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Tutorial 15 December 4, 2020

7 √ 2+ 4
1. Is rational or irrational?
∴ irrational , because the answer is26.79898987 …

2. What can you say about √ 2+7 × √ 7? Rational or irrational?

∴ irrational , because the answer is7.937253933

3. Is √ 36 rational or irrational?
∴ rational , because the answer is 6.

4. The sum of two irrational numbers is always an irrational number. Demonstrate

with examples that this is true or false.

√ 5+ √ 5=4.472135955√ 5+ √ 7=4.881819289
∴ The statement of ∑ of two irrational numbers is always anirrational number is true .

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