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Admas University, Advanced DBMS Lecture Note

In this chapter we discuss the techniques used internally by a DBMS to process, optimize, and
execute high-level queries.

 A query expressed in a high-level query language such as SQL must first be scanned,
parsed, and validated.
 The scanner identifies the query tokens—such as SQL keywords, attribute names, and
relation names—that appear in the text of the query
 Whereas the parser checks the query syntax to determine whether it is formulated
according to the syntax rules (rules of grammar) of the query language.
 The query must also be validated by checking that all attribute and relation names are
valid and semantically meaningful names in the schema of the particular database
being queried.
 An internal representation of the query is then created, usually as a tree data structure
called a query tree. It is also possible to represent the query using a graph data
structure called a query graph.
 The DBMS must then devise an execution strategy or query plan for retrieving the
results of the query from the database files.
 A query typically has many possible execution strategies, and the process of choosing a
suitable one for processing a query is known as query optimization.

A relational DBMS must systematically evaluate alternative query execution strategies and choose a
reasonably efficient or near-optimal strategy.


There are three phases that a query passes through during the DBMS‘ processing of that query:

1) Parsing and translation

2) Optimization
3) Evaluation

 Most queries submitted to a DBMS are in a high-level language such as SQL. During the
parsing and translation stage, the human readable form of the query is translated into
forms usable by the DBMS.

These can be in the forms of a relational algebra expression, query tree and query
graph. Consider the following SQL query:
Select make
From vehicles
Where make =”ford”

Admas University, Advanced DBMS Lecture Note

This can be translated into either of the following relational algebra expressions:

 It can be represented as a query tree and also as a query graph. After parsing and
translation into a relational algebra expression, the query is then transformed into a form,
usually a query tree or graph, that can be handled by the optimization engine.

The optimization engine then performs various analyses on the query data, generating a
number of valid evaluation plans. From there, it determines the most appropriate evaluation
plan to execute

SEE Figure BELOW -shows the different steps of processing a high-level query. The query optimizer
module has the task of producing a good execution plan, and the code generator generates the code to
execute that plan. The runtime database processor has the task of running (executing) the query
code, whether in compiled or interpreted mode, to produce the query result. If a runtime error results, an
error message is generated by the runtime database processor.

Admas University, Advanced DBMS Lecture Note

 In practice, SQL is the query language that is used in most commercial RDBMSs.
 An SQL query is first translated into an equivalent extended relational algebra expression—
represented as a query tree data structure—that is then optimized.
 Typically, SQL queries are decomposed into query blocks, which form the basic units that can be
translated into the algebraic operators and optimized.
 A query block contains a single SELECT-FROM-WHERE expression, as well as GROUP BY and HAVING
clauses if these are part of the block. Hence, nested queries within a query are identified as
separate query blocks.

When a user submits an SQL query, the query is parsed into a collection of
query blocks and then passed on to the query optimizer.

Admas University, Advanced DBMS Lecture Note


The first step in processing a query submitted to a DBMS is to convert the query into a form
usable by the query processing engine. High-level query languages such as SQL represent a
query as a string, or sequence, of characters. Certain sequences of characters represent various
types of tokens such as keywords, operators, operands, literal strings, etc. Like all languages,
there are rules (syntax and grammar) that govern how the tokens can be combined into
understandable (i.e. valid) statements. The primary job of the parser is to extract the tokens
from the raw string of characters and translate them into the corresponding internal data
elements (i.e. relational algebra operations and operands) and structures (i.e. query tree, query
graph). The last job of the parser is to verify the validity and syntax of the original query


In this stage, the query processor applies rules to the internal data structures of the query to
transform these structures into equivalent, but more efficient representations. The rules can be
based upon mathematical models of the relational algebra expression and tree (heuristics),
upon cost estimates of different algorithms applied to operations or upon the semantics within
the query and the relations it involves. Selecting the proper rules to apply, when to apply them
and how they are applied is the function of the query optimization engine.


The final step in processing a query is the evaluation phase. The best evaluation plan candidate
generated by the optimization engine is selected and then executed. Note that there can exist
multiple methods of executing a query. Besides processing a query in a simple sequential
manner, some of a query‘s individual operations can be processed in parallel—either as
independent processes or as interdependent pipelines of processes or threads. Regardless of
the method chosen, the actual results should be same.


The execution time of a query depends on the resources needed to perform the needed
operations: disk accesses, CPU cycles, RAM and, in the case of parallel and distributed
systems , thread and process communication .

Since data transfer to/from disks is substantially slower than memory-based transfers, the disk
accesses usually represent an overwhelming majority of the total cost—particularly for very
large databases that cannot be pre-loaded into memory. With today‘s computers, the CPU cost

Admas University, Advanced DBMS Lecture Note

also can be insignificant compared to disk access for many operations. The cost to access a disk
is usually measured in terms of the number of blocks transferred from and to a disk, which will
be the unit of measure referred commonly.


These algorithms depend on the file having specific access paths and may apply only to certain types of
selection conditions. Many search methods can be used for simple selection:

1) Linear Search (brute force)

2) Binary Search
3) Using a Primary Index (hash key)
4) Using a primary index to retrieve multiple records
5) Using a clustering index to retrieve multiple records
6) Using a secondary (B-tree) index on an equality comparison

 Similarly , algorithm for implementing join operations includes JOIN ,SORT-MERGE JOIN,HASH
JOIN etc.

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