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Praxis Core Exam Analysis 1


Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Brianna Garcia

EDU 220 – 2001

College of Southern Nevada

Praxis Core Exam Analysis 2

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators are exams that measure an aspiring

teachers’ academic skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. The skills that are tested are

essential for all people preparing to be teachers to know, no matter what content area or grade-

level they aspire to teach. Colleges and universities such as UNLV, UNR, and NSC require

students to take and pass the Praxis Core tests in order to approve entry into teacher education

programs. Entrance into teacher education programs is required in order to pursue a Bachelor’s

degree in education. The passing score in Nevada for writing is 162, 156 for reading, and 150 for


Exam Preparation

I prepared to take the Praxis Core practice tests by reading about the exams and through

using Kahn Academy. I read about what the exams were and what they tested using the ETS

Praxis Core information sites for Nevada and for test takers. This gave me a better idea on how

to prepare to take the test and what skills I need to know and work on. On the ETS website for

test takers, I found a link to Kahn Academy’s official Praxis Core Prep site. Using Kahn

Academy, I took a diagnostic test in all three areas to understand my strengths and weaknesses.

Then I was provided with questions in areas where I needed the most help in and practice tests

that simulated questions that would be on the actual Praxis exam. These questions and practice

tests gave me a refresher on skills I would need to take the practice tests. I worked on the

questions provided by Kahn Academy for each section of the exam for about two hours a day for

two days.
Praxis Core Exam Analysis 3

Exam Results

In writing, I scored an 80%. This score is promising because it means I am likely to pass.

In reading, I scored 79%. This score means I am borderline to pass. I still need to do more work

in this area to bump my score higher, so that I can be more likely than not to pass. My lowest

score on the practice tests was in math. I received a 64%, which signifies that I am in need of

improvement if I want to be able to receive a passing score on the mathematics exam. I still have

more work and studying to do in all three areas in order to be more capable of passing and be

more confident that I will pass when I take the exams officially.

Future Exam Preparation

To prepare to take the exam officially, I will continue to use Kahn Academy’s Praxis

Core prep site. This site provides me with study plans and practice tests that I can complete in

order to prepare for each exam. I think I might also work with a tutor to get some extra help in

math. I noticed that I remember vaguely how to answer some math problems, but I need some

help in refreshing the content so that I completely understand and remember them. For example,

I will need extra help in remembering how to answers questions about geometry. In another

education class I completed, I received the book, Praxis Core for Dummies, so I will also read

through and answer the practice tests in this book as well. I also think it would be helpful to

purchase the practice tests that I just took so that I can take them again when I am closer to

taking the exams officially. This will allow me to get a more accurate analysis on whether I will

be likely to pass the exams or not.

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