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Km. 9 Libby Road, Puan Davao City


Name: _____________________Grade/Section: 11/_____________Score: _ /10

Subject: EAPP _______Teacher: Maria Stephanie M.Yoy Passing score: 8
Type of Activity: Concept Notes Activity Formative Summative Others
SY 2020-2021 LAS #16
Lesson/Topic: Outlining reading texts
Learning Target(s): Outlines reading texts in various disciplines
Duration: 2 Weeks (Week 6)

Identifying a thesis statement in an academic text is an essential skill to help you enhance your
comprehension skill. Another skill you need to develop is making an outline of an academic
text. This skill is very essential especially if you are going to write any academic writing. This will
help you to properly arrange your thoughts so that the reader will easily understand your

Outlining in writing helps you define and organize your topic and subtopics so that
you bring the reader on a logical journey from your thesis, through your supporting evidence,
to your conclusion.

An outline shows the framework of a text through division and subdivision of ideas. It is
another way of determining a text structure.

Outline Format

A traditional outline starts with a thesis statement (TS). This is a one-sentence statement of the
main idea of the article. Then the body article is divided and subdivided this way:

1. Main Ideas are labeled with Roman numerals. (1st level of an Outline)
2. Supporting ideas developing the main ideas are labeled with capital letters, indented.
(2nd level)
3. Details developing the supporting ideas are labeled with Arabic Numbers indented. (3rd
4. Minor details developing the details are labeled with small letters, indented. (4th level)

A one-sentence summary of the idea used in the Introduction and another for the Conclusion
may be added to the outline.

Your Outline may look like this:

Thesis Statement: ______________________________

I. Introduction
II. Main Idea
A. Supporting Idea
B. B. Supporting Idea
1. Detail developing
2. Another detail developing

III. Main Idea

C. Supporting Idea
D. Supporting Idea


Types of Outline

1. Sentence Outline – the heading of each level is one sentence.


I. There are two types of sports fan.

A. The first type is the spectator.

B. The second type is the analyst.

II. Sports fans express their involvement in the game in several ways.

2. Topic Outline – the heading of each level is a phrase.


I. Two types off sports fan

A. The spectator
B. The analyst

II. Ways sports fans express their involvement of the game.

An outline also help a reader understand the topic of a reading by looking at the

organization of the details in the passage. Readers can use two types of outlines when breaking
down the information in a reading: formal outlines and informal outlines.

Formal outlines are more traditional and structured. They follow a set pattern and use a
combination of Roman numerals, letters, and numbers to show a hierarchy of information
based on the major details and minor details or ideas.

Formal outlines look like this:

I.    Main Idea I.   Gardens

      A. Major Supporting Detail      A.  Vegetable
           i. Minor Supporting Detail            i. In-ground gardens
           ii. Minor Supporting Detail            ii. Potted gardens
      B. Major Supporting Detail      B.  Flower
           i. Minor Supporting Detail            i. Raised beds
           ii. Minor Supporting Detail            ii. Natural
       C. Major Supporting Detail      C.  Water
           i. Minor Supporting Detail            i. Fountains
           ii. Minor Supporting Detail            ii. Ponds
Informal outlines are less structured, but they still present an overview of the placement of
information in a reading.

Informal outlines look like this:

Main Idea Planning a home garden

    - Supporting Idea     - Vegetable garden
    - Supporting Idea     - Flower garden
    - Supporting Idea     - Water garden


Review the short reading and notice how it can be outlined to show the major details and the
main idea, using both formal and informal outlines.

Building Your Own Backyard Pond

Building your own pond takes significant planning. Before you begin, you will need to
make some important decisions about what type of pond you want, where you want it,
and how much time you have to dedicate to its care and maintenance. Once planned
and built, your pond will be a source of beauty that can last for many years.

The first item you must consider is what type of pond you want. Do you want a small
bubbling fountain? Perhaps you would like a pond to showcase different plants. You may
also desire a fishpond, maybe with a waterfall or stream. Different types of ponds require
different construction, so knowing what you are looking for will help you when making
your pond plans.

Next, you should think about where you want to place your pond. Do you have a large or
small yard? Will your pond be the focal point of your yard or do you want to place it in a
corner where it will be out of the way? Your pond should fit the design of your yard, so
look around at the design of your space. Ask yourself how your pond will fit in with the
landscaping you already have; or if you are designing your yard around your pond, ask
yourself what type of environment you are trying to create.

Finally, before constructing your pond, you need to decide how much time you have to
care for it. Maintaining a pond involves cleaning it, changing the filter, and using the
correct products to maintain the water and the health of the plants and fish (if any). This
maintenance can require a good amount of work, but if you know in advance what you
want, you can create the best pond for you.

Ponds make a wonderful addition to any backyard. The sound of bubbling water and the
presence of wildlife can create a peaceful place for all lovers of the outdoors. Get started
planning your own backyard retreat today!

Formal Outline:
Informal Outline:
I.  Main idea: Planning a Pond
Main idea: Planning a Pond
      A. Type of Ponds
    - Types of Ponds
           i. Plant pond
    - Location of Pond
           ii. Fish pond
    - Maintaining a Pond
      B. Location of Pond
           i. Size of yard
           ii. Landscaping considerations
       C. Maintaining a Pond
           i. Cleaning
           ii. Changing the filter
           iii. Using products

Checking For Understanding

Answer Briefly.

 How can outlines be useful when reading a paragraph or essay?







Km. 9 Libby Road, Puan Davao City

Name: _____________________Grade/Section: 11/_____________Score: _ /15

Subject: EAPP _______Teacher: Maria Stephanie M.Yoy Passing score: 12
Type of Activity: Concept Notes Activity Formative Summative Others
SY 2020-2021 LAS #17
Lesson/Topic: Outlining reading texts

I. Read and understand each item and circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following helps you define and organize your topic and subtopics?

a) Academic Writing
b) Outlining
c) Thesis Statement
d) Thesis Writing

2. How many sentences of thesis statement should be written in making an outline?

a) One Sentence
b) Two Sentences
c) Three sentences
d) Four Sentences

3. What must be written in the second level of an outline?

a. Main Ideas
b. Supporting Details
c. Minor details developing the details
d. Details developing the supporting ideas

4. What should be the label in the fourth level of an outline?

a) Roman Numerals
b) Arabic Numbers
c) Capital Letters
d) Small Letters

5. Which of the following should not be done in making an outline?

a. If you started your outline with a phrase, you should also write the other levels in a
b. All the details must be written in your outline so that the reader will understand you
c. If you started your outline with a sentence, you should also write the other levels in a
d. You must see to it that your outline is concise enough to guide you in the writing

6. Minor details developing the details are labeled with ________.

a) Small letters
b) Arabic Numbers
c) Capital letters
d) Roman Numerals

7. Which among the statements is not true about outlining?

a. Outlining gives us an overview of the topic.

b. Outlining enables us to see how various subtopics are related to one other.
c. In outlining, we must see to it that all the details are written in correct paragraph.
d. We outline to record the information in our own words and to test our understanding of
what we have read.

8. Details developing the supporting ideas are labeled with___________.

a) Small letters
b) Arabic Numbers
c) Capital letters
d) Roman Numerals

9. What type of outline has the heading of each level written in one Sentence?

a. Main Outline
b. Sentences
c. Topic Outline
d. Sentence Outline

10. What type of outline has the heading of each level written in phrase?

a. Main Outline
b. Phrasal Outline
c. Topic Outline
d. Sentence Outline

11. What do you think makes Outlining Important before writing an academic text?

a. It is important because it is part of our lesson.

b. It is important because it is a requirement of your teacher.
c. It is important because it will help you organize your thoughts.
d. It is important because it guides you in understanding the text that you have read.

12. Which format shows the correct way of outlining?

a) I. Main Idea 1. Another detail

B. Subtopic b) I. Main Idea

A Developing detail A. Subtopic

1. Developing detail 1. Another detail

a. Another detail d) I. Main Idea

c) I. Main Idea 1. Subtopic

I. Subtopic A Developing detail

A Developing detail 1. Another detail

13. What are the two types of Outline?

a. Thesis Outline and Main Outline

b. Sentence Topic and Topic Sentence
c. Sentence Outline and Topic Outline
d. Sentence Outline and Topic Sentence

14. Supporting ideas developing the main ideas are labeled with_________.

a) Small letters
b) Arabic Numbers
c) Capital letters
d) Roman Numerals

15. Which of the following shows the framework of a text through division and subdivision of

a. Academic Writing
b. Outlining
c. Thesis Statement
d. Thesis Writing


Km. 9 Libby Road, Puan Davao City

Name: _____________________Grade/Section: 11/_____________Score: _ /20

Subject: EAPP _______Teacher: Maria Stephanie M.Yoy Passing score: 16
Type of Activity: Concept Notes Activity Formative Summative Others
LAS #18
SY 2020-2021

Lesson/Topic: Outlining reading texts

I. Read the following essay and create a formal and informal outline for its content. Be sure to
include the major details and the main idea.

Becoming a Landscape Architect

If you've chosen a career in landscaping, you're in luck! Landscaping is one of the fastest-
growing career fields today with more people looking into programs in landscape
architecture than ever before.

First of all, what does a landscape architect do? These professionals are responsible for
planning and designing parks, areas around highways, personal properties, industrial and
corporate sites, as well as housing subdivisions. Landscape architects can choose from a
variety of areas to specialize in, helping them find the type of locations and projects that suit
their interests and lifestyle.

What about the pay? You may be pleased to learn that the average pay for landscape
architects is between $50,000 and $60,000 a year, depending on education, job type, and
location. Pay, of course, will also depend on your experience. Those interested in this career
will need to find a good educational program that sets up internships and cooperative
experiences that provide hands-on experience that will be invaluable when searching for a

Are you wondering how to get started? The first step is to look at requirements posted on
job advertisements. Attending a good program at an accredited school is a must. You will
also need to learn about the different tests or exams you will be required to take to become
licensed or certified to work as a landscape architect. 

Finding a career that is right for you takes time and determination. If you enjoy working in a
design field and being outdoors, you may have found your match as a landscape architect.


Km. 9 Libby Road, Puan Davao City

Name: ________________________Grade: 9/___________ Score: __/40__

Subject: English ______Teacher: Maria Stephanie M.Yoy Passing score: 32
Type of Activity: Concept Notes Activity Formative Summative Others: Performance Tasks
LAS #19
SY 2020-2021

Lesson/Topic: Outlining reading texts

 Write a 200-word essay about “The New Normal”.

 Your output should have two parts. The first part should have your Outline and the
second part will be your 200-word essay.


Criteria 4 3 2 1 POINTS

Content The content is The content The content The content

accurate and is generally is inaccurate is overly
complete. accurate, but or overly general
incomplete. general. only.

Organization Sentences Sentence and Sentence Little or no

and paragraph and evidence of
paragraphs structure are paragraph sentence or
are complete, generally structure are paragraph
well written correct. inconsistent. structure.
and varied.

Grammar & Contains few Contains Contains Contains

Mechanics punctuations, several errors many many
spelling or in punctuations punctuations
grammatical punctuations, , spelling, or , spelling,
errors. spelling or grammar and/or
grammar that that do not grammatical
do not interfere with errors that
interfere the meaning. make the
meaning. piece not

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