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Navotas Polytechnic College

Bangus St. Cor., Apahap St. Brgy. NBBS, Navotas City

Written Output
Submitted by:


Laguipo, Princess Joyce E.

Submitted to:

Prof. Cleofe Oliveros

Choose any theory/concept/approach from Behaviorism (even those that were
not mentioned). Establish its key assertion/s & describe how & why you plan to
use it in a Music class/ lesson.

Which behaviorist theory/concept/approach:

B.F. Skinner’s Theory

on Operant Conditioning

Key concept/assertion/s:

According to what I have searched, Operant conditioning, sometimes referred

to as instrumental conditioning, it is a method of learning that occurs through
rewards and punishments for behavior. Through operant conditioning, an
individual makes an association between a particular behavior and a
consequence (Skinner, 1938).

The key component of Operant Conditioning by B.F. Skinner is “Behavior is

learned response reinforced by the consequences resulting from that behavior.”
Which it implies behavior modification techniques includes,
 Praise
 Reward System
 Continual Feedback
 Positive Reinforcement
 Non-punitive discipline
Why do you plan to use it in a Music class/lesson?

I plan to use this kind of learning theory it in a Music class/lesson because it help
my teaching strategy to be well-organize as well as it gives way on how should I
aligned my learning course materials to my learners differences. It also helps my
teaching profession to associate the environment to my learning discussion
inside of the class. Additionally, the importance of it is, engaging and
encouraging the learners by the reward system which may implement to the
classroom rules. For as to benefits the teachers and the learners interaction and
communication as well as to have a result or outcome of good atmosphere.
How do you plan to apply it in a Music class/ lesson? (Provide an
account/description/ details of how the Music lesson might go when the strategy
would be used)

I plan to design and apply this

behaviorism learning theory in a Music
class/lesson in a way of I will execute the
subject matter/topic that we will
discussed inside the classroom by doing
such an activities that will embolden
them to participate and contribute to
widen the ideas and knowledge of the
lesson topic that I will execute from the
class discussion. The strategy that I will do
to have a healthy and effective
collaboration is at the end of the class
summarization I will praise and give
rewards to the learners like chips,
additional points, or anything that will
inspire them to recite and play a part
and response again for the next class
Choose any Cognitivist theory/concept/approach (even those that were not
mentioned), establish its key assertion/s & describe how & why you plan to use it
in a Music class/lesson.

Which Cognitivist theory/concept/approach:

Jean Piaget’s
Theory of Cognitive

Key concepts/assertion/s:

Cognitive learning theories are mainly attributed to Jean Piaget‟s Theory of

Cognitive Development who introduced the concepts of schemas, adaptation
process and stages of cognitive development into the realm of learning.

In Cognitive load theory; learning occurs when the student reorganizes

information, either by finding new explanations or adapting old ones. This is
viewed as a change in knowledge and is stored in the memory rather than just
being viewed as a change in behavior.

Cognitivism has given rise to many evidence-based education theories such as

cognitive load theory (as mentioned here), schema theory, dual coding theory
as well as being the basis for retrieval practice. (Module 4 Part 1)

Why do you plan to use it in a Music class/ lesson?

I plan to use this learning theory in a Music

class/lesson because it is a helpful tool to involve my
learners to acquire new information and redefine
their prior schema/knowledge that may help their
learning abilities to think critically and develop by
applying practices to gain new ideas. In the same
way it helps to processes the cognitive and
metacognitive of the learners to rehearse time to
time to enhanced their intellectual proficiency and the four skills they have such
as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

How do you plan to apply it in a Music class/ lesson? (Provide an

account/description/ details of how the Music lesson might go when the strategy
would be used)

I will plan to design and apply it to a Music Class/lesson in a way of it will be

widen my learning strategies using this theory of cognitivism by means of using as
a based education of the Bloom’s Taxonomy and hierarchy of learning. In fact, it
seeks for the development of the learners in the different kinds of learning skills, or
ways of learning. Hence, it assumes that there are 3 important domains of
learning: cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling), psycho-motor(doing) &
Cognitivism naturally focuses on the „thinking‟ domain (Bates, 2019).

Additionally, Cognitivists, according to Anthony Williams Bates (2019) “have

focused on identifying mental processes – internal and conscious representations
of the world – that they consider are essential for human learning”.

I will execute and implement this kind of learning theory in a way of introducing a
subject matter/topic and used the teacher-centered approach to be the guide
of the learners to acquire and receive information‟s, as the discussion continued
this is the time to used Socrates questioning (question and answer) to ask the
learners what ideas or facts they been found out and encourage them also to
speak and share their previous knowledge.
Choose any Constructivist theory/concept/approach (even from those that
were not mentioned), establish its key assertion/s & describe how and why you
plan to use it in a Music class/lesson.

Which Constructivist theory/concept/approach:

Jerome Bruner's Theory

on Constructivism

Key concepts/assertion/s:

.Constructivist Learning Theory

 Learning as meaning-making
 Meaning actively constructed
through knowledge “structures”
o Internal cognitive activity
o Central role of experience
o Development throughout the

Constructivism is the theory that says learners to construct knowledge rather

than just passively take in information. As people experience the world and
reflect upon those experiences, they build their own representations and
incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge (schemas)
Why do you plan to use it in a Music class/ lesson?

According to what I have learned, Bruner's theory on constructivism

encompasses the idea of learning as an active process wherein those learning
are able to form new ideas based on what their current knowledge is as well as
their past/previous knowledge. A cognitive structure is defined as the mental
processes which offer the learner the ability to organize experiences and derive
meaning from them. These cognitive structures allow the learner to push past the
given information in constructing their new concepts. The learner, often a child,
will take pieces of their past knowledge and experiences and organize them to
make sense of what they know, then base further concepts and solve additional
problems based upon a combination of what they already processed and what
they think should be processed next.

How do you plan to apply it in a Music class/ lesson?

I will plan to design and apply it in a Music class/lesson by using the “Three
Modes of Representation” for the learners in terms of the instructional course
materials that I will used as a springboard for them to enhance their intellectual
progressions. Another thing is, learners will construct their own knowledge based
from their experiences. Wherein the learners mental processes will take in,
interpret, store, and retrieve information from what they have learners even if it is
present or in the past.

Execution to implement this in a Music class/lesson is by conveying this type of

teaching and learning to (1) prompt students to formulate their own questions
(inquiry), (2) allow multiple interpretations and expressions of learning (multiple
intelligences) and (3) encourage group work and the use of peers as resources
(collaborative learning).

I, as a future educator and instructor my role of in the social constructivist

classroom is to help learners to build their knowledge and to control the
existence of learners during the learning process in the classroom. The idea of
these limited roles of as a teacher is that, this encourages learners to engage in
collaborative learning. An examples of constructivist activities are;
 Reciprocal teaching/learning. Allow pairs of students to teach each other
 Inquiry-based learning (IBL)
 Learners pose their own questions and seek answers to their questions via
research and direct observation
 Problem-based learning (PBL)
 Cooperative learning.

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