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Organizational Behavior

Rimsha Riaz
Aqsa Waqas
Aqsa Fatima Razzaq
Neha Shahid


Submitted to: Ma’am Javeria Nawaz

Date: 8-May-2019
Organization’s Introduction:........................................................................................................................2
Mission Statement.......................................................................................................................................2
Vision Statement.........................................................................................................................................2
Product and Services of NADRA................................................................................................................3
Identity Documents:....................................................................................................................................3
Corporate Sector Services:......................................................................................................................3
International Presence:............................................................................................................................3
Local Projects:.........................................................................................................................................4
Interview Conducted...................................................................................................................................5
Organization’s Introduction:
National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) was
established as National Database Organization (NDO), an
attached department under the Ministry of Interior, Government
of Pakistan in 1998. On 10 March 2000, NDO & Directorate
General of Registration (DGR) merged to form NADRA. It is an
independent corporate body with requisite autonomy to operate
independently and facilitate good governance.
National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) has gained international recognition for
its success in providing solutions for identification, e-governance and secure documents that
deliver multi-pronged goals of mitigating identity theft; safe-guarding the interests of our clients
and facilitating the public.
NADRA set out on the journey of Civil Registration of all Pakistanis in March 2000 and in a
short span of time NADRA’s team indigenously created a state of the art centralized Data
Warehouse, Network Infrastructure and Interactive Data Acquisition Systems to issue secure
National Identity Cards (NIC). With the introduction of this new fool-proof, comprehensive and
highly sophisticated computerized system; NADRA has been successful in reducing the identity
theft to a bare minimum.
NADRA is one of the leading System Integrators in the global identification sector and boasts
extensive experience in designing, implementing and operating solutions for corporate and
public sector clients. National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) is the largest IT
Company in Pakistan and employs a highly skilled work force of 11,100 technical and
management personnel. The company has maintained its position among the top fifty companies
of the world in the field of secure document solution integration.

Mission Statement
“To create and maintain a secure, authentic and dynamic database that comprehensively covers
the demographic, geographic, social and statistical aspects of the citizens of Pakistan and provide
to our own and foreign governments effective homeland security solutions and assistance in
good governance. We shall develop ourselves as a ‘Learning Organization’ in a culture that
fosters creativity, innovation, commitment, dedication, continuous improvement and a desire to
excel by its employees”.

Vision Statement
 Become a World Class, leading Solution Provider in all areas of Homeland Security.
 Develop Human Potential that is considered the best in the word.
 Register all Pakistani Residents and Citizens
 Become a World Leader in Technology Development.
 Develop System Integration excellence to implement and integrate proven, state-of-the-
art technologies to achieve specific business objective.
Product and Services of NADRA
Identity Documents:
 CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card)
 NICOP (National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis)
 Child Registration Certificates (Form – B)
 Family Registration Certificates (FRC)
 Smart National Identity Cards (SNIC)
 Juvenile Card (JV)
 Pakistan Origin Card
 Cancellation Certificate
Corporate Sector Services:
 Solutions
 Secure Documents Solutions
 e-Government Solutions
 Security Solutions
 Procedure of Appeal
International Presence:
 National Driver’s License System Bangladesh
 Passport Issuance & Control System Kenya
 Electronic Passport System Kenya
 Civil Registration System Sudan
 National Identity Management System Nigeria
 Election Management System Fiji
Local Projects:
 National Identification System
 Biometric Verification Services
 Civil Registration Management System
 Arms License (Punjab, Sindh, Federal)
 Pension and Zakat Disbursement System
 National Alien Registration System
 SMS Services (7000, 8400, 8300,8500)
 INGO Registration
 Safe City
 Kiosk and e-Sahulat
 Integrated Border Management System
 Pakistan Electoral Rolls
 Vehicle Registration Card (ETO – Islamabad)
 E-Toll Collection System
 UNCHR, Afghan National Registration
 Pakistan card
 Frontier Corps Cards Production
 Prime Minister Health Program
 Machine Readable Passports/Visa
 Benazir Income Support Program
 Temporary Displaced Person (FATA)
 Watan Card
 Punjab Kissan and Imdadi Package (KPIP)
 Earthquake Relief
 NADRA Office Locator (Mobile App)
 Secure Document Solutions
 Multi Biometric Identity Management
 Multi Biometric Passport
 Computerized Arms License
 e-Cards (Health)
 e-Government Solutions
 Civil Registration
 Integrated Border Management
 Voter’s Management
 Social Protection
 Security Solutions
 Personnel Access Control
 Vehicle Access Control
 Intelligent Video Surveillance
 Safe City

Interview Conducted

Q: What strategies do you use to enhance work performance?

A: Multiple things are working side by side to enhance the performance of our employees for example
when we hire a new employee we make sure that we give him a market based salary to satisfy the
employee, we try to keep our salary compatible with the market, moreover, we make sure the employee
benefit structure is reasonably above market such as cash, in-kind health, car, mobile, leaves,, insurances
Career progression chances because we’ve employees in every category including government employees
who are extremely structured. For example, the senior has the right to move up the ladder exactly defined
like 2+2=4 thus no chances of discrimination.
It is a big organization we are like rats so we ensure the mobility of the organization and facilitate the
employee, also we have a huge fund of career development, training and development in that if an on job
employee gets a diploma/degree from UMS, IBA we basically pay for the degree after the employee has
completed it and gets it verified by our department .
We encourage people to get different certifications related to HR and different fields PNP, CISCO etc. if
the employee gets that certification , no matter what amount he pays, he has to sit in the exam and pass
the exam and submit the certificate to us with the amount he incurred and that amount is returned to him
no matter if its 50,000 or 2 lacs.
As well as, there are some places you’ve to pay annual subscription of these certification, we also pay
those annual subscription of our employees hence no amount will cost employees.
Q: How much employee turnover does your organization face?
A: That’s a tricky question, employee leaves for multiple reasons, this is a unique organization on one
side we do registration business for that we have long term employees. On the other hand several other
projects are side by side for example driving license, BISP ,PM national health program’s call center in
these the deployment is on the basis of projects , those employees are hired as soon as the projects
finishes they’re gone apparently the turnover seems high but the regular staff turnover rate ( I haven’t
checked from a long time I was thinking that I’ll check ) but that is minimal.
In involuntary turnover some people leave rather we make them leave because in this organization we
must directly interact with the public but for that we’ve established a disciplinary process but even then, it
is way less if compared to the market.
Q: If you have an employee with nice skills that can benefit the organization would you let him leave?
A: Why not. But if an employee working for an organization for 20 years and we’re benefitting from his
expertise and he wants to leave than the management would definitely take the step to retain him, give
him some benefits a salary upraise etc. but personally I don’t mind people going, let new people come
and have that opportunity because we do not want to clone people.
Q: What do you do to make your organizational cultures supportive?
A: Other organization hire employee for 3 to 4 years, were in the business of registration, till the moment
Pakistan stand we’re in business, the registrations means might change but registration will remain. Now
those registrations tools and technology changes so here we have a separate technology ring and a
department so if there is a new technology that comes related to the registration or we change our system
then our employees in the center and the user end are trained about the technology and new policies. But
if there is any issue between two employees the respective department managers try to solve by creating a
mutual understanding between them.
Q: What are your criteria to hire an employee?
A: First criteria is that I’ll have a call from PM (i.e. Sifarish)
Q: Do you compensate your employees out of your legal policies?
A: Yes, we do that but that’s an exception not a rule. It sounds crazy for a student but this is how it is for
example if someone had an operation we compensate him for leaves with pay , now the policy might say
you cannot take more than 3 medical leaves but a man cannot come to work he’s on a hospital bed so yes
we have to compensate him.
Q: How do you motivate your employees?
A: Biscuit khila k madam. On a serious note we keep them motivated by forming a Direct relationship
with management so that they can easily communicate whatever the issue is. Also, we provide them a
creative job environment where they can learn and grow.

Nadra is a good organization with well equipped resources. They have hardworking and experienced
workforce along with motivational guideline. They have the most vibrant and dynamic workforce and
who are talented enough to meet challenges in hardest circumstances. It is a very disciplined organization
with lots of governmental benefits that are given to the employees. Overall, it’s a nice government
organization to work in.

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