
pare&t3 %&e-ha.+ ha.. be br%'/ht t% the "&her"ta&e %+ the
+ather3 a&d the %ther ha.+3 t% that %+ the 6%ther$ @hat /"e& by •  @he d%&ee ha the r"/ht t% re6%e the
%&e a.%&e ha.. be br%'/ht t% "%& "& h" %r her "6pr%e6e&t h"h are +%r h" %& p.ea're "+
"&her"ta&e$ (;04Ba) the re6%a. ".. &%t "6pa"r the pr%perty d%&ated

ARTICLE 1?70!  @he d%&eeK hare %+ the etate ha.. be ARTICLE 1?77! Sh%'.d a&y 7'et"%& ar"e a6%&/ the %-
red'ed by a& a6%'&t e7'a. t% that a.ready ree"ed by h"61 he"r 'p%& the %b."/at"%& t% br"&/ t% "%& %r a t% the
a&d h" %-he"r ha.. ree"e a& e7'"a.e&t3 a 6'h a th"&/ h"h are 'bet t% "%&3 the d"tr"b't"%& %+ the
p%"b.e3 "& pr%perty %+ the a6e &at're3 .a a&d 7'a."ty$ etate ha.. &%t be "&terr'pted +%r th" rea%&3 pr%"ded
(;04F) ade7'ate e'r"ty " /"e&$ (;00)

ARTICLE 1?7! Sh%'.d the pr%""%& %+ the preed"&/

• J'et"%& %& "%& d% &%t "&terr'pt
art".e be "6prat"ab.e3 "+ the pr%perty d%&ated a
"66%ab.e3 the %-he"r ha.. be e&t"t.ed t% ree"e "t d"tr"b't"%& < a .%&/ a ade7'ate e'r"ty "
h%'.d there "& be
ah %r e'r"t"e3
&e"ther ah &%rat the rate %+e'r"t"e
6ar?etab.e 7'%tat"%&1"& a&d
the • O&.y pr%pert"e ree"ed by /rat'"t%' t"t.e
etate3 % 6'h %+ the %ther pr%perty a 6ay be &eeary 6ay be the 'bet %+ "%&
ha.. be %.d at p'b." a't"%&$ • Whe& the etate pr%eed"&/ hae &%t yet
I+ the pr%perty d%&ated a 6%ab.e3 the %-he"r ha.. reahed the ta/e %+ part"t"%&"&/ a&d d"tr"b't"&/
%&.y hae a r"/ht t% e.et a& e7'"a.e&t %+ %ther per%&a.
pr%perty %+ the "&her"ta&e at "t 't pr"e$ (;048)
the pr%perty3 a&y 7'et"%& %+ "%& that "
br%'/ht 'p a& be re/arded a ha"&/ bee&
pre6at're.y ra"ed
• ,rt".e ;0F= a&d art".e ;0F4 are the RULES
Pariion an% 9isri4uion o# $e Esae
Rules #or iova4les2 SU"SECTION 1
Pariion 57/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
Reuireens in or%er $a $ere is vali%
ARTICLE 1?7<! Where there are t% %r 6%re he"r3 the .ariion 4' $e an%aar':
h%.e etate %+ the deede&t "3 be+%re "t part"t"%&3 %&ed "& 1.  @he 6a&datary h%'.d &%t be a %-he"r
%66%& by 'h he"r3 'bet t% the pay6e&t %+ debt %+ the
deeaed$ (&)
bea'e "+ he " %&e %+ the %-he"r h"
part"t"%& 6ay be ta"&ted "th "6part"a."ty$
ARTICLE 1?7=! Pariion3 "& /e&era.3 " the eparat"%&3 2. I& ae %&e %+ the he"r " 'bet t%
d"""%& a&d a"/&6e&t %+ a th"&/ he.d "& %66%& a6%&/ /'ard"a&h"p3 "t " re7'"red that there be
th%e t% h%6 "t 6ay be.%&/$ @he th"&/ "te.+ 6ay be d""ded3 &%t"+"at"%& t% the %-he"r3 red"t%r3
%r "t a.'e$ (&) .e/atee %r de"ee
=$ @here ha t% be "&e&t%ry %+ the etate
• ,rt".e ;0F9 de+"&e PARTITION
ARTICLE 1?<-! Eery at h"h " "&te&ded t% p't a& e&d
• e+%re part"t"%&3 there " %-he"rh"p$ @h" %- t% "&d"""%& a6%&/ %-he"r a&d .e/atee %r de"ee "
he"rh"p " d"%.ed by part"t"%&$ dee6ed t% be a part"t"%&3'/h "t h%'.d p'rp%rt t% be a
a.e3 a& eha&/e3 a %6pr%6"e3 %r a&y %ther tra&at"%&$
Ho: .ariion is a%e (&)
;$ U5ICI, P,R@I@ION
2$ E@R,-U5ICI, P,R@I@ION •  @here " &% pe"+" t"6e a t% he& part"t"%&
" t% be e++eted a .%&/ a "t " "&te&ded t% p't
ARTICLE 1?<?! Sh%'.d a per%& 6a?e a part"t"%& %+ h" a& e&d t% "&d"""%& %r t% e&d the %-%&erh"p
etate by a& at "&ter "%3 %r by "..3 'h part"t"%& ha.. be
repeted3 "&%+ar a "t d%e &%t pre'd"e the .e/"t"6e %+ the
%6p'.%ry he"r$ ARTICLE 1?<0! Eery %-he"r ha a r"/ht t% de6a&d the
, pare&t h%3 "& the "&teret %+ h" %r her +a6".y3 de"re d"""%& %+ the etate '&.e the tetat%r h%'.d hae
t% ?eep a&y a/r"'.t'ra.3 "&d'tr"a.3 %r 6a&'+at'r"&/ epre.y +%rb"dde& "t part"t"%&3 "& h"h ae the per"%d %+
"&d"""%& ha.. &%t eeed te&ty year a pr%"ded "&
e&terpr"e "&tat3 6ay aa". h"6e.+ %+ the r"/ht /ra&ted h"6 "&
th" art".e3 by %rder"&/ that the .e/"t"6e %+ the %ther h".dre& art".e 494$ @h" p%er %+ the tetat%r t% pr%h"b"t d"""%&
app."e t% the .e/"t"6e$
t% h%6 the pr%perty " &%t a"/&ed3 be pa"d "& ah$ (;0Ba)
Ee& th%'/h +%rb"dde& by the tetat%r3 the %-
%&erh"p ter6"&ate he& a&y %+ the a'e +%r h"h
•  @h" " re+er t% E;ra@u%icial Pariion 4' part&erh"p " d"%.ed ta?e p.ae3 %r he& the %'rt +"&d
$e 9ece%en +%r %6pe.."&/ rea%& that d"""%& h%'.d be %rdered3 'p%&
pet"t"%& %+ %&e %+ the %-he"r$ (;0;a)
•  @h" " 'bet t% the ."6"tat"%& that the
.e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r h%'.d &%t be DENER, RUE: He"r3 hether %6p'.%ry %r
"6pa"red %.'&tary3 a& de6a&d part"t"%&
ECEP@ION: Whe& the tetat%r ha +%rb"dde& the
)in%s o# e;ra@u%icial .ariion 4' %ece%en2 part"t"%& %+ the etate$ 't th" pr%h"b"t"%& ha.. &%t
;$ y at "&ter "% eeed 20 year$
 @here " &% re7'"re6e&t %r &% +%r6a."t"e
re7'"red$ I& part"t"%&3 there " &% tra&+er %+ Insances :$en $e $eirs a' .ariion even i#
%&erh"p$ @here " 6ere.y a phy"a. 4e#ore -? 'ears2
deter6"&at"%& %+ the p%rt"%& t% be /"e& t% the
1. Whe& a&y %+ the a'e +%r the
ter6"&at"%& %+ the part&erh"p (e$/$ death)
2$ y "..
2$ I+ the he"r the6e.e 6't'a..y
>%r6a."t"e are re7'"red$
a/ree t% part"t"%&
)in%s o# e;ra@u%icial .ariion 4' $eirs2
=$ Up%& %rder %+ the %'rt +%r
;$ Ora..y
%6pe.."&/ rea%& a&d 'p%& pet"t"%& %+ the
 @h" " b"&d"&/ %&.y betee& the he"r
the6e.e h% are part""pa&t
2$ y p'b." "&tr'6e&t
ARTICLE 1?<! V%.'&tary he"r 'p%& h%6 %6e
 @h" " b"&d"&/ ee& a/a"&t the =rd per%&$
%&d"t"%& ha bee& "6p%ed a&&%t de6a&d a part"t"%& '&t".
Liiaions o# e;ra@u%icial .ariion2 the %&d"t"%& ha bee& +'.+"..ed1 b't the %ther %-he"r 6ay
de6a&d "t by /""&/ '++""e&t e'r"ty +%r the r"/ht h"h
;$ @here are &% debt1 the +%r6er 6ay hae "& ae the %&d"t"%& h%'.d be
2$ @hat eery%&e " %+ .e/a. a/e %r repree&ted by %6p."ed "th1 a&d '&t". "t " ?&%& that the %&d"t"%& ha
/'ard"a&$ &%t bee& +'.+"..ed %r a& &eer be %6p."ed "th3 the
part"t"%& ha.. be '&dert%%d t% be pr%""%&a.$ (;04a)
ARTICLE 1?<1! , per%& 6ay3 by a& at "&ter "% %r 6%rt"
a'a3 "&tr't the 6ere p%er t% 6a?e the part"t"%& a+ter h" • , %.'&tary he"r h%e "&t"t't"%& " 'bet
death t% a&y per%& h% " &%t %&e %+ the %-he"r$ " t% a %&d"t"%& a&&%t de6a&d part"t"%& be+%re the
 @he pr%""%& %+ th" a&d %+ the preed"&/ art".e ha.. be +'.+"..6e&t %+ the %&d"t"%&$ @he %ther he"r
%bered ee& h%'.d there be a6%&/ the %-he"r a 6"&%r %r
%&'rr"&/ "th 'h %.'&tary he"r 6ay de6a&d
a per%& 'bet t% /'ard"a&h"p1 b't the 6a&dat%ry3 "& 'h
ae3 ha.. 6a?e a& "&e&t%ry %+ the pr%perty %+ the etate3 part"t"%& pr%"ded they /"e& e'r"ty %r ah
a+ter &%t"+y"&/ the %-he"r3 the red"t%r3 a&d the .e/atee %r b%&d t% a+e/'ard the r"/ht %+ the %&d"t"%&a.
de"ee$ (;0Fa) he"r

•  @h" " hat y%' a.. the app%"&t6e&t %+ the DENER, RUE: @he r"/ht t% de6a&d part"t"%& d%e
&%t prer"be
,AN9ATAR>  ECEP@ION: Whe& %&e %+ the he"r adere.y
• ,AN9ATAR> " a per%& e&tr'ted t% 6a?e p%ee the pr%perty a&d he ha %6p."ed "th a..
the part"t"%& the re7'"re6e&t +%r a7'""t"e prer"pt"%&
•  @he he"r are &%t b%'&d by the part"t"%& 6ade
ARTICLE 1?<! I& the part"t"%& %+ the etate3 e7'a."ty ha..
by the 6a&dat%ry$ @he he"r 6ay aept %r they
be %bered a +ar a p%"b.e3 d""d"&/ the pr%perty "&t%
6ay reet$ .%t3 %r a"/&"&/ t% eah %+ the %-he"r th"&/ %+ the a6e
• I& ae %+ %&+."t3 the %'rt 6ay ett.e the &at're3 7'a."ty a&d ?"&d$ (;0B;)
%&+."t 58/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
ARTICLE 1?<8! Sh%'.d a th"&/ be "&d"""b.e3 %r %'.d be
6'h "6pa"red by "t be"&/ d""ded3 "t 6ay be ad'd"ated t% SU"SECTION -
%&e %+ the he"r3 pr%"ded he ha.. pay the %ther the ee "& E##ecs o# Pariion
Neerthe.e3 "+ a&y %+ the he"r h%'.d de6a&d that the
ARTICLE 1?=1$ , part"t"%& .e/a..y 6ade %&+er 'p%& eah
th"&/ be %.d at p'b." a't"%& a&d that tra&/er be a..%ed
he"r the e.'"e %&erh"p %+ the pr%perty ad'd"ated t%
t% b"d3 th" 6't be d%&e$ (;0B2)
h"6$ (;0B8)

• N%te that "+ ee& ONE he"r h%'.d de6a&d a ARTICLE 1?=-! ,+ter the part"t"%& ha bee& 6ade3 the %-
p'b." a't"%&3 th" 6't be d%&e he"r ha.. be re"pr%a..y b%'&d t% arra&t the t"t.e t%3 a&d
the 7'a."ty %+3 eah pr%perty ad'd"ated$ (;0B9a)
ARTICLE 1?<7! I& the part"t"%& the %-he"r ha.. re"6b're
%&e a&%ther +%r the "&%6e a&d +r'"t h"h eah %&e %+ the6
6ay hae ree"ed +r%6 a&y pr%perty %+ the etate3 +%r a&y • >%r arra&ty a/a"&t e"t"%&
'e+'. a&d &eeary epe&e 6ade 'p%& 'h pr%perty3 a&d t% be e&+%reab.e3 "t " e&%'/h that there be a
+%r a&y da6a/e theret% thr%'/h 6a."e %r &e/.et$ (;0B=) b'rde& %r e&'6bra&e that 6't be repeted$
It " &%t &eeary that the he"r be depr"ed +'..
Rei4urseen a%e 4' co@$eirs : %&erh"p
;$ I&%6e a&d +r'"t • E"t"%& here d%e &%t hae
2$ Ue+'. a&d &eeary epe&e t% be by +"&a. 'd/6e&t be+%re re%'re t% the
=$ 5a6a/e thr' 6a."e %r &e/.et arra&ty a& be %'/ht3 a .%&/ a &% he"r
ARTICLE 1?<<! Sh%'.d a&y %+ the he"r e.. h" hered"tary
r"/ht t% a tra&/er be+%re the part"t"%&3 a&y %r a.. %+ the %- E##ecs o# .ariion:
he"r 6ay be 'br%/ated t% the r"/ht %+ the p'rhaer by
re"6b'r"&/ h"6 +%r the pr"e %+ the a.e3 pr%"ded they d% %
1. O&e there " part"t"%&3 the he"r ".. be the
"th"& the per"%d %+ %&e 6%&th +r%6 the t"6e they ere e.'"e %&er %+ the th"&/ /"e& t% the6
&%t"+"ed "& r"t"&/ %+ the a.e by the e&d%r$ (;0BFa) %r de."ered t% the6 (,rt".e ;09;)
2.  @here " a re"pr%a. a&d pr%p%rt"%&ate
•  @h" art".e ta.? ab%'t LEGAL RE9E,PTION arra&ty (,rt".e ;092)

Reuisies #or $e e;ercise o# le/al re%e.ion2 ARTICLE 1?=0!  @he re"pr%a. %b."/at"%& %+ arra&ty
re+erred t% "& the preed"&/ art".e ha.. be pr%p%rt"%&ate t%
;$ @here are t% %r 6%re he"r
the repet"e hered"tary hare %+ the %-he"r3 b't "+ a&y
2$ @here " a a.e %+ hered"tary r"/ht %&e %+ the6 h%'.d be "&%.e&t3 the %ther %-he"r ha.. be
•  @here 6't be a a.e %r %ther ."ab.e +%r h" part "& the a6e pr%p%rt"%&3 ded't"&/ the part
%&er%' d"p%"t"%& %rrep%&d"&/ t% the %&e h% h%'.d be "&de6&"+"ed$
•  @he a.e 6't be %.'&tary %r  @h%e h% pay +%r the "&%.e&t he"r ha.. hae a r"/ht
%+ at"%& a/a"&t h"6 +%r re"6b're6e&t3 h%'.d h" +"&a&"a.
=$ +%red
"& the6't
%+ aa.e %& ee't"%&
tra&/er %&d"t"%& "6pr%e$ (;0F;)
4$ @he a.e 6't be 6ade E>ORE
part"t"%& ARTICLE 1?=! ,& at"%& t% e&+%re the arra&ty a6%&/
$ ,t .eat %&e %-he"r 6't de6a&d %-he"r 6't be br%'/ht "th"& te& year +r%6 the date the
r"/ht %+ at"%& ar'e$ (&)
• I+ a.. %+ the %+ the %-he"r •  @he per"%d %+ eer"e %+ the
de6a&d part"t"%&3 they ha.. be a..%ed t% arra&ty " ;0 year
redee6 the pr%p%rt"%&ate hare perta"&"&/
t% the6 ARTICLE 1?=! I+ a red"t h%'.d be a"/&ed a
B$ @he de6a&d 6't be 6ade "th"& %&e %..et"b.e3 the %-he"r ha.. &%t be ."ab.e +%r the
6%&th +r%6 N%t"+"at"%& "& Wr"t"&/ 'be7'e&t "&%.e&y %+ the debt%r %+ the etate3 b't %&.y
7.  @he rede6pt"%&er 6't re"6b're the +%r h" "&%.e&y at the t"6e the part"t"%& " 6ade$
pr"e %+ the a.e  @he arra&ty %+ the %.e&y %+ the debt%r a& %&.y be
e&+%red d'r"&/ the +"e year +%..%"&/ the part"t"%&$
C%-he"r d% &%t arra&t bad debt3 "+ % ?&%& t%3 a&d
DENER, RUE: @he r"/ht %+ .e/a. rede6pt"%& " a aepted by3 the d"tr"b'tee$ 't "+ 'h debt are &%t
PERSON, RIDH@$ @hey a&&%t a"/& %r e.. th" r"/ht$ a"/&ed t% a %-he"r3 a&d h%'.d be %..eted3 "& h%.e %r "&
ECEP@ION: I+ the he"r h% a&t t% eer"e the r"/ht part3 the a6%'&t %..eted ha.. be d"tr"b'ted
%+ .e/a. rede6pt"%& d"e pr"%r t% the eer"e3 h" r"/ht pr%p%rt"%&ate.y a6%&/ the he"r$ (;0F2a)
6ay be tra&6"tted t% h" %& he"r$
•  @h" " Warran' as o
ARTICLE 1?<=!  @he t"t.e %+ a7'""t"%& %r %&erh"p %+ eah
pr%perty ha.. be de."ered t% the %-he"r t% h%6 a"d
pr%perty ha bee& ad'd"ated$ (;0Ba) •  @here " a arra&ty %+
"&%.e&y pr%"ded that the debt%r a %.e&t
ARTICLE 1?=?! Whe& the t"t.e %6pr"e t% %r 6%re p"ee at the t"6e %+ the part"t"%&3 &%t .ater
%+ .a&d h"h hae bee& a"/&ed t% t% %r 6%re %-he"r3 %r • S'h arra&ty " /%%d +%r 
he& "t %er %&e p"ee %+ .a&d h"h ha bee& d""ded year3 +%..%"&/ the date %+ part"t"%&
betee& t% %r 6%re %-he"r3 the t"t.e ha.. be de."ered t% •  @here " &% arra&ty +%r bad
the %&e ha"&/ the .ar/et "&teret3 a&d a'the&t" %p"e %+
the t"t.e ha.. be +'r&"hed t% the %ther %-he"r at the epe&e debt$ ,& he"r aept the6 at h" %& r"?
%+ the etate$ I+ the "&teret %+ eah %-he"r h%'.d be the
a6e3 thet ha.. hae the t"t.e$ (;0BBa)

• L@"t.eM here re+er t% the

ARTICLE 1?=8!  @he %b."/at"%& %+ arra&ty a6%&/ %-he"r
d%'6e&t e"de&"&/ the r"/ht %+ %&erh"p a&d ha.. eae "& the +%..%"&/ ae:
&%t t% the r"/ht "te.+  (;) Whe& the tetat%r h"6e.+ ha 6ade the part"t"%&3
'&.e "t appear3 %r "t 6ay be rea%&ab.y
Or%er o# .re#erence as o :$o ile s$all 4e pre'6ed3 that h" "&te&t"%& a %ther"e3 b't the
%elivere% i# soeies reain un%ivi%e%2 .e/"t"6e ha.. a.ay re6a"& '&"6pa"red1
;$ @he %&e ha"&/ the .ar/et "&teret (2) Whe& "t ha bee& % epre.y t"p'.ated "& the
2$ I+ a.. %+ the6 hae the a6e "&teret3 thet he"r a/ree6e&t %+ part"t"%&3 '&.e there ha bee& bad +a"th1 59/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para
(=) Whe& the e"t"%& " d'e t% a a'e 'be7'e&t t% the
part"t"%&3 %r ha bee& a'ed by the +a'.t %+ the ARTICLE 11?! , part"t"%& 6ade "th preter"t"%& %+ a&y %+
d"tr"b'tee %+ the pr%perty$ (;0F0a) the %6p'.%ry he"r ha.. &%t be re"&ded3 '&.e "t be
pr%ed that there a bad +a"th %r +ra'd %& the part %+ the
SU"SECTION 0 %ther per%& "&tereted1 b't the .atter ha.. be
Rescission an% Nulli' o# Pariion pr%p%rt"%&ate.y %b."/ed t% pay t% the per%& %6"tted the
hare h"h be.%&/ t% h"6$ (;080)

ARTICLE 1?=7! a
, part"t"%& 6ay be re"&ded %r a&&'..ed +%r •  @h" "&%.e a preter"t"%& %+
the a6e a'e %&trat$ (;0F=a)
%6p'.%ry he"r3 &%t "& the "&t"t't"%&3 b't "& the
ARTICLE 1?=<! , part"t"%&3 'd""a. %r etra-'d""a.3 6ay
part"t"%& %+ %&e %r 6%re %bet"%&
a.% be re"&ded %& a%'&t %+ .e"%&3 he& a&y %&e %+ the • Preter"t"%& %+ a& %bet "& a
%-he"r ree"ed th"&/ h%e a.'e " .e3 by at .eat %&e- ".. /"e r"e t% 6"ed 'e"%&$ Preter"t"%& %+
+%'rth3 tha& the hare t% h"h he " e&t"t.ed3 %&"der"&/ the a& %bet "& the part"t"%& d%e &%t /"e r"e t%
a.'e %+ the th"&/ at the t"6e they ere ad'd"ated$ (;0F4a) re""%&$

ARTICLE 1?==!  @he part"t"%& 6ade by the tetat%r a&&%t be DENER, RUE: S'h preter"t"%& "& the part"t"%& "..
"6p'/&ed %& the /r%'&d %+ .e"%&3 eept he& the .e/"t"6e %+ NO@ a'e re""%&$
the %6p'.%ry he"r " thereby pre'd"ed3 %r he& "t appear ECEP@ION: I+ there a
%r 6ay rea%&ab.y be pre'6ed3 that the "&te&t"%& %+ the ;$ >ra'd
tetat%r a %ther"e$ (;0F)
2$ ad +a"th

"& a?"&/ RUE: I& %rder %&
+%r re""%& that that
the y%' 6ay
a%'&t be 't"+"ed
%+ .e"%&3 the ARTICLE 11?! , part"t"%& h"h "&.'de a per%&
be."eed t% be a& he"r3 b't h% " &%t3 ha.. be %"d %&.y "th
ded't"%& 6't at .eat be $ I+ "t " .e tha& 3 y%' repet t% 'h per%&$ (;08;a)
a& %&.y a? +%r a "%&$
ECEP@ION: I+ the part"t"%& " 6ade by the @ES@,@OR3
ee& "+ the ded't"%& " .e tha& 3 y%' a&&%t a? +%r •  @h" pea? %+ a& inrusion
re""%& o# a sran/er in $e .ariion 
ECEP@ION @O @HE ECEP@ION: •  @he part"t"%& "& th" ae "
;$ Whe& the .e/"t"6e %+ the %6p'.%ry he"r ha &%t %6p.ete.y %"d$
bee& "6pa"red$
• O&.y the part %rrep%&d"&/
2$ I+ the "&te&t %+ the tetat%r " +%r h" part"t"%& t%
t% the &%&-he"r " %"d$
be re"&ded h%'.d there be .e"%&

ARTICLE 11??!  @he at"%& +%r re""%& %& a%'&t %+ .e"%&

ha.. prer"be a+ter +%'r year +r%6 the t"6e the part"t"%& a
6ade$ (;0FB)

• I+ br%'/ht a+ter 6%re tha& 4 year3 the

at"%& +%r re""%& ".. +a".
•  @he 4-year per"%d be/"& t% r'& &%t
+r%6 the t"6e %+ the pr%et %+ part"t"%& b't +r%6
the t"6e there " %'rt appr%a.

ARTICLE 11?1!  @he he"r h% " 'ed ha.. hae the %pt"%& %+
"&de6&"+y"&/ the p.a"&t"++ +%r the .%3 %r %&e&t"&/ t% a &e
I&de6&"ty 6ay be 6ade by pay6e&t "& ah %r by the
de."ery %+ a th"&/ %+ the a6e ?"&d a&d 7'a."ty a that
aarded t% the p.a"&t"++$
I+ a &e part"t"%& " 6ade3 "t ha.. a++et &e"ther th%e h%
hae &%t bee& pre'd"ed &%r th%e hae &%t ree"ed 6%re
tha& the"r 't hare$ (;0FFa)

•  @he de+e&da&t he"r3 dep"te a pr%per

/r%'&d +%r re""%&3 " /"e& a& %pt"%&:
1.  @% "&de6&"+y the p.a"&t"++ < @h" 6ay be
6ade by
• pay6e&t "& ah %r
• de."ery %+ the th"&/ %+ the a6e ?"&d$
2$ Ne part"t"%&

ARTICLE 11?-! ,& he"r h% ha a."e&ated the h%.e %r a

%&"derab.e part %+ the rea. pr%perty ad'd"ated t% h"6
a&&%t 6a"&ta"& a& at"%& +%r re""%& %& the /r%'&d %+
.e"%&3 b't he ha.. hae a r"/ht t% be "&de6&"+"ed "& ah$

• Re""%& re7'"re 6't'a.


ARTICLE 11?0!  @he %6""%& %+ %&e %r 6%re %bet %r

e'r"t"e %+ the "&her"ta&e ha.. &%t a'e the re""%& %+
the part"t"%& %& the /r%'&d %+ .e"%&3 b't the part"t"%& ha.. be
%6p.eted by the d"tr"b't"%& %+ the %bet %r e'r"t"e h"h
hae bee& %6"tted$ (;0F9a) 60/61

SUCCESSION REVIEWER (4th Year : 2008-2009) Prepared

by: a!!"e #$ Sar%&a
S%'re * Re+ere&e: N%te %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe%1 et're %+ ,tty$ "e.a&"e Ya&/ya&/-Epe% (a tra&r"bed by % ,&&e e.tra&3
Ed"& ,&& '"er3 ar.a 5e.e3 Rey #ar O&d" a&d a!!"e Sar%&a)1 W".. a&d S'e"%& by Para 61/61

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