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“To give opportunities to Sta. Rosenian children learn &

participate in school lessons virtually even during the pandemic”
What: Tablet distribution to Sta. Rosenian’s children
Who: To be claimed by Guardian of the beneficiaries
Where: Sta. Rosa Sports Complex, SRC Laguna
When: Oct. 11, 2020 : 2:00 PM
Purpose of launching:
This activity aims to help the children of Sta. Rosa by providing needed gadget for the virtual
schooling requirement.
Reason for choosing the beneficiary:
 We choose the Sta. Rosenian children as our beneficiary based on the municipal statistics, Sta.
Rosa City has the most numbers of indigenous families.
 To pay-off Sta Rosa City, for being the current site of my business.

Source of Funding
This project will be Sponsored by AR’s Beautique, a successful beauty business located in Sta. Rosa

What: Give a toy

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