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Transitioning from childhood to adulthood

Adolescence is often considered as one of the most challenging, wild and difficult phases of life
for both the children and their parents. During this transition from childhood to adulthood, teenagers
often seek the responsibility of being able to identify themselves as they start to search for their place in
this world. They also learn to interact with people of their society, define their priorities and adapt to
social norms.

Fallacies are a defect in the reasoning of argumentation, which can either be made intentionally
on purpose or unintentionally as a mistake. Fallacies are also bad arguments and a mistake in reasoning.

Some teenagers unfortunately do not go through this phase quite smoothly. “Some even
experiment with illegal substances, leading to further damage.” Post hoc, a faulty conclusion that
assumes that because one thing followed another, it was caused by the other. The full Latin label for the
fallacy is post hoc ergo propter hoc, which means “after this, therefore because of this.” Among the
biggest problems is when teenagers start being a part of a so called gangs. “According to experts, this
might be linked to a desire to have respect and authority in the society of teenage hierarchy.” Appeal to
popular opinion, claiming that a position is true because most people believe it is. Gangs typically attract
adolescents who are interested in belonging to a certain community that offers anonymity and security
while being exposed to peer pressure.

According to studies, the percentage of criminals among teenagers is quite high. This only
means that this problem among teenagers being associated in gangs is definitely worth every attention.
“What is even more disturbing is even after quitting a gang, there is still a tendency to be involved in
various illegal activities during adulthood. This can depict that even though a teenager may not commit
a crime, for now, he may end up doing it later.” Slippery slope, a conclusion based on the premise that
one thing will lead to another, oftentimes with disastrous results.

For parents who are concerned about the possibility of their children joining gangs, there are
certain ways about the behavior of their children as well as their appearance that they have to pay close
attention to. Parents need to be extremely careful especially when it comes to identifying potential
factors that give hints to this issue. “Typically, if a child starts having problems at school, hides activities
from you, has mysterious friends, wears particular symbols or colors all the time, you may have to check
now.” Stereotyping, a fallacy in which one classifies a person or group according to a common aspect
that is oversimplified, rigidly applied, and often uncomplimentary.

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