The Benefits of Yoga

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The benefits of yoga

The emergence of Yoga in Indonesia several years ago has widely attracted people’s attention.
Those who are at first not interested in doing any kinds of sports, from the young to adult, are
now looking for a type of gymnasium which provides a Yoga class. What attracts people in the
first place, especially women, is actually the belief of the effectiveness of Yoga in losing weight.
Fortunately, this belief is true. Doing Yoga regularly is in fact good for your mind, your body,
and your emotions.
In a relation to our minds or mental, Yoga is good for improving our concentration and
developing self-confidence. When you are doing Yoga, you have to do every movement slowly.
Simultaneously, you are also required not to make any noise because the practice of Yoga is
mostly accompanied by a very relaxing music. With such a rule, you can learn to maintain your
concentration and learn to stay focused. Then, after a regular practice, your confidence may also
increase with the assumption that you are able to control your mind and keep it calm. You will
not face any discomfort when you have to face many people.
Besides mental benefits, Yoga also has physical benefits. It can improve blood
circulation, improve digestion, and improve your body’s strength and flexibility. So, it can be
said that Yoga is an appropriate meditation for people who spend most of their time at work and
do not have plenty of time for outdoor exercises. You can get the advantages of doing outdoor
sports with only practicing Yoga.
The last benefit of Yoga is related to the emotion. Doing Yoga can reduce your fear,
anger, and worry, can help you feel calm and peaceful, and can develop your clear thinking.
Often, people with high-blood pressure find it difficult to control their emotion when they face
tense situation. For that reason, Yoga can be the perfect choice for reducing high-blood pressure
symptoms. This emotional benefit is actually still related to the mental benefit that has been
discussed previously. When you are able to keep your mind calm, you will automatically be able
to feel calm and able to think clearly.
Therefore, to build mental, physical, and emotional health, you can consider Yoga. There
is no reason for you to only see the trend of Yoga without trying it. Let us start to live healthily
and have a healthy mind.
Essay Evaluation

Essay Title: The benefits of yoga

Points of Evaluation Evidence

Does the essay have a thesis YES

Doing Yoga regularly is in fact good for your mind, your body, and
□ Yes □ No your emotions.

Do the supporting YES

paragraphs expand the thesis
statement? In a relation to our minds or mental, Yoga is good (par. 2)
 good for improving our concentration (par. 2)
□ Yes □ No  good for developing self-confidence (par. 2)
 slowly movement and relaxing music help you concentrate,
which leads to the ability to control your mind (par. 2)
Yoga also has physical benefits (par. 3)
 improve blood circulation (par. 3)
 improve digestion (par. 3)
 improve your body’s strength and flexibility (par. 3)
The last benefit of Yoga is related to the emotion (par. 4)
 reduce your fear, anger, and worry (par. 4)
 can help you feel calm and peaceful (par. 4)
 can develop your clear thinking (par. 4)
 ability to control their emotion (par. 4)

Does the introductory YES

paragraph lead to the topic of
the essay? Topic Sentence : The emergence of Yoga in Indonesia several years
ago has widely attracted people’s attention.
□ Yes □ No
 from the young to adult, are now looking for a type of
gymnasium which provides a Yoga class (supporting the topic
sentence, explaining the widely attracted people’s attention)
What attracts people in the first place, especially women, is
actually the belief of the effectiveness of Yoga in losing weight.

 The phrase ‘attracts people in the first place’ leads readers to

think of other benefits that may attract their attention
Does the concluding YES
paragraph wrap up the essay
well? Therefore, to build mental, physical, and emotional health, you can
consider Yoga. There is no reason for you to only see the trend of
□ Yes □ No Yoga without trying it. Let us start to live healthily and have a
healthy mind.

Do all the paragraphs have YES

topic sentences?
The emergence of Yoga in Indonesia several years ago has widely
□ Yes □ No attracted people’s attention. (par. 1)
In a relation to our minds or mental, Yoga is good for improving our
concentration and developing self-confidence. (par. 2)
Besides mental benefits, Yoga also has physical benefits. (par. 3)
The last benefit of Yoga is related to the emotion. (par. 4)
Therefore, to build mental, physical, and emotional health, you can
consider Yoga. (par. 5)

Do the supporting sentences YES

expand the topic sentences?
 good for improving our concentration (par. 2)
□ Yes □ No  good for developing self-confidence (par. 2)
 slowly movement and relaxing music help you concentrate,
which leads to the ability to control your mind (par. 2)
 improve blood circulation (par. 3)
 improve digestion (par. 3)
 improve your body’s strength and flexibility (par. 3)
 reduce your fear, anger, and worry (par. 4)
 can help you feel calm and peaceful (par. 4)
 can develop your clear thinking (par. 4)
 ability to control their emotion (par. 4)

Do all the paragraphs YES

contain adequate linking
words & phrases?  Fortunately, this belief is true. (par. 1)
 Doing Yoga regularly is in fact good …(par. 1)
□ Yes □ No  In a relation to our minds or mental, …(par. 2)
 When you are doing Yoga, you have …(par. 2)
 Simultaneously, you are also required …(par. 2)
 Besides mental benefits, Yoga…(par. 3)
 So, it can be said …(par. 3)
 The last benefit of Yoga …(par. 4)
 Often, people with high-blood pressure …(par. 4)
 For that reason, Yoga can be the perfect …(par. 4)
 When you are able to keep …(par. 4)
 Therefore, to build mental, physical …(par. 5)

Is there variation of sentence YES

length in the paragraphs? The last benefit of Yoga is related to the emotion. (par. 4: short)
□ Yes □ No So, it can be said that Yoga is an appropriate meditation for people
who spend most of their time at work and do not have plenty of time
for outdoor exercises. (par. 3: long)

Are there grammatical errors YES

(such as incorrect use of
tenses, articles, What attracts people in the first place, especially women, is actually
singular/plural) and incorrect the belief of the effectiveness of Yoga (par. 1: preposition)
use of vocabulary (such as
In a relation to our minds or mental (par. 2: article)
informal words instead of
formal words)? Then, after a regular practice (par. 2: plural UCN)
□ Yes □ No You can get the advantages of doing outdoor sports with only
practicing Yoga. (par. 3: preposition)
when they face tense situation. (par. 4: plural forms/no article)

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